We Need Your Support at A&O


We don't spend alot of time asking for donations. Because of this, many presume that we are "set" or that we are backed by some giant donor or even a group of large churches. The fact is that A&O is supported by regular folks who are blessed by this ministry. If you have been blessed as well we ask that you would consider supporting this work. -Rich Pierce Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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Hello, my name is Rich Pearson. I'm the president of Alpha and Omega Ministries I am here in the
Dividing Line studios, and I I think of What goes on in this room from this room the gospel has gone around the world for more than 10 years and I am just amazed by the reports that we get back from folks in places that I can't even imagine being able to travel to Even to the point of people in Airports recognizing
James because of what goes on in this little room from here We have addressed the subjects of Islam Roman Catholicism Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses atheistic skepticism
James has confronted the Liberalism and the secularism that seems to be infiltrating churches all around the world and in each case
He takes them back to one thing from this room. The scriptures are held high and People are pointed to the scripture.
It is our soul infallible rule of faith And without the scriptures we don't believe we have a faith
We don't have a church We don't have a belief system from which to give an answer as we do this ministry
James has often commented that we are the world's worst marketers And there is an element of truth to that there really is it's not an exaggeration
Fundraising isn't what we do here. It's not what we've been called to do James and I have been called to take the gospel out to the ends of the earth
As best we have the ability to do as the best as best as the Lord has equipped us to do
Fundraising isn't what we do. And at the same time we also believe that God will lead his people to give and that The giving that we've received and do receive and will receive is done cheerfully and not out of compulsion
We believe that to our very depths of our soul and as such when it comes to the issue of fundraising and marketing
We don't we just simply don't do that. Well, we will never spam you
We will never call you up at dinnertime and beg you for donations Our focus is on the work at hand.
It always has been and it always will be But because we don't do this some
Presume that we're set that Alpha Omega Ministries is backed by some kind of giant donor or some large group of churches and that's just not the case
The fact of the matter is Alpha Omega is completely funded by folks just like you who give as best they can out of the heart and And monthly and you see
I'm here doing this today to point out that we actually do need your support
We need you to stand with us financially if you could We need it to be consistent and we need it to be monthly
Whatever that amount would be the fact of the matter is is that we needed to Continue this work and we also need to grow this work in ways that are going to cost money
More than we've ever needed before We don't have a huge budget because we've never had a huge income.
We don't take loans out This ministry has never been in debt we have one credit card that we pay off monthly as Expenses come in they're paid and if we don't have the money to To cover the expense then we don't spend the money.
It's just that simple We'd also ask that you bring this ministry before your elders or your missions committee
We have a number of churches that support us and we're grateful for that. We'd hope to expand that Keep in mind when you look at Alpha Omega Ministries and you see what's in this room.
What you see is what you get There's no ivory tower here James isn't on some high plane where he's going back with Back and forth with brilliant men spending the time talking back and forth
The point of this ministry is to bring these issues to the people to God's people the church
You see we're churchmen. This is our focus this is our calling and We believe that God works within his church and it is through his church that the gospel goes out to the world and We believe that is an important thing to focus on so sitting in an ivory tower
Talking back and forth between the the huge minds if you will has never been his calling
Taking difficult and sometimes ancient information and bringing it forward and making it understanding
Understandable to folks like you and me has always been what he is been about You see our purpose and goal is to edify and equip
God's Saints Now some folks have told us hey, you know what if you don't say something to God's people
They're not going to know that you have a need and that's what this recording is all about There are new projects on the horizon.
One of those actually two of those would be separate issues is some of you go back and remember the tracks that we used to be able to print up out of our own little print shop and The methods were archaic back.
Then we actually designed tracks through the cut and paste method. No kids. That doesn't mean using a mouse it means using scissors and glue and That's how we put them together and all of those tracks need to be put forward into the 21st century kind of technology they've got to be scanned and some of them can get pretty detailed and They need to be converted and through what's called
OCR optical character recognition scanning and somebody's got to sit down and go through the old tract and look at the new track and make sure that every single word is exactly the way
It was meant to be and then retype set Then the graphics are redone and then of course the printing process
All of those things are going to cost money and funding and we're in need of doing that again at the same time we used to have a rack if you will a a
Bookcase picture a bookcase back here with little tiny gaps in it Just nine inches wide two columns and from floor all the way up to the top of that banner
There would be stacks of information sheets work that had been done on various subjects all of those things need to be scanned in and both the tracks and The information sheets need to be turned into web pages
So that all that information can be made available once again that used to be only available through mail order we've got some catching up to do and So with that I ask you if you would please support alpha to make a ministry stand with us as we do this ministry and continue to do it as The Lord would allow us to have this privilege