Adult Sunday School Marriage And Resurrection of Christ


Lesson: Marriage And Resurrection of Christ Date: July 14, 2024 Teacher: Pastor Conley Owens


Heavenly Father, thank you for this morning. I pray that you would bless the Instruction that happens today for the kids for the adults here in this class and also that you would be with us while we worship
I pray that you would receive our worship and that you would fill our hearts with joy and gladness in Jesus name.
Amen. All right Well today as we continue through the historia salutis the history of salvation we are looking at the resurrection of Jesus Now Ephesians 5 starts off by talking about How Christ gave his life up for the church?
And so it might seem that the sacrifice of Christ is the only thing that applies to marriage however
However, it also talks about him being one flesh and it's really through the resurrection that that that is accomplished
Ephesians 5 28 says even so husband should also love their own wives as their own bodies he who loves his own wife loves himself
Colossians 2 12 says having been buried with him in baptism and what you were also raised with him through faith in the working of God Who raised him from the dead?
so there's a sense in which we are raised with him through faith and the Bible talks about us being given a
Resurrection like his eventually and us having a resurrection now. There's a sense in which that Resurrection is a significant part of us being of the church being one with Christ even though that's also accomplished in the
Covenant and in Yeah, and in other various parts of of salvation, but resurrection has a particular role here.
So Who would like to volunteer to read John? 20
Do 1 through 16 1 through 16
Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb while it was still dark and saw the stone had
Already been taken away from the tomb So she ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom
Jesus loved and said to them They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb and we do not know where they have laid him
So Peter and the other disciples went forth and they were going to the tomb The two were running together and the other disciple ran ahead faster than Peter and came to the tomb first and stooping and looking in he saw the linen wrappings lying there, but he did not go in and so Simon Peter also came following him and entered the tomb and he saw the linen wrappings lying there and The face cloth which had been on his head not lying with the linen wrappings but rolled up in a place by itself
So the other disciple who had first come to the tomb then also entered and he saw and believed
For as yet they did not understand the scripture that he must rise again from the dead So the disciples went away to their own homes but Mary was standing outside the tomb weeping and so as she wept she stooped and looked into the tomb and She saw two angels in white sitting one at the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had been lying
And they said to her woman. Why are you weeping? She said to them because they have taken away my lord, and I do not know where they have laid him
And when she saw and when she saw this she turned around and saw Jesus standing there and did not know that it was
Jesus Yet verse 16 Jesus said to her woman.
Why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking supposing him to be the gardener? She said to him Sir, if you have carried him away, tell him me where you have laid him and I will take him away
Jesus said to her Mary she turned and said to him in Hebrew Rabboni, which means teacher
Okay. Thank you All right. So this is a narrative of the resurrection in John Of course, the other
Gospels include similar statements, although they focus on different aspects One thing that's important to consider here is how
The resurrection of Christ is for the well -being of the church as a whole not just his own well -being
Right, it would be it would be very naive to look at the resurrection of Christ and say oh, well He did this for himself.
He died for us, but he raised himself up for himself No, he raised himself up for the church as well.
All right, first Corinthians 15 and speaking of the resurrection says
But now has Christ been raised from the dead the firstfruits of those who are asleep For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead for as an
Adam all die So also in Christ will all be made alive That was 1st
Corinthians 15 20 through 22 All right. So applying this to husbands and wives any
Exaltation any self exaltation of the husband should be for the good of his wife and family Right one might be inclined to see a husband's sacrifice at odds with any kind of exaltation.
He does. Okay when he when he when he serves in humility, you know
Sacrificing for the family. Okay, that's when he's really helping his family and then when he's you know pursuing bigger and greater things for himself
That's at the expense of his family, right? That's a naive way of of looking at the dynamic in a in a husband's life
However, if you see this with Christ Just as his both his humility and his exaltation is for the sake of the church.
So it should be with the husband We don't have to have the mindset that he's supposed to strike some kind of balance between Things for him things for her right or me time and her time right that's this very
It's very what's the word that I'm looking for where you have a zero -sum game right a zero -sum game where you know
Yeah, it's transactional it's reciprocal right both parties There's some net value
Involved right that's that, you know Some people can take from and that that leaves less for others right and they take so that's a that's very zero -sum game
Way of looking at marriage, but really marriage everything that the husband does should be for the good of his wife
Everything including those things which are for his own good And if if that can be understood rightly in marriage, it does lead to a lot of Harmony in marriage
To use the economic phrase the same tide rises all the ships, right?
so You know when a husband builds a larger house for himself, right? He's not Ideally if he's doing it with the right heart, he's not doing this just for his own benefit, right?
He's doing it for the whole family. And so as he is increasing his own estate, he's increasing the family's estate
Now there are of course ways that husbands can pursue some kind of self exaltation
Selfishly right they can do things that are just for them in a way. That's not also benefiting the family, right?
pursuing accolades at work at the expense of the family or You know going on Various vacations that are by himself at the expense of the family.
Once again, these things would not be Would not be for the family's well -being
Right, or he could he could abandon them when the going gets tough like that's another it's another thing A husband could do that would be for his own well -being at the expense of his family's
Yet ultimately The husband who understands that he has one flesh with his wife
Wouldn't do those things because he recognized that the truest form of self -exaltation is going to be that which is beneficial to his wife to his family
Ephesians 5 28 says even so husband should also love their own wives as their own bodies He who loves his own wife loves himself for no man has ever hated his own flesh
But nourishes and cherishes it even as Christ also the church so Yeah, those couples that have this zero -sum game mindset about marriage about either the finances in marriage
Oh, well, you spent that I need to spend this or you took that time. I need this time for myself Right are not are not treating each other as one flesh as though the good for one is the good for the other
Right, they're treating it as the good for me is bad for you. And so I need I need something in return here
All right, that's this is a failing to recognize the one fleshness of marriage
Right, yeah keeping score. Yeah, you've got a tally of how much money has been spent for her things So this much money gets it and they end up Cutting off their own nose despite their face because if one is overly indulgent with money then the other retaliates by being overly indulgent with money and Then you end up draining the bank account or something.
Yeah Yeah, so there shouldn't be that kind of quid pro quo Dynamic, right?
And so the woman who understands this, you know, because there are times and I've seen I've seen even situations with pastors where you know, they need to travel for some kind of conference for their good and for the good of their ministry in the church and The the wife see this as oh, this is him time and so I'm gonna take a vacation by myself, you know some other time and and that's not that's not a healthy way of approaching things and if she understands that you know
He is pursuing things for the good of the family so that he is more edified so the family could be more edified so that their
Ministry together not his individual ministry to the church, but them as a family working together for the good of the church
Yeah, it's just a it's a very different mindset that's much happier and you know
I'm blessed to have a wife that understands this when I when I Go away to a conference for you know edification so that I can be better equipped to serve my church and family like she understands it's for the family's good and she also understands that The sacrifices that I made during seminary etc and hurt the sacrifices that she had to make right to You know
Take care of the house with a little less attention for me while I'm able to work on seminary etc to pursue those things
You know, she understood that these are things that we are doing together, right? She's she is interacting with all this in a less direct way than I am
But she understands that we are doing this together as one flesh and when you have that mindset It's a joyful mindset because it's not a zero -sum game a win for the one is the win for the other
All right, and I've seen this is just coming to mind, but I I once heard someone do an analysis of siblings and sibling rivalry and They weren't it
Yeah, they were examining, you know siblings that that fight with each other where Competition is such that a win for one is a loss for the other and siblings where a win for one is a win for The other right and I think one of the examples and I don't really know tennis well or anything
But Serena and Venus Williams right there His analysis was and I have no idea because I don't really know any of these folks
But was that you know they treat each other like a win for one is a win for the other and That's just very different and more uplifting than then mindsets where a win for one is a loss for the other where you've got a zero sum game mindset
Okay, and that is yeah, and of course I'm I'm speaking in a lot of you know Modern parlance about these things here are some games.
It's etc but this is just the implication of scripture when it says that the two are one flesh and Yeah, no husband hates his own or no man hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it.
That's just the the natural Conclusions of these things All right, so secondly we have here in the resurrection notion of preparing for the future
The hope of the resurrection is primarily a future Hope now we read that verse in Colossians that talks about us already having been raised up But our bodies are not yet raised from the dead in a glorified way and Our souls even have yet to be perfectly sanctified so The hope of the resurrection is primarily a future
Hope Christ has been raised from the dead in order to secure our resurrection in the future 2nd
Timothy 216 says but shun profane babble for they will proceed further in ungodliness and their word will eat like a gangrene of Whom is
Hymenaeus and Philetus men who concern? Men who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some
Okay, so there you have 2nd Timothy talking about the resurrection is the future thing It hasn't already happened Romans 6 5 for if we have become united with him the likeness of his death
We will be also in the likeness of his resurrection will be future tense Okay, so Unmarried men who pursue advancement in this life.
Remember we're looking at resurrection in the context of kind of a self exaltation, right? Unmarried men who pursue advancement in this life ought to do so with an eye toward Future family right and those who are betrothed or engaged especially should be sacrificing by by saving and Building any building up of their own status should be for the sake of that family
Remember it's important to remember that this what we're looking at in the Bible at this stage is a betrothal stage, right?
And so The marriage is not consummated yet And and this is a preparation for the future.
A lot of people act like well, you know when I'm married Then I'll be concerned about my family.
But right now while I'm preparing for marriage I'm not going to I'm not going to prepare for marriage.
Basically. I'm going to pursue self exaltation for myself right so that I am
You know engaging in all kinds of indulgences spending my money like this, you know, so because uh
Because I'm not really, you know considering the future I'm not going to invest in my understanding of The Word of God in relation to family because it seems like it doesn't apply to me right now
You know, and so the way that they are Investing in themselves is not with an eye toward that future
Right. And so this this has application especially like I said looking at Christ for the one who is engaged or betrothed
But I think it makes sense also to apply it to even those who don't have a particular prospect at the moment
Because you It is God's calling for most people's lives to be married someone could say well
You know, couldn't I be called the perpetual single life? You can't know that apart from being a eunuch
It can't be known right that calling to single life can change over time
Unless there is something, you know some outward sign of it. Like I said, you know being a eunuch
And so it would be presumptuous to live one's life as though that calling were permanent that's where our confession says too is that vows of perpetual single life are are evil because you
Because you can't assume What God's will is for you in the future
Even if that is as well for you now and is gifting for you now You can't assume what you're gifting is in the future either
All right All right First Peter 1 3 says blessed be the
God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his great mercy Fathered us again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead so Even though we don't enjoy that Resurrection as the glorification of the body now we do enjoy
The freedom from death knowing that our own bodies are expendable since they can be raised from the dead, right?
I can go into very dangerous circumstances with Full assurance that I cannot ultimately be harmed
You know only God can throw both soul and body into hell and my body can be raised from the dead.
So What I'm getting at here is the the freedom that the church is granted by that future resurrection
Also applies to you know an engaged couple that a wife Who knows or a bride right who knows her husband is preparing for marriage is able to Abandon other pursuits that might be a backup plan, right if she has a committed
A committed groom who is pursuing her good. This is also this gets back to what
I had talked about the the good of betrothal right in contrast to To engagement if you have that kind of commitment, it really enables a lot more
Than it would otherwise right if there's not a commitment if there's if the commitment is only verbal and not contractual, right?
So betrothal is covenantal, right? There's a Right. It's not just my yes is my yes is you know,
I am making a vow before the Lord that We're going to be together and as you see in Scripture, they were considered
Betrothals people were considered husband and wife even before the marriage had happened. So Mary and Joseph are considered husband and wife her
Becoming pregnant which was perceived as adultery at first that was grounds for capital punishment and he wanted to divorce her quietly so it was not to make a example of her right so all this shows that they were treated as him as a
There's a special status to betrothal that doesn't exist for an engaged couple, right? That wouldn't be considered
You know in our society you don't go to court if you're engaged and you you know end up And you want to break it off, right?
Okay. So yeah, I do think that there is a good to that level of commitment in that engagement period to free one up right, the church is freed up for Full service to God knowing that that consummation is certain right knowing that that marriage supper is certain
We have total freedom to abandon any kind of backup plan abandon any kind of Yeah, other other thing that we would do if we were just on our own and so Same is true with a the wife and I I think this this is
Getting a little untethered from the analogy, but I think this is true at a societal level, too
I think that at a societal level if you have People not treating marriage with honor people not honoring the marriage bed as it says in Hebrews 13 and that that refers to not just Couples who are married keeping it in honor.
Everyone is supposed to honor marriage Right if you have a society that does not honor marriage that does not honor these commitments
Women in general are going to feel the need to even if they want to get married eventually and raise a family
They're going to feel the need to have lots of backup plans on on hand and to and to not necessarily
Invest in themselves in the way that would be primarily dedicated to you know domestic life
So anyway, that's a that's a consideration to how important it is to keep the marriage bed and honor just at a societal level to free people up for these wholehearted pursuits of God's callings
All right Next in the resurrection, there's a declaration of authority
Romans 1 4 Says that Jesus was declared to be the
Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead
Okay, so he's declared to be the Son of God with power Now Now he is always the
Son of God right in Psalm 2 it talks about Talks about him being the Son of God.
He is eternally the Son of God however, there's a declaration of this that happens at the at the resurrection in there is in addition to this a
There's an authority that is hatched the name Son of God that refers to his kingship you look at passages like Psalm 2
And other things what is the Son of God? The Son of God is the Messiah who comes and reigns, right?
He is the he is the king who sits on David's throne. So this is a This is a title of authority of his kingship
All right, and Yeah, and remember that John 2 says that he raises himself up from the dead and so he is making this
Declaration in part right declaring his his authority I believe it's right for husbands to speak openly of their authority a lot of times
People will say okay. Well the husband has authority, but if he ever reminds anyone of this then that's because he's insecure or You know, he doesn't he's kind of grasping on to To something that he's losing.
No, you see Jesus needs to Remind the disciples of his authority occasionally and during the time before his resurrection
It's a lot of soliciting them to see who do you say that I am right? You are the Son of God etc but From the resurrection onward, you know, he is he is declaring it and not just soliciting it and it is
Yeah, it is good for if there's a situation where a wife is being disrespectful for the husband to remind the wife
Like a lot of people feel like that's off off -limits. You're going too far a
Lot of people treat several things in the Bible this way, right not just a husband's authority, but even discipline, right?
you look at what the Bible says about the the Need for parents to use the rod for their children follies bound up in the heart of a child but the rod will drive it away and And Do not spare the rod, you know, it talks about Not sparing the rod.
That means that it should be used. It should not be avoided but a lot of people Seem to think even
Christians seem to think that you're supposed to avoid it as much as possible Until you know until all other options have been exhausted and then if you use it, you probably messed something up beforehand
Right, that's not what? That's not what scripture is indicating it's indicating this is actually the the normal means this is the this is the first response to disobedience not the last response and it is not a sign of failure it is
Yeah, it is just the normal life. And so same thing with a with a husband speaking of his own authority
I don't believe that's off -limits as some people As some people seem to think
Okay, yeah and because of that need for reminder You know,
I've told you I'm mostly well, I'm going through a lot of books on marriage but one of them is William Gouge's book called domestic duties and one of the things he points out in Ephesians 5 and 6 when it goes through all these relationships husbands and wives
Parents and children masters and servants why it addresses the inferior before the superior wise before husbands parents or children before parents
Slaves before masters is because of the need for that reminder of authority Yeah, so it is something that is needed it doesn't have to be done in some kind of a you know
Demeaning or domineering fashion just a reminder of what God has said for the for the rules of the home
Okay, secondly, this is a demonstration of authority The Romans were worried that Jesus would the disciples of Jesus would steal his body away since he had said that he would be resurrected
Now ironically this ends up adding to the legitimacy of the movement when he is actually resurrected right, so Who would like to read
Matthew 27? 62 through Yeah, let's go 60 sorry
Matthew 27 62 to 66 let's start there Thanks, Braden 62 to 66
Yes the next day that is after the day of preparation the chief priests and the
Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said Sir, we remember how that imposter said while he was still alive after three days.
I will rise Therefore order the tomb to be made secure until the third day Lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people he has risen from the dead
And the last fraud will be made worse than the first Pilate said to them you have a guard of soldiers go make it as secure as you can
So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard All right.
Sorry. Oh, sorry. Could you hand him mic back and skip ahead to 28 and read 11 through?
15 Chapter 28 11 through 15 While they were going behold some of the guard went into the city and took the chief priests all that had taken place
And told the chief priests all that had taken place and when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel they gave a sufficient sum of money to the soldiers and said
Tell people his disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep
And if this comes to the governor's ears we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble So they took the money and did as they were directed and this story has been spread among the
Jews to this day Yeah, and so here he demonstrates his authority by you know
Breaking out of the tomb by being resurrected from that's not only declaring authority, but even demonstrating it so What is what is the husband's demonstration of his authority it is doing the role of a husband, right?
It is protecting and providing etc So it is right for him to demonstrate these things now that doesn't mean he does not have that authority if he is if he fails to demonstrate them, but but yeah, it is good for him to to demonstrate his authority gives his
Wife confidence in his ability to do this task of being a husband All right, and lastly this is also a demonstration of the blessing of God On one hand
Jesus raised himself up from the dead right John 2 19 through 22 says Jesus answered and said to them destroy this temple and in three days
I will rise raise it up The Jews therefore said 46 years was this temple in building and will you raise it up in three days?
But he spoke of the temple of his body when therefore he was raised from the dead His disciples remembered that he spoke this and they believed the scripture and the word which
Jesus had said But in it and he also did this not just did this but did this by his own authority
It says in John 10 18 No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of myself
I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again the commandment. I this commandment
I received from my father I'll say as a side note yesterday when we were going door -to -door evangelizing
Brayden and I spoke to a Jehovah's Witness and I ended up mentioning this verse and I didn't end up talking about this
But but I know that in the New World Translation this says and I have the power to receive it again
They don't they don't like the idea that Jesus was the one resurrecting himself, right? So scripture talks about him resurrecting himself, but it also talks about the father in the spirit resurrecting him
Romans 8 11 But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you He who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will give life also to your mortal bodies through his spirit that dwells in you
Okay So his resurrection from the dead on one hand shows his natural qualifications of the
Savior, right? He is raising himself up from the dead, but it likewise demonstrates the blessing of the father as well.
And so when a husband plays the role of a husband he provides protects etc, and He's not the fruit that comes from his work is not just his own doing right is also the providence of God and so You know that also demonstrates the blessing of God in a in a similar way
Similar not analogous not certainly not identical You do have something miraculous going on with the resurrection of Christ but just to apply these things about what the resurrection entails for the salvation of the church and to understand how that is to be understood in light of what
Ephesians 5 says about marriage and the relationship between the husband and wife think it's right to to look at what it says about about his authority and his in the role of exaltation in in a
Good of husband and wife their well -being All right Now we're going to go through Jesus's appearances to his disciples
There are a lot of these and they're long passages that I have small observations on so I think
I'm gonna I'm gonna skip some of the readings, but I'll make a few I'll make a few observations here.
But could we do yes His appearances, oh, we'll we'll see and that's the thing is it's it's pretty
It's a hodgepodge of things. There's a There's some that apply more directly than others
We'll just walk through them all but if someone could volunteer to read first Corinthians 15 3 through 8
Thanks Ford Yeah, 3 through 8
For at for I delivered to you as the first importance what
I also received That Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures
That he was buried and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures
And that he appeared to Cephas then to the 12 to 10 then to the 12th He appeared to more than 500 but brothers at one time most of who are still alive
Although those some have fallen asleep Then he appeared to James then to all the
Apostles last of all as to one ultimate unknown to Untimely born he appeared also to me.
Thanks all right, so Let's go through some of these appearances.
It says that he appeared to more than 500 people Okay, so the
Bible records some of these instances So First in John 20 a lot of these are in John in the
Matthew. I think or Luke Oh, these are in John in Luke So in John he talks to the disciples and there's what's known as the
Johannin Pentecost Which is where he it says he breathed on them and says to them received the
Holy Spirit if you forgive anyone's sins They are forgiven to them if you retain the sins of any they are retained
You can guess why that's often called the Johannin Pentecost because he gives the spirit In this way before Pentecost actually takes place
So he's now all all God's disciples are Representatives of Christ yet.
This is true in a special way of these Apostles But we have what we have in marriage is that the
The wife is a representative of her husband first Corinthians 11 7 talks about her being
The man being the glory of God and the woman being the glory of man, you know this referring to one representing the other
So a woman should act in her husband's interest in her dealings as Proverbs describes she the
Proverbs 31 woman Purchases land right? She's she considers a field and buys it with the fruit of her hand.
She plants a vineyard You know, I always I see this as The woman operating on behalf of her husband, you know being his representative doing business on his behalf
Doing things like purchases like that It's a lot of wise wish to be their own independent agents and husbands same thing a lot of times but Yeah a healthy marriage
You will have this kind of representation where the wife represents her husband and and operates on his behalf
Not just operating as an independent agent another instance in the
Of the disciples interacting with Jesus post -resurrection was with Thomas right
Thomas doubts Jesus and he Demonstrates that he is truly resurrected
We've talked before about how different aspects of the story salutes refer to the trust that a wife should have in her
Their husband or or has application that right these different parts You see the disciples should trust in Christ and he demonstrates why they should trust and there's a dynamic like this in In marriage as well.
The wife should trust their husbands and husband should reassure their wives Again with all the miracles right casting the net on the right side of the boat and pulling it in etc
He does this miracle a second time. He had done that once at the beginning of his ministry does that again? This is another good example of him demonstrating his authority
Preparation for duty Jesus speaks to Peter the need to care for the sheep John 21 15
So when they had broken their fast Jesus says to Simon Peter Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?
He says to him. Yes, Lord, you know that I love you. He says to him feed my lambs He says to him again a second time
Simon son of John. Do you love me? He says to him Yes, Lord, you know that I love you. He says to him ten my sheep
He says to him the third time Simon son of John Love you me
Peter was grief because he had said to him a third time love. Do you love me? And he said to him
Lord, you know all these things, you know that I love you. Jesus said to him feed my sheep All right, so if you remember in the analogy between Christ and the church and human marriage the
Individual individual Christians are not the wife right? They are the children of the church
We see that plenty of times in the Old Testament. They're the children of Zion and So here when you have
Peter who is You know Operating in the leadership of this church, you know who is supposed to care for the sheep you know care for the children of Zion essentially,
I think this is a good picture of Husbands and wives interacting with With a concern for children, right a husband a lot of times husbands will be pretty uninvolved in raising the children and the wives will and Then the wives will just kind of be doing this on their own as their own project.
Like this is her thing as though It's not it's not something that's done for him. But if this is his children his prime.
He's the one primarily responsible right, and then she Is has that duty delegated to her and is taking care of the the children it
Yeah, there's a much better dynamic of responsibility of gratitude, etc Right, and so you see
Jesus encouraging Peter to take care of the sheep out of his love for him and Out of Jesus love for the sheep that is that's what the dynamic should look like between husband and wife
Taking care of children, right? It is out of a love for her husband that she takes care of her children a lot of times
You know wives will pit the children against the husband and I talked about that last time too, right? It's like oh, we're doing these things for the children
So I'm going to exclude you from these things because I think that you know The children need these need these activities the schedule needs to revolve around them, etc
Right, and it's putting things out of place and divorcing things that are supposed to be united So both of those motivations, you know, the husband should be
Involved and you know thankful for his his wife doing these tasks, but then also she is doing them in his absence
For out of her love for him Okay, and also preparation for difficulty ahead
John 21 18 says Truly truly I say to you when you were young you girded yourself and walked where you would
But when you shall be old you shall stretch forth your hands and another will gird you and carry you where you do not want
To go now. He spoke this signifying what manner of death he should glorify God when he had spoken this he says follow me okay, so I Find that in marriage a lot of times there's not a good
Preparation for the difficult tasks ahead, you know husband wife go into it without Without a sense that you know
There are going to be some real trials that they're going to face the husband doesn't really see it as his duty To prepare her for it, you know a lot of times husbands are going into this not realizing that they have a have that kind of duty to Think about the future to be prepared to be preparing his wife, etc
You know, there's a lot of things that you can think forward to okay What am I going to need to do when I need to take care of my own parents and their aging years?
What is she going to need? What are we going to need to do as a family when her parent? Is aging and unable to take care of themselves, right?
What are we going to how are we going to deal with? Whatever speed bump is coming up ahead that's going to require a difficult move or is going to require some kind of hardship in Relationships, right?
There's a lot of situations that come up like that where the husband should be preparing his wife for the difficulty
You know He should be the one who is strong and emotionally stable and then able to prepare his wife for these things and he should be proactively
Preparing her for the difficulties Same thing with you know, raising children if you're gonna raise children together
You want to prepare your wife for this by you know, talking through how you're gonna do school how you're gonna you know
What kind of difficulties are going to exist and prepare her for those things And then she should you know receive that that preparation as well
All right Another one and this one this one's breaking down the analogy a bit more
But I do feel that it's still you know, just as a just as a life lesson that applies to relationships in general
We can look at this next This next interaction so Peter was told that he was going to have this difficult death
Which many have interpreted as referring to him being crucified upside down and tradition holds that he was
I'm not sure how good the evidence is for that but Then it says Peter turning about sees the disciple whom
Jesus loved following that's referring to John Who also leaned back on his breast at supper and said
Lord who is he who betrays you? Peter therefore seeing him says to Jesus Lord, and what will this man do?
Peter therefore sorry Jesus says to him if I will that he remain until I come what is that to you follow me?
This saying went therefore went forth among the brothers that the disciples should not die Yet Jesus did not say that to him that he should not die.
But if I will that he remained until I come What is that to you? This is the disciple that testifies of these things and wrote these things and we know that his witness is true
This is John writing this and speaking all this Okay, so yeah a rumor went out that he would not die at all until Jesus returns right and And he denies that that's actually what was said
Which is very interesting because I believe it's a Mormon Church that teaches that he still rooms the earth today
Is it anybody familiar with that? I'm pretty sure yeah I'm pretty sure the Mormon Church teaches that he didn't die and he still he still roams the earth
Which is interesting because I think they also have 12 Apostles But then like when did
John stop being an Apostle shouldn't they only have 11 or something shouldn't John show up one day? I I don't know.
Those are interesting questions for the Mormon Church to answer but But Yeah, like I said, the analogy is breaking down a bit more because you weren't seeing
You weren't seeing directly, you know Christ interacting with the church You're seeing
Christ interact with an individual But I think this this still has applications a lot of people want to make these comparisons
Look at their own calling compare it to the calling of others, you know Husbands compare themselves to other husbands wise compare themselves to otherwise or to their husbands to other husbands
All right, and they say well why you know, she doesn't have to do these things, you know, or she has this or you know
I've I've Yeah That kind of stuff is pretty unhealthy. I mean you can look to other people's marriages to As examples for you when they are healthy, but But you don't want to say, you know, well her husband does this thing.
Why don't you do this thing? He You know his wife does this why don't you? So I still wanted to throw this in here because I think it's a very good a good thing to think through it's very common and I see it quite a bit people making comparisons to other marriages and then
Thinking that because now now sometimes those are like good things that should be emulated but here you have both
Peter and John being called to good callings and then being just and one being Dissatisfied because he's making the comparison
So yeah, your you know Your unique marriage is your unique marriage and the things that are difficult in it that are not sin
But just you know, the difficulties of life the difficult callings Are uniquely yours and you don't need to make comparisons around those things because that will only lead to bitterness.
It won't lead to joy All right So there's an interesting interaction that happens between Mary and Jesus at the resurrection
John 20 17 Jesus says to her do not touch me for I am not yet ascended to the
Father But go to my brothers and say to them I send to my father and to your father and my God and your
God Mary Magdalene comes along tells the disciples. I've seen the Lord and that he had said these things to her
All right, so this is interesting he tells her not to touch me for I am NOT yet a sin to the father
But there were other parts where we see that Jesus is telling the disciples touch him right touch my hands my feet telling
Thomas to touch his side right I'm not sure if he specifically tells
Thomas that but Thomas one two and Jesus made himself available, so you have
You Have here an interesting statement where he says not to touch him now does that mean don't touch him at all?
I think those other Statements let us know that he's not concerned about being touched at all Rather it is likely and what how most people would interpret.
This would be that she was you know, so So enthusiastic and hugging him etc that he needed to remind her that he was not yet with them permanently
He was going to be going away again and would not be there until later And so once again a reminder, this is a betrothal that we see between Christ and the church
The consummation has not yet happened and and so the disciples should not
Yeah They should not get over excited to think that you know The glorious time is now the days of the
Son of Man are now that's actually what the sermons going to be about today Not getting overexcited about the days of the
Son of Man Now this has obvious Applications for marriage because there should be a lack of touching before the consummation
But seriously, there's a there is a distinction between that stage of marriage that happens after the consummation and that which is before during engagement slash betrothal right and a lot of people
Think that the biblical ethic is just around commitment. So as long as you've got that commitment there
All things are really permitted, you know, I've I've talked to a lot of people who who think this that you know
They would say that, you know fornication is wrong You shouldn't sleep with someone but if they are going to be the one you're with the rest of your life, then it's okay
Right, and so that doesn't doesn't really matter if you're married or not But if they are going to be if they are going to be the one well, how do you know unless you're unless you're married?
But even in a betrothal where there is that guarantee It's still it's still inappropriate
Yeah, so I would recommend for your singles not to have any kind of contact
That wouldn't be appropriate between brother and sister prior to marriage, you know, this includes Just anything that you wouldn't do with with another sister or brother
You know in the church Even holding hands, you know is is something that's really is that guarding your heart the way the scripture tells you to guard your heart
Now I'm not saying that like I Say this to some people and they hear me as saying all forms of contact are wrong
You know any kind of contact that you would have with another brother or sister, you know Hugs, etc.
Right if you're in a culture that does do the holy kiss sure, you know but To go beyond that to to build up emotions beyond that while it is
Appropriate to be a little more excited during the betrothal stage. It is not appropriate to Yeah to take that physical
Yeah physical relationship further yes Yeah, if we're in like a prayer circle or something, yeah, yeah
Yeah Yeah to make this a little less weird. Like if we're in a prayer circle We're like in a you know, we're about to pray, you know
My grandfather would always have us like hold hands in a circle before you know praying for for dinner or whatever yeah, so if you're doing that sure like that's it's not about the
Physical touch it is about the emotional riling up just like with this statement with Jesus, right when he says do not touch me
It's not really do not touch me because he's telling the other disciples to touch him. It is, you know, do not get attached
Yet there will be a time for that. It's not now All right.
Now there are a couple in Luke. These passages are long So I'm just gonna kind of make a couple of quick points
And Luke you see him open their eyes to understand the scriptures everything it says about him Yeah, we've talked about this before but Ephesians 5 is very clear that husband should be should be washing their wives in the water the word husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for it that he might sanctify it having
Cleansed it by the washing of the water with the word So he has a responsibility to to educate her not only in the word but in anything that would be
Necessary for the task at hand and then solidarity Jesus Ends up demonstrating to them
That he is not just a spirit right he says see my hands and my feet is I myself handle me
See for a spirit does not have flesh and bones and he ends up even eating fish with them
Right, and so he is he's demonstrating solidarity with them a lot of times Yeah, a lot of times husbands and wives can be
Distant and the wife can feel like she's doing her task all on her own. She doesn't have any support or help Because in a way the wife job is to do tasks for the family in the husband's absence
And so that's a natural feeling that someone would have in that position. So that's necessary for you know, like a demonstration of Solidarity that there be
You know reassurance The husband is with is with the life and so you
Christ has given us this assurance that he has truly risen from the dead He is truly man. He is truly with us and ready to dwell with us that we will not yet until he returns
Okay, so that was all that next time we're going to be looking at The Ascension and Pentecost probably we'll get there.
Okay any questions? Let's go ahead and pray
Dear Holy Father, thank you for your word. Thank you for Jesus Christ and his resurrection from the dead which gives us great hope a great expectation of the day that we will be risen from the dead and our assurance that our own bodies are
Our things that can be easily sacrificed for the cause knowing they will be resurrected on that last day in Jesus name.