Live! From The South Carolina State Capitol!


We are Live at the Rally For Equal Protection. Representing Bill HB4046.


All right. Hey, we want to welcome you to the rally to resist Roe Amen. Amen.
Thank you for coming out. My name is Mark Corral and I am the director of a Newly formed or newly forming political organization called
South Carolina right to life. We are a newly formed Organization that are calling for the immediate end of legalized abortion in South Carolina without exception and without compromise and without regard to Roe v.
Wade Our organization along with action for life and Operation save America serve as the main sponsors for this event and I want to publicly thank them for helping us put this together
Wow, what a turnout. This is awesome. Praise God. Amen We gather together today on this beautiful Saturday morning in South Carolina for three reasons
First we want to send a message to our lawmakers that we are done with your pro -life rhetoric
You believe that life begins at conception and that babies are due equal protection
Under the 14th amendment as a matter of fact the South Carolina GOP platform states that they believe that babies are due protection
Under the 14th amendment you believe that Republican Party prove it bring legislation that matches your profession
Number two we are here today With the formation of our
South Carolina right -to -life organization and our Coalition that really started last year on May 4th for that rally
We're here to increase and to to increase our numbers because numbers matter
Numbers matter last year. We had 500 people packed in the statehouse we went over their allotted number of people that are allowed inside the statehouse and We were ignored
But friends today and as we continue the momentum and build our numbers, we will not be ignored.
Amen Third we're also meeting here with a great lineup of speakers to equip you as brothers and sisters in Christ to equip you and to give you the knowledge that you need to Take back to your circles of influence so that our numbers can continue to grow as my friend representative
Hill will tell you the lawmakers in this building are not free agents Someone's pulling their strings
They're not going to do the right thing unless brothers and sisters in the Church of Jesus Christ Stand up and demand that they do the right thing and interpose for the unborn
So a couple of ways you can help today first We have a petition going around make sure you sign that petition
Numbers matter or you can sign it right now on your phone. If you go to our website, it's
SCRTL .org that stands for South Carolina right to life. That's SCRTL .org
Please go and sign that petition Also another way you can help us as you can help us by finding viable political candidates in your area
Friends if your senator and your state rep will not support bills that ignore row
Criminalized abortion from conception then we need to vote them out and vote in candidates who will amen
So I want to open up with just a few texts as we think about the the daunting task to end the criminal and to End legalized abortion.
It might seem impossible, but I just want to remind you who our God is Isaiah 40 verse 15 says behold the nations are a drop like a drop from a bucket and Regarded as a speck of dust on the scales
Behold, he lifts up the islands like fine dust Number 17 says all the nations are as nothing before him.
They are regarded by less as than nothing and Meaningless so we need to be reminded that our
God is all -powerful He's all -sovereign and he can and he will end abortion But he uses the means of ordinary brothers and sisters in Christ who will stand up on the
Word of God. Amen I'm gonna open up in prayer that I'm gonna have brother Andy come up and lead us in a hymn and And then we'll go into our speakers
Heavenly Father we thank you so much that we can gather together today as The call the chosen of God those whom you've redeemed by your blood by your grace alone we stand here today
We give you honor and praise God that we can gather together To worship you by standing up in the gap for the unborn
Lord, we pray that you first and foremost would be honored and glorified and Christ would be exalted in the
Moments that we meet here today Lord we pray that you would use this guy to put godly
Righteous resistance upon our lawmakers God that they would no longer submit to the tyranny of Roe But that they would establish justice in the gate that they would interpose on behalf of the unborn
That they would go so far as to ignore and defy Roe and establish justice Lord we pray for all the speakers that you would be with them
God that you would speak through them through the Holy Word of God and God we pray for all of the people here today
First and foremost and if any do not know Christ as their Savior that have not repented and believed upon Christ You would use this to prick their heart and draw them to you
But God you would also use this time together To launch brothers and sisters in Christ to no longer be silent
To influence their circle of friends to stand up and no longer accept the pro -life rhetoric of the
Republican Party But that they would stand on the Word of God and not standing upon pragmatic ideas and strategies
Lord we thank you so very much and we give you all the honor and praise in Jesus name. Amen I'm gonna invite brother
Andy Schumpert up here. He's gonna lead us in Christ the solid rock morning
Morning Let's sing sing loud enough to rattle the copper dome on this statehouse
Let them know who we stand for here. Let's sing together sing the solid rock
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name
On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand When darkness seems to hide his face
I rest on his unchanging grace in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil on Christ the solid rock
I stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand
His oath is covenant his blood Support me and the whelming flood when all around my soul gives way
He then is all my hope and stay on Christ the solid rock
I stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand
When he shall come with trumpet sound Oh may
I then in him be found dressed in his righteousness alone
Faultless to stand before the throne on Christ the solid rock
I stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand
Amen amen, thank you
Andy. I pray that Christ is your solid rock today. Amen. Well, let's get to it We got a great lineup of speakers today.
I'm just overwhelmed with turnout today. Praise God. Praise God Amen. All right.
Well, our first speaker is Representative Jonathan Hill. He's part of the South Carolina House of Representatives Jonathan is a stalwart defender of Liberty and has been a driving force behind defunding
Planned Parenthood Reforming civil asset forfeiture and defending our Second Amendment rights, which were all biblical by the way
His positions are sometimes I say that's I would say most of the time an irritation to his less enthusiastic
Republican colleagues I have witnessed that firsthand. That's why we love him. I heard
In 2008 representative Hill entered politics as a campaign volunteer and shortly after started the
Anderson Tea Party He served in the house He has served since 2015 and his second vice chairman of the medical military public and municipal affairs committee among his political maxims quote every act of government is an act of force and should be used
Sparingly and quote him and born in Anderson, South Carolina Jonathan was home -educated whoo -hoo in the rural upstate town of Donald's.
He skipped college whoo -hoo Taught himself software development and achieved professional success at tech firms from Atlanta to the
Silicon Valley make welcome representative Jonathan Hill Well, they say
I haven't been through the system and it shows Before it's a great honor to be here with you today.
It truly is Thank you for being out here today Before I get started with what
I have to say Representative Magnuson if there any other elected officials all of you get yourselves over here on this side with this great great looking group of guys of pastors elected officials and any
Candidates for office if you're standing here in support of this event and what we stand for please come over here
I want to recognize all of you in here in just a moment. So please make your way over there now 2nd
Corinthians 4 4 says that Satan is the god of this world
That is a temporary reality. He is not the god of this world by right But he is
God of this world by position momentarily And we believe that Christ is going to come back and reclaim and that is coming back and he has reclaimed
That is what we believe But that also means that we operate within a political and civil and world system
That rules our state that rules our nation And as Jesus would say you are of your father the devil
And I say firmly I say with tongue firmly stuck in my cheek that God fearing elected officials are a dime a dozen
Here in the state of South Carolina as well as in some of our neighbor states in the southeast in particular being a
Christian and Quoting God's Word is good politics But Jesus says you will know them by their fruits
You will know them by their fruits. In fact when Their fruits are known it will be said of us
What was said of the Apostles in Acts 17 6 these men who have turned the world upside down Have come here also
Have come here also To turn our world upside down and you know why folks our world needs to be turned upside down It wasn't the people
That they were so upset about though. That's important to remember It wasn't the people that they were upset about it was the idea
It was the message it was the truth that those people stood for What is it that we stand for here today?
We stand here today because the unborn child is a person Fundamentally to a person here today.
We are here because the unborn child is a person Everything else flows from that Presupposition if you do not believe that the unborn child is a person
Then you will say Silly self -refuting things like my body my choice
Because you don't believe it's another person's body inside of you But we believe that the unborn child is a person and if you don't believe this
I would go so far as to say that you are not living in the 21st century my friend Intentionally taking the life of that child is therefore murder.
We are here because we believe this South Carolina Code of Laws Title 16 chapter 3 section 10 defines murder as the killing of any person with malice aforethought
That is very specific legal language Courts have ruled on the meaning of murder with with malice aforethought many many times
But essentially in layman's terms, it means you killed somebody and you meant to do it
What else can abortion be my friends what else can it be you killed a person and you meant to do it
Circumstances do not matter number three we are here because murder should be illegal and Murderers should be punished.
That is what we believe And so I call on you to stop calling it abortion.
It is not abortion. It is baby murder. That is what it is It is not a separate thing for murder and it is not a more legitimate thing or a lesser
Crime than murder. In fact, our murder laws include several aggravating circumstances
And one of those aggravating circumstances is if the murdered person was under the age of 12
In other words our laws consider the killing of a person younger than the age of 12 worse than killing an adult
Why don't we consider killing the unborn baby the same thing Fourth we're done waiting for Rowe to be overturned
We'd love for the Dobbs case to fix this and for the court to finally stand up do the right thing I along with others that are represented here today
Co -signed a amicus brief and submitted that to the court and said you need to do the right thing
You need to fear God. You need to comply with the Constitution. You need to overturn Rowe But guess what if you if you do not do so we the state's are and will preparing to abolish abortion as murder anyway, and Finally, I want to make it abundantly clear that this is a church -led
Movement. This is a movement that is explicitly being led by pastors in our state Why is that important that is important my friends because the state cannot and never will fix the problem of sin
This is a sin issue It goes to the core of human depravity
It is a great national sin and there is no one who has the answer to that not one elected official not one politician it is
God's Truth God's Word and God's messengers that has the solution here
But there's a second reason why it is so important that God's people lead this movement and that is Because the men and women serving with me as elected officials in this state
Capitol do Not want to end abortion because they do not fear
God Fundamentally, they do not fear God. They fear losing an election more than they fear
God Until God's people calls on these people to fear him
This is not going to change We now Jesus said when he was confronted with a controversial political question of his day
He responded rendered therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are
God's But historically we have misunderstood what Jesus was saying in reality
What Jesus was saying was do not render to Caesar the things that are God's Caesar demanded
Caesar demanded that he be treated as Lord and Master and God himself and Jesus is saying there is no
God but the one true God And that is the message that we must bear to the folks in this
Capitol that is the message that we must bear is that you sir you ma 'am are
Subject to a higher law a higher lawmaker and you will give an account to him
The gospel is therefore the most political thing that has ever been said the gospel itself begins with Jesus is
Lord and no one else and If we can't start there, it's not the true gospel Brothers and sisters, it's not
But there's another reason why I bring this up and that is because in the United States of America We have further misunderstood
Jesus's words because we misunderstand our own form of government Here in the United States of America the highest legal law of this land is the
Constitution of the United States Whether it always acts like it or not.
We have government by consent of the governed the Constitution itself says that we the people do hereby ordain and establish this
Constitution and in Article 5 of the Constitution it makes it abundantly clear that only we the people have the authority to change that highest law of the land and therefore
Brothers and sisters, where does that put us? That puts us as the highest political authority of the land.
It is not the federal government It is not the president is not Congress and it is definitely not the Supreme Court It's us and so brothers and sisters.
I submit to you that we are therefore Caesar in America we are
Caesar and We bear responsibility for what is going on legalized baby murder might not be your fault
But trust me it is absolutely your responsibility as long as we have government by consent of the governed
Silence on this issue is consent now
We are standing here almost exactly a year after House Bill 40 46 was filed by yours truly
And there was a whole series of events that led to this But understand to paint the picture for you the context
Leading up to March of last year leading up to March of last year and my colleagues that are standing here will tell you
That we were under tremendous pressure By none other than the South Carolina Republican Party to vote for a bill that did not fear
God To vote for a heartbeat bill that did not ban the killing of babies with beating hearts
Unlike its name would imply this bill only Banned the killing of babies after a recorded heartbeat and furthermore as if that weren't bad enough it also explicitly a
Symbolically that we are taking a public stand that bill actually sends because of the exceptions placed in it
Is that not every person is created equal in the sight of God and not every person deserves equal protection
And So my friends it was with a very heavy heart that we went through the legislative process
And it was appalling to me that the most conservative people in the most conservative organizations in South Carolina for the most part were
Calling for us to pass this not only to pass it, but also explicitly calling on us not to amend it in the house not to amend it to vote down any amendments and furthermore there were
Processes used and and politics being played behind the scenes all up and down the chain
To ensure that no amendments got voted on and so when all amendments were blocked on the house floor
I was faced with a situation where I didn't have what I needed and So I did all that I could at the time and as you probably know
I Was forced to expose what was going on by storming out of the chamber tossing papers in the air making a big mess on the floor in Raging the speaker of the house for breaching decorum the very speaker who could not muster the same moral outrage at the slaughter of over 5 ,000 babies a year in his state but but more importantly that is merely the context for what has brought us here today as A result of exposing this as a result of the conviction on my heart and the heavy -heartedness
I was feeling at that time and I was forced to go through the process of actually Studying our laws and asking myself the question well.
What should we be passing? What should we be voting on and House bill 4046 with the with the aid of some pro -life?
Attorneys that have helped to draft abolition bills in other states Is my best shot at it?
And I filed House bill 4046 last March so here we stand a year later
I Felt very alone at that time But thanks be to God for bringing people
Across my path people that I didn't even know existed in South Carolina up until then people like Matt Brock People like Mark Corral who opened up this event now
Mark and Matt and I Worked together along with a few others to organize the rally last
May and We worked again together today to make this event here today happen, and we thank you
But I want to publicly honor and recognize them for all the hard work and labor that they have put into this and for initiating
These rallies Thank You Mark. Thank You Matt God has blessed our efforts as a result of the rally as a result of the mobilization as a result of all the petitions that have been collected and delivered to politicians over the past year as a result of all the calls from pastors and their church members to their elected officials
Understand that for a full two months after House bill 4046 was filed not a single elected official wanted anything to do with it
But they heard about this bill from you And they responded and we're thankful for that and I want to recognize every single one of the co -sponsors that are here
Some of them are here representative Josiah Magnuson is here. Are there any other elected officials here? I don't want to leave anyone out
Representative Josiah Magnuson, thank you
Thank you for co -sponsoring this bill along with him representative Doug Gillum representative
Ryan McCabe representative Stuart Jones representative Steven Long representative Adam Morgan representative
Jeff Johnson and representative Ashley Trantham have thus far Co -sponsored the bill. We hope and trust and pray that there will be more to follow their example on this.
I Don't need to elaborate on other events of the past year of how the South Carolina Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution calling for the abolition of abortion the
South Carolina Baptist Convention Did likewise thanks to several people who are standing here with me today?
And we have the support of a national movement You're gonna hear from Jeff Durbin within abortion.
Now, you're gonna hear from others and we have We have Rusty Thomas and Jason storms and others from Operation Save America We have
Zach Lautenschlager representing action for life Brett Baggett representing rescue those and there are other organizations
Represented here today from other states in North Carolina from from South Carolina I want to give a shout -out to my friend brother
Jack Asher who has been facing all kinds of grief at the hands of the pro -aborts Merely because he had the courage to stand up at the abortion mill and preach the gospel along with other
God -fearing men and women and he's not the only one if I was going to recognize or name every single one of you who have
Done direct ministry at the abortion mills also known as the gates of hell
Then we wouldn't have enough room on this concrete up here. All right, but thank you Please know that this movement would not exist without your work.
Thank you. I want to end on this note
We cannot continue without you numbers do matter the only way that politicians are going to repent of their sins and end the abortion
In the legalized abortion end the exceptions end the political games playing
The only way they're going to do that is if God's people call on them to do so and if they understand that this is the price of their re -election and That is as it should be if you were not willing to stand
To re -establish equal justice and equal protection under the law and for just law and to fear
God in this process Then you shouldn't be in office We have the responsibility as God's people and we have the responsibility as Caesar in America To call on them to do this and to ensure that they face the consequences for their refusal to do so And unless we do that Nothing's going to change and we will be held accountable for our inaction and for our failures by God We will be held accountable for that today
The pro -life establishment would you have you believe that we have made great strides towards ending abortion?
That we have made great strides towards decreasing the amount of abortion in South Carolina and in America and yet here we are almost 50 years after Roe Having killed ten times more than ten times more people than Adolf Hitler himself killed in Nazi Germany here in modern civilized
Anti -nazi America we've killed over 62 million babies and here in South Carolina itself over 5 ,000 babies per year are being killed and guess what my friends that number is growing
That number has consistently grown over the last three years. What is happening in our state?
We're right here in the Bible Belt. Some have described South Carolina's the buckle in the Bible Belt, right and yet We can't get our
Legislators to back the legal ending of abortion now the
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control is the official authority in South Carolina on how much abortion is happening and I would
I didn't think Last year when I began to say that abortion is thriving in South Carolina that this would be a controversial statement
But it has turned out to be a little bit of a controversial statement Among our movement and I want to set some things.
I want to make some things clear to you According to DHEC they have licensed three facilities in South Carolina three murder mills or abortion facilities
And yet the pro -aborts According to the pro -abortion
Guttmacher Institute, there are more than three in South Carolina I don't know who's right and I don't know if there's some
Abortion facilities or hospitals or doctors offices or clinics throughout the state that are not licensed properly under state law or that are not
Reporting their abortions to DHEC. I do not know the answer to that question But all I know is that DHEC says one thing and that the pro -aborts say something else
I would think the pro -aborts would know where to go in South Carolina to get an abortion I would think that forgive me for thinking that they would know what they're talking about there
But my point here is regardless of the true number and regardless of the 5 ,000 that DHEC is reporting which we believe is grossly under -reported that we believe that there are many more than that Abortions happening in South Carolina at home in the quietness of person of people's homes
Taking pills self -administered to to remove their unborn children from their wombs.
I Okay, forgive me for thinking that but I do not believe that only 5 ,000 babies per year being killed in South Carolina.
I believe the true number is much much higher My point is abortion no matter how you measure it is
Thriving in South Carolina and that is wrong and that needs to stop but it's not going to stop unless you make it stop
No bill and no politician moves unless they're pushed They have to be pushed and you're gonna have to push them
No one standing up here can do it for you. No one standing up here. We'll do it for you. You must do it and the fact that we now have eight co -sponsors of House bill 4046 is
Testament to the fact that you are doing this But now we need you to take the second step of going out and finding the people
You know that agree with you that are not here today that have not taken action and see to it that they take action and so if you would go to SCRTL .org
and sign the petition and ask them to sign the petition as well We have paper copies of the petition floating around here today find someone with a clipboard
Make sure you sign that before you leave today. That is very important for one thing We need a record of you being here and number two
We need to make sure that the politicians that aren't here today knew that you were here
And I will personally see to it that your messages are delivered Politicians are not going to do what
I say. They are not going to do what I tell them to do I wish that were the case But they will not
But they will do what you tell them to do once they understand that the price of failure to do so will be the loss of their seat and So I call on you to do that I call on you if you're if you're if you're a politician your elected official will not do the right thing
Will not respond to you on this then please run against them if you don't know how to do that Please reach out to me.
I would be glad to show you how I've done it successfully four times myself now All right, so I know a little bit about how to do this
With that let's end legalized murder in South Carolina. Let's go do this. Let's resist Roe. Thank you very much
Amen, amen And please do sign the petitions because we are right now actively setting up districts throughout the state so that we can
Have more local events to build our numbers So please do that and I want to be clear this rallies called the rally to resist
Roe Friends if Roe v. Wade is overturned, that would be great. Praise God. But did you know that?
Abortion baby murder would still be legal in South Carolina if Roe v.
Wade's overturned And did you know you ask any of the elected officials up here representative Hill Magnuson right now?
There's very little to none No appetite in that statehouse to pass a bill to end abortion at conception if Roe v.
Wade is overturned That's why we need your help. Amen Our next speaker is
Zach Laughton slugger he is with action for life and He is pinch -hitting for Dennis Sarfati who was on who wasn't able to make it due to circumstances but Zach Luton sluggers the vice president for action for life
He lives in Utah with his wife Amy and his seven children.
So please make welcome Zach Laughton slugger We hold these truths to be self -evident
That all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights
That among these are the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers
From the consent of the governed it's easy to overlook
Those words written by a bunch of old dead white guys Sometimes you're told that they don't matter anymore because hey
They did bad stuff too Well, guess what shock they were human beings fallen sinful men
The vast majority of whom Confessed Christ and Accepted his redemption
Does that make us a Christian nation? No, it doesn't and it depends on what you mean by that right
I Submit to you that a nation whose laws are
Founded on biblical principles and Which administers those laws is a
Christian nation So now we can have a debate Because we have the founding but will we enforce them
That's the question I've had the privilege of spending the last 24 years of my life working in professional paid politics
The past vice president of the National Association for gun rights was privileged to help build that organization from nearly nothing up to four and a half million members before that I worked in state gun rights politics and I got involved with that because when
I was two years old my dad ran For office now, I don't start I don't start counting my career until I actually started getting paid which was about 18 years later
So I've grown up in politics But the reason I went into doing it professionally is because I believe in the issues
I believe in the rights to life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness and God has provided some amazing opportunities.
I Got to build the team that has now passed constitutional carry or been instrumental in passing it in 21 states
Y 'all know what constitutional carry means it means that the term right to carry permit is an oxymoron when
I started working in politics professionally and even before that when I would get on to the Capitol with my dad who
Was instrumental in making homeschooling legal in our state. He started homeschooling me before it was legal
Instrumental in passing constitutional carry in our state 20 years later But when
I used to go down with him to the Capitol there was only one state in the Union that had constitutional carry And it was the
NRA that told us stop. That's embarrassing Ye what do you want criminals to have guns and there was a million and one arguments
Why now son is not the time have you heard that before Over and over and over again
It's what the political establishment says and unfortunately the institutional lobbies become this the pointy end of the spear
For now is not the time. Oh sure. That's what we all want to do But now is not the time.
Well, you know what we didn't accept that at face value and we said no now is the time thank you very much and We will hold you accountable.
Mr. Politician If you vote against something that you say you believe in your constituents demand that you execute that you carry out
That's how you do it. That's how you get it done. I'm here to tell you You can do it It's very possible.
I've seen it God did it in front of my face and now when
I see what he is doing in State after state after state Because I had the opportunity then to leave the
National Association for gun rights still highly respect their work Very proud of the work they continue to do they finally made,
Texas pass it Got me. Yeah, you got any Texans here. Everything's bigger in Texas including the idiocy of your politicians
Yeah, I do enjoy gigging you But hey, you guys made it happen now in South Carolina.
Guess what? Who behind us the buildings empty right now, but when the politicians are here how many of them
Will say I'm not too sure about that Second Amendment stuff. Oh It's it's less than what we would call a super minority
Everybody here is pro -gun, you know, why because you don't get elected if you don't say that So somebody pointed out earlier, you know, these politicians don't fear
God. They only care about getting reelected. That is absolutely true It's also a constant in politics and always has been
Of course, we want God -fearing men, but who's shocked to hear they're in short supply
Does that make you sad well, there's some sadness there But it should be it shouldn't make you sad in the sense that all our country is going such a terrible way
Well, there are some terrible things happening, but this one's not new Anything good that has happened has happened because people stood up and said, you know, what we are blessed to live in a nation
Where government is Created for the purpose of defending these rights.
That's what our founding document says and they didn't say it by accident
You know what that means It's our job. It's our fault that the politicians aren't doing
What politicians will always refuse to do unless we make them do it So do they bear fault?
Absolutely. They are magistrates. It is their responsibility. They are ministers of God for the good of the people who live here
I Can think of a few hundred thousand people Who no longer live here because they were killed by the permission of the politicians who serve in the building behind us the men who wrote
The Declaration of Independence Did not know they were going to win
They I am sure in their hearts. We're fairly sure they were going to lose
We like to look back as it added as the Golden Age But I can tell you about the oldest man who signed the
Declaration His name was John Hart and as they were debating the document and the wording and The debates got heated
It was Benjamin Franklin who stood and said at in part gentlemen, we must all hang together or we will each most assuredly hang separately and They kind of chuckled.
It was a bit of a dark joke because what else could you do? When John Hancock signed the document as the
President of the Second Congress, it was his responsibility to sign first and he stood and said gentlemen
I am writing my name large That King George may read it without his spectacles
Attaching your John Henry or give me your John Hancock right here. There is a reason we say that it's because that is still the
Only and now it is the only visible Signature you can go look at the document.
Most of the rest of them have faded enough to where they are indiscernible But John Hancock's is still right there.
You can read it without your spectacles It was bravado What did they say at the end and to support this declaration?
We pledge our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor Well, we know what it means for them to pledge their lives
We know several of them died. In fact eight of the 56 signers gave their lives during the war We know what it means for them to pledge their fortunes
Most of you have probably heard that John John Hancock one of the most wealthy men in America spent most of his fortune supporting
The struggle and he was not alone
Where do you see the wealthy class spending their money? for the rights of Every person that alone is remarkable.
That is the opposite of Marxism. It is the opposite of greed But what does it mean for them to pledge their sacred honor?
Well Franklin was referring to it. You see if you read the Constitution you will see that bills of attainder are specifically and Expressly prohibited in this country you pass that over because you don't know what that is
It's basically a multi -generational criminal record which is passed by the legislature in this case it would be
Parliament Which not only applies to you attainting you as traitor.
It taints your entire family for generations It means you cannot own land.
You cannot get a good job They knew that they were dooming their children and grandchildren to poverty if they were caught convicted and The British Crown and Parliament had anything to say about it, but that's not where it stops
You would then be given a mock trial 2003 summarily found guilty of treason
Dragged into the public square hung by the neck, but not until dead taken down Have yourself cut open from chest to hip
Have your entrails burned in front of you while you yet live and Then you would be beheaded and hacked limb from limb.
It was called drawing and quartering is what was done to William Wallace And it was still reserved for traitors in the late 1700s
That's what they meant by pledging their sacred honor. Well the oldest man to sign the Declaration John Hart returns home
His wife is on her deathbed His 13 children some of whom are grown some are still young are scattered to whoever can take them as the
British invade his state and his county and Guess who's at the top of the terror watch list
Mr. John Hart, and he sits by his wife's side as she leaves this earth and as the
British as The story goes literally marched up his driveway, and he slipped out the back door just in time
He lived outside for a year through the harsh, New Jersey winter We don't know if he ever saw his children again
He may have seen a few of them but that spring he held a few small positions of trust as the war moved out of the
Middle States and Then he died an old man broken in health however as a man
Who has 13 children is want to have John Hart has millions of descendants one of them
Married another descendant of Of Revolutionary War veterans Became my mother and father
My grandma used to sit me down and tell me that story. This is what your grandpa's did
For freedom, what will you do? And I'm six Praise God.
I'm six. I'm sitting there looking at grandma going. I don't know How do you live up to that I've had a lot of time to think about it
Here's the conclusion You don't have to that was the point That was the point
That's why they wrote it down. That's why they fought and they told us. Why are you doing this?
Well, they knew they would be asked that question. They knew the world was asking that question. They put it in the Declaration to secure the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity
They were picturing you and me and our pre -born neighbors
You don't go and do the things that they did and suffer The things that they suffered and endure the threats that they endured unless you have some motivation.
They were picturing us and They ventured those things and they accomplished those things by God's grace so that you don't have to What do you need to do?
Pay attention to politics? Get involved ask God. What can
I do? You look at me say that guy, you know, he's worked in politics his whole life Yeah, but I did most of it in bib overalls.
I Didn't grow up looking like this. I Grew up on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere, South Dakota We figured how to do this by God's grace trial and error
You don't have to be Somehow plugged into politics to figure it out. Here's what you do need to figure out.
Who's your state representative? Who's your state senator? What's the difference between the state senator a u .s. Senator?
What's the difference between Congress and the building behind us? Do you know the difference when do the elections happen?
Who's your County Commissioner? Who serves on your City Council? These are the questions that you need to be able to answer like that Needs to be second nature
You need to know what your house district number is what your Senate district number is what's your congressional district?
What is the difference in all this stuff? How does it work? Guess what? It's all in Wikipedia and it's actually accurate.
You can just go look it up It's not hard So what are you waiting for?
Well, maybe you didn't know that's the way it works, but that's what you need to do. You need to sign the petition. That's here
If you leave here without signing that petition guess what? You probably weren't even here
You know why I say that it's like the tree that falls in the forest If you attend an event and do not give the organizer your name and your contact info it didn't happen
It doesn't matter in the political scheme of things. Oh great. There was a crowd here. That's good. Praise God Thank you for coming go home and this is all you do.
Yeah, I didn't get much done Sorry So hopefully you're here in order to rise up and stand up and Strike a blow alongside our forefathers, you know, that's what excites me the most
That's what I teach my children. There is an opportunity for greatness that cannot be taken away from you. It is
God's call and You I tell my children I will help you do whatever God calls you to do
But until you leave my house you are called to work with me in ending abortion protecting rights defending freedom and you can stand shoulder -to -shoulder with John Hart your grandpa and strike a blow for freedom and defend life and It doesn't matter whether you happen to have had ancestors here at the time
You are their posterity Doesn't matter whether or not you have the same skin color.
It doesn't matter whether or not You arrived on the boat yesterday because a big chunk of my ancestors did arrive not so long ago
You are now their posterity and you have not only the right but the solemn duty to stand with the great host and Stand up and strike a blow
To defend the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness Now look go do harm to the bad guys politically speaking for a good cause
Amen well, listen before I introduce our next speaker when we
Adjourn, we're gonna all go to the south steps to your left so that we can get a picture
So I just want to make sure that you don't slip out when it's going to end So that we can get some good camera shots
So our next our next speaker has become a dear friend of mine over the last year as Jonathan Hill Representative Hill mentioned when those papers flew up in the air.
I said I got to meet that guy and Through Jonathan I was able to meet our next speaker Matt Brock who's become a close friend
He's a South Carolina native born and raised in the upstate who's on a mission to see South Carolina honor
Christ alone as king He heads up the Greenville abortion baby murder ministry team where over the last two years by God's grace
They've been able to proclaim the gospel to thousands of people witness nearly 80 moms and dads choose life praise
God Matt is also the
End abortion now Representative for South Carolina. He's also the
South Carolina representative for operations save America but his highest and dearest call in life as It should be is leading and loving his wife
Amy and their two daughters in the Lord make welcome Matt Brock All right.
Well, let me quickly start by saying thank you all for coming here today Especially to our speakers who have traveled literally from all over the country
To support us with the efforts taking place here both legislatively and in the local church
There's lots and lots of stuff happening right now in South Carolina with regards to child sacrifice
Obviously, we're here today to support Representative Hill and our bill 4046, which is
South Carolina's very first true bill of abolition We thank you we also celebrate as Jonathan mentioned earlier we were able to get a resolution passed at the
South Carolina Baptist Convention Towards probably the middle to the end of the last year and the resolution that was adopted mirrors our language
Mirrors the language of 4046 very closely and so we praise God for that.
We're seeing babies being saved We're seeing churches and pastors Coming to the fight and so we're seeing all of these things happen and we give
God all the glory for that But a lot of that would not be possible If it was not for a lot of the ministries that are represented by the folks here behind us
So truly again, thank you guys and gals for supporting us. I also want to take a moment quickly to Thank some local heroes
Men and women who have been so faithful to this fight some of them literally for decades Heroes like my dear friend.
Dr. Robert Jackson Sister and shell Sister Anne Huff. Those are just to name a few.
I Hope that this bill and this crowd serves as a testimony Along with scripture that all of those years of labor were not in vain
So today we honor you as well for laying the foundation that we stand on today with your blood sweat and tears
Thank you You've already heard and you'll continue to hear how we as the church need to be in the ears of our legislators
Urging them to co -sponsor this bill and to honor God with their God -ordained positions and Yes We need to be doing that faithfully
But I wanted to use the little time that I have to address a separate angle to this fight
One of the first things that I remember brother Rusty Thomas who was actually here with us today. Love you, brother
One of the first things that I remember him telling me when I first got into this fight a little over two years ago
He said brother Matt. There's two areas of this Battle that the church needs to be fighting.
We need to be attacking the legislature for the long game But we need to be attacking the murder mills for the short game
And I'll never forget these words he said Legislation of tomorrow cannot save a baby today as many of you know, it's been mentioned here
There's three abortion mills that we know of in the state of South Carolina There's a private practice in Greenville, which is where you see
You see us on social media media ministering out there daily There's also a Planned Parenthood in Charleston, South Carolina, and there's a
Planned Parenthood right here in Columbia The latest numbers that I have seen come from 2020 and it says that 5 ,468 image -bearers of God were slaughtered.
Listen to me not under not only under the watch of the church But many of those babies were sacrificed under our dime if you are here
Chances are you already are all you're already on board at least ideologically With the complete and immediate abolishment of baby murder to include criminal charges for anyone involved in taking the life of that little bitty baby
But I want to ask you brothers and sisters What will you be doing in the meantime?
While we wait for God to sort out the mess in the house and in the Senate Representative Hill will tell you
This is going to take time Pastors How are you going to lead your people into the fight to stop that image -bearer from being murdered this coming
Monday morning and Tuesday and Wednesday now,
I'm going to pick on Baptist for a minute because I am one But this is also for my
Presbyterian brothers and sisters and anyone who claims to be Protestant Did you know that there are over 2 ,000
Baptist churches Within an hour and a half drive of one of those three child sacrifice centers the
South Carolina Baptist Convention Claims that there are nearly one million people
Represented in their ranks a million people What we need to be finding out brothers and sisters is where these people are
Because I will tell you where they are not They're not at the murder mills
Hear me brothers and sisters Getting behind legislation that calls for the abolition of abortion is essential
But it is not sufficient We must be willing to lay our lives down for our neighbors and I know that's going to look differently for each of us
Because God has sovereignly placed us in different circumstances, but I promise you this There are ways that you can support the fight that takes place every day outside of the gates of hell
One way that you can get involved is to start including the Holocaust into your prayer life. I Think a lot of times myself included we say we believe
God moves when we pray and yet We don't believe it enough to actually do that in Matthew 21 13
Jesus said it is written that my house shall be called a house of prayer Sadly, it's one of the things we spend the least time doing with our church family
We need to be praying for the supernatural Power of God to be shown out there like it was in the days of Moses we need to pray for lives to be spared pray for the repentance of the doctors and the pro -aborts and Pray for those who carry the gospel out there every single day
Another way that you can help us is by sign up by signing up to become what we call a house of refuge
Our job at the murder mill is not to personally care for the families once they choose life
We don't have the numbers nor the resources to pull that off, but your church does
Our job is to get these moms and dads under the care of biblical pastors and elders
So that they can be fed both physically but more importantly spiritually So make sure you sign our petition and give us a good email to be able to get that info to you on how you can partner with us in that way and lastly
You can get into the fight by bringing this matter to the attention of your pastors and your and your elders so that we can
Meet with them and prayerfully equip them to make this a priority in the mission and the rhythm of their church
Y 'all have heard me say it those of you that know me and I will continue to say it because it's the truth
Abortion is not a humanitarian issue So it's not this idea well, you know,
I don't like it I really don't I'm against it But you know, that's a political thing and and the church and politics, you know, it shouldn't really mingle
You know after all we by the way, we give a lot of money to the pregnancy centers and we do all this kind of Stuff. It's you know, that's just not really in of our business
We don't get to say that church because it is our business And the reason why it's our business is because this is a
Great Commission issue Going off script
Lord. Help me Scripture screams from Genesis to Revelation That this is a kingdom of God issue
Child sacrifice isn't new it's been going on for thousands of years. It's just been repackaged with a word called abortion
Prophets dealt with this the Apostles dealt with this We need to deal with this
We have been commanded church not encouraged commanded By God Almighty to tell the world that abortion is murder
Not because it's a conservative or a Republican principle because thus saith the
Lord the most powerful political statement ever made in human history Was all power and all authority in heaven and on earth belong to me who said that?
King Jesus and Our job is to go tell the world and guess what church there were no exceptions
Given for the magistrate or the child sacrifice temples God reigns there, too
We have got to take ownership of the battles that God has called his church to fight
We don't have the freedom to Outsource the battles that God has called us to It wasn't told to Peter by Jesus that the gates of hell will be overcome by Republican conservative principles hoisted onto the culture
Jesus said his church would be the means by which the gates of hell are overcome here in closing a
Couple of weeks ago. We were attending a OSA conference in Nashville, Tennessee Some of you here today you were there and you can attest to this
One morning about 50 Christians went to the abortion mill.
Do you know what happened the Planned Parenthood that morning in Nashville, Tennessee? When they heard that there were 50
Christians coming with Bibles and worship 50
Christians shut the whole place down Not a single baby was touched that day.
I mentioned earlier that the South Carolina Baptist Convention You know, they relish in the fact that they've got a million people on board
This shocked me when I did the math. It's easy for us to say well
Matt, you know, the church is busy We're doing other things So I get it, you know, maybe maybe 50 % could go out there now, that's too many maybe 30 20 10
Now that's still too many. Do you know how many? 1 % of a million people is any math whizzes out there 10 ,000
Christians 1 % What a shame it is if the
South Carolina Baptist Convention can't get 1 % to show up at the gates of hell and interpose for babies
What would happen if 10 ,000 Christians showed up in Greenville Seriously, think about it.
What would happen? What if what happened to 10 ,000 Christians were out at Columbia right now in Charleston? You know what?
I think we might see. I think we may just see a Mighty move of God happened in this state.
I think maybe just maybe We may be able to achieve through the sovereign providence of God Almighty What we think right now can only come through means of legislation my prayer and my hope is
That this is the generation God uses chooses to glorify himself in the ending of child sacrifice and May it start right here with the
Church of South Carolina and then spread to the nation and then to the world and Jesus Christ Our King received every drop of glory for it
If this resonates with you,
I would urge you to reach out to our brothers and sisters at in abortion now comm or Operation save America org.
Thank you again for being here. God bless you So I'd like to recognize a few more folks
I'd like to recognize if you have or are serving on the front lines at the murder mills
Whether that's in South Carolina or any other state, would you just by Recognition show your hands nice and high look at this
Praise God we thank you for interposing on behalf of the unborn. Thank you so much.
I Also want to recognize Someone who's running for US House The US House of Representatives and that's
Linz Piper Loomis Linz, would you raise your hand Linz is in District 1 down in the low country
She's running against Nancy Mace down there So if you're down in the low country, please give Linz your support and then if and when she's elected we can hold her accountable to support
National legislation to end baby murder. Amen Linz. Thank you for joining us today Our next speaker is
Brett Baggett It's an honor to have Brett here. He's a son of God by the grace of God and Jesus Christ.
He's the husband of McClain who has been Mary who's been married to since 2008 and he's the daddy of Lila Solomon Huck Jane Grey and Evangeline Brett was homeschooled his entire life who did not go to college who?
And did and did not attend seminary that doesn't really say a whole lot in these days.
So praise God for that His dad was a Baptist pastor and he was and was his grandpa so was his grandpa before him
He has served in full -time ministry since 2007 having been one of the founding pastors of Ecclesia Muskogee 2011 and that's a
Reformed Baptist Church that gathers in Muskogee, Oklahoma He's the president of rescue those and those pam pam pamphlets are circulating
Please get one of those that will help equip you as well And that rescue those seeks to equip the
Saints to rescue their pre -born neighbors being carried away to death He's also one of the leaders of Shepherd school, which seeks to train men to shepherd their homes small groups and Jesus's church
Brett plans to be one of the pastors at Ecclesia Muskogee until his death praise God Continuing to make disciples train men and help plant more churches.
Please make welcome Brett Baggett What we proclaim is not ourselves
But ourselves as your servants for Christ's sake Because Christ Jesus is
Lord and I have them of no consequence Christ is
Lord and Christ being the Creator Redeemer and King Demands obedience from you and I indeed from all of the nations
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me Christ says and therefore
When the Lord Jesus commands he does not say, please
He demands that we bend the knee to him and I know you who? You have been bought by the blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ I know you tremble at his word and you desire to obey his commands out of grateful joy
And so my question is what does the Lord Jesus Christ the king of the universe? What does he command of you and me when it comes to our neighbors in the womb?
5 ,000 of whom are slaughtered every year in your state of South Carolina What is he command of us from our neighbors or concerning our neighbors?
I've heard there are 5 ,000 reported abortions in South Carolina last year
That happened under cover of law and that is 5 ,000 too many Beloved brothers and sisters and don't miss the main point too.
It's not because abortion clinics are open It's not only that it's not only because we're not showing up at the murder mills, which you should
But it's because even one block from right here. You can go buy a pill that will murder your baby
There's a CVS right there. I can show you on my phone right now You can buy leaven or gestural and kill your baby within the first 72 hours of conception
It is a bigger issue than just murder mills. It is something that needs to be Criminalized from the moment of conception.
So what does the Lord Jesus command us to do? Well, he says love your neighbor as yourself
Love your neighbor as yourself Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
This is the golden rule Why are 15 to 20 babies still murdered each day just a reported numbers in South Carolina under cover of law
Why are there 1 million Southern Baptists in South Carolina?
And I'm a Southern Baptist from Oklahoma so I can pick on them specifically Why are there 1 million
Southern Baptists alone in this state and child sacrifice is still? Protected by the governing authorities who represent those 1 million
Why are regulations of baby slaughter Which simply tell you in this state when where how and why you can carry your children off to the slaughter?
Why are these pro -life? incremental regulations Still being celebrated by many believers in one of these states that is so pro -life
Why are many professed Christians still not raising their voice to abolish child murder?
Immediately without exception or compromise. I would submit to you that the reason abortion is still
Legal or it's happening under cover of law here in this state is because many who profess the name of Christ Do not listen to Christ and they do not treat their neighbors like Christ says we must treat them
If you would apply the golden rule and with just to profess Christians in this state
If they would apply the golden rule to the baby in the womb Abortion would be abolished.
It would be illegal to carry off our neighbors to death So I want to exhort you.
I Want to exhort you on behalf of the Lord Jesus to apply this golden rule to your pre -born neighbors in the womb and to exhort all other especially believers to apply the golden rule think with me if you were being dehumanized and Able to be murdered without hindrance.
Would you want someone to take an incrementalist approach or an immediate test reproach?
Would you someone want someone to just try to take steps? To lower the number of babies that are being killed if you were in the womb
Brothers and sisters, you know, you would not want regulations for when where how and why you could be killed if you were in the womb if You could be unjustly locked in a freezer without due process
Would you want the church and ethicists to be silent on this issue? Or would you want them to blast forth the truth like a trumpet?
concerning in vitro fertilization That has 1 .6 million of your neighbors locked in freezers right now in our nation without due process of the law
If the Supreme Court said that states must allow you to be murdered Would your neighbors would you want them to bend the knee to the court like it is
God or would you want them to defy? The ruling of the Supreme Court and nullify its evil decision
You know what you would want done for you if you were in the womb If your state legislators were too indifferent or too afraid to protect you from slaughter
Would you want the church to continue to vote them into office and celebrate them for passing?
Regulations while they say we're just doing the best we can What would you want done for you? If you were in the womb do unto your pre -born neighbor as you would want done to you
If you were kept from what you needed in order to survive Would you want the
Bride of Christ to continue in apathy or to stand firm and reject that which led to your unjust?
Killing this is all forms of hormonal birth control that all have mechanisms to abort
Babies and the church is largely silent on the issue Well little image bearers are being deprived of what they need in order to survive if you were being taken to a murder mill
Would you want people to say I don't think this is effective? Would you want people to say
I just do not have the time to go to the gates of hell or would you want them? To stand at the gates and plead for your life while they preach the gospel as often as they could
This is why you should go to the abortion clinics and preach and plead Because it is what you would want done for you if you were being taken away to death if someone could go to Walmart CVS Walgreens or any pharmacy to purchase something that could murder you would you want others to simply grieve?
That this could happen or also labor tirelessly to make it stop if someone were trying to starve you to death
What would you want? If someone were trying to starve you to death, what would you want done for you?
This is what abortion pills do such as are you 486 that effectively starve children to death in the womb?
93 % of abortions that happened in our nation are chemical abortions
We can get abortion clinics shut down and The abortion Holocaust will continue unhindered because people will know now.
I just have to kill my baby before 12 weeks and six days with are you 486?
What if a high -powered vacuum were getting closer and closer and closer to you? With such power that when it got close enough, it would suck you into it and turn you into mush
What would you want done for you this is suction abortion that happens all over our nation if forceps were closing in on you and Your head was too big for them to discard of you in in their easy way
So they think so they had to crush your skull into many pieces Rip your arms and legs off and then scrape the pieces of your mangled body together just to dispose of you later
How would you desire your neighbors to act? Do unto your pre -born neighbor as you would have done to you if people were using the
Bible to try to explain why we must take incremental steps to establish justice
And we're going to pass this bill and then come back next year and ask for more and this bill and then more
Which is what the smashmouth incrementalists are sadly doing if someone were doing that and you were in the womb
What would you want? I think you would want a smashmouth Abolitionist wanting to criminalize the act not just make peace with a step in the right direction
Brothers and sisters there is forgiveness in Jesus Christ for all who have broken his laws if you have had an abortion you need to know you have murdered a gift that God has given you and Jesus Christ can cleanse you from that sin
He was willingly murdered so that murderers could be forgiven in him
So go to Jesus Christ and you will be cleansed If you are outside of Christ, you need to know that you are under a curse for breaking
God's law You are under a curse for breaking even the golden rule for not doing to others as you would have them do to you
But you need to hear there is good news for those who repent and turn to the
Lord Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree
Galatians 3 You have murdered your own child. You can be forgiven
You've been apathetic and closed your eyes in the land while child sacrifice has happened
You can go to Christ Jesus Trust in him and be cleansed at the foot of the cross
Beloved brothers and sisters the once crucified and now resurrected King Jesus will
Put the enemy of child sacrifice under his feet He will put this enemy under his feet for he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet
I Conclude with this exhortation to you and please hear me
Do not be distracted by Nor satisfied with defunding bills
Do not be distracted by or satisfied with the funding bills They may establish justice for your wallet, but they will not establish justice for your pre -born neighbor in the womb
Don't be satisfied With defunding the high places if that passes don't just say well at least we did that don't be satisfied
We are not commanded to defund the high places we are commanded to tear them down Don't be satisfied
Don't be content Let us labor Do not grow weary in doing good for in due time.
You will reap if you do not give up so I say to you labor with the strength that God supplies for the glory of God and the good of your neighbor in the womb and Do not stop
Until abortion is abolished or you are dead Thank You Brett praise
God No apologies for the Descriptions that Brett gave because we need a rude awakening and really know what abortions all about amen
Well, I want to briefly recognize another u .s. Candidate running for Congress in District 7, which is in Myrtle Beach Mark McBride, would you raise your hand real high?
Would you support Mark McBride? He's running down in District 7 and as I said with Lin's if and when he's elected hold him accountable to support
National legislation to end baby murder. Amen Our next speaker is Ashley Lawton Ashley is a pastor's wife and mother of two beautiful children
She's an advocate for the unborn and a strong believer in the saving power of Jesus Christ Ashley was conceived in a reported rape
Adopted in Tennessee and finally settling in South Carolina Ashley serves as a board member at personhood,
South Carolina and actively shares her adoption story before legislatures and the public
Linking the pro -adoption in the pro -life movement Ashley is also a speaker and a board member with the
International Organization save the one which encourages pro -life Legislation and shares the quote hard case stories to promote life as an alternative to abortion with no exceptions
Ashley's story has been featured on many websites podcasts and numerous Print and virtual articles in both
English and Spanish as she's actively involved in the political world She feels the obligation to speak out in favor of the pro -life movement and does so every time the
Lord opens a door for her To share her powerful testimony she considers it a Privilege to share with the
Lord Speaks her heart through his word in hopes of encouraging and uplifting those in all ages
I'll say on a personal note. I sound watched Ashley speak to legislatures last year during the heartbeat bill who added exceptions for rape and incest
Which the heartbeat bill was one big exception, but nonetheless They thought they had to add those exceptions to pass the bill and here's someone who's conceived in rape
Pleading for legislators to not add the exceptions and they added them anyway, and I'll let her finish the story
Please welcome Ashley Lawton Can everybody hear me okay wonderful King David says in Psalm 139 13 through 16
For you formed my inward parts you covered me in my mother's womb
I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth
Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed and in your book they were written
The days fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them Today we are here to take a stand against the horror that is abortion the senseless killing of an innocent pre -born life
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control reports that approximately 5 ,468 abortions took place in South Carolina during 2020 5 ,468 lives
That were never born You may ask why this touch is so close to home with me well, you see 41 years ago a brave woman chose life a woman who had reported being physically violated became pregnant
Chose life and because she chose life. I Am here today
I'd like to share part of my story with you I've imagined the scenario over and over again in my mind
It's February probably around Valentine's Day and a young woman is picked up for a date a night on the town her boyfriend was charming persuasive and Everything was going great until it didn't
They called it date rape and nine months later. Here I was. I Was born to a woman who didn't want me
Didn't plan me Didn't want to know or if I was a boy or a girl didn't want to hear my cry or see me.
I was unwanted Unplanned and yet saved from the unthinkable yet today socially acceptable and abortion
For years. I only knew part of my story. I Was in high school when
I found out that my birth mother reported she had been raped My mother and I were driving down Haywood Road in Greenville, South Carolina Probably going to go shopping for one thing or another and I can't remember what led us to talk about it
But I can remember my mom looking at me and so plainly stating Ashley honey, your birth mother was raped
And you know how in the movies when things just freeze or go in slow motion That was my moment as I looked out the windows the cars were driving by in slow motion
The mall went by in slow motion and all I could hear in the back of my mind
You're a product of evil You were never meant to be The enemy sure has a way with words
Now I lived with those nagging feelings those hating thoughts for years feeling like I was somehow predestined for something horrible because well
That's how my life began. I Have good days weeks months, but it always came creeping back
Now thinking back on that day. I can vividly remember what my mom so casually stated and how
Satan was turning truth into lies I Wasn't telling myself that I wasn't meant to be the enemy was telling me you weren't meant to be
Anything to bring me down and question my life's purpose Now I can't imagine being physically violated in the finding out
I was pregnant as a result of that violation and When I was much younger, I remember justifying how an abortion would somehow be acceptable in that case
I mean, how could you expect a woman to carry a child that was conceived under such horrible and evil means?
Oh wait That could have been me. I Was questioning everything
My self -worth even my existence and it wasn't until I sought God's voice in my life that those thoughts began disappear
See little did I know that God was calling me to him Now wait a minute he wanted me
You see couldn't be God because you don't know where I came from. Oh Yes, Ashley God wants you.
He knows you he created you and ladies and gentlemen, he loves you
Galatians 1 15 through 16 But when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through his grace to reveal his son in me
That I might preach him among the Gentiles. You see I wasn't a mistake The Prophet Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 1 5 before I formed you in the womb.
I knew you before you were born I sanctified you I ordained you a prophet to the nation's
God knew what was going to happen the day I was conceived and he had a plan for my life. I Was also in high school that I met my now husband
We became best friends and I can honestly remember us canceling dates with our respective boyfriends or girlfriends just to go and hang out.
I Was a junior I believe when another friend of mine Sarah Saraki Introduced me to the Lord and I was saved at a youth function
But like so many young people at that time, I didn't do anything with it. You see I wasn't a churched person and I became a stagnant
Christian my husband and I dated for many years before we were married in 2003 and we joined a church and my faith began to grow in 2008 we decided we wanted to grow our family and you can imagine our joy
When we found out we were pregnant just after the second month of trying It was July 4th when we told our friends and family that we were pregnant
One week later, we would be in the ER Mourning the loss of that baby through miscarriage
Again, I began to tell myself that I was worthless. How can I be any good? I can't even carry a child
I began to think back to how I was conceived and those hateful nagging thoughts returned with a vengeance
You're a product of evil You were never meant to be why would you be allowed to have a child?
But this time I was prepared. I Had never before I wept to my
God asking him to hold me and carry me because I couldn't do it alone. I Can honestly say that on that Saturday morning curled up on my couch hot tears streaming down my face
That the Lord wrapped his arms around me and I could literally Feel his arms holding me.
I Grew closer to him than ever before and I fully relied on him to get me through that time in my life.
I Surrendered One month later we were surprised to find out we were again pregnant this time
We would be blessed with an almost nine pound healthy baby boy four years later we began
Trying to expand our family one more time and we began praying we again became pregnant very quickly we would face six diagnosed miscarriages a
Laparoscopic surgery the death of my father the moving in of my disabled mother not to mention two house moves before the
Lord blessed Us with an over nine pound baby girl You see through every trial every hard time.
My God was there He never left me and when I was angry when
I was hurt and when I didn't think I could take another step He was there taking those steps for me carrying me through it all when
I was ready to give up He breathed new life into me. He was my sustainer. He was my rock.
My Lord was there Now I don't always understand in the midst of the storm why
God does what he does But looking back I can always see his hand in it and I have learned over my life to trust him and his plan
That no matter what we are going through. It's a part of his plan and his plan is always perfect You see
God takes bad situations and makes something beautiful Ephesians 2 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works
Which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. I am a child of God Romans 8 14 through 17 for as many are as led by the
Spirit of God These are sons of God for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you receive the spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out
Abba Father The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God and if children then heirs
Heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together.
I Am here to share God's good news and plan for your life and mine. I am alive not by mistake
But by his grace, I could have easily been aborted and tossed aside But it is by God's grace and God's plan that I am here today speaking to you
Jeremiah 29 11 says for I know the thoughts that I think towards you Thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope
We must all remember that God has a plan for our lives We may not see it or understand what it is.
But all we can do is daily seek his face and his will We must not get discouraged when we feel like the world has turned its back on us.
It has but God Hasn't turned his back on us. God was still is and will always be in control.
I was conceived in rape It was a horrible evil act upon my birth mother
She was physically and emotionally violated But I didn't deserve the death penalty.
I Was an innocent life. I Am here today by his grace. I was not a mistake
Like so many in the political world will tell you I was not just a clump of cells. I was a living being
I Was still being formed in my mother's womb and even there
God had a plan for me and he knew me. I Thank God that my birth mother valued life enough to give me life.
Whereas today. There are so many that aren't that fortunate an article on abortion facts comm says it best and I quote a
Child conceived in rape is just as precious as a child conceived in love because a child is a child
Today Children are special to God they are loved and valued each and every child matters to him regardless of their conception
Today, I thank God for life. I thank God that my birth mother gave me life But most of all
I thank Jesus for giving his life for me that I may have eternal life in him if you haven't met
Jesus yet or desire a closer relationship Please speak to your pastor a leader.
Come speak to me. I Pray that my story stays with you.
I Asked that you remember my face Remember me when you were given the choice to stand up for those that don't have a voice remember
I am that exception that so many in the political world are okay with aborting if We are to protect innocent life, then we need to protect all innocent life.
No exceptions Thank you Thank you so much.
Ashley. It was a blessing to have you speak You're not going to want to miss our last couple speakers next up to the stage is
Jason Storms Jason Storms has been active in the fight against abortion for 25 years
He is the national director of Operation Save America and the assistant pastor at Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin He and his wife
Sarah proudly homeschool. Whoo. They're ten children. I think he's the one that's got me beat
With my nine, so please make welcome Jason Storms Well praise the
Lord God is good. Amen. I want to thank you all for being here I want to thank those that organize this those that took the time and have made the
Sacrifices the legislators that are putting their necks in the line of pastors that are putting their necks on the line and all of you That are serving active and involved
This is an extremely extremely important issue that we are we are drawing a line here on today And so I've been active in the fight against abortion for 25 years
And I can tell you the compromise that I have seen the excuses being made that I've seen The the cowardice the fear the bribery the corruption that has characterized so much of the pro -life movement is nauseating and We need to stand faithfully for Christ today.
And so I thank you for coming out here I thank you for being a part of this and so I'd ask you today How did we get here?
How did we get here? And what is it exactly that we're fighting for? And so I've been interviewed by the media many times many here have been interviewed by the media
One thing I like to ask the media is why don't you do a story on abortion? How many never seen a story about abortion on CNN MSNBC?
ABC Anybody ever seen that before? The things that Brett was eloquently and powerfully speaking about the very precise nature in which they kill little human beings
Are we the crazy ones? I'd like to ask myself that sometime. Am I the crazy one? Am I though? Am I maybe misunderstanding if I am
I not seeing something? Am I wrong? It's good sometimes to do some self -evaluation and say maybe maybe
I'm the one that's missing some key and vital information And so I'd like to ask journalists.
I'd like to ask pro -abortion folks. Where is my argument off here? How about we do a story on?
Abortion, how about we do some investigative journalism? And what is it precisely? That is the point of contention here?
No, I've been interviewed about the nature of our protests I've seen the media talk about the fearfulness and trepidation of abortion providers as we descend upon their clinics in their cities
Exposing what they do I've seen stories about the legislative battle in the political fight and the nature of that political fight and what would happen if women lost their essential right to abortion what you never have seen is
Investigative journalists in the mainstream media actually go into an abortion clinic Film an abortion taking place and say this is what we are talking about.
This is why millions of people are upset This is why thousands of must have come out here and say we cannot accept the status quo
Is it just a blob of tissue? Is it just a couple of cells? Is it just a harmless medical procedure or?
is This a living human being made in the very image of God who deserves to be loved valued and protected as being callously destroyed and if our mainstream media were to investigate that question with all their powers of reason and science and Ethics what we would discover is that we are not crazy
We are not the crazy ones. And so that's why they can't talk about it They can't deal with the facts
And so it must behoove us to be the bearers of the bad news and the good news It must be us to be faithful to speak the truth in love and to expose this great evil
God would demand that courage would demand it. And so what I would say today is what is what has been the
The soil that has produced abortion the soil that has given birth to this
Holocaust is more than just Legislative issues or cultural things.
What is what has produced? What we see this great abortion Holocaust is ultimately the breakdown of godly biblical masculine virtue
That is at the foundation. That is the root soil the contaminated soil that gave birth to abortion in this country emasculated men emasculated by the sexual revolution of the 60s losing their understanding of their protective duties and their understanding of their moral responsibilities
Gave birth to the abortion Holocaust. And so we will not fix abortion in our society merely by legislation or merely by exposing the evil of abortion or merely by going to the clinics
But we must be diligent and active in raising up a generation of godly men who take their protective duties seriously
Amen And I'm thankful for that brother's example right there brother rusty And so let me just encourage all of you fathers and husbands here today
Be a godly man in your home Love your wife honor cherish and protect your wife
Honor love serve instruct mentor invest in your children
Every woman here today needs to know that they are well loved well honored and well protected and This is at the heart of where we will turn our society around.
It's at the heart of what God is doing in reviving his people Raising up strong godly men
Who will fight this evil God's way he will demonstrate the faithfulness and the love of Christ in Laying down his life for others.
We will thus then to go and do likewise. Amen Amen and so the last thing
I would say is I don't want to be long here It's hot and we've heard a lot of speakers So I'm gonna be short today
But I want to talk about the failures that have brought us here and what we need to do to fix this in the practical
It's it's one thing to have nice ideology and lots of folks are good at articulating their ideology But our orthopraxy must meet our orthodoxy
Ideology doesn't change things talking a good talk doesn't change things having the right ideas doesn't change thing
I've read a lot of philosophy read a lot of theology. I like intellectual pursuits, but ultimately the rubber meets the road
I run a construction business You have to swing a hammer and you have to build things You have to do the dirty work of building things being an architect is wonderful But being a builder is what gets the building built.
All right, you got to get your hands dirty You got to know how to swing a hammer You got not a problem solve you got to deal with the flawed
Realities that are in front of us and figure out solutions And so what we've seen is that pro -life people and I'm thankful in many ways for the pro -life movement
I'm thankful for those who recognize this Holocaust Planned Parenthood in their ilk what they foisted on the nation
I'm thankful that many have said we need to fight that we need to stand up against that We need to do something against that So I'm thankful for many of the sacrifices of those who have been a part of the pro -life movement
We must recognize there has been abject failure There has been an unwillingness to fight the hard fights to say the hard things and to ground ourselves
Theologically and biblically and display the kind of courage that Christ displayed in laying our lives down. Amen And so I've lived through the
George Bush era when Republican pro -lifers controlled all three branches of our federal government for six long years
And what was accomplished? Nothing nothing And I supported
Donald Trump despite his many flaws despite as many many flaws I didn't support him because of his great policies or because of his great
Articulation or because I liked Trump and I think people liked Trump because the man was willing to fight and take on the political establishment of both parties
Now you didn't do that. Perfectly. I readily understand it. But we are looking people are looking for leadership They're looking for men who will stand up and have some fight to them and sadly that's rarely seen amongst pro -life leaders in our country
I've spoken in legislative halls all over this nation and I can tell you when you talk to political insiders
The pro -life lobby is the most easily Pacified political lobby in our nation the most easily pacified and that ought not be the case
Zack earlier was talking about the successes of the gun rights lobbyists
Why why is that the one issue conservatives have been winning on? We haven't been winning on lowering taxes or stopping government spending certainly haven't been winning and stopping the
LGBT agenda Certainly haven't been winning when it comes to the killing of the preborn children But we've been winning on guns relatively speaking.
Why is it because you know what gun people will say you touch my guns? I'll blow your head off Okay, gun guys like to fight gun guys have some fight in them and That is exactly what we need is some backbone and some willingness to stand up and fight these babies deserve it love love demands
It's love demands it Jesus demands it. Amen And so I live through the
Donald Trump era I live through the Donald Trump era 2016 Donald Trump swept into power
Republicans supermajorities we had 32 state governments controlled by pro -life people all
Three branches of our federal government controlled by pro -life majorities 32 states and all three branches of our federal government and what happened is there a policy victory on behalf of preborn children that we can celebrate
Mike Pence declared that life is winning again in America Sounds like winning defined by the
Cleveland Browns We're sorry for the Cleveland friends here, but I'm a
New Orleans Saints fan, so we got paper bags all right, but Life is not winning in this country babies are being slaughtered what pro -lifers are good at doing is winning elections
We're good at winning elections You got to say you're pro -life to get elected So all these majorities all this power all this influence all this investment, and it all gets bottlenecked
And our state houses in Washington DC at the top of our power structures.
It all gets a bottlenecked and It does not translate into any substantive change or action.
Why is that? Because we have cowardly politicians
Who don't fear God and also they don't fear us? How many of you know we are
God's instruments of fear sometimes They need to be afraid of us. They need to be afraid of being ousted from office.
We need to do the hard work of Going into key Legislative districts rolling up our sleeves knocking on doors talking to neighbors
Educating people motivating them to get out and support Godly candidates running for office to support godly men who are fighting for them.
We've got to do the hard work It's not enough to just talk about it Don't just come here and applaud and talk about it get involved in a political campaign get involved in the grassroots work
Get involved in building the building Don't just be the architect or the armchair quarterback Okay, get involved get involved get involved the other thing that keeps it is there's a fear of the
Supreme Court Everybody tells us we can't change anything because the Supreme Court has ruled that is a lie from the pit of hell
We need to proclaim that the Supreme Court is not God They are not ultimately supreme the Supreme Court bows to the
Constitution United States They have no authority outside of the Constitution United States. They cannot strip away the liberties and rights of individuals they cannot deny the humanity of preborn children lawfully nor legally and anybody who submits to such an opinion of the court is affirming their lawlessness is acting unlawfully is acting ungodly and is
Perpetuating injustice and the trampling of our Constitution Don't let a politician tell you that they must obey the law if they were committed to obeying the law
They would stand up against a lawless court who's overstepping their lawful constitutional boundaries We have a system of checks and balances
We have a system of federalism layers and levels and branches of government that when one gets out of its lane the others must correct them we need our legislative and our executive branches to stand up to the courts and Defy them and protect these little innocent ones.
Amen So let's proclaim this may God bless you. Thank you for being here and Keep fighting the good fight
Next we have Brandon poor we have Brandon was born and raised in upstate, South Carolina He graduated from Landrum High School went on to graduate from North Greenville University He's married his high school sweetheart and they have four awesome children three boys and a little girl
Brandon is a business owner and active in his community Brandon helped plant the well church in Landrum in 2013 where he has been preaching and teaching has been the preaching and teaching pastor since it began nine years ago and I praise
God for pastor poor coming up and speaking and I praise God for all the pastors here standing for the unborn if Your pastor won't stand for the unborn and preach abortion is murder in their pulpit
I'm just gonna tell you you need to leave that church and go find a church that will preach the Bible. Amen Please welcome
Brandon poor Well, our brother asked me if I could keep it to seven minutes.
I Told him yeah But I forgot I wore my preaching suit and forgot my watch.
I Don't need much time as a matter of fact Matt Brock stole my sermon
Thanks, bro, I do appreciate all these guys and all of you who are here
Taking a stand against this wicked and ungodly act Against this and infanticide that is plaguing our world and plaguing our nation and I love what
Jason said. I Love what he said about rising up men needing to be men
Men needing to be ready to fight Ladies being ready to fight for what's right to protect children.
I was warned before coming here and I have been warned for quite a while of Taking on this fight.
So what what's the warning? You're going to come under fire You're going to lose influence people are going to abandon you.
You won't be asked to come speak anywhere and And You will be blasted on social media as judgmental mean and evil
You'll be attacked. You don't want to fight this monster, but I've never minded a fight and the only thing that I can say to that is
I Don't know how We can allow the fear of man to stop us from fighting for the innocent
And the only reason that you could possibly get to that place is That you're either lying about believing that's a tiny human in there
Or you're not a believer Anyone of you if you saw a raging dog
Chasing down a two -year -old child You would throw yourself in front of the dog whether it killed you or not,
I would hope Why is it different with the unborn child?
Now, I'm gonna start my message I'm gonna follow up with what storm said
I Appreciate all the legislation I Appreciate the legislators.
I appreciate these guys taking a stand. I'm not a politician I grew up in a trailer park and I have fought my whole life and I've been shunned half my life.
I Needed a man of God in my life to show me what a man was I Needed somebody to stand up.
You know what I needed. I needed the real gospel Legislation is not going to solve this problem you as the
Church of the Living God Will be the means and the conduit through which the solution comes
I Listen to these guys speak and I learn
I listen to them speak and I'm provoked. I Could have literally started fighting just a second ago and storms got done.
I'm like, all right who wants to go? You know the biggest problem that we have now.
I know I'm talking to the home team You guys drove down here. I Don't think
I have to convince you that you know, a baby is well a baby You believe that you believe that it's wrong.
You believe it's murder I know I'm talking to the home team, but I want to address a problem really quickly
That I think is up underneath all of this and if weak effeminate men are the soil in which all this is bread
Then this is the water that's made it explode It is the fact that we as a nation and as a modern
Church Have given ourselves over to preaching a gospel of comfort instead of the gospel of Christ the vast majority of Supposed gospel proclamation today is a gospel of comfort and not of Christ the gospel of comfort says if you will just choose
Then you will be blessed If you will just profess then you will escape
If you will just believe then you can just enjoy But the gospel of Christ says if any man be my disciple let him take up his cross and follow me
If any man be in Christ, it is because he has been purchased by the blood of Christ And if any man be purchased by the blood of Christ then he is a slave to righteousness
Listen to me church. I've only got 30 more seconds The man that is in Christ.
I want you to listen to me The man that is in Christ has put his hand to the plow
Not his head to the pillow It is not time to rest it is not time to slumber it is time to work in the beginning man had dominion
He was set forth by God to rule over creation to subdue it be fruitful multiply
That dominion was lost because of Adam's fall and All of creation along with mankind was subjected to futility
Slaves to sin death hell sin and Satan But King Jesus defeated death
He takes his seat and he is now seated upon the throne and he has already
Began the restoration of dominion to those who confess Christ is
King Now follow me here
I Understand our brother said that Satan is the god of this world and there is a sense in which that is true
But please don't misunderstand that Satan is only in any way a god of this world over those who are still in bondage to the world
The power of death has been defeated through the death of cross when he hung upon the tree and when he went into the grave
And he resurrected from the dead He put the nail in the coffin and he signed it sealed and delivered that he conquered death him sin hell and Satan and when?
He ascended back to the throne to heaven He ripped the curtain so that the glory shone out of heaven and rested and dwelled inside of believers today
Making you into ambassadors of Christ It has also been said
That Christ quoting Christ that all rule and authority all power and authority has been given unto me
Do you not know dear friend beloved believer that his authority is transferred to you as the ambassadors of Christ to reconcile the world to God I'm hurrying bro.
I promise but sadly Most and I say that I don't think with exaggeration
Sadly Most have failed to faithfully fulfill our call to the ministry of Reconciling the world to God as ambassadors of Christ Rather they have desired escape over spiritual war
We are not to escape the world but be transformed in it and Transformers of it through the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ Listen to this
We are to be the place where Jesus kingdom which is out of this world
Breaks into this world Jesus looked at the ruler and he said my kingdom is not of this world.
If my kingdom was of this world my men would fight Sadly many of us think that what
Jesus is saying is that we're never going to fight for this world Please understand that when
Jesus says my kingdom is not of this world. He means that my kingdom is of another source And my men do not fight in Fleshly ways to take fleshly ends, but we've waged war in spiritual terms and what's going to happen is is that we will fight and the way that we will fight is through the inbreaking of the kingdom of God To the earth and we will consume everything with the power of God and we will take back this world
For the Lord Jesus Christ who rules right now The disciples explicitly asked
Jesus Christ, how should we pray? Jesus said when you pray pray like this
Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come thou will be done on earth as it is in heaven
What do you think that looks like? It looks like Christ through the power of the
Spirit Making his dwelling place in you the temple of the Living God where the kingdom rule is established in you
Why do we give that authority away dear church? Why are we allowing ourselves to be ruled?
by this wicked government The only way I'm about done
The only way that I do this at church, too. I'm sorry The only way this infanticide
Has been able to flourish listen to me The only way that it's been able to flourish and this culture of death
Has been able to expand the domain of darkness in these horrific ways
Is because the bearers of light?
the royal priesthood the ministers of reconciliation
The ambassadors of Christ the armed warriors of the Living God Who are to be trained experts with the sword of the
Spirit and proclaimers of the gospel? Which is the power of God unto salvation? have resigned themselves to the idea that having said their prayer and Escaped a future judgment can dust off their hands and lay down and take a nap in closing the
Apostle Paul tells us Take no part in unfruitful works of darkness
But instead expose them For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret
But when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible for anything that becomes visible is light therefore it says and I say to you church and everybody else watching under the sound of my voice that takes the name of Christ a wake
Oh sleeper arise from the dead and the light of Christ will shine upon you and Through you and light up this dark world
Listen We have a mandate from on high
To expose the deeds of darkness with the light of Christ and to reconcile this world to God through Christ We think that's just winning individuals
And that's part of it But the reconciling of the world is the taking back of the created order like it was supposed to be in the beginning
It was lost by the second Adam I mean the first Adam and the second Adam has come to restore it and you his children his warriors are the one they're called to carry out his will
The Constitution of the United States of America bestows upon us the people we the people the right even within this worldly system to demand from our representatives who work for us
That they do what they have sworn to do and what commands us what
God commands us all to do Protect the innocent and hold the wicked accountable for their sins and their crimes
Now enough is enough. I asked senator Representative Hill I said how many do we got brother and I'm I appreciate him this man right here
I watched I wasn't so sure about you because he's nuts But I'll tell you what sold me brother is
When I saw you call the court out for their lack of a fear of God and their fear of man
That's what we need And I'm so thankful that my brother
Magnuson who we talked a good bit representative Magnuson He's he's on board and he's ready to fight
But I'm here to tell you whatever they do in there is of no consequence if you do what you do out here
Because you have the power. The only reason they have any power is what we allow them to have.
Does that sound familiar? Jesus says you don't take my life from me. I lay my life down I'll take it back up again.
Any power that you have is what's being granted to you Well friends that was a lot better situation that we're in because we're allowing a wicked ruler to rule over us
When we don't have to the battles already been won He said
I asked him. I Said how many have we picked up how many reps? It was one last year eight this year.
I said how many do we need he said a lot I said how many are there in there? He said 80 We have 10 %
I'll leave you with this question. How many of those 80 are professing believers
How many of them are professing believers that say that that not even pro -life we can say do they say they pro -life
No how many of them say that they are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ born again by the power of God and they are the
Keepers of their brothers and they are the new administrators of this earth through the kingdom rule of Christ from the throne right now if any of them are proclaiming to be
Christ followers and they can stand by and watch these children be Murdered and taken away from the world and from existence and robbed of life
Then they need to be called liars and they need to be made to go home and you're the ones that can do that Amen, praise
God Praise the Lord Well, I'm I'm either ready to move up to Wisconsin and go to Jason's church or up to Landrum and go to Brandon's church praise the
Lord for Biblical preaching. Amen. All right, we're gonna introduce our last speaker and after our last speaker wraps up I'm gonna come and close us in prayer and then
I'm gonna ask everybody to go to the south steps Which are toward your left so we can get some photos. We don't want any of these signs to be left
So we got about a hundred and twenty signs there in the back total So make sure we get all those signs in your hands
We're gonna go get a photo over there and then if you are able and willing some of us are going to go to Jervais Street and walk and show those signs and Affect the culture with those driving by men
Amen, our last speaker for many of us need no introduction Pastor Jeff Durbin is a pastor elder and apology a church in Tempe, Arizona Since it was founded in February 2010.
He worked for many years as a hospital chaplain Jeff co -hosts apology a radio and apology a
TV both of which garner followers throughout the u .s. And Internationally, he also leads apology as ministry and abortion now whose goal is to criminalize and end abortion throughout the work of the local church and state legislation
Jeff has been married to his bride candy for over 20 years. They have five children I'm gonna let him say their names because I don't want to mispronounce them.
Please make welcome Jeff Durbin praise
God He took what I was gonna say Legitimately praise the
Lord brother. Um, so because of that I'm not speaking just kidding. I'm I'm gonna have real fast my director communications
Zachary Conover as my right -hand man come up and talk to you just briefly for a moment here All I can really say is wow
What a blessing to be here today what an honor it is to be among you I'm so very thankful to be up here with so many greater men than I We are so grateful for what
God has done to bless our ministry and end abortion now I've said before that there have been two times in which my eyes have been opened in this fight and that was the first time that I went to the abortion mill and The second time was the first time
I went to the National Right to Life Convention in 2017 Thank You brother in both places
There was celebration of lawlessness and a lack of Christ and his word and its authority in both places and By God's grace,
I've been allowed to be the communications director at end abortion now where we have equipped hundreds of local churches
Not only in this nation but outside the boundaries of the United States to take the gospel to the death camps and Also now what
God is doing amongst us is Tremendous and that he is sending Christians armed with the scriptures to go before their magistrates and preach his name
Because the argument in the past has gone like this from elected officials This is a discussion for Bible studies and in the four walls of the church
God says no God says this is our calling.
This is our holy inheritance as a matter of fact the Apostle Paul Reminding the church at Ephesus in Ephesians chapter 1.
He's praying for them. I Pray that the eyes of your heart would be opened to the hope that you have so that you would receive the glorious inheritance in the riches of the
Saints and So that you would be made aware of the immeasurably great power that is at work in us who believe that God has exerted when he raised
Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places as Other brothers have pointed out we are a kingdom of priests
We serve the ruler of kings on earth. So sayeth Revelation 1 5
He has freed us by his blood He has redeemed us
He has made us a kingdom of priests unto our God and our responsibility as the psalmist says in Psalm 119 is to speak of his testimonies before kings in places of authority in the high place
So this rally is about resisting Lawlessness, that's what it comes down to Resisting tyranny.
We must obey God rather than men, right? the book of Acts There's a few things that the
Apostles are charged with. Tell me if you remember Filling up Jerusalem with this teaching
That was the accusation Saying that there is another king besides Caesar Namely one
Jesus Christ and there is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved
That was a direct refutation to Pontiff as Maximus to say yes, ooh is courteous
Jesus is Lord not Caesar and What happened in that context as they are bringing this message to their magistrates?
What are they saying? They're saying you granted a murderer to be released and you killed the author of life
You let the guilty go free and you punish the innocent is
That not what we're saying has to stop today in this nation
Because to assault a baby in the womb is an assault on the image of God and Christ himself on God's very plan of salvation.
Do you know why? because God himself Entered this world through the womb.
He howled the womb. He made it a holy place and If there is no first generation there can be no
Regeneration no birth no new birth and So that is why we stand and we do what the
Apostles were accused of doing You're trying to bring this man's blood upon us stop
Stop preaching in his name. And what's the response? We must obey God rather than men that is what we need to be accused of and I'll simply end with this in Psalm 149 we are given a
Sneak peek of our glory and as the psalmist says it truly is our honor.
What does that mean? It is the thing that ornaments us It is what arrays us in holiness to do what this passage describes
It is a symbol of our majesty of our glory as God's royalty as his priests
Kings. What is it? Psalm 149? verse 5 Let the godly exult in glory.
Let them sing for joy on their beds Let the high praises of God be in their mouths or their throats and the two -edged swords in their hands to execute vengeance on the nations and Punishments on the people's to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron to Execute on them the judgment written
What is that? What is the judgment written brothers and sisters? I submit to you that it is this revelation
It is this judgment it is this word of truth that we are to impress upon Kings and those in authority and tell them you must obey
You must do justice Because we will be here to execute
Judgment, we will be here to put the truth of God's law into effect
This is our glory This is our honor. So the next time you hear that in the legislative halls, don't bring the
Word of God into this fight Don't bring the scriptures to bear on this issue
Don't you know those in authority are part of civil government and you have to talk to them in a certain way
You can't use scripture You can't use the Word of God. You have to appeal to them by some supposedly common standard that only exists superficially
No Don't believe it. You go there and you speak the testimonies of Jesus Christ Who is the king of kings before rulers on earth?
Because there is one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus and you stand to intercede for kings
Where does that place you who is greater the one interceding or the one being interceded for?
Because There is one Mediator one king one law one revelation one standard of righteousness
And he will not share the throne So I call on you today
Resist row Establish justice and Abortion now
Praise God. Thank you all for staying so long and standing on your feet so long. I'm going to just seriously
Express my deepest gratitude for everybody here who has traveled so Far and so long to join us in this fight
Some of you guys have come from different states from different parts of the country All of us want to let you know how grateful that we are to you
So thank you so much for sacrificing so much for the sake of these children because that's what it's about So much has been said today
So faithfully the most important things we need to understand That our fight begins with the testimony of Jesus Christ That this is truly about the gospel and about the authority of Jesus Christ the the question to be asked here constantly in every area of life is by what standard and You need to understand something.
There is something happening right now a move of God's spirits You have to be so cautious saying that because so many charlatans love to say that sort of thing, right?
There's a move of God's spirit here No There is clearly a move of God's spirit happening right now across the country with his people in this area of establishing justice for the pre -born
There are hundreds upon hundreds of churches who are out on a daily basis going to proclaim the gospel
Going to offer help and hope to mothers and fathers not going to wander and waddle around the abortion mill
Praying the rosary would tape over their mouths. These are Christians who are going and they're calling it murder
They're saying things to mothers and fathers like mom dad. Please don't murder your child
We're here to help you. We love you. We'll give you anything you need. We'll pay for anything you need
We'll even adopt your child and they're going to proclaim the truth and Babies are being saved every single day in this country
Every single day and it's not just end abortion now.
We're just one church We are that's the thing you need to hear and I'm gonna I'm gonna try to Portray this more for you in a moment for those of you guys are here today
We don't have 25 ,000 people marching through the streets of South Carolina and that is okay with me
I'd rather have a group of people who are committed to the gospel and the law of God and are willing to open their mouths to the world than 25 ,000 people satisfied with walking around streets and then going home and laying their heads on their pillows
Because this is what changes the world We are one church apology at church and abortion now is just a ministry of apology at church
I want you to hear this to encourage you to motivate you to challenge you listen
I know you're tired. You've been standing on your feet. It's getting hot. Thank you that it happened to me We're one church
We're raised up close to 900 local churches around the country and around the world
Northern Ireland the Republic of Ireland Scotland Australia New Zealand, it's happening around the world right now.
We are just a local church in the desert understand that We are not super special We have people who love
Jesus love the world and want to proclaim Christ's excellencies to the world and his supremacy to the world
We're one church. We said we're gonna do this. We're gonna do this till we die. We're gonna end abortion
That's why we're doing this for the glory of Christ for his namesake We said it and we meant it when we said that an apology at church
It was the church known in the valley Phoenix. It was known as that drug church
Careful, it's because we started at a drug rehab. I was a chaplain at a hospital
Everybody at church was a bunch of ex -drug addicts halfway houses detox medication all that stuff
There was a small handful of believers at apology a church at the time that was even willing to go to the abortion mills
It was new to us as well. That's how we started We saved two babies our first day and then kept saving babies.
We've saved hundreds of babies locally We're just one local church in the desert understand that we're one church
Matt how many did you say you're in a within a how many miles of the abortion mills?
2 ,000 2 ,000 Baptist churches within an hour and a half of these abortion mills
We are one local church in the desert raised up almost 900 churches who are saving babies every single day at least eight to ten babies lives are being saved every single day
Because of the work that came from one local church We have bills happening
I was just in Denver last week and it was cold cold I'll take this over that trust me negative eight degrees is what
I said. It felt like and it was a snowstorm. So But we have a bill that went into Colorado for equal protection it was such a powerful bill
Given by a Christian that we simply sat down and had dinner with and challenged him and he said yes,
I'll do it We're just one local church. We sat with one believing legislator
He put the bill and his bill is powerful equal protection It's murder and anybody that tries to thwart the bill the bill itself says you will be taken out of your job
That's one bill we have right now working at over 15 states in 2022 of bills of abolition
Criminalization no compromise. It's murder. It's criminal that's happening this year There is a move of God's Spirit Happening and how do you know that how do you know something is in accord with God's Spirit?
That's God's Spirit working there, right? The answer is if it is about Christ and his Lordship and authority if it is fidelity to his word
It is from God and that's what this is right here more encouragement.
Stay with me We're one local church. All this is happening. We're not the only ones doing this you can see this
There's there's veterans here. There are people here are working just like us What we're doing with an abortion now is one local church.
It's one in the desert in Arizona But we started this because of one man
Who challenged me and brought me to my knees for the proclamation of the word?
It was one faithful man who laid his life down To preach the gospel at abortion mills to travel the country to rally
Christians around the Word of God He challenged me. It was one man that challenged us as a church and that's why this is happening right now
He's right over there. That's rusty Thomas He doesn't want the attention
And he doesn't want the praise of men all that applauses to the glory of God. Amen Yes, but you need to understand when you see a crowd like this of people who are gathered with Christ's authority
Above them with their hands around the Word of God and their commitments to that you have to understand That's how
God changes the world. We all know the story of God whittling down armies To make sure that the world knows where it came from It came from God So when you look at yourselves right now in the crowd, that's in front of you
We had a lot of people here today Understand something what you see happening across the country right now as a move of God's Spirit has been through the mustard seeds
And it is changing the world. I want to encourage you with what happened to us last week in Colorado We were in Colorado.
We stood around for 12 hours If you've seen what happened testifying before Colorado, you're gonna see more soon once we get the audio cleared up But you see my testifying before the members of the legislature in Colorado We were there for 12 hours testified at almost midnight.
That's when that happened. I want you to understand something Please hear this the distinction in the movements
There were two pro -life bills before our bill being heard one weak sauce a registry
Who's getting the abortions it lasted for hours and then it got worse
Another bill seemed alright, but it was compromised life at conception. That sounds great
But it explicitly said the only person criminally guilty for murdering the child is the abortionist and nobody else compromised unequal weights and measures that God says is an abomination
Understand that when you look at a bill, what do you have to ask yourself as a believer when you look at a bill and say
Okay Should we get behind this should we believe this as Christians ask the question according to God's law word
Does God hate this bill on the last day? If this bill was put before the
Lord, would he judge it as partial? Would he judge it as unequal met weights and measures would he call the bill an abomination that should be the standard?
is this bill an abomination before God and that bill as Much as there was probably good motives and intentions behind it in terms of life at conception.
It was partiality It was unequal weights and measures and therefore it was an abomination before God and needed to be rejected
But the hearing that went up in Denver For that bill had the typical pro -life people and I don't want to smear their character or their motives at all
I just want you to know the difference that bill wasn't ours When that bill went up it was the typical pro -life rhetoric it was generally
Christless Word of God less it wasn't about Christ and obedience to him
It wasn't about repentance and establishing immediate justice for all humans and then came our bill
There is a move of God's Spirit Because when our bill went up the legislator came up Dave Dave went up to introduce the bill and the first thing he did is he confessed his failure to the fellow legislators to let them know why he's doing what he's doing and He told them it was about Christ his authority his lordship and the
Word of God that it was about the gospel This was before the
Colorado legislature Which is filled with very hostile people.
Let me tell you You can see fire in their eyes behind their masks their face diapers
I Look like they were angry. I don't know you can never tell what these things But it's a very hostile legislature and he preached
Christ and I want you to know that hearing went on for when I was told It's like 3 30 or 4 o 'clock in the morning and I had behind me.
I spoke first I had behind me a line of Christians from all over, Colorado that came out
They stayed there all day long until midnight and into the a .m Hours to preach the gospel to the legislators and to demand immediate justice
There is a move of God's Spirit happening in this country This is unprecedented
It is unprecedented and you heard Representative Jonathan Hill who is a hero
He is a Christian hero come up here and tell you before this place this place of government and he is in government
That this is about the Word of God Christ the gospel There is a move of God's Spirit in this country brothers and sisters
You can be sure of it because it's rooted in the Word of God It's rooted in Christ and his authority his lordship
Very important brothers and sisters to be encouraged to start serving to start preaching the truth
Yes you you each of you
It's the gospel as pastor Brandon said It's the gospel. That's the power of God for salvation
It is what God uses to bring life to the world when you don't preach it.
There is no life and That power doesn't have to go through come through Amazing speakers powerful men that power is in the gospel itself in the
Spirit of God Out of the mouth of babes it can change the world
So yes, I'm talking to you. It takes you and Zach said something lounge logger said something at the beginning here.
We're grateful that you've come We're grateful that you're standing here We're grateful that you're showing up and you're letting people know that we demand immediate justice
But brothers and sisters, my question to you is this what about when you leave here? What about tomorrow?
I am NOT a motivational speaker. I'm not just trying to motivate you and inspire you like a youth camp
I'm telling you that lives are at stake That God commands us to bring hit the story of his gospel and supremacy into the world.
That is our call and yes, it hurts Yes, it's gonna cost you it will cost you we said as a church when we got into this
I want you to hear this we got into this I said to our small church of a bunch of ex -drug addicts at the drug church
I said if we do this every single day for the rest of our lives as a church and we save One it's a life well lived and a ministry well spent
We have saved thousands upon thousands upon thousands of children
Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of children We have legislation going in across the
United States to establish immediate justice Because people were willing to take the risk when we first started posting
Going to the abortion mills online. We first posted it we would be having thousands of people watching it live and we had non -stop criticism from Christians The pro -choice community has barely had to ever lift a finger against us it has been
Christians who've said that's not how you reach those women That seems really harsh and mean that's not how you reach those women
You should be doing in a different way And I thought to myself I thought we're all in agreement here that this is murder and they need the gospel
We need to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We're laying our lives down for them I was confusing to me.
And so then we started saving babies And so I stopped responding to the comments and when people would make them
I would just post a picture Here we're twins saved
Here's a baby saved Carmelo. Here's another baby saved Where are the babies you've saved?
We're talking about methodologies here, right? You're saying this isn't from God. So my question is this we've saved 500
How many of you say from death, you know the answer was Silence because it is the
Word of God that transforms the world Not armchair evangelists and theologians on Facebook Preach the gospel get out there lay your life down for the lost.
That is how God transforms the world We are one church in the desert the work that we're doing and coordinated with all these other ministries across the country is
Happening because people said I want to love God and love my neighbor and really mean it.
I'm gonna do something about it Don't leave here
With a motivational speech. I want to challenge you you are called to establish justice
You are called to hold them back from the slaughter you are called to love your neighbor as you love yourself
You know what's happening? What are you doing about it? You need to go to those abortion mills.
Yeah save lives But you know what you'd also do you need to go to these legislators and you need to demand that they establish justice
Call them to repentance use the Word of God all that this is happening right now across the country These legislators who are coming up here with these bills and they're preaching
Christ. Do you know what happens? Christians sat down with them looked him in the eye and called them to their
Commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the Word of God and then God used that to open their eyes and their minds and their hearts and That's why this is happening and you might say
I don't know what to say. My question to you is this Do you know the gospel? Do you know what the Word of God says about the murder of children?
Then go and proclaim that to your legislators and tell them that you will make sure that they don't get elected if They do not stand on the truth
Speak the truth brothers and sisters. Don't forget what pastor? I'm not gonna preach a sermon. That was amazing
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me Jesus said that over 2 ,000 years ago all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
That's past tense He's not waiting for that authority brothers and sisters He's the ruler of the kings of the earth
He is bringing his gospel to the ends of the earth. Don't ever forget that the goal of the gospel is to win the
Nations to Jesus Christ the nations to Jesus Christ. He wants the entire world.
That's what he came for The story of the gospel of the kingdom is a world that is entirely ruled over and transformed by Jesus Christ and his good news
He is the one who brings peace to the world. We are the ones that proclaim that message of peace So brothers and sisters, this is our duty as the
Bride of Christ his help meet That's what we're supposed to be doing
He has all authority and don't forget how this gospel goes all authority belongs to his he has it all go win the nation's baptize them and teach them to obey
You should have seen the faces the eyeballs of the legislators in Denver.
They were so In awe of the fact that people were just preaching the law word of God and the gospel
They were in all of it and one of the legislators if he wants that testifying He hated me when
I was talking to him. He got frustrated. He said to the other legislator He said he's just gonna proselytize your darn
Skippy. I chose those words carefully
Apparently I'm known for saying hard things That's right, it's about Christ, I'm not ashamed of that those legislators were in shock that this was
Christians from all over Colorado proclaiming Christ and The authority of Jesus Christ calling them to repent and to obey
Jesus This is unprecedented. It's a powerful moment and I want you to understand very important thing here
The question is by what standard will you fight the pro -life industry? Explicitly says they are not
Christian. They are not Christian organizations. It is not about the Word of God They say we're about the science great science
Obviously, it's God's world shows what God's world word says that what's in the womb from the moment of conception is
Human life from conception that cannot be disputed It won't be disputed because it is a dangerous game to play to come against all of that evidence
These legislators won't fight that listen, this is not a biological question. It's an ethical one
It's a moral question You cannot fight this fight with the biological question because I'm gonna tell you what they say
They know that it's fully human. They admit it's fully human, but they say even though it's fully human
We still have the right to kill these children. It's ethical which means it is about human sin and depravity
The only way you've solved the problem of human sin is not through rational argumentation
You've got men walking around wearing dresses You can say isn't it obvious to you that you're not a lady
Look at your beard look between your legs You're not a woman.
It's offensive to say that you are Just take a gander yonder
Rational Argumentation isn't the problem It is that this is an image bearer of God at war with their creator and they're exchanging
God For the creature and they are now Flipping the order of creation
They are living according to their lusts. It's sin. You are not going to convince the world through mere rational
Argumentation they need eyes To see They need to be able to hear and they need new hearts and the only way that happens brothers and sisters is through the church
Proclaiming his gospel. This is an issue of sin, and that's why we must not compromise
Last thing I'll say and You know, we didn't we never mean it. I was laughing when you one more point one more point of this guy we're twins, that's awesome the issue of Of compromise the issue of compromise
Jesus proclaims his gospel in a way that most evangelicals in the West today do not Give Jesus a chance.
Give him a try. Just let him into your little heart He wants to have a romance with you. This is all about a personal intimate relationship with Jesus now, of course
There's elements to that that are true. We have an intimate relationship with God. We're reconciled.
We have peace with God I get all that. Of course, that's true. God redeems us He saves us by his grace through faith in Christ alone apart from any work.
We get his righteousness He takes all of our sin. We have eternal life We're kept by the power of God amen to all of that, but we preach the gospel in a way
It's very different than Jesus. He has crowds that follow him. And what does he say? He turns to him when he's getting a megachurch movement going looking pretty good.
We can get a big building lots of programs and He says if anyone comes to me and does not hate and then he names all of our favorite people in life mother father sister brother wife
He says you're not worthy to be my disciple He says if you don't come to him and carry the cross that has come to die
Then you're not worthy to be his disciple Jesus preaches a gospel without compromise and he's willing for the crowd listen for the crowd to leave and he turns after the crowd leaves and to now this very small band of brothers and He says to them at times.
He says what? Do you also want to leave and? They got it.
They said where are we gonna go? You have the words of eternal life
Now that was a small very confused band of brothers In the first century and you exist today in South Carolina and believers all over the world
From every tribe tongue people a nation hearing the gospel redeemed by God because of this very confused small band of brothers
Who understood that it is about? eternal life Jesus preached the gospel without compromise and he was willing to have the small
Crew of people who understood what it was really about That's how he changes the world mustard seeds to large trees leaven in lumps of dough in what looks
Insignificant is absolutely significant to God because it's his power anyways, and he wants the glory for himself and That's why he does what he does
No compromise, we will not compromise on these bills We will call into repentance.
We will call it evil. We will call it partiality We will say no equal justice equal protection now for all human beings without Compromise and someone says why don't you give a little say that to Jesus?
Jesus just give a little on the gospel like let him get a foot in the door first Jesus before you scare him away with the dying parts
Right, I mean why don't we why don't we invite him to church and give him cotton candy and popcorn at the door You know try to try to sort of you know lull them into this a bit
Jesus says no look if you're not gonna come die don't come Don't come so we go with the same
No compromise gospel message to the legislature by saying the same things to them obey
Christ Question how much all of you? Every bit
It is Christ who has all authority and it is it is his law word
That is the standard brothers and sisters That's what we must preach go tell the world the message of Jesus go preach it call the world to repentance and faith tell the world about his excellencies in his peace and demand of these legislators to obey their
King early on in this nation It wasn't a utopia
It wasn't a perfect place But we're experiencing to this very moment the blessings that the
Christians and pastors put into place. You're still getting it now It's hanging by a thread, but you're getting it now
They understood in the New England pulpit before I went to war with England who had the authority and what the standard was
Listen, the word was Lex Rex The law is king it is not the king or the legislators are law the law is king if you do not recognize a
Transcendent law above the government then government has become deified this represents a foreign
God a rival God to this King and So we do yes come to the legislature and we say
Christ is King you are supposed to obey Jesus Repent and obey
Jesus obey his law. That's the call stop compromising Stop being fearful of what we actually believe actually have integrity to say to legislators
Oh, yeah, it's because the Word of God It's because Jesus Christ has all authority you tell that message and brothers and sisters
Abortion is going to end in this country Amen.
Amen. Can I get all the speakers up here so we can recognize you? speakers All right, we all give yourselves another hand to the speakers for today
So, where do we go from here? First of all, I want to emphasize please we need you to sign the petition
SCRTL .org We need your information We have small groups local district groups starting up both in the
Myrtle Beach area Charleston area the upstate in my area in Rock Hill. We need to turn this 500 or so into 5 ,000 next year our numbers need to grow else.
We will be ignored. Okay. All right So next I'm gonna close in prayer.
We're gonna sing the doxology immediately following We're gonna go get some Sun on the other side of your face
By going over here on the sidesteps and we're gonna all gather together as tight as you can
With your signs nice and high and we're gonna take some photos We want our legislators that were not here to see this
We want our legislators that claim to be pro -life to see what happened today And it's only just the beginning
Amen and then after that if you'd like to go on Jervais side of the street and hold your signs up for the incoming traffic to Declare that row is unconstitutional
Please do so so let's end in prayer and then sing the doxology. Amen Heavenly Father we thank you so much
Today that Christ was exalted Lord We pray that you and you alone were pleased with the words of our mouths
That you and you alone were pleased with what we did here today Father, I pray that you would by the power of your
Holy Spirit Continue this movement God grow it for your glory
God We pray that if there is any here that are not under the saving power of Jesus Christ Any here that have not been born again?
Any here that have thought they were saved because they grew up in church or made a profession or early?
Baptism when they were young if they're outside of Christ Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit would move upon their hearts and that you would save and bring forth new life today as we defend the life of the unborn
Father we pray for all the speakers that you would continually bless their ministry. Keep them safe in their travels as they go home
Lord, I pray for the men here that we would be godly godly husbands to our wives that we would lead our families
Well that we would raise our children in the things of the Lord that we would launch them as missiles into this country and nation and world father for the glory of Christ And may all things
God be ultimately for your glory we pray in Jesus name. Amen All right, would you sing with me?
Let's give glory to Christ and give him a hand of praise. Amen. Amen. Praise God take your signs