So That You May Believe - [John 14:28-31]

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Well, I would invite you to open your Bibles to John chapter 14 as We conclude
John 14 as we've been steadily working through the gospel of John. I don't know Well, it's a blessing to be here in any event preaching to you this morning
You know, there's a there's a real plus and a negative to social media, isn't there?
I mean, I enjoy staying connected with people and everything, but it seems to me As I'm thinking about it that there are
Controversies that come up and just kind of explode super fast if you follow
Twitter and I don't really advise it by the way But it just seems in in fact, I hardly
I think I go on there maybe once a week on average because I don't like it I don't like Twitter But controversies just flare up whether it's about social issues or Well social issues because everything seems to be a social issue and Things are attached to the gospel.
In fact, I would say that there's more confusion Surrounding what actually is a gospel essential today than I've seen in quite some time
But the gospel is let's be honest, it's simple right it's very simple
So why are people always trying to add to it? There's one strain of thought currently making the rounds that people who are
Engaged in lifestyles of sexual perversion don't even need to repent that they can just Come to God as they are after all
God made them That's the way they are and he doesn't make any mistakes and there's no reason for them to change and as I read some of the things especially again on Twitter, but Throughout Evangelicalism, I just think well, is it any wonder that Unbelievers are confused if church leaders are disagreeing about what they say are gospel essentials
Then why wouldn't the world why wouldn't unbelievers be confused? now the positive side of Social media is that sometimes you interact with people that you might not necessarily expect to interact with And I got a message today or a message a few days ago on Facebook messenger
From an unbeliever and I know this guy. I've talked to him a little bit in person and he's an agnostic
Jew He believes that there's something greater, but he doesn't really know what it is And so he just sort of makes up his own religion as probably about six point eight billion people on the planet
Do they just make up their own sort of belief systems and he's very eclectic
And what do I mean by eclectic? That's a sophisticated way of saying He's his own authority, right?
If you say well, why do you believe that he says? Because it makes sense to me and I stand in judgment of everything that is
He is the judge of what is Sin, what is salvation and who is
God? We have the Bible and the Word of God is very clear on such matters
We're not left wondering what God's standard is or how it is met and let me give you a hint
The only one who has ever met the standard of God is the Lord Jesus Christ and so we come to John chapter 14 this morning and I feel like years ago
I went to Janet and I and the kids were all up at Mount Hermon. This is a long time ago we went up to Mount Hermon with Mike and the family and One of the
Dallas Theological Seminary men got up front and he smiled and he said Let me tell you about my
Jesus and this morning. I'm gonna tell you about my Jesus That's what we're here for to talk about the
Lord Jesus Christ, and I'm gonna begin reading John 14 in Verse 25 and I'm gonna read through the end of the chapter
I'm gonna focus this morning on verses 28 to 31, but I'm gonna back up just a little bit and read from 25 on The Lord Jesus speaking and he says these things
I have spoken to you while I am still with you But the Helper the
Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you
Peace I leave with you My peace I give to you not as the world gives to you.
Do I give to you? Let not your hearts be troubled neither. Let them be afraid
You heard me say to you I am going away and I will come to you if you loved me
You would have rejoiced because I am going to the Father for the Father is greater than I and Now I have told you before it takes place so that when it does take place you may believe
I Will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming
He has no claim on me, but I do as the Father has commanded me So that the world may know
That I love the Father Let us go from here Rise let us go from here.
Now the word gospel means Good news as most of you know so the four
Gospels are not lists of things to do and this is a
Common misperception of what Christianity is. It's not a list of things to do
The gospel is not What we do is what Jesus Christ has done. So when we read a gospel in the
New Testament, they are biographies of Jesus underscoring what he did and It is by believing in him that we are saved and that belief is not something that we generate on our own
It's not something that we arrive at on our own It's not something that we reason to on our own and it's not something that we subjectively decide like my friend my
Facebook friend Jesus himself said No one can come to me unless the
Father who sent me draws him It's a supernatural work of the Father Son and Spirit to save you
God must cause you to be born again He must give you faith God the
Holy Spirit works through the scripture to cause that faith which is why we preach the
Bible week after week and We're in the upper room discourse which starts in John chapter 13 you might also think of it as the
Last Supper and It is the feast to begin the celebration the week of Passover Jesus and the twelve have gathered together for what?
ostensibly is really a meal of joy a gathering together to celebrate to be together and just in a joyous occasion to think back on the faithfulness of the
Lord in bringing the people of Israel out of Egypt the Passover but chapter 13
Opens with Jesus knowing that the end of his mortal life is near Jesus if you'll recall tells
Judas to go and finish his act of betrayal after there after they've eaten dinner He says what you do go could do quickly
And then he tells the remaining 11 that he soon will be leaving them They don't respond well to this
And if we think about it if it was us if we were sitting there and Jesus says well, I'm leaving Well, wait a second.
I Spent three and a half years following you. I gave up everything that I had and so Chapter 14 begins with Jesus seeking to comfort them to encourage them to put as it were some steel in their spiritual backbones
He promised them the Holy Spirit He has promised them the indwelling of the Father and the
Son in other words. He's told them that the Trinity the triune God is going to be with them and in them and The last time we were in John and verse 27
Jesus promised them the 12 the 11 now peace Well, what does it mean to have the peace of Christ?
And if you recall we talked about a few things one is it means that you have peace with God the most important need that anyone has is
To have peace with God because you come into the world not neutral But an enemy of God you're at war with him even though you think to yourself well this little baby
This this little baby that Vincent and Rachel just had this is just such a cute innocent baby who hates
God and is wretched and Will rebel against God what that's not what we think right when we see them, but that's who they are
Nobody teaches them to be selfish. Nobody teaches them to lie. They learn these things on their own peace with God because of the fall because we're all in Adam because we are all sinners by nature and by desire our
Greatest need is to have peace with God and in Christ We have that because of his life his death and the resurrection all believers have that and then we also talked about there there really is a sense that The peace of Christ is
It's also excuse me is also meant to provide comfort for us to give us as I said earlier a little steel in our spiritual backbone the the strength the wherewithal to Withstand temptation and trial why?
Because we know that we have peace with God because we know where we're going because Jesus is with us therefore we have confidence to face the trials of life and This morning.
I'm going to highlight four of the perfections of the Lord Jesus Christ Perfections which demonstrate the necessity of faith in Christ alone for salvation and I wrote several things
To my friend that I'm going to say to you this morning because these are important truths as we consider
Are there many ways some of the other issues that he talked about are there many ways back to God well?
There's only one and that's the Lord Jesus Christ perfection number one I Could say requisite perfection number one things that a
Savior must have the perfect humility of Jesus Christ his perfect humility like a verse 28 where he talks about his coming death
You heard me say to you. I am going away, and I will come to you He didn't mean he was going away on vacation.
He meant he was going to die right he was going to cease his earthly existence, and this is what caused such upset with the with the disciples
He was going to leave them. He was going to die. He said he was going to go to the father in fact in John 14 if you go back to the beginning of the chapter in verses 2 and 3 it says this in My father's house are many rooms if it were not so Would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
Well, you don't go into the father's house into heaven Temporarily he was going there. He wanted them to understand.
He wasn't coming back physically to them not humanly and If I go and prepare a place for you
I will come again and take you to myself That where I am you may be also and in verse 12
At the end of verse 12 in John chapter 14. He says because I am going to the father.
He was going to heaven And he had told them that he would come to them that he would return to them in verses 18 19 21 and 23 well
Why because he wanted to prepare them for what was coming and he wanted to give them comforts future hope
Understanding that everything in spite of the fact that things look really dark right now that there was a light at the end of the
Tunnel that things were going to that they were ultimately going to wind up where he was in heaven with him forever
And as I've said before as we look at John 13 through 16 17
One of the important facets I think is to understand the emotion of the
Lord here And when we think about God, you know, we think he is impassive meaning. He doesn't have he's not subject to Emotions per se well in his humanity
Jesus loves these men not just in kind of the godlike
I've set my affection upon these but he is intimately involved with these guys. He's known them for three and a half years
They do everything together This isn't just a camping trip for a couple days with Becky. This is this this is life on life
This is teaching. This is eating. This is doing everything together ministering together They are in every sense his brothers and Leaving them is not you know as a man is not easy
He knows that he must but it's not easy for him to do it Look at the end of verse 3 in chapter 14
We get a sense of it He says I will come again and we'll take you to myself that where I am you may be also
He's gonna have to say that he could just say, you know what you guys will be where I am someday But he says
I'm gonna come to you and I'm gonna take you it's this kind of tender affection. It's gonna be okay
I you know when you guys die, I'm gonna come get you He's going to personally escort them to the place that he has personally prepared for them
The man Christ Jesus is looking forward to that reunion with them in heaven.
His humility is Evident here. He's trying to lower himself down to them and just get on the same level because he loves them and he cares about them
Now, how about their response? They're really lack of love look at verse 28
If you loved me the second part of it if you loved me you would have rejoiced because I am going to the father
Now what's the reaction of the disciples? He says I'm leaving and they're concerned about what? themselves, right
They were not rejoicing in fact back at the beginning you don't have to turn there but back in the beginning of Chapter 14 verse 1 he told them not to let their hearts be troubled
They were worried they were consumed with worry After all who was gonna take care of them.
What was gonna happen to them? They were gonna be persecuted They knew that good things were not gonna happen when
Jesus left at least in their minds They knew that and again in verse 27
Jesus tells them not to be troubled or afraid but their focus is on their own well -being their own safety and There's a word for that if we think about it.
It doesn't take long to generate it. It's Selfishness Somebody gives us good news and sometimes our first thought is well, how does that impact me?
How often are your thoughts about someone else with no thought of how it impacts you think about it?
Why do you suppose that Jesus gave commandments to what love one another? to love your wife
Even as Christ loved the church to love the Lord your God Why do we have these commandments because love doesn't come easily to us
That kind of selflessness doesn't come to us. Naturally. What comes with naturally is selfishness
We're born into selfishness and have to be both commanded and empowered to be selfless
Jesus wording in verse 28 makes it plain that the disciples do not love him as they should if you think about Paul's words in Philippians 1
Where he says it is better for me to Die right death is gain he says to die is gain well
What does that mean? Means it's better to be in heaven than it is to be on earth suffering
Well, how much better for the Lord Jesus Christ to return to his glory? That's what's gonna happen, right when he ascends he goes straight to glory, but that's not what the disciples are thinking about They're consumed with themselves
Why because they don't love him as they should they love him But they don't love him to the degree that they should now
Also notice Jesus submission to the father And this is a part that will generate a little bit of controversy
I think as we think about it This is Jesus submission to the father
Look at verse 28 for the father is greater than I Those words have been used by some great heretics of the past.
You know, we don't often study them Great hair. I mean there's a book that you don't want to buy over there in the book check great heretics of the past Profiles in you know, what heresy or whatever some have used this
Passage here to claim that Jesus is less in terms of his deity than the father
Some have argued that this shows that he's a created being Some say look
He eventually became God, but he didn't start out as God. He's less That's not the point at all in his humanity
Jesus was less than the father because he had chosen To be less turn for a moment to Philippians chapter 2 and I try as much as I can
To stay in the gospel of John, but we're going to go out of it
Just a few times this morning just it for illustration purposes Philippians 2 familiar verses verses 5 to 8
Jesus is not Inherently lesser than the father.
He chose to lower himself verse 5 have this mind among yourselves
Paul writing to the Philippians telling them to think the same way that Jesus does
Humble yourself listen have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus who though?
He was in the form of God Did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped in other words.
He was equal to the father He was entirely equal to the father the historical belief of the church settled at many many occasions the
Council of Nicaea and on and on and on is That they are of exactly the same substance
There is no difference between the father and the son in terms of their deity in terms of their attributes in terms of their godhood going on verse 7 but emptied himself
By taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form
He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross the only requirements that the
Lord Jesus Christ come to the earth and take on a human
Body a human nature to be born as a baby and to live a perfect life here on earth the only reason he did that was
It was the will of the father and he's eternally the son and voluntarily
Submits to the father's will and this was the will of the father This was the plan from the beginning for Jesus to come to earth
But he's not lesser. He's not less God In fact go back to the
Gospel of John and we're gonna look at John 17 for a moment John 17
Verses 4 and 5 this is The climax we'll see this here in a few weeks
Lord wanting The climax of this evening where Jesus is praying what's called the high priestly prayer
The spiritual climax anyway and in verses 4 of 5 of John chapter 17.
He says this He's praying to the father and he says I glorified you on earth Having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.
Well, when did he give them him that work? Before all eternity before time existed in the council of God This is what was determined to happen father son spirit
Verse 5 and now father glorify me in your own presence With the glory listen that I had with you before the world existed
He's not going to increase He's going to be returning back to what he had.
Let's go back to John chapter 14. This is
When we talk about the Trinity We're talking about they are of all father son spirit all the same essence all have the same power all have the same attributes
The difference is in their function Right now is
Jesus fully God? Yes. He told us so On several occasions. He told us so in John chapter 10.
You don't have to turn there John chapter 10 verses 27 to 33 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me
I Give them eternal life and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand
First of all, ask yourself who can give anyone any mortal eternal life only
God going on he says my father who has given them to me is greater than all and No one is able to snatch them out of the father's hand.
I And the father are one The Jews picked up stones again to stone him
Jesus answered them I've shown you many good works from the father. In other words many miracles.
You guys have seen what I've been Able to do by the power of God For which of them are you going to stone me?
the Jews answered him it is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for Blasphemy Blasphemy being something that is said about God that is not true.
And so they're saying what you have committed blasphemy. Why? Because you being a man make yourself
God They understand perfectly what his claim is They're not confused.
They listen to him and he doesn't if we went back to the context. He doesn't say no No, you guys have misunderstood me.
That's exactly what he was saying and they understood it So in what way was the father greater than Jesus and Again, this just gets back to one thing their function
Their function in what way is a husband greater than a wife? Does he have more inherent value?
No, maybe he has more responsibility more accountability
Because he's the one that's going to be held responsible for what goes on in their home is
He more Human than a wife. No, they have different functions is one greater than the other will know one has
More functional responsibility than the other and here we see it It's the same with the father and the son and the spirits if we study the scripture
We would see this that the father sent the son, right? He who sent me he says
Jesus says over and over again, but the son never sends the father That is not because the father is more
God, but because the son willingly subordinates himself to the father this is the whole concept of voluntary subordination of submission
Father son spirit all equally God, but there's a structure to how they operate We call it the economy of the
Trinity how they function their functional economy Because Jesus was living on earth not in the fullness of his glory with the father because he had voluntarily relinquished the exercise of his
Attributes while he was on earth That's his humility.
That's him showing that that's him making himself less For the time that he was on earth, but he would soon return to be with the father and Jesus long to do this
His humiliation as it's known was coming to an end and it would end with his rightful exaltation
He would be raised back to where he was So that's perfection number one perfection number two the perfect love of Jesus the perfect love of Jesus Now Jesus knew
How the disciples were to respond to his death. He knew that their faith would falter. He knew that they would cower
That they would split up that they would not know what to do And he knew that they would ultimately fail if it were not for the power of God lovingly displayed for them
He wanted again to strengthen them. So what does he say in verse 29? This is love in action here
Look at what he says in verse 29 and now that I have or now I have told you before it takes place
So that when it does take place you may believe He wanted them to understand what was going to happen when he died.
Why? So that when it happened, they would go Jesus told us that We can have faith in him
Because he told us that and it happened and he said something similar when he told them about his betrayal
In John chapter 13 just a chapter back in verses 18 and 19
Jesus says this I'm not speaking of all of you I know whom I have chosen But the scripture will be fulfilled he who ate my bread
He's talking about Judas right he who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me rebelling against me
I am telling you this now before it takes place that when it does take place you may believe that I am he
He was telling them about the betrayal of Judas Why so that when he ascended to the father and when these things happened?
When the betrayal of Judas happened they would know that he had told them about that He had warned them about them that he had basically prophesied about it
And it's really to me as I as I was reading this and studying this I thought you know, where does God say?
That I told you about this Before it happened and it's
Isaiah 46 don't turn there because I'm not even gonna read it But he says I told you the beginning from there or the end from the beginning
I've always told you what was coming ahead Why so that you would know that I am God and that there's no other and what he's doing here is letting them know ahead
Of time so that when these things happen, they would understand that Jesus is God Well, didn't they already believe in him weren't they already saved?
Yes But they didn't believe enough and they certainly didn't believe
At the depth that they were going to need to believe to endure what they were going to have to endure
The deeper the valley that you have to walk through in life the greater your faith has to be
The more you love the Lord Jesus Christ the more you are enabled If need be to suffer, let's think about it this way if you
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you love him, right? If you love him more your faith is greater.
Well, what does that do? What does that do for you? Greater love greater faith should spur you on to greater action greater service
Greater giving as you think less about yourself and more about Christ.
You want to do more for him. Let me put it another way Why do we sin you say well,
I don't even I don't even get that why do we sin we sin because We don't believe enough
Because we don't love the Lord Jesus Christ enough if we loved him fully Well our heart soul mind and strength we would not sin
The fact that we still sin indicates that we don't love him enough So let's look at it the other way
Why do we serve? Why do we obey? Why do we? Do anything for him?
It's because we love him Jesus loved his disciples so much despite their failures
Despite their lack of faith despite their selfishness That he wanted them to be equipped to face the challenges they would face in Serving as his apostles as his messengers when he gives them the
Great Commission when he sends them out When he puts them essentially in charge of the church right of that on on earth
They have to have a Faith that is willing to do anything for him and again going back to setting the context again in John chapter 13
John tells us that Jesus loved those who were his how far
To the end to the very minute. He left the earth. He loved them and he wanted the best for them and Even what he's doing here when he's talking to them is really just to kind of encourage them and prepare them
For all the things that were coming So we've seen these two perfections the perfect humility of Jesus the perfect love of Jesus not concerned with himself but concerned for his disciples
Thirdly the perfect humanity of Jesus and when I say perfect humanity, I don't mean simply that he was perfectly human
I mean he was sinless in his humanity Look at verse 30.
I will no longer talk much with you What does he mean?
He means the time of discussion with them the time of interacting with them is coming to a conclusion
He doesn't have much time with them It's just a matter of hours Until their time their earthly time together comes to a complete end and he notes here
For the ruler of this world is coming. Who is the ruler of this world?
You know this from Ephesians chapter 2 you would see that he is the prince of the power of the ruler of the air
We're talking about Satan So, how is
Satan? Coming for Jesus says the for the ruler of this world is coming
Well, he's coming in the person and the actions of Judas Iscariot if you recall back in John chapter 13 after Simon Peter meant motion to John and You know to ask
Jesus would you just ask him who this one who's going to betray him is and this is what?
Jesus answers He says Jesus answered it is
He to whom I will give this morsel of bread when I have dipped it So when he had dipped the morsel, he gave it to Judas the son of Simon Iscariot Then after he had taken the morsel talking about Judas Satan entered into him
Thus as Judas went and met with the Jewish leaders and then leads them to where Jesus and the disciples are it is in effect
Satan who is the ruler of this world who is coming to Jesus? It's Satan a
Satan led party that is coming to arrest him and put him on trial Now again in verse 30 talking about the ruler of this world
Jesus says he has no claim on me What does that mean that Satan has no claim on him well, who does
Satan have a claim on of those who? sin every single person who dies
In their sin then what they're going to hear on that faithful day of judgment depart from me you worker of iniquity
They will be sent to Everlasting hell and who else will be there?
Satan himself So what is he saying Jesus is saying he is sinless
He is the sinless Spotless Lamb of God and the ruler of this world has no claim on him perfection number four
The perfect obedience of Jesus or we could say the perfect submission to the father of Jesus And let me first address the end of verse 31 since it doesn't neatly fit in I'm not gonna lie
It doesn't neatly fit into my outline rise Let us go from here
Jesus talking to the disciples rise. Let us go from here. So do they leave the upper room and then
Go somewhere else probably not They don't leave yet It's like this you ever have a big group of people over your house for dinner, and you say okay
It's time to start wrapping things up. You're laughing because it has happened now.
Does everybody instantly say yes Stand up and go to the door. No, you know, it's probably usually like 45 minutes or an hour later, you know
And you're just like okay. I thought we agreed we were heading for the door and that's the kind of thing here
When he says rise, let us go from here. They're not gonna leave right away. In fact, it's really not till chapter 18
That we have any indication of movement so they're just staying there and It's a it's possible that there are some movement before 18, but we don't have any kind of recording of it
So it seems like they just stayed there right through the high priestly prayer Which if you think about it when we get to the high priestly prayer if you think about it what a great way for Jesus to love them to the end right and to just pray for them and To bring them before the
Lord before the Father and just pray for them right there now back to verse 31
Satan has no claim on him, but I Do as the Father has commanded me
Satan has no hold on him, but sharp contrast Underscore he doesn't sin.
Jesus has no sin in him, but instead but rather Obeys the
Father he does exactly as the Father has commanded him in What sense what we could say in perfect obedience in everything that he was told to do, right?
He says only what the Father tells him to say he does only what he sees the Father doing But he's specifically referring to the cross here now think about this.
What would Satan have desired right then? What did he put into the heart of Judas Iscariot?
What was Judas leading these people to do to go grab Jesus and lead him to trial so that he would be what?
Crucified executed Would that happen if it was not the eternal will of the
Father? No This is
Jesus Submitting to the will of the Father Satan has no right to do what he's about to do
Satan and his minions are about to fulfill all their evil plans But what they meant for evil
God means for good the good of all who will ever believe
Reminds me of Acts chapter 2 verse 23 Peter speaking says this
Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan of foreknowledge of God you Speaking to the
Jews you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men in that case.
It was God is sovereign man is responsible in this case in this context. This is the plan of Satan But it's also the plan of God He had to go to the cross
To fulfill the Father's will to take away the sins of the world as I was looking at the
Greek this week It's interesting because the ESV has this last or second in the in the set in the translation
But it's really first it's put up front this part here. So the world may know that I love the
Father This is important It's Emphasized in the
Greek Jesus wants the world to know there's a purpose here his submission to the
Father This is you know, if we think about it from a natural standpoint who would ever say
I am Not just going to you know grudgingly go to the cross
I am willingly going to the cross why because it's the Father's will who sent me
Why because I want the world to know that I love the Father What greater display of love could there be of submission?
Could there be then to just say I am doing the Father's will I am going to show it by going to the cross his purpose was to comfort the disciples
But he also was honoring the Father. In fact, it's interesting this word
Father is in this chapter 23 times as he's encouraging the disciples.
He refers to his father 23 times in chapter 14 alone and This is the only place in the
New Testament where Jesus love for the Father is explicitly mentioned the only place
And he shows his he doesn't talk about his love for the Father. He demonstrates it in verse 28
He had challenged his disciples on their level of love for him because they were worried about themselves
And here he is showing what true love is true love sets aside the cost true love takes action true love sacrifices and this is
Jesus Christ doing exactly that the perfect obedience of Jesus as he shows them what love really looks like So we've seen the perfect humility of Jesus the perfect love of Jesus the perfect humanity of Jesus the perfect obedience of Jesus Now my agnostic friend actually began our conversation with this question now just think about this
You have an unbelieving friend and they say this to you Where does the Christian belief that you don't have to be a good person
You only have to accept Jesus as your Savior come from. I Read that note and I just thought
Thank you, Lord. You are so kind to me to give me the Internet so that I can answer a question from somebody who still doesn't believe yet, but You can you can be praying for Brad Could there be a better question and if we just think about these four verses this morning
We would see that Jesus is truly God only God could perfectly love
God Did you mean to say that yes, I did only God can perfectly love
God why Because we're fallen we're never going to perfectly love
God And if you think about why is it important that Jesus is truly
God because only the death of the God -man could have enough value To redeem all who would ever believe if a man died for another man.
Well, that would only be right right one for one But God has infinite value thus he's able to redeem an infinite number of souls for himself
Jesus is also truly man. Only a man could sacrifice himself for other men there there couldn't be a bull or Sheep or some other animal to do that.
He had to be fully and truly man Jesus lived his whole life without sinning
Only Jesus perfectly obeyed the commandments of God and then he willingly laid down his life
Even though Satan had no hold on him. He willingly did that Then Jesus conquered death and could not be held by the grave because the grave had no hold on him either
He rose triumphantly on the third day. Is this the
Jesus? That you're following. Do you love him perfectly?
Do you believe in him? Have you trusted him? Let's pray father
We thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ Even as we think about that night at that meal as he
Loved those who were his right to the very end How he taught them how he
Comforted them how he even challenged them while he was doing so but how he set an example for them of love of obedience of humility the perfect standard
Jesus is Father we thank you that there are not
As my friend would have us think an infinite number of ways to God there is one only in Christ because only he could redeem sinners such as us
Father we would pray that you would make us your ambassadors Ambassadors for the
Lord Jesus Christ who would go out and say let me tell you about my Jesus Let me tell you about this perfect Savior this perfect sacrifice