Fallacies of Forgiveness (04/27/2003)


Pastor David Mitchell


And I've often said that 1st John 1 9 is the most unbelieved verse in the
Bible and I believe that The most unbelieved verse in the
Bible. I want to speak to you this morning And what we're going to do is we're going to take 1st
John 1 9 and its context and Study the context a little bit this morning and see how
God handles these fallacies very clearly in the scriptures Problem is we're so used to just plucking one verse out that we like and Using it as a promise or using it as this or that or the other and and we we just we can quote those verses
Oftentimes we don't know sometimes what's in the context around the verse and the
Lord Always leaves things clear And so I think we'll see how he himself as he authored this passage
Did away with many? Fallacies of forgiveness right here in the passage right around 1st
John 1 9, so let's pray and we'll get started father We thank you for your forgiveness. We know that it's all by the finished work of Jesus Christ because of his blood given on the cross
Because of his life that he gave for us Lord we know that forgiveness is because his death not only paid for our sins, but propitiated your justice
Made you satisfied that the debt had been paid We thank you that forgiveness means that the sin has been removed from the center
We thank you that all of this took place almost 2 ,000 years ago So therefore it includes not only the sins we've done but our future sins for they were all future when you died for them
We thank you for that We thank you for the complete Salvation you give us because of the blood of Jesus Christ and we pray in his name.
Amen. Well I'm going to read to you the last couple of verses in our passage in Psalm.
You don't have to turn there but the passage we've studied for several weeks at Psalm 32 ends this way and If you remember a little bit of review it talked about Positional forgiveness the fact that from the divine viewpoint
We are already forgiven from all sins In fact, all of our sins have been removed as far as the
East is from the West We've been given a new nature, which is the nature of God, which will not sin and cannot sin.
That's the new man and From God's viewpoint when he looks at us. He sees
Jesus Christ's righteousness. He does not see sin That's the divine viewpoint but Psalm 32 also talked about the human in time viewpoint and it talked about how
David must confess his sins and So that's what we call sometimes experiential forgiveness
So there's both there's the God divine viewpoint of forgiveness, which is wonderful to know because it gives you an
Understanding of how you're God's child and you cannot cease to be his child
But it's also important to know the end time part of forgiveness but the fact that he gives us this first John 1 9, for example as a means to help us psychologically for one thing when we
Because we have the need that a little child has when he does wrong in the home To come to the parents and fess up and get right and even receive a spanking sometimes
But then so that his fellowship can go on unhindered We have that need in time
And God gives us that as well so psalm 32 goes from the divine viewpoint to the human viewpoint back to the divine viewpoint and then ends with the human viewpoint again and Let's read.
Well, you can't read it today to turn there, but I'll read it to you. Psalm 32 9 Be you not as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle lest they come near unto thee this
Hebrew word Understanding means to mentally separate It means to be able to separate right from wrong
And as we go into first John 1 9 in the verses around it we're going to see that one of the problems that some people have even born -again people who are saved and Whose sins are forgiven if they're not in the word.
They have a bit of problem discerning right from wrong Separating the difference between white and black they have too many gray areas
And it creates a problem that God solves in a similar way to the way that the horse or the mule has a bridle
God just simply has to pull the rain in and sometimes chasing more
In order to get those people at that time in their lives. That's us people we people in order to get us people to sometimes come and confess
And so that then led me to 1st John 1 9 now, we're where you are, so let's look at this together
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
The first fallacy that I want to mention this morning is Fallacy that you have to ask forgiveness
Of your sins now listen to me think about it How many times in your prayer life you say
Lord forgive me of my many sins That's a fallacy. You don't have to do that Do you know why?
Because of the finished work of Jesus if you are in Christ your sins are gone
The New Testament word for forgiveness doesn't mean they're covered up or covered over or that it's okay
Now what it means is you don't have them They're gone they have been removed from you they've been literally placed upon Jesus Your sins have all of your sins have been imputed is the
Bible word for it. It's an accounting term it means God took your sins out of your account and put them in Jesus's account and when he was on the cross and he
Said my god my god. Why have you forget forsaken me? Your sins were in his body.
And that's why God had forsaken him. He had no sins of his own your sins in mind reputed to Jesus Christ and Just as that is true.
It is also true for the 2nd Corinthians 5 17 through 21 in many other places That if you're born again, his righteousness is imputed to you
So when God saw Jesus he saw your sin in mine and he died because of it for it
Now when he looks at you the born -again one And you live because of it and you have no sin
So you don't have to ask forgiveness of your sin. Notice this verse doesn't say ask forgiveness of your sins.
It says confess your sin That's different Confess is a word that comes from two little
Greek words. So many of the Greek words are just built a little building blocks But the word for confess is homolo gay
Oh Which comes from a little Greek word? Homu which means at the same place to be at the same place and Logos, who knows what that means?
Word Jesus is the word. He's the logos It means something said the word so when you put those two little words together
What it means is you come to the same place with God and with what
God has said in other words You agree with God that you did a sinful act and that what you did was exceedingly simple and you try to see the act through God's eyes through the
Lord's eyes as sinful and as that which was placed upon his body and Which contributed to the fact that he died on the cross and you see it that way confess it
It means to agree to come to the same place with God about your sin
Does that make sense? You cannot do that and be general It never two reasons.
It doesn't work to say forgive us of our many sins One is this you don't need to be forgiven and secondly is this
It's too general Confess and agree means to agree with that specific sin that you just did and So therefore confessions that take should take place
Instantly after the sin takes place in the life of a Christian. We're talking about Christians now this morning
This doesn't apply to a lost person first John 1 lot 9 cannot be used by a lost person Because this sins are not forgiven
But it can be used by the born -again one now To agree or to come to the same place with God about a sin means that it's a specific sin
So when we find ourselves in the flesh Which is the worst sin in the first place because the
Bible teaches to be filled with the Holy Spirit That's a command. So we break that commandment anytime we're in the flesh
But immediately we should come to our good senses like the prodigal son did come to our good senses realize we are not living the abundant life that Jesus Christ died for us to live and Come before him as a little child and confess the sin and just agree with God that it's simple and name
Name the specific sin You'll find that that in itself will help you not to do that sin next time
The fact that you have to name the word that you did to a holy God Who died for you to free you from that thing?
You just did Name it and agree with him that it's simple. So the first fallacy that we see that is
Obliterated is the fallacy that we have to ask forgiveness of sins and that we're too general We must confess our sins as a
Christian We must come to the place the same place God is about that sin and agree
With him if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
Now the fact is he has already forgiven the sin Because God does not live in time
He lives in now So it's not that he forgives you after you confess.
The verse has never meant that it cannot mean that And go along with every other verse in the Bible it deals with positional forgiveness
What it does mean is that God is faithful, which means he will do it every time because it's already done
That is the greatest definition of faithfulness. You will ever find it's something that's already done.
It can't fail Totally faithful to forgive us our sins, but not only that it says he is just To forgive us the sins.
Why is he just because Jesus has already died The finished work has taken place and God is pleased he is propitiated he is satisfied
That the payment for the sin debt of his elect has been made in full
It is a satisfied obligation Therefore God is just to forgive us because Jesus died and took our place as our substitute as the substitutionary perfect plan
The Old Testament Sacrifices all pictures so beautifully So if we confess our sins, he's faithful and he is just to do it.
He will do it every time and Has done it already and is doing it since he's in the present tense
To forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness this little word cleanse has to do with our
Psychology a great deal When we understand that the sins already removed it doesn't mean that he's cleaning us up from the sin
But it does mean he's cleaning our mind up from it He is freeing us to understand that it's behind us now
It's forgiven has been paid for now that you've agreed with me that you shouldn't have done it We walk together as a father and child in full fellowship again.
The full fellowship has been restored So many examples in the family with the father and the little children as they come in they confess it
Sometimes they get a spanking. Sometimes if they confess it ahead of time, they don't have to get the spanking so many examples now where it says
Confess our sins the word sin here comes from a Greek word, which means to miss the mark
It means to fall short of the glory of God Which means that's what we all have done
It holds up Jesus Christ as the example and it says we fall short when we sin because he never sin now
If he is just to forgive us of our sins This word forgive is so interesting even in the
New Testament concept, especially I should say in the New Testament concept He is just to forgive us our sins the word forgive comes from oppo which means to send away and He a me which means to sin
I'm sorry oppo means away it means away from and he a me which means to sin you put it together
It means to send away Forgiveness means that the sin has been sent away from the center
It did not really mean that in the mind of the Old Testament saying except for David and David understood that But the others thought of it as a covering in the
Old Testament and sure enough It was a covering in the Old Testament It was covered year to year and passed forward year to year in the
Hebrew word The word forgive even has the connotation of to pass forward until the cross
At which time even the sins of the Old Testament Saints were done away That's why the Old Testament Saints were in Abraham's bosom rather than in heaven and Jesus went to get them
After the cross and took them into the heavenlies because for the first time in their existence Their sin is removed away not just covered
It's all there. It's just amazing to see how this fits together Now he cleanses us from all unrighteousness
Which is injustice or going against or missing the mark now, let's go to verse 10 and we'll see
There's another fallacy of forgiveness that is dealt with in this passage If we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us
There is a fallacy out there among certain groups. Not so much among the Baptist or anybody that I see that's represented any
Denomination represented by the folks with us in the congregation this morning that I know of but there are some groups out there
Who since about the year? 1900 up until now when that group was formed, they believe that you can come to a state of sinlessness in this life
And they teach that you can become Sanctified in this life where you don't sin anymore
It was funny one time years ago. I went to a huge Bible conference up north near Chicago And there were three or four preachers that were just Well known national preachers preaching big events all over the country and they really could preach they were just amazing
Preachers we enjoyed getting to hear the way they could just open the word to you
But it was held in a basketball Gym because it was the only place around that church big enough to hold all the people that had come
And I mean there was a parking problem. There's everything it was difficult to find a seat so John Abraham who was
One of the early members of this church back in 1980 and who impastored this church for two years right before I became the pastor
He was with me and the two of us and there's some others But I remember John he and I went up we were looking for a place to sit and we found two spots right up there so we walked up and we walked in front of the people and we sat down in the chairs and And We were ten minutes late.
You can't imagine that with me. I know that you can't but we were about ten minutes late and there was a guy behind us and it said those seats are taken and John said well, who were they for and they said well, they're just for some friends and John said well,
I'll tell you what they're Ten minutes late. They're probably not coming if they come we'll give them the seats
Would that be all right? The guy didn't say anything. He just kind of went like that So we sat down and we enjoyed the awesome
You're transported in the heavenlies by the scriptures These men were preaching for about two hours.
They had about two different preachers and some singing in between. Oh, it was glorious When it was all over we stood up.
We just didn't want to leave the place. We didn't want to go home We just boy we were high we turned around and sitting behind us was this man
He looked at me and said you almost made me lose my sanctification John Looked at me and I was him.
We just burst out laughing. We didn't mean to but he just lost it If he thought we made him lose it, he lost it
But he was from one of these groups that believed you could achieve complete sanctification in his life
He proved that they're not right because he got angry with us And so anyway, we felt so badly that we'd call someone to lose their sanctification that night
But this is a fallacy Verse 10 God himself says if we know this whole passage with Especially with verse 9 and forward.
It's talking to Christians only it's only to born -again people Most of the Bible is that way anyway, it's written to God's people
If we as a Christian say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in it
It does away with the fallacy of complete sanctification in his life. Now, let's move to the next one
Look at chapter 2 verse 1 and remember there are no chapter divisions in the original So it just is the same thing continuing here.
So forget about chapter 2 verse 1 still still talking about the same Concept that's spoken of in verse 9
My little children these things right I unto you that you sin not Now he just got through saying
Now this by the way is the verse that the total sanctification people like to use But they don't like to look at the verse right before it
He just got through saying if you say you don't sin you lie But now he comes back and God says my little children.
I write these things to you so that you sin not What is he saying? I've written my whole word, but it's certainly this passage starting with the earlier paragraphs before verse 9 even
I've written these things to you as Strength To keep you from sin the
Word of God if you stay in it will help keep you from sin There's no doubt about that.
It is it has a sanctifying effect on the Christian So I've written my word to you so that you don't sin
This corrects those who think that because we can confess and be forgiven at any time
It's therefore okay to sin Now you say well nobody thinks that way you're wrong and be careful lest you think that way at any given moment
You may not even think it out loud in your mind But you may rationalize and you may do a sin
Thinking well, I know I can confess it in a few moments because I'm already forgiven my sins are really already gone
So you see how God brings you to balance it is true that God's taught us that our sins are already gone
But if that's the only mercy gave us, you know, what we'd be in a cult group to be over here saying, okay We can go do anything we want to do because it's already gone.
So let's just go sin together. It's already gone Did you know Paul had to deal with that very thought?
Paul the Apostle Paul dealt with that in his day. Let me read that to you Romans 6 1
What shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid was his answer.
How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? He had to answer this same problem and bring it back into balance.
He didn't say that. It's not true that our sins are gone It is true. He said the false Psychology behind it is for those
Christians who say oh, well, then I'll just live like I want to because God has to forgive me My little children these things right out of you that you sin
Not the purpose is for you not to sin The purpose is not for you to go sin more because you're already forgiven
God tells you you are forgiven but he says the whole reason I'm telling you this is so you'll live like it if I have sent my son to die for You and he gave his life for you and I as the father gave you the most dear thing everything
I gave everything for you. Then you should not want to sin anymore. I Didn't say this to you so you can go think why
I just said all the time because I confess it later There are those who have that There was a prominent pastor of the
Dallas area That happened to be the son of the man who held the big
Bible conference, I just told you about that I was that and Where I was
Preposition if you live in my house but It was his son and he came back to pastor a church.
His father had founded and it had grown to six eight thousand members and And he was a fornicator and was spending time with women who were not his wife and what he was telling them
It's all came out of the deacon meeting. He was telling him. Well, we're really already forgiven
God will forgive us And he was giving the marriage counseling Did you know that the safest place to give marriage counseling gentlemen is from this pulpit right here
Just preach the word preach the word and let the husband's be able to answer the wives questions at home
But he was falling to this fallacy and bringing the women with him into this fallacy we're already forgiven we can do anything
We won't and then confess it later. It'll be okay. It's not what the Bible says. The Bible says my little children
I've written all this to you so that you don't sin at all. You don't sin in the first place and Then he moves on in the same breath he says and if any man sin, you see he's not teaching
Sinless sanctification sinless perfection or some state we come to where we never sin.
He's saying you ought not sin You have the whole word of God you have the
Holy Spirit you have your salvation Salvation means you've been delivered from bondage of the world the flesh and the devil so you ought not sin he comes right back says yes, but when you sin and When any man sin look at this we have an advocate with the
Father Jesus Christ the righteous advocate parakletos the paraclete an intercessor a counselor a
Lawyer who when you do sin stands before the throne of God and says he is forgiven because my blood was shed for that one
He's one of mine. He's innocent That goes against the fallacy it corrects those who believe that once we sin we lose our salvation and There is that fallacy
There are many groups that teach if they're that a born -again
Blood -bought person could lose his salvation. It's a fallacy, but they believe it
The fallacy means all logic Wrong reason it means it's not true
The reason it's not true is because it says if you're being spoken to in this passage
You're born again already and it says if any man sin any Christian man or woman sin
We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ The righteous what does it mean the righteous?
He was the righteous one who died for us If we confess our sins he is faithful and what
Just To forgive us his justice has been met by the blood of Jesus and can be met by nothing else
But is met fully by the blood of Jesus Therefore you cannot lose your salvation if you ever once have it
It would be absolutely impossible for the blood of Jesus to fail
That one I was part ways with you on if you don't believe that I cannot abide a person
I'm talking about in church with me Who believes you can lose your salvation? He's got too many scriptures.
He's got a rip out of his Bible. He's got too many questions I can ask him that he can't answer. He's ignorant. I Don't mean he's stupid.
I Just mean he hasn't studied Or he's been led astray by a false prophet this passage right in here where it talks about forgiveness and confession gives
The Word of God which corrects those who believe you could lose your salvation if any man sin
We have an advocate perfect advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous
Now look at verse 2 of chapter 2 and he is the propitiation for our sins
Not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world There's another reason you can't lose your salvation.
He is the propitiation do you know that that means the word they mean there is no other and Propitiation means he is the only thing in the universe that satisfies
God's justice against him and his wrath And he has finished it on the cross that day.
It is a finished work. It's past tense It's done. You can't add one thing to it.
You can't take one thing away from it It's finished and God is God stands propitiated in His present tense as he is we picture him seated on the great white throne
He is seated there standing in a state of propitiation having been satisfied.
He is always and continually satisfied that his elect
Have been Taken care of by the blood of Jesus So, how could you lose your salvation?
You cannot only if God became unsatisfied with Jesus's blood and he's not going to do that.
I Love these verses. Well, you know this beautiful word propitiation
Velos most kind of takes you back to the Hebrew word for atonement
Reminds us of the passages in Leviticus where it talks about all the burnt offerings and how in 1624 the priest would wash his flesh with water in the holy place before he put on the holy garments which pictured the righteousness of Christ that part pictured positional forgiveness, but the washing of the flesh pictured confession like 1st
John 1 9 it's all pictured in the Old Testament. It's very beautiful now in 1st John chapter 2 verse 3 let's look at it and hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments
Now this does away with the fallacy or corrects the error that a saved person would be able to continually sin and then confess and Then sin again and confess and then do the same sin again and confess it again and not have victory over specific sin
That's a fallacy the Christian I've said many times shouldn't do the same sin this year He did last year and I don't mean that literally but what
I what I mean is there are certain sins and weaknesses that we have when we come into salvation and we carry those with us and Because of the deliverance that Jesus gives us because we're no longer a slave to Satan We're no longer a slave to our own flesh no longer a slave of this world system
We can have victory over any sin So as we honestly as Christians look at our lives and say where is that weakness minds different than anybody else's?
What's my weakness? Where is it where Satan hits me the most in my or my flesh hits me the most or the world allures me the most
And I tend to go into that sin more easily than any other sin. That one is what I can have victory over And this passage teaches it
It says hereby we know that we know him if we keep his commandments Well, if he says thou shalt not on any issue or thou shalt on other issues and we find ourselves breaking that one
Then we need to understand that we need to obey and he's given us the power To be able to keep his commandments.
In fact hereby. We know that we know him What does that mean?
This is how I know I'm born again This is how I know that I'm sealed by the
Holy Spirit is that he is working in my life to move away The sins and the weights that so easily beset me
And that doesn't teach we get to a sinless state in this life because there'll be another one that pops up. Trust me
There'll be another one, you know as well as I know But we don't have to do the same ones that we can have complete victory over Specific sin and that's not to say saying the same as you become sanctified where you never sin
I'm not saying that I am saying this you can have sins that you used to do that. You never do again ever
You can have complete victory over specific sin smoking is a good example You don't have to ever smoke again.
I Like to pick on that one because I don't smoke I'm not gonna talk about gluttony now
Okay Hereby, we know that we know him if we keep his commandments now, let's go to verse 4 it corrects another fallacy
He that saith I know him and Keep it not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not
Now this word keep it is interesting. Keep it not his commandments It comes from the
Greek word a ray Oh, which means to guard Or to keep an eye on He that does not guard and keep an eye on his commandments
You know who that is. That's a person who's never in the word He just never studies.
He never has a need to read. He's not interested in the Bible That person needs to check out his own salvation
He that says I know Jesus that he doesn't keep the commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him
I call this the fallacy of was a lie of lasciviousness a Person said oh,
I know Jesus and yet they're living a lascivious lifestyle. They're a fornicator perhaps I don't know what they are, but they're doing all manner of sin and they have no victory over it.
I said, but I don't Jesus God himself says you're lying. You don't know me because I give you deliverance
My salvation is spelled deliverance So it destroys that fallacy
The next one verse five But who so keepeth his word in him barely truly is the love of God perfected
Whereby know we that we are in him You know what
The person who says I know him Doesn't love others With the gentle tender kindness that Jesus has is a liar
He's not born again He can act like it he can dress like it he can do all the rules better than everybody else perhaps
But he's lost as a goose Because the Bible says who so keeps his work,
I'm sorry the Bible says That a person who is not perfected in the love of God is not a person who keeps his word
He is not a person that's in the word or keeps his word And if you go to the verse before it that verse says if you're not keeping his work, you're a liar
So this does away or this is more of a positive thing. I suppose rather than a fallacy
It just simply says if if you are born again Then there is the law of love in your life because Jesus lives there and he is love
God is love So you have a new capability of loving others that you never had as a lost person
And that means that it has nothing to do with what they're doing for you or against you Because a
God they love comes from the inside from God not from the person you're loving So it doesn't matter what they do.
You can still love them. You can't have that unless you're born again It's a great. It's a fallacy people that say
I'm born again, but they don't love people that way. They're not really say They and we're talking about fallacies of forgiveness, they're not really forgiven yet Now let's go to the next one
Verse six He that sayeth he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk even as he walked
He that sayeth he abideth. That's a little word may know which means to stay
He that says he stays in Christ ought to walk like Christ I Call that the fallacy of saying
I'm so forgiven. I can walk anywhere I'm so forgiven.
I can walk anywhere and do anything and I Don't believe that's true.
I suppose you could say yeah, you can but you won't Because he that abides in Christ walks even as he walked
Another test of true forgiveness Now, let's go to verse 8.
You'll see another one Again a new commandment I write unto you which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is past and the true
Light now shine it first half of that verse Shows that a person who's truly forgiven as light in his life
There's light there there's light on his countenance I don't mean every day or if with me not before 10 o 'clock certainly on any day
But in the general life of that person, there's light In that countenance
What a great test of it forgiven person True light now shine it in verse 9 points out last one
There is no contradiction between what the tongue says and where the heart is He that sayeth he is in the light, but he hates his brother is in darkness, so The Lord clears up all these fallacies about forgiveness
He tells us about forgiveness that we are told the sin is totally removed from the sinner
God is totally propitiated once and for all and forever He is satisfied that the sin that is paid for therefore that sins are removed
They've been placed on the head of the scapegoat the scapegoats been sent into the wilderness never to return
That's what Jesus did on the cross my God my God. Why have you forsaken me your sins and mine?
We're in his body when he said that They've been paid for But God comes back and says but when we sin, let's confess our sin
Best agree with God that that act was sinful that specific act was sinful and be cleansed from it
Emotionally mentally and in reality where you're in fellowship with the Lord and walk together in your own mind in his mind as well
And in all the things that people could say incorrectly about those two issues. He just corrected ten things
I didn't tell you ten up front you would have died if I said we had ten fallacies But we're through them already.
It was virtually painless Ten fallacies that have been corrected. I want to close with this little passage in Psalm 65 1 because I didn't choose this to teach about Forgiveness from but I could have
I just wanted you to hear it Psalm 65 1 to the chief musician a song a song of David Praise waited for thee.
Oh God in Zion and unto thee shall the bow be performed O Thou that hearest prayer and to thee shall all flesh come someday in the future
Now look at this Iniquities prevail against me sometimes as for our transgressions
Thou shalt purge them away You might as well read it this way iniquities prevail against me.
Nevertheless as for my transgressions I know you will purge them away Blessed is the man whom thou choosest
And causes to approach unto thee That he may dwell in thy courts
We shall be satisfied With the goodness of thy house even of thy holy temple
You see you are forgiven You already have a place in the heavenlies made for you
You have an inheritance with your name on it already Because God sees you and I'm talking about the father
Sees you sinless already What a beautiful truth and yet when we do get in the flesh and we sin
Our hearts and our minds need to know that the father Will still walk with me
And even though we know that blessed truth We tend to forget it at that time and that's why he gave us 1st
John 1 I and said just come to the Lord and just confess tell him what you did and agree with him It is it's simple
And then you're totally cleansed from how much all The most unbelieved verse in the
Bible people don't believe the little word all and they go around still feeling dirty Because of that sin they just did that's the accuser that's
Satan the word devil means the slanderer and He would use that against you for days if you don't know this material
But if you know it if you will come to the Lord on the basis of the blood of Jesus The finished work of Christ that your sins have been removed and say
Lord. I know my sins have been removed I know the devil's lying to me. I'm feeling dirty He's lying to me wants me to stay that way because he thinks
I won't come to speak with you if I feel this way But I know I have no sin. Thanks to Jesus Christ who took all my sins upon his body
But I just want to agree with you that the act I just did in the flesh In my heart and in my deed was sinful.
Thank you Took that sin upon his body
And I don't really care if you say please forgive me.
It's not the wording of it important It's not because God knows what you mean if you say that as a little child, don't forgive me for doing that's okay
Because you you know that you that you're forgiven already. What you're saying is I just want to walk with you
As long as that's what's in your heart. That's what this person and then you know what you do
You put it behind you and you grab the Lord's hand and you walk forward towards the mark in victory
And you don't do that sin again You say Lord help me not to do that sin again.
Give me strength and power Against it and you walk on That's the teaching of forgiveness in the
Bible and we're through with it for a while. Let's stand and have prayer together Father we thank you for your forgiveness for it is the only thing that gives us healthy minds clean hearts and clean hands
We thank you for the precious blood of Jesus, which is what cleansed our whole life our whole body
We thank you that you say from time to time you wash our feet But that our whole body doesn't need to be washed ever again because we are forgiven we stand forgiven
But you wash our feet for us when we get into the world dirt And we sin in the flesh.
We thank you that you even do that for us. You cleanse our mind of the guilt feelings And you allow us to walk in perfect victory with you again
Lord, thank you so much for your great plan of salvation, which includes all these things
We thank you that we're forgiven by the blood of Jesus Lord Jesus. We thank you for giving your life for us for Withstanding separation from the father for us
Being our sacrifice and our scapegoat Or go with us into our time of fellowship.