A Disturbing Trend Among Conservatives…

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we're going to talk about the modern conservative movement.
Many people think that conservatism is basically the politically engaged twin brother of Christianity.
They've got the same genetics deep down, just different interests on the surface, right? But this is not always the case.
Now, just to be clear, all of the people I will mention in this video I would agree with on a ton of things.
And I firmly believe that their views are far better for society than any leftist or liberal position would be.
My position is not that these conservative thinkers are useless and terrible, but rather that there are some things to be concerned about, some things to note.
So let's go over a few ways in which the modern conservative movement is being led astray. The first example we have is
Charlie Kirk, the founder and leader of Turning Point USA, and a professing Christian.
In this interview, Charlie is talking to Dave Rubin, a man who is in a homosexual marriage and who recently went through the process of adopting a child with his homosexual partner.
Here's what Charlie had to say. What I think is the position that needs to be articulated better is
I have no problem with gay marriage, whatever. I believe marriage, one man, one woman. That's my own personal position, right? But I'm never going to tell government to have someone live a life.
I think it's cool you're married. I think it's great. And you should have all the same tax benefits, adopt children. It's great. I feel the same way about you.
Well, it's fine. It's like, whatever. But that's more of a generational perspective. As you can see, Charlie Kirk says that he believes marriage is between one man and one woman.
And that's great. Kudos to him for that. But then he says to Rubin, quote, I think it's great that you're married.
Not only does he endorse the homosexual so -called marriage, he also says that Rubin's relationship being recognized by the government as a legitimate and legal union is a great thing as well.
And to top it all off, he also thinks it would be great for Rubin to adopt children with his supposed husband.
So you can call this whatever you want, nuanced, friendly, finding common ground, etc. But the fact is, this is 100 % unbiblical.
If marriage has been instituted by God—and it has—and if marriage is only between one man and one woman—which it is,
Genesis 2 .24—then any Christian who says that a so -called marriage between two men is, quote, great, is deviating from the biblical standard completely.
And to advocate for homosexual parenthood is un -Christian and anti -biblical to the very core.
There is not one passage in all of Scripture that could possibly be taken as advocating for gay couples to adopt children.
There is a clear pattern in Scripture with regard to marriage and child -rearing. And Charlie Kirk is publicly approving of the exact opposite of that pattern for the sake of uniting with gay conservatives to win the culture war.
But how exactly this helps us win the culture war is unclear. It's certainly not obvious. And Charlie was asked this question specifically during a recent
Q &A session. Watch this. We now understand that sexual liberation is political control.
It's a form of political control. And you have multiple times advocated on behalf of accepting homosexuality, accepting homosexual acts as normative in the conservative movement.
How does a** sex help us win the culture war? I'm going to let the gay man answer that.
I mean, no, no, no. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. So can I, can I ask you a question?
Can you have the balls to ask the gay man on the stage that question and don't refer to him? So ask him.
So ask me that question. I want to answer you that question. How does... No, no, no. I'm going to ask you. You already asked the question.
So I'm going to answer that question. I'm going to ask you that question. This is America. This is America. This is the greatest freaking nation in the world.
We realize that America is great because we have Western values. We realize that...
No, no, no. Let me finish, dude. We realize that gays and lesbians are able to contribute to American society in the same way that everybody else is.
And let me tell you, and let me tell you, when you continue doing that, okay?
So Charlie is asked point blank, how do homosexual acts help us win the culture war?
This is a great question because the whole point of winning the so -called culture war here is to bring genuine morality back into society.
And therefore, if you advocate for immoral behaviors for the sake of winning, then you haven't actually won anything at all, at least not in the long term, not ultimately.
But instead of giving a genuine answer, Charlie directs the question to the gay conservative on the stage next to him,
Rob Smith. And Rob gives what could only be described as a very lame answer. According to him, the reason gay behavior should be endorsed by conservatives is because we live in America, the best, most amazing, freedom -loving country on the planet.
And this is one of the biggest issues in modern conservatism. Freedom to do things does not make the thing that you do virtuous or moral.
You may have the freedom, for example, to cheat on your spouse, but that is an objectively bad thing to do.
In other words, this doesn't answer the fundamental question at all. Which is why another young man decides to ask the question again, this time a bit more directly.
My question is largely directed to Mr. Kirk, because you were raised as a conservative. Part of the issue
I see here is, um, what's your name, Rob? Yeah. So you're saying, oh, this, you're behind the times, this isn't conservative.
Well, we don't want centrists in the conservative movement. We want to retain our core values. But here's the thing.
We don't want drag queens. But here's the thing. But here's the thing. It's not about what you want. It's not about what you want. Because here's the thing. The beauty, the beauty about social media, the beauty about social media is that I can be me and I can bring myself to the table.
And it's not about what you want. It's about what the people want. And if there are enough people in this movement that are saying, hey,
Rob is cool. He's good. Whatever. It really doesn't matter what you think. You can say whatever you want. You can believe, you can believe whatever you want to believe, but it's not going to stop me from doing what
I'm doing and it's not going to deplatform me. So again, he's trying to ask Charlie the question directly because Charlie is the one who calls himself a traditional
Christian. And yet again, Rob gives this vague, milquetoast answer about how having
LGBT actions in the conservative movement is good because of, wait for it, social media.
And this answer basically boils down to, I can be whatever I want to be and do whatever
I want to do, which is precisely the problem. I can do whatever I want, regardless of truth and morality, is not a conservative statement.
It's a leftist one. This is the issue. We shouldn't be mixing light with darkness or truth with falsehood.
But we continue. You know, as the guy before us said, you know, you've advocated for homosexuality, said that there's a place for the gay agenda within the conservative movement.
My question is, and you're also comfortable with transgenders and cross dressers,
I understand. So my question is, is there any point where conservatives should take a moral stance on Christian morality or should we abandon it altogether?
So in other words, what is TPUSA's, what is your brand of conservatism doing to actually conserve
Christian morality? If we're ceding to the left on transgender, gay rights, gay marriage, we don't want that in conservatism.
So you don't want him in the conservative movement? I just want to be very clear. Let's just be. So, so you don't, so you don't want me in the movement?
Hold on a second. I want to be very clear. Hold on a sec.
Well, that backfired spectacularly. The guy asking the question says, we don't want any anti -conservative values in conservatism.
Makes sense. And then Charlie asked him if he wants Rob to be in the movement. And the answer from the audience is overwhelmingly no, or at least they're staying silent about it, which pretty much tells you what their answer is anyway.
And as a result, Charlie tries to recover. So I'm a Christian. I believe the
Bible is the greatest book ever to exist in the history of the world. And I believe Rob Smith has decency and dignity as an individual in the
United States of America. Hold on a second. We're not a theocracy. We never have been.
You know what? And wait a minute. And wait a minute. Let me hop in here. Hold on. Because he's addressing me. The thing that I don't understand.
Well, I'm addressing you. How about that? I don't even have the courage to address the gay men on stage. So now we have even more posturing.
I'm a Christian. I love the Bible. It's the best book ever written. And besides, we don't live in a theocracy, do we?
And that's true enough, but it doesn't answer the question. The question is not, should Rob's lifestyle be illegal across the board?
No, the question is, why is Charlie Kirk, a professing Christian, advocating for the right to gay marriage and pandering to practicing homosexuals to get them into the conservative movement?
That's the real issue. And unfortunately, the only answer Charlie has left is to call the man a coward for asking him a reasonable question, rather than deferring to the gay person on stage immediately.
But we continue. The problem that I have with, as somebody that is a gay Christian, and this is the problem that I have, because my relationship with God and coming back into the church over the past year and a half is one of the greatest gifts that has been given to me in terms of being in this movement.
So my question, and my question to everybody who tries to say that, oh, you shouldn't be, you know,
Christian because you're gay, why are you trying to turn people away from God? So notice that when
Rob says that he's a Christian and he's gay, Charlie doesn't shake his head. He doesn't even just sit there with no reaction.
No, if you look closely, he starts clapping. Charlie Kirk is clapping for gay
Christianity. And then Rob asked the questioner a question. If you're such a strong Christian, why do you want to turn people like me away from God?
This is classic progressivism in action. If you tell someone that God does not approve of every single thing they do, then you're a religious bigot, you're a
Pharisee who's turning people away from the truth. No, the fact is, God does have standards for His people.
Romans 1, for example, says that homosexual activity and passions are dishonorable, that they should be avoided in the
Church and in society. If you have a problem with God contradicting your LGBT lifestyle, let me suggest that you might not actually be worshipping
God. In fact, you might just be worshipping yourself instead. But the next example we have is
Dennis Prager, who recently advocated for ethical use of adult content on the internet.
Check this out. If pornography is a substitute for one's wife, it's awful. If it's a substitute for adultery, it's not awful.
So there you have it. This is according to Dennis Prager, the founder of Prager University. According to Dennis, watching other people participate in sensual acts is only bad if you're using it as a substitute for your wife.
But on the other hand, if you use it in addition to your wife, then you're all good. It's like taking your daily multivitamin, right?
Yet Matthew 5 .28 says that if you look upon someone with lust, you've committed adultery with them in your heart.
To be fair, Dennis Prager is Jewish, and he doesn't believe in the New Testament. But even in the Old Testament, the
Tenth Commandment tells us not to covet our neighbor's wife. And lusting after women on the internet surely does qualify as coveting.
So again, we have an ostensibly conservative thinker abandoning Biblical values and truth in favor of the modern culture.
And yet another example would be Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire. They made an ad with their CEO Jeremy Boring for his new brand called
Jeremy's Razors. Among other things, the ad used scantily clad women wearing incredibly inappropriate outfits to sell their product.
This is not what good, clean, conservative values are supposed to look like. So here's the truth.
There is a massive temptation among conservatives to abandon Biblical values whenever it suits us.
And all Christians are going to sin and do things they shouldn't do. We should recognize that. The question is, are we going to try and learn from these things biblically and do better next time by God's grace?
I'll be the first one to admit I'm not always a perfect example of Christian values either, not by a long shot.
But we should all certainly be aiming for that. And let me make this clear. I have benefited greatly from Charlie Kirk, the
Daily Wire, Prager University, and basically any other conservative network that you can think of. And I agree more with these people and organizations than I would with all the secular pagan media platforms put together.
But the fact still remains. If we want to root our politics in the Biblical worldview, we cannot continue doing things like this.
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