Join us in Tullahoma, Tennessee in February 2025 for a conference discussing sanctification in the Christian life.
There will be a pre-conference on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 providing training in open air evangelism. Open Air Theology is partnering with Hearts for the Lost to present this pre-conference. There will also be an opportunity after the close of the conference Saturday to practice open air evangelism.
We will once again have duo Kenny & Claire leading us in worship and a debate to close the conference. This year Jeremiah Nortier will be presenting in the debate.
New this year will be a catered women’s luncheon on Thursday.
We will have more information and specifics as we draw closer to the conference dates.
- 00:04
- Thank you for tuning in to The Apologetic Dog, where I'm your host Jeremiah Nortier And I serve as a pastor and elder at 12 -5
- 00:12
- Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas That is northeast Arkansas and have an exciting announcement
- 00:17
- We are having a conference coming up in Tullahoma, Tennessee February 20th through the 22nd.
- 00:24
- This conference is called WAR. This is the war between the flesh and the spirit
- 00:29
- This is essentially the doctrine of sanctification We're gonna have so many great speakers like Keith Foskey and Sam Waldron and many more
- 00:37
- You don't want to miss out on this wonderful conference. In fact, we are going to have a pre -conference on Evangelism and that'll be
- 00:45
- February 19th And so I have been tasked to debate and so I will be defending the doctrine of eternal security as we answer the question
- 00:53
- Can a believer lose their salvation? No, I'll be debating my good friend
- 00:59
- Lucas Curcio You don't want to miss out on it. Please sign up and register today My theology don't fit in, black sheep of the
- 01:07
- Reformation sheep pen You can say what you want Give me a bible and a bookshelf of dead men, cigars, bourbons, and beer cans