“Abominable Crossover” – FBC Morning Light (3/8/2024)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Deuteronomy 22-24 Music: “Awaken the Dawn” by Stanton Lanier


Well, a good Friday morning to you. I hope you're looking forward to a good weekend, even though tomorrow night you're probably going to have to set your clocks ahead before you go to bed and you lose that hour of sleep.
It never seems to work well the next day. You know, I oftentimes dread the
Sunday morning after a clock change because, you know, it just affects us and we drag a little bit.
Well, I hope you'll get your rest anyway and be able to gather with God's people on Sunday and be refreshed and ready to worship the
Lord. Well, today in our Bible reading, we're in Deuteronomy chapters 22 through 24, and I want to look at this one verse and then look at another passage in a minute that is often just, it's just been misapplied, wrongly applied.
So, for example, well, here's what I mean. I'm talking about Deuteronomy 22, 5, where it says a man shall not wear anything that pertains to a woman, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment.
A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment. Okay? So here's a couple of misapplications of that.
Many, many years ago, when I was just right out of college, I worked with a guy who, in another church, and they had a
Christian school, and made a rule in the Christian school that girls could not wear anything denim.
At the time, there was quite a fad of denim skirts for girls and women and so forth, and they made this rule.
Girls were not allowed to wear anything denim. They couldn't wear denim skirts, they couldn't wear denim vests, they couldn't wear denim jackets, et cetera.
I asked him about that one day, I said, what's behind this rule? He said, well, denim is a man's fabric.
It was designed for working out in the fields and so on, and so it's a man's fabric, it's not a woman's fabric, in Deuteronomy 22, 5.
Okay. And then I knew of a preacher that, big church in Indiana, and this is several years ago now, but he's up speaking on the platform, and the door opens at the back of the auditorium, and a woman walks in, had never been there before, first time in the church, and she was wearing a pair of slacks.
And from the pulpit, the pastor chided the ushers for allowing a woman to come in, in a pair of men's clothing, in a pair of breeches, misapplying
Deuteronomy 22, 5. All right, now look, those things are extreme, they're a misapplication of what
Deuteronomy 22, 5 is talking about. What is Deuteronomy 22, 5 talking about? Well, I think it's talking about this.
Several months ago, sometime last year, my wife and I were driving home from a trip somewhere, we're on our way home, and getting late in the day, we stopped for dinner.
Never been to this restaurant before, stopped for dinner, going to this restaurant, and the hostess is leading us to a table, and she's taking us to a table just beyond a guy who is sitting at a table, and he, as we're walking by, he's facing us.
And he was probably, I'm guessing six foot three, I would say 225 pounds, big burly guy, wearing a red dress, white pearl necklaces.
He had a bald head, red lipstick, high heels, fishnet stockings.
And I'm like, I'm sorry.
Maybe you've become so culturally accommodating that a guy like that dressed up in drag, you don't think anything of it, but it was just so in your face, it was so stark.
I think this is what God is talking about. When men, in perverse sort of ways, want to make themselves look like a woman with women's attire, or conversely, women, in their perverse ways, want to make themselves look like a man and dress accordingly.
They're reversing their gender that God gave to them. Now, nowadays, that's becoming even more and more acceptable, and in radical and extreme ways.
But the Lord gives us his view on this. He says at the end of the verse, all who do so are an abomination to the
Lord your God. This is abominable. This kind of drag stuff, this kind of gender -bending stuff to God is abominable.
I don't think we have to be mean and spiteful and hateful in our attitude towards such people.
There's definitely something wrong in their heart and their thinking. They need
Christ. They need the Lord. They need to find out who God is, really, and what
God likes, and what God is like. They need this.
They don't need us to be beating them over the head and be hateful toward them or anything like that.
However, that being said, we do need to recognize how
God views this, and we must not be indifferent toward it, just because the culture accepts it.
We can't just shrug our shoulders and say, oh well, live and let live. We need to be grieved over this, because God is grieved.
We need to find it sickening, because God finds it sickening.
It's a reflection of really sick thinking and a sick heart, one that needs the healing that only the
Savior can give. When you see this kind of thing, pray for these people.
Pray for them. Pray that God in his grace would somehow reach them. He has done it many times, and he will do it again.
I hope that gives us some perspective on a cultural phenomenon in our day.
Father in heaven, we thank you for the insight that your Word gives us. Help us to apply it rightly.
We pray in Jesus' name, amen. Have a good rest of your