Why We Must Insist on God's Law

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Alright, so these are the words of God, and I'm going to read in Matthew chapter 22, and I'm going to start at verse 35.
These are the words of God. I want to talk today about why
I insist, I absolutely insist, and I will not back away from this, on applying the general equity of the law of God in every circumstance that we find ourselves in today.
Whether that's in interpersonal relationships, whether that's in your church, and whether that's in the civil governing realm, you know, the law court, justice, and all that kind of thing.
All of my content is connected by this thread. I insist on applying the words of Jesus, the words of God, to those situations, and I'm inflexible on that.
Now, I might be wrong about something, and I'm certainly willing to hear people if they're going to make biblically -based arguments against what
I'm saying, as long as we agree that the authority here is the word of God.
And that means that we cannot discount huge parts of the word of God and merely just say, well, we're not
Israel. That's a ridiculous statement to make. Of course we're not Israel, and so we don't do things according to the ceremonial aspects of Israel's law.
That's why the general equity is so important. We've got to apply the moral principles of God's law in every situation, and it's because of Jesus' teaching here that that is absolutely required.
The law of God is the law of love. Let me repeat that.
The law of God is the law of love. So many people want to pit love against law, and that's not what
Jesus teaches. In fact, Jesus teaches that the entirety of the law and the prophets—in other words, the word of God, the
Old Testament—hangs on two laws. One is your requirement to love
God, and then your requirement to love your neighbor as yourself. This is so important because we need to sort of deprogram our minds that have been poisoned against God's law.
I do mean poisoned because so many people will want to pit love against the law, and that is simply not the case at all.
Now, I'm speaking here to Christians, right? I don't expect pagans. Let's just face it.
I include people who reject Christ even if they claim to be Jewish. Those are also pagans.
They're rejecting Christ, and therefore they don't even attempt to acknowledge
God as he truly is. They worship something else, but it's not God. It's not Christ, so it's not
God. Do you see what I'm trying to say? So there are many Jewish people out there that claim to be
Jews, but they're actually not Jews according to the Scripture. So I'm including every single person.
When I say the pagans, I mean heathens. I mean unbelievers. I mean people who reject the rule and reign of Jesus Christ.
They reject his law. That's who I'm talking about. I don't expect them to go by the word of God.
Because obviously if they reject Christ, they don't even have the beginning of knowledge, right?
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. And so if you reject Christ, I don't expect you to even start to understand what the law of God says.
But I'm talking to Christians here. There are many Christians who also want to pit love against the law.
And again, it's very perplexing because Jesus Christ teaches that the law of God, the law and the prophets, is the law of love.
And you have to insist on this. Let me give you an example from my woke content, right? Like I remember talking about the
George Floyd situation. Or maybe it was a different shooting. I don't exactly remember which one it was. But I insisted that obviously this man has to have his day in court.
And obviously he needs to be convicted on the evidence of two or more witnesses.
We've got to slow down. And before we condemn him to death, we need to figure out what actually happened here.
That's what I said at the time. Now he's since been convicted. And you might disagree with the verdict.
Or you might agree with the verdict. We'll see what happens with the appeals and stuff like that. But he's now been convicted.
And so now I stand by that. And at the time, I was getting a lot of people pushing back and saying, no, no, no.
We obviously did it. This and that. And tons of Christians were just hanging him in their minds and on social media.
And were saying that if I didn't do that, then that must mean I'm a white supremacist. I'm a racist. I'm for the police and against George Floyd.
And I remember at the time I said, no, no, no, no, no. See, this is the law of God here. The law of God says you need to love your neighbor as yourself.
That includes your black neighbors who you perceive to be the victim. And that also includes – what was that guy's name?
Chauvin? You have to love Chauvin as yourself as well.
And the law of God insists on this. You can't play partial games. You can't just assume someone is innocent or guilty just based on who you like better.
You like his face more. Or a couple of images taken out of context or things like that. That's not allowed according to God's law.
You see, this is the reality. It's a shyster that wants the law of God to be pitted against itself.
It's a shyster that wants you to love one neighbor but not so much the other neighbor because he has a mean name or a mean face.
Or you saw an image online out of context and so you automatically assume he's guilty. Shysters want you to do that.
It's people that don't care about God's law, who don't insist on due process, who do not insist on giving everyone what they're owed according to the law of God.
They want you to play partial games. They want you to say, oh yeah, well, the police for years have been against black people, and here's just another example.
This was coming from Christian publications. In fact, I wrote a book about this topic on The Woke Church, and I cited a seminary saying that exact thing where it's like, well, this is just another example of what we've been going through for decades.
And it's like, so what you're expecting me to do is to set aside the law of God, set aside the love that I owe to Chauvin.
God requires me to love Chauvin. As much as I don't like it, as much as I don't want to, as much as I feel in my bones that that's just another crazy cop, whatever it is,
I have to set that aside and go with what God says. I have to put my emotions in check and go with what
God says, because God tells me to, and I'm just the servant, I'm just the slave, so I have to defer to what
God says. But the shysters want you to say, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is just another, we've got to get this guy, we've got to get it fast, and that's what they want you to do.
There's so much pressure, social pressure, for you to join that lynch mob. That's what I said at the time.
The people that wanted to hang Chauvin without a trial, that's a lynch mob. A Christian cannot join the lynch mob.
And the thing is, lynch mobs come in a variety of different sizes, a variety of different shapes, but it's always going to do one thing.
It wants you to rush to judgment. It wants you to tap into your emotions instead of slowing down and saying, okay,
I might be really angry right now, but God has made requirements over me, I am just the servant, so I have to do things according to how
God says. That is what I said about the woke church, you know, sort of police killings thing.
And that's what I'm saying regarding this situation in the SBC. I got a number of comments that couldn't even believe that I would critique that video clip from Pastor James Farrar.
And they said, how dare you give him a platform? Here's one from them. They said, dude, you gave that other pastor a platform.
You played his clip. Had you done any research on who Hannah Kate was and what happened to her? Did you notice that her testimony was corroborated by three adult siblings?
You see, this man wants me to join the lynch mob, right?
And here's the reality. Chances are, I take sexual abuse and these crime of rape much more seriously than – because I think that if someone is – if this is true, and the police, you know, investigated it, and they said, oh, these are trustworthy witnesses, and there's a court case brought against her father, and it's confirmed on the evidence of two or more witnesses.
I take that so seriously that I think that the state ought to impose the death penalty. Now, they won't.
They won't do it because typically in our culture, rapists just get a slap on the wrist, and that's nonsense.
I hate that with every fiber of my being. And the reason I hate that is because I'm a servant.
I'm not God. I don't get to decide what the just penalty is for a rapist that rapes a child.
God does. God does. And so God says that this is what the just penalty is, and, you know, we have to go with that.
We have to start taking this much more seriously than we do. You know, I used to watch those videos to catch a predator and stuff like that, and these guys, you know, these guys had – a lot of them had molested children in the past and stuff like that, and they're walking the streets able to try to do it again.
And it's like it boggles the mind how – why is nobody taking this seriously, right?
And that's not true. Some people do take it seriously. There's a lot of people out there that are starting to wake up that we should actually execute rapists when they're convicted.
But, see, the reality is this guy here – or it's a girl, I don't know – is furious that I critiqued
Pastor James Kipp Farrar's video because, quote, I gave him a platform. This person's insisting that I join the lynch mob.
But, you see, here's the reality. God says – this is the Word of God. This is not me.
God says that on these two laws hang all the laws – love the Lord your
God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, and then love your neighbor as yourself. So I'm required to love
Hannah Kate Williams, and I'm also required to love Pastor James Kipp Farrar.
I'm required. I might not like his face. I might think he looks guilty. This is what this person says.
The guy took down the video where he accused Hannah Kate of lying, presumably because his attorney said so or something like that, so therefore
I can't platform him. Says who? Says who? Because in that exact video
I said, look, this is a serious accusation. If this is slander, this guy's playing with fire. But if it's true, then this is a very serious accusation that we need to look into.
Again, it's just an accusation. But why shouldn't he be allowed to make those accusations if that's what he feels he needs to do?
I made no determination on whether it was true or not. All I was doing was applying the law of God to it.
You see, this person wants me to join the lynch mob. He wants me to not allow anyone who has any contradictory information to the protected class, which in this case would be a sex abuse victim.
You can't hear those people. You just have to convict. You have to believe. You listen and believe.
See, a Christian is not allowed to do that. A Christian is not allowed to do that. Now, a Christian can listen and take seriously, but they must confirm.
They must confirm. They're supposed to listen to the accusation and then take it seriously.
Don't just brush it under the rug. If any of these SBC people have done that, then they need to be brought to account, and it's just that simple.
In fact, that's what the video was about. If you remember, I said that was the high point of the SBC convention, and a lot of my friends took issue with that with me.
They said, how dare you say that? They said, this is not a high point. This is just a big scam. And I said, well, whether it's a scam or not, whether they're running a play or not,
I appreciate more transparency, and that can only be a good thing. So this is the reality.
So I was in support of the resolution. I said it was the high point of the
SBC convention, and then this person here says, well, you brought up Hannah Kate to get clicks.
Obviously, I didn't because I didn't include her name in the title. I didn't draw attention to it. I was covering the issue that she was bringing to the
SBC convention because I was covering the SBC convention, and it was a big part of it. In fact, it was pretty much the only high point from my perspective of that convention.
And so here's the reality. I'm required. You see, this is the thing. There's a lot of people that hate
Hannah Kate Williams, and they don't want to treat her the way the law of God says you ought to be treating her, and they don't want to take her accusation seriously and stuff like that.
That's on them. That's not on me. I'm required to love her. But the reality is that this is the big one.
Most people can love Hannah Kate Williams, and they feel really good about themselves and all of that. But the hard thing to do, and we must insist on this as Christians, the hard thing to do is to love her father.
The hard thing to do is to love Pastor James Kip Ferrar. That's the hard thing to do, but it's required.
See, the law of God does not ever tell you to love one at the expense of another.
It doesn't tell you to love one instead of the other. In fact, it tells you to love your enemies.
And so this is where we need to get this clear. I just watched The Godfather 3 the other day, and Michael Corleone had this right.
And I'm sure this came from the Bible. The script writer probably got this from the Bible. But Michael said that you should never hate your enemies because it clouds your judgment, right?
And, of course, that's not why you shouldn't hate your enemies. You shouldn't hate your enemies because God says so, and you need to submit yourself to God.
Now, that's obviously where Michael Corleone was not correct. But incidentally, it does cloud your judgment.
So when you hate Pastor James Kip Ferrar, how dare you even platform him? How dare you even hear his words?
You must stop your ears. You're hating Pastor James Kip Ferrar. That's the reality. You're hating him when you say such a thing.
And I am required not to hate him. I don't know Pastor James Kip Ferrar. I've never spoken to him.
I've never asked his permission to do the video that I did. I never sought his opinion on whether or not he thought it was a good idea.
I don't know him. But I love him, and I'm required to.
And it doesn't matter what you think about his testimony. You are required to love him.
I love Rod Martin. I love Mike Stone. I love all the people that are named in that lawsuit.
I'm required, and so are you, if you're a Christian, to love them. And so, of course, you need to hear them out.
Of course, you need to take them seriously just as you take Ms. Hannah Kate Williams seriously.
You see, this is the reality. And as Christians, we need to get this straight because there's a lot of shysters out there that want you to pretend like the law of God wants you to love one at the expense of another, to show partiality to the poor or the black or the
Latino. And that's okay because God's on the side of the oppressed after all.
That's what people will say to you. That is a lie from the pit of hell because when you say
God's on the side of the oppressed and therefore you must show partiality to them, you're pitting the law of God against itself.
And we must not do that. God is on the side of the oppressed in the sense of when they're in the right and when they're being abused and when they're being taken advantage of and there's no one to defend them,
God defends them. That's why, look, a lot of times it's pagans that want to have perfect—they want to pursue perfect justice on earth, and so they'll break a few rules and they'll bend some things and, you know, if they crack a few eggs and a few innocent people go away, well, who cares?
We're pursuing justice. That's very different from God's system because God's system understands that sometimes, as much as we don't like this, sometimes these freaking creeps get away with it because the evidence of two or more witnesses—that's a high standard, right?
That's a high standard that God sets to convict. And sometimes people freaking get away with it, these creeps.
But since God is on the side of the oppressed, since God is on the side of people who are abused, since God is on their side, they will not get away with it in the long run.
They will be destroyed, and they will be destroyed eternally. So this does not mean we don't seek justice here and now.
Of course we do, but we must do it according to God's law, which means that sometimes people are going to get away with it because we can't figure out how to meet that standard of two or three witnesses, but that must be the goal.
For a Christian, we understand that God is on the side of the oppressed, not when they're in the wrong, not when they're trying to do things outside of His law, outside of the law of love, but when they're in the right, and yet no justice can be found for them.
God will get that justice, and He'll get it eternally, and He'll get it severely. And so this is the reality.
As Christians, we have to resist. Look, it sucks to be the stick in the mud that always has to insist that we must do this according to God's law.
We must be obeying the Lord of Glory because He's the King, and I'm just a servant.
It sucks to be that stick in the mud when it comes to that issue, when it comes to these police shootings and stuff. Look, I don't have sympathies for the militarized police in the cities.
I don't. But I also am required to love them.
And so when I see the image of a police officer doing something that looks bad, I can't just go join the lynch mob.
There's no excuse to join the lynch mob. It sucks to be the person that has to say, well, we have to follow
God's law in this situation where this woman is obviously a broken woman, obviously is alleging some serious, serious crimes against the
SBC, against her father, against Pastor James Kipp Farrar. I mean, what she said about Pastor James Kipp Farrar allegedly doing, it's brutal, man.
If that's true, that man deserves condemnation. He deserves to be held to account.
But I can't join the lynch mob, and it sucks to be the person to say, well, we don't just listen, believe, and then execute punishments.
We have to listen, take seriously, and then love the people that have been accused as well and do things according to God's law.
We're required to do that as much as we don't want to, as much as we want to defend the oppressed, defend the weak, defend those who can't defend themselves.
We should do that, but we must do it according to the law of love. This is why we must insist on the general equity of God's law, because our emotions often get in the way, and we often fall for the lie of shysters who want to pit the law of God against itself, who wants us to love one group at the expense of the other.
We must not do it. Look, I've got no sympathy for bankers and big corpo types and stuff like that, but I'm still required to love them.
I'm still required to obey the law of God when it comes to them. I see a lot of anti -corporate rhetoric and stuff like that, and just get that money, you know, stuff like that.
No, we've got to do things according to God's law here, you know what I mean? We have to do things—we're required to do it.
And so, you know, listen, you might not like it. You might think that, oh, just a fundamentalist and stuff like that.
Look, if being a fundamentalist means that I'm insisting that we obey the words of Christ to love our neighbor as ourselves, and not just the neighbors that are good to love in our culture, but also the neighbors that every fiber of your being wants to rage against, and you want to just bring them to justice, no matter if you have to crack a few eggs, break a few laws to do it, then fine.
That's hatred, guys. You can't lovingly disobey the law of God.
I even had a guy in the comments say that Jesus Christ—my goodness, God forbid! A brother in the comments saying that Jesus Christ broke the law of God when he didn't stone the woman in adultery.
He overturned the law of God. My friends, we can't have a
Savior that was not perfect in every way. Jesus was a man born under the law, and therefore he accomplished the law perfectly in order to save his people from his sins.
We can't have a Savior that broke the law of love. That doesn't make any sense.
That makes no sense, guys. And neither can we break the law of love. Look, we're not perfect, and we're going to make mistakes, and we're going to also rebel sometimes.
And our Savior can cover those sins. But our goal must be to love God with all our heart and all our mind and all our strength and all our soul, but also our neighbor as ourselves, especially those neighbors who are hard to love, like Derek Chauvin, like Pastor James Kip Ferrar, depending on who you are, right?
Like Hannah Kate Williams. Again, depending on who you are, because depending on who you believe, one of those people is easier to love than the other.
But regardless of who you believe, you're required to love both of them, and it's just that simple. Anyway, sorry for the serious video on a
Friday. I tend to do light videos on a Friday, but I just felt like this was a topic that needed to be addressed.
The law of God is the law of love, and that's what Jesus taught. Therefore, that's what we should be doing.