Colossians 1:23 - Eternal Security Through the Bible, Pt. 4


Pastor David Mitchell

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When you have someone who is perfectly just and righteous all together then
That person is the one really in control then you don't have to worry and be frightened, right? But you do need to be concerned and and we are concerned and it's gonna be an interesting interesting week
So I hope when we get back together next Sunday We can have a celebration and we can have one no matter what
But it might be slightly different type of celebration we'll just have to see but I'm hoping we have the happy kind of celebration
All right Enough of enough of that for now because we have something far more important than politics or presidents or anything like that And that is the
Word of God, but I want to read this first This is from Miss Judy You know what?
I'm gonna read that I'm gonna have to get these glasses on here Judy sent the whole church a card and It says my travels over 26 days include included 13 states plus,
Washington DC making 19 stops seeing 65 people in two reunions
One in Pittsburgh and one in Williamsburg so blessed for the renewal of family ties and increased friendships
God answered so many prayers safe travels perfect weather The hurricane went through there after you got home, right?
Wow Because she went right through that part some of that countryside and so Health for me with both strength and balance and I could not have asked for more
Again, thank you all for praying for me and give giving me wonderful travel messages along the way with love and gratitude
Judy Ross Well, we did follow you all along the way, but we look forward to hearing the details
Some of them already have maybe but I've been gone. So I want to hear And we're so glad the
Lord watched over you. He gave us safety and beautiful weather too on our trip, but It you know,
I'm so glad he blessed you because yours was a driving trip and that's a whole different thing and So I just think what you accomplished is amazing.
You are a what are you 18? Okay we are in Colossians chapter 1 and so Let me get you to turn to Colossians chapter 1 verse 22, please
Come in. Come in. I Always figure it out.
I think I think angels let you in Or the angel Matt or whatever whoever it was.
All right, Colossians chapter 1 verse 22 in The body of his flesh talking about Jesus, of course through death.
He presents us holy unblameable Unreprovable in his sight and remember he's holy
So we're those things in God's sight because Jesus presents us that way Now there is maybe no greater
Verse in the Bible that teaches that once you are truly saved you cannot lose it than that one
Because I'm going to tell you something if you stand before God holy and you stand before God unblameable and you stand before him
Unapprovable, which means you can't be judged in a in a negative way and then it's Jesus that presents you that way.
You're good. Okay So the question we've been talking about for several weeks is why is the next verse start with the word if and and seriously most of the
Bible is written for you know like a junior high child or anybody in the whole world to just read it plainly and Doesn't mean you understand everything the first time you read it, but it's written where Normal people like us can just read it and God can teach us things
But there are a few verses in the Bible I'd say maybe two hands full in the whole
Bible that we would call difficult passages Where the scripture that says study to show thyself approved unto
God comes into play where you may have spent days Hours or days or whatever to study why you think that verse contradicts another verse?
I mean, honestly, if you know all of the hundreds of eternal security verses in the
Bible You would think verse 23 contradicts those on first reading because verse 23 says if You continue.
Well, that's something you got to do That looks like a work if you continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel
Then you'll have eternal security is what that sounds like but it is not what it means But you might have to study that for hours weeks and months to figure out that's not what it means
But the reason the main reason you would initiate you to even do that study is because if it meant that it would contradict hundreds of verses of plain simple verses so one of the rules in Bible interpretation is you know, never take a difficult passage and Use it to change what you believe
But always use plain simple passages to help you interpret the difficult passage and that's what we've been doing for weeks
Actually with this verse and so that gives you kind of a little background of where we are on this study now
It is interesting to that the word if they're in the Greek can be translated because in his in other verses
So it could just say because and then there's no problem, but I like if I like it for a lot of reasons Main reason
I like it because there's three kinds of people in an audience now if we had a church So we say three four hundred then
I could say that in that church with that many people There'd be three kinds of people in there a church this small
Maybe only two maybe just one maybe all saved people I don't know but in a big church, there'd be three first one would be a saved sheep
All right, somebody's born again Second would be an unsaved sheep.
Hey, hey brother. Come on in Unsaved sheep is a person who will be saved someday, but they're not saved yet Right an unsaved sheep is
Might call it a lost sheep and we know Jesus is the Shepherd. We know he doesn't leave any of them lost
Does he he said it's his responsibility to find them all and they'll all be raised in the end But you can have at a certain time in life
Lost sheep in the room that are people that are lost. They're running around with the goats and Maybe they think they're a goat, but they're gonna get saved someday
So they're a lost sheep and then the third kind are goats and that's people that'll never get saved Doesn't matter what you say to them doesn't matter what you do.
They will never get saved now God knows who's who Jesus knew who was who?
Jesus knew the whole time Judas walked with him as part of the family for three years that he was not really part of the Family, but he loved him anyway
Right, and you've heard me say before that. I don't believe God loves everybody, but I'm talking about the father When Jesus was in the earth in on the earth in time and space he loved everybody.
That's what we're supposed to do And if y 'all don't understand that I can't explain it in a minute, but if you've been here while you know that there's great benefit in understanding the distinction of the
Godhead the Father of the Son the Holy Spirit the distinction how the Father is different than the Son and how the
Son is different than the Father and how the Holy Spirit's different than The two and yet they're all the same in essence
But they're different in action. They're different in I won't call it duty.
What's another what's a good word for that? Administration would be a good word for that. And if you understand that it helps you figure out a whole lot of Difficult passages that you might find.
So anyway Jesus is The one who is going to track down every single lost sheep and bring every one of them to God So that not one will be left lost now we know that but we've been talking about these things and so The exact area where we have been in the last few
Sundays is We started asking some questions now I'm gonna review just a little bit because I mean it's even been almost a month since I was in this material
Although I studied it, you know before this morning when I got home, so I'm fresh on it But I know you're not because you didn't have the opportunity to look at it
So let me just I'm just gonna name the questions and you probably already know the answers
Especially the ones we hadn't covered yet and then that'll bring us to the where we are today So the first question that I asked was and this is with regard to let me put that in context if you're visiting today
Okay, the word if like like you're a flat save forever if you continue
All right, what the question that we asked along the way was well, okay, who are the people who don't continue?
Maybe they come to church for a while and maybe they act like they got saved Maybe they think they got saved but they don't continue with the
Lord Who are those people and we spent a lot of time on that in Scripture who they are
Basically, the scripture said they are unbelievers. Remember that we covered that clearly and then we asked
Okay, who are the people that do continue all the way to the end and basically the scripture says true believers
Okay, so that's simple. But then we asked this question. Okay Let's talk about the true believers who are the sheep
Who are saved or will be saved first question. I would ask is who is responsible to keep them saved.
Is it the sheep or Is it the shepherd? Okay, so we asked that if you study scripture, you will see the sheep is not responsible to keep himself saved
He is responsible to do the best life He can live today with the equipment God's given him, but he is not responsible for his own salvation
God is the Shepherd is Jesus Christ is if Jesus lets one of you in the room go to hell and you're a sheep
He will have to answer to God the Father for failing in His work as a shepherd that ain't gonna happen
Number two question who promised to keep us saved John chapter 5 24 truly truly
I Jesus saying to you he that hears my word and believes on me. That's believes on him that sent me has
Means already has in the Greek already has everlasting life and cannot come cannot come into condemnation
But is passed already from death unto life. So who made that promise? What's his name?
Very good Choir helps me out guys. If you're wondering who's talking back there, it's the choir.
It's actually the Children's Church Choir We don't even have Children's Church. They get to stay in here. And this is why by the way this is why they get to stay in here at this church because they need to be in the main service here the man of God preach and participate in it and I know that makes modern
Americans Uncomfortable, but we're not gonna have Children's Church. We're gonna have it in here
All right Third question and all of these had lots of detail already third question whose will is it?
That we have eternal security and never can lose our salvation whose will is it
That makes that true John 6 38 and this is the father's will which has sent me
Jesus said that all of which he has given me I should lose nothing
But shall raise it up in the last day So whose will is it that not one sheep will ever lose his salvation?
All right the fourth question What what is man's responsibility in all this?
We didn't cover that a whole lot But we will but basically man's responsibility in all of this is to believe to believe that Jesus Christ died
To pay your entire sin debt of your whole life that even the ones you haven't done yet that he was buried with your old man and your old sin in him and That he rose again and that you rose with him and have a completely new life in your completely new creature a new person old
Things are passed away. All things are new you believe that That's your duty All right now
There's a lot more to responsibility. But as far as the responsibility in salvation, it's
Jesus's You don't have any responsibility to get saved. But once you are saved you got a lot of responsibility
You got a you've got to be a disciple You've got to learn to walk with him You've got to find all the imperatives in the
New Testament where God said well if you're gonna be mine you do this you don't Do that and you got to start trying to be better at that, right?
That's your responsibility But your responsibility didn't save you it is an effect of your salvation
So the fifth question was this who believes and who doesn't believe? Oh John chapter 10 verse 24 and following he was talking to some religious leaders of the day who were lost as a goose probably goats
In fact, I can tell you some of them were goats because of what Jesus said to him, but in this one You know
Jesus The Jews came around him is talking about the Pharisees the religious leaders and I said to him
How long do you make us to doubt if you're really Christ? tell us plainly in other words prove it and Jesus answered them and I told you
Already who I am and you believe not The works that I do in the
Father's name they bear witness of me, but you believe not because you are not of my sheep as I said unto you my sheep
Hear my voice because I've given him ears to hear when the Holy Spirit calls you he gives you ears to hear and I know
Them and they follow me so who are these people who do fall away where that if is and they don't continue in church or even acting like a
Religious person or a Christian they just don't continue. Who are they? They're people who Jesus said you're not of my sheep
Now let me say this we the scope of this message doesn't allow me to go into things like backsliders
What is that? I mean all of us Can have seasons maybe because of something that happens
Usually bad Where we backslide and that's a real terms kind of an
Old Testament term really but I but I mean It's a good term to use where we just move away from God even even as a true believer
But you know why the Shepherd has a stick with a hook on the end of it
That's why you don't lose your salvation, but you can backslide I mean, so I'm not saying that but that's as I said, it's beyond the scope of this message
But I already stuck it in there. So there you go So who believes and who doesn't the goats don't believe the sheep do all right six question
Whose power and work keeps us saved Hebrews chapter 7 verse 24 and following he is able to save us to the uttermost
You can't get more saved than that that coming to God by Jesus Seeing that he ever liveth to make intercession for us so the person that keeps you saved is your high priest and your
Advocate before the father and your intercessor who is Jesus and it ain't you you don't keep you saved
Jesus does That's why you can't lose it. I mean, this is what we're talking about, right the next question.
Oh I like Philippians 2 13 for it is God that works in you both to will and to do is good pleasure
Listen Jesus isn't going to let you lose it God is going to do two things.
He's gonna make you want to do as good pleasure. That means to will He's gonna make you will want to do as good pleasure and then he's gonna make you do as good pleasure
So you're gonna do good works. You're gonna bear fruit and True save people always bear fruit.
They don't all bear the same amount because we're all different but we all bear fruit and It's because God works in us is power in our lives
Seventh you can see I like reviewing because some of these I could preach every day Just love them.
What makes us walk, right? What makes us walk right after we're saved Hebrews 8 6 says
I put my laws in their mind and write them in their hearts. All right number 8 The intercessory work of Jesus Christ his present work
In heaven, that's another thing that helps us stay Saved and we've already kind of touched on that the ninth thing what really saved us in the first place us
Or Jesus is blood Yes Hebrews 9 27 and 28 so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many not everybody
But many who the sheep? He died gave his blood for all the sheep of all humanity all every air era era in human history
To all the way to the end He was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him
Shall he appear the second time without sin and the salvation and that's talking about the second coming and I wish it happened before Tuesday But it probably won't but it might
Wouldn't that surprise Kamala well anyway Hey you like that That surprised us all okay so It's his blood that saves us and and we know that so what about the old man?
Can we make ourselves reject Christ and lose our own salvation see the Church Christ brothers and sisters in town?
I got friends that go go there. Well the one in May anyway, and they're wrong on their doctrine
I mean, we're wrong on some ires to write and soon as you find it. Tell us we want to change that but they're wrong on this doctrine here because they think you can lose your salvation and What they'll do if you quote this verse
I'm about to quote I'll show you what to do. Let me quote the verse John chapter 10 verse 28 because actually it flat proves
That your old man Cannot make you Reject Christ, which is what they say.
He can do And here's what it says John 8 10 28 and I given to them that's his people his sheep
Eternal life and I have to ask you this. How long is eternal and If you already have it because it's present tense, then how could it stop duh, okay
So we keep going I given to them eternal life and they shall never perish. How long is never?
Okay, and God said it. Can you break his promise? No, so how could you lose it? Duh double duh? Okay, neither shall any man listen to this pluck them out of my hand whose hand
Don't know that Jesus. That's Jesus now I have to tell you this in the Greek the word man is not there and that's where the
Church of Christ gets it wrong Cuz I don't know if they know Greek or not They say well any neither can any man pluck them out of the hand and I saw yeah, that's true
But you yourself could pluck yourself out of his hand But the problem with that is in the Greek man is not there. It says neither shall anything
Anything pluck you out of my hand that includes your own self that includes everything under creation There's nothing under creation that can pluck you out of Jesus's hand now.
Here's the great part It goes on and says that you know, my father Also holds you in his hand.
So here here you are the believer. You're in the father's hand Jesus hand is on top and he says nobody can pluck you out of my hand
Nor can they pluck you out of my father's hand and then he said I and my father are one
I Just don't get it people irritate me when they teach
God's people they can lose their salvation It's flat. I don't get irritated with the sweet people that go to these churches other than the fact
They ought not go there, but they're teachers. I get pretty irritated at them and I would debate them anytime you bring them to me.
You need help. Call me. I like it now the older I get the less I like it. I'll sick.
I'll sick Matt and Matt and brother Paul and and been on them and some of these some of you guys but Listen you
The Apostle Paul said when you hear somebody teaching false doctrine, you need to shut their mouth
Which means you need to tell them they're wrong, especially if they're saying it in front of other young People who who may be swayed by them.
You have to correct them right there. You don't have a choice All right. So then we talk about the flesh again.
How can our own flesh make us lose it? We read Romans 7 18 and following where the
Apostle Paul said I find myself now he's the best Christian ever lived I find myself doing that which
I don't believe in doing and I find myself not doing that which my heart mind says I want To be doing for God wretched man that I am who will set me free from the body of this death and yet he didn't lose the salvation and Neither can you so your flesh can't make you?
Reject Christ. It's impossible And you know what's interesting after the end of chapter 7 of Romans where Paul says that about himself is chapter 8 starts
And the first verse says this there's therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Who walk not after the flesh but after the
Spirit? Beautiful in it. I wish they hadn't put that chapter right there I wish they did made that the last verse of chapter 7
Said the verse verse of chapter 8 because people miss that that's part of the thing Then the next question was does
God love does God's love for us depend on us What does the gap a mean?
Well by definition a gap a love is love that does not depend on the object It depends on the heart of the lover
So God's love is not swayed by whether you live good today or live bad today You're his child no matter what he might whip you to send
Jesus after you with that stick I talked about but he loves you. He's not gonna kick you out of the family
His love won't let him do that and we talked about that in detail as well Now the next question was if God knew us and predestinated us and called us and justified us and already sees us as glorified
Could he then change his mind and send us to hell? Obviously God is immutable, which means he can't change his mind.
That's the end of that one 13 who saved us whose faith saved us.
That's interesting. Not many people know this one anymore Charles Spurgeon preached it 150 years ago
And I didn't know that when I saw this started preaching it here. Some people thought I made up something new But the
Prince of Preachers Charles Spurgeon preached the same thing 150 years ago. And that is that we're not saved by Faith in Christ We're saved by the faith of Christ and you won't even see that if you don't have a
King James Version because all the other Modern English versions don't say it. They don't quote the Greek properly there
So check it out We're saved by the faith of Christ Which means it's a gift from God that the
Holy Spirit gives you the day He calls you and saves you and regenerates you when when the Holy Spirit calls you and regenerates you
He gives you 33 things and one of them is Jesus's faith. And by the way that faith can walk on water All right, so that faith will never stop your own human belief can be here today and gone tomorrow
Depending on whether you're happy with God or not. That's not what saved you. All right, so that's that Number 14, let me see if I have
I got to the new stuff yet. Let me see where my note is. I Did mark where I was before I left?
You know what? I think I just blew right past it. Well, that's good. Ah, yeah,
I did Okay, when I got to number 11 does God's love for us depend on us what does agape mean that's new
Okay, that's for today and we know that God's love cannot
God's love cannot in God's love it does not depend on anything we do or don't do for him
Romans 8 Proves it verse 31. What shall we say then to these things if God before us who can be against us?
He spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us How shall he now?
Not with him also freely give us everything Sounds good so far
Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect the true sheep who can who can judge them?
It's God that justifies them and makes them where they're unjudgeable. They're justified They're made to be righteous by the blood of Jesus.
So who is it that condemns? Well, it's Christ that died. Yeah, rather it's risen again
Who's even at the right hand of God as our intercessor for us? He's not going to condemn us Well, if he's not going to condemn us who can send us to hell
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ tribulation distress persecution famine
Not having enough clothes to wear because you got no money peril the sword what can separate us from the love of God once we're his and we're saved as It is written for thy sake.
We're killed all the day long. Some of us sometimes are martyred Sometimes bad things happen to Christians, but you know what it never separates them from God's love
Nay, all these things through all these things. We are more than conquerors through him that loved us
Brian persuaded neither death nor life nor angel nor principality no powers nor things present things to come nor height nor depth the cloud
Nor height nor depth nor other creature any part of creation None of that is able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our
Lord God doesn't love anybody that's not in Christ Except lost sheep who aren't quite there yet.
He loves them and he tracks them his Holy Spirit tracks him and Finally, he comes to a place where the
Holy Spirit says, okay The father just told me it's your spiritual birthday Wake up and your eyes are open your ears are open and your old dead spirit comes alive and the whole life begins right there
In fact at that moment you're living eternal life. You don't have to wait till you die to get it You're already in it. Isn't that cool?
So there you have it. Now if God here's the next question if God knew us and predestined us and called us and justified us which means made us as if we never sinned and Already sees us as glorified which means perfect Then can he change his mind because if he can't then you if he already sees you as glorified you can't lose it
He already sees you in heaven the father that is we're talking about the father there Well Romans 8 29 says for whom he did for know like that that started when there's no time
You do know there was a time when God existed just on his own It's just the Father Son the
Holy Ghost the Trinity lived and there was nothing there was no space. There was no time There's no stuff. There was just the invisible immutable omnipresent God Plus nothing.
That's all that existed and love existed already because God is love and that proves the Trinity exists because love has to have
An object so you can't have a Hindu God or you can't have an Islamic God where it's just God Because he wouldn't have anybody to love
So he couldn't be love he would have to become love So the fact that God is love you had to have the
Son the Father and the Holy Spirit to love each other before stuff Was made in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 or maybe some stuff.
I don't think anything was made before that Right before anything was made. It was just him. No, no place.
No time. He's just now Did you know that the father still dwells there? He doesn't dwell in time, but he comes into time through Jesus in the
Holy Spirit. That's something to contemplate But you know what before he made any stuff or any time
He foreknew you now the biblical word for no doesn't mean he's aware of you.
It means he loved you with affection Like Adam knew Eve and she got pregnant He loved you with affection.
He knew you before he made anything now That's all the sheep that will ever be a sheep.
That's all the elect is what the scripture calls them So whom he foreknew he also did predestinate
Now, what does that mean? Does that mean he predestinated you on the basis of foreknowledge?
Absolutely not Because and that'll be taught though in theology books everywhere. They'll say that on the
YouTube Oh, yeah, it's all according in foreknowledge. You looked at and saw he'd be saving you elected him No, it doesn't work that way because the foreknowledge and the predestination both happened before time began
They both happened before there was a place So they didn't happen in sequence one before the other.
It's just it's just like if it's now Think about it. If you don't have a future or a past you just got now didn't they happen at the same time?
I have to use that to talk as a man. I can't even talk that it's hard to talk about this stuff, isn't it? It happened it the best way to say it is that God knowing his sheep
Before he made anything before they were born and him Predestinating them to be his sheep is like this.
It just is Nothing happened before the other it's just that way.
It's God It's God, okay, it's like it's not a time thing now what's neat about this thing though is that It says who he foreknew would be
Predestinated to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the first first born a man among many brethren
And then later talks about the born -again experience being adopted into his family. So it's talking about both salvation of The future
Christian that hasn't been born yet and that he would do good works both. It's all built in together All that was predestined
Now who he predestinated now now you have to come to Genesis 1 1 in the beginning
God created the heaven and the earth and Stuff is made history goes along till now and your lifetime began and here you are in it.
Here's your beginning Here's your end You're on that somewhere and on your spiritual birthday, which the father knew before the foundation of the world
He tells the Holy Spirit wake him up That's the greatest birthday you ever had
He can't see me. He can't hear my words and understand them at all his spirits there, but it's dead.
It's a kernel It's just dead He's not even a full human wake him up And the Holy Spirit always obeys the father and the father only sends him to the ones who he's going to give to his son
Jesus as a love gift And so that's where you got 33 or more things happen one of them including you got
Jesus's love You've got the faith of Christ you he made you have a desire to repent he all the 33 things or more and So that happened when he called you so now we're in time now those who he called
Them he justifies that means he made them just as if I'd never sinned The father will never see any sin you ever do at that point
Because he took your the Holy Spirit took your sins and went back 2 ,000 years and put them in Jesus's body because the
Holy Spirit's not bound by time and Jesus was on the cross and your sins were literally in there and when he was buried died
He died for your sins and when he was buried your sins were literally in there when he rose again that new man
That's really you doesn't have them. They're gone. They were sent to hell They were gone like the scapegoat in the
Old Testament off into the wilderness never to return With your sins on his head and that picture Jesus So that happens next in time
And that's a beautiful thing. You are justified, but then it says they're also glorified and look at that It's past tense from the father's viewpoint.
Remember he's now okay. He's always now but to him you're already glory. You're already perfect The father sees you that way.
I don't care what you do if you're a sheep I don't care what you do. He sees you as perfect now Jesus not so he's the one with the stick
He sees everything you do and he will correct it if he needs to he's the shepherd in time with you
Isn't it interesting how the father the the son the Holy Spirit have different functions even though they're the same essence.
They're God That's how God makes it work. That's just how he is. He didn't have to make it work.
He just he's always been that way and In fact, we're creating his image and worth we're tripartite.
We have a body soul and spirit. We're three things, but we're one All right. So there we have it now
Romans 11 29 if it's true that God Knew you with love
By name and every hair on your head, even though I'm losing some of them In you all that before he made anything and then when he and then he also
Predestined you to get saved before he made anything and to do good works, by the way to have fruit
And then when time started he called you and woke you up and then at that same moment
He justified you and made you as if you never seen in God's eyes and then he made you look like you're glorified
We know we're not yet, but God father thinks we are And if he did all that can
God change his mind. We'll look at Romans 11 29 the gifts and the calling of God or without repentance and the word repent in English comes from a
Greek word. That means to change your mind So the gifts and the calling of God are without God's ability to change his mind
So You can't lose it Philippians 1 6 being confident of this very thing
That he which began a good work in you will perform it till the day of Jesus Christ Is that you performing it or is that God performing it in you?
That's God performing it in you, but it's also you performing it because when he performs it in you, it's you doing stuff
It's you doing good works. It's you bearing fruit. It's you loving Jesus your whole life all the way to the end it's you continuing all the way to the end and Sometimes it's tiring
Especially when we sin because we hate sin when you're saved when you're a sheep you hate it when you're a goat you love it
It's nothing in you that hates it when you're a sheep you hate it you got to go to first John 1 9 like like been talked about Sunday school and Jesus said if you just name it if you just agree with me, that was a sin
I will cleanse you from not only that one, but the ones you forgot to ask me to Do that for so he cleanses us and we get up and start again that whole life can be tiring
But it is our life and it brings great glory to God The Bible says he put this treasure in earthen vessels so that God might be glorified
It is how it's supposed to be you say why is it supposed to be a struggle it because it pleases God Where it's only one plan we're in it and it's perfect and it pleases
God So whose faith is it that saves us now, let's see where we are. We're out of time
We'll save that one for next time. Okay, it's a review for a lot of you anyway, so let's say that so let's stand and we'll
Be dismissed for today Dear father.
We thank you for your love. We thank you for your eternal love For the fact that we have always been known as your children.
There was never a time you had to Choose us. It was a choice that never had to be made. We were always your children, but From the human side and the end time side.
There was a day that you called us and You predestinated it would be have our spiritual birthday on that day and Lord we're gonna have a birthday party after our food today and that is a beautiful picture of a
Spiritual birthday as well and Lord you knew when that day would come you would not you know
I knew when our physical birthday would come you knew when our spiritual birthday would come and both Are dependent upon you we weren't able to birth ourselves physically or spiritually it was dependent on you
And so our eternal security is totally dependent upon you. We thank you for that Thank you for revealing it in so many of these scriptures for many many days that we've discussed this
Go with us in this time of fellowship and bless it bless the food. We're about to have and Lord bless our election with your sovereign power
This week and we ask it in Jesus name. Amen We all if you're not used to being here.