Pastor Confronts Satanist

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Caution: Offensive language This couple was bent on spilling the blood of their own baby. They don't hide what they're doing when they jest they are there to do a "sacrifice". May God have mercy on their souls.


We're here to help you guys if you're going into Planned Parenthood, you're going to have to go in there today. Thanks guys.
We offer help. Now we're seeing the sacrifice. You know God commands you not to murder. I will fucking fuck you up.
You know that's murder to abort your child? You're a mother and a father right now. You know you're going to stand before God one day, in the judgment.
You'll have to get an account for what you've done. You will have nothing to say on that day if you are not in the righteousness of Christ.
Ma 'am, you will stand before him. You won't be smiling and you won't be mocking. Both of you will stand before God and face the judgment unless you turn to Christ for life.