Noah's Flood - Worldwide not Local Flood (Presentation by Genesis Apologetics)
Many today are believing that Noah's Flood was only a local event, flooding only areas in the Mesopotamian valley, and believing this perspective is needed to align the Bible with secular biology and geology. This is not the case--the Flood was worldwide.
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- Good. Okay. All right guys. Well, thank you. Thank you very much for for coming here today So I have
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- I have two goals for this talk. I want you to know that there was a flood and I want you to know that it was worldwide and I want you to know that there was a flood because When I talked with the younger folks
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- I said look if you if I can help convince you that God was right about the beginnings
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- Then you can trust God for the endings if God if you can see evidence that shows that Genesis is true
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- Then you can you're gonna have more faith that Revelation is true. So all this end times discussions were happening
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- You know is amazing because these two there's there are two anchors on On different sides here because if you believe that creation is true and God got the beginnings, right?
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- Then you're also gonna have faith that he's gonna get the ending right as well And the other goal that I have is
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- I want you to understand that the Bible Absolutely completely 100 % refutes the idea of a local flood and sadly there are all kinds of movements within Christendom right now that are
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- Trying to pitch the idea of a local flood in order to insert millions of years and I'm going to show you today
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- I'm going to close the case in my opinion very clearly both scripturally and scientifically
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- That the flood was in fact a worldwide universal flood So I'm gonna cut out my intro slides because you guys have been here for a few days
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- But but I do want to focus on this one because we are showing our movie tomorrow. It's a unique fathom
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- Showing that we're allowed to just do tomorrow only because our blackout period after the theaters doesn't end until April 21st
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- So if you guys want to go to Noah's flood comm you can sign up for updates We're gonna be releasing DVDs and it's gonna be on streaming platforms either directly and on different cable channels after April 21st
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- But you can also sneak a preview tomorrow We're gonna crank out a big screen back here and it'll be a full -effect theater.
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- So but please bring up friends We've had a whole host of people on social media and email really bombard us saying gosh
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- I couldn't get tickets. I really wanted to bring my family and I thought it was a great outreach tool My dad does not yet profess to be a
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- Christian However, when he saw the film He used the word gobsmacked
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- Dan I was gobsmacked by by the movie which was a nice compliment coming from him
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- So why is this topic important? And that's because many Christians today think that the flood of Noah's time was only a local flood confined somewhere
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- Around Mesopotamia this idea comes not from Scripture, but from the notion of billions of years of earth history
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- So if you were to just get on an island 500 years ago today or after Moses compiled
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- The Genesis account and read the account and you were asked yourself The question was the flood just local or worldwide you would undoubtedly conclude from Scripture alone that it was a worldwide inundation for some of the reasons
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- I'll be sharing Today, so the idea is this is that a local flood plus a secular perspective on the fossil record
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- Places death before sin and how does that regard God's character?
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- Well, it really maligns God character because it calls this a world That's very good.
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- If you go to YouTube, you can watch this hideous video I encourage you not to watch it, but there are lots of videos like this on YouTube that sadly you can go see today
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- It says Komodo dragon eating deer alive And if you have death before sin, you have
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- God calling that part of a very good world so when God resets everything back on Isaiah 11 it says that the
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- Lions gonna lay what lay with the lamb and the leopards gonna lay with the young goat and a lion's gonna eat straw for food
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- So God's gonna restore things in the Millennium and in the future in his reign that are going to be reverted back to Eden Well, what did
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- Eden look like? There was no death. No sin. No suffering and Everything ate the green plants and the fruit of the plants
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- So the idea of millions of years and tucking that in or gapping that in or stretching it into Genesis somehow
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- Maligns the character of God because it says that God created a very good world that had this type of thing going on from the
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- First day so Adams created he's trying to name all the creatures and oh shoot There's a
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- Komodo dragon over there that's munching on a deer and I hear it screaming So that's not part of the original good world the good world everything ate vegetarian and then it was after Adam and Eve fell that sin and death was brought into the world because everything under our
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- Dominion collapsed and Romans 8 says that we're still groaning under that today.
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- So many teens today who go to a public school are Conditioned by the world to look at things like this and say well, that's just the circle of life
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- That's the circle of life because that you know It's a good thing that the Komodo dragon is going to eat that deer because it's gonna go back to the soil and recircle
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- It's just gonna go around. It's the magical circle of life. No, it's a circle from the fall Yes, it works in today's earth or earth environment and we can see that it's happening and God has allowed this permissively to happen
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- But it wasn't part of the original first design So also people have been in condition to say well just let that happen because it's just natural selection or survival of the fittest
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- That's just the process by which we get more advanced people So your average teenager or you today that's been conditioned by 250 pages of evolution teaching
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- Just will look at that situation and go. Well, you know what if that didn't happen
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- I would not be here because humans are the product of a long slow random murderous process by which one ape group out survived and out
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- Competed and out outfitted all the other ones to eventually lead to homo sapiens
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- So the evolutionist believes that the human is the champion of a long slow process of murderous evolution
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- How different is that then the Genesis account and how does that thwart the gospel message?
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- It completely does it's very it's at a very root foundational level So that's their ideas is that natural selection plus millions of years is gonna lead from pond scum on to humans
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- So I covered this a little bit about yesterday yesterday But if you have a literal interpretation of Genesis you have creation
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- God creates everything perfect over six days Then there's the fall and then everything turns dark and gloomy after that eventually leading to God and his mercy
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- Pushing the reset button with the flood about sixteen hundred and fifty six years after creation
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- So with the literal interpretation puts death and thorns and thistles and pain during childbirth and strife between Man a woman and all kinds of things after the fall
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- That's how the the appropriate way to interpret it in so that means death and suffering are our fault not
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- God's But if you have a non literal interpretation or believe in an old earth perspective of the
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- Bible you have creation Then you have millions of years already on the record. You've got death suffering disease
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- Fossils that are 200 million years old thorns in the fossil record that are 200 million years old
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- You have this long slow murderous death process And then get God eventually plucking one person out of 10 ,000 and breathing his spirit
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- Then the fetch into that guy making him a homo sapien But he's standing on millions of years worth of death suffering bloodshed that were already there
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- So that's the problem and the challenge with a local flood and the ideas upon which it's based
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- So that would of course really make the fall having no real effect because physical death and suffering was already
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- It was already here making it God's fault. So you can't have you know, the Garden of Eden with this wonderful Splendid blissful place and then
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- God calling it very good and saying everybody just eat the green plants But you can't have them sitting on millions of years worth of fossils of death pain suffering and in disease so it just doesn't work a
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- Theologically and I would argue it really maligns the character of God and it pitches a different Gospel than the one that we know to be true because the one that we know to be true that takes a young earth perspective has a great way to frame
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- Isaiah 11 when it says that the Lions gonna lay with the lamb and the leopards gonna lay with the young goat and the
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- Lions gonna eat straw Again, we can believe those things because that's the type of Paradise Jesus is coming back to restore
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- But if it wasn't like that from the beginning then we have a problem with the gospel So it's it's a this is a significant dialogue within our field.
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- So it gets even further I do believe that every word of God's Word is inspired
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- We have all kinds of great Bible reliability and the transmissions been great through the years So if we're gonna take an old earth local flood perspective watch what we have to do to Genesis 1 to 11
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- Here's the first chapter If we remove evening morning day number, which
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- God places to frame each one of the six days We have to black line all these verses in Scripture Just trim them right out because that means these days weren't real days and we have to stretch them out for millions of years
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- So we have to get out our our black permanent marker and just cran over those sections Genesis 2 well, we've got death before sin and Adam and before he's naming the animals
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- So we've got all kinds of things we have to black out there as well. That's the second chapter Genesis chapter 3 we've got death before sin.
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- So we've got a blackout those verses Genesis 4 we have the beginning of the genealogy
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- So we have to start blacking out some of these things but because by the time we get to Genesis 5
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- Well, somehow we have to take these Genesis genealogies that are in Luke chapter 3 also recited in the same
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- Same place here. They go back 77 generations from Christ to Adam over just about 4 ,000 years and Somehow in that 4 ,000 years of patriarchal lineage.
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- We've got a jam in an extra 50 ,000 years at least So how on earth can we say we're trusting and believing in God's Word when
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- Luke 3 has got 4 ,000 years of history and lineage going from Christ to Adam Genesis 5 does the same thing and it's repeated in Luke chapter 3 and we're like no because science says
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- Homo sapiens didn't spin off from an earlier version of Homo And so we've somehow got a park an extra tens of thousands of years some scientists say well
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- It's a hundred thousand years others say it's 50 ,000 years But somehow we've got to find room to pack in Multiple times more of thousands of years into the
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- Genesis genealogies right here This theory should be dead in the water and no Christians should accept it for this reason alone
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- But it goes on in Genesis chapter 6. Well, we've got to change the global nature of the flood to the locals
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- So now we've got to cross out all of those verses that talk about all the animals every mountain under under heavens gonna be flooded
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- We've got to take out all that stuff to Genesis 7 same thing again But now we've got to take out all kinds of sections of Scripture that are very emphatic
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- It was a worldwide flood and every continues in Genesis chapter 8 be nice if we could take out all that stuff, too
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- So I could keep going on and on and on but you guys get the point That you have to read your
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- Bible with a permanent marker if you want to insert a local flood into the Bible It just doesn't fit
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- You really have to start tearing things apart and I for one don't want to do that because I did that Conceptually for decades not really even knowing it because I thought
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- Genesis was possibly allegory or possibly Mythological and didn't know how to fit it and I didn't know it but that was preventing my roots from going down and trusting deeply in God's Word So with that we'll continue and explore five evidences from within Scripture and four evidences outside of Scripture that the flood was in fact
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- Worldwide let's start with Genesis 6 and I think personally with this leading verse right here
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- It's case closed for a local flood and hopefully you guys will will agree Genesis 6 says then the
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- Lord saw that the wickedness of man Was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
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- Continually and the Lord was sorry that he had made man on earth and he was grieved in his heart
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- So the Lord said I will destroy man whom high I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast
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- Creeping thing and birds of the air for I am. Sorry that I've made them but Noah found grace in the eyes of the
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- Lord So what do we have right here? We have favor granted to one man in his family and a cursed judgment against everybody else
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- Everybody else is going to get judged except for this one guy who found grace in the eyes of the
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- Lord so if it was just a local flood then Worthy every intense of the thoughts of man's heart evil continually true of only some people in humanity
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- Because that's what you have to say if you're gonna say well There's lots of people lots of and lots of different places at that time and God only judged some of them
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- Everybody else got off scot -free Well, it's terrible to be you guys, but we're gonna get judged
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- No, God's saying it was the thoughts in the hearts of all of man. The man had gone defunct man had turned
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- You know dark wickedness all of their thoughts continually were evil So God says i'm going to judge the whole lot of them
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- And so god, you know was god Sorry that he had made them because only a few of some local tribes people were disappointing him or had all of humanity just Save one guy become corrupt.
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- Well, obviously it was it was everybody except for just noah So it goes on in genesis 6 where it says this is the genealogy of noah
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- Noah was just a man perfect in his generations. Noah walked with god and noah begot three sons shem ham and jpef
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- The earth was corrupt. The earth also was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence
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- So god looked upon the earth and indeed it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted their way on earth
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- So you can infer a lot from that verse, but I tell christians this Two things if you could go back to the pre -flood world in a time machine right now and see what was going on And see the whole nephilim picture that was going on and the corrupt man that was going on And the violence and the bloodshed and everyone's thoughts and their hearts evil continually
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- Number one, you couldn't take it in it would be overwhelming for you to see what was happening in the pre -flood world number two
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- You would reach over and grab god's hand metaphorically and say push the button, please push the flush button
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- I don't want this Please save us. Yeah just grab one guy because we get a lot of pushback from from people when
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- I was moderating all the different comments on our social media pages with respect to our flood moving
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- And lots of people were scoffing because they're fulfilling scripture The bible says they are going to scoff the scoffers are going to come in the last days
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- So we get lots of scoffers, but they always think of say things like Well, you mean the flood that god used to bury and drown all those innocent people
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- And the god who drowned all those children and god who drowned all the innocent animals Well, it wasn't like that all flesh had corrupted itself on earth
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- So if we really knew what it was like we would encourage god to please Have mercy on us the human line and judge the rest.
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- We we need to we need to start over So the genealogy of noah and noah was a just man and he alone was perfect in his generations
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- And he walked with god and everything else. God said can't have it in mercy.
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- I'm gonna judge it He saves noah. Everybody else has to go away and all the other things that were happening
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- So if it was just a local flood Then why was the earth corrupted also?
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- And why did god say i'm going to destroy them with the earth? God says i'm going to use the earth as a scrubbing tool to destroy wicked sinful man
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- And then why would it just be a local flood if all flesh had corrupted its way on earth when you look at the fossil record in these evil beast dinosaurs many of whom were buried in a death pose or fighting each other and we have all kinds of You know bite marks and everything.
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- It was a you know, kill or be killed type of world So it wasn't just one local area.
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- It was it was everywhere And then of course we have the hebrew you can talk to your hebrew scholars about this but the hebrew term for all
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- Is used 72 times in just 85 short verses And the word only occurs 342 times in the entire book of genesis
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- So 25 percent of the usages of the term for all Are just used in about three chapters in genesis for god saying i'm going to wipe them all out all flesh is corrupt
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- The whole thing's going so we have some good Scriptural indication too and there's really no local or regional or other limiting words that are used in scripture and the entire flood text
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- So let's continue here and god said to noah the end of all flesh has come before me
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- And the earth is filled with violence through them and behold. I will destroy them with the earth
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- God says i'm going to use earth as a wrecking ball to destroy people And behold
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- I myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth To destroy from under heaven all flesh in which all the breath of life exists and everything
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- That is on the earth shall die, but I will establish my covenant with you with just noah
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- And you shall go into the ark you and your sons your wife and your son's wife with you
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- So look what god says here and god said to noah the end of all flesh has come before me
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- And the earth is filled with violence through them. So if you were the receiver of that communication, what would you think?
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- With god cornering no one saying hey the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them
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- So i'm going to destroy the rest of the earth And you would just finish building an ark that was about 500 feet long
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- So, of course you would think god's going to judge the rest of them and he says i'm going to destroy them With the earth earth is going to be a tool to wipe them out
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- And he's going to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which the breath of life exists
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- Everything that is on earth shall die and then god sets up his covenant with just noah
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- So god's way of destroying them with the earth using the earth as a tool uh would have looked something like this when we talk about the fountains of the great deep breaking open because He says in genesis 7 for after seven more days
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- I will cause it to rain on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights and I will destroy from the face of the earth
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- All living things that I have made and then in verse 11 We have the key for the mechanism for the flood
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- In the 600th year of noah's life in the second month in the 17th day of the month on that day
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- All the fountains of the great deep were broken up So that's what he's talking about a 40 000 mile oceanic rift system was broken apart
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- And that's how god commenced the flood By breaking open all these oceanic rift systems at once on the same day and god even says the day that he did it
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- This is what happened. So when those seams are splitting they're being pushed apart and opened by hot magma
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- That's coming up and creating new seafloor That's rapidly spreading in each direction and then the new seafloor when it's being rapidly created
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- It goes over and hits the landmass Binds and then releases in cycles creating tsunamis that are flapping up like wave after wave after wave
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- And then it keeps subducting. So here's what that would have looked like You got the hot magma coming up creating new seafloor
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- And then it's subducting it's diving underneath the land masses and when it's diving underneath the land masses
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- We can see that it builds up tension against the land masses and then flips up and releases
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- Causing a bi -directional tsunami going each way That's the tool and the mechanism by what?
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- How god accomplished what he said that I will destroy them with the earth. They were pulverized
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- So genesis 7 says well the waters prevailed and greatly increased on the earth And the ark moved about on the surface of the waters and the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth
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- And all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered It's almost like god is writing this to assure us.
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- It was a worldwide judgment Look at that language the water prevailed 15 cubits upward and the mountains were covered
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- So he says all the high hills Under the whole heaven and the mountains were covered so water seeks its own level water gets chased by gravity and it flows around and it shouldn't rise to cover the
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- The local mountains while leaving the rest of the world untouched. So it would have looked like this not like that You wouldn't have all the water build up just you at a stopping place
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- It would have risen up covered the mountains and then gravity would have pushed it everywhere around the earth
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- So that's uh, those are some good biblical reasons for that and we continue in genesis 7 for all flesh died that moved on the earth birds and cattles and Beasts and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth and every man all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life and That was on the dry land died
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- So he destroyed all the big things which were on the face of the ground both man and cattle creeping thing and birds of the air
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- They were destroyed from the earth Only noah and those who were with him on the ark remained alive and the waters prevailed on the earth 150 days
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- So let's look at biblical evidence. Number two. The flood lasted for a long time. It was a 371 day process
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- The ark became a water born after day 40 and then the water prevailed and built up until day 150 that's when the zenith of the flood happened and it was a very very long process with a very very long craft about a 500 foot long and Maybe 80 feet wide by 50 feet high or so And we can when you compare that to all these big other local floods that we have in through history
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- These floods are two things. They're seasonal and they're short They're usually seasonal most floods are and they're usually very short
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- So these are the biggest floods that ever happened that have had death tolls over 10 000 And they were very very short.
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- We can record the years and look at the death tolls the water comes up Impedes and goes over where it was supposed to be a few weeks later at most water goes down game over But the noah's flood was a whole year long enough for the all of earth to be flooded
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- Let's take a look at the ark itself. This ark was crafted for a worldwide flood It took 55 to 75 years to build the ark if it was just a local flood
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- Why even build a an ark at all the animals could have just walked to the high hills the birds could have birds just could
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- Have flown away But this ark had three levels was capable of taking about 7 000 animals total
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- As we believe that all hadn't had to be necessary to reproduce all the different species that we have today
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- And god told him how to build it and told him to use natural fiberglass And waterproof inside and outside.
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- So if you've ever worked with pine tar or pitch Like I have it's amazing.
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- You can get a whole quart of this stuff You can harvest it from the forest or you can get it by it on the store And you have to you have to heat it up and melt it to make it applicable on whatever ship
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- Lapping that you're going to put it on so you have to heat it up. It turns into a liquid state You don't want to get it on you because it'll keep on burning.
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- It's like tar But when you apply this stuff onto ship siding it dries hard like fiberglass in about 30 seconds when it cools down And it's crisp and it actually adds to the structure of this of the ship because it provides a really hard enamel like surface and god said slapped that stuff on the inside and the outside waterproofing the ark and Pine pitch was used all the way up into the 1800s as the sole way of waterproofing ships
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- So god knew what he was doing when he gave noah these instructions over 4 000 years ago
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- So it had a great seven to one length width ratio They've done studies at the korean naval research center where they've tried 12 different models and shapes and sizes of the ark and the instructions of the dimensions that god gave to noah
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- Were the best of all 12 models with respect to balance comfort stability and strength
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- So god again knew exactly what he was doing And yes, he could certainly have fit all the animals we get this a lot
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- How in the world could noah put 2 million species down the ark or whatever number that they want to to pick out?
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- Because if you look at just the dog kind All you have to do you don't have to bring schnauzers and basset hounds and golden retrievers and things like that All you have to do is bring a pair of wolves
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- Canis lupus because if you grab the wolves that all the different 300 plus dog breeds can go back to the wolf and All dogs today are still in a fertile.
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- You can't take a chihuahua and breed it with a raccoon It's a different kind but all dogs in the dog kind family are still in a fertile same thing with horses
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- We have 336 breeds of horses You can take the largest horse like Clydesdale and breed it with a small horse.
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- They're still the same kind Same thing with bears. There's in the ursidae family level of bears
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- There's eight different species then five of them are still in our fertile chicken. Same thing
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- There's 68 different varieties of chickens, but they can all still interbreed So when you map back and pair back the tree of biology
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- You can see how only a few thousand different kinds of animals are necessary to bring
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- On board the ark to reproduce all the different variety and species that we have today
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- So the other thing that's interesting is that if noah's flood was local Why would you bring the birds in the first place board?
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- Most birds have a large range that they can fly 10 miles 100 miles 500 miles
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- They can get up in the air and they can just go if the flood was local. He wouldn't have had to bring birds and let's just take a look at one type of bird the dinosaur bird called the
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- That's typically regarded in the dinosaur era the pterosaurs Well, if you look at these big flying reptiles the pterosaurs like tyranodon and and pterodactyls and things like that and quetzalcoatlus
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- These creatures could fly and that's why they're found in all three layers of the mesozoic
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- You can find a pterosaurs in the jurassic and the cretaceous and even lower in the triassic
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- They're in all the layers because a number of them got wiped out quickly in the early stages of the flood
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- But some of them could pop and get airborne and maybe hop from log mat to log mat to log mat and survive for months
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- Into the flood before they finally passed away when you look at the rest of the world same thing
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- These things are found all over the place in all three layers and when evolutionists find the pterodactyls in the fossil record
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- They're troubled by them because even the leading pterosaur researchers in the world will admit
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- When we find these creatures in the fossil record, they always just show up as pterodactyls. There's no precursor
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- There's nothing that looks like an early pterodactyl. They just show up completely formed like a perfect pterodactyl
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- So we have good evidence that these creatures were wiped out in a flood that had to be worldwide Then we have jesus's testimony in the new testament
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- Jesus says but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven
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- But my father only but as the days of noah were so also will be the coming of the son of man
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- For as in the days of noah before the flood They are they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark
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- And did not know until the flood came and took them all away So also will the coming of the son of man be
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- So jesus said the flood came and took them all away Not some not a local region not a local judgment, but took them all away everyone except no one his family second peter same thing where The word says here that people will deliberately overlook the fact that the heavens existed long ago
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- Or god created out of nothing and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of god
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- And that by the means of this of these the water that is the world that then existed was deluged
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- And water with water and perish so the bible's clear that the world that then was
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- World version number one was wiped out and catastrophically destroyed and it continues in second peter where god says
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- That that by means of this of these the world that then existed was deluged by water and perished
- 29:23
- And so in second peter too says the same thing that uh, god did not spare the ancient world but destroyed it
- 29:30
- So when and brother don was talking about the same verse earlier in a different context But god says look he didn't spare the ancient world.
- 29:38
- He wiped the whole ancient world out Not just just part of it, but he only saved noah one of eight people.
- 29:46
- Everyone else was was wiped out Now let's take a look at the rainbow I do want to read this passage so that it has its full impact and we're making good progress
- 29:56
- Hopefully we can get you guys broken up for lunch here shortly, but let's just read this passage together
- 30:01
- It's a couple of slides, but I think it's really good because this is again another very compelling part
- 30:07
- So god spoke to noah and to his sons with him saying and as for me behold
- 30:13
- I established my covenant with you and with your descendants after you And with every living creature that is with you the birds the cattle and every beast of the earth with you all
- 30:25
- Of all that go out of the ark every beast of the earth Thus I establish my covenant with you never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood
- 30:35
- Never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth And god said this is a sign of the covenant which
- 30:42
- I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for perpetual generations
- 30:48
- I set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between me and the earth
- 30:54
- It shall be when I bring a cloud over the earth that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud
- 30:59
- And I will remember my covenant which is between me and you and every living creature on the earth
- 31:06
- The water shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh The rainbow shall be in the cloud and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between god and every living creature of all flesh that is on earth
- 31:22
- So this rainbow is an everlasting covenant of god himself that he made with the earth
- 31:28
- With the animals and with the human humans. It was a promise so There have been hundreds and hundreds of major floods around the world where millions of people and animals have died
- 31:40
- But never again a worldwide flood So when you see a rainbow in the sky, that's god's promise to never again do a global flood
- 31:49
- Because if that's not the case then god lied because there's been hundreds and hundreds of local floods
- 31:54
- So was the rainbow a sign from god that he's never going to do a local flood again? No, certainly not.
- 32:00
- He's saying I will never globally flood the earth again Now let's look at some geological evidence
- 32:07
- This again really produces an ironclad case a dr. Clary from the institute for creation research has done all kinds of mapping with geological columns or oil core borehole
- 32:21
- Cores that he's looked at over all over the earth. It used to be 1800 now He's up over 3200 of these things here what they here's what they look like People core inside the earth doing oil
- 32:33
- Exploration so they've got a good idea of what this geology looks like and all the different regions
- 32:38
- He's done. I believe every continent. They just finished up the last one now There's over 3200 of them and he finds all these things called sloths mega sequences and they're everywhere
- 32:49
- They're not just on a few continents they're everywhere and a sloth mega sequence is when you have a conglomerate and a sand and shale and Limestone and then it follows that same type of pattern for the next mega sequence in the next mega sequence
- 33:04
- And we know that there were several of them and they're layered up over the earth You can see this slide here that shows in the sock and the tip of canoe and the kaskaskia
- 33:15
- They just line up layer after layer after layer There are these big flood sediment pancake packages that stack one on top of the other on top of the other
- 33:24
- And there's different types of creatures that are found in each because they were buried in different stages of the flood
- 33:31
- So in just the first three layers the sock tip of canoe and kaskaskia We have mostly marine creatures that are being buried and then when we go up above that the
- 33:42
- Zuni and Absaroka We have the land creatures starting to get buried which is exactly what you would expect in a worldwide
- 33:49
- Inundation and when you do a frequency diagram and plot it all out you can see the proportion of fossil occurrences
- 33:56
- Here we have it and the early layers the first three mega sequences mostly aquatic life and then all of a sudden we start getting the land creatures buried and The fountains of the great deep broke open like the
- 34:09
- Bible says it's exactly what we would expect The shallow seas and the ocean floor they're getting buried first and as a flood progresses higher and higher and higher
- 34:16
- Animals are running for cover and their initial habitats are getting buried some Creatures are wiped out then other creatures go up higher than they get wiped out and it stacks
- 34:26
- Exactly like what you would expect this to do but these sloths mega sequences are not a phenomenon
- 34:32
- That's a North America only they're all over the world all the continents have been mapped He's got 3 ,000 drill holes that could substantiate this this data
- 34:42
- Those the other thing to look at is the fossil record that's the seventh evidence that we'll take a look at here
- 34:48
- So if the flood was worldwide, we would expect fossils worldwide that would be laid down quickly in mud layers
- 34:55
- And that's what we find We plot out the paleo database here and we find all these fossil records across all the different strata and they're very similar
- 35:04
- You can find the same types of creatures and different continents that were buried rapidly and quickly, but we have
- 35:10
- Trillions of fossils around the world that were buried in the flood and we can just Drill down now and just take a look at North America Alone where we have this huge dinosaur kill zone in the middle of America in a swath.
- 35:23
- That's about 1800 miles Tall by a thousand miles wide. It's a 1 million square mile region
- 35:30
- That is just filled with dinosaur bones and they're mixed with marine life
- 35:36
- So most people would say well Maybe that was from the Chicxulub asteroid that landed on the
- 35:41
- Yucatan Peninsula the last word comes down there leaves a big crater and Washes up a whole bunch of tsunamis on to the
- 35:48
- Texas area and in different regions like that well, they've they've run simulations that have really disproven that idea because that's where the
- 35:58
- Yucatan Peninsula is and you can see the Chicxulub asteroid would have landed there It would have created some local flooding that would came up and maybe buried part of what would have been
- 36:07
- Texas and everything But it would have missed where all these mega bone beds are weapon like North Dakota, South Dakota Wyoming, Oklahoma, Montana would have missed all those regions only
- 36:20
- Catastrophic flooding through CPT or catastrophic plate tectonics would describe that So what we actually have is water that would be coming up From the west to the east and sheet flows coming up in tsunami like form
- 36:33
- Burying North America with repeating tsunamis. It wasn't due to one asteroid that fell 2 ,000 miles south of this location.
- 36:42
- It was from catastrophic plate tectonics We also know this through correlated fossils
- 36:48
- We find the same types of creatures on matching sides of the continent Some creatures are found on four different continents same kind of thing
- 36:56
- So when we take the fossils and we look at them on either matching side of the continents
- 37:01
- We learned that the creatures are in this inside notch over here in this part of the notch that sticks out over here when we?
- 37:09
- Put them back together We find the same ecosystem because when you plot out the flora and fauna that are on each side
- 37:16
- This of this area you can see there was a huge ecosystem here and another big habitat over here
- 37:22
- And now these creatures on this side are buried in the mud that killed them and on this side
- 37:28
- They're buried in the mud that killed them so you can find brother sister the brothers over here the sisters over here batching cousins this was a whole region that was rapidly and Catastrophically split apart and we can find the same type of creatures buried now on each side of these matching
- 37:45
- Continents that are now spread apart by over 2 ,000 miles It's really good evidence for a worldwide flood
- 37:53
- When we start looking at dinosaur taphonomy or how these dinosaur creatures are buried
- 37:59
- We know that they were buried in up in three different products and that this really gives away
- 38:04
- Noah's Flood when you go to paleontologists who've got a lot of dirt under their nails They've got lots of experience digging up in the
- 38:11
- Cretaceous layers in the middle of America, Montana and things like that and you ask them
- 38:16
- Well, if you've been to hundreds of different sites What are these dinosaurs typically buried in and most seasoned paleontologists would say well three products
- 38:25
- They're married buried in mud. That's now solidified and hardened and sand and ash there are some places where the ash deposits are in the in the middle of America are the size of New Jersey and Sometimes they're 80 or 100 feet thick filled with ash where'd all that ash come from and why are all the dinosaurs buried in those three products mud sand and ash and You have to ask yourself this question were they killed by the products that they're married that they're buried in Well, we think they were and it's all because of catastrophic plate tectonics
- 38:58
- So I'll show a quick video that will show how that worked So What you just saw is really incredible I wish we could just take five minutes and talk about this just alone because here's the
- 39:47
- Independence Dike swarm and Secular evolution believing geologists would admit that this one region.
- 39:55
- It's a 375 mile linear rift zone in Southern, California right east of Los Angeles belted out 4 ,000 cubic miles of ash and These dinosaurs in this region are buried in that same ash with some regions looking like this with that much ash
- 40:14
- Covering these dinosaurs and the dinosaurs are found buried in that while they were dying
- 40:19
- So something was rapidly happening Like subduction under these areas to cause so much volcanic activity that it belted out 4 ,000 cubic miles of ash and buried these dinosaurs while they were alive
- 40:33
- But when Mount St. Helen blew up when I was a teenager it put out one Quarter of one cubic mile of ashes not this blue dot but the little tiny blue dot next to it
- 40:42
- That's one quarter of one square as a square mile of or cubic mile of ash, but here's what 4 ,000 cubic miles of ash looks like during the flood through the
- 40:54
- Independence Dike swarm So that's how we know these creatures died in a flood because that had that be produced
- 41:00
- Rapidly and it shows that it was happening rapidly So they were buried in mud sand and ash and we know this because catastrophic plate tectonics fixed this model perfectly
- 41:11
- Because the the CPT explains that you've got rapid subduction going on with tsunamis bringing up Mud and sand and big sheet washes and then we have the ash being produced by the rapidly subducting plates
- 41:24
- It's a perfect fit with with the taphonomy or how these dinosaurs are found buried Next we have oil and coal deposits this again slam -dunk art argument
- 41:34
- If it's exactly what we would expect with the worldwide flood Because the current amount of coal and oil that we have on earth shows that the vegetation we had in the pre -flood world
- 41:44
- Was multiple factors high than the vegetation we have today There are huge deposits of coal of coal that were produced when all this sheet full in the tsunami
- 41:55
- We're just coming up leaving mounds and mounds of sediment on top of the pre -flood world So it was a very highly vegetated place.
- 42:02
- These animals were living in tropical paradises and shallow sea lands It was a marvelous initial place.
- 42:08
- But when it was buried it left huge amounts of coal like this Here's an example from the Powder River Basin in Northeastern, Wyoming Some of these seams are 90 feet thick
- 42:20
- Well, where did all the vegetation come from and how did it get buried in these huge coal seams?
- 42:26
- Well, it had to be a worldwide flood. There's a picture of a van next to it with three guys So just these huge coal seams that are not only a whole bunch of vegetation
- 42:34
- It's a whole bunch of vegetation that was compressed and compacted To make all this coal and it's not just America.
- 42:41
- It's a worldwide phenomenon There's tons of this coal all over the world that perfectly fits a worldwide flood.
- 42:49
- It's not just one place It's all over the place So what about oil deposits?
- 42:55
- Well when these creatures died during the flood their biomatter went down to the bottom of the ocean and it turned into oil
- 43:01
- Eventually and when we start looking at the chemical signature of these oils
- 43:06
- Well scientists have discovered now when you can look at the signature of these different types of oil because the oil deposits
- 43:13
- They're not all the same They have chemical signature this type of oil or that type of oil or this type of oil and they're perfectly matching
- 43:20
- So when you look at the oil deposits here and the oil deposits here Well, they match and they match when you put the continents back together
- 43:28
- Same thing over here and here they match and these areas match and these area match well, they happen to match perfectly so that when you close these two continents and Reassemble them.
- 43:38
- It shows that there was in fact an Ecosystem here in an ecosystem here of certain types of plants and animals and they were there
- 43:47
- Living before they were rapidly and catastrophically killed buried and then separated by the splitting
- 43:54
- Seafloor that was pushing these two continents apart So again, very clear evidence worldwide for a worldwide flood
- 44:02
- So in evidence number nine and we're about to wrap up here Is that the the idea that it covered all the highest hills of heaven?
- 44:09
- We looked a little bit about this, but I want to cover it again So here we have again the phrase that says all the high hills under the whole heaven
- 44:16
- Were covered and the mountains were covered and so water seeks its own level it couldn't rise to cover the local mountains while leaving the rest of the world untouched and Scientists know this the cat is out of the bag.
- 44:31
- In fact, there's dr Boyd was an award -winning geologist at the University of Davis not too far away from where I live
- 44:38
- He's since passed away, but he made a huge discovery that has since been buried
- 44:44
- I don't know if it was intentionally buried But I found it discovered it and now we're trumpeting it all over the place because what he found out is this the
- 44:52
- Cretaceous layers that are on the very top of the dinosaur burying sediment layers are
- 44:58
- Higher these fossils are higher 50 % of these fossils are higher than the current ocean level could have produced.
- 45:06
- That's what he recognized So what he said is something like this had to happen to produce 50 % of the
- 45:14
- Cretaceous Fossils that are higher than the current ocean levels could have produced these continents had to be pushed up and buckled somehow
- 45:22
- Well, you can't do that slowly over millions of years while the creatures are dying and depositing their fossils in the areas that are being
- 45:29
- Pushed up you see that see the catch there. So here's what it looks like again So we've got all these
- 45:35
- Cretaceous fossils with the Cretaceous layers here We've got the current sea level and we've got 50 % of them
- 45:42
- So there's no more connection here 50 % of these fossils are up higher than the current level could have done it
- 45:47
- So here's what they say. They say in fancy language subsidence of continental crust beyond Isotactic response to sediment loading is required in large parts of North America during the transgression even if the sea level rose as much as 310 meters they they
- 46:08
- Obfuscated in fancy speak But they call it the late Cretaceous transgression where the water transgressed
- 46:17
- Reached its peak went up and over the mountains and they're saying yeah, we can't explain it But 50 % half of these fossils are so far up the current ocean level couldn't have done it
- 46:28
- So you've got to bring up the water higher and the land lower Something's got to give because that are good a current configuration won't do it
- 46:36
- And that would also explain things like why we have you know fossils on on places like Mount Everest and marine
- 46:43
- Limestone because there was a lot of tectonic activity that goes along in the in the flood
- 46:49
- So with that, I think we'll go ahead and close. But if dr. Nick will let me maybe I'll take a couple of questions that Are right just to this talk.
- 46:57
- We're gonna have the the Q &A after lunch But are there any quick questions I can answer now from the crowd?
- 47:02
- Yes way in the back High enough to leave fossils in the
- 47:24
- Cenozoic and we would side with dr Clary on that discussion about where that flood boundary is
- 47:29
- We would maintain a higher flood boundary and but I think we it's really impossible to say it now with respect to elevation
- 47:36
- Because when the the seafloor was being pushed up you had a lot of Pressure and in binding that was happening in against the landmasses and they were also being buckled and folded in places
- 47:48
- So it's it's hard to really measure what the elevation would be but the Bible says 22 feet or 15 cubits over the highest hills at that point.
- 47:58
- So good question. Maybe I take one more before we yes Yes, we always have to get that question.
- 48:08
- The fact I can't end until we get that question So so I've got a four -letter word starts with T that explains that time and it's very easy explanation
- 48:17
- But we have a 40 minute video that explains it in long form but imagine this if a flood started happening now and we've got people in California that live in Reading Inland and people who live on this on the shore like Carmel and other places in Monterey How would humans react if you stripped away our modern technology and airplanes?
- 48:37
- What would happen to humans if you're standing there and you see? trickles of rain coming down that you really hadn't maybe even seen before or maybe not seen a lot of it then the shallow seas are
- 48:48
- Starting to flood and you've got tsunamis that are breaking up and earthquakes that are happening That are starting to get on the
- 48:54
- Richter scale like four or five six Maybe some of them hitting nine ten Richter scale And then you see you're the people who have the huts and everything along the shorelines where they're getting flooded out
- 49:04
- What are you gonna do? Well go for high ground. I got to get out of here I'm gonna go to Mount Lassen and all these other places they start traveling
- 49:12
- Remember five months. It was five months before the water peaked That's a hundred and fifty days and humans can travel easily 10 15 20 miles a day
- 49:21
- So they're going they're moving and moving and moving. What are they doing making makeshift rafts?
- 49:26
- They're trying to go for high ground They're trying to go for rocky ground like the Canadian Shield areas travel travel travel travel
- 49:32
- Some of them are getting scrubbed out because God says I'm gonna destroy you with the earth So they're dying early on but the ones that made it to the very very highest peak until the
- 49:41
- Zuni happened the last mega Sequences is the second to last mega sequence It's bringing up all the water to the highest levels the
- 49:47
- Zenith part the ones that could finally make it to the highest ground What happens they drown?
- 49:54
- Eventually, and they're on these little makeshift ships or they're not even able to do that They drown and then they float they bloat and they float and then they decompose and then they're they're gone
- 50:04
- I happen to be one creationist that does believe I found I believe that we found enough evidence to substantiate
- 50:11
- Human remains that have been found in dinosaur bearing layers I I do believe that I've looked into that a little bit and I know some folks that have seen way more stuff than I've seen so I do believe that we found human remains that are found in in ancient or Cretaceous layers
- 50:26
- Some creationists won't believe that until we have a well Well constructed dig site where we can really prove that out
- 50:34
- But but I think we can find some pre -flood humans, but they were they were scrubbed by the by the flood
- 50:41
- Okay. Thanks very much guys That was great one of the best