Stop the Steal Rally and Trevor Loudon on Chinese Election Interference


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Welcome to the Conversations That Matter podcast. My name is John Harris. If you are listening to me right now, you hear my voice.
You are on a platform that I have not been canceled from. So congratulations. I need to say this up front.
There may come a time you log into YouTube or iTunes or wherever you listen to Conversations That Matter and it's not there. And if that happens, go to Rumble.
Go to rumble .com. I have an account there. I already have subscribers. That is the alternative social media account I'm using.
So far, it seems like it's good as far as letting conservative, political conservative content stay up there.
But the big tech companies do not like religious conservatives. They do not like political conservatives. They seem to be in league with those pushing the
Great Reset. They're globalists. They are Marxists in a certain sense. And they do not like you.
And so you may want to consider, maybe not right now, when we're trying to signal boost the truth as much as possible in this crazy environment where the truth is getting cracked down on.
But at some point, you may want to consider getting an alternative social media account or a few.
I have Gab. I have Minds. I have Parler. I have
Miwi. Someone was warning me about Miwi, by the way. And I don't know about all these alternatives.
I'm testing them out. But someone was saying, especially if you have younger children, you may want to be careful on Miwi.
They don't have the same kinds of policies on keeping predators away and that kind of thing.
I haven't had a problem. I have private, I just deal with my friends.
I don't accept people, really, that are strange. And I post to my friends.
So I'm not getting outside into the greater Miwi world. But just be aware of those things as you're considering social media alternatives.
We do need them. Big tech is, I'll give you an example here. Google, Gmail, is cracking down on someone who was sending the link to my last podcast, which was about the doctrine of the lesser magistrate with Matt Truello.
I did an interview with him. Great podcast, I thought. Matt Truello's a great patriot, great Christian leader.
And Gmail decided to flag it as dangerous. And anyone you send it to, it will be flagged as dangerous.
At least that's what the screenshot that I was sent this morning seems to suggest. So this is the world we're living in.
It feels like you're at war when no shots are being fired. Well, I'll talk about some of the violence that happened on Saturday.
But we're not in, there's no two sides having armies that are going at each other in the field.
But the digital warfare, the level of discourse, it is, let's just say it's ramping up quite a bit.
And we're gonna talk a little bit about that. So I'm gonna give you first a report about what happened Saturday. And then we got
Trevor Loudon on today. Trevor Loudon is just, he is the expert on communism. And he's gonna tell us a little bit about how
China has been involved, or at least pro -Chinese communist organizations have been involved in trying to influence this election.
And so that, I think it's something you need to know about. And then at the end, I'm gonna play a little video. I posted it on Twitter, but it's not going as far as I thought it would, interestingly.
I don't know if I'm being shadow banned on Facebook and Twitter or what, but I'm gonna play for you. I'm actually played this clip twice for you, but I have a little video at the end where I kind of put some music behind it and I spiced it up.
And it's gonna be kind of a call to action. And that call to action is you need to call your local and state legislators and tell them, don't certify this election until there is an audit.
We don't want this election certified because there are so many questions that are open right now.
And so I'm gonna explain a little more of that as we go along here. Real quick, first though, in social justice news, now in evangelicalism, that is,
I'm not spending time, a lot of time. There's a lot of things I could be responding to. People have been sending me links.
Hey, did you see what this person said? Tim Keller said something goofy again. Yeah, that's Tim Keller. I've kind of said my piece about Tim Keller.
Hey, this person said this, this person said this. Look, I understand. And some of these things are, if you feel like you wanna engage it, that's fine.
We gotta keep our eye though, I think, on a bigger issue right now. The election, if it goes the other direction, if it goes to Biden and Harris, a lot of the things that we've been talking about, our platforms that we used to talk about them on, those may be gone.
It may be a moot point. It may just be, we gotta get this right first.
And this isn't about Trump. This is about election integrity. It's not about Trump's personal character. This is about whether or not this country goes into the
Great Reset or not. And I've explained this before on the program. But a few things
I just wanna highlight real quick. So Thabiti Anabwile, someone sent me this, and I was like,
I gotta mention this. So apparently now, all the crazy radical ideas, Thabiti ends up wanting to advocate them, it seems like.
But now he wants to abolish the Electoral College. So there's that. There's your formerly nine marks guy, a
Southern Baptist, I still believe, I think he's a Southern Baptist pastor, wants to abolish the
Electoral College. And I was thinking about Thabiti. I was thinking about, no, I don't think about him much, but when
I went to this thing on Saturday, I thought, well, Thabiti, he had David Platt, he had Jonathan Lehman, even
Ed Stetzer. These guys were going on these pseudo -Christianized Black Lives Matter marches.
And their complaint was there's a systemic injustice in this country, and you know the rest of the narrative.
Well, I was thinking, all these marches on Saturday, why wasn't there a
Christianized alternative? Because there's systemic injustice. I mean, and this one we actually have proof for.
Like, actually, it's not just a bunch of, it's just some camera footage, some half -camera footage, really, of a few handful of cases that we can then extrapolate and apply it to a whole police department.
No, we actually have statistical anomalies in many states, examples,
I've even shown you on this program, of dead people voting, thousands of ballots like this, thousands of ballots in places like Georgia and Pennsylvania, where, especially,
I think Georgia was the big one, where they were showing, why did all these thousands of people only vote for Biden? No other candidate, just Biden, and it was like over 38 ,000 or something, and then there's only like 300 that did that with Trump.
Crazy stuff going on, crazy insane stuff. So you have, what, systemic injustice, right?
In a system, in an election system, right? Where's the outcry about systemic abuse, systemic injustice, systemic sin, systemic evil?
Sometimes they won't say systemic, they'll say institutional evil, that kind of thing.
Where's all the outcry? Where's the Christianized marches against this stuff? Well, of course, they're nowhere to be found. Of course, this isn't something that these people care about.
These people are leftists. You need to get used to it, guys. These people are leftists. It's one of the reasons I wrote
Social Justice Goes to Church. I want to show you guys how the leftists, or the radical leftists of the late 1960s, early 1970s, impacted evangelicals, who then impacted our current generation.
And Tim Keller's on the front of that. They're leftists. They're not in the same, they don't think the same way that you do.
Their religion has been compromised. Social justice is a religion. It's syncretistic Christianity that these individuals have adopted.
And so it doesn't surprise me that Thabiti would want to get rid of the electoral college.
He doesn't seem to have an understanding of why we have an electoral college. It seems like everyone on the evangelical left, and I'm gonna call them that, is congratulating
Joe Biden as the president. If you're an evangelical leader, if a pastor's congratulating
Joe Biden, saying Joe Biden's the winner, you need to start asking questions about that. Why are you doing that?
Do you realize that there's been a voter fraud issue, that this election is not certified yet?
There is another side contesting this. There are court cases that are going on.
You got an interesting article. I'm gonna link it in the info section from Enemies Within the
Church came out. It went through Capstone Report. Enemies Within the Church, though, is the one that provided the information for this.
And it's an exposé on Russell Moore. The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is what Russell Moore heads up for the
Southern Baptist Convention. And he's been taking Soros money. And this has been a controversy. People have said it, they've claimed it, and then it's been denied by websites that I frankly don't even wanna mention the names of.
And they've lied. Let's just say those circling the wagon saying, oh no, Russell Moore, the ERLC, they're not taking any money from Soros, they're liars.
That's all there is to it. They have taken money from George Soros' front groups.
And the proof is there. And I've held these documents. I was wondering when they were gonna be released. Finally, they have been released.
And you can go check out that link if you wanna know more about that. Now, the reasons.
I wanna remind everyone of the reasons that we're gonna be talking about, the issues we're talking about today are we're
Christians. We care about equal weights and measures like Proverbs 20, 10 says, "'The Lord hates unequal weights and measures.'"
We care about basic things in the Ten Commandments like lying and stealing. Also, someone had posted this on Twitter and I thought it was a good, just a good observation.
And it's a question that I wanna pose to you. So we're gonna go there. This is Judges chapter eight.
This is the story of Gideon, right? And Gideon has this battle. He returns from battle.
And this is what the men of Israel said. Verse 22, chapter eight. "'Rule over us, both you and your son, your sons as well.
"'For you have saved us from the hand of Midian.'" And he says, "'But I will not rule over you.'"
That's what Gideon says to them. "'I'm not gonna do it. "'Nor shall my son rule over you. "'The Lord shall rule over you.'"
So this is what Gideon said. I'm not gonna rule over you. My son's not gonna rule over you either.
That's just how it is. Now, what happens in the very next chapter?
We're gonna go to Judges chapter nine. And let's check this out.
Even the heading in the NASB is Abimelech's Conspiracy. Now, Abimelech, let's see,
I'm gonna start here in verse. Yeah, we'll actually start in verse one.
Now, Abimelech, the son of Jerobel, who is, that is Gideon they're referring to there.
Jerobel, the one who, the John Harris translation, the one who opposed
Baal, right? The son of Gideon, he went to Shechem, to his mother's relatives, and spoke to them, to the entire family of the household of his mother's father, saying, "'Speak now in the hearing of all the leaders of Shechem.
"'Which is better for you? "'For 70 men, all the sons of Jerobel, "'to rule over you, or for one man to rule over you?
"'Also remember that I am your bone and your flesh.' So his mother's relatives spoke all these words on his behalf in the hearing of all the leaders of Shechem, and they were inclined to follow
Abimelech, for they said, "'He is our relative.' And they gave him 70 pieces of silver from the house of Baal -Bareth, with which
Abimelech hired worthless and reckless men, and they followed him. Then he went to his father's house in Ophrah, and killed his brothers, the sons of Jerobel, 70 men on one stone.
But Jotham, the youngest son of Jerobel, was left, because he hid himself.
All the leaders of Shechem, and all Beth Milo, assembled together, and they went and made
Abimelech king by the oak of the memorial stone which was in Shechem." Now, John, why did you read that to us?
What's the point of that? I wanna ask you a question. If you were living in those times, would you have followed
Abimelech? And if not, why? Now, obviously, not completely analogous, and the point isn't to bring something that is completely analogous.
No two situations actually are ever completely analogous. The point is, to raise this question, is it possible that evil people can rise to power in illegitimate ways, and then, once they have done so, compel you to submit to them?
Or, is their authority avoided by the fact that they are not legitimate leaders?
It's a question that Christians need to think through. If someone were to run for president, lose the election, but win, because worthless men were involved in influencing the outcome, or the perceived outcome of that election, and then getting the media, getting the crowds in the elite circles to circle the wagons around them, does that mean that they have gone through the legitimate process and are, in fact, the president?
And does that mean we owe them our allegiance? I'm not answering it, I'm asking it.
So that's something that I wanted to bring to your attention, just as an example. Now, we're gonna talk, right now, about what happened on Saturday.
I wanna play for you a little clip here. And this is, this just gives you the general flavor.
I didn't take a lot of photos or videos, but here's what I did take that you can check out.
Back off! Back off!
Back off! Back off! Back off!
It's not stolen. Their headquarters was in Barcelona, Spain, moved to Frankfurt, and we hear this week that, and frankly,
I'll just tell you, I told the president exactly what he needed to get from the
CIDIL information on Sunday night. He said, can you send me an email with the specifics,
IP addresses, all of that. Well, our conversation was not on a secured line, and my email was not on a secured line, and the next day, before the president had a chance to review it and order anything, we find out, we hear from Germany, that there were army personnel that went in and seized the
CIDIL server. You're probably never gonna hear from that server again.
People within this government covering their rear ends is what intelligence people are telling me.
Folks, this was a cheated election, and we can't let it stand.
I'm gonna give you the path to victory. The election has not been certified.
The electors have not voted. We don't have democracy, we have a republic. We have to put the pressure on.
I don't care where you're from. God bless all of you here today, but God bless all of you who are watching and listening.
Wherever you live, you get on the streets, you get your MAGA hat on, and you send a message to the state senates, to the chief clerks, to the secretaries of state.
If you certify a fraudulent election, you will never, ever get reelected.
We want them to understand the fury of American patriots.
Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom. There were a lot of people there, guys.
I've never seen so many people in one place for a common cause. Here's my assessment. Those who were marching were, in general, very religious.
There were exceptions, but in general, I think there were five prayers given that I heard from the main stage.
Doesn't mean they were all the best prayers in the world, but I'd say maybe two of them, I thought, were pretty decent.
They were respectful. For the most part, you didn't see trash lying around.
I mean, I did the march, I came back the same way. I didn't see the streets were not dirty as a result.
People were waiting in line when they needed to go to the restroom. There wasn't any pushing or shoving.
People were, in general, friendly, smiling, but angry, you could tell.
I've never seen a conservative group, and I remember the Tea Party stuff. I was at some of those rallies, at least one of them, that I can remember, and I don't remember people being this outraged, but very much having self -control in the midst of that.
I watched people have a lot of self -control when they had to walk in, because I had to walk past it, too.
I got a little bit of it in the beginning of the video I played, but not a lot. My camera kind of had it in my pocket, and it kind of slipped, so I didn't get all of it, but they were trying to intimidate
Trump supporters. And then, on the way out, I could tell it was getting worse, and I got out of there before night fell.
But even as I got out, and I want to tell you this, because the media has said a few things that are just inaccurate.
One is, oh, there were only 10 to 20 ,000 people. No, there weren't. There was, I would say, at least 100 ,000 people.
The other thing, though, is, and that's my assessment, all right, that's just my estimate, but I've been to churches with 10 ,000 people.
This is not 10 ,000 people. The other thing, though, and this is more important, perhaps, is that they're not reporting what happened afterward.
The Antifa, BLM guys waiting there, playing rap music that just said
F Trump over and over. Trash all over the place.
The way they're dressed, they're slobs. I mean, the contrast could not be more different.
The sides had never been more clear to me. You had, they were purposely trying to instigate attacks.
Getting in, one guy, I'm gonna tell you this. I was walking out, and I saw an Antifa guy start to go down a street where the police weren't watching, because the police were just standing there, and they weren't watching, and we're going down the street, and there's a small, in stature,
Trump supporter. He had the hat, he had the shirt, and this Antifa guy goes up to him, and he's got a stick, one of those sticks you would use for picking up trash, and he starts acting like he's picking up, he's gonna put this
Trump supporter in his trash bag. He gets in his face, he starts hurling insults.
You're a loser, all that kind of thing. He starts saying, where's your mask? Where's your COVID mask? You want people to die?
That kind of thing. Meanwhile, he's doing that in the guy's face. So obviously, this Antifa thug is not interested in protecting himself from COVID.
He doesn't care about that. He's using it as a virtue signal. He's using it to disparage this Trump supporter, and it was getting to the point,
I thought, there's gonna be a fist fight here, and I started shadowing, because the police weren't around, I started shadowing this guy, because I'm like,
I'm gonna have to protect this guy if this Antifa guy really pushes it. Fortunately, this guy got away.
The Antifa guy kind of eventually left him alone, but boy, not only was it annoying, it was just plain harassment, and this is what they were doing to a lot of Trump supporters.
Now, I wasn't there for the violence that happened later. What I think happened was, as the
Trump supporters were leaving, they went to restaurants in the area, and when they got out of the restaurant, it was dark, and they were alone, and 99 % of people, people like me, were already gone, and that's when
Antifa started cornering elderly people and people who were alone and beating them, essentially, beating them, pushing them, shoving them, harassing them, and this is not being covered by the media, and when the media, leftists have tried to make this out like this is
Trump people instigating things. I was there, guys. Trump people, I didn't see one instance.
I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I didn't see anything suggesting Trump people instigating it. I mean, the closest
I saw maybe was a street preacher who was out there basically saying, you guys are gonna go to hell if you don't repent.
I mean, that kind of thing, but not anything close to what Antifa guys were doing, so that's my assessment, and in fact,
I wanna illustrate this real quick for you. These are some photos I took, so this is during the
Trump march. Here are the police. Now, I want you to see this. If you zoomed in, you'd see that there are actually police on their cell phones.
They are aboard. They are just, one of them's just sitting down. They're hanging out. Two of them are hanging out.
They had nothing to do because the Trump people, this is as hundreds of Trump people are walking past them.
They're sitting there aboard, okay? This is when I was walking out of the rally, and this is probably when you only had maybe 30
Antifa people gathered. The police were forming a line, and they were getting ready.
You can tell they're alert. They're ready. Of course, they're standing down, and that was part of the problem later in the evening is they weren't going down the streets patrolling them.
They were just standing there guarding and not getting as involved as they probably should have been, but that's the difference between the two groups, guys.
That's the difference between the two groups right there, this photo and this photo, so I got to see that stuff firsthand, and I appreciate all of you patrons out there who support me and help finance me to go to these things.
I was basically there as an observer, as an extra body to inflate the numbers,
I guess, but I was there for election integrity. I wanted to see what was happening if we were gonna get information there that we didn't get other places, and in fact, we did get some interesting information.
Louie Gohmert, you heard it in the clip, talked about this Seidel server and how military personnel stole it in Germany, and Frankfurt, Germany, I mean, that's an international incident.
That's nothing to dismiss, and Sebastian Gorka gave us kind of the marching orders.
If you want, if you care about your country, if you want to steward it well, it's time to get on the phone with your local, your state legislatures and tell them you don't want this election certified.
That's the way forward, and that's something that you can actually tangibly do, and I've already done it. It's not hard.
In fact, if you go online, go to any search engine. I'm using DuckDuckGo more than I've ever used
DuckDuckGo. That's an alternative search engine which guards your privacy, apparently. Just type in who are my state representatives, right, and I'm typing it in now, and you'll come up with, find your representatives at, well, that's actually federal.
House .gov is federal. Let's see here. There's actually a number of websites that are coming up that claim to help you find your representatives.
You could just Google or go to DuckDuckGo and put what state you're in.
I'm in Virginia, so find my Virginia representatives, and if you don't know who they are, it'll come right up.
And OpenState .org, OpenStates .org, looks like find your legislatures. You can put in your location.
So anyway, there's multiple ways you can do this, and it's very easy. Go ahead and do that. That's important.
I thought about doing some interviews there. All I had was my phone, though, and it was so noisy. I just,
I was like, there's no point. And most of the things that people are gonna say, you're probably gonna hear from me anyway.
Not much in the way of new information. But that's my assessment. I don't know if these events are still going on.
In fact, I'll check now as I'm recording this. You can go to StopTheSteal .us
to find out if there's more. And I'm not seeing, I don't know if they've scheduled any more of these rallies.
It looks like they were mainly on the 14th. I don't know that there's any more scheduled. But anyway, we'll stay tuned with that.
And if something happens, I'll announce it on my social media that you can follow. But that's what happened.
And the left is getting more and more pagan as well. Not just disrespectful, not just violent, but I saw there was a bunch of folks with this
Pagans for Biden sign. And I couldn't quite get to them.
I wanted to go over to them just to kind of see what it was about. And if maybe if I could, we'd probably be shouting because it was so loud, but maybe
I could have somewhat of a conversation. But I'm sure it was probably witches, those kinds of folks with advertising,
I'm a pagan, I'm for Biden. They had occultic imagery, that kind of thing. I mean, this is the kind of thing that's happening in our country now.
I'm seeing more of it. The sides, like I said, could not be more clear. So all that to say, if you care about election integrity, you're gonna wanna keep listening.
Trevor Loudon is a friend, because I've met him now so many times in different situations.
We've talked to one another many times and he's become a friend of mine. And I respect his opinion when it comes to Marxism.
He's very well read, more than anyone else I've ever met. He's like a dictionary, a walking dictionary on Marxism.
And he's gonna explain to us how the Chinese, the Communist Party in China has been attempting to and has influenced our culture and our election.
And then we're gonna end all of this with a reminder from Sebastian Gorka on what we need to do if we wanna fight this.
So without further ado, here is Trevor Loudon. We are pleased today to have with us
Trevor Loudon. He is behind the website, keywiki .org. You can also go to trevorloudon .com
to find out more about him. He is, he knows more, I should say, about Communism than anyone
I've ever met. And we've had the privilege of meeting a few times. Welcome, Trevor Loudon. Thank you so much for being here.
Hi, it's great to be on, John. Thanks for giving me the opportunity. Well, Trevor, the elephant in the room, the thing that everyone's talking about right now, and when you're in polite company, no one wants to quite bring it up, but they're all thinking about it.
What happened with this election? Do you think that this election was stolen? Absolutely, yeah.
No question. All right, so what makes you say that? I'm curious. Well, look,
I'm involved in several groups, you know, Zoom groups and conference calls and that, and the evidence coming out of massive computer fraud is one thing, with the old -fashioned nuts and bolts, dead people voting, absentee votes, fraudulent, straight -out fraudulent votes.
There's ample evidence of that. I'm hearing evidence of that from every state, that they're uncovering that.
And then the statistical anomalies, you know, that the fact that Biden, the
Democrats did badly all over the country, but there was four cities where Biden outperformed
Obama in 2016. You know, four cities, 2012, four cities, and they were obviously
Pennsylvania, Detroit, et cetera, the key Milwaukee, these key cities that basically the election hangs on.
And they're all cities that have a tradition of vote fraud, Pennsylvania, especially. So I think the, you know, the statistical look of the thing and the anecdotal evidence we're getting and the stories
I'm getting from people working on the ground, and also some of the players
I know that were involved in this, yes, I think it's definitely stolen. Now, I know the
Democrats tend to, this is not just Democrats, the left in general tends to engage in projection quite a bit.
And I've sort of figured this out this year. You know, whenever they call you racist, it's because they're the actual racist.
Whenever they say that you're being mean or bullying, they're the ones that are bullying you, you know, et cetera.
Just about every accusation they make is something that they're guilty of. Or, you know, when you hear dog whistle, for instance.
You know, I remember the first time I heard that, I'm like, I don't, what are you talking about? I just say what I mean, mean what I say.
But they are the ones who exercise, who gauging dog whistles all the time. Well, in this case, we've heard for three years,
Russia, Russia, Russia, collusion, foreign interference in our election. I thought when
I started hearing this, probably about a year ago, I started thinking, I wonder if they were involved in foreign interference in our elections.
I wonder if they're accusing Donald Trump of something that this is a thought that they have, something that they want to do. And that's why
I wanted to have you on. Is there any foreign interference in our elections, Trevor Loudon? Absolutely, it's been going on since the 60s, if not earlier.
But this was the best example yet. Now, you know, on the macro level, you've had
Russian bots going crazy, trying to stir up trouble, Chinese doing stuff on the macro level.
But one thing that's been completely overlooked in all of this is the massive networks of voter registration organizations working on the ground in this country under the influence of the communist
Chinese. So I'm talking about in Virginia, I'm talking about in Michigan, I'm talking about in Arizona, I'm talking about in North Carolina, Texas, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, all of these critical states were deliberately targeted this election cycle by voter registration organizations at the direction of communist
China, influenced by communist China. Okay, where's the proof for this?
Someone wanted to try to trace this down and figure out what you're talking about. Because they say, I didn't see any
Chinese motor vehicles or people coming to my door from communist
China. What would you point them to? Well, I'll give a couple of examples. The first one is very well documented.
It's a small one, but it gives you the flavor of what I'm talking about. Virginia was once a very reliably
Republican state, very deeply red. It first flipped for Barack Obama in 2008.
He won that state in 2008. Now, in that state in 2007, they set up a group called
New Virginia Majority. It's like an acorn group. They wear orange
T -shirts, they go around hundreds of volunteers signing up hundreds of thousands of minority voters, and they claim credit.
In an op -ed in the New York Times, they claim credit in 2018 for fully flipping
Virginia. So Virginia is now completely a blue state. And New Virginia Majority is headed by a man called
John Liss. John Liss is a member of Liberation Road, this country's leading pro -Chinese communist party.
Now, he takes credit for flipping that state for Obama in 2008.
They have worked closely with the governor, Terry McAuliffe, who was the governor at the time, to give 200 ,000
Virginia felons the right to vote, many of which they then signed up to vote for the Democratic Party.
They are responsible for electing the current governor, the current attorney general, the current lieutenant governor, and most of the flipping of the state legislature and state house that they have done.
Well, New Virginia Majority is very sophisticated, and they use GIS mapping.
These are very sophisticated maps that they use to micro -target minority voters to get them signed up for the
Democratic Party roles. And they claim to have signed up about 300 ,000 people.
They have flipped Virginia. So these maps are generated on contract by a man called
Steve McClure, a Liberation Road comrade, a graduate of George Washington University Geography Department, who for the last 10 years has been generating these maps out of the
Geography Department of Wuhan University, China. So he is using
Chinese computers and materiel to generate maps used by his comrades in Virginia to flip districts in Virginia.
They have similar networks in North Carolina, which is why the Durham City Council is almost all communist -controlled now, and why
North Carolina has a Democrat governor. Similar networks in Kentucky, and they claim credit for electing the
Democrat governor in Kentucky. But better than that, out of the
Bay Area, there's a group called Seed the Vote. It's a voter registration coordination group.
It works with people in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Florida, the critical states, now they're working in Georgia for the
Senate elections that are coming up in Georgia. Seed the Vote is led by members of Liberation Road and the
Chinese Progressive Association. The Chinese Progressive Association's based in San Francisco, and is a pro -communist
Chinese organization. They've been working for communist China since 1972.
This is also the group, by the way, that is behind Black Lives Matter, the same group,
Chinese Progressive Association. I've got Alex Tom on tape.
Alex Tom is one of the leaders of Seed the Vote, leaders of Chinese Progressive Association, and one of the big enablers of Black Lives Matter.
I've got him talking about defending China. Our number one priority is to get rid of Trump.
I have a good relationship with the Chinese embassy. Well, it's actually the consulate, but he calls it embassy.
The Chinese embassy, I run my messaging past them. This is a communist
Chinese organization that is running Seed the Vote, which has a network of seven organizations,
New Florida Majority in Florida, New Georgia Project in Georgia, Lucha in Arizona, Detroit Action in Detroit, Pennsylvania Stands Up in Pennsylvania, and Block in Wisconsin.
They claim credit for winning the election for Biden. Block in Wisconsin talks about how they flipped 20 ,000 votes amongst the black communities there to allow
Biden to win. These networks are totally claiming the victory, and these networks are run by pro -Chinese communists, one of the groups at least, and I'm sure many more, are using
Chinese materiel, donations and kind, and a large part of the anchor for this group,
Seed the Vote, is made up of leaders of the Chinese Progressive Association, which is completely upfront for the
Communist Party of China. So they are taking credit for this.
They're taking credit for Biden's so -called victory. I wanna ask you about funding real quick.
So that's interesting. Alex, and what was his last name, this gentleman? Tom, T -O -M,
Alex Tom. Alex Tom, who said he ran his messaging past the
Chinese embassy. That is frightening, and he's, of course, you said, involved with the Chinese Progressive Association, which is now,
I guess - He was the CEO of the Chinese Progressive Association, and now he's a leading member of Seed the
Vote. The current leader of the Chinese Progressive Association is also a leader of Seed the
Vote. The former chief financial officer of the Chinese Progressive Association, Michelle Foy, is a
Liberation Road comrade, and another leading member of Seed the Vote. This is a Communist Chinese operation.
My goodness. Now, for those who are curious, I know you had mentioned about Black Lives Matter also having ties to Communist China.
I know you put out a little video that kept getting banned from YouTube. That, I think you had it uploaded to another sharing website.
Yes, on Rumble now. It got taken down off Vimeo, too. Yeah, I can't believe the censorship. I've been, you know, the last interview
I did with someone has been, Gmail has been censoring it. You send the link to people, and Gmail now is saying this is a dangerous link.
It's amazing. But I want to put the Rumble link for that video that you did on Black Lives Matter, we're gonna have that in the info section for this interview.
If you're curious, go to the info section, click on that link. You can, it was very well done. You had someone,
I guess, really spice it up and make it aesthetically pleasing. But it shows how the
Communist Party of China has links to Black Lives Matter. I want to ask you about the money trail here.
If there, I mean, I'm sure there is one, but do we know for a fact that the
Chinese Communist Party is funding the Chinese Progressive Association, Cede the
Vote, and these state efforts? No, we don't. The Chinese Progressive Association does, the
Chinese Progressive Association does fund aspects of Black Lives Matter, we know that.
But there is ample funding already in the United States. You know, there is the
Soros groups, there is the, you know, organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation, the
Ford Foundation, the Levi Strauss Foundation, all of these groups are funding the far left, particularly the
Liberation Road, pro -Chinese, far left. So they get lots of money. There is,
I am working with people now looking at funding that's coming in through property transactions in Vancouver coming down into the
Bay Area to fund radical causes. But I'm not alleging that the Chinese are funding this, they don't need to.
There's ample American money here, but what I am alleging is the Chinese are directing this, and they're giving, at least in the case of New Virginia Majority, they are flipping districts in Virginia using
Chinese -generated maps made with Chinese computers. That's a donation in kind.
That's illegal. Let me ask you this. The Constitution, Article 3, Section 3 says, treason against the
United States shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
Let me ask you, by that definition that we just heard, are you concerned at all that there is treasonous activity going on currently in efforts to subvert the election?
Yes, yeah. Look, Chinese Progressive Association is completely an agency for communist
China. I don't think anybody would have any difficulty saying communist China is an enemy.
When their agents, Black Lives Matter, has been burning American cities, I think you can call communist
China an enemy. And the Chinese Progressive Association and Liberation Road, which runs
Seed the Vote, is definitely an agency of communist China, of the
Chinese Communist Party. So yeah, I don't think treason is a long shot here. Now, subverting an election, influencing an election in whatever way that may be, from one foreign country to another, attempting to do that, to me, that would seem like we, that is something that you would do in warfare.
And of course, we have cyber warfare going on. Are we at war with China right now without knowing it, essentially?
Yes, we are. Look, in April 2019, Donald Trump put tariffs on Chinese goods.
And the response through Xinhua News Agency, which is communist China's official news agency, said that China's response would be people's war against the
United States. And I thought, oh, what does that mean? Does that mean they can put tariffs on American goods?
Now, people's war is a Maoist term. It means every form of warfare designed to weaken your enemy short of direct military confrontation.
It means selling fentanyl to your kids. It means buying your professors.
It means influencing your kids with their hotly controlled Hollywood. It means their Confucius Institute.
It means buying politicians, stealing technology. It means biological warfare.
And we absolutely know that COVID, if it wasn't deliberately released, it was certainly deliberately spread by the
Communist Party of China. And I can go into why I think they did that. It means burning your cities.
All of this is being done by China right now. They are absolutely at war with this country.
One of the main pro -Chinese communist groups here, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, another one, these are the people who started the rioting in Minneapolis.
These are the people at Bird Kenosha, Washington, Wisconsin. They declared on the day that President Trump got inaugurated,
January in 2017, January the 20th, they publicly declared that their job was to be in the streets for four years to make this country ungovernable to bring down President Trump.
And they are the people who started the Minneapolis riots, Kenosha, Dallas, Houston, Tampa, Tallahassee, Miami, Salt Lake City, East Los Angeles, and the
Bay Area. They were behind the riots in all of those places. Black Lives Matter and Liberation Road basically did the rest.
Now, what's interesting to me is how this filters down into culture, into different organizations that you wouldn't think would have an association.
For instance, you mentioned Liberation Road, and I saw, it was earlier this year, just sparked in my mind that crew, they have this thing called the
Lenses Institute where you basically go to get woke and to realize all the disparities around you and that kind of thing.
Well, they retweeted on their Twitter account something from Liberation Road. This is a Christian, supposedly evangelical organization that is tweeting out something from a pro -Chinese communist organization.
Maybe they don't even realize it, but I'm seeing it. I don't know if you remember years ago, you mentioned Hollywood. There was a movie that came out, and I'm sure there's countless more examples, but it was called
Red Dawn, and the bad guys were Chinese. Well, they changed it when it went to theaters.
They had to change all the little flags on the military personnel jackets to North Korean because the
Chinese government had a problem with it. Now, here's my question for you, Trevor, and you can take this any direction you want.
Given that communist China is the most oppressive and one of the most, and if you wanna talk textbook, classical kind of definition of racist, they would fit that definition.
They hate black people. Why in the world are all these supposedly woke Christians, woke
Hollywood people, why would they get in bed with China, or pro -Chinese organizations?
Why wouldn't they wanna distance themselves and say, no, you're oppressive, you're racist? Well, mainly they don't know they're pro -Chinese, and I'll give you an example, and you've seen this in the little shot about Michelle Higgins, who did the black pastor from St.
Louis, Missouri, who did a conference in 2015 for young Midwestern evangelical
Christians, and she gets up there and tells these young kids, because this is in the
Midwest, the kids are mainly white, that the thing that God wants them to do more than anything else is to end white privilege.
This is apparently the 11th commandment. So these kids are all fired up about ending white privilege.
This is their Christian mission. You know, they gotta end white privilege. They were not told that Michelle Higgins was a member of the
Organization for Black Struggle, the group that burnt down Ferguson, Missouri, the group that is the front for Liberation Road, that is headed by Jamala Rogers of Liberation Road, a pro -Chinese communist.
So these, you know, you got Christians all over the country fired up about Black Lives Matter, critical race theory, all of which is
Marxist, and getting in bed with Black Lives Matter, which is a pro -Chinese communist organization.
But they don't go, Liberation Road doesn't advertise what their allegiance is.
Black Lives Matter certainly doesn't tell you that we support communist China. They play the race, because everybody believes
Black Lives Matter. You know, just like everybody believes in peace, but the peace movement is communist.
Everybody believes in social, you know, justice, but the social justice movement is communist.
They use, they draw people in, like the Women's March in Washington, right?
A million women marched in Washington with funny hats on. Now that movement was controlled by Liberation Road and the
Communist Party USA. The speakers were from Liberation Road and Communist Party USA, but I guarantee you 98 % of the million women who marched on that march, they would have had no idea that it was a communist march.
They still don't know this. That's, and it's concerning, because we have multiple reasons it's concerning, but one is that we do have an enemy.
The United States has an enemy in communist China, and this enemy is subverting through avenues that they can be undetected, essentially, by most people.
So I appreciate you shining a light on this. What can we do as Christians, as patriotic
Americans who wanna steward this country well? Right now where we stand with this election, what kind of advice would you give to us?
Look, right now, look, we've got, there was a million people marched on the weekend.
This was a good march, right? A million people in Washington. You were there, I believe. I was there, yeah, yeah, it was great.
Okay, well, we've gotta be, see, Trump has got a very good case legally.
There was massive, massive fraud, and it's being uncovered. There's plenty of affidavits.
There's electronic fraud. There's old -fashioned dead people voting fraud, all of that kind of stuff, more than enough to overturn several key states.
We have gotta be behind that effort. We've gotta send money to the Trump legal team.
We've gotta be out on the streets. We've gotta be on Twitter while we still can, Facebook, whatever, talking about President Trump as a legitimate president, as Joe Biden, as the fake usurper.
We've gotta make sure the public opinion keeps getting more and more behind the president, the real president, because even if the courts, if the public opinion is that Joe Biden is a legitimate president, and even if the courts say the
Supreme Court find it was mass voting fraud, they may, in the interests of public stability, still vote the wrong way, unless they have very strong public opinion saying, we want justice.
We want every vote counted. We want a clean election, because if we do not stop this election being stolen, there will never be another free and fair election in this country.
If they can get away with this, do you think that's gonna stop them? That's gonna completely undermine public confidence in all future elections.
There'll be a massive apathy set in. People won't even bother to vote, and the radicals will completely take over the voting process.
They will never, coming back in 2022, oh, we're gonna win in 2024. No, we won't, because the social media's gonna shut down all our networks.
The IRS, Biden's IRS is gonna come after his enemies. They're coming after us.
We gotta understand that. And we will never, ever have another free election if we do not validate the results of this election.
And that's not even about President Trump. This is just ascertaining and ending once and for all the endemic vote fraud that has been going on for 60 years in this country and went over the top this election.
And it's sort of a blessing in a way, because it went so over the top, it's easy to trace it.
And if President Trump, if the legal team wins this and the courts vote the right way, we will have the ability to enact massive anti -voter fraud legislation in state capitals across the country and at a federal level.
We can end this scam for many years. Yeah, those are sobering words.
It reminds me, if you've ever seen the movie or read the books, Lord of the Rings, there's this scene where,
I think it's Theoden, says, I will not risk war with the evil, evil army in that movie.
And that book, and Aragon, who's a good guy in the film, he says, open wars upon you, whether you like it or not.
And I've thought of that in many, I've thought of that with personal relationships. Sometimes you say, well,
I don't wanna hurt the relationship between individuals. And I say, look, you're just revealing what's already there.
That individual already doesn't like you. You're already in conflict.
Avoiding it doesn't make the conflict go away. And we're at this point, it seems like, on a geopolitical level right now.
Open war is upon us. Well, you think back to 1960, when there's copious evidence that the election was stolen from Nixon and given to JFK by fraudulent votes in Cook County.
Everybody knew it. But the GOP prevailed on Nixon not to make it an issue, to just be the bigger man, swallow the loss for the sake of the country, and you'll have your turn later.
Well, that cowardly attitude led to the trouble we have now. Had Nixon exposed the fraud done by the mafia and probably the
Soviets in Cook County in 1960, and put that away and prosecuted people, we wouldn't be on the verge of losing our country today.
So that cowardice then got us where we are now. So are we gonna be more cowards?
When the face of annihilation, are we gonna try and be collegial and reach across the aisle to the bad guys?
Let's, look, imagine World War II. Imagine if Churchill hadn't said, let's stop
Hitler, let's stop Hitler. What if he'd said, let's try and reach out to the moderate Nazis?
Now, let's build bridges to the moderate Nazis. You know, don't call them out for what they're doing to the
Jews and the invasions. Let's just be friends and try and keep the peace.
Well, that's where we are now. You know, Trevor, you said something, I've heard you say it a few times actually, where you call on Christians to stand up and steward their country.
And this is not something that we hear from our evangelical leaders right now. They, you know, someone had told me,
Al Mohler even recently, after congratulating Joe Biden on his victory, was saying something like, well, now we know what it's like to be, you know, linked somehow to the
Christians around the world. And we are just this international church. And of course, we are linked.
There is a church around the world. We don't deny that. But you had said something, I remember once, about if you're a
Christian and, you know, take it on a smaller scale, if you're just letting your house become in disarray, and, you know, you're financially mismanaging it, and you're allowing people that hate your family to come and to abuse your children, you know, is that being a loving
Christian father? And the same applies to this country. Is it a Christian thing to do to allow this country to fall to such great evil?
Well, you know, if you're commanded to love God and our neighbor is like so, it's pretty clear that if your neighbor is starving and you do nothing to help, that's not
Christian, is it? If your town is being flooded and you don't go and man the pumps and put up the sandbags, you sit home all day and pray, that's hardly
Christian, is it? Well, if your country is going to hell in a handbasket and you think you have zero responsibility for fixing the problem or passing this great nation onto your kids, zero responsibility for maintaining the country, the first country in world history, established on the system that your rights come from God, not the government.
If you think you've got no responsibility for maintaining that, no civic responsibility whatsoever, how do you square that with your
Christian beliefs? Powerful words. Trevor Loudon, trevorloudon .com,
and keywiki, is it .org, keywiki .org? Keywiki .org, yeah.
If you want to find out more about Trevor, hey, I appreciate it so much. Those are some sobering words and it's a good challenge for us.
Well, thank you very much, John. Great to be on and thanks so much for the great questions. Look, if we win this, we will come out with a greater republic.
If we lose this, we will have no republic. This is the time for choosing. Has not been certified.
The electors have not voted. We don't have democracy. We have a republic. We have to put the pressure on.
I don't care where you're from. God bless all of you here today, but God bless all of you who are watching and listening.
Wherever you live, you get on the streets, you get your MAGA hat on, and you send a message to the state senates, to the chief clerks, to the secretaries of state.
If you certify a fraudulent election, you will never, ever get reelected.
Understand the fury of American patriots. Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!