WWUTT 973 He Will Guide You Into All Truth?

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Reading John 16:8-15 where Jesus says that He will send the Holy Spirit who will guide you into all truth, and convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


Jesus told his disciples that he would send them the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit would convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.
Every time the Gospel is proclaimed when we understand the text. This is when we understand the text, a daily
Bible commentary that we may be equipped for every good work in Jesus Christ our Lord. Please tell others about our ministry at www .utt
.com. Here once again is Pastor Gabe. Thank you Becky. We continue in our study of the
Gospel of John chapter 16 and I'm picking up in the section that we've been looking at this week starting in verse 5 through verse 15.
Jesus said to his disciples, but now I am going to him who sent me and none of you asks me where are you going but because I have said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart.
Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper will not come to you but if I go
I will send him to you and when he comes he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment concerning sin because they do not believe in me concerning righteousness because I go to the father and you will see me no longer concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is judged
I still have many things to say to you but you cannot hear them now when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come he will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you all that the father has is mine therefore
I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you so picking up where we left off yesterday
Jesus is saying that it is to their advantage that he goes to the father because as he will be lifted up from them bodily the incarnate
Christ who has been with them all this while he will be taken away from them into the clouds they will watch him ascend and as he is seated at the right hand of the father in heaven he will send his
Holy Spirit and the spirit will come upon the apostles with power and having the
Holy Spirit dwelling within them they will not be dependent upon Christ being in a certain location to be able to say that we are with him wherever they go the
Lord is with them because they have the Holy Spirit within them so Jesus in his bodily form he's not omnipresent he can't be everywhere all the time so it is to their advantage that he goes back to the father and sends the
Holy Spirit so then the presence of Christ is with them always lo
I am with you always even to the very end of the age Jesus said at the very conclusion of Matthew so it's to their advantage that Jesus goes away so that the helper will come and wherever they go with the
Holy Spirit with them more truth will be revealed to them from the Holy Spirit of God we'll get to that as we go through this section so Jesus says in verse 8 when he comes he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment now the
Holy Spirit is not convicting the world in the sense that the Holy Spirit dwells within every single person and then convicts a person of sin that's not necessarily the way that this works every person has a conscience and it's the conscience that we have because every single person has been made in the image of God so we all have a sense of right and wrong even if there is not anything directing that right or wrong nevertheless people as as created in the image of God do believe that there are things that are right and things that are wrong even you're a relativist even the person who says there's no such thing as truth they still believe in a right and wrong because they have to believe that that statement is right in order for that worldview to work and for somebody to say that there is such thing as truth well that person would have to be wrong in order for their worldview to work now it is a convoluted worldview it's a paradox you know it collapses in on itself it contradicts itself but nevertheless this is an evidence of a person even a relativist believing that there is such a thing as a right and a wrong but a person in a fallen nature who has not been regenerated by the
Holy Spirit who has not come to believe the gospel and become a follower of Christ that person with their fallen nature has a fallen conscience so though they do have a sense of right and wrong and sometimes they get things right but most of the time they're getting things wrong the conscience is still fallen because of their sin nature so the
Holy Spirit comes into our lives when we hear the gospel the gospel is preached the Holy Spirit regenerates our heart to understand the gospel and believe it receive it follow
Christ because of what has been proclaimed we hear about our sin we're convicted of our sin we turn from our sin and we follow
Jesus Christ and all of this happens by the declaration of the gospel the Holy Spirit is in the gospel for it is the spirit that has revealed the gospel the
Word of God that we have in our Bible this is written by the
Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit who guided men to write down what we have from Genesis to Revelation Peter talks about that in 2nd
Peter chapter 1 no man wrote down any word of prophecy whether Old Testament or New Testament no prophecy was given by the will of man but by the
Holy Spirit who guided the prophets and the to write down what we have in the scriptures so this is why we can say according to 2nd
Timothy 316 that all scripture is God breathed it is because the
Holy Spirit has breathed into the men to give the scriptures as they were written down all of this comes from the
Holy Spirit of God it is not from men it is from God so this is how the
Spirit works works through the Word of God he is not present in every single person he is only present in those who have heard the gospel proclaimed and have turned from their sin and believe it because the
Holy Spirit transformed their hearts to hate their sin and love Christ and therefore desire to follow him now that transition has not been perfect in the sense that a person is not completely sanctified we've been fully justified before God we are innocent before God the moment we came to believe in the gospel and the
Holy Spirit was poured into our hearts but we have not yet been fully sanctified or made holy so we're going through that process of being made more into the image of Christ we've been declared innocent but we're being made more holy and as Paul said to the
Philippians I am confident of this very thing that he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it at the day of Christ it will not come to an end this work that is within you until the day that you die and it really doesn't come to a full completion until every single saint comes to the faith whom
God had elected comes to their sanctification their full sanctification and is united with Christ in glory on that day we finally achieve or finally come to the end of that complete sanctification when everybody is together with Christ for apart from one another we cannot be fully sanctified fully glorified so this is anyway we're coming back to the
Holy Spirit here the Holy Spirit does this work through the preaching of the word every person has a conscience not every person has the spirit and when the word of God is proclaimed he will convict the world that's the moment where the
Holy Spirit is convicting the world because they they hear about their sin when the word of God is proclaimed and they're convicted they realize that they have sinned against God and they need a savior and then the heart is conditioned to hear the message of the gospel the good news that Jesus Christ died for sin that he rose again from the grave that he has promised an eternal kingdom and his kingdom is going to come and with the ushering in of his kingdom all who are evil will be removed from it so you who have sinned you are an enemy of God you have gone against the law of the great king of all of creation and the only way to be saved from his judgment that is coming upon all who have broken his law is to believe in Jesus Christ who fulfilled the law he paid our sin debt with his death on the cross and so by believing in him through faith
God transmits to us all of the blessings of his grace faith is the mechanism that he has chosen to give us his grace so by faith in Jesus Christ we have the grace of God our sins are forgiven and we are in fellowship now with the judge of all of creation and so when judgment comes upon the earth we will not perish under that judgment but we will be delivered from that judgment into everlasting life with God in glory that's the wonderful message of the gospel and a person comes to receive that message when they have heard about their sin against God the first demonstration of this is
Peter's sermon at Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 and after preaching what he did and pulling from the scriptures and pointing out to the people who were there present in Jerusalem at Pentecost that they were guilty of the crucifixion of the son of God it says that they were cut to the heart over this and asked the apostles brothers what shall we do and Peter said repent and be baptized every single one of you for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit and then he preached many other things concerning Christ so the sermon was longer than just what we read about in Acts chapter 2 and he said save yourself from this wicked and depraved generation and 3 ,000 souls were added to the church that very day that day of Pentecost that first declaration of the gospel there in Jerusalem and then it went out from there to all of Judea and to Samaria and to the ends of the earth just as Christ had commissioned it in Acts 1 5 so when the word of God is proclaimed those who are regenerated by the
Holy Spirit are convicted of their sin and there are some that are convicted of their sin even by hearing about the fact that they have sinned against God but it's not a conviction that necessarily leads to repentance the apostle
Paul talks about this with the Corinthians that there is a a worldly grief that leads to death but a godly grief leads to repentance so there are some who are going to hear the word of God proclaimed and they'll be guilty they'll be convicted over the guilt that they feel because they hear in the law that they have transgressed against God and what they are worthy of is judgment but they don't really do anything about that they they don't think that Christ is savior enough for them so they think that by enough good deeds maybe they can kind of cover over all of the sin that they have done they become self -righteous but it doesn't the the conviction that they feel doesn't actually lead to repentance so it's just a worldly kind of a grief they are convicted over what they've heard when the word of God was proclaimed but the
Holy Spirit didn't change their heart to turn from sin and to Christ so it's a worldly conviction when the
Holy Spirit comes he convicts the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment so righteousness making aware to a person that there is a right way to live before God that their way is not the right way as it says in Proverbs there is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death in Proverbs chapter 3 we read lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths so we know according to God's word that there is a right way to live
God has set the standard for morality for right living for holiness for perfection our what facebook page just shared a video from wretched yesterday from Todd Friel who was speaking at one of the universities when he goes out and and talks like that kind of in the square and there was a woman who came up to the microphone and asked
Todd what are the parameters for being able to get into heaven like what do
I have to do in order to get into heaven and Todd said you got to be perfect the woman was kind of taken aback by that response and Todd says
I'm just answering your questions just straightforward I don't know if you want an explanation of that or not but but that's the answer to your question what does it take to get into heaven takes perfection and that's what the
Bible shows to us here's what perfection looks like this is what God says perfection is and every single one of us have a certain awareness of that even though by our sin nature we suppress the truth with our unrighteousness there is an awareness of perfection
I quoted to you yesterday from Romans chapter 1 verse 20 where it says that God's invisible attributes attributes namely his eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen in all that has been made we look around the world around us and we see imperfection how do we know that the world around us is imperfect how do we know that there are men and women and even children who do evil in the world it's because that conscience once again which we've been given since we've been made in the image of God there is a sense or an awareness of right and wrong that there is a right way to do things and there's a wrong way to do things we know the world is imperfect because we do have a sense of perfection that has been planted in our minds as it says in Ecclesiastes that that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men but they cannot fathom what he has done from beginning to end so there are things about God's perfect nature that we are naturally aware of but again suppress that truth with our unrighteousness knowing the specifics the particulars of that perfection well that's what we have in the word of God righteousness is perfection and we cannot get into heaven except but to be perfect nobody is perfect Christ gives us his perfection it is his imputed righteousness that is given to us whenever we believe in him when we put our faith in him when we become followers of Christ we aren't perfect we're being made perfect we've been granted perfection imputed to us the righteousness of Christ which we receive by faith but again we're kind of talking about conviction here where the holy spirit convicts the world concerning sin and righteousness we know what is wrong we know what is right by what we've heard according to the word of God and judgment now judgment works both ways we are able to judge what is wrong and we're able to judge what is right and we're able to discern these things properly by the holy spirit that has been given to us this is simply what
Jesus is talking about here when the spirit comes he convicts the world concerning sin what's wrong converting concerning righteousness what's right and we know the difference between the two and are able to judge between them because we have the holy spirit of God Jesus explains this further verses 9 through 11 concerning sin because they do not believe in me so the world comes to a knowledge of sin realizing everything that I've done apart from Christ is sin
Romans 14 23 whatever is not done in faith is sin it is contrary to what
God expects of us his perfection his righteous righteousness his divine nature concerning sin because they do not believe in me whoever does not believe in Christ is in sin concerning righteousness because I go to the father and you will see me no longer in other words
Jesus is not personally going to be with them in body in that presence that that he has been with them over the last three years he won't be with them anymore to tell them what is right and so the holy spirit is going to be the one who will communicate to them the the righteous word of Christ and then verse 11 concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is judged so the gospel is going to be proclaimed and as the the gospel goes out and people hear the gospel and they turn from sin and they come to Christ the enemies of Christ are being placed under his feet so as the work of the gospel is being accomplished
Satan receives judgment and we get closer and closer to that day when he will be cast into the hell of fire along with his angels that followed him along with all of the people who followed
Satan instead of following Christ back to John 8 again which I mentioned yesterday
Jesus saying to the Jews you are of your father the devil and your will is to do your father's desires who do whoever does not receive the word of Christ is of their father the devil and they will be cast into hell along with him at the final judgment if they do not repent let me do verses 12 through 15 quickly
I still have many things to say to you Jesus says but you cannot bear them now when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come so what we have in acts through revelation is that truth that was revealed by the holy spirit of God all in keeping with what
Jesus said in the gospels and some of the things that Jesus said is repeated in acts through revelation but there is new truth that came to the apostles because of the holy spirit that had been given to them and it's this was the word of Christ now canon is closed
God is not revealing any new truth anymore outside of his apostles who were appointed by Christ we have the word of God or the prophetic word more fully confirmed as Peter says in 2nd
Peter chapter 1 this is not being added to it should not be taken away the 66 books that we have in the
Bible is the confirmed prophetic word of God nothing more beyond this and again quoting from 2nd
Timothy 3 16 but including verse 17 all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work this is what
Jesus was referring to the holy spirit would reveal we have it here in the Bible and we don't need anything else beyond this he's not revealing any more new truth it is signed sealed and delivered right to us here in the pages of scripture and what a time in which we live what a blessing it is to live in this era that we have the
Bible so readily available to us and technology to be able to spread the message of the kingdom just like this just like we're doing here as we study the scriptures together so there at the end of verse 13 whatever he hears whatever the holy spirit hears from the father to the son to the holy spirit he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come that's not just the rest of canon which is finished for us it is completed but it's also concerning the end that is to come there were things that Jesus had not yet shared with his disciples about the end that we don't have in Matthew Mark Luke and John but we have in places like first and second
Thessalonians and especially the book of Revelation you know in Matthew when
Jesus said Matthew 16 28 truly I say to you there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the son of man coming in his kingdom some have taken that passage to mean that the apostles thought
Jesus was going to come back in their lifetime others have taken that passage to mean that Jesus did come back in their lifetime here's what it really means that Jesus was going to reveal the end to some of them and one of those we know of for sure was the apostle
John because he wrote it down to the book of Revelation doesn't mean that Jesus came back but he certainly did see the son of man coming in his kingdom it was revealed to him prophetically and we have that as the very last book of canon the end of the story having been written for us and we see this prophecy as delivered by the holy spirit is as John says at the start of that book at the beginning of revelation
I was in the spirit on the Lord's day and it is through the Holy Spirit of God that these prophecies were revealed to Jesus apostles verse 14 the
Holy Spirit will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you all that the father has is mine therefore
I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you triune unity right there father son and holy spirit working together for the salvation of the saints let us pray our heavenly father we thank you for this salvation that you had decreed for us before the foundation of the world effected in your son and made it a reality to us through your holy spirit
I pray that as we have read what we have read today that our hearts are convicted to obey it it's not just a a word that we have heard and we've filled up knowledge in our brain but it is even changing our hearts to become more like Christ that we would pursue righteousness today what is the right thing to do what are the words that I say that are pleasing to Christ what are the actions that I can do that give glory to his name and all that I say and do may it be as a living sacrifice unto my lord
Christ who died for me and purchased my salvation by his blood keep us in the faith solid and steadfast until the coming of Christ and may we be looking toward that day looking forward to that day every day that we are still here alive on this earth it is in Jesus name we pray amen for more about our ministry visit us online at www .tt