Zelenksy The Masculine, Totally Not Crossdressing President: Evangelical Inspiration!

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Alright, well let's jump right into it today. You know,
I'm starting to understand the evangelical, you know, the
Big Eva sort of, you know, conference speaking pastor or blogger, you know, the impulse to whine and complain like a little girl about how hard their job is.
Oh, it's so hard to be me. I have to deal with controversies and I have to make decisions and I have to respond to my emails.
Like, it's so hard to be me. You know, I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't make fun of that because I was thinking just earlier today, you know, it's pretty hard to be a
YouTuber too. Yeah, I mean, like, you know how much criticism I have to field on a daily basis?
It's very hard to be a YouTuber. I talk a lot and people are always trying to, you know, tell me that I'm saying things that I'm not saying.
But you know what? I gotta own that, right? I gotta be a man. I can act like a man myself, you know?
Although, I don't know. Karen Swallow Pryor said I'm not allowed to talk about that. That was a good one. Did you guys watch
John Harris's video when he talked about Karen Swallow Pryor? You know, she retweeted that video, that selfie video of President Zelensky where he's like, we're still here.
We are not going anywhere. You don't fight us. You know, stuff like that. She's like, I bet he doesn't tweet about manliness.
And it's like, it's a selfie video. Is that what he's doing? John has a sharp wit.
He noticed that right away. But yeah, it's just so ridiculous. It's like, you're telling me he doesn't do the thing he's literally doing as you're sharing it.
But what's so interesting about Zelensky and somebody sent me this on Twitter and then I saw it on Gab as well.
Torba shared it. And I've decided not to share it because it's completely disgusting. I did retweet it on Twitter.
No take backsies, you know what I mean? But it's essentially the president of Ukraine dressed in leather, high heels, and gyrating, moving his body in a very suggestive fashion.
Licking, you know, sticking his tongue out in a very suggestive. This is not like the Tom Brady thing, guys.
You remember we got in the whole controversy when I said the Tom Brady commercial was a little gay and everyone disagreed with me?
Well, not everyone. A lot of people agreed with that. The Subway commercial. It's not like that. This is literally him in high heels, dancing like a stripper.
And the person who shared it with me was like, God has a sense of humor. You know what
I mean? This is the man that now all of the evangelical leaders are all almost praising and worshiping the ground this guy walks on as if he is courage and righteousness and holiness personified.
He's the lion. It's almost blasphemous how much they're elevating this man.
This guy, he's healing our broken hearts. You know, when Ray Ortlund says that his heart is so broken, it's like, it reminds me of in Star Wars where, what's her face?
Queen Amidala. She's like, Anakin, you're breaking my heart. It's like, man, grow up, dude.
Your heart is broken because of President Trump? I mean, what's wrong with you?
Look, someone on Twitter is like, I've never even heard any man use that term, even in a situation where his heart could be broken and stuff like that.
Even if your wife leaves you, your girlfriend breaks up with you, somebody dies. Those are situations where a man can grieve and stuff like that.
But even in those situations, it's like, it's weird. It's a weird turn of phrase for a man.
And to think it's about President Donald Trump. Ray Ortlund, President Donald Trump broke
Ray Ortlund's little heart. But now don't worry, he's got his new God. And his new God is, he dresses in drag like a stripper with a few of his stripper male buddies, you know, dancing and gyrating next to each other.
And I don't know, they certainly seem to be touching each other a little bit and licking. And listen,
I'm not recommending you go look for it, but it's real. In any case, I wanted to say this,
I want to take some responsibility because maybe I wasn't being clear. Although I think I kind of was being clear.
But you know, people are getting triggered. And I got this email from someone who likes the channel. This is a good guy.
But clearly something I said triggered him. He says this, AD you may want to rethink your comments on Ukraine.
Their defense against Russia is absolutely a just war. You listen to Putin and use that as an evidence of what he lies to you said it yourself.
If you said what you said in the presence of a Ukrainian with family and cities being shelled, and I was also present,
I would be embarrassed. You do know critical race theory well, but perhaps not the ethics of war and geopolitics.
And when I read that, you know, it broke my heart. Because I'm such an idiot.
Anyway, it when I read that, you know, I my face went downcast for a minute. Because I thought
I was very clear. Like, I don't think Putin's a good guy. He thinks he's got good reasons for invading
Ukraine. In the video, I said, regardless of the reasons he thinks he's going to invade Ukraine, he shouldn't have invaded
Ukraine, regardless, you know, and, and, you know, he's just doing a little peacekeeping, the kind of the same way that Barack Obama did his peacekeeping back a couple decades ago, or a decade ago, whatever.
And, you know, so like, we don't really have the moral high ground to be criticizing him, because we do the same thing.
I'm not saying it's good. I'm just saying we do the same thing. That's what I'm saying. And so my point is that, that it's not and I thought it was clear about this, like,
I'm, I feel very badly for the people of Ukraine. They're in a war zone. And they're a lot of them are fleeing.
We don't really know exactly why they're fleeing. Some of them clearly are scared of the attack. Some of them probably don't want to be conscripted, which by the way, is evil.
It is evil to conscript males against their will. If they're willing to fight, then fine.
That's great. Because the entire time I've said that defending your own country is a noble cause,
I've supported that. I thought I was clear about that. But allegedly, according to this guy, I haven't been clear on that, because he thinks that I'm saying it's not just to defend yourself from an invader.
It definitely is. And, you know, the reality is that, that if you're conscripted into service, and you're willing to fight, you should fight and there's nothing wrong with that.
But conscripting people against their will, that's evil. That's, that's, that's the role of a tyrant. That's the role of an evil leader.
That's not something God blesses, and they shouldn't do it. It's actually evil. And so in any case, and then people are saying, well,
Russia has conscripts too, as if that that as if I'm pro -Russia, and I overlook their their evils.
No, no, it's evil for Russians to conscript males as well, just like it would be for the United States to conscript males as against their will as well.
So people keep trying to trap me like I'm being inconsistent. I'm really not. I'm saying, I don't know if the
Ukrainians, you know, well, I shouldn't say that I do know that the
Ukrainian government is quite corrupt and quite evil in their own right. Right. So just because the
Ukrainian government is evil and corrupt does not mean Russia had the right to invade. But let's stop whitewashing
Ukraine because they're not innocent. That's all I'm saying. But you know, I thought it was pretty clear about that.
But you know, and the thing is, like, I want to make that clear. But I think I was already clear because I actually got a comment from someone.
This is this this guy said that he'd be embarrassed if I said the same things that I said on my last video in front of a
Ukrainian who's got, you know, family and friends being shelled. And here is someone who does have friends and family in Ukraine who are being shelled and are on the front lines and things like that.
And this is a comment on the same video. So I think I was clear, but I just want to take ownership.
Maybe I could have been clearer. But somehow this person got the message and wasn't triggered. This person says this.
We were missionaries in Ukraine and still own a home there that is reportedly overrun by Russians.
Our friends are in basements. Food is getting low. Our church there is hunkered down with 300 or so people, believers and unbelievers.
Our pastor there is dying of cancer, but refused to evacuate and is there caring for people as they are smack dab in between Russia and Russian and Ukrainian forces.
God bless that man. People are coming to Christ in that church because of their service to this community.
There are shootings of civilians, bombs dropping, tanks everywhere. Our city is surrounded in humanitarian crisis looms.
We are devastated and losing sleep because of this, because these are real faces, real names, people we know.
Despite this, the sympathy of the world is somewhat weird to me. The puffing up of Zelensky is odd as well.
He was not loved before. He was elected with great hope, but the people in the following years began to see he didn't keep his election promises, and even though he even thought he might secretly be a puppet of Russia.
Now they are pleasantly surprised, and it's weird to see the adoration of the whole world upon him. He may just be an actor who is playing his part.
The people of Ukraine are amazingly brave, and the church there is shining bright, but something about the president does not sit right with me.
This is not the comment. This is my commentary. I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that he's a comedian dressing in drag and doing all kinds of sexually explicit dancing in his spare time.
I don't know. Back to the comments. Here we go. Um, I want to believe that he is just that heroic, and sometimes he looks so very tired.
Other times he looks oddly carefree. Watch him in the time to come. He is from a family of Holocaust survivors, and I'm guessing that means he's
Jewish. He asked Israel to host peace talks, which I find very interesting. It's mind -blowing to see the world's attention on the country we love.
I have a dear friend and brother fighting on the front lines in Kiev, but again, something about this just doesn't sit well with me.
And that's pretty much exactly what I was saying. It's like, yeah, you know, I'm praying for the
Ukrainians because they have a war being fought on their land, and that is horrible. That's horrible.
And we want to, you know, support them and things like that. And I know that, you know, the CREC church has missionaries in Ukraine, and they've got some good kind of reputable places that if you want to give money, you can give money and be sure it's not going to get into the hands of the
Ukrainian government, because the reality is I want to make sure that if I'm giving money to the saints in Ukraine and the surrounding areas, that not a dime of it goes to the
Ukrainian government because I don't trust the Ukrainian government. Now, and I hope that's clear in any case, but this person doesn't seem to be triggered at all by what he said, what
I said. And so, you know, other commenter, you don't have to be embarrassed for me. You don't have to be embarrassed for yourself.
It certainly seems like Ukrainians get it. And I'm not defending Russia, and I'm definitely not defending the
Ukrainian government. However, they're the ones being invaded, and they have every right to defend themselves.
What they don't have to do, have the right to do, is to break God's law in order to defend themselves.
People seem to be thinking that if you're desperate, then you can break God's law and conscript men against their will, and I shouldn't be criticizing it.
Well, the thing is, I have the same standard no matter what, whether you're Russia or Ukraine, whether you're America or Iran, whether you're poor or rich or strong or weak or, you know, whatever it is, it's the same standard.
You don't get a pass. You can't be like, oh, well, you know, God, you didn't know that, you know, people would be in a desperate situation that they'd have to conscript.
Like, you don't get that excuse and all of that. And so, you know, and then, you know, people will regularly say that I'm just a coward, that, you know,
I'm not brave or I'm not a man and things like that. It's a very weird reaction.
You know, I'm commenting on a world situation. I'm a YouTuber. You don't know me.
Like, why is the—why, if I don't go with the narrative, am I automatically a coward? It makes absolutely no sense.
But, you know, at the end of the day, I don't think my job is—I don't think it's that hard to be me.
It's not—I like being a YouTuber, and I understand that no matter what I say, no matter how nuanced I am, no matter how clear
I think I am being, someone is going to hear what they want to hear. So, even now,
I've said numerous times in this video that I'm against the Russian invasion. I'm sure Putin is a bad guy.
In any case, yeah, so that's just—that's just the bottom line. So, you know, people are going to get triggered, that's it.
And this is what I—this is why I even wanted to comment on this, because there's a lot of talk about World War III and a lot of despair, you know, being, you know, dealt out to Americans and a lot of fear out there.
I think I've got a pretty good, you know, I think my finger on the pulse of, like, what normies are feeling right now.
And so, here's the thing, right? So, we have no control over whether or not this is going to be
World War III. You have none. You can pray about it and pray for peace, and of course, God's will be—will be done, and it will be done, right?
But so, you have no—don't have anxiety about, well, maybe
China's going to invade Taiwan and it's going to create a whole situation. What if Iran jumps in and all of that?
Like, that could happen. That could very well happen. But you don't have any control over that. Those are people that are having their own rich people squabbles amongst themselves and, you know, who knows what they're going to do, right?
What you can do is prepare for it. There's still time. There's still time to prepare for it. Today is a good day to get started.
If there is a large war, the economies of the world will suffer.
There is no way for them not to. Joe Biden got on TV the other day and said that he wouldn't allow it to affect the
American economy. Joe Biden is lying to you. He has no choice. If all of a sudden, you know, there's war and we're going to war against Russia and China and Iran, there's a whole lot of products that the supply chains potentially could be disrupted and we might not be able to have access to and things like that.
And so now is the time to prepare, right? One of the most important things you can do is get out of debt, especially consumer debt.
But I think even these days, as low as the, you know, interest rate of mortgages have been, there is a risk associated with carrying a mortgage.
If you're in a position to get out of a mortgage or to get out of all of your debt, I would suggest doing that. Because here's the thing, debt makes it easier for people to manipulate you, right?
Debt is how the powers that be control people. They put you in a lot of debt starting from school now.
It's so evil. It's so twisted. You start off in, you know, $50 ,000 of debt, $100 ,000 of debt.
They start you off there. And so you can't, you know, pursue the things you want to do. Now you got to pursue the things that will pay the most, even whether you want to do it or not.
And you're just kind of chained to a desk for a bit in order to make ends meet. And it's a very terrible thing.
And then you buy a car, you buy, you know, you can get a credit card, you buy a home and all of these things, like these are not bad things in themselves, but when you're in debt, now all of a sudden you got to have that paycheck to make ends meet.
You know, debt is the reason why a lot of people who did not want to get the vaccine ended up being manipulated into getting the vaccine.
You didn't have to do that, right? There was always a choice, but with no debt, it's a lot harder to dangle that lollipop in front of you and be like,
Hey, take it. It's trust me. It's going to be fine. We'll definitely have a free lunch now. Like without debt, you're a lot more options are open to you.
And you don't have to, you know, sign on the dotted line that, you know, sodomy and pole dancing as a man and dressing up like a woman is now the heroic thing, right?
You're free when you don't have debt, you're free to actually call it what it is and say, Hey, that president of Ukraine certainly seems like what's the deal.
Anyway, so that's the thing. And so then, and then, so that's one thing, stock up on items, you know, you're going to need in the next year or so.
If you're in a position to do so don't go into debt to do it. But if you're in a position to do so stock up on items, because things might be harder to get because the economy of course is going to suffer.
Don't listen to Joe Biden. He is incapable of shielding you from the, the economic turmoil that's associated with war, war destroys resources, war consumes resources, war will definitely change your standard of living.
Don't fear it, prepare for it. And so get yourself ready. Think in your mind, I can't give you financial advice, but think in your mind, what kinds of things potentially could happen if we did enter
World War III in the next year or so? What would change? What would be harder to get? What would be difficult about your life?
And see them coming and make plans now to go ahead and sidestep them.
The Bible says, a prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.
A wise person sees trouble coming and hides himself, prepares, figures it out how to avoid it.
An idiot, a fool, a moron, there's other names I could call you, sees trouble coming and just keeps going and, you know, eventually runs into it and think bad things happen.
There's still time. You're not too late. There's still time to prepare. And even if you don't have any money and you can't like buy things or get out of debt or something like that, what you can do is make connections, make friends with people that, you know, potentially can help you out or at least be some kind of moral support or spiritual.
Spiritual support is another thing. This is not an afterthought. I almost treated it as an afterthought, but you need to prepare spiritually for things being very different than they've been.
And I would suggest finding a good church. Find a church that gets it. That's not, you know, singing the praises of the cross -dressing president as if he's this heroic lion.
God has a sense of humor. That's right. But find yourself a pastor who is not being fooled by the propaganda on a daily basis.
Look, we're all fooled by it at times, but it's a very different kind of person like Ray Ortlund who just goes headlong into it.
There's no humility, and if you don't go in with it with him, he says you're not loving your neighbor as yourself.
Like if you have a pastor like Ray Ortlund, run like the Dickens because that's going to be a spiritually draining place for you to be in the coming years.
Find spiritual support. Find community. Find a group that you can trust and you can rely on if things are tough in the future because they will be.
There's a lot of opportunity ahead of us. There's a lot of places to expand the kingdom of God and all of that, but things are going to change,
I think, very drastically. I mean, people keep saying, I haven't seen anything like it. This Ukraine thing,
I've seen nothing like it. I've seen a lot of things like it just in the past two years, but it's getting worse and worse every time it happens.
The propaganda is so powerful. It's trapping so many people. Find yourself a group that you can trust, that knows how to get things done, that are building families, that are building businesses, that are building homesteads, that are building all these kinds of things.
Do the work now. It'll pay dividends in the future. I hope you found this video helpful, and if you decide to go find the
Zelizensky cross -dressing video that I've mentioned, I've warned you it's completely disgusting.
So, say a little prayer beforehand, take a shower afterwards. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.