Spiritual Transitions with Carl Kerby Jr

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game for people with adults or youth groups. This is from the Ohio Fire 2014


Thing is getting it from the natural to the spiritual Well, that's what we're gonna teach you right now in a couple of minutes
This is what we call the spiritual transition game It is a game that we encourage you to take back to your churches
Play with your youth group play with your adults and I'm gonna explain how you play it and then we're going to actually play the way this works is that Somebody will in a group will call out a name.
Michael is gonna call me and he's gonna call Carl and He's gonna give us a choice of two things
You can either choose to do a spiritual conversation, which is just anything generally spiritual to get into any kind of spiritual type of conversation
But the more difficult one is if you really want to make it hard for someone is they have to make it an evangelistic conversation
So you call a name Andrew? I want a spiritual conversation on and And then you name something
It could be a goatee. I think I'm giving you real ones that I've had to do Okay, someone's goatee the little plastic start an evangelism conversation on the little plastic piece.
That's on the end of your shoelace Do you think you could do that? Now some of you are going there's no way
I could do that. Yes, you can if you practice That's the point of this game the more you do this the more you practice this the easier transition gets now
I learned this from my pastor who Literally was so good at this. We used to rent a seven -day
Adventist building. They didn't need it on Sunday and Thank you. Some of you got that. So what ended up happening was they had a fruit bat problem
The pastor was preaching a sermon and a fruit bat suddenly flew in the auditorium.
Now, what did everybody do? They're watching the fruit bat He immediately transitioned the fruit bat into the point of his sermon three people after that message asked me.
Did you release that fruit bat? Because they didn't quit they figured it must have been planned
No, he just transitioned it so quick That people assumed it now. How do you how do you end up using this on the street?
I'll give you one that you can always use especially if you're in New York where I usually evangelize right an ambulance goes by a fire truck a police car and what does everyone do and You've just lost their attention.
I Immediately I do this one so often that just becomes a media. I say, you know what you hear that that siren That's what
I'm trying to be in your life. I'm trying to be a siren offering a warning to you to listen to this message
I'm sharing now. What did I just do? I pulled them right back into the conversation using what has their attention Okay, this is what we want to teach you to do so we're gonna we're gonna demo how to play the game and We're gonna encourage you to go home and start playing with one another the more you play this
The better you get the you're no longer going to be praying Lord Please make an opportunity make something where someone will come and share the gospel where I can share the gospel with them
Provide an opportunity, you know, you're not gonna pray that way because you're now gonna make any conversation into an opportunity
You're gonna learn how to turn any conversation any time and so you can get to the gospel anytime you want to so I'm at a party
So we're having a party at Michael Coughlin's house Pizzas and pizzas included wait if we're good
Baptist and we have to be late for the party And you're late we sit in the back That's that's the one with the dogs with the hats
Okay all right, so I'll do I'll do it two different ways because in honor of Living waters being here if it was it if it was
Ray Comfort doing it he'd say And I can't get the x -ray. You see the painting.
It must have had a painter. I Can't do the accent, right? That would be what he would say
But if I were to look at that painting, I see some dogs and they're playing cards of poker
I want to get a spiritual conversation. I'd say, you know, it's interesting Look at what we do as human beings with animals.
We take these animals and we try to give them Something that we know they can't do we give them human characteristics because to play a game of poker
We're assuming that they're they understand the game which means they have the Cognizance of a human being to be able to have logic and knowledge and truth to be able to play a game like that Why why is it that we can look at that?
We know that that picture is wrong don't we know that's wrong because Dogs can't play poker
That's the whole art of that and we know they can't play poker because they're animals and we are not
And even though our culture teaches us that we actually are just evolved animals
We know even by looking at this picture that we are not just animals That we are made separate from the animals and we know that because God who created both the animals and us has made us different God has created us in image his image unlike the animals and Created in his image
He created us, but we violated his law But being created in his image he himself became a man and died on a cross to pay the sins of men not dogs
I just have to say that that was not pre -planned. That was amazing That was awesome because I if I was you
I would think that was staged right now. That was so good brother all right There may be some of you that have thought of some other way, and that's the whole thing with the game
That's go around afterwards and find out everyone had a different idea, and that's we go. Oh, that's neat I would have used that I would use that God will use your unique personality and giftings
He's given you to get his message to the people he wants to get it to in the way that he gifted you to do
It Carl let's do it I'm outside, and we're walking down the street, and I look up, and I see a cloud
And I say that's that's shaped like paratroopa Paratroopa Oh Super Mario going down my alley all right.
Give me a just a spiritual conversation You don't have to get to the gospel. Just get it to a spiritual conversation with me
Wow that is a I am NOT good at this game, but I Have to follow mr..
Rapaport in this, but I would say man that is yeah I see that too is an amazing how how we can see just God's creation is just beautiful.
It's artwork Isn't it? Trooping the clouds I mean I see beautiful paintings out in nature everywhere look what that tree looks like I mean
I'll go right back into nature and just talk about how amazing is God's creation that we could just look out there and see artwork
Wherever we're at even just looking at a cloud outside sometimes. We don't take the time to recognize that You're you're better at this than you thought you were brother.
Thank you The first time you do this it takes several minutes sometimes and give patience
Let people have the silence to let them think about it, but over time you get good
How many of you teach like children's Sunday school? Okay, let me tell you son, and this will be a challenge to you
I used to open every single week when I would teach children's Sunday school the kids loved this
But I would let them start the message Anything I was preaching on the
Word of God to the kids and they started one of the kids said a can of tuna fish Do you think you could preach about teach about the
Word of God Starting from a can of tuna fish because I'll tell you that gets them going like oh Oh, I'm gonna try to but it gets you it's teaching you as well, so if you're teaching