Woke Pastor Blames AB0RT!0N On The CHURCH!
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- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
- 00:07
- In today's video, we're going to be talking about a sermon clip from Brandon Cormier. He's the pastor of Zeal Church in Colorado Springs.
- 00:15
- The sentiment he offers in the sermon clip you're about to see is one that is unfortunately shared by many professing
- 00:21
- Christians in the Western world today. Effectively, Brandon believes that if the church had been more progressive, less patriarchal, less oppressive, we wouldn't see the problems we do today in our culture as it bends ever more to the secular worldview, specifically to feminism.
- 00:38
- Unfortunately, Brandon ends up misdiagnosing the problem utterly, and as a result, his solution is, well, completely misguided.
- 00:46
- Watch this clip, and you'll see what I mean. This matters because at Zeal Church, you're going to see women elevated in ministry.
- 00:55
- You're going to see women elevated in whatever their gifts are and whatever their anointings are because for far too long, we've seen women pushed to the side and their callings not affirmed.
- 01:06
- Therefore, there's a lack of development, which is honestly, it's a vicious cycle that happens over and over again.
- 01:12
- So then comes a movement called feminism saying, God hates you. Christianity is not for you.
- 01:18
- Let's make our own thing, my body, my choice, all of these different things, because the church failed to validate and affirm and give women a seat of authority.
- 01:30
- Some of you have been under religious spirits for so long, it's hard for you to even say amen, but we'll say amen for you.
- 01:37
- There are several problems with this view. According to Brandon Cormier, if the church had ordained women to pastoral ministry and leadership in the church sooner, the worldview of feminism would not have taken the culture by storm.
- 01:51
- Feminism claims to empower women, and if the church had empowered women first, you see where the argument's going, then feminism would not be such a pervasive thing.
- 02:01
- In fact, he makes the case that the pro -choice phrase, the movement of, quote, my body, my choice, only arose because of the fact that, quote, the church failed to give women a seat of authority.
- 02:13
- That's what he actually said. This is an utterly false claim, and there are several reasons for it.
- 02:18
- First off, Brandon is suggesting that the secular worldview would have somehow been completely appeased by the ordaining of women pastors.
- 02:26
- Indeed, there would be no desire for killing babies in the womb if there were just more female church elders.
- 02:33
- Really? So women would no longer want to end their pregnancies for the sake of work or school or some other factor?
- 02:39
- That would never be a motivation? You see, I don't think any woman in the history of the world has ever walked into a
- 02:45
- Planned Parenthood and thought, well golly gee, if only there were more female pastors. Then I wouldn't have to end this poor baby's life.
- 02:52
- I wish those darn evangelicals would have been more open -minded, and none of this would have ever happened.
- 02:57
- Obviously, this kind of situation is ridiculous. To draw a line between those two things is simply unwarranted.
- 03:03
- The conclusion should be rejected entirely, because there's no evidence for it. But thankfully, there's a very, very easy way to analyze this, and test objectively, to see if Brandon Cormier's claim is correct.
- 03:16
- You see, if Brandon's claim is indeed right, and ordaining women would have stopped the rise of pro -choice feminism, then we should see a very specific relationship happening in real time.
- 03:26
- The churches and denominations that have ordained the most women should also be the most actively pro -life churches and denominations that we have.
- 03:36
- After all, if ordaining women to the pastorate would have curtailed the rise of My Body, My Choice, then we should see female pastors at the forefront of the battle against modern feminism, and specifically, the pro -choice position.
- 03:49
- To put it simply, more female pastors equals less secular feminism. That would flow both naturally and logically from what
- 03:57
- Brandon is saying. The denominations and churches that have given women the biggest, quote, seat of authority, to use
- 04:03
- Brandon's phrase, should also be the most staunchly anti -feminist churches that we have, because according to Brandon, they are literally the solution to feminism.
- 04:12
- But what do we see in practice? What do we see in reality? Well, unfortunately for Brandon, we see the exact opposite thing happening.
- 04:19
- Unsurprisingly, the denominations that have ordained the most women are usually the most radically feminist and often pro -choice denominations out there.
- 04:27
- And I can give you one great example right now. Perhaps the best example of a large denomination that ordains women is the
- 04:35
- Presbyterian Church USA, or PCUSA. According to their own website, the first female minister ordained by the
- 04:42
- PCUSA was Margaret Towner all the way back in 1956. And it's worth mentioning that this was almost two decades before the pro -choice ruling of Roe v.
- 04:53
- Wade in 1973. But remember what woke pastor Brandon Cormier said. If the church had ordained women sooner, given them a seat of authority, we wouldn't have feminism saying, my body, my choice.
- 05:05
- So by his own prediction, the PCUSA, having offered women this seat of authority in 1956, well, they should be absolutely against the pro -choice movement in 1973.
- 05:17
- But again, that's not what happened, is it? No, the exact opposite thing happened. According to the official statement of the
- 05:24
- PCUSA General Assembly, they believe that, quote, women should have full freedom of personal choice concerning the completion or termination of their pregnancies.
- 05:35
- This statement was given in 1970, three years before Roe v. Wade legalized the killing of babies in the womb nationwide.
- 05:43
- But wait just a second, wasn't it supposed to be that ordaining women was supposed to solve the problem of the pro -choice movement?
- 05:50
- After all, if the church had ordained women sooner, feminism wouldn't have done this in the first place, right?
- 05:55
- But if that is true, then why is it that one of the first big denominations to ordain women was also one of the first big denominations to affirm the pro -choice position?
- 06:05
- It's almost as if these things are related. Brandon Cormier was not only slightly incorrect on this, the exact opposite of what he said proved to be true in reality.
- 06:15
- And the reason for this is because Brandon's woke -leaning worldview simply does not have the biblical foundation upon which one can stand to accurately view the world.
- 06:25
- And that's why his view of the world is so inaccurate on this issue. The fact is, the reason why we don't see female pastors fighting the killing of babies in the womb is because these two things are coming from the same place.
- 06:37
- That's why we see that many denominations with female pastors are also often the most radically pro -choice denominations in our country.
- 06:45
- These things are related. Because female pastors and killing babies in the womb actually both start with the same sinful and unbiblical posture.
- 06:54
- Feminism. Both of these positions effectively say, I don't care what God said, I care about what women want to do.
- 07:01
- Women are so awesome, they have so much agency, that even God Himself can't tell them what to do.
- 07:07
- So don't be a sexist bigot, just let women do whatever they want. This is the heart we're dealing with here.
- 07:14
- They know that Exodus 20 verse 13 says, quote, you shall not murder. They just don't care.
- 07:19
- Because when God and women want different things, God needs to step aside. And His law, well, that can be ignored.
- 07:26
- Many of them know that First Timothy 2 .12 says, quote, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
- 07:34
- And many people also know that Paul roots his argument here in creational order, not the subjective cultural trends or patriarchy of his time.
- 07:43
- Verse 13 says, quote, for Adam was formed first, then Eve. It doesn't get more creational than that.
- 07:49
- Adam and Eve were the first people created. Biblical male headship of the home and the church, these are biblical doctrines given explicitly to Christians to advance, to love, and to believe.
- 08:00
- But you see, modern feminists professing Christians hate that God's Word says these things.
- 08:06
- The feminist worldview simply doesn't allow for these things to be said or believed. So male headship is given to us in Scripture.
- 08:13
- We know that. But it goes directly against the core tenets of the feminist worldview, namely, that women can do whatever they want because they're awesome and brave and beautiful.
- 08:22
- So they simply opt to ignore these things or change them using fallacious and unbiblical arguments. The same heart of rebellion against God's created order is what gave us baby killing, transgenderism, and all the rest of the spirit of the age.
- 08:34
- Yes, including female pastors. The evidence actually bears this out in practice. Look at the ultra -progressive denominations that we have in the
- 08:43
- U .S., and you'll see that immediately. Female pastors, pro -LGBT Christians, drag queen readings to children in churches.
- 08:50
- These things are, by and large, all happening in the same denominations. Why? Well, because once we deny
- 08:56
- God's created order in one place, we feel free to deny it in others. God has said that pastorship is male, that fatherhood is male.
- 09:04
- But we live in a world where there can't be any differences between men and women anymore.
- 09:10
- Remember, as the Catechism says, a woman can do any job a man can do just as well. This includes, of course, being a pastor.
- 09:17
- And when we start with female pastors, it inevitably leads to devaluing fatherhood and masculinity in the name of equality.
- 09:25
- When you take a job in Scripture given explicitly to men, and give it to women instead, you're saying that men and women are effectively interchangeable.
- 09:33
- You've already bought into the central lie of the secular gender worldview. You see, when we have a biblical understanding of the
- 09:41
- Christian worldview, we can view the world accurately, by definition. And by contrast, woke and liberal -leaning
- 09:47
- Christians will continue to misdiagnose the sicknesses of the culture and prescribe medicines that simply will not work.
- 09:54
- The solution? Hold fast to the truth of Scripture and dispense with this woke nonsense.
- 10:00
- I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
- 10:07
- And let's pray for Brandon that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
- 10:13
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- 10:19
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- 10:48
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