A Little Rant About the Evangelical Machine #BigEva

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, so I hope you guys had a good weekend. I had a great weekend and you know to be honest this morning
I woke up, and you know just reading some of the headlines and various things, and I'm just furious
I'm just absolutely furious, and I just wanted to to explain You know why I have this fury that I have in my heart right now because the reality is like it's very difficult
For just a regular person like me to to keep everything in front of me like to keep all the plays that are being
Concurrently run on the church in America. There's just so many of them, and they're they're coming at you fast and furious
They're coming at you all simultaneously So to keep them organized and straight is a very difficult task, and I don't think any one person can actually do it
But but there's just so much going on and and I have to wonder like does Big Eva know What it's doing like is it self -aware like do they know that they're being?
There what their role is in in in the zeitgeist right now, or is it just accidental they're just trying to be like They're just trying to go with the flow.
They're trying to go with what's popular, so they're just Participating unwittingly, but they are participating in the end
It doesn't really matter because you gotta you gotta destroy untruth the same way whether it's intentional or accidental
It still has the same result, but I just I often wonder about this because if it wasn't if it wasn't intentional like They're doing such a good job that it might as well be it might as well be intentional what
I mean is last month if you remember Big Eva was following the essentially what the world was doing the zeitgeist
And they were reporting about how QAnon is the most dangerous thing ever right new QAnon is the most dangerous thing that our country
Faces in 2020 and it's just like Everyone was dunking on it right like like that Ed Stetzer put out an article
Joe CIA operative Carter put out an article That chick some chick wrote an article.
I don't even know her name who cares but they all are writing articles in these major think pieces about how dangerous
QAnon is and how Titanic it is for a Christian to get involved and everyone was dunking on it because Let's say you had a list of a thousand problems in the
United States right a list of a thousand problems ranked from the most Important to the least important QAnon would be in the 900s
No question about it like it's one of the least important problems that our nation has right now that people might believe some
Wrong things about child sex pedophile rings Even though they do exist like they believe some wrong things about them, so that's the most dangerous thing ever
That's satanic like if you had to list the problems It would be near the bottom of the list of important problems in our country today, but that it doesn't matter
It doesn't matter and people were dunking on this all day And this was last month, and then this month what happens is
There's a Netflix show With with 11 year old girls showing their breasts and bumping and grinding each other and things like that And now if you oppose that if you oppose that you're
QAnon. That's the play. This is Melissa Ryan chick Tulsi Tulsi Gabbard Democrat She you know you know squirrel finds a nut every now and then a broken clock is right twice a day
She's against the the soft core porn that Netflix is putting on With children actors and now that because she's against that she's now
QAnon So you see how the play works And you know you get you know you get morons like Joe Carter to say that QAnon satanic and then later if you oppose
You know Sexualization of children on on from a major corporation. I'm talking
Netflix is it couldn't be a bigger corporation doing this right? Netflix now you're
QAnon for being against that you see how this works It's the same thing with conspiracy theory you say some conspiracy theories are satanic and then the next day
Trump saying that there are people organizing a lot of these protests. That's a conspiracy theory now You're satanic.
Do you see how this play is working is big is big evil? Complicit in this in a in a self -conscious way, or are they just idiots right are they just being used are
They just being played so well like a fiddle that they don't even know what they're doing, but they're doing it right They're helping the zeitgeist move forward.
They're helping the lies March forward again It doesn't matter this must be put down right we need to put down Big Eva, it's just that simple, but the reality is that that's if you know they couldn't do it better if they were trying
So I think that they probably are trying. This is probably intentional. I think that Ed Stetzer is probably compromised
I think that Joe Carter is probably compromised I don't think there's any any real reason to doubt this at this point these people are part of Our part of the of the zeitgeist, they're doing it intentionally
They got their orders to talk about QAnon and so they talked about QAnon now Maybe they didn't know why they were talking about QAnon now a month later
It's been revealed because now if you're against the sexualization of minors you're part of QAnon So now now you got to be against yourself, or I guess repent in sackcloth and ashes
I don't know We did I don't know if their handlers told them the whole story of what was going to happen all they said was
Joe It's time to write an article about QAnon. Hey lady from Christianity today It's time to write an article about QAnon So they said yes, sir like dutiful little soldiers
Or did they know that it was gonna be a whole play to sort of like anyone who's against Against child predators is is is
QAnon now. I don't know. I mean, I don't know which one it is I don't even know which one is better. I would you prefer that they're just that idiotic.
I don't know I honestly don't know but then but then the other thing is you know Big Eva has to find its testicles again
Obviously their balls have fallen off. This is Ryan Ocinski, he said this on Twitter Ryan Ocinski I have no idea who he is, but this is but this is you know
This is the kind of guy that Big Eva produces right? This is the this is this is Big Eva approved kind of stuff, right?
He's a You know anyway, let's just let's just listen who cares who he is He says this he says if you are horrified at the film cuties the film has accomplished its purposes
The dance routine clip isn't glorifying the sexualization of young girls any more than the flogging scene and Mel Gibson's passion of the cries glorifies flogging
Disgust is the point. So he's using his big brain. He's got his he's got his big boy brain and He's thinking big thoughts and he's he's he knows that this is that was the point
You see you see the point was to disgust you through 11 year old girls gyrating their pelvises
That was the whole point and so mission accomplished Big Eva's testicles have fallen off or did they even ever have them?
That's the other question Maybe big even never even had testicles and that's the whole point But the reality is like like this dude just enunciated what every single dude that got caught by Chris Hansen and to catch a predator
Said Chris Hansen would ask him. Why'd you send them child porn? Why'd you why'd you send him a dick pic and and The predator to the man would always say well
I was just trying to warn the teen about the dangers of the internet I was trying to horrify her so that she wouldn't be on the internet knew every single pedo says this kind of stuff
Every single one you send him a picture of your penis and they're like, well, I was just trying to scare them straight I was just trying to tell warn them about the dangers of the internet.
They all said it. So here we go We've got we've got Big Eva producing men with no testicles that can't just be like no, this is wrong.
This is evil We can't do this. No, no, we've got to think big brain big boy thoughts And so that's the kind of thing that we have see this is this is the kind of this is again
This is the kind of person Big Eva produces. They try to nuance things that are obviously Revolting revolting nuance it to death and then always punch, right?
That's the the conservatives are always wrong and the liberals who are you know, sexualizing 11 year olds
They're right because they're actually trying to make this big brain point. It's just absolutely insane, right? And so the reality is that You know,
I'm I'm not I'm not in trying to To to pick fights unnecessarily, but but there's no we just have to stand up to this stuff
We just have to say no to it, right? We have to continue to show people that Big Eva has no clothes
They're the Emperor who has no clothes and they're there and they've got the cushy jobs. They've got the salaries
They've got the conference speaking gigs and gigs and the book deals But these people are leading you over a cliff and we're gonna continue to expose it as aggressively as I see fit
It's just that simple. It's going to happen as aggressively as I see fit and don't tell me that that's wrong
Don't tell me that I'm not doing it the right way I'm allowed to critique but not this way when you start to actually critique in the right way
Then you show me what that's like You show me what the critique is like when you start naming names and you're doing it in the polite way
That says like yeah guys, why are you you know, running interference for these pagan pedophiles? You know when you do that in the right winsome kind of way you can come to me
We'll talk about it and we'll see who's who but the thing is you're not doing it. You're not doing it Kevin DeYoung You're still at God gospel coalition not doing anything
And so, you know, whatever if you're if you're right on these issues who cares who cares if you're not telling anybody about it
You know what? I mean? Like I just I've had it I've had it with the with the ultimately nuanced You know,
I mean the ultimately nuance that don't get anything done. We've got we've got here in my county I'm not a
I'm not a registered voter. I mean, I've told you guys this I'm not a registered voter I'm not a registered Republican or anything, but here in my county in New Hampshire.
We've got a tranny Satanist that just won the Republican nomination for sheriff in our county right and this is though This is the fruit of not finding your balls, right?
Not actually doing things not actually taking ground instead always playing defense and always playing nuanced winsomeness with with pagans
Stop doing it. We've got a tranny Satanist who's won the GOP nomination for sheriff in my county.
This is incompetence to the nth degree So if you have problems with the way that I say things you have problems with the way that I'm doing things
I don't care at all when you show me the right way to do it the right way that gets Resulted it's so winsome and all this kind of stuff then maybe we can talk about it.
But until then I've just had it I've had it. Look I'm gonna guard my own tongue because the Bible tells me to write
I'm gonna guard my own heart because the Bible tells me to write but there are some things that should piss you off There's some things that should give you
Rage in your heart. You should hate the things that God hates. You should hate the double -minded.
You should hate the pagans there's just no question about it and if you don't have a theology that makes room for that and and and That if you if you don't have a theology
That allows you to look at sick people sick people
That would that want to normalize, you know men oogling and and desiring and wanting to have sex with children and putting them in in sexually perverse
Situations and having them gyrate and twerk in front of them all while saying how how big -brained it is.
Oh, it's It's wordy chess because you see the the disgust was the point If you know if you don't have a theology that that has room for fury at that kind of thing
Then your theology is completely worthless. It is completely worthless it up and I've had it.
I've absolutely had it with incompetence I've had it with people that are trying to nuance things to death. That shouldn't be nuanced
I've had it with that the revoice conference trying to soft pedal all that kind of stuff and like no that should actually make you
Want to throw up what what they're doing on not not not have a panel discussion about can I cuddle my boyfriend as a
Christian? So yeah, you know, I just have had it with that kind of thing I saw this passage from Leviticus my pastor this this
Sunday. I love my pastor man He was he was preaching about something and I was thinking in my head Oh, I got a there's a passage that relates to this and I was looking for it in Leviticus.
This is Leviticus 19 Leviticus 19 and This is where you get love your neighbor, by the way, right?
This is love your neighbor as yourself. It comes from Leviticus 19 Leviticus 19 is so relevant for today Talks about oppression.
Don't rob people. You know what I mean? It talks about don't not being partial to the poor people not being partial to the great people just you know
Righteousness, you know is the same no matter if you're poor rich black or white whatever all that kind of stuff But listen to this
I hadn't really this never struck me the way it did yesterday before It says you shall this is verse 17
You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor lest you incur sin because of him
I'm gonna continue to reason frankly. I'm gonna continue to tell you what's what the way
I see it I'm gonna continue to tell you what the Bible says and and all this kind of stuff And I'm gonna continue to call you out.
I'm gonna reason frankly with you. I'm gonna I'm gonna do the respect of Naming you because that's that's the right thing to do
You know we got the we've got the den hollander's Rachel den hollander. She's the one that everyone was so clutching their pearls because Founders ministry put her in their trailer
And she's a little weasel as well because the reality is that den hollander is a political operative in our midst, right?
She's a political operative and who who who has the the clothing of someone who's against sex trafficking and stuff like that because you know
How I know this because because she's like that Alyssa Milano person right she's all against sexual assault until it's the
Democrats And it's like well, you know we got to be nuanced and it's that kind of thing you got Ted Cruz He wrote a letter that we should investigate
Netflix. We definitely should investigate Netflix. There's no question about it. She put resources into that But den hollander's not happy with that no no no this is just this is just Posturing and this is just political and stuff like that den hollander now
I mean she didn't call him QAnon But she might as well have you might as well have she's playing part of this Zeitgeist as well is she just stupid or does she know what she's doing
I don't know if she's just stupid or if she knows what she's doing, but doesn't matter either way you confront it the same way
Founders was right to put her in that trailer founders was right to overlay somebody talking about Principalities and powers and stuff like that when her image was on the on the screen founders was right
They were right then I defended him then I never stopped. I never stepped back from that. I never apologized for it
In fact, I said they should not have apologized for it because they were right then and they're right now So if you're one of those losers that was piling on to founders ministry
How dare you sir how dare you one of those white knights out there defending her look at what you were defending a political
Operative in your midst. It's just that simple they were right then they were right now.
I will never ever apologize for that So yeah, if you got the better way to do it you got the better Strategy for confronting critical theory in the church you got the better strategy for for winning this and your ultimately nuanced winsome
Show me how you've confronted it Show me how you've done it at all and show me your results and then we can talk about it
All right until then just keep your mouth shut and I'm not talking about people who are actually fighting this but maybe they're doing it in a little bit of a more winsome, you know soft kind of way because I if you anyone who
Knows me. No, I don't knows. I don't give people like that any grief I'm just like I'm grateful for any amount of pushback.
That's that's not who I'm talking to I'm talking to all these people that either they don't want to do anything
Are they or they do want to be very concerned about critical theory and all this kind of stuff? But then they're like, but you can't do it that way.
You can't do it too aggressively I just don't have any time for that kind of thing anymore. The reality is that We've got a major American corporation that's publishing the sexualized videos of minors
We got that that Desmond is amazing boy Who's been sexualized for years at this point and all you guys are just trying to you're having
Conferences about how much gayness can we get away with? How much gayness can a Christian get away with before it crosses the line like you're having panel discussions about this
No, it needs to be put out that needs to be put down quick with the quickness You know what? I mean? So so I don't have any patience for people.
I don't like the way you're doing it I don't like the way you're doing it. You can be right and in a wrong way. And so you're still wrong
I don't have any patience that I have to cut out too much of my Bible, you know to buy into that nonsense
And I just won't put cut out those sections of my Bible you see the reality is so many of you for for years now anyone gets a little bit aggressive with with this
Disgusting era in our church. They put up someone in a video. They they blur her image out You just clutch your pearls and you want to stand against it because I don't really know why maybe it's because you want to get
The happy greetings at the at the marketplaces. Yeah, you know the the the conference speaking book selling marketplace
Yeah, you know the gospel coalition. They always have a bookstore and stuff You want to get the happy greetings there a guy like me will never get the the the the boisterous greeting at the marketplace
But if that's you you want to go the official route I don't have any grief with you because look a guy's got to make some money, right?
But let's the end of the day just stay out of our way because at the end of the day I think that this strategy is having more impact than your nonsense strategy of you know
Nuancing everything to death I personally believe so but you keep you keep doing that you keep having your podcast
Days after it's completely irrelevant all that kind of stuff keep doing it and keep joining the world with the black lives matter
Stuff and nuancing everything to death and all that if you if that's what you think is gonna work fine
You keep doing it But stop coming to my door when I know for a fact That the stuff that we're doing is setting this agenda and and setting this straight in the right way
So anyway, I hope that you found this video helpful Some of you might guys might not this might not be your cup of tea and I completely understand but the reality is that the amount of abject insanity that has gone on All while big
Eva's having conferences about how much gayness can somebody get away with before they're too gay Like like I just I just I just don't
I just have no time for it anymore And I know that there's a lot of people there's a growing number of people that see it for what it is
I've seen so many means where somebody Googles Does a search on gospel coalition have they even addressed this
Netflix situation? Have they even addressed it? I? Mean the silence says says it all we've got so many memes of Russell Moore Jumping with the quickness to defend the ability to build a mosque at ground zero, right if it's
Islam Oh, yeah, he'll jump to it with the quickness, but John MacArthur's getting sued by by the state and Crickets, it's just absolutely crickets because why because well
John MacArthur's a racist because he signed a statement on social justice You see this is the reality, right?
I have no patience for it anymore You guys want a glad hand Russell Moore and get some of that sweet sweet book deal money.
That's fine You do you but leave me alone actually don't leave me alone I actually kind of like it because it gives me content
Not only does it give me content, but it allows me to have opportunities to show the contrast between me and you it shows the contrast
Between me and you you who have no part. You can't figure out a way to condemn pedophilia
Without mentioning a good conspiracy killing on us. This is evil You can't find a way to do it in a straightforward way
But of course everyone and their mothers racist like I just I just had it I've just had it's a little bit of a rant so You know if you're if you're you're here for more of my more winsome or entertaining content
Sorry about that, but the reality is this is how I feel today This is how I feel on Monday September 14th.
I can't I can't you know, I can't turn on the camera and just fake it So that's what it is.