The things that creep in the dark
The things that creep in the dark
Shadow people, Ghost & Demons
- 00:00
- Here you got it. I'll pass it. I'll pass it to haps my fault. That's what what is up y 'all
- 00:07
- This is hats in my mic in and everything's down right now so I'm coming from my phone, but I am haps
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- Addison one of the co -hosts of open -air theology and Glad to be here tonight and a part of covenant reborn
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- Baptist Church Hallelujah All right. So yeah, we was a little worried hats was creeping on the come up and Worried so I was trying to give him a little bit of time.
- 00:33
- This is which is why we're a little bit late but uh, you know It's better to have happy with us than to not have happy with us because everyone needs a little happy, right?
- 00:48
- So tonight this is basically the type of stuff you would talk about around a campfire and so since You know, we're not
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- Braden is not in Tennessee like for some reason he doesn't want to come to Tennessee Hang out with us, right?
- 01:03
- He only wants to do like a once -a -year thing like yeah Like like we can be a little too much for him.
- 01:08
- So it's a fact Yes, if there were more states I could put between us I would
- 01:17
- Yeah, he loves us yeah, so so tonight is basically the the campfire and so uh
- 01:24
- Topic for tonight is the things that creep in the dark or you could say bumpity bump, whatever and so, uh
- 01:32
- The main thing that we want to talk about Is we're going to talk about? now the the first topic
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- The first topic is something that's known by many different names and and there's many different reasons why
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- People say that that that this takes place but the the first topic will be on what's called shadow people or which is also known as the hat man, and i'm sure it's got many more names, but But shadow people and the hat man is what i've known them know it to be
- 02:08
- And we also want to talk about ghost Is there such thing as ghost and we're going to talk about?
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- demons the bible speaks about demons and if your Christianity doesn't allow for demons, uh, you might want to uh, keep reading your bible so Yeah, don't be so Sensationist that you uh, uh mark off demonic activity and and and I have some stories on all three
- 02:38
- Uh, i'm not sure where these other brothers stand Maybe I need to rebuke them right and and y 'all know how
- 02:44
- I wrote. I don't have any problem at all Rebuking them, um
- 02:50
- Uh a member of our church the the other elder's wife julie She said that last week she was watching our show and her anxiety was up because of the way we were yelling at each other
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- And she she said that this is how church splits start and I was like, you know, we're not females
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- I mean no offense to the females, but you know, we're men and and men can can argue
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- Laugh joke and it's all the same like we don't take anything You know to heart it just is what it is that there's this a story.
- 03:23
- I like to tell so so let's say if you have five women conversation having a conversation and let's say a
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- A hospital hallway and another woman comes walking down the hallway And as the woman comes walking down the hallway the five women stop talking
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- They stare at her as she until she walks by giving her the dirty look and then they start gossiping about her, right?
- 03:48
- yeah, that's true story that happens as A predicament like if you have five guys chilling in the hallway and another guy comes walking down the hallway
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- We don't really stop talking. We give them the nod. Hey, what's up? What's up? Everybody says what's up?
- 04:03
- He keeps walking and we keep talking like it It is what it is right
- 04:09
- We're so different as uh creatures of god So who wants to begin?
- 04:16
- I just took on a three -minute rant. So I want to let you keep on talking about women.
- 04:23
- Oh, no, I don't want to dig myself a grave, right? I just want to point out that that you and I can argue and and nothing and like It's nothing but if two women were are
- 04:36
- Or let's say what happened last week with our conversation if it was three girls There wouldn't be a podcast this week, right?
- 04:44
- Most definitely I would have started a new podcast. You would have just changed this one over to bigfoot
- 04:51
- Bigfoot seekers I'll let hap start though.
- 04:57
- This was kind of your topic of what what you thought would be a good good thing to talk about so No, and my mic and and fantastic Uh, but uh, no,
- 05:08
- I you know, i've noticed well i've had a few things happen to me uh
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- And i'll i'll share them and everything but the majority of the things um
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- Like hat man. I didn't know what hat man was until jeff actually Um was talking about hat man and I go that's that's kind of weird.
- 05:28
- So I started doing a little, you know digging You know And I had a man who was in my home
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- Who was on his deathbed? And he swore up and down He was kind of lung cancer and he was swearing up and down that there was this guy standing in a corner staring at him
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- With a black trench coat on and a black hat, but he couldn't see his face and I thought that was
- 05:52
- I was like, that's odd and I I you know, and I I never heard that before And um, he was terrified and uh, so we just kept getting gossip stuff like that, but The one for me that Stayed in my life that when it comes to shadow people um,
- 06:16
- I remember, uh uh, the the the night before my my wedding all right the night before my wedding my
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- Wife and I we had not this way not not this is my first wife We had flown down from a washington to california to get married and she was pregnant about eight months pregnant and um
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- So we're in my mom and stepdad's guest room Everything's normal, you know, i'm not on drugs or anything like that You know, uh, i'm sleeping on my side with my arm over her and um
- 06:53
- It was like I I was awake You know, I don't know why I was awake But I knew that I knew somebody was in the room and they were they were looking at me.
- 07:04
- So in my head I was thinking it's my mom All right And I was like i'm gonna scare that Poop out of her, you know, i'm just gonna jump up and go boom
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- Like that and so i'm just sitting there just waiting for it and I jump up And standing at the the end of my bed is this
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- Black figure a shadow. It was like a shadow and it was
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- Um, it had depth to it like I don't know. I can't explain
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- It was dark It was my bed And I was completely terrified
- 07:48
- You know it it was I mean there was some light in the room because of you know Because we were in dana point.
- 07:54
- So, you know, you got the moon right off the the ocean right there This thing was tall
- 08:02
- It was I mean clear as day. I wasn't I wasn't like I just woke up and saw this i've been up and um
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- What happened was is is I ended I I was so terrified I'm such a girl, but I was so terrified
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- That I I closed my eyes and I turn around and I grabbed my wife and I was like go away go away
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- Go away like that. I'm dead serious And I I kind of like peeked out and it was it wasn't there no more
- 08:31
- I I went to sleep that night and I won't go into the details right here, but I I went to sleep and um
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- I had the craziest dream and um the next day uh, my daughter died on my wedding day
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- And that's a true story that that really really happened and um uh, and it was and that's when
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- I started getting into this uh fascination with um the other side and playing with Um, uh dabbling into the occult off and on, you know
- 09:06
- Throughout the years, but yeah, that was my intro into it, but i've had many experiences after that right
- 09:13
- Right. Have you ever had any experiences brayden? a good mormon kid Yes, I did
- 09:21
- And I feel like you're baiting me into telling a story without hearing a bigfoot call yet, but I I uh,
- 09:27
- I'm, not doing a bigfoot call Yeah, yeah,
- 09:33
- I I I have He's doing it Yeah, that was uh He's doing it right now.
- 09:38
- Hey, alligator. Stop barking, bud No, so I did have a really weird experience so and this is when
- 09:48
- I was lds so as every lds person does um, they every lds person is seeking after an experience like what joseph smith's reported having right and so joseph smith reports having conversations with angel morona and seeing the father and the son and And all these different crazy experiences and so I would say
- 10:12
- And this is there's no evidence for me saying something like this or a hard number, but I would assume that Like 99 .999
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- % of lds people pray to some extent Asking for experiences like what joseph smith had some sort of revelation, right?
- 10:30
- even even asking about if the book of mormon is true is still to an extent exactly what joseph smith was doing in the the
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- His experience in the woods, right? Right and so I remember one night and I think
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- I was between the ages of 12 and 14 And I was praying really really wanting to have an experience like that and I was sitting in in our my family's living room recliner
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- And there was a sliding glass door to my front left and i'm praying just wanting something to appear wanting asking
- 11:03
- Pleading like just show me something to help validate my mormon faith, right? And I wasn't saying it in those ways, but just wanting something
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- And I still remember this globe Like an orb right appeared in like the lower left hand corner inside the room super super bright and Went away, right like it was very obvious.
- 11:26
- So something just happened, right? And I was like, oh my gosh, I like in my mind then I thought I was seeing an angel right?
- 11:32
- Like I was like man. I like I just encountered something that validates and this is where I would say it was absolutely a demonic force of some kind because it
- 11:42
- Validated my belief in a false god, right? It validated keeping my eyes away from the cross It validated belief in the book of mormon because I had an experience just like how joseph smith maybe not just like but what
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- I was Wanting it validated that that in that sense um
- 12:00
- So, yeah, that was that was the really weird Demonic activity that I had when
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- I was lds. I think I was 14 And and just super super weird still remember it
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- Now are you allowing this? Experience to To roll over into your unbelief of bigfoot.
- 12:23
- I knew you were gonna go there. I knew you were gonna tell you what son Look, let me tell you something if that's what you're doing when
- 12:29
- I see you come february like look like it's on Listen to me right now What you're doing right now is you're going back on a week on a podcast and we said we weren't gonna keep on talking
- 12:38
- About it anymore. What? Oh, okay. Listen, I don't want to talk about it really tonight, but all we You've been sending me weird messages and making weird memes of me and bigfoot, okay, heck yeah, dude,
- 12:49
- I think he really exists Look me and bigfoot got our own thing going wait time out though I have been getting non -stop messages and comments from people making me feel like i'm the outsider
- 13:01
- Like the majority of people believe he exists. I'm like, no Y 'all are the witnesses of two or three, but we'll get off of that subject.
- 13:08
- I'm, sorry All right, i'm sorry now someone made a comment fred made a comment on youtube
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- And he's asking anyone here king james only um
- 13:21
- I'm, not sure if you are a king james only but I'm, not a king james only no and yeah, so If you're looking for a debate,
- 13:34
- I hope you're not But but this is not the channel for that But as far as I know, no one is a king james only we have nothing against the king james bible itself.
- 13:43
- It's just not the only english translation now so so concerning me so, um
- 13:51
- So when I was 17 my sister Had an encounter with the hat man or shadow people, whatever you want to call them and um
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- And and she reported to me that as she was asleep She felt like something laid on top of her but was able to reach in her inside, right?
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- And and and she said it felt like he whatever it was was grabbing her heart and squeezing it
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- And she told me this because which i'll get into whenever we we bring on the whole ghost subject uh, because like like stuff like that had always intrigued me
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- And so and I was like, well, that's really weird and and I think it was probably around a week later.
- 14:35
- I had a very similar experience And I and I experienced what's called shadow people or the hat man
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- I experienced that from the from from seven from being 17 all the way up until six years ago
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- So I haven't had any experience Any encounter with what's called shadow people in six years and I was telling haps earlier we were talking by way of a
- 15:03
- Face time Uh that last night because we were talking about it yesterday that that last night
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- You know, like my wife isn't here like she's visiting her her mom For her birthday in jackson
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- And last night I was a little spooked just just just knowing that we were going to talk about tonight that I slept with my door open the bathroom light was on like Like I was a big old sissy.
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- I got up in the middle of night to use the restroom turn my lights on I'm just saying because like when it comes to You know,
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- I know we're gonna transition into demons at the end but from my experience
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- The hat man shadow people are the most demonic That i've ever encountered
- 15:51
- Okay, it is the most demonic entity, whatever it is that I have ever encountered and and so Probably the most activity that i've had with them.
- 16:03
- There was a house in madison, tennessee and um and and so our first night like, you know, so we we moved in and and like We don't have everything unpacked right like it takes three days to pack and it takes three years to unpack
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- You know what i'm saying when you move into a house and so it's the first day there we don't have everything unpacked and so My I had one dress shoe
- 16:30
- In the living room and I had another dress shoe was in another one of the rooms, right? I can remember going to bed and knowing my dress shoes because I was
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- I was a traveling evangelist at the time I was going from different church part of the assemblies of god.
- 16:44
- I'd be going to different churches and preaching, right? So I had to have really nice dress shoes, which Which I don't really have that kind of stuff anymore um
- 16:52
- My daughter trinity just freaked me out Every year my body stood as she reached into you
- 16:58
- How about the punch on her face? Well, anyways, uh and so I We I went to bed and I woke up the next morning and both of my dress shoes were sitting side by side pointed at the door
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- And and I was like, whoa, this is this is pretty weird and from that moment on Every night
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- I had an encounter And I was it got to the point where when I had to use the restroom at night
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- I was so scared to get out of my bed to use the restroom And I want you to understand something that I am an ex game banger violence was was was my first language, right?
- 17:40
- Like there's not a man that I am afraid of, you know, like like I don't want to fight.
- 17:46
- I'm a christian I don't want to fight but if i'm put into a situation Like like I have 20 20 something years of martial arts training and I and i've acted actively
- 17:56
- Used my training as a as a game banger, right and fighting and so I I'm pretty if you put me in a room with 20 people and if something was to break out
- 18:07
- I'm fairly confident that I will walk out of that room Now i'll probably have some scratches and black eyes or something
- 18:14
- But i'm fairly confident as long as it's hand -to -hand combat I will walk out of that room like i'm really comfortable in that kind of realm
- 18:25
- Let me tell you something. I am not comfortable with defending myself against something. I cannot punch in the mouth
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- You know what i'm saying? Hallelujah hollaback But there was this one night But listen, there was this one night.
- 18:36
- So I was I was laying I was laying in a And like we had like a guest room and I was laying in that bed
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- I can't remember if I was taking a nap or whatever it was But I was laying down and I was on my back and I had my arms
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- Not completely crossed like this, but kind of like with my knuckles, you know So my my hands wasn't right here, but kind of like my knuckles were kind of right here and I was laying down like this
- 18:59
- And I felt something lay completely on top of me And and I waited for a second and then
- 19:07
- I I kind of opened my eyes and I saw nothing And then it grabbed me and so i'm sitting here and i'm i'm like trying to push forward and raise up and it's just holding me down And all of a sudden like I felt like I outpowered it and I and I actually threw it it
- 19:23
- Hits the closet wall and it slithers down But at this time
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- I had already been dealing with them for near a decade And so I raised up out of my bed and I said, oh, it's just you
- 19:38
- And so i've had experience after experience and and and um My wife thought
- 19:43
- I was having night terrors and I was like no it's these shadow people And so he got to the point where I would sleep with a lamp on like it was really
- 19:53
- Really bad Like it like I could be asleep in one room And if you were in another room, you would think that I was in a fight with someone it was happening every
- 20:02
- Every every night like they were haunting me And then all of a sudden six years ago, it just stopped happening.
- 20:10
- I don't know what happened in my life But six years ago, it stopped happening now
- 20:16
- Here is what people say so some people I can't remember
- 20:24
- Paralysis sleep paralysis So it's diagnosed as sleep paralysis.
- 20:30
- So if you go to a therapist or something like that, they'll tell you that you have sleep paralysis But but here's my argument and it's the same argument that I had last week for bigfoot.
- 20:38
- So brayden pay attention Pay attention brayden brayden don't make me jump to this camera pay attention
- 20:45
- It's the evidence of two or three witnesses Thousands of people all over the world tens of thousands of people all over the world are reported of having the same thing happen to them that a tall man
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- What seems like a man in a trench coat wearing a black hat is attacking them in the dark
- 21:08
- And so I don't think I don't think for that reason. I don't think I I don't think someone can have the same experience like that And also my wife heard on some reformed woman's page if you're on that reformed woman's page and you believe this
- 21:21
- I i'm shaking my head at you. They say that that if you're if you live in a house that has black mode
- 21:29
- Then it will cause you to see shadow people. So anyways shadow people the hat man.
- 21:36
- It's a real thing and tens of thousands of people Have the same exact experience
- 21:44
- And i've had and I had an experience from the moment right from the time. I was 17 years old until I was
- 21:51
- I think 37 Can you capture can you capture a shadow person?
- 22:00
- And I don't I mean So that that time that I threw it off of me.
- 22:06
- Yeah That was the only time that I ever Had the upper hand every other time it had me in a head.
- 22:13
- Can you can you can you shoot a shadow person? No Okay, you just proved my point about bigfoot two or three witnesses.
- 22:22
- I'm saying whatever it's demonic bro. No, you just Hey, I appreciate this conversation
- 22:30
- I mean what it what what it comes down to is this it's all demonic You know, it's all
- 22:35
- I don't know shadow people. It's all demonic Oh, I thought that was your shadow person
- 22:40
- I was like, I see it Hold on shadow person has long hearing glasses.
- 22:47
- Oh my gosh So yeah, no, I agree You know me being in the um, you know being in into drugs most of my life been in you know to the occult practices
- 23:00
- You know fiddling with the stuff um, I can I can tell you this
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- Prior so i'm going to tell you prior to christ and then after christ but prior to christ um,
- 23:14
- I don't want to say it was But I do believe you take drugs that are
- 23:19
- But between this fold of the next yeah because certain things happen that that's not just drugs
- 23:27
- It's not just drugs ouija boards like any kind of uh, yeah, yeah Nutanic rituals that put you in between that that realm
- 23:36
- I remember at my um at my home. This was my wife right here and um, she was
- 23:42
- I would tell you this today uh, and so me and my friend we were doing, uh, we were messing around we were
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- Uh, there was this app on our phone where it can contact ghost And so we're just like joking around and they're like, oh, yeah
- 23:57
- What are we doing right now and then it said budweiser across the screen and I got a budweiser in my hand
- 24:03
- You know, and so we're like, oh trippy. Well later on that night
- 24:08
- The i'm sitting in my office just just doing my own thing on the computer And I audibly heard in this in my right ear right here.
- 24:17
- I heard todd I mean clear state really loud and I jumped up and ran out of the house and I called my wife
- 24:24
- I knew she was a christian and stuff. I was like, I need baby. Jesus, you know her so good and um
- 24:30
- I I did not go back in the house. Remember that honey She's not in her head until oh and until she got back home
- 24:37
- And I was just so spooked by what what had happened But I know that after I got saved
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- After I came to know christ uh That that kind of the hauntings
- 24:51
- I would get like I would have horrible horrible dreams And kind of see things out the corner of my eye in the house
- 24:58
- Uh, and again, uh dabbling in things. I shouldn't be dabbling in But um, and that's why it's so hard for me to believe and let me just say something to everybody out there please
- 25:11
- There is no such thing as being a christian and being into demonology We should be studying the things of jesus christ not of the evil one
- 25:20
- Yeah, and and that's what happens and i'm going to get to that later on but Yeah, we can't go hunting demons and i'm gonna i'm gonna touch on that later on honey, but What i'm getting at is
- 25:33
- I remember this this one time out on the streets when we were evangelizing we had a tent popped up And there was this, um, there was this uh, uh young lady who was um
- 25:47
- Uh just lost her mind and she'd always be talking to somebody screaming walking down the street. You'd always see her and uh come to find out that um,
- 25:56
- She had come to that town on a date Uh, and um, she got raped and it was on prom night
- 26:03
- And she ended up just staying there. She just went nuts and But everybody knew knew her on the streets
- 26:11
- And They they stay away from the chick because you'll see things will get pick up in the air and throw it right at her
- 26:20
- Remember that honey and throw it right at her and this one time, uh, my wife and i'm talking about this time
- 26:27
- Uh, my wife I told her to meet me up at this certain spot where we got like 100 people out
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- And we're evangelizing everything and and it's all like everybody's Twisted up on drugs and stuff like that and my wife pulled up and she got out of the car and it was like How do you explain it?
- 26:44
- Something just ran up to your face or just Remember it hits you right in the face like a force or something like that was demonic
- 26:54
- Something dark and Yeah that blocked her view and she come over and we were we were right in the middle of trying to evangelize this young lady and stuff and we brought her under the the um
- 27:07
- Uh the the tent and we started praying for her and anointing her with oil And that's when she started confessing what had happened to her and that this thing uh was
- 27:20
- Throwing stuff at her and she thought it was the guy that raped her that this was his spirit or something like that So she would actually call the spirit by the guy's name that raped her
- 27:30
- And uh, we eventually ended up getting her off the streets and stuff like that, but when you evangelize when you you do a lot of Ministry you run into these things
- 27:43
- Periodically, you know, I I don't want to say all the time You know, but um a lot more often, uh than uh most and that's why guys it's hard for me
- 27:55
- When I see these deliverance ministries and stuff like that and i'm just like this is how it is that's not
- 28:03
- But none of the demons i've ever come across because it's And everything changes like oh you'll get like around you or angry and it's just like But and now um, we've always seen it
- 28:22
- Uh, it wasn't like Trying to cast demons out or we we had known this later this period.
- 28:29
- It wasn't like that at all. It was very very terrifying Very very terrifying, you know
- 28:36
- Yeah, let's get on to the subject of ghosts Let's get on the subject of ghosts so our ghost real
- 28:46
- Don't give me a definition just a yes or no our ghost real No, brayden, what's up with y 'all's internet tonight?
- 28:58
- I mean, come on There we go, I thought he was just thinking about it no, sorry,
- 29:05
- I It loaded real weird The last thing I heard you say jeff are ghosts real and I would say Not in the sense of of when people died and people become ghosts.
- 29:14
- That's what I was gonna say It's I think it falls back onto what the shadow people demonic demonic entities that kind of stuff which
- 29:20
- I have seen a ghost But But not not I wouldn't say it's a departed person and that this will share with me that experience.
- 29:29
- Yeah, so I will um, So first of all, I had a couple bible verses. I wanted to read real fast.
- 29:35
- So Yeah, well we are you know bible podcast thing but uh the uh
- 29:44
- So ephesians Uh chapter six, of course it says Yeah in verse 12 for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the world forces of this darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness and the heavenly places and then talks about putting on the full armor of god it it's very clear that these things do exist and I do think that there was a a heavier emphasis or a
- 30:06
- A time during the ministry of christ where these things were much more prevalent I think the reason that was taking place
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- Was because it was attacking the christ right like it was trying to attack his ministry all those kind of things so just as that is the
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- Such a focal point is the ministry of christ it would make sense why there was so much demonic activity happening there
- 30:28
- Right, and I do think that when we preach the gospel Just as I think it's luke 7 when the apostles are sent out to preach the gospel and as they do it
- 30:38
- Do so jesus says I saw satan falling as lightning We we the way that we battle and combat these things.
- 30:45
- I truly think is through Preaching an advancement of the kingdom of god and yeah the gospel
- 30:50
- That's that's that's where I would go with this and we shouldn't use our experiences because according to matthew chapter 7
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- There's going to be people who say that they've had experiences of casting out demons And that'll be a justification of their their having faith in christ or them having a relationship with christ and jesus will say
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- Department for me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you and so we can't use Experientialism to justify a workspace relationship with christ.
- 31:16
- It's all through grace alone by faith alone in christ alone, right? And so we just had to be ready and preach that to ourselves all the time now to my ghost story
- 31:24
- So so three things so i've seen that that orb when I was when I was young when I was lds And I do think that that was totally demonic because it justified my faith in a false god
- 31:33
- I've seen a ufo encounter, which we're not talking about ufos, but I definitely seen a ufo But not today not today
- 31:42
- But then my ghost encounter was that if you guys have you guys ever heard of the overland hotel in in nevada?
- 31:49
- I I personally haven't okay. So there's a a hotel there. It's called the overland hotel.
- 31:55
- It's in pioche, nevada Per capita or something it had a ton of deaths during the wild west days west days in this this
- 32:03
- Um little town this little mining town, right? Um, it was supposed to be like the most wild west place in all of america at one point
- 32:11
- And so we are on a wild land deployment. This is like seven eight years ago now, maybe nine years ago now and So i'm i'm a christian at this point, right?
- 32:20
- But we go into this hotel And the very first thing we go and we're checking in it's just this little small hotel that was existing back then and exists today
- 32:30
- Right. It's called the overland hotel and the bar is where you check in for your hotel room So we go in we talk to the front counter guy behind the bar
- 32:38
- And he's like, okay. Yep. Your room is I I want to say we were in room number 10 of the overland hotel
- 32:45
- And the very next guy that comes in he says there's been a guy that's been killed in each one of these chairs
- 32:50
- And he's going to the bar chairs and and we're like what in the world like that's crazy So our mind is already like where are we at right now?
- 32:57
- so doing a little bit of research this is Supposed to be a haunted hotel, uh ghost hunters has done an episode there all this kind of stuff
- 33:06
- And so we're we're then started looking. Okay, what rooms are haunted right and we're in room number 10 and number 10
- 33:12
- I believe is the Was the friendly ghost room is what they would call right and then there was room number eight and that was where the aggressive
- 33:20
- Ghosts were supposed to be at right so The guys that i'm with we're all chatting about it and it's we got to go and find room number eight now
- 33:27
- Like that's what you just got to do, right? Um, and so we go walking around this hotel this little tiny hotel.
- 33:35
- We're on the second floor We can't find freaking room number eight, dude, like it is
- 33:41
- Beyond difficult we walked around in this like little horseshoe of a hotel like hallway
- 33:46
- For like 15 minutes looking for room number eight and just couldn't find it Well, finally, it's like down this like side hallway through this little narrow opening and then you come to a door and it opens
- 33:57
- Up more and we're like, okay. This is room number eight. We're freaked out that we just found it The three of us are lined up because it's this narrow hallway
- 34:04
- Like we'll like go in like let's see if anybody's there and we're like, okay So the guy checks the door handle and it's unlocked and so he pushes it open
- 34:12
- Like oh man, it's open like go in like like let's go in and see out this hotel room And so we go in and the guy turns to the right and there's a bedroom to the right and he sees this cowboy laying in the bed
- 34:26
- Boots hanging off the edge of the bed And we freak out run down to the bar, right?
- 34:32
- Just right down to the lobby go to a public spot And we're down there and within Seconds of being down there we hear a lady talking about that She's spending the night at the overland hotel and she's in room number eight
- 34:44
- And if I remember correctly, this was some years ago one of us said are you here with anybody? And she was like, nope.
- 34:50
- I'm here by myself. I haven't even been up to my hotel room yet There was a freaking demonic something laying in the bed of room number eight at the overland hotel wearing cowboy apparel, right and so um
- 35:05
- Super super freaky and the whole time that we were spending our time there. It was always just this weird spooky.
- 35:13
- Um, like something's washing you something's around the corner by uh all like the entire time like You couldn't sleep through the night without being woken up because you felt like your bed got shaped
- 35:24
- Or something like that like it was and I had that several times in a row throughout the nights that we were there like Bed would be balanced you'd wake up the the mattress would actually be tilted from when you slept on it like just like This is so so bizarre on what's going on there and so um, yeah, that that's my that's my demonic ghost encounter, which
- 35:48
- I don't think it was like a past dead and this is where Where I was going to go with something on this is that? I don't know what your guys's thoughts are on this, but I don't think
- 35:56
- Demons are being like actively created today. Like I don't think there's new demons What I do think though is that demons can change
- 36:04
- Appearance of some kind to play into what culture has for it, right? And I think you see that with a lot of false religions, right?
- 36:10
- You go to different cults and they have a different different false gods They worship and all these kind of things and they have experiences with them and I think a lot of them are the same demons that people were worshiping even in old testament days and They're just changing to fit the cultural demands to keep people's eyes from coming to christ.
- 36:28
- Right? And so like this is where um, Just a bible verse here for you guys Deuteronomy 32 verse 16 through 17.
- 36:36
- It says they made him jealous with strange gods with abominations. They provoked him to anger
- 36:41
- They sacrificed to demons who were not god to gods whom they had not known
- 36:47
- New gods who came lately whom your fathers did not dread and so how
- 36:53
- I read that is that This new culture of younger people were worshiping gods that their fathers didn't know because these are demons that are able to Change based off of culture and wanting to take people's vision attention worship desire away from yahweh
- 37:11
- Um, and that's that's what that's what I think a lot of these things are happening and and so and that's including bigfoot
- 37:18
- Yeah, shut up Yes So so derrick asks us a question about first samuel 28 and and i'm going to address that but I want to address it
- 37:28
- I want to address it after I give my ghost story and so so I'm going to tell y 'all
- 37:38
- You know my experience before christ and then my thoughts about it When I come to christ and how
- 37:45
- I was confused and how I see it now So when I was young Like I was
- 37:52
- I was driving I believe it was in hermitage, tennessee. So there was like, uh I don't know if y 'all ever heard of the store called mega market or whatever, but when
- 38:02
- I was really young I think I was eight years old Madison had received a not madison, but hermitage tennessee had received a mega market
- 38:12
- And it was very popular and and I just know things by the landmarks and stuff like that And so we're driving down the road and all of a sudden like i'm in the back seat
- 38:19
- I'm with my family. My dad is driving And I've seen by the landmark stuff like Okay, I I see what seems to be a family crossing the street, but this family was wearing like old timey
- 38:35
- Outfits like from the 20s or something and as they're crossing the street. I see a tractor trailer truck
- 38:42
- Just coming right at him and it hits the family And I jump up out of my back seat and I grab a hold of the front seat and i'm pointing
- 38:51
- And i'm screaming and my dad's like what are you doing? Sit down and I said a family got ran over and so we were pulling over and there was nobody there
- 39:01
- And so they think that I am just out of my mind because i'm freaked out
- 39:08
- And it was just as if they that family was hit and they were gone and so and we were in that same neighborhood because like we were driving through there because we were living in woodbine south nashville and And and so but we had family that lived in hermitage and then and we would quite often visit because uh,
- 39:26
- The father of the family in hermitage was a musician and my dad was a musician So they got together and they played music together.
- 39:33
- And so we were always hanging out with them And so and so another evening I was over there and I was playing with their kids
- 39:39
- And what we did was we built a ramp in the backyard and so we would ride a bicycle ramp
- 39:44
- And so we would start in the front yard and get speed and we would ride around to the backyard to jump the ramp
- 39:52
- And and there was a moment where i'm about to I'm in the front yard. I'm by myself.
- 39:57
- I'm about to take off and all of a sudden that same family Walks right beside me now.
- 40:04
- Here's the thing right before they got hit in that tractor trailer truck That family looked at me.
- 40:10
- It was as if they from a hundred yards away They looked at me and and now here they are again the same family.
- 40:17
- They're about 10 5 to 10 feet away from me and they stop walking and they look at me, man
- 40:24
- I'm telling you I dropped that bike. I took off running and I hid underneath my friend's bed because here's the freaky part
- 40:30
- They had My color skin, right? They were white peach, whatever you want to call it
- 40:37
- But their faces You could not make out their faces like you could see like eye color lip color if they had a mustache
- 40:46
- But it was as if they were colored in like their their face was colored in with chalk so you could tell
- 40:53
- That they had a face but you couldn't make out any features like cheekbones like you couldn't really tell what they looked like And I and I remember my granny telling me uh that I had
- 41:05
- That I had the touch I didn't know what it meant I was eight years old I was eight years old
- 41:11
- But listen, I know right but listen Like it happened all the time like everywhere
- 41:19
- I'd go I would see stuff like this and I and I remember being 18 no, no.
- 41:24
- Yeah 18 or 19. It was when that movie the six cents came out right with You know i'm talking about the six cents
- 41:31
- And uh And so me and my brother went to watch that movie together and as we're watching that movie
- 41:36
- And and right when they realized that that little boy could see ghosts. My brother looks at me and he says
- 41:43
- That's you That's you Hey remember the shining yeah,
- 41:50
- I do Now let me finish let me finish so but But there's this one instinct to where i'm so i'm 13 years old
- 41:59
- I'm i'm sitting on the couch and I see Somebody's peeking out the side of a bedroom looking at me and I look up I could see him for a split second again a dark hair
- 42:11
- Girl dark hair girl with a blurry face and it disappeared and I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
- 42:19
- Well That happened because two days before i'm walking down the hallway
- 42:25
- I'm living in the trailer walking down the hallway and I passed my sister's room and I and I thought
- 42:31
- I saw what seemed to Be my sister And I stopped and I turned back around and it was a girl
- 42:37
- Looking in the mirror and she stops and she turns and she looks at me and she doesn't have a face
- 42:42
- It was blurry like I could see her lips. I could see her hair color I could see everything about her, but I could not see her face and the moment she saw me
- 42:52
- She started looking around corners at me like I can be just sitting here and out of my peripheral I could see her
- 42:57
- Staring at me. It was as if she didn't notice me until I noticed her And I go back to when
- 43:04
- I was a kid that family crossing the street the the moment They saw me looking at them.
- 43:10
- They started looking at me and following me all right, and so At the time with this girl someone told me to get a ouija board
- 43:19
- So I grabbed I got a ouija board and I try to contact her and I contacted her.
- 43:25
- What's right And we and listen, we would talk back and forth, right?
- 43:30
- I caught her her name was I called her star And she had like this little sign that she would give me and i'm not reading any comments
- 43:37
- I'm, just saying she had this little sign like it was like a figure eight. So so if I was You know, so I know it was her or whatever all right, so Transition this to a few years later i'm playing with a ouija board
- 43:51
- And all my friends are gone. I'm I'm, like riding my bicycle. I think i'm 13 or 14.
- 43:57
- I think i'm 14 Maybe 15. I can't remember but i'm riding my bicycle and out of the woods.
- 44:03
- I start hearing a demonic scream and it scared me to death man,
- 44:09
- I I look Like I was my adrenaline was so high. I couldn't pedal like I couldn't pedal my bike
- 44:17
- So I was running with my bike and so, uh, the trailer that I was living in at the time had a big old porch i'm talking like a uh, eight eight or nine stairs and then it was like, uh,
- 44:29
- A porch that was probably about 10 by 10. I think we had like a five by eight shed beside the porch
- 44:35
- Where we had like chickens and stuff in a trailer park. I'm just adding that and so and I And as i'm running with my bike because I couldn't pedal
- 44:45
- I had like an outer body experience man I could I was it was as if I was a bird
- 44:50
- Listen, listen, i'm telling the truth. Like this is some weird things It was as if I was a bird and I was watching myself run away and I saw myself grabbing like when
- 45:00
- I got to the porch I Picked the bike up and threw it and it it cleared eight or nine steps.
- 45:06
- Listen. I'm a little bony Bony bony kid weak as Weaker than anything right if I fell in water,
- 45:13
- I couldn't get myself out I couldn't pick myself up put myself back in the boat. You still are that bike clears the stairs clears the porch and clears it clears the
- 45:24
- The the little shed that we had in the back and the moment I grabbed the doorknob
- 45:30
- I started seeing back through my eyes. I opened the door. I landed in the chair shaking and crying again
- 45:38
- Someone told me to grab the ouija board And I grabbed that ouija board and it was as if I was talking to satan man.
- 45:44
- It was just so demonic And and this is why I think that demonic things started happening to me when it comes to like shadow people and all this other stuff
- 45:53
- Because I feel like I opened something Can I can I ask you something real fast?
- 45:58
- I mean honestly. Yeah. So do you think because of all these uh Encounters you had as a kid?
- 46:05
- a young adult Uh, and so on do you think that that when you did?
- 46:11
- Uh come to know jesus christ as your lord and savior that's pretty much what steered you in the direction of maybe going charismatic or well
- 46:22
- It's an honest question, you know, i'm just But I didn't know
- 46:27
- I didn't know that christians rejected the supernatural So so so so at the time like But the cares oh yeah i'm not going to get into why
- 46:41
- I went to Because for those that don't know there's a time where I was ordained into the assemblies of god churches of god context
- 46:49
- And it was after me going I was part of a presbyterian church for a while I won't get into that story right now.
- 46:54
- Like that's another podcast. Okay But but but anyways to make this story short is is what
- 47:02
- I did become a christian I was told that ghost wasn't weren't real and I had that You know on one hand
- 47:10
- I had the experience And then on the other hand I had a christian a pastor telling me that what
- 47:16
- I was seeing wasn't real and so when I looked into the scriptures, I saw that there was you know, like that a story in luke where where jesus talks about the uh, uh, the lazarus and the rich man and and how the uh,
- 47:28
- The rich man goes into hades And he and he's in torment and and lazarus goes into the bosom of abraham
- 47:37
- Well, well both are in hades, but one in torment and the other one in the bosom of abraham and and abraham mentions
- 47:44
- Jesus telling the story abraham mentions that there's a chasm fixed to where those that are in the bosom of abraham
- 47:52
- Don't but basically don't want to leave and those that are in the torment cannot leave So I was forced to ask myself then then what is it that i'm seeing
- 48:01
- And i've come to the conclusion that what i'm seeing is disembodied spirits right, so so I believe there are demons that have taken the form of human people
- 48:17
- Demons that have taken the form of human people Other Other than that,
- 48:22
- I don't know how to explain it except except now to answer this guy's question about samuel so in samuel
- 48:31
- Go ahead. Uh, yeah, so well Remember the scripture that says that satan comes as an angel of light, right?
- 48:39
- You know, so why wouldn't his uh ministers come and disguise themselves? As as a minister of light also, but but it could be anything, you know
- 48:50
- Right Yeah, so in samuel you have a woman. Well, yeah, you have sam.
- 48:55
- Um, excuse me a saul wanting to conjure the spirit of samuel And he goes to a medium and and and whenever he's uh
- 49:07
- This medium actually conjures up the spirit of samuel and so Now do
- 49:18
- I think samuel was a demonic spirit? I don't I don't All right
- 49:24
- I I don't at all um, I I think that what I was doing with the ouija boards that I actually
- 49:33
- Probably contacted some some spirits But I think that what
- 49:38
- I saw Was what was more likely demonic and to and to be really honest with you
- 49:46
- I think i'm leaning back on that demonic thing as a crutch because because I don't know
- 49:52
- Well, it's I I think I think it's all demonic and Yeah, I mean well the the the the the movement of it's demonic
- 50:00
- So what the her being a medium is demonic, but I don't think that samuel at the spirit.
- 50:06
- No, no, no You see what i'm saying? But but I I think to to answer their question is what what point of view do we uh agree on?
- 50:15
- I don't know what you agree you guys agree on but I I believe That uh, that was at the time when you still had abraham's bosom and those that were in torment
- 50:27
- I believe that when christ came and he went down and he set the captives free
- 50:32
- That that's what I believe. I I think I think he really did. I I think No, no, no, no, no because others
- 50:39
- I believe that as well others rose with him when when he resurrected
- 50:45
- You know, yeah, but the question is is can the people in heaven leave heaven and come to earth and visit their loved ones?
- 50:51
- No, because I mean that's what the catholics believe that the catholics believe that we could still talk to uh, um
- 50:57
- You know the dead saints that yeah, so so so if they can't leave to come back then there's still a chasm
- 51:04
- There's still something fixed to where those that are in heaven can't don't want to leave and those that are in heaven
- 51:09
- Why would they want to you know, why would they? Absolutely if I was dancing with angels, I sure wouldn't be worried about you.
- 51:15
- I wouldn't care about nothing down here But but but we still can't truly explain
- 51:21
- In which in which I don't mind mystery. So I don't mind not having all the answers in the bible
- 51:28
- I don't mind not being able to have all the answers from my experience. You see what i'm saying?
- 51:33
- But all I can tell you is what i've experienced And I can tell you what the bible says
- 51:40
- And I can tell you that I I can't always Put the two together um, but I but but if if you were to pigeonhole me like if you were to push me in the corner and say
- 51:53
- Well, what is it? I would I would have to say I think I think it is demonic.
- 51:58
- I I think What what I saw was disembodied spirits That meaning it was demons that took over The image of an actual human being
- 52:10
- And for some reason I was able to see it. I don't know what the reason was But for some reason
- 52:15
- I was able to see it now now today I I haven't had any kind of experience
- 52:23
- In over six years like that, you know, it's so grateful I'm glad you're getting this all out.
- 52:29
- I knew we had to use do this show We knew how you had it. You had to get it out of you. Well, you already hear my pentecostal
- 52:34
- Into reform Oh my lord, you think this is crazy, you know I I I honestly believe that it's it's all demonic
- 52:44
- You know, I I think from I mean from all It's nothing to be played with.
- 52:50
- You know, we we had this. Um Uh, we were at this church and it's about eight years ago
- 52:55
- And there was a group of young ladies who were all into the whole demon slayer thing We're gonna go cast out demons remember honey
- 53:03
- And uh, they went out, you know trying to find demons and uh one of the young young believers in christ
- 53:12
- Um, they found one Yeah She went Yeah, yeah, she she had some mental issues to begin with but Full mental breakdown completely lost it
- 53:25
- Other pastors had to be brought in from multiple different churches, by the way
- 53:30
- Now what do you think about this jay guy's question, did you see or not question, but he made a response
- 53:36
- He said the sad part is explaining to your kids ghosts aren't real i .e
- 53:43
- Uh grandpa, let's wait and grandpa ain't taken to ain't taken to y 'all from a heaven.
- 53:50
- I uh Well, yeah waiting, huh, I I don't understand
- 53:56
- I think I Maybe I just can't read but i'm not i'm not putting that so so So if you're talking about like like someone who is who is you know
- 54:07
- On hospice they're dying And they claim that they see their loved ones I take that as they're actually seeing their loved ones.
- 54:15
- I don't think that has anything. I don't care what you're shaking your head about No, i'm saying i've had that experience and it's not always true.
- 54:22
- Um, yeah, the danger of that is is I won't go into that too much because of other reasons, but but do you think that they're seeing something?
- 54:31
- Yeah, no, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Now remember I personally wouldn't root out
- 54:38
- That they are seeing their loved ones and and also i'm not rooting out like if So so let's say they're believers in christ or whatever
- 54:49
- And their family that family member was a believer in christ. I would say okay they're probably seeing their loved ones, but I would also say that That could definitely be a demonic spirit from the other side confusing them you know, and especially and I would say on this too, especially when you're so close to Entering either heaven or hell you would expect again a heavy presence of demonic activity potentially trying to keep your eyes away from Trying to focus on christ if you were a believer
- 55:14
- It's right. That's what that's where i'm going with that. I'm saying that that's an absolute possibility, but not all the times
- 55:19
- Because I I I totally agree with both of you because you guys remember I had a home and my home was to get the mentally ill and those that are dying of cancer off the streets
- 55:30
- And so I had many of men on hospice and die at my home and that Last week last two weeks of them being there.
- 55:39
- It is straight up the veil being torn from this world to the next and I I mean i've heard good and i've heard bad like remember
- 55:48
- I told you about that hat man thing, but then i've also heard uh after that the guy, uh, this one guy he was really
- 55:55
- Struggling with this faith after that. This thing was whispering nonsense into his ears, you know and um, he goes
- 56:04
- He he goes, uh, he goes happy happy pastor. Happy. Please come here. I come running out of the room
- 56:11
- I go. What's up, man? And he goes like this. I need to know what this means and I was like, okay
- 56:17
- What is it? He goes What does I am mean? Brayden why are you shaking?
- 56:25
- He's I'm holding my phone. Sorry. I'm just having a moment over here.
- 56:31
- No, no, i'm shaking my pipe right now All right. Sorry happy.
- 56:36
- I thought wasn't at the cast of demon out. No shaking my pipe. Yeah I was like, oh no, it's happening right now.
- 56:42
- No, but uh here he So he had that that dark entity that was in the room that hat man thing.
- 56:49
- It starts whispering nonsense to him I'm talking right now, honey.
- 56:55
- It starts talking nonsense to him. He starts believing the nonsense. All right
- 57:01
- And he starts crying out to god god. Are you real? Are you real? Are you real?
- 57:08
- And that's what he told me when I came in the room and I go like this, okay, so yeah, he's real and he goes
- 57:14
- No, no, no. No when I after I asked that I heard something and I was like, uh -oh.
- 57:20
- It's a medication and that's what I thought, you know And he goes he goes I heard I am And I freaked out dude my hair all stood up on my arms
- 57:31
- Remember that honey? And I started giving him the gospel of jesus christ. I got another pastor over there
- 57:36
- I said he's getting ready to go be with the lord and there's a tug war tug war going on right now, you know and he
- 57:43
- He ended up, uh, uh coming to know christ and when he passed away Uh, he passed away with a smile on his face.
- 57:52
- I believe he saw the lord man, you know 100 Yeah, but we've seen these things.
- 57:58
- My wife is right here. We've seen these things In our home that it's just it's real, you know, but we shouldn't go looking
- 58:07
- For the demonic or looking for like here in here in isaiah 8 8 19
- 58:14
- It says when men tell you to consult mediums and spirits who whisper and mutter
- 58:20
- Should not a people inquire of their god Why consult the dead on behalf of the living
- 58:29
- You know, but yeah, yeah We shouldn't chase after that type of stuff at all
- 58:34
- Yeah, so Not even as as a christian, you know, absolutely.
- 58:40
- Absolutely. I think they're check they're chasing after us. So let me tell you a quick A quick story that happened to me while I was preaching um and so my response
- 58:52
- How I responded i'm not Terribly proud because I I just didn't know how to respond.
- 58:58
- I knew what I would have probably done If I was still a part of the churches of god assemblies of god, right, so i'm i'm i'm
- 59:07
- You know those that know me. I pastor a reformed baptist congregation and I was preaching and we had two visitors and My phone's gonna die
- 59:18
- So we had two visitors one was a male one. One was a female and as I was preaching
- 59:24
- The female so I I raised my head from the bible and I looked at her and her face
- 59:30
- Like it was contorting like like like there's no way that I can make my jaw my eyes my cheekbones
- 59:36
- Do what was taking place? So as i'm preaching her face Is just moving in such a way that it scared me and I did not know
- 59:46
- How to react And the moment I got done preaching it stopped
- 59:52
- But while I was preaching the word of god her face was just Man, it was moving in such a way that no one could have that kind of muscle in their face
- 01:00:02
- And I just knew right then I was like man. She this woman is possessed and I don't know what to do
- 01:00:11
- And I say that in shame I did not know
- 01:00:17
- What to do now again? Trent, you know 15 years ago
- 01:00:23
- I would have done something different than I I I I didn't know what to do This was at the church that you're pastoring right now that I pastor now.
- 01:00:32
- Yes, really. Yes. Oh, that's crazy Yeah, I didn't know what to do. Yeah, that's wild You know again if I as a church of god pentecostal pastor
- 01:00:43
- I'd probably went back there and hit her with the bible. Yeah, I was gonna say Bible to the forehead.
- 01:00:49
- Yeah, but but I did not know what to do Like I and I again, so this is like one of the
- 01:00:56
- I I don't want to say the shade a shade on the reformed but As as being reformed
- 01:01:06
- We're as far as I know, we're not told how to handle these things It's definitely something that isn't discussed.
- 01:01:12
- It's definitely not discussed enough. What do you do? In cases like that I had no clue and I think maybe that We need to do a part two to this because there's a lot more that we can cover and talk about Yeah, because it's already been an hour.
- 01:01:26
- So well, maybe maybe next time we can talk about how to combat these kind of things because I I would argue that you shouldn't talk to them because Well, first of all, like like a demon a demon is not om omniscient, right?
- 01:01:39
- Like it doesn't know all things. However, it does know things whatever that demon however that works. It does know things
- 01:01:45
- I just talked to a a guy Like believe it or not Uh yesterday and he said he was a druid and said that he sees he sees shadow people
- 01:01:54
- That's what he was telling me and he was saying that he saw him at the church At a church not my church at a church
- 01:01:59
- And they told him x y and z things and all those things ended up being true, right? And and so I never heard a shadow person talk
- 01:02:07
- Yeah, he said that they they sit in the back of this one church and had talked to them And they told him that the pastor was cheating and stealing money
- 01:02:14
- And then so the guy brings it up he gets kicked out of the church months later all that stuff comes out to be true and so um, and without like going into like a lot of personal detail that he told me like He was like, yeah,
- 01:02:27
- I know it's these hooded robed figures that have a tremendously terrible stench to them
- 01:02:34
- I've never smelled I never had. Yeah, this guy this guy said that they smell terrible
- 01:02:39
- Beyond terrible and he said that he thought that everybody could see him for a long long time and And it took years before that that he found out that not everybody could see him
- 01:02:48
- And I have I have a pastor friend of mine that I grew up with Yeah, and and he's had some weird encounters with them as well
- 01:02:57
- Yeah, and so I probably need to reach out to him. I was hoping to actually interview him about shadow people
- 01:03:02
- Well, and like so my part too we could do that. We should do that like Smell or something
- 01:03:10
- Because part of this conversation I was having with this guy was evangelism too It was just some random guy I was meeting and so I was telling him about jesus and so he was going down this line of things and And just going into all these like super weird mythology and and spiritualization of bible for anyway bad stuff
- 01:03:25
- And so like just like trying to direct him like no look The main thing I want you to take away today is knowing that that god you've sinned against him
- 01:03:33
- He became flesh died and rose again on the third day and you need to have faith in that And that's how you need to navigate each one of these situations
- 01:03:40
- And so I think truly the way that we combat that is leaning on that on that right as if we're a christian
- 01:03:46
- We know the gospel We've got to navigate each one of these situations remembering what christ has done for us, right and And knowing that these these entities
- 01:04:00
- Are powerful, but we serve the king of kings and the lord of lords and You know
- 01:04:08
- Praying and petitions is I think something again. I think a lot of times in the reform circle we get
- 01:04:15
- Theologically big -headed, but our hearts are lacking of prayer and petition And so, um,
- 01:04:21
- I think that also is in the flavor of christianity that we're in which I think is the right flavor of christianity um
- 01:04:29
- I think it lacks in a lot of areas and it lacks in. Yeah Yeah, there needs to be a more balance like yeah
- 01:04:36
- Yeah, like I can because i'm a cessationist too. I'm a hardcore cessationist. Yeah I would say i'm a biblical sensationist.
- 01:04:43
- Yeah Yeah, I I want to have something where we talk about sensationism Yeah, we need to do that and we need to talk about christ leading the captives.
- 01:04:51
- Uh, uh out. Yeah Yeah, yeah, we because I disagree with you guys on that one too So well, that's fine.
- 01:04:57
- I mean you're wrong most quite. I know I am. I love it So anyway, that was all
- 01:05:03
- I wanted to say on that real fast, but all right Well, we'll go ahead and end it for tonight. I still got some studying to do and um, we're doing a podcast next week
- 01:05:13
- If you're if you're available, if not I'm thinking about starting a different podcast.
- 01:05:18
- Don't do that for the nice that you're not available. Don't do that eschatology You just do it on here.
- 01:05:24
- Don't don't do that Yeah Just know that you just know that you're right. I don't want to bring all the heat upon this one
- 01:05:32
- Just know that you're wrong You're an all -millennialist. We're good, dude You were a post -millennialist.
- 01:05:38
- I would agree with you on that I'm really wanting to do something kind of like a a watchman thing to where I can try to connect with all these people who are
- 01:05:50
- Pre -millennial dispensational but connect with them as an all mill And to say yeah,
- 01:05:56
- I see what you're saying And what you're saying, but have you thought about it like this kind of like the friendly all mill where i'm trying to I don't want to I don't want to throw shade on my pre -millennial dispensational brothers that predict the rapture every six months
- 01:06:15
- But I want to say could you hit the brakes a little bit? And let's
- 01:06:20
- And let's have a conversation and think about it and have you have you looked at things this way you see what i'm saying?
- 01:06:28
- Yep, absolutely No, I we we and that's that can be done on here, dude We should do that on here like and I think even talking about this our different flavors of all
- 01:06:36
- Millennialism would be would be right because me and you got some different flavors We we do we do and there's a lot of things that we agree on like even after the conference that we talked about Like yeah, well, you know like some of the things you said at the conference like it really
- 01:06:49
- Challenged me and my position has changed yeah, right and like even like I don't know like this this week of us talking about colossians, right?
- 01:06:56
- Like now my position changed on that and so like I think it's I think we should definitely have those Battles on iron sharpening irons, right?
- 01:07:03
- That's what i'm here On here, baby, yeah, I I do think you're scared
- 01:07:08
- I'm, just kidding. I'm, just kidding Julie's watching her anxiety levels probably
- 01:07:15
- Yeah Like oh no, here it comes we're talking about a new podcast
- 01:07:22
- The podcast is splitting. Oh, no I'm gonna be doing uh, uh, uh instead of open -air theology.
- 01:07:30
- I'm gonna do closed closed But here's the thing you have your own youtube channel podcast called the reformed mormon reformed ex -mormon.
- 01:07:39
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah This is my podcast. Yeah But I don't podcast on there dude
- 01:07:46
- Come on podcast with me on there. I I don't podcast on it. This is our podcast show You've never gave me an invite.
- 01:07:52
- I used to go to a mormon church for three months straight You've never asked me to give my testimony
- 01:07:57
- I don't do enough stuff on there is what I need to I have I have not done enough stuff on there as I should
- 01:08:03
- I I do apologize for that. I repent and dust into ashes Um, but no we needed to keep on doing things on this.
- 01:08:10
- This is the this is our this is our podcast um All I I just don't feel right getting on here by myself.
- 01:08:18
- Like who am I gonna argue with right? I mean, I don't want my split personalities come out me, you know argue.
- 01:08:23
- Yeah You know what i'm saying? If you find bigfoot you can invite him on them well,
- 01:08:28
- I haven't went looking but My son got his picture made with him today a bigfoot statue.
- 01:08:35
- Oh, is that the one that haps was that the other day? No, no, it was a different one. So my one My my wife is in jackson, tennessee visiting her mom and dad because tomorrow's birthday
- 01:08:45
- And because I have to you know continue to work in order to provide a roof and food
- 01:08:51
- I wasn't able to go so I had to stay here and work Well, let's let's do part two to this next week or figure out something else to do on on and we do next week though So i'll be next week.
- 01:09:01
- Yeah, it's fine. If we do a part two, i'd like to get my friend on here Yeah And interview him about it and yeah, that'd be great.
- 01:09:09
- But if not, we'll do something else Cool. All right any last words? God bless may uh, the lord bless you all the viewers, uh, keep on following us
- 01:09:20
- Go buy your tickets to open or the oh, yeah conference the why calvinism? Yeah.
- 01:09:26
- Yeah Don't be a four pointer. Don't be a three pointer. Don't be a one pointer Be a calvinist be proud
- 01:09:33
- Yeah, yeah, so for those of y 'all that don't know february of 2024 In tallahoma, tennessee, we're going to have a why calvinism conference?
- 01:09:43
- We got some amazing amazing speakers. We have rented out the uh, the civic center here in tallahoma, tennessee
- 01:09:49
- It can hold 450 people. We're selling 400 tickets We're also doing a documentary on why calvinism?
- 01:09:57
- And we're having a pre -conference that will be at the church that I pastor and it will be on the dangers of full preterism so Get your tickets
- 01:10:08
- Yeah, yeah I'm gonna be giving away a bible brayden's gonna be giving away a pipe
- 01:10:14
- And we're going to be giving away three or four different commentary sets and so there's going to be a bookstore like it's going to be really really good and It'd be great if y 'all can come and hang out with us
- 01:10:27
- We're going to be renting out the cigar shop thursday night. We're going to be renting out a restaurant, uh, friday night and it's gonna be a lot of fellowship and good times and uh
- 01:10:37
- And and and listen, do you think we act crazy on the podcast you already see this in person?
- 01:10:43
- Oh, dude You guys you guys want to just come to hang out with us like that That was it's so much like the preaching every preacher man
- 01:10:50
- I'm, not ashamed to say this because I love my savior every preacher that preached I was crying jeff like a baby jeff can be he's the the the two or three witnesses to this
- 01:11:00
- I was crying at every preacher and then just the fellowship after was so so so awesome um everywhere we went we were sharing the gospel with people it was wonderful Very cool
- 01:11:15
- All right, yo, so thank y 'all for For uh checking us out
- 01:11:21
- If you're ever in tallahoma, tennessee, please stop and pay me a visit whether it's at my office where I do the bibles