The King of Glory (09/15/2002)


Pastor David Mitchell


Greg if you give me just a little light up here, we'll turn to Psalm 24 this morning We've taken a little pilgrimage through Psalm 22 23 and now to Psalm 24 if you remember
Psalm 22 Shows where the power comes from the cross of Christ and then his great testimony of God's deliverance after the cross after the resurrection and Then Psalm 23 shows the provision of Christ the
Great Shepherd backed by the power of the cross and now Psalm 24 we move into a foreview of his kingdom and So let's have a word of prayer and we'll begin with Psalm 24 verse 1
Lord thank you for the beautiful music for each person both in the congregation and in the singing group that You've gifted with voices and ability to play instruments and to sing and all of us to To cry out and praise to you because of Jesus Christ in our hearts if you placing him there at our salvation because of your presence within our hearts because of the marvelous things we reminded ourselves of in Sunday school that Inheritance indestructible
It cannot be defiled that fadeth not away And the spiritual things that we saw that far override the physical sufferings that we go through in this life
We must always remind ourselves We are called to go through this suffering just as the
Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and the captain of our salvation Suffered we too will suffer
For we must all enter the kingdom of heaven through suffering But we thank you father that with these great
Psalms. You've taught us That you are the Great Shepherd You walk in front of us with your staff
You're always with us. You're always taking us to the places to rest by still waters green pastures through it all and Thank you for reminding us that it's all merely a shadow of death
For you told us that whosoever liveth and believeth shall never die Thank you for your words
Thank you for your word And may you teach us things this morning that will make us to be
Even more secure at the side of the Shepherd and we ask it in Jesus name. Amen Follow along in Psalm 24.
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof The world and they that dwell therein
For he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods Who shall ascend into the hill of the
Lord and who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart
Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity and sworn deceitfully?
Do you realize that probably you've read that thought that that's you after salvation, but that's Jesus That's a reference to Jesus when it asks the question who will ascend into the hill of the
Lord There is only one who will see the father face to face and that is his son
Jesus For there is only one who truly had clean hands and a pure heart and who hath not ever
Lifted up his soul unto vanity Nor sworn deceitfully Yes, we are saved and we have had our sins removed but it cannot be said of any one of us with that We have not ever lifted up our soul into vanity, but this one the
Lord Jesus Christ it can be said of him Though he was tempted in all points even as ye yet.
He was without sin yet he maintained clean hands and a pure heart and never looked at vanity his entire life on this earth and He is now ascended into the hill of the
Lord and is seated at his right hand He shall receive the blessing from the
Lord and righteousness from God and his salvation the God of his salvation remember
Psalm 22 Jesus speaks as a man on the cross
Totally filled with the Holy Spirit his entire life and yet as a man on this cross And he understood the deliverance
The sass the Old Testament word for the salvation of God does not mean that Jesus got born again or saved like we do
But it does use the word salvation here speaking of his deliverance the deliverance of his precious soul
From the dogs from the lion if you remember Psalm 22 and 23
This is the generation of them that seek him that seek thy face begins to speak of us now for sure
Lift up your heads. Oh ye gates and be ye Lift up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in and guess who will be with him
We will Who is the king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty the
Lord mighty in battle Lift up your heads. Oh ye gates Even lift them up ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in Who is this king of glory the
Lord of hosts? He is the king of glory This expands or spans
I should say through years of time From the days of the
Old Testament a thousand years before Jesus came to his coming to his cross to his sufferings to his
Victory to his resurrection to his ascension to his session for two thousand years and Now looking forward beyond that to the time of his second coming and the setting up of his kingdom and Before all of that the
Lord prepares us for this time with verse 1 So let's look at verse 1 a
Psalm of David The earth is the Lord's The earth is the
Lord's that is a message that modern man in America needs to hear That is a message that the modern
Christian In America needs to hear Because we've been raised in a country where we call no man
Lord We have no sovereign the government of ours is supposed to be of the people and for the people
Not to the people so to speak It may be that in our lifetime
We will learn how to serve a government since our government is becoming less that way And it begins to feel as if our government thinks it is a king sometimes but The truth is we don't understand sovereignty very much except from what we learn as God teaches us from the scriptures as we study other peoples and other times even in Church, even in Bible history certainly in the history of the world but especially as we study under the leadership and teaching of the
Holy Spirit of the Position and the relationship that we have with our father
We have a unique relationship in the New Testament times on this side of the cross for we are in fact servants but we are servants as If a father has a family business and his son works for him in that business
Yes, the son is a servant But he is a son servant and that's what we are.
What an amazing amazing Relationship with God we have that even the
Old Testament Saints could not own But yet even as sons is important for us to understand that the earth is the
Lord's and The fullness thereof it is not ours It is his
The earth is his this word earth It rets in the
Hebrew means to be firm so it literally is speaking of the globe the earth
I Want to take you to Isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 and read a little bit about this earth this one who owns the earth
Isaiah 40 28 Has thou not known you see man has to be reminded of this
Man is born with an inbred sin of pride Man is born with the everlasting thought that he is in control of all things
God much of what we studied in Sunday school this morning about suffering Much of what we see in this passage
Scripture today in the sermon much of what we've experienced in life in the last month with the loss of loved ones of ours
Teaches us and reminds us that we have to be reminded that the earth is God's And the fullness thereof hast thou not known.
Do you not remember? Do you need to be reminded hast thou not heard that the everlasting
God? The Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not
Neither is weary There is no searching of his understanding he giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases strength but even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young man shall utterly fall but They that will wait upon the
Lord shall renew their strength They shall mount up with wings as eagles
They shall run and not be weary miss B And they shall walk and not faint
Miss Charlotte And miss and the loss of your sweet grandmother
You see we have to be reminded that God is The owner of the earth and everything we have to do with and us
Lest we fall in pride This verse in Isaiah 40 this parallel passage that gives us more detail to the first verse in Psalm 24
Begins by speaking of the creator of the ends of the earth who fainted not Who never grows weary it begins by speaking of an awesome
God? But it moves on very quickly into the very next verse of speaking of an intimate
God the awesome God of the creator of the universe in our way of thinking is almost contradictory to a
God who Intimately gives power to the faint and increases strength to the weary It almost seems
Opposing that the same one who can speak the worlds into existence with that kind of power can be intimate and tender enough
To walk with his own and give us strength and to care about the little details of our lives
So I see two things in that little passage of the awesomeness of God and yet the intimacy of God, but I see a third thing here
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strengths Do you know that God directs attention to himself?
By arriving at just the right time rather than early Have you ever noticed that?
We began to fidget and we began to fret We began to worry
But we won't call it worry because that's a sin. So we just say we're concerned We're taking care of business
We men especially aren't we? We're taking care of business Keeping the finances going
It's easy to run a household in it ladies You're Still listening
I can tell Now we each have our concerns don't we And we can so quickly and so easily fall into the state of the prideful state
Of worrying about it because we think we're controlling it running it and responsible for it now
We do have a sense of responsibility. We're commanded to take care of the families gentlemen, but only under Christ you see our wives are supposed to take care of the home, but only under the husband and Yet we gentlemen we forget that it doesn't stop there
In fact, we kind of cherish that part And we forget that there's another level that as we are supposed to take care of business only under the
Lord Only under his leadership and care and direction and timing Isn't it interesting that it says those that wait on the
Lord are the ones that will have renewed strength Those that wait on the Lord are the ones that will mount up with eagles wings
Those that wait on the Lord are the ones that can run and not be weary and walk and not faint
And why did what does it mean and why does it mention? So many hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times in the
Old Testament and in the new to wait I say upon the Lord Because he just shows up at the right time and we think he's late the human viewpoint is
God's always late Martha and Mary had that same problem Lord, if you'd have gotten here sooner, my brother would not have died
She said Lord was late. That's the human viewpoint The divine viewpoint is we're early because we didn't wait on God and Then we begin to fret when we arrive there and he has not done
What he is going to do yet, and we begin to think he's not going to do it And then we lose strength and then we grow weary and then we faint
But you know what then we also are forced to do what? wait
He tells us to wait and we don't so he forces us to wait and as we wait
Our attention is drawn to whom Him I was sitting out there this morning on the back pew
Looked at Greg and he was in his place and I looked at Russell and he was up here in his place and I saw brother
Otis over there in his place and I saw Bill sitting in his place there and I looked around I saw everybody was in their place and I I said this is whole thing is amazing
We get up. I'll speak from my viewpoint in my hair an hour behind time already five children and a wife who does everything she can to get us all in the car and And Me trying to make sure
I don't forget my sermon papers or my music as I did the first day we ever played showed up and Brother Archie looked around and said, where's your music?
I said, I don't have it. I don't know where I put it and I thought about myself
And I thought about Jesus and I thought now if he were sitting back here on this back pew
What would his day have been like already before he got here this morning Would there have been any fuss?
Would there have been any? Concerns, would there have been any? worries
That everything would go off. Well Would there be any Thing like that going on and I thought no, there'd just be peace just be sitting there
He would be sitting there in total peace waiting on the father to do something or to move him to do something or to move us all to do something and We need to be more like that this little passage speaks of the fact let's go back into Psalm 24 1
The earth is the Lord's. Yes. He delegates. Yes. Yes. He holds us responsible for duties for stewardship over his things
And we Need not rest so much that we are lazy with concern to our stewardship
But at the same time we need to understand it's all his And we are his and sometimes we really do try to get ahead of him and do it ourselves
And at that time I believe he always puts the brakes on for us and brings us to a place of waiting where we have to Stop and remember who he is and who we are
It says the Lord the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof this word fullness is
Melo and the Hebrew and it means all that there is We think of fullness meaning something filled up the
Hebrew word means everything that there is It's just a word that means everything that exists every physical thing that ever
Came forth from God every physical thing that he spoke into existence every spiritual being that he created
All that there is Is the Lord's? The earth is the
Lord's and the fullness thereof and all that there is Thereof is the
Lord's and then he says not only is the earth the Lord's the world is the
Lord's and this is a different Hebrew word is tabal which tabal which means the earth as a moist and therefore inhabited planet and therefore it carries the connotation of the inhabited earth, which brings forth the connotation of the people and the earth all or his and he moves right into this and he says the earth is the
Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they That dwell therein
They is the people so all that there is and the people and the earth and the world all is the
Lord's Verse 2 says for he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods
It's interesting. Let's look at the second word established first This word established is coon in the
Hebrew it means literally to erect something To cause it to be or to set it up so it shows us that the
Lord is the erector of The earth and the world but then it also says he hath
Founded all of this and the word founded is the word y 'all sod
Which is a very interesting word that I really didn't learn until this past couple of years
But y 'all sod in the Hebrew means literally to found something but carried within the definition of the word itself in the
Hebrew means to sit down together and Found something or to sit down together and settle something
It's translated other places in the Old Testament to take counsel to establish To ordain
To set something so we see that the Lord was not only the erector or the builder of it all
He was the planner of it all and we go all the way back to the great counsel of God that happened before time began on this planet anyway
Apparently sequence had begun in the what we call eternity past because the Lord Jesus had come forth from the father
He Always existed but there was a place in the time where he came forth from the father and sat across from him if you will we speak as a man and planning took place
With the Son of God and so Jesus was there where his name wasn't
Jesus yet, but he was there He was there at the very planning stage and then he was there in Genesis 1 1 at the erecting stage the building stage
Where it was spoken into existence and all things were made by him and for him And so we see that he founded it upon the seas and established it upon The floods the seas the yawn means to roar and it carries the meaning of the ocean as the surf comes in The floods on the other hand is a
Hebrew word. No horror, which means to sparkle to be cheerful Hence, it means the sheen of a running stream and it speaks of the waters that flowed beneath the surface of the earth before the great flood
So you see he not only owns the earth and the world and the people but he established it and He planned it
In both the waters of the ocean the waters under the earth and he set the earth in the midst of the waters
Isaiah 43 15 Says I am the Lord your Holy One the creator of Israel your
King Thus saith the Lord which maketh a way in the sea in a path in the mighty waters
Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse the army and the power they shall lie down together.
They shall not rise. They are extinct This same
God this same Lord Who created everything that is and spoken into existence and placed the land and the earth in the midst of the waters?
This same God has the ability to part the waters And so we see again this awesomeness of God hand in hand with the intimacy of God Caring for the details of his people as he parts the water
We see the awesomeness of God as he parts the Red Sea and holds back the waters and they walk through on dry ground
We see the intimacy of God caring for every little detail, but let me ask you a question. Did they have to wait on?
The banks of that water Did they have a long night the night before with the enemy approaching?
They could see the dust from the chariots of the mightiest army. That was the United States of that day
They were the ones that had the cruise missiles and the smart bombs and the things of their day and here they came after this little clan
But this clan had to be God's people But God's people had to wait through that night with that enemy approaching and right on their heels and the next morning was probably worse than the night because they still
Were in the predicament they thought But you know what they weren't
They were not in a predicament They were being forced to wait upon the
Lord And then the same God that placed the earth in the midst of the seas parted the seas and His people passed through on dry ground first Peter 4 19 says wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God Commit the keeping of their souls to him in well -doing as into a faithful Creator in times of suffering.
We must commit our souls to him because he is faithful Just as the Lord Jesus as a man on the cross.
He said my God my God Why have you forsaken me and yet in the same breath? He begins to say for all of 2 ,000 years of coming history
I'm going to testify in every church that has a born -again child of God in it of the deliverance of God He committed his soul he said it looks at this point that my body is going to be
Taken by these Lions and these dogs, but he said but my precious darling that was himself.
That was his soul He asked God not to allow them to touch that he trusted the faithful creator with his soul in Times of suffering we must commit our souls to him for he is faithful God's sovereignty
Which is what this passage is all about The sovereignty of God is established firmly in Psalm 24 and verse 1 before we're ever allowed to move on towards the kingdom
God's sovereignty is inseparably linked to the doctrine of eternal security Those Today these modern
Baptists who I would call our minions Who want to believe and once saved always say but don't want to believe in the sovereignty of God They want to believe man is in control doing this and doing that They are about like a man who says he believes that a 747 can fly but he doesn't believe in the air
That holds it up He's like a man that says he believes in the ability of a plant to create food and energy through photosynthesis
But he doesn't believe in the Sun You cannot have eternal security without God being in control because if God is not in control we are and We would throw away our salvation in a day's time
If it were left in our hands, and that's why first Peter chapter 1 Verse 1 through 3 says that we are kept by the power of God not our own power
So the sovereignty of God is established here and it is linked with eternal security and deliverance from death and hell and sin
Sovereignty of God is also linked and just as importantly maybe more practically
To obedience Because obedience is linked to a proper fear of God and a proper fear of God Only comes when we understand his awesomeness
So it all comes back to the fact that the earth is his When we forget that we can begin to doubt we can begin to lose assurance can't lose eternal security
But you can lose assurance we begin to lose our obedient walk When we forget that the earth is his
We begin to wander around and grope as as if not saved So God then makes us wait on him
We then remember without him we can do nothing. We then are brought back to a place of brilliant light and Peace because he's in control and we're sitting there just waiting for him.
We're just waiting That's the safest mode when we get to that place We finally just sit and say it's going to take care of itself.
It's beyond what I can do I'm just going to sit and wait We're very close to God at that point in in fellowship and Before we are ready to even begin to think about the second coming as the end of chapter 24 does and Even begin to think about the glories of the kingdom of God that we will be involved with Before we ever even begin to be ready for that We must learn a proper all of the
King the Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ Turn with me to Deuteronomy chapter 4 in verse 9
Only take heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently Lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen
Unless they depart from thy heart all the days of thine life
But teach them thy sons and thy sons sons We're held accountable to remember
We're held accountable to teach we cannot teach if we do not remember We're held accountable to remember the things that God has done the very creation of all things the very breathing of life into Adam the bringing forth of Eve The preparation of the animal skins and the shedding of blood that the father did himself on the part of Adam and Eve after they had sinned and the redemption promise that Adam was given
The parting of the Red Sea that the great deliverance that going into the promised land and the battling with the enemy there
But it was always the Lord's fight All these things were commanded and exhorted to remember
In fact, it says take heed the Hebrew word for take heed Shomar means to hedge about and guard something we are supposed to guard ourselves and Keep our souls diligently
Lest we forget the things which we have seen and depart Allow them to part from our hearts
But not only that We're supposed to teach these things to our children and our grandchildren so that it goes on into the next generation
What things The beginning of Psalm 24 This earth
All of the physical things that you see this world all of the people that you see the spiritual things of the heavenlies all that is
Belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ He said it in the midst of the waters with the waters beneath and Yet he can part the waters.
He is awesome, but he is intimate little children You need to realize that the awesome
God of this universe Is able to reach down and care about your problems
About the things that worry you the things that you're afraid of The same
God who create everything that is is right there with you he's intimate He is awesome is intimate and he's always right on time
Let's stand and have prayer together Father We thank you for your word it is
So powerful when the Holy Spirit quickens it in our hearts when you speak and we see your mind and the sense of your heart father we
Thank you that you use it to Remind us of your great faithfulness To teach us of yourself
To reveal yourself to us because we couldn't tell these things just from the creation We could see the creation and know you created it, but we couldn't see it and know you were intimate with us
So we thank you for your word Lord may you encourage our hearts and times of suffering?
May you remind us that we walk through the mere shadow of the valley of death
At the side of the Shepherd the Great Shepherd who gave his life for the sheep And that you have prepared all things for us as if a table in the midst of the enemy
Lord we love you and we thank you and we've had a glimpse of you this morning and we Know we must wait for one other thing and that is to see you face to face
But we shall someday And we thank you for that hope as well in Jesus name.