They Say They Are Better Christians, then THIS Happens!

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I was shocked to hear about John MacArthur, Whatever Podcast, Chase, Keeko, Voddie Baucham, Whoopi Goldberg, Joe Biden, Lady Gaga, Brandan Robertson debates Apologia Studios, Joel Osteen, Oprah Winfrey, TD Jakes, Rick Warren, Mike Todd, and Huffington Post. Subscribe to 1) help spread Truth, and 2) win a beautiful handcrafted leather Bible (details here: Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!! Another way to support the channel -


There will be some long -term hypocrites who aren't real, but we won't know that until the judgment.
With recently coming back to the church, do you feel like that precludes you from having more relationships with women? Do you feel like there'd be a contradiction of your faith there?
No, because honestly before how I just came back to the church right now, the last time that I was in Christianity was with my ex -girlfriend.
We used to go to church every Sunday. This is Kiko. Kiko is the most visible woman on the whatever channel and podcast, which generally promotes sexually immoral behavior.
Kiko also claims to be a Christian. Just that I just got back into Christianity, he's more conservative,
Christian, you know, value -based than I am, so we don't agree on a lot of things. There will be people who are apostate.
And none of your pastors or priests said anything? Our church loved us. Really, really inspired us.
They are true Christians that realize we're all sinners and no sin is greater than the other, so. They just don't follow the
Bible. This is Chase. Chase also says he is a Christian, and Chase and Kiko disagree strongly about what the
Bible teaches, especially concerning LGBTQ issues. It's interesting that two people with such different and contradictory beliefs both call themselves faithful Christians.
The question is, can both Kiko and Chase both be genuine Christians at the same time?
Now, a number of years ago, I wrote a book called The Gospel According to Jesus because there was being propagated all across evangelicalism the idea that you could be a true believer in Christ, make a true confession of Jesus as Lord, and have no evidence of it in your life, and even turn against that and deny the
Lord. If you were such a godly man who's returned his whole life around for God, you should learn for a little bit more acceptance and tolerance when it comes to these platforms.
Kiko wants Chase to be more accepting and tolerant towards people in the LGBTQ community.
I don't really know anything about Chase, but I do really respect some of his responses to Kiko during this discussion.
There's many things I could say in response to that. Then say it. Let me ask you this, is God tolerant?
I think God made us all in his light. He didn't make any mistakes, right? So if he created trans people, then he did it for a reason.
Did he create trans people or do trans people choose to be trans? Go ahead.
I feel like you're better off for this one. I would rather you respond. Okay. Kiko argues that being trans is an immutable characteristic that people are born with, while Chase replies with the truth that being trans is of course not at all an immutable characteristic, but rather something that people choose to identify and behave as.
This is a transgender female, aka a biological male.
This third person seems to also claim to be a Christian. I was raised Catholic, and then
I converted to Christianity in middle school. In the Bible, it's mainly said,
God does not give you more than what you can handle. And this third person, like Kiko, argues that being trans is an immutable characteristic that is not a choice.
This s*** was not a f***ing choice for me. I can look you in the eye right now and say, this was not a choice.
So you didn't choose to go on hormones? You don't, you don't, you don't. No, I did. Hold on. However, let her finish.
No, no, no. She said her piece, and I'm going to ask a couple questions so that she can clarify. She didn't finish her statement. I'm going to,
I will let her finish, but I'm going to ask a couple questions so she can clarify. My questions are, you didn't choose to go on hormones?
You don't choose to dress this way? You don't choose to identify as a woman? You don't choose to wear a weave?
You don't choose to put on makeup and present yourself as a woman? Again, Chase is absolutely correct here.
It is simply dishonest to present being gay or lesbian or trans as being exactly the same as being black, white, or another ethnicity.
Ethnicity is an immutable characteristic that people are born with. LGBTQ identity is not.
So are there differences between ethnicity and so -called sexual orientation?
Absolutely, there are. Ethnicity is innate and unchangeable.
So -called sexual orientation is not innate, and it is changeable.
We know this. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 is 2 ,000 -year -old evidence that people stop being gay. So we know that it's neither innate nor is it unchangeable.
So there are huge differences between the two. It should be clear that Kiko's God is not the
God of the Bible or of Christianity, but is rather a God of her own invention, a personal
God, who has no power to save sinners. There are many who believe themselves to be saved and right with God, who are completely deceived about their spiritual state.
And it was believed that if you ever confessed the Lord once, you had a salvation that was secure, even if you became, and this was the phrase they used, an unbelieving believer.
Okay, so I'm going to go back to the original question. You said it's my job as a Christian godly man to be tolerant because that's what
Christians are supposed to do. My original question is, is God tolerant? I think it's your job to mind your business.
Kiko keeps saying that God is accepting and tolerant of everyone, including unrepentant sinners.
Again, let's listen to Chase's biblical response to Kiko. My question to you is, is
God tolerant? You projected all of these values. I would say God is tolerant. Okay, so in Genesis.
Yes, I will. I will educate you on exactly what the Word of God says. In Genesis, it says that when
God created mankind, he made them male and female. And in Leviticus, it says for a male to have sexual relations with another man, as he would with a woman, that is an abomination in God's eyes and is worthy of being put to death.
True Christians submit to all that the Bible clearly teaches. And they do not only pick and choose to believe the parts they want to believe.
That's why I wrote the book, The Gospel According to Jesus, The Gospel According to the Apostles, and dealt with all of that.
A true believer, a true believer will manifest that transformation in life over a long period of time.
Now listen to Kiko, a professing Christian, undermined the credibility of the
Bible she supposedly believes in. How many times has the Bible been translated? How many times has the
Bible been translated? Can you let me respond if you're going to make a statement to me before you bring someone else into it? So I don't forget what I'm going to say.
I want to hear what you have to say, but this is correct, is it not? I don't know what the words are.
I don't know what Leviticus would be in Hebrew, because that's how I learned everything in Hebrew. But the biggest thing that we harp on in Judaism is a man should not lie in bed with another man.
And then we take that to mean don't get it. Do you guys know that that scripture was changed so many times though? We have... Let me finish my statement before you start talking.
Let me finish my statement before you start talking. Let me finish my statement before you interrupt me. Thank you. You're making falsehoods, but go on.
I feel like you should let her finish. Thank you. So the Bible has been translated. Obviously, that's not a falsehood. It was not written in English, was it?
No. Do you know? Do you know Latin? It wasn't written in Latin. Okay. Whatever was written in...
Aramaic. Yes. Okay. It was been... Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. Let me finish. You're trying to educate me on the
Bible. It's common for professing Christians who do not like what the Bible clearly teaches about LGBTQ to undermine the authority of the very
Bible they claim to believe. This is exactly what we saw from another professing
Christian who was on the radical left, Brendan Robertson. I also don't think all of the morality that we find in the pages of the
Bible is worthy of being followed. And so we have two different starting places for where we make our morality.
Yeah, it's a good place to start. I'm glad you brought up just like that. Go ahead, Kiko. The Bible has been translated multiple times, and there is proof and evidence stating that most of those translations from those scriptures, they were actually saying a man should not lay with a child.
It was not man and man. Kiko's absolute ignorance about the Bible is shockingly astounding.
I don't know what this woman's name is, but listen to her great response to Kiko. I speak
Hebrew. I'm sorry, I can't listen. It's not false. I learned the Bible in the original language that was written. I learned in Aramaic, and I learned in Hebrew, and it's never a child.
It's a man should not lay in bed with another man. And so Jews don't even share beds. Like on sleepaway trips, if we went overnight,
Jews, two guys are not allowed to even share a bed for a sleepover because it's that serious that it also, even more so, means that you should not do anything gay.
There are very clear signs of what it looks like to be a true follower of Jesus Christ and very clear signs of what it looks like to be a false follower of Jesus Christ.
Given enough time, the truth is known. That doesn't mean there won't be hypocrites who are good at faking it because that's possible as well, but true believers will from the heart manifest the evidence of that transformation.
They will love the Lord and they will seek to honor the Lord. Again, I don't know the details of Chase's Christian faith, but what he says here is, again, absolutely correct.
As the supposed godly Christian man, you need to be tolerant towards people. It is our job as Christians to align ourselves with the
Word of God. It is also our job to, as Jesus said, make disciples of the nations and to share the
Word of God. And you make all these statements about Chase, you can't be judgmental towards people. Jesus told us we are in this life to judge with righteous judgment and whatever judgment we apply towards others, we will be judged by that exact same standard with which we judge others.
It's not a Christian's job to just walk around the world and be tolerant. It's a Christian's job to combat evil and to combat falsehoods, okay?
And for you to say, oh, it's so hateful and intolerant and you're trying to shame people who want to make these decisions, it's none of these things.
I'm simply speaking truth. It would be great if the most influential and popular Christian leaders and pastors in this country communicated the truth as boldly and clearly as Chase is doing here.
But unfortunately, the most popular pastors in this country are more interested in being accepted by the culture than in being faithful to all that Scripture teaches.
Will a gay person be accepted into heaven as you see it? Well, I believe they will. Are gay people going to hell?
No, not because they're gay. Everybody, we go to hell because we choose to reject the grace of God.
The only way you can go to hell is if a gay person accepts Christ. Jesus Christ.
He's going to heaven. Okay. Without a doubt. Okay. Fair enough. And trust me,
I've talked to enough LGBT, they are not all the same. Oh, for sure. But how do we, first of all, has your thinking evolved on this?
Evolved and evolving. Evolved and evolving. No, I'm serious. As a pastor, what do you think about gay men?
I don't know. It's precisely because of this confusion within the supposedly Christian church that there is so much confusion outside the church as well.
It's certainly not just Kiko and Brendan Robertson who have astoundingly non -Christian views of the
Bible. Here's Whoopi Goldberg on The View saying that God is clear in the Bible that it's perfectly acceptable to deceive children about their gender.
This is a party that says we believe in parents' rights. You're telling me that as a parent,
I don't, I'm not smart enough to decide if my child and I need to have gender affirming or doctors are not involved.
What is going on? So I can't, I can't decide what my kid reads. I can't decide for my child what my child says is going on.
Yep. You're telling me your beliefs, your, and they keep saying it. And I keep saying, what
Bible are you reading? Yeah. Because God was really clear. And here's
President Joe Biden saying that being made in the image of God involves accepting identities that are not based in biology or science.
I want you to know that your president sees you. Jill, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration sees you for who you are, made in the image of God and deserving of dignity, respect, and support.
But we know it's hard when there are those out there who don't see you and don't respect you.
For example, the onslaught of anti -transgender state laws attacking you and your families is simply wrong.
And here's Dylan Mulvaney talking about faith in God. What I'm struggling with most is that I grew up in a conservative family and I'm extremely privileged because they still love me very much.
And I grew up in the church and I still have my faith, which I am really trying to hold on to right now.
But I've always tried to love everyone. You know, even the people that make it really, really hard.
As Christians, we need to clearly and boldly communicate the full truth to the culture around us, even the parts that the culture finds offensive.
Because if we do not confront the culture with its sin, they cannot repent of that sin and be saved from that sin.
When someone turns away having had a full understanding of the gospel and made a profession of Christ, the warning of Scripture is that that is the kind of defection from which there is no remedy.
So in the event that you know someone in that situation, they need to be severely warned. If you know somebody who is claiming to be a
Christian, but you have very serious doubts about the genuineness of that claim, you need to confront that person about the salvation that they claim and make sure it's real.
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