White House and Capitol Rally

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Welcome to the Conversations That Matter podcast. My name is John Harris. I do think it will be a longer podcast today, but I do encourage you to please stay till the end because I have a sequence of information
I wanna give to you and then I want to leave you with something to chew on that I think is very important.
I can't sugarcoat it, today is a difficult day for those who cared about election integrity and I understand that.
I understand that even saying the sentence I just said could get me kicked out of the platform you're listening to me on.
And so I would encourage you to go to Rumble and you can subscribe there to the video version of this podcast,
Conversations That Matter on Rumble. And the links are in the info section to many of my videos.
You shouldn't have a problem finding it. I'm gonna get to why that sentence could get me in trouble later on in the podcast.
But what I wanna do is to, like I said, give you something to chew on, but I also want to encourage you because I know how many of you are feeling.
And I think it would be a normal reaction to feel some kind of a depression or at least to be fighting that off.
And as Christians, I wanna emphasize the fact that we always have hope, we always have joy because those things are rooted in eternity and they cannot be taken away by temporary forces, physical forces.
And that's one of the things that keeps us going. That's one of the things that has kept Christians throughout the centuries going when they faced insurmountable odds.
And I think it's important for Christians to know a little bit about their church history, to know about the martyrs, to know even about what's happening currently in places like communist
China. I just, I think there's a lot we can learn because there are
Christians who have had to face questions that we have had the luxury of not having to face. And believe me, we will be facing them.
Some of us already have. And so the encouragement though is that Christ is with us in those things, that Christ is bigger than algorithms, technology.
Christ is more powerful than those things. The nations rage, the people plot vain things.
God laughs at them. And I don't want you to forget that. Even when it might seem that the things that you rely on are crumbling around you.
Now, that's not downplaying what's happening at all. In fact, I've given this whole issue of integrity in our elections, a lot of focus and a lot of effort.
And I've been thinking through, even before this all happened, some of the questions that I suspect most of you are not ready for, most pastors are not even probably ready for.
And I've been trying to think about guests I could have on to talk about some of these things, special episodes.
I haven't been able to get to all of that because the news cycle has just been so crazy. And I wanted to give you information on what you're seeing on an everyday basis when
I can. But all that to say, there are some questions that we're gonna have to wrestle through.
And I do have a concern for Christians in general that many of us, perhaps because we have not had to wrestle through some of these things, or because some of the theology, the teaching that we've been under has been inadequate or incorrect on some of these issues.
We are gonna have a difficult time navigating jurisdictional issues, submission and what does that look like, a theology of force.
There's a lot of things. There's a lot of things. And I'm not the Bible answer man on every subject or anything like that.
I'm not the history answer man either. I'm just a guy like you who cares about the church, who cares about this country, and I talk about it.
And that's, I've tried to give you helpful information. And that's what I'm gonna continue to do.
So what I wanna go through today with you, first of all, is what happened in Washington, DC.
I was not aware of what happened inside the Capitol until very late last night.
I was at the rally until about 3 .30 and was not aware about anything that was coming out on social media.
And so I have maybe a unique perspective in that I was part of the rally, and I was surprised to see some of the things that I saw.
Violence of any kind in this particular situation needs to be,
I think, condemned. And I do condemn any kinds of violence, including the Capitol policeman who unfortunately shot a young woman to her death as she had a
SWAT team behind her, and she was not directly threatening this officer's life.
It was an interesting, I was surprised to see that. She's the only one that I know of that was actually killed in the situation that unfolded in the
Capitol itself. I've heard that three others died, but I think they were medical -related. I mean, you have a crowd that's over a million people.
You're gonna have some deaths, so I'm not sure. Those weren't directly related to violence, it sounds like. But I wanna go through, and I want to share with you my experience, what
I saw, and some of it you have not heard from the mainstream media, that's for sure. And I'm gonna give you some observations that really poke a hole in the narrative that is being woven right now, being weaved right now.
And it disturbs me. This is probably the fifth time in my life I've been at an event or in a situation and saw the media completely spin it and leave out things that they should've covered, et cetera.
And so I wanna take you through this from the beginning. I arrived about 10 .50. You can see my pictures there.
Big crowd, I mean, amazing crowd as far as the size. You have a picture looking at the
Washington Memorial from the middle. Then you have one at the Washington Memorial or closer to it looking down.
You have kind of in the crowd. But I mean, this crowd was probably about a million people. I wouldn't doubt it.
I mean, it extended to the White House itself. You couldn't even see most of it. And the people for the most part there were very respectful.
I didn't see litter really. I saw people trying to put it even near the garbage can after the garbage cans were filling up.
People were angry. There's no doubt about that, but Trump didn't incite that. People were already angry. There were a few crass things that I saw, flags, banners, some chants, but it certainly did not characterize the crowd.
It was certain elements within the crowd. And I did not see any violence whatsoever.
People, when Trump was speaking, it was hard to hear him, but people were hanging on his every word or trying to.
It was very hard to hear him. From what I did hear, he sounded calm, cool, collected, but angry, and rightfully so.
And he went through some of the fraud allegations and really the proof, and did a very good job.
And I will say this, kind of take this detour real quick and just let you know that many in higher positions were hoping the president, because he is aware, was going to mention what happened in Italy.
And he did not, and there's a reason for it, and I'll leave it there. But I think there's gonna be some things coming out, especially within the next few days that you'll wanna keep your eye on, perhaps the next few weeks.
But all that to say, without that, there was certainly enough evidence that the president threw out there of massive fraud, if I can still use that term.
And again, for YouTube, I'm reporting what the president said, because I was there.
So in the middle of the, I should say not in the middle, but towards the end of the speech, people started streaming out, which didn't seem to diminish the crowd size, ironically.
It just, people that were on the edges were able to get better viewing positions of the president's speech.
So, but people kept streaming out and marching to the Capitol, because there was supposed to be a rally at the
Capitol at one o 'clock. And so the president was still speaking.
And, you know, I remember looking at my phone and being like, oh, there's no way we're getting to the Capitol by one.
We probably left around one from the president's speech. And by then, I found out now,
I didn't know at the time, I didn't know till later, but that Mike Pence, before the president was even done speaking, had already put out a statement, basically saying that, you know, he doesn't have the right to change the vote count, which the president never asked him to do.
The president was very clear to give time to the states to figure out the situation as far as fraud is concerned, to kick it back to those states in question, so that they could then recertify or decertify, et cetera.
And Mike Pence, his statement was upsetting because he kind of mischaracterized what the president even wanted him to do.
And I'm assuming now people were starting to get that message in the audience.
That was starting to percolate. People were starting to, rumors about it, or at least the news was being passed around.
And then, as we were walking on, I guess that would have been
Pennsylvania Avenue, we walked past the Department of Justice.
And I have some things I wanna show you concerning this. This has not been reported, but this was interesting to me.
Check out this video. All right, so that was the situation in front of the
Department of Justice. Now, I'll tell you about something that I did not catch that explains some of this on camera.
So, I was passing by, and we were just gonna keep walking. But as we were walking,
I noticed out of the corner of my eye, I looked up, and you saw in the video, there was a window there.
There were two people that looked like they might have been joking and laughing, taking pictures of the audience, right, who worked in the Department of Justice.
The window right underneath them, there was a female who poked her head out. So, she wasn't behind the window.
She actually poked her head out, and she had her phone, so you could see her. That's what I think caught my eye, was her movement in poking her head out.
And then, she flipped off the Trump supporters. Now, that was when
I saw things start to heat up a little more. And I just, I couldn't believe it.
I was stunned that someone who would be that brazen, who works in the DOJ, would just stick their head out and do that.
And I don't know that anyone caught it on camera. It was kind of at a level that no one was really watching, and it was so quick.
And a crowd formed there. And I think there was already some people that were kind of chanting and stuff, or they were standing there, at least.
And after that happened, though, more people gathered, and started saying, do your job, right?
And then, you saw those three security personnel come out. The one in the white shirt was smirking at the crowd, and it was obvious.
I mean, he had a mask on, but you could tell he's just smirking, smiling at the crowd, kind of, but in a very condescending kind of way.
Just, I don't know how to describe it, because it was just, it was obvious from being close up that you could tell.
And it just made the crowd, I think, even more angry, that this is, you work for us. We pay your salary, and you've shirked your responsibility in this situation.
You're not, justice, I mean, it's a joke. You're not prosecuting any of this.
And then, to get so rudely treated, just marching down the street. So, this hasn't been talked about at all, but that was part of my experience being at the rally.
And then, we eventually get down to the Capitol. By then, I had a, someone called me, and it was hard that day.
There's so many people, I guess that's the reason. It was hard to even get phone calls and text messages. But someone called me and got through and said, hey, they've stormed the
Capitol. And I thought, what do you mean they stormed the Capitol? And he's saying, well, CNN's reporting it, or some news outlet.
And I was like, I couldn't believe it. I was shocked a little bit to hear that. I'm like, they have security over there?
I mean, I heard ahead of time that the National Guard was supposed to be called out. In fact, I had it confirmed later from someone
I trust that Donald Trump specifically had asked that morning that the National Guard be providing security, et cetera.
So, that's at least what I've been told. So, we get there, and this is,
I'll show you some of the video and pictures, and then I'll explain what I witnessed. So, you can see there on the left side, there's the security from the
DOJ. And then, here's the Capitol. And you can see some people by this statue flying their flags.
You can see on the scaffolding there, there's a big American flag. That's right before,
I think, we left. And so, here's the situation. I'm gonna just paint the picture for you so you can understand what was taking place in our slice of the pie where we were.
So, I get there to the Capitol, and as I'm walking, this is important, remember this,
I see a street over. There's a number of police cars lined up, and lights and stuff,
I noticed it. And I was wondering, I really, I did have this thought, where are the police? Where are the
Capitol Police? There were hardly any there. So, we get there, and there's people on the left side, which is where I was, there's people on the lawn there.
And one of the ladies told me, who was at the rally, that the police had just let people in.
And so, that's what people like myself and many others who care about the election, they were under the impression that this was something that the police had just allowed people to come in.
And I'm not saying to the building itself. I never saw any of that. I didn't even know about that until, someone had said something in the crowd that there were people in there, but I didn't know anything about what was happening there or anything.
But when we were, those who were outside, the vast, the huge crowd outside, hundreds of thousands of people at least, they had no knowledge of any of that.
They were just outside, waving their flags, saying things like chanting, stop the steal, that kind of thing. I did see, by the scaffolding there on the left side, there were some people trying to get around when
I initially got there, some security guards, or I should say Capitol Police. I didn't see any pushing, or punching, or anything like that.
They were just trying to get on the, into the outer rim of the Capitol.
And that's kind of where I thought it ended. Because no one was moving. Everyone got to, eventually, everyone, or a lot of people shuffled into that outer rim, and they were just waving their flags, and chanting, and probably hoping that the senators and congressmen could hear them.
One of the things, and I thought this, many people have told me that it gets discouraging trying to call, or email, or write letters to your representatives, because you'll get a voicemail, or you don't get anything back, or you don't feel like they've heard your complaint.
And so you vote for people, and then you don't feel like they represent you. And I do think that that was the primary motive of people who were there.
They wanted people to hear them outside. You're debating this. This is the election we're talking about, and we want you to know, we don't want this fraudulent, in their minds, election stamped with approval.
We don't want this passing. This is wrong. I think that's how they felt. Now, what escalated the situation were a few things,
I think, a little bit. And when I say escalate, again, I didn't see any violence where I was. It was just people were more passionate, and really, this is kind of when there was a few people that were trying to get around these
Capitol police. I think it became more people that said, we're gonna get up there, when the
Capitol police, they threw a bunch of tear gas, and smoke bombs, et cetera, something of that nature, into the audience that was peaceful.
In other words, it wasn't, the few people who were near the scaffolding trying to get around, they just launched them into the yard.
And that was, I think, a shock to everyone, because, like I said, the crowd was under the impression that the, and again,
I didn't arrive there when we first started. So those who had arrived there thought that, oh, the rumor going around the crowd was, oh, the police let us into this, the people who were there, into this grassy area.
And that's where they launched this tear gas, of being poorly executed, to do that to an audience that is primarily peaceful.
I didn't see, like I said, I didn't see anything happen that would have suggested violence in my slice of the pie.
And that made them more angry, and more willing to try to go around. The few
Capitol police who were there, which is really, I think, what happened, it was, the Capitol police kept retreating.
It was a series of retreats. I didn't see them pushed, or punched, or anything like that. They just kept going back, because there weren't enough of them.
There were too many Trump supporters who, and I'm gonna get to the fact that there might not have, they might not have all been
Trump supporters, but there were Trump supporters there, okay? And there were too many of them.
I mean, I think 20 Trump supporters would have been too many for this group. There just weren't a lot of police where I was.
So, again, I saw police as I was coming in on the street. I don't know where they were.
I don't know why there weren't more police. I don't know why the National Guard wasn't there. You have a huge crowd. I mean, you have a crowd that big, you're gonna have some rowdy individuals, in any crowd that size.
So why in the world is the security not there? I do not know, I do not know. And as I was leaving, because I left around 3 .30,
4 .30 I'm on the road, I noticed a SWAT team, probably four or five vans, police escort, and I could see them right in front of me.
SWAT, didn't say SWAT, but they were all in riot gear. And they're going towards the
Capitol. And I remember thinking, why at 4 .30? What's going on at 4 .30?
I mean, I thought, if what I had, the phone call I received was true, and the barricade was taken down or whatever, and people were inside the
Capitol, I don't know exactly what time that was, you would have thought they would have been there, they would have been there before, number one, but if they were responding, they would have been there at like 1 .30,
two, at the latest. So I thought, why 4 .30? Why was it allowed to go that long if people weren't supposed to be there?
And that was something I didn't have an answer to. And this morning, I think
I'm starting to figure out what might be the case on this, as I'm looking at other videos, and reports, and images, et cetera.
So that's more or less my slice of the pie. That's what I witnessed. I saw peaceful Trump supporters, angry
Trump supporters, but I didn't see violence of any kind. And that's just what
I witnessed. So when I put the status up last night, I did not have the knowledge of some of the videos that some of you have been watching.
So from where I stood, this is as rowdy, if you wanna call it that, as it got.
Ah! And that's all most people could see.
So here's what has happened.
Been seen now on Twitter and places like that, social media, some of the videos that are coming out.
This, and I'm not even sure exactly, this may be the front of the Capitol, I'm assuming. I'm not sure. This, I think, though, it must have been before I arrived.
Even if I was in that area, I'm not even sure I was in this area. But here's one of the videos. Police are squabbling with protesters.
Oh, there we go. Does that look like, watch that. And they just reached the
Capitol again. Now, look, here's some ladies standing by drinking their
McDonald's beverage. And you can see the police here just walking.
They're not even running to go to a second location to stand up.
They don't seem even that worried about it. Now, I know there was some squabbling going on. I'm not even sure if it was here.
But there was a barrier where you had some protesters go up to it and they were going back and forth with the police, the police grabbing the barrier, the protesters grabbing the barrier.
I'm not sure if this is the same one, but this is what I wanted to focus on. Why are the police just kind of lackadaisically walking away?
They're not running. In fact, some of the protesters are moving past them.
They're letting the protesters move right past them as if they don't care.
And then here's some people that are already in it. They're already in that inner area. So I don't understand this.
And this might have been partially why some people believe that they were permitted to go in there because of how easy, whoever this front group was, it was for them to get in.
You have, what, four policemen there? Three? No, four, no, five. We have five policemen and you can see probably, okay, six, maybe six policemen.
There's not many. And you see a crowd of people behind them. So it looks like they're under some kind of orders.
And I don't know what those would be, but to make it look like this isn't a big deal that people are coming in.
This is, now, I did not know about any of these, but these are some of the videos from inside the Capitol. Here's a policeman.
And look, there's one policeman. One policeman? And you got a whole crowd here and no one's hitting him.
Now, there is a video of some people briefly going at it with police that I saw.
It's kind of short -lived. But here's the question
I have here. Why is there one guy? And who's the dude with the camera? Why isn't he helping this guy?
One guy who just keeps retreating? I don't get it. I don't get it.
You got a crowd that size, you're gonna have some rowdy people. Even if, look, if you have 500 ,000 people and all you, you know, let's say you have 50 people in that crowd who are really obnoxious and rowdy.
That's all it would have taken for this. Here's another one. This is inside the Capitol. There's a leader of the press, no big deal.
Inside the Capitol. This guy gets a selfie with the police officer. They're talking to the police.
The police are just standing around there. He's getting a selfie with this police officer. Why? Why in the world is that going on inside the
Capitol if this is such a serious thing? And I don't know.
I don't know. Something's wrong with this whole situation. Here's the Trump protesters, his
CNN. Storm the U .S. Capitol. Now, I want you to look at this. Is this a storming? Guy looks like he's on a tour.
Walking around, oh, look at all the statues in here. And the police are just following them. No big deal.
I don't get it. Don't get it, guys. Here's a reporter,
I watched this video. I won't show it to you. Cyrus Sansonati, something like that. But anyway, he does this whole, he's got a
British accent. He does this whole thing about how these dangerous protesters are flooding into the Capitol. But he's with them the entire time, not afraid for his life at all, following them, next to them.
So it struck me as just funny that he's making them out to be so dangerous. Now, here's the deal.
There were some pictures that were posted, I don't know by who, that I saw. And I'm limited to what I've seen.
I haven't seen everything. But there were some pictures of some Senate chambers, I guess, that were, the papers were strewn around and stuff.
You know, papers were, files were ripped open and stuff like that, and papers were on the ground. And that is absolutely wrong.
It should be condemned, and it is condemned, and I condemn it. And pretty much all of conservative media condemned it, people going into the
Capitol, in general. There was a young lady who died, and that was absolutely tragic and horrific.
I think it probably could have been avoided, and it's a very sad situation. It's just a horrible thing that this took place.
It's horrible that anyone went in there. And it was not, it was a horrible idea. Now, it should be condemned.
If a police officer is telling you not to go in, or at least showing you shouldn't go in to some place, and you're a law -abiding crowd, you should not go past that police officer.
I want you to hold that thought, though. I'm gonna, we're gonna keep going through this, and I am leading up to something.
I want you to hold that thought. Because what I just said, I totally agree with. I think it was wrong. It was horrible that anyone even went in there.
But you see how this is being treated by the police in the Capitol, at least in some instances.
It's very curious to me why they were so understaffed and so lackadaisical with allowing people in.
So, you don't even see them yelling instructions in some of these. Now, here's the question that's been on Twitter today.
The Twitter people who have not been blocked yet, was Antifa part of this?
And I tried to take these pictures from Twitter, from sources that I consider to be more reliable.
There were some, like for instance, this guy with this crazy hat. Some people said that he was
Antifa, but it doesn't look like he actually was. I mean, I don't know, but it seems like that was kind of a stretch.
But anyway, these were two guys that I guess through facial recognition software or something, someone had pointed out, these look like they're
Antifa, at least the question exists. Washington Times put an article out there, facial recognition firm,
XR Vision, claims Antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol. And here's the video
I wanna show you guys. This shows that there's something to this claim. First, we're gonna watch, here's an interview with a supporter of the
Stop the Steal. This is what he said. Hi there, this guy saw what just happened.
He claims that it was Antifa dressed as Proud Boys. So I wanted to sort of get his story.
Trump supporters, Trump supporters. They were dressed as Trump supporters. But I could tell by their conversation that they were looking to do, and I heard him say, we gotta shake this up so that these people look bad.
And I saw them break a window on the Capitol. I'm an emergency management coordinator in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
And these people were talking amongst themselves. And I was standing and listening behind them what they could do to make
Trump's people look bad. He goes on. There's been a few videos like this that have been surfacing,
I'm sure suppressed on social media. One guy saying he saw vans pull up. I don't have any confirmation because I don't have any video of the vans.
But here's what was taken. Check this out. So you've got a guy with Trump on his hat trying to beat in a window at the
Capitol. He's got Trump on his hat. People are pointing.
They know that's Antifa. You hear them in the audience. And then a Trump supporter comes and basically takes him out. That's some violence that happened that we didn't see.
A bunch of Trump supporters taking out this Antifa guy who's damaging the Capitol windows there. So to what extent was
Antifa in the crowd trying to stir up trouble? I don't know. I mean, there were certainly
Trump supporters that made their way into the Capitol. I don't think anyone denies that. But was it just Trump supporters?
Or was there, and here's the thing that I want you to understand. Was there a combination of ingredients that went into this souffle that tasted horrible to all of us and we all were shocked seeing it?
Was there a combination of ingredients? Was it the fact that the police had some kind of, for whatever reason, sense that they should stand down in so many instances?
Was it the fact that they were understaffed, even though the National Guard should have been there in such an important day?
Was it the fact that there were troublemakers and anarchists and Antifa people in the crowd trying to stir things up?
Was it a bunch of those things? And was it the fact that Trump supporters were extremely angry, some of them, and angry enough to feel as though this is their last recourse to be heard, to try to make it to the chamber to say, please stop the steal.
And that's exactly what you heard. If you go watch the videos of when debate was interrupted, you hear a protester in the background.
He just shouts, stop the steal. So that's what
I assert, that this was a combination of a number of factors. And I don't excuse any of the Trump supporters who went in there.
They shouldn't have. If they were, especially in the front of that line, and they saw that they were in an area they weren't supposed to be and they knew it, they shouldn't have been there.
I can't speak for all of those who were in areas that they were under the impression were okay to be in.
I can't speak for them. But for those who went in the Capitol, pretty obvious you shouldn't be in there, especially if police are, you'd think at least, you'd think,
I don't know. Maybe if you're behind and you're walking in and you're looking around and the police aren't doing anything, maybe you think you can be,
I don't know. People aren't always necessarily that smart, especially in a big crowd like that.
You have all kinds of IQ levels, guys. So I don't excuse though, in any of that, of willfully going against the instructions and the obvious perimeter a policeman is putting up.
That was wrong. It was wrong. In the one clip where I did see some police and Trump supporters looking like, or Antifa dressed as Trump's, I don't know which, or a combination where they're fighting for a few seconds.
That's wrong. It shouldn't have happened, I don't believe. But I'm gonna tell you why it's wrong at the end. I'm working towards it.
It's very important we get the why right in this. Why? If we don't, we're gonna be taken advantage of by the left.
And that's exactly what's happening. And I'm gonna show you some examples of it. So let's keep going here though. Another, this was weird.
I'm just gonna throw this out there. It's really weird. I confirmed this this morning. NPR at 9 .30 a .m. yesterday posted this story.
Trump supporters storm U .S. Capitol, clash with police. This was at 9 .30 a .m.
yesterday. Why in the world was this story up at 9 .30
a .m. on January 6th? I don't know, guys. Something seems fishy though.
I don't know what else. Oh, I don't think you can see it. Let me pull it up for you. Here you go. Now you can see it.
You can go check unless they've changed it now. But this morning at 11 o 'clock when
I pulled this up, it still said yesterday at 9 .30 a .m., Trump supporters storm U .S.
Capitol, clash with police. Why was that headline and that story, why did they exist at 9 .30
before these events took place? Some more people thinking they found evidence of some
BLM or Antifa infiltration. You can see this guy's with a Black Lives Matter group and it looks like it's the same guy who's, now look, you gotta understand, at big events like this, there's a certain crowd and many of, if you've ever been to political events, you know exactly what
I'm talking about, that they're big. There's a certain kind of crowd that just likes to cause trouble and anarchists, troublemakers, just they like to be a part of the big crowd and be a part of something.
And that might explain why some of these pictures exist of it looks like the same guy at a
BLM rally and at the, inside the Capitol at this
Trump and Stop the Steal thing. So, here's what
I, I want to take you through this before we get to the end here. Here's a comparison I wanna draw here because this is very important.
This is, I think, gonna help us understand why, a minute ago I said the motive, the why is very important.
We gotta, we can condemn and we should condemn those who went past police barriers willfully, knowingly.
And we need to do that, but we need to know why we're doing it. And comparing it to this is gonna help us a little bit.
Here's some images, just a few. I wanna jog your memory and go back to last May, May 31st,
May 30th, June 1st. And this was in Washington, D .C. Now we could have picked how many cities across this country, many, but let's just pick the city that, you know, the events of yesterday were in,
Washington, D .C. There's a picture of the nation's capital on fire in every direction, May 31st, 2020.
Fires everywhere. There is, there are people there graffitiing stuff.
I didn't see any graffiti yesterday. I didn't see any, and I think there was some minor vandalism.
It was vandalism, it should be condemned. It was wrong, it shouldn't have happened. There was some, I think some people ripped off Nancy Pelosi's, her name tag or whatever that was on the speakers,
I don't know what you call it, where the gavel is and stuff, that platform. But it doesn't even compare.
If you wanted to compare, and this isn't, you know, two things can both be wrong. But if we have a sense of proportion, we're gonna look back at this guy who's stomping on a police car and crowds graffitiing things, robbing banks, looting and burning stores indiscriminately.
I mean, what did that store do to them? What did that bank do to them? This is what we saw just a few months ago.
It wasn't that long ago, it's not ancient history. And so what happened at that time? I wanna remind you, here's what many on the left said.
Here's Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez. The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable.
And she said this, this is, I guess, as late as December 2nd, 2020. Activists take that discomfort with the status quo and advocate for concrete policy changes.
Popular support often starts small and grows. To folks who complain, protest demands make others uncomfortable.
That's the point. So here we have
Chris Cuomo who works for CNN. Here's what he said. Now, too many see the protests as the problem.
No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets, persistent and poisonous inequities and injustice.
And please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful. There's the left, just a few months ago.
Here's another video. There are protests still happening in major cities across the
United States. I'm just not seeing the reporting on it that I had. And for the first few weeks. That's right.
But they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop. And this is a movement, I'm telling you, they're not gonna stop.
And everyone beware, because they're not gonna stop. It is gonna, they're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day.
And that should be, everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't, they're not gonna let up and they should not.
And we should not. They should not let up. They should not let up. I mean, this is unreal.
Can you imagine if Rush Limbaugh got on and said, you know what, whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable, and said what
AOC said, or what Chris Cuomo said, or what Senator Harris said. Here's the
New York Times. Another comparison, July 29th, 2020. Peaceful protesters with room for rage sympathize with aggressive tactics.
In Portland, Oregon. Here's the New York Times on January 7th, 2021. Front page, Trump incites mob.
Rampaging Capitol, forces evacuations. It's part of his legacy, a Republican says. And full front page.
Isn't that interesting? Unjust weights and measures, and no sense of proportion.
The SBC got into it. Here's Russell Moore. This mob attack on our Capitol and our Constitution is immoral, unjust, dangerous, and inexcusable.
What has happened to our country is tragic and could have been avoided. Baptist Press.
Southern Baptist leaders condemn storming of US Capitol. Here's Al Mohler. What we are seeing in Washington now is the refutation of our
American commitment, a form of unleashed anarchy, which is the enemy of ordered liberty. And President Trump is responsible now for unleashing mayhem.
Pray that God will rescue, I guess it's a typo, us from this. That has so many problems with it.
President Trump did not incite this. That's one of the problems. I'm gonna read the last one, and then we'll go through some of this.
J .D. Greer. Peaceable transitions of power have marked our republic since the beginning. It is part of honoring and submitting to God's ordained leaders, whether they were our choice or not.
We need you, POTUS, to condemn this mob. Let's move forward together, praying for safety.
Now, I wanna ask a question. Did any of these guys condemn the Black Lives Matter and TIFA mobs that burned up significant,
I mean, real vandalism of businesses, et cetera, all over the country, and it was the whole entire, in many cases, that's what the people were out to do.
In this case, you have the majority of people, I didn't even know any of the stuff going on inside, but in those cases, it was, people were going out and looting for that purpose.
Did these guys condemn it at that time? Did they call on liberal leaders? You must make your people stand down.
This is horrible. This is, you know, we're a threat to democracy, et cetera. Did they blame?
Did they play the blame game? Say that, actually, many of them did. They did blame President Trump for that, too.
If anything happens, it's President Trump's fault, I think, but President Trump actually condemned this stuff.
He said, go home, we want peace, peaceful protests. We don't want people in the
Capitol, respect the police, that's who we are, and guess what happened? Twitter took it down.
So Al Mohler is being, this is just untrue. What he is saying about the, the President is not responsible for unleashing mayhem at all, quite the contrary.
You know who's actually responsible more than anyone else? Whoever was not prepared at the Capitol or purposely not prepared at the
Capitol. I would say those who were behind certifying fraudulent votes, that kind of thing, those would be the people that are more responsible for this, but it's somehow the
President's fault, even though Twitter has taken down his condemnation of any violence.
Isn't that interesting? Here's what, in the North American Mission Board video that was put out earlier this year, this dovetails with the
Black Lives Matter protest that happened, and I want you to listen to this. It sounds a lot like CNN. Yeah, rioting makes sense.
It's not right, but it makes sense, especially when you take into account the fact that everybody, when pushed to a certain limit, is going to respond, especially if we don't have the
Holy Spirit, especially if we don't have emotional tools to know how to respond. Eventually, everybody can get to the point where you're gonna rage out and where outrage is all you have left, right?
Right. And so I think that statement definitely, he's looking at the truth. Okay, question. Why doesn't that apply to what happened yesterday in the mind of these guys?
Here's a comparison for you. Russell Moore, this is what he said on Ferguson. Remember what happened in Ferguson in 2014?
Here's Russell Moore. The violent scenes from Ferguson, Missouri are not what most
Americans expected to see in 2014 America. The simmering tensions in this town following the shooting of an unarmed teenager ought to remind the body of Christ of our responsibility to model reconciliation in Christ.
We don't yet know everything about what's happened or is happening in Ferguson, but here's what we do know.
Michael Brown was shot and killed by police Saturday. Protests in the wake of his horrible death have been met with a virtually militarized response from law enforcement in the area.
So does that sound like the same level of concern? Nope, not even close.
In fact, seems like he's taking more the side of those that he admits are responsible for violent scenes.
Something you didn't really get. The violence that existed yesterday was mostly from the lady who was shot.
There was a scuffle between some Trump supporters and the police at one point.
There was some tear gas thrown. Not worthy of comparison to what happened in Ferguson, but look at the way that Russell Moore treated that and the way he's treating this.
Here's Albert Mueller. And if you can go and look at this on Thursday, June 18th, 2020, a sentence or a movement, a look at Black Lives Matter.
You know, and this is, you're right, while certain cities are, the smoldering embers are rising.
And he's saying, you know, let's have a nuanced, let's look at this in a nuanced way and have a discussion about it. Is he treating what happened yesterday that way?
Is it just a nuanced thing we need to understand and have a philosophical talk about? Nope.
How about J .D. Greer? Remember this when he said in June 11th, I mean, still smoldering embers. Remember, Black Lives Matter is a gospel issue.
You know, we don't endorse the organization, but we can proudly say Black Lives Matter is a gospel issue. Well, why doesn't he say, well, you know, we don't endorse the people who went into the
Capitol yesterday, but we can say that Stop the Steal is a gospel issue or something like that.
I mean, that wouldn't even be quite equivalent, but you get the point. These guys have complete double standards.
And here's the interesting thing. Those who knew about this, about some of the things that happened inside the
Capitol, like Mark Levin here, but it was pretty much all of conservative talk, radio, et cetera.
They said things like this. Those who breached the Capitol building and committed acts of violence have done grave damage.
I think I cut it off in many ways, I think is what he said. This will all need to be sorted out, the violent from the peaceful, but the violent must be punished.
The media must be careful not to paint everyone with the same broad brush, but make no mistake, perpetrators must be punished. This was universal.
Conservative voices universally were against the violence and said so. They didn't try to nuance it.
They didn't, that's what happened yesterday. I'm getting, now I'm finding out about this.
Now, I told you I was leading you up to something. I want you to ask the question, why would people go in there?
This is a person who was inside the Capitol, and this is, I have no reason to believe this is an Antifa person. This looks like just a legitimate
Trump supporter, and who, I don't know if he was part of anything.
I don't know. I don't know what he did or didn't do, but here's what he said. Let's see if we can play it.
Yeah, I'm Thomas Barani from New Jersey. Can you show us your hand? Yeah. How did you get that on your hand?
Well, we had stormed into the chambers inside, and there was a young lady who rushed through the windows.
A number of police and Secret Service were saying, get back, get down, get out of the way. She didn't heed the call, and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull them back, they shot her in the neck, and she fell back on me and started to say she was fine, it's cool, and then she started kind of like moving weird, and blood was coming out of her mouth and neck and nose, and I don't know if she's alive or dead anymore.
How did you get back out of the building? Riot, riot police came in and started ushering us out with their sticks.
Where did you enter the building, and where did you exit? Other side, with the scaffolding. We tore through the scaffolding through flashbangs and tear gas, and blitzed our way in through all the chambers, just trying to get into Congress or whoever we could get into, and tell them that we need some kind of investigation into this, and what ends up happening is someone might have ended up dead, and that's not the kind of government we can have.
People have to do something about it, I can't. If you need any help at all, EMS is right there. This is sad, guys.
This is absolutely tragic. Tears should probably be welling down many of our faces hearing that.
I already heard it once. This kid, he looks like he's probably 18 or so, gets into the
Capitol, and you can hear his heart in that.
Why did he go in? Because, and he says it for you in a very calm voice, we want them to know that we can't have a government like this.
We can't have a government that shoots the person that he held there, and there's a video of that, I'm not gonna show it.
We can't have them certifying a fraudulent election in his mind. That's why he went in, because he did not see any other means of recourse, and that was the last thing that he could do in his mind, and he wanted to tell them not to make this revolutionary move, and I use that word on purpose.
Let's keep going. Now, this has happened many times.
I could bring up tons of examples. I just bring up a few here. This kind of thing has happened many times. 2011, the
Wisconsin Capitol for days, I guess, was occupied by protesters. You had in, this is in 2018, this is the
Kavanaugh stuff. You had people in the Senate office building in Washington, D .C., a bunch of people against Kavanaugh confirmation got in there, and we're all, you know, protesting that, and there's a video of it, and then, here's, you know, obviously, everything that happened last year, all the different municipal buildings.
Here's one just from Portland in May 30th, 2020. This is what was happening there.
I'm gonna talk about destruction. So, this,
I mean, I don't even need to give you many more examples of this. This happened all over the country, because you remember it, even though maybe down the memory hole it's supposed to go, you remember this.
This wasn't ancient history. Did we have, you know, front page in the New York Times or any of that?
No, we didn't, and I don't bring that up to make any excuse for what happened yesterday. I bring it up to just say that this is actually not uncommon, as perhaps people are making it out to be.
Like, this is such, this is, you know, the most uncommon thing that could ever happen. Well, not really.
Actually, we've had way more serious problems with this earlier in the year on the state level, in many states, and you didn't hear condemnations from SBC leaders and that kind of thing, which is very telling, guys.
Again, look at what's being said and what's not being said. Now, here may be the most disturbing element of all of this.
YouTube has just announced that due to the events of yesterday at the Capitol, they are moving up the timeline on election -related misinformation and removals from the 20th to today.
Videos claiming widespread fraud or error altered the election will receive a strike to be removed. That's half the country, guys.
That's like almost half the country, probably. And YouTube is just, that's, they're gonna just flip the switch.
Here's Mark Zuckerberg. Shocking events of the last 24 hours demonstrate that President Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition, et cetera, even though he said this morning that he wasn't gonna do that.
I'm not even gonna read the rest, but the bottom line there, he's closing the president out of his social media.
Twitter, same thing. As a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in DC, we are going to remove the last three of Donald Trump's tweets, which include his condemnation of any violence and telling protesters to go home.
Here's, he made a tweet condemning that, and then he made a follow -up tweet and said, "'These are the things and events that happen "'when a sacred landslide election victory "'is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away "'from great patriots who have been badly "'and unfairly treated for so long.
"'Go home with love and in peace. "'Remember this day forever.'" Donald Trump said that, and that was yesterday, but he said it after a video basically saying, go home, we support the police, we don't want violence, that kind of thing, and Twitter deleted the video.
They left that part up, though, and that part, of course, is being condemned by Russell Moore, et cetera. I want you to hear those words, though, what he said.
"'These are the things and events that happen "'when a sacred landslide election victory "'is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away "'from great patriots who have been badly "'and unfairly treated for so long.
"'Go home with love and in peace. "'Remember this day forever.'" What's he trying to say there?
And is there any legitimacy to that? Let's keep going. This is what
I wanted to leave you with. This is where I'm bringing all of this today, and this is what I want you to consider.
We're gonna use Thabiti Annabouile's tweet to make the point. He said, when people marched in the streets this summer, they marched to make laws more just and equitable.
When folks stormed the Capitol in insurrection, they trampled over the very citadel of law in a revolution that would destroy it.
Do not equate these aims. Now, I just showed you some examples of revolutionary activity, you'd think, from earlier.
I mean, go look at Chaz. I mean, what's that? Here's some definitions for you of revolutionary.
Webster's 1828, in politics, a material or entire change in the constitution of government. Thus, the revolution in England in 1688 was produced by an abdication of King James II, the establishment of the
House of Orange upon the throne, and the restoration of the Constitution to its primitive state. You have the current
Webster's dictionary, a sudden radical or complete change, a fundamental change in political organizations, especially the overthrow or renunciation of one's government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed.
Now, here's the thing, guys. Thabiti Anabwile says, "'No, this is a revolution, what happened yesterday.
"'But you know, back in the summer, no, that was just. "'They were trying to march against laws. "'Which laws, Thabiti? "'Which laws?'
"'This was also about laws. "'What happened yesterday was about laws. "'So what's the problem in your mind?'
So, and this, I think, characterizes the entire narrative right now, that what happened yesterday, and they're using the examples that most of us didn't even know about.
The vast majority of us who were there had no clue it was even happening. They're using those to then broad brush and say that everything that happened yesterday is
Donald Trump's fault and it was revolutionary. Revolutionary. You just heard the definition of revolution.
Was it revolutionary? Was it really revolutionary? That's the question.
So here's some things that I want to leave with you. And then I'm gonna read for you a take that I think is very good and integrate some biblical, some biblical passages.
But my question is, what happened then? And I posted here a photo from 1946.
It's from a small town in Tennessee. And there was a situation there in which some voter fraud was taking place in Tennessee.
And the local townspeople, most of them World War II vets, decided to do something about it. It's called the Battle of Athens.
You can go look it up. Now, I wanna ask you, was that a revolutionary move that, and maybe some of it was.
You have a car overturn there. I'm not sure exactly what led to that. But they, one of the things that they were concerned about was that there was an election and that the counts were being done,
I think it was in a jail. And so they surrounded the jail and they basically went in and they forced a legitimate count.
So they used force. And there was funny business going on. That was the Battle of Athens. So on a small scale, right?
Was that a revolutionary move? All right, I want you to think about this. I want you to struggle with this.
What happened then? What happened yesterday? It was not a planned thing for people to go inside that I am aware of unless there was some plan with people that were posting articles before it even happened that it was happening.
Maybe there was some kind of a plan to try to stir up the crowd and get the police to retreat, et cetera.
But as far as those who were going to the Capitol, like the young man I just showed you, the only plan he had was to try to tell the legislature not to certify a fraudulent election.
That was his only plan. There wasn't any kind of plan really past that. There wasn't any central figure.
There wasn't any game plan. It was more or less a mob. That's not good.
And that's wrong. And remember when I asked you earlier, think about the why of the situation.
Here's the picture, by the way. I don't know if I showed it before. Think about the why of the situation.
Why would it be wrong for them to go in there and do what they did, those who made it in? And I think it partially comes down to this.
They don't have the authority of a lesser magistrate. They don't, there is no recognized orderly body that has a specific plan to go in there and do something for a non -revolutionary purpose, for a law enforcement purpose, for a, it ends up being a mob.
It's leaderless. It's everyone doing what's right in their own eyes, even though they all had a vague sense of we wanna go and tell them to stop this deal.
That was why, that was one of the big reasons at least why what happened yesterday that is being touted everywhere as characterizing the whole event, that's why it was wrong.
It was wrong because there was no legitimate authority there. It was a mob. And it doesn't make it any better if it's not as bad as some of the mobs that happened last summer.
We should have that sense of proportion. We should realize that. We should hold our own leaders in the church accountable when they kind of wink and nod at that, but then they condemn, without even hearing all the facts, what happened yesterday.
But it doesn't make it right. What would have made something like that perhaps right?
I want you to think about this. It was not a coup because there was no plan.
Without a coup, you need some kind of a plan that we're gonna go in there and we're gonna arrest these people who are trying to certify this fraud or something like that.
That would have been a coup, maybe, maybe.
We're going to take over the government. It's our government now. That might've been a coup, maybe. This is being called a coup.
I don't see how is this a coup? They're being called terrorists.
I'm not sure where the terrorism exactly is. Maybe you could say because terrorists, that it made people terrified who were in, but to be honest with you,
I didn't even see a lot of that. People in the chamber didn't even seem terrified if you watch some of the video. The cops don't even seem that terrified.
If they really wanted to come and they had a plan and this is a coup and they're gonna be terrorists, they would have been a lot more prepared, believe me.
They would have had the weapons necessary, like Antifa does, to break everything they needed to break and they would have gone haywire and you didn't see that.
And they were not incited by Trump. There's nothing, I mean, the vast majority, if that was true, there wouldn't have been a
Capitol. I mean, they would have, a million people, they would have stormed the place from all directions. So it wasn't that either.
So what was it then? What was it? It wasn't any of those things.
I wanna read for you this interesting take and I think it will give you something to chew on.
And this is coming back to, I'm circling back to Christians who need to start asking themselves questions that they probably have not asked themselves and figuring out where they stand.
Let me read this and then I'll close. My opinion about today, if you are interested, from what
I'm seeing on every news channel I've watched, every station is condemning what happened today with the conservative stations comparing it to the
BLM Antifa riots this summer and the actions aren't even similar since these people have been orderly and didn't burn a police station like Seattle and Minneapolis or murder anyone like David Dorn was by BLM.
Unfortunately, the stations are all missing the point. Similarity of action does not make something morally equivalent.
For instance, killing in self -defense is right, but killing a spouse for their money is not.
Today, there have been completely dissimilar reasons for these actions, making the behavior morally different.
Over the summer, Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned, stole and killed because they wanted to steal, destroy and promote anarchy while undermining the legitimate
United States government. Today, the protesters had waited for legal means to be pursued to resolve the election theft.
And now that it is clear Congress will not recognize President Trump as the legitimate president, they have acted to try to save the legitimate
US government. If the election was stolen from Trump, then those violating law and order are the ones perpetuating the peaceful, sly coup of inaugurating
Biden -Harris. True law and order after the courts and legislatures have been tried is to stand up even when it is dangerous to stop an illegitimate cabal from overthrowing the nation's legitimate government.
By these stations ignoring that premise, they wrongly consider today's protesters as violating law and order instead of as being the last people to support the true law of the land.
Many Americans have a sad naivete in which they praise the revolution of 1776 that gave them this nation and then either don't recognize the need or don't have the moral courage for the righteous violence that is sometimes necessary and moral to maintain that nation against enemies.
For Christians especially, they should look to the book of Judges. Ehud assassinating
King Eglon of Moab by God's command. Gideon by God's command leading a rebellion against the
Midianites and executing their kings. And Jehoiada, the priest's revolution against an execution of Queen Athalia, 2
Kings 11. Also look to Ecclesiastes 3, a time to kill, a time to tear down, a time to throw stones, a time to tear apart, a time to speak, a time for war.
Now that's probably not what everyone wanted to hear me read. Those aren't my words, those are someone else's.
I want you to think about them though and I want you to ask yourself the question again. What happened yesterday?
Was it revolutionary? Because I think that's an important question. Or were the real revolutionaries inside the
Capitol voting to certify a fraudulent election? Which one was it?
Was it the men in boots outside the Capitol trying to get in to tell the people in suits not to certify?
Or was it those in suits? Who are the real revolutionaries?
And I think the question, the answer is obvious. The real revolutionaries, if you wanna talk about a revolution yesterday, it did not come from outside the
Capitol building but from within. And if that is the case, then what means of recourse ought we to have?
Would it be submitting to government rightfully, the rightful government, to try to stop that sort of thing using force if necessary?
That's a question I think Christians need to start asking. And this is mob violence is wrong, it's wrong to storm somewhere like that without any kind, there's no plan, there's no legitimate authority.
What if there was legitimate authority? What if there was,
I'm not gonna specify this, I'm already dancing on the edge here, but what if there was some kind of a legitimate authority saying go in there and stop them from committing a revolutionary act?
Now, I'm not answering that for you. I have my own ideas on that. And I'm not saying yes or no to that specific scenario.
I've been very clear on what I think for a long time. I think we're post -constitutional. I think the purpose of the constitution was to secure civil rights, civil liberties.
I think that the purpose was also for a mutually defensive and networking for trade, et cetera, arrangement between the parties to it, which are the states.
And I think the recourse, the natural recourse ought to be secession. It's the peaceful, it should be peaceful.
Secession should never be not peaceful. It should always be peaceful. It's what people do when a state secedes or a country secedes, that becomes the violent part.
It's not the secession itself, but this has been peacefully done in Eastern Europe. And I mean, look, all the states seceded from the
Articles of Confederation to form the constitution. We seceded from Great Britain. There was a war over that, but that is,
I believe, what people should be looking at. And they should have been looking at it, I think, for a very long time. If you want a peaceful solution, then if you're in a relationship and the spouse keeps cheating, most people think that, well, that's an arrangement that the agreement has been nullified in some way.
Or if you wanna pick a different agreement, I know some people think that that should never be nullified in any way, pick a different one, pick a business relationship and it's no longer mutually beneficial and you guys hate each other.
You go your separate ways. And that is often a peaceful remedy for these kinds of situations.
And I've been pretty clear that I think that makes more sense. You have the lesser magistrates there, legitimate authority is there, local control is, and it's better for human scale.
You have more say in that kind of a government anyway. I'm not saying it's perfect. I mean, that's a hard thing too.
I mean, if you have states that start making their own country, then is the
Chinese Communist Party gonna come in and take over the whole thing? It's an open question. But you can't, the two sides that exist now are so diametrically opposed.
People like Al Mohler trying to, using the unequal weights and measures to run cover for, or just to be really harsh on one side and then to kind of nuance or even partner with the other side, it's just not gonna work.
You can't straddle that fence anymore. It's not, you're gonna have to choose a side. That's the situation we're in.
They're diametrically opposed, mutually exclusive sides. So that's where I've been. I think that there are other, that is the most peaceful recourse that we have.
But do I think it'll happen? Probably not, probably not. I don't think we have men that have the backbone anymore in many states.
Maybe I'm wrong, we'll see what happens. But we do know that when, if and when
Joe Biden becomes the president, we are on course for the great reset. And I've talked about that on this show.
And so I think hopefully that's given you some things to think about today. And looking through your
Old Testament, reading through some of the things God has commanded, thinking about secession, thinking about whether or not it is right to use force in certain situations, even.
I think those are good things for Christians to be thinking about right now and getting a grip on moving forward.
And so that's what I wanna leave with you. I know it's more questions than answers, but these are the questions that need to be asked.
And I often think that Christians have a hard time with this because like I said, we've been so used to a government influenced by Christianity that churches have been left alone.
Christians have more than left alone for the most part. And those days are changing.
Those days are changing. So God bless you all. And even if you disagree with some of the things
I said in this video, I'm just thankful that you listened. I wish nothing and pray for nothing but peace and the
Lord's blessing. But I don't know exactly what that will look like. And I don't know if those prayers will be answered in the ways that I would want them answered.
We've had a good run in this country and it's been a beautiful journey. And I know like most of you,
I don't want that journey to end, I feel like I showed up a little late to the game being the age that I'm at.
And the prospect of raising children is a hard one, but you need to realize that families have been raised in Russia during the
Soviet era, in China, in all sorts of places where it's difficult. And God keeps his remnant.
There are certain things that will never be stamped out no matter how much technology is used against us, but we must take a stand.
We must be bold. These are not the times to shirk away from our responsibilities. You must be the man.
If you're a man and you're a husband and you're a father, you need to stand up. You need to be able to protect your family.
You need to be getting involved in your local, not just your local church, your local politics on some level.
And that, look, everyone's so busy, I understand, but I would say assess your life.
This is the time for New Year's resolutions. Assess your life. What kinds of things, cut out the fat, what kinds of things are not necessary?
And then what kinds of things can you do to leave a legacy for your children? And not just yours, but others.
So I'd encourage you to think about that. I hope this was helpful for you. God bless. And I mean this sincerely,