I Almost Became an SJW #Realtalk

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The Patriots almost converted me...but Mary Poppins brought me back home. Love her.


All right, everybody. Well, I just wanted to do a quick video this morning I know my videos have been a lot more serious lately and I figured we take some time to just chill out a little bit
Yeah, just let's calm down just a little bit and talk about some craziness now.
I gotta tell you I gotta be perfectly honest. I I read an article this weekend that Probably came the closest
Anyone's ever come to converting me to the social justice movement.
That's right. That's right This is the closest anyone's ever come to converting me. So I got to be honest with you
I want to make sure that that you understand that that I you know, I even I have my weaknesses even I have my you know buttons
I guess you could you could you could say that you could push to convert me to social justicism and Here it is.
This is an article. This is an opinion article from the Daily Beast Which if you don't read
I would not recommend obviously Anyway, it makes the argument that that the Patriots the
New England Patriots are team MAGA They're the team. They're the preferred team of white supremacists everywhere and I got to be honest.
It makes a pretty good case I mean after all like Tom Brady supported Donald Trump and so did the the owner
Rob craft and You know Bill Belichick likes Donald Trump and you know, the team is like they're like there's no black people on the team at all apparently
And so this is the team of white nationalists and I gotta be honest with you. I really dislike the Patriots And so this by the time
I finished reading I was like man, I got a convert I got to become a social justice war. I mean, this is a matter of justice.
This is a gospel issue almost Like in the Patriots or not as a gospel issue So I almost converted but then you know,
I yeah Then I then I found my reason and I realized how stupid this is.
But yeah, this is a funny article It talks about how you know MAGA MAGA is obviously racist.
I mean, that's that's just a foregone conclusion Oh, man, I cannot wait to get my MAGA hat. I can't wait to get my
MAGA. It's gonna be awesome But anyway, yeah So MAGA is obviously racist and white nationalist and there's a lot of evangelicals that think that as well
And so clearly the Patriots because they supported MAGA They are also white nationalist as well.
I found this article. This is a good one. This is a real good one Mary Poppins is branded racist by a
US academic in blackface row over scene where she gets covered in soot
That's right. You know the scene right Mary Poppins is one of my favorite movies. I love Mary Poppins It's a very very good move
I guess for a lot of you that might make sense since apparently I'm a raging white supremacist as well But but yeah,
Mary Poppins is awesome if you remember there's that scene where They get sucked up the chimney, right?
You know, and when they get sucked up the chimney, they get all sooty and dirty and You know that it make might make sense to you because you know when you get sucked up a chimney or if you go down the chimney
You'll get dirty because there's a lot of soot in the chimney. But well, but here's the here's the offense Let's let's read this article ready
In a piece for the in a piece for the New York Times professor Daniel Pollack Pelsner I'm sure this guy is worth every penny that they pay him.
This guy is probably the four most Scholar in social justice.
I bet you this guy's got a lot of tremendously valuable insights So I've never read him.
So I'm just assuming because this article is gold Professor professor
Daniel Pollack Pelsner criticizes one of the film's iconic moments when Mary Poppins joined
Dick joins Dick Van Dyke's Bert To dance on a rooftop for the classic song step in time.
I love that song. That's a great song Step in time step in time. Come on, man step in time.
I love that song man Anyway, he goes on this is this is a very important paper
I'm sure that this one he probably got paid very well for this one because this is this is important stuff
This is this is the kind of stuff we need to be worried about right now He writes he says when the magical nanny played by Julie Andrews Accompanies her young charges
Michael and Jane Banks up the chimney her face gets covered in soot But instead of wiping it off.
She gamely powders her nose and cheeks even blacker Wow Can you believe that that's just blatant white supremacy?
She didn't wipe off the soot off her nose She made it blacker and we all know that when a white person
Paints their face black. That means they hate black people Always there's no exceptions.
There's no exceptions. There's no excuse for blackface. Are you I mean, are you kidding me? Remember one time
I was I was eating a piece of chocolate cake, right? And then the frosting got on my nose and you know what
I did what I did because I'm not gonna tell you I'm not a racist, right? So what I did was I wiped that chocolate off my nose right away because you know what
I didn't want anyone to get The wrong idea. I was I was trying to to mock black people by by not wiping the chocolate off my nose
I mean that that was But can you believe it Mary Poppins? She she she powdered her face with with more soot
Wow, that's evil. That's evil He goes on he says this might seem like an innocuous comic scene if Travers novels didn't associate chimney sweeps with blackened faces
With racial caricature don't touch me you black heathen a housemaid screams and Mary Poppins opens the door
That was in 1943 When the dark figure of the chimney sweeps and step in time on a roof a naval buffoon
Admiral boom shouts, we're being attacked by hot and tots and orders his cannon to be fired at the cheeky
Devils. Ooh Can you believe that I Don't see anything but racism here.
This is just pure racism. And if you watch Mary Poppins, you're a racist. That's the bottom line
You're a racist if you watch Mary Poppins, I Gotta tell you I got I got the blu -ray upstairs.
I got like it was like the whatever anniversary blu -ray I've got it upstairs and I've been I've been waiting.
Oh, man. I've been waiting for a time to watch what my kids My kids are still a little young. They'll probably still enjoy it, but I've been waiting
I gotta say this Friday is probably the day This Friday is probably the day I'll wear my MAGA hat and we'll watch some
Mary Poppins good old -fashioned, you know KKK rally over at my house tonight We're done on the joke such as it is these aren't really black
Africans they're grinning white dancers and blackface It's a parody of black menace. It's even posted on a white nationalist website as evidence of the film's racial hierarchy
Fans were divided over the professor's remark. Well, not one wrote online. I think this is a reach She was friends with a chimney sweep when she went out and danced with him
She got soot in her face if I recall this correctly, well very very Reasonable and rational and very logical.
It's a very you know There's no indication in the movie that it's about race But but it's just just about that she got dirty when she joined her friend on the roof.
I mean, that's very Logical and reasonable whoever wrote this is clearly a white supremacist
Because as we all know reason is white supremacy logic is white supremacy Another wrote
Mary Poppins wasn't flirting with blackface. It was soot in her face from being in a chimney Again logical
What a bigot a Third said this is a candidate for the stupidest
New York Times article of all time Now that is a reach if I've ever heard one, there have been a lot of stupid articles in the
New York Times This is not by far. This is not this is not even close to the stupidest article of the
New York Times However, this is this is where we're really gonna get some some value here however others agreed with some of the points raised
Michael Shulman a writer for the New York Times said this made me think about class to how Mary Poppins a posh Domestic scrambles the class divide and introduces
Jane and Michael to the much more fun world of plebe chimney sweeps Further scrambled in the sequel when the
Banks's are also in the poorhouse Author, mr Pollack Pelsner posted online after his article was published the chief reason
I wrote this article is the hope that Disney exec would read it Take another look at the forthcoming Dumbo remake and ask if there's anything just a little bit racist
They might want to rethink before it hits the big screen Here's one of the things
I've learned about the alt -right after I wrote this article I received a zillion hate messages in response. They sure like Mary Poppins.
You know, everybody likes Mary Poppins you idiot Everybody likes Mary Poppins Oh Man if that last article almost made me a social justice warrior
This article has almost made me a MAGA Trump supporter. I'll tell you that right now.
This is so stupid You know, this is this is the thing, you know,
I think white people, you know, it's not white people I should I should rephrase that White social justice warriors.
I don't know if this Pelsner Pollack guy is white who cares I don't even care. But the reality is whether you're white or black or whatever if you're social justice warrior
Why do you think that minorities are so sensitive? Oh my goodness gracious We we can't even if somebody gets a little dark on their face.
That's offensive to the nth degree. I can't believe it I can't go on with my life Grow up if and I don't see if you are offended by that but by by Mary Poppins get a little soot on her face grow up Okay grow up Because I'll tell you right now
There are millions and millions of black people that can somehow get along with their lives just fine
Not knowing whether Mary Poppins was a white supremacist or not It doesn't have any bearing on your life.
She's a fictional character And I have to say a quite delightful fictional character.