Letters to the Churches Part 11

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Sunday school lesson working through the book of Revelation


Letters to the Churches Part 12

Letters to the Churches Part 12

Okay, we're going to get started. If you have a Bible, grab a Bible. Those of you joining us online, if you have any questions, please, please, please feel free.
You have the freedom to ask questions. And I can't promise I will get to every one of them, but I do make a profound effort to try to do that.
It depends on if Bruce opens up or not. Bruce is in the flesh.
You never know what's going to happen. So, all right, let's pray, and then we will get started.
And maybe, just maybe, we might continue with the book of Revelation. Heavenly Father, Almighty and Everlasting God, we come before you in humble awe.
You are the one true God. There is none other like you. Come, we pray, bless our hearts and our minds as we study your word.
Send your Holy Spirit into our lives, that we may grow in love and grace, and that we may go forth into all the world, proclaiming your gospel, so that others may learn of your saving grace.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. We have been in a study of the book of Revelation, on and off, mostly on.
It just kind of depends on how the questions are. And I'm putting you in timeout,
Bruce. Listen, the finger halo ain't gonna work. It just doesn't work that way.
All right, last week, we began looking at probably the most famous chapter in all of the book of Revelation, chapter 13, and looking at it regarding the rise of the beast and the false prophet.
We noted that in chapter 12, could it be Satan? Yes, it's Satan. Satan is the one who has decided that, being really upset that he was incapable of destroying the child that's
Christ, and he's now gone up into heaven. In fact, his death was the very thing that resulted in his overthrow, that he has created two mega weapons to wage war against the church.
And one is the beast, and the other is the false prophet. And I do think it behooves us to kind of back up just a little bit in the context, work through some of these things, and maybe even consider some of the text as they relate to it.
I think I want to go into Daniel 7. Yes. All right. So to lay foundation for our study today, isn't this great to be studying like something this terrifying?
It seems like this should be like a Halloween text, you know. We're doing this right before Christmas.
But I will note that I am not alone in studying the book of Revelation in the month of December. If you follow the year -long lectionary, in the treasury of daily prayer, the readings are from Revelation in the
New Testament right now. So I'm not totally nuts. I'm only mostly nuts. So you got to understand that part.
So I saw that. Saw that, Anna. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. We will note that this is an interactive experience. Hello. Hello. Sylvester family.
All right. Very good. So in the book of Daniel chapter 7, let me read this account, and we're going to pay attention to the beasts, if you would, in this text, because this is going to help us a little bit in really digging a little deeper into Revelation 13.
So Daniel 7 says, Have you ever noticed that when it comes to Bible names, nobody names their kids
Belshazzar anymore? It just seems to have fallen out of vogue. Anyway, Belshazzar, king of Babylon, Daniel saw a dream and visions of his head as he lay in his bed.
Then he wrote down the dream and told the sum of the matter. Daniel declared, I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea, and four great beasts came up out of the sea different from one another.
The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings. Then as I looked, its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it.
And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised up on one side.
It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth, and it was told, rise, devour much flesh.
After this, I looked, and behold, another like a leopard with four wings of a bird on its back, and the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to it.
And after this, I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful, exceedingly strong.
It had great iron teeth. It devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped what was left with its feet.
It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.
Now, note here something. These beasts that are being described in this vision are referring to, if you would, empires of men.
These are kingdoms. These are historic kingdoms, and we know that one's like a lion, the other's like a bear, the other one's like a leopard.
What's that fourth one like again? It doesn't say. It doesn't say.
It doesn't say what it's like. It just says that it has, it doesn't describe it.
It says, fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful. He has nothing to compare it to.
Nothing. Nothing to compare it to. It was different, and it had iron teeth.
It devoured and broke in pieces, stamped what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it.
It had ten horns. Hmm, that's the number of completeness. I consider the horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots, and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things.
Hmm. All right. Rav Rav. Great things.
As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool.
His throne was fiery flames. Its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and came out from before him.
Thousands, a thousand thousands served him. Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.
The court sat in judgment. The books were opened. So note here the flow of things.
The flow of this vision. You've got these beasts. You've got the fourth one, which isn't described in any other way, except for it's terrifying.
It destroys. It stamps with its feet. And then, full stop,
Day of Judgment. These two texts speak to each other.
They're related. They're interleaved. All right. So the books were opened.
When books are opened, that's Day of Judgment, by the way. So I looked. Then, because of the sound of the great words that the horn was speaking, and as I looked, the beast was killed, its body destroyed, and given over to be burned with fire.
Yay. As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.
I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the
Ancient of Days and was presented before him, and to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, and all people's nations languages should serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.
That is referring to Christ. And note then how that even perfectly fits together with what it is that we saw in our
Old Testament text today. Talking about the promise that God said that he will build David a house, and that one of his descendants, one of his sons, would sit on the throne.
His kingdom would be established forever. As for me, Daniel, my spirit within me was anxious, and the visions of my head alarmed me, so he had a
PTSD trigger here, so he's really, really upset about this. And so I approached one of those who stood there and asked him the truth concerning all of this.
He told me and made known to me the interpretation of the things. And here, this is where you're going to note then, we learn how to interpret apocalyptic visions like this by paying attention to how
God in the past has given interpretations. Yes, sir. He raised his hand.
By the way, this is Bruce. The Bible study is now over. No, I'm kidding. Correct.
All right, so first Peter 2 .5. Promise of the house. The question is, do I tie that into second
Peter 2 .5? Sorry, sorry, first Peter 2 .5. My apologies, sir. All right.
Clearly, my short -term memory is now fading quickly. Two Peter, what?
First Peter, one. One Peter, two. And we'll take a look at verse five.
Ah, yes, the answer is yes. I can tell, but let's read it out. So as you come to him, a living stone rejected by men in the sight of God, chosen and precious.
You yourselves, like living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
And I think I would even throw into this, you know, is it second Corinthians 3 or first Corinthians 3? It's one of the two, the idea of what the temple of God is.
And so you'll note that the, I think the right interpretation, and here's the reason why exegetically, I also think that's the right interpretation.
And I mentioned it in the sermon. In 2 Samuel 7, the one who was prophesied,
God said that he would establish his throne forever. The throne of Solomon is not.
And God ended up at the end of Solomon's life rejecting him.
Because Solomon set up high places to false gods, and he included in the things that he set up in Israel, Solomon set up the worship of Molech in Israel.
The abomination of the Ammonites. So you'll note that Solomon ultimately is rejected, and Christ isn't.
So the idea then here is that then when you look at that text, you know, the house that is being built, that being promised,
I think it absolutely has to go along these lines, you know, that we are the living stones of that house that God is building.
Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
That's right. We are bricks. We are living stones being built up into a spiritual house.
Correct. And when you think about it, you know, we have to respond with David in like kind.
David said, oh, who am I, Lord? And we rightly then humbly respond, oh, Lord, who am
I that I would be a living stone in this house that you're building? I should be a stone that should be rejected.
Christ never should have been a stone that was rejected, but he is the cornerstone. And we recognize because of our sin and rebellion, we don't deserve to be living stones in this house that Christ is building.
Not at all. And so we humbly thank God, and that's kind of the whole point then, is this that, you know,
Christianity is not like any other religion. God does everything for us.
Gave. Uh -huh. Yep. Yeah.
Yeah. I have a tendency to do that with Christmas presents, too.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yep. And if I can build off of one of the points
I had exegetically kind of teased out in the sermon today, when
I compare Christ to the devil, you'll note that if you want to know what
Christ is like, you look at the cross. That's what God is like.
He is loving, kind, merciful. And when God, when
God finally acts in anger, it is only after a long period of steadfast patience in the hope that somebody would be forgiven.
And so it makes it very clear that God, when he acts in anger and his wrath, it is because those whom he has been patient towards have continued to provoke him and to provoke him.
And God finally says, all right, you don't want my mercy. You don't want kindness. You don't want grace.
You don't want love. You don't want forgiveness and reconciliation. Okay. The only thing left is his wrath.
Whereas the devil, and this is where we're too much like him, he is quick to anger.
In fact, scripture always describes the devil in terms of seething, angry, a roaring lion, prowling.
And what is it that the devil does? He absolutely inflicts not peace, but fear.
Not love, but terror. Not unity, but discord.
Yeah, he's a devourer. Where God is a giver. He's the one who created us and in creating us gave us everything that we need.
Everything we receive, we receive from the hand of God. And his nature is nothing like the beast.
Oh, no, here we go. Okay. I'm going to duck. Hang on. Two days ago, I'm fighting for the faith rule.
You never read the false gospel.
And I've heard a lot recently, God hates sinners. Uh, yeah, he does.
He sends actual sinners to hell. So your balance point is going to be firmly hooked in the cross.
Okay, so let's start with that. So it is not... So no, I wasn't declaring that God just loves everybody in the sense that there is no wrath for them or that somehow the gospel is that that Jesus is like your
Jewish grandmother. And when she comes to visit... They can be scary. Yes, but when she comes to...
Have you ever seen how a Jewish grandmother gives a greeting? Oh, it's so good to see you. You know, it's like what on earth?
I've seen this. I've seen this happen. Okay. All right. And nothing you do, nothing you do would ever tarnish her love for you in her eyes.
And you could just be as rotten as rotten is. And oh, he's just the cutest thing ever, you know, right?
That... Okay, so we're going to make something clear. When we talk about God's love, then you anchor it in the cross.
And here's where we go with this. Is that you go into Romans where it says so clearly that God demonstrates his love for us in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for our sins. So the idea then here is that the gospel is not that God is just love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
It is a proper distinction when you counter distinct God and the fact that he is loving and patient and kind, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, pardoning iniquity, as opposed to the devil, where everything that the devil does is seething rage and wrath.
But we recognize then that we must, must see the weight of our sin, the magnitude of our rebellion against God, and get rid of this idea that I'm basically a good person and that I have just a few hurts, habits, and hang -ups that I just need to iron out in my behavior.
And that in the message of the gospel then, as wrongly taught by Rick Warren in that sermon that I reviewed, was that God stretched out his arms and says,
I love you this much. That's not the gospel. The gospel is that Christ died for our sins.
And so we recognize then that both the law and the gospel, the two witnesses that we mentioned last week in the book of Revelation, they preached to us throughout the time, you know, of Christ's ascension until his return, the law convicting of us our sin and letting us know that we have earned the wrath of God.
But because God is love and he's slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and his anger only comes when it's provoked, in his sanity of love, he has provided a way for us to be reconciled to him so that we would not have to suffer his wrath.
And so in talking about the difference, the contradistinction between how the devil is and how
God is, in no way are we saying that God is love is the gospel. No, the gospel is that Christ died for our sins.
The why he did it is because of who he is in his nature.
He is love. And so we note that the glory of God is to pardon iniquity. It is absolutely the glory of God as God revealed to Moses while he was in the cleft of the rock.
It is to pardon iniquity. And so I thank God that God is nothing like the devil.
Nothing. But we all understand how the devil is. You cross the devil and the volcano rages.
And there is no forgiveness. There is no mercy. There is only destruction. You unite with my enemy,
God. I'm going to hunt you down like a dog. And I'm going to send all the fiery darts that I can find your way.
I'm going to make your life utterly miserable. And is it any wonder that one of the major themes of what results with Christ's victory is that God finally silences all of our enemies and brings to us real shalom, peace.
And so there will never again be a man of violence or people of violence who will afflict us, who will terrorize us, who will bring harm to us.
In fact, the rest and the peace that are awaiting us in Christ's kingdom when he finally establishes his kingdom here on earth, in its totality, in all of its glory, a world without end, without enemies.
There will be nobody who deviates from God's word. There will be nobody who in the name of God is murdering people.
Nobody. There will be no slander. There will be there will be no broken relationships.
There will be no adultery, no murder, no thieving. I think about,
I often wonder, what will be our modes of transportation in the new world? It's not an out of bounds question.
You sit there and go, will we pick up where we left off with all of our technology or are we going back to horse and buggy? I don't know.
I'm not good with horse and buggies. But the idea being is that if there were vehicles, if there were cars, there would be no locks.
There's no police. You want to defund the police? Preach the gospel.
There are no police. There are no prisons. There are no jails in the new earth.
You want to defund the police? The only way to do it is to preach the gospel. You want a world without police? Then you recognize your own sin.
And you recognize that that's a world that Christ's promise is coming and it's not in Minnesota. I guarantee that.
Okay. I'm a little off topic.
Sorry, I got it on my salt box. All right, weird question, Sylvester Family asks, do you think everyone in the line of David is in heaven by virtue of Jesus being involved genetically?
No. No, absolutely not. You think of Manasseh?
You think of Jehoiakim? And Zedekiah? And you know, there's no reason to believe that these men are in heaven with Christ.
And you're going to note that being a genetic descendant of Jesus does not promise you salvation.
There's only one way of salvation and that's faith in Christ, period. And in the
Old Testament, David had faith in Christ. He didn't know his name. He knew that the
Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool. He knew that his
Savior was his descendant and his Lord. He knew that. But he didn't know his name.
So he trusted the promises of God that he had. As Father Abraham said to the unnamed, the nameless rich man who was in torment in Sheol, if they will not hear
Moses and the prophets, they will not believe even if somebody rises from the dead. So faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of Christ.
The voice of God is in the scripture. He is appealing to us and calling out to us to repent and to be reconciled to him for the sake of Christ.
And there were men in the past who had no excuse and they refused to hear the word of God.
And scripture is very clear that they did not obey the voice of God in the scriptures and that was their big fault.
So good questions, by the way. Thank you. Can you please repeat the question for those there at Kongsvinger Church?
We cannot hear them clearly. I will try to make a point of doing that and I'm glad for the reminder.
So when somebody here at Kongsvinger asks a question, I will repeat the question succinctly as best as my memory will permit.
So my apologies for those of you online. I wish we had a way of connecting that microphone into the thing, but you know one of these days, right?
Yeah, I don't know how to do it. We're always trying to improve things here. We're incrementally getting better at this thing.
That would, it might create a problem. Yeah. All right, coming back then to Daniel.
All right. So then I desired to know the truth about the fourth beast which was different from all the rest exceedingly terrifying its teeth of iron claws of bronze which devoured and broke in pieces and stamped and was left and what was left with its feet and about the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn that came up before which three of them fell the horn that had eyes and a mouth and spoke great things and that seemed greater than its companions.
As I looked this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them. Wait a second.
That sounds just like what we read in the book of Revelation. Ah. Okay, there's a connection here.
All right. Until, so it prevailed over them until the ancient of days came and judgment was given for the saints of the most high and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.
So note, you got to pay attention to the promise here because it's easy to get lost in the terrifying bits.
The world just ended again! Okay, so here's the terrifying bits.
All right, this beast is going to make war against the saints prevail over them.
But their most important word in this sentence is until. All right.
It's until. In other words, we can't defeat this thing. Until the ancient of days came and judgment was given, watch this, judgment was given for the saints.
I don't know why it did that. Hang on a second here. So they were given to the saints and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.
So what you're saying, God, here is there's this beast thingy and it's super terrifying.
Daniel can't even explain what it looks like because it's so bizarre. It's going to grind us up and stamp on us and beat on us and keep winning.
But at the end, you're going to say, and the winner is the saints! That's how that goes.
Oh boy, what does this call for? Patient endurance. That's the theme of Revelation.
So thus he said, as for the fourth beast, there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth which shall be different from all the kingdoms and it shall devour the whole earth and trample it down and break it into pieces.
Is anyone nervous about globalism? Okay, as for the ten horns out of this kingdom, ten kings shall arise and another shall arise after them.
He shall be different from the former ones. He shall put down three kings.
He shall speak words against the Most High. Oh, when you speak words against the Most High, what's that called?
Blasphemy, right? Didn't blasphemy come up in Revelation 13? We'll take a look back at this.
So note how these two texts work together. All right. He shall wear out the saints of the
Most High. Lovely, lovely. This calls for what?
Patient endurance. It's going to wear us out. All right. And shall think to change the times and the law.
It's going to flat out make adjustments to the Torah itself, right? Wow. And they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.
Oh, wait, that's the same period of time from... Ah, so when does this thing come around? Well, what was the first empire that I said last week exemplifies this beast?
Rome, right? That was the first iteration of it. This thing keeps dying and rising from the dead.
It's like a cat. It's got nine lives. In this case, it might even have more than that. Yeah. We're on life 22, you know.
And so you'll note this. It's so volatile. All right. And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole of heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the
Most High. His kingdom shall be an everlasting... Okay, but... Okay, I missed the best part.
My apologies here. They're given into his hand for time, time, half of times, but... My favorite word in scripture when it comes to these kinds of passage, but...
Okay, because that erases all the stuff in front. The court shall sit in judgment. His dominion shall be taken away to be consumed and destroyed to the end.
And the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole of heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the
Most High. And his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom. And all kingdoms shall serve and obey him.
All right. And he shall reign forever and ever.
But you'll note what this text says, and we shall reign with him. The dominion is given to us.
All right. So think of it this way. God has revealed and made known for a really long time.
How long? Going all the way back to the Babylonian exile. The game plan.
Here's how it's going to go down. And think of it this way. If we think in terms of like world wars, it'll help us out a little bit here.
We all are familiar with the history of World War II. More so than World War I. World War I is a little bit of an enigma for most of us.
But World War II we get. We got attacked by Japan. Talking for those of us here in the states.
We got attacked by Japan. We got drug into the war. And what did we do? Well, we cleaned house.
We fought back. We fought them all the way back to their homelands. There was
D -Day. And then V -E -Day. And finally we dropped a couple of ginormous bombs.
Boom, boom. And Japan said we give up. And we won. Right? But nobody could have predicted at the beginning of it how
World War II would have played out. But here's the thing. World War II is not the longest running war in human history.
The longest running war in human history is the one against God. That we have been belligerents in.
First born under the dominion of darkness of belligerents who hated God. We were born on the side of the enemy.
And God in his grace has transferred us from the dominion of darkness to the kingdom of his son. And he's made it clear.
Here's how this cosmic war is going to go down. And how it's going to end.
At the very end, it's going to really get nuts. This beast thingy wages war against the saints.
It'll eventually get dominion over all of the earth. And we are going to be utterly worn out.
You know? We're going to be defeated on the landing grounds. We're going to be defeated everywhere.
You take Churchill's speech, right? Yes, we're going to be defeated on the landing grounds.
We're going to be here. Yeah, you get the, yeah. In the uh, in the land, in the sea.
We're going to be totally worn out. Defeated, trampled on, spit on. The dragon's going to win, win, win.
But don't worry. Jesus shows up at the end and says, veto. No, he sounded much drunker than I am.
The question. Uh, Elizabeth says, my opinion, the fourth beast is either communism or Islam.
The fourth beast has multiple heads. Islam and, and communism and fascism are all manifestations of that beast.
There are, there are just different heads of the same beast. All right. So, yeah.
Same. No, we're supposed to stand.
Okay, so how does one fight for the faith? You give your witness.
That's what a martyr is, is a witness. You say, I confess Christ. The beast says, you confess
Christ. I kill you. You say, you can't. I'm already dead. And the beast says, well,
I'll prove you wrong. And he kills you. And the beast finds out at the end, I was wrong. I couldn't kill him.
He was in Christ. All right. So this, this patient endurance bit.
If you understand the game plan, here's how the battle's going to play out. We're going to get the snot kicked out of us.
All right. It is going to be a JV team playing the New England Patriots from a couple years ago.
That's what we're talking about here. Yes, I am.
Is Dwayne here? Yeah.
Yes. Correct.
Right. In fact, let me back this up. So the question for those of you online. So are you basically saying we're supposed to take our stand?
That's what we're supposed to do. That's our standing. Those are our orders. Let's talk about what King Jesus says we're supposed to do and how we armor up for this epic losing battle.
It's, it's awesome. Okay, we're going to win by losing because Christ has already won anyway.
All right. So here's, here's our, let's take a look at that famous passage in Ephesians 6. All right.
So here we go. So finally be strong in the what? In the
Lord. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of whose might? His might.
Not yours. Not mine. Okay, the sooner you get to the end of yourself and say, listen,
I got no strength. Paul says I am going to glory in the things that demonstrate my weakness because when
I am weak, he is strong. And that means in everything.
You sit there and you go the devil keeps tempting me in this way and I keep listening to him. No, you keep trying to fight the devil with your own strength.
Confess that you do not have the power to say no to the devil, your own sinful flesh, the world, whatever comes against you.
You don't have that power to say no to that. The Holy Spirit gives you that. So be strong in his might, his power.
He promises to give it to you. So patient endurance. Here's our armor. All right, put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
There are no orders to advance. You stand. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Daniel 7 says we're going to lose. Revelation 13 says we're going to lose.
We're going to be worn out. So our job in this, in this war that we are in, our job is to stand our ground and our job is to lose.
So what do we do there? Take up the whole armor of God so that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, knowing that many of us won't.
But to withstand ultimately to the end is to continue to confess Christ, even when they put your head in a guillotine and say, if you do not deny
Christ, we're going to take that thing off your shoulders. Yeah, and Josh goes, oh no, don't do that.
Exactly. Exactly. All right. Yes, sir. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. So stand therefore, notice it says, stand, stand.
How many times, how many standing texts have we heard so far in this text? Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of what?
Truth. Truth. Belt of truth. No lie is of the truth.
How do you stand against the devil? You don't listen to the lies. Somebody says, oh, you know,
I feel the Lord telling me right now that we just need to embrace everybody and give everybody a hug. No, that's not the voice of God, right?
So you stand with the belt of truth and putting on the breastplate of righteousness.
That's the righteousness of Christ. It's described multiple ways then in scripture. The righteousness of Christ is the very garments of our salvation.
He has taken our filthy garments and placed on us his righteousness. And now his righteousness then is a breastplate, keeps us from getting a mortal gut shot wound.
Right? As shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of what?
Peace. Peace with whom? With God. And then that peace with God then flows to each other.
Have you ever noticed that we are all at peace with each other? We are. We are at peace with God and we are at peace with each other.
We are the saints. We are the forgiven ones. And so you'll note that the readiness of the gospel of peace is that being ready to sprint to whoever needs to hear the gospel.
To proclaim to them that Christ has bled and died for their sins. That's the readiness that comes with that.
And then in all circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.
You mean wait while we're standing we're going to have flaming arrows coming our way? Yeah.
Okay, and let me tell you a little bit about a Roman shield. Roman shield oftentimes they would have leather around the outside of the shield and before battle they'd soak those things.
Because the enterprising enemy knew that flaming arrows were not only effective in hurting people and catching fire to things.
They were just a good psychological terror weapon. All right, because anybody who's going to flee the battle is going to flee the battle as soon as the flaming arrows start flying.
Well, the flaming arrows are flying. They've been flying for a long time. When you were baptized they started coming in.
So you take up that shield of faith. Think of it this way. Then your shield of faith has been drowned and soaked in the waters of your baptism.
And as the flaming arrows come flying in. It's like here it comes another volley shields up.
Now, what does that tell you about the devil man? Relentless. He's the energizer bunny of hatred.
He's still going. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
In all reality, we are going to die. But here's the best part. And I don't want to I don't want to but we're already dead.
So if you know if I can make use of a line from one of my favorite movies. Um, if you all remember gladiator, so the opening sequence in gladiator, uh, you know
So the the roman army is fighting up in in germania And they're getting ready to go, you know, they're getting ready to go into battle and so you got maximus
You know out there encouraging his men trying to give him a pep talk, right? And he says if you find yourself
In the sunshine in a tall field with you know with uh wheat and you know, and all this going on Don't worry.
You're already dead. Ah You're an elysium, all right, listen, listen, here's how this works
You're already dead christ says everyone who believes in me will never die
That's because you're already dead you have one foot in the new earth already not one foot in the grave one foot out of it
You are already dead Dead men have total freedom
They have total freedom to serve and to die And dead men are totally set free from slavery to sin totally
The one who seeks to save his life will lose it The one who loses his life for my sake will find it
All right You say well, this doesn't sound like a really good battle plan. Doesn't it say the gates of hell will not prevail against the church?
It can't It can't prevail against the church But for all intents and purposes that that is still an article of faith because if you look with your eyes
It just looks like those meek Miserable christians if they would just get their act together and be reasonable
And capitulate to our demands Then they would be able to live peaceably on the earth
But they keep insisting that jesus is the only way And that we have to hear his voice in the scripture and we have to repent of our sins
And our the sins that they list are things that we like to do If they would just be reasonable
We wouldn't have to kill them It's their fault That's how they how they operate by the way
So in all circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one
Take up the helmet of salvation your salvation itself keeps you from getting a mortal head wound The sword of the spirit which is the word of god.
You got one offensive weapon One It's called a bible
And if you can't wield that thing, well You're not Very effective as a soldier
Just saying okay. What good is a soldier that can just stand and not use his sword, right?
And then here's how we stand then are you ready? praying at all times
In the spirit in the spirit is a good way of saying by faith Right trusting the holy spirit within you with all prayers and supplication
So in other words, there's your picture and so what are we doing while we're standing god help us
We're taking artillery it comes another volley. Oh, no, what are we gonna do? And god says hang on.
Hang on. You're gonna be with me in about five minutes. Wait, what? Okay so note then
I I sound like like the exact opposite of any nar preacher is like we gotta go and take dominion
We're gonna conquer the seven mountains and then we're gonna you know, we're gonna rule the earth and all no, we're not we're gonna
Get our Yeah, we're getting the utter shellacking praise god.
All right. Yay Right That that's the oh, okay
Okay, so joshua Here at kungsvinger just said that when you compare it like that it starts to show who they're really working for i'm going to note here that in Scripture it talks about the seven mountains
Okay, and the seven mountain mandate is what the nar claims is there is god's strategy for taking dominion
Over the whole earth for christians to rule the whole roost and to globally conquer everybody
Okay, now I would keep in mind that the antichrist is a churchman Okay So if you think that we're going to take over and you're all of christianity is all about taking dominion over all of the earth
The person you're working for is the dragon Okay, but it's not it's not the first beast
It's the second that you're that you're operating under and i'll explain that so elizabeth beasley says and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb
And the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death exactly, right
All right. So joel osteen's wrong. You're not going to have your best life now if you are then you're going to hell so, um, we're we're called to do something very different this calls for patient endurance james you had your hands up So, yeah
The question the question was does carrying your bible count as having a concealed weapon
Yeah I guess technically that would work that way and but but as bruce said it we are in an open carry state.
So Yeah, yeah Great question.
All right, let's come back then Okay, so let's take a look at revelation 13 in light of daniel 7 and you can clearly see what daniel couldn't describe
That fourth beast well, it's going to be it's going to get a description here in revelation 13
It's fun to kind of go back We're by the way the process why the reason why we're going through the text again there's a there's a technique for working through god's word to really kind of Get as much as you can out of it and it's called the hermeneutical spiral.
So you spend some time in a text now Evangelicals call it camping which doesn't make any sense to me, but we're gonna we're gonna camp on revelation 13 this week, you know
You know, that's how they talk. He's like what? All right But this is the hermeneutical spiral where we dig down into this text.
So here's so remember so here we got this picture And in fact, let me add a little bit of context so we can kind of back up Because I let's pay attention to the seething part
Okay, so so here we got the when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth He pursued the woman that's the church
Who had given birth to the male child when the but the woman was given two wings of the great eagle So she might fly from the serpent notice here.
It's talking about the dragon as a what? Serpent What's a serpent with legs?
A dragon, okay Okay, so you'll note here. This sounds a lot like genesis, right?
Okay You know to fly from the serpent into the wilderness to the place where she is to be nourished for a time time and half of time
Oh Wait I'm starting to see it All right
So the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman to sweep her away with a flood But the earth came to help
To the help of the woman and the earth opened its mouth swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from its mouth
Notice the dragon is referred to as both a dragon and a serpent Okay That is not a slip
At all that's on purpose to make you go. Oh my goodness. That's what we're dealing with here So the dragon became furious with the woman
That's the church And went off to make war on the rest of her offspring
And those who keep the commandments of god and hold to the testimony of jesus And he stood on the sand of the sea so make war
He's furious In a rage. He's going to make war with who?
Us and what's our job again? stand But but but but but but but but we would uh, it says that we're gonna get worn out and a lot of us are gonna
Yeah, that's okay. All right Yeah Okay.
Yes, sir Yeah Yes An army divided against itself.
How effective do you think they are on the battlefield? They cannot stand right
Yeah, right, you know if you're taking friendly fire, you know, then the enemy doesn't have to do anything
It's just a watch okay, and so so So the point that don was making is is that in the earlier chapters of of ephesians before we get to the armor of god
We get to the interpersonal relationships that we have with each other and when you read the epistles
You'll note that there are so many admonitions that we excel in good works that we excel in love and honor
And and patience and kindness with each other Because that's what we've received from christ, sir
The very first person.
Yeah, you know, I can't Yep I can't have the breastplate of righteousness unless i'm obeying god's command that i'm forgiven as I forgive those around me
Yeah, I should love as i'm loved. Yep. You know, I can't be wearing the boots of the gospel
I can't shoe myself with the readiness of the gospel Unless I am obeying hebrew to the commandment in the epistle of hebrews to constantly be building one another up And even and even consider yourself as an ambassador of christ and given the ministry of reconciliation
You can even build off of off of what you were saying there and go even farther You know
Yes, sir Let it go
Yeah, how yeah Yeah, yeah
Yeah Okay, so scripture is clear on this
How do we overcome someone's hate when they they are living in the past and they're living in hatred and discord and unforgiveness?
Yeah, and so you can talk this way. The answer is given to us clearly in scripture. We are to overcome evil with good
So when our enemy is hungry, we feed them When he's thirsty we give him a drink
So we never react in kind when they are when they are manifesting the fruit of their flesh
Or the attributes of the of the devil The devil is the one who works in a rage the devil is the one who is unforgiving
And so we recognize then that when they're manifesting the fruit of the devil and not the fruit of the holy spirit That they are under the sway
Of of the dragon himself. And so we pray for them And we find ways to love them
And we find ways to communicate the love of christ to them So that we overcome evil with good the way same way christ did he overcame the devil by doing the ultimate good by Not even holding on to his own life, but laying his life down for his enemies
And that's who we were before we were in christ, that's the answer Yes Yes Yep Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, we pray for them.
We pray for them and look for opportunities to love and exemplify the mercy grace
Forgiveness and reconciliation that we've received from christ. That's what we do Yeah, go ahead marilyn
Yes. Yeah, and that we need each other for that because When we come together as the church then you'll know we come together in the divine service.
What do you do? You confess your sins i've been out in the battle and oh, man, the fire darts have come in and there's one sticking out
Of my rump right now. Can you pull it out? Um, you know, that's that's kind of what we're talking about here. And so we we care for We nurture
And we help each other heal too because what i've noticed is is that sometimes we we end up as a congregation in a battle together
But more often than not each and every one of you ends up in battles that you're facing by yourself
And so it's a it's a mercy of god when you are under the gun and somebody in the body of christ close to you isn't because they can then be a support for you because When they're down and wounded you're able to bandage them up With the with the healing balm of the gospel
And give them water and give them something to eat and refresh them And help them in the midst of their circumstances.
Oftentimes. We can't make these battles go away. They go away when they go away So we can be a support to each other in the midst of them
All right now real quick. I Yeah, so let me check the so what's the
Okay, so the false prophet in revelation my opinion is the spiritual leader of a false world religious system elizabeth hang tight
So we will we obviously are not going to get to that today because we're up on our time today But we will talk more about what the next beast is
As we begin to keep unpacking this we're doing this a little bit deeper slowing a little bit down in revelation 13
So that's how that works But I would say that the false prophet in revelation that we see in revelation 13 is not a specific person
That would be the man of lawlessness that's coming, but it's something different Okay, so we'll talk about the different manifestations of the second beast as we continue to unpack this text
All right, so that false prophet is a religious leader. All right. Yeah, we'll talk about that and by the way
Yes, i'm an on millennialist But i'll even talk a little bit more about what that means It means that we're actually in the millennium right now.
Not that there isn't one So we'll talk about more about that later. So hopefully you found this helpful. Peace to you brothers and sisters lord willing
We will see you next time again, uh christmas eve services a blowout celebration if you would of the birth of christ on thursday night here