“Apostle” Kathryn Krick Is Doing FAKE Exorcisms?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about Catherine Crick.
Now, she claims to be a pastor and an apostle despite the direct command of God in 1
Timothy 2 .12, in which Paul says this, quote, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man, end quote.
It really can't be more clear. But more than this, Catherine Crick is a hyper -Pentecostal leader who constantly does supposed signs and wonders.
This, of course, includes healing and the casting out of demons, which is sometimes referred to as exorcism.
Many hyper -charismatic teachers and evangelists claim to cast out demons pretty much everywhere they go all the time, and this sometimes is called deliverance ministry.
And in their view, pretty much everything bad that happens to you, everything negative that happens to you, could be the result of a demon or some sort of oppressive spirit.
And they are the ones who can deliver you from those spirits. There's just one problem, though. Catherine Crick's exorcisms don't work.
Take a look at this photo. This is a picture taken from a clip of a Catherine Crick exorcism.
Now look at this photo. This is a picture taken from an entirely different clip of an entirely different exorcism.
Do you notice something familiar? Yes, that, ladies and gentlemen, is the exact same person that she claimed to have already delivered.
But I'm sure that's just a one -time thing, right? It's not like this whole thing is made up. It can't be that bad. Well, let's take a look at the next photo.
Now look at this one. Notice any familiar faces? You should, because again, that is the exact same person being delivered in two separate
Catherine Crick exorcism videos. So here's the takeaway. For some reason, the people being freed from their demons by Catherine Crick are not actually being freed.
And that's strange, because you'd think that a true deliverance ministry would actually yield deliverance, right?
Well, for whatever reason, the ever -spiritually -powerful apostle Catherine Crick isn't actually able to do these things.
She's just able to make it look like she can. So what exactly is happening here? What's going on?
Some people have accused Catherine Crick of actually hiring actors to play people in the crowd getting freed from demonic oppression, and that's possible.
If that's happening, it's a case of deliberate false teaching. Colossians 3 .9 says, quote, do not lie to one another, end quote.
And hiring fake actors, of course, for these supposedly spontaneous events would be a direct violation of that.
I genuinely hope that's not what's happening here. But regardless of what is happening, it's not good, and it's certainly not biblical.
In fact, it's not even working. Here's another way this could be happening. It could go something like this.
The hyper -Pentecostal folks, like apostle Catherine Crick, use these kinds of tactics. Are you depressed?
Maybe you have a demon who's making you feel sad, they say. Are you afraid? Maybe you have a demon or a foul spirit that's making you fearful.
And the list goes on and on. Again, all of your problems can be attributed to demons, at least theoretically.
So this is how this works. Basically, someone is depressed, they're sad, and they come to people like Catherine Crick in front of a large crowd.
The false apostles, like Catherine Crick, then claim to cast out the demon or spirit of depression that they have on them in the name of Jesus.
And the entire crowd starts clapping and cheering and going crazy. It looks like an amazing event.
And lo and behold, the shot of adrenaline and dopamine that this person gets, combined with the tons and tons of peer pressure of everyone watching them and cheering, this makes them feel happy and excited and free.
And what do you know? The feelings of depression have just melted away. I guess you could say the exorcism has been successful.
So this person goes home, they feel great for a few days, and then, of course, the depression comes back.
They try to deny it for a little while until it becomes inescapable and unavoidable. They're still depressed.
They are left with either the conclusion, then, that the person who delivered them is a total hack or they must be the problem.
They must not have enough faith. And they're being oppressed by yet another demon. The solution in that case is to go back and see the very same person who delivered you in the first place and have them deliver you again.
And so on and so forth, the cycle keeps going. Effectively, hyperpentecostalism, many times, is a drug that people get addicted to.
They want to feel better. And these epic spiritual deliverances provide that feeling.
It's not about sound doctrine, not even about true deliverance in Christ from the consequences of your sin.
No, it's about getting an emotional experience, an emotional high. Now, am I saying that emotional experience has no place in the
Christian life? Of course not. If you've been saved by Jesus Christ, that should cause an emotional reaction.
It is unspeakably joyous to be forgiven by God. Here's the point. Emotional experiences can be greatly used by God.
They often are. But if they come as the product of a false teacher or the product of a false deliverance, well, then they become dangerous.
It's one thing when the greatest event of your Christian walk is trusting in Christ. And it's a totally different thing when the greatest event of your
Christian walk is being delivered from a fake demon by a woman pretending to be a pastor.
Now, some might draw a parallel between Catherine Crick failing to cast out these demons and when the disciples failed to cast out a demon in Mark chapter 9.
You see, in Mark 9, 18, a man with a demon -possessed son says this to Jesus, quote,
I asked your disciples to cast it out and they were not able, end quote. So some might say that this failure to complete the exorcism does not make
Catherine Crick a false prophet any more than it makes the disciples false prophets, because they did the same thing.
But there's one big problem with this line of logic. The disciples didn't claim that they casted out the demon.
Catherine Crick did. She claimed to have casted out the demon in these people. That's why she specifically posted them to her own social media.
And yet, they were not delivered. The disciples didn't do a fake exorcism. Catherine Crick did.
And that, by definition, makes her a false prophet. There's really no comparison here. So with that said, let's go over our two options again biblically.
But keep in mind, in both instances, this kind of exorcism done by Catherine Crick is utterly fake.
Either these exorcisms are faked by using actors, or they're faked by using emotional manipulation.
Again, in both cases, they're fake. And in the second case, Romans 16, 18 says this, quote,
For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. And by smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naive.
End quote. Notice that it is not by outright and obvious falsehood that these people are being deceived.
No, they're deceived through clever spiritual flattery. They are deceived because someone is telling them something that sounds good.
It sounds freeing and happy and good. But beneath it all, there is not true doctrine.
The truth is of the utmost importance here. And this is exactly the problem in the ministry of Catherine Crick.
She flatters people using fake exorcisms, fake deliverances, fake spiritual experiences, when in reality, there is no true power there.
Let us remember that in Matthew 7, 15, Jesus says this, quote, Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
End quote. So regardless of the tactics being used here, or the motivations behind them, Catherine Crick is a false prophet who ought to be avoided.
It's really that simple. And there's one more important scam here that you need to be made aware of. It's an important point.
These false apostles are doing something very subtle, very deceptive. Here's what it looks like.
All of your problems are demons, and they have the authority to cast out demons. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Therefore, they can take all of your problems away almost instantly if you just believe what they say.
In effect, this is just a paranormal version of the prosperity gospel. This is the idea that God wants every faithful Christian to live a life free from trial, free from suffering, and full of health, wealth, and every kind of prosperity.
According to them, God wants all of your problems to go away, and they're the ones who can do it. This hyper -Pentecostal tactic is just a slippery version of the same prosperity gospel garbage that people like Joel Osteen are preaching.
It just looks slightly different. This goes directly against all of the examples that we have in the
New Testament of Christians suffering poverty and sickness despite their faithfulness. For instance, in Philippians 2 25 through 28,
Paul commends Apophroditus for being a faithful, quote, brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, end quote.
But then he immediately recounts a story about this man being ill, end quote, near to death.
But according to Paul, God had mercy on him. You see, Paul was an actual apostle, unlike Catherine Crick.
And yet this brother, a very faithful Christian, was so ill that he nearly died. Biblical accounts like this one and many others stand in complete contrast to the supposed ministries of false charismatic prophets like Catherine Crick.
The fact is, not every bad thing in your life is a demon. The Christian life can sometimes be difficult.
You can't just decree and declare everything to go away, and neither can these fake apostles.
They just pretend that they can. So please, stay away from these false teachers and help others to do the same.
This woman is a dangerous false apostle. And please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position.
I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. So let's pray for Catherine Crick, that she would stop this nonsense by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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