F4F | Anatomy of a Larry Huch Moedim Scam


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So this past Sunday was Pentecost Sunday, 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It's a big day in church history, commemorating the birth of the church, the beginning of the harvest.
We'll talk a little bit about how the the old feast days of the Mosaic Covenant are types and shadows of particular things now that are realities in the
New Covenant, but from time to time we always have to check in with Larry Huck, and Larry Huck never misses an opportunity to twist up God's Word really badly during one of the
Mosaic Covenant feast days for the purpose of making a buck. That's exactly what he's all about.
As much as he tries to hide his greed with philanthropy, it's greed nonetheless, and it's a major twisting of God's Word.
So if you've heard of Larry Huck, Tiz won't be making an appearance by the way, so we won't hear the yummy sound today, but if you've heard of Larry Huck, even if you haven't, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below, don't forget to like the video, ring the bell so you can be notified when we update the channel, and we're gonna deconstruct what he's doing, what
Larry Huck is doing, which is going to require us to do some pretty detailed work.
And so let's start then by taking a look at the intro to one of his recent video teachings on the season of Pentecost, and we'll deconstruct this in detail, including looking at the
Hebrew and what the Bible teaches, so that we can see how he does what he does.
This is kind of an anatomy lesson on how Larry Huck twists up God's Word for the purpose of making a buck.
Huck buck? Yeah, I think you get the idea. All right, so let's take a look at this. Here we go.
We are in a countdown to what's called in the Bible the day of Pentecost, or in Hebrew it's called
Shavuot. Now that's true, it is called that. Now on this day, there are three main blessings, the window of heaven opens, and there are three main blessings that are released into your life.
All right, so let's just challenge that real quick. Where in the
Bible can we go to find the teaching where it says that during the Feast of Pentecost that there are three main blessings that God's gonna pour out into your life through the open window of heaven?
The answer is, there is no biblical text that says that. So how then does
Larry Huck manufacture this narrative, this doctrine, this teaching?
Now I'm gonna give you a metaphor here as we look at how he does what he does, and this is a necklace of pop beads.
Not really worth much, but you know, neither is this theology. But what we're gonna do, what we're gonna see him do here,
Larry Huck is going to, you know, take a bunch of verses out of context that are not related, that are not dealing with the same subject, for the purpose of stringing them together into a lovely pop bead necklace.
And so the doctrine that he just laid out, that during the Feast of Pentecost there are three main blessings that God wants to pour out into your life through the open window of heaven, that already is the pop bead necklace, because no biblical text teaches this.
So what he's gonna do is he's gonna rip little pieces of the Old Testament out of context, including the
New Testament out of context, to string them together in this pop bead necklace that is the false doctrine that he's teaching.
So that's the technique, that's the metaphor that we're gonna be looking at. Let me back this up so you can hear again the narrative that he's giving, so that you can see, okay, there's the narrative, that's the doctrine, and then we'll watch as he tries to construct this with out -of -context verses that are not related.
A countdown to what's called in the Bible the day of Pentecost, or in Hebrew it's called
Shavuot. Now on this day there are three main blessings, the window of heaven opens, and there are three main blessings that are released into your life.
Prophetically they are directly linked to the end of the isolation we're facing and the beginning of divine prosperity.
Stay with me, I'm about to teach you something concerning Bible prophecy and you that will change your life forever.
Now you'll note that one of the techniques that guys like Larry Huck and televangelists do is they're always fishing for the person who is experiencing financial difficulty, because the idea here is, oh, you know, these prophecies, these fulfillments, these blessings are gonna be for you, for you, and all you've got to do is do the right thing, send in the right amount of money, and you'll get these blessings.
And so what they're doing is exploiting the people who are in most financial anguish, which is criminal beyond belief, and of course
God is going to do something about that on the last day. So I'm going to fast forward through his opening to his program, and now we're just gonna pick up on the other end of it, where he continues his teaching.
And so we'll watch, then, the technique. This is the out -of -context, pop bead necklace approach to doing
Bible twisting. Now a little bit of a note here. When you put together passages that are dealing with the same subject, for instance, let's say you decide that you're going to do a study on the doctrine of hell.
Not a popular topic, but what you do is you work your way through the biblical text and all the different places where that doctrine, that teaching, is discussed in one form or another, and you put them together into a comprehensive study.
You're not engaging in the pop bead necklace approach, because the pop bead necklace approach requires you to take verses out of context that are not interrelated, that are not dealing with the same topic, for the purpose of making them look as if they are dealing with the same topic, and that's how it's done.
So note here, proof texting, that's the Bible twisting technique that we're going to see him doing, requires not only out -of -context verses, but verses that are not dealing with the same thing.
So you get the idea here. By the way, when you gather up passages that are dealing with the same topic, even if you're quoting them out of context, oftentimes that'll be part of the church theology discipline known as either
Christian dogmatics, or it'll be dealing with the concept of systematic theology.
Those are two words that deal with that, and so there's nothing wrong with pulling passages together that are dealing with the same topic.
There's nothing wrong with that, and then quoting them and saying, look at this is what the full counsel of the Word of God says.
Perfectly legitimate approach, but that's not what Larry Huck is doing here. So let's get back to it.
Many of you have heard me say this over and over again, but it's so powerful. It's such a great revelation.
In ancient Hebrew language, there is no word for coincidence.
Alright, so this is part of Larry Huck's standard spiel. There's no word for coincidence, so the reason why you're watching this is because God wants you to.
This is manipulation. This is exactly what Jesus was saying. Oh man, I can't wait. This is exactly what
Jesus was saying. When did Jesus say there's no for coincidence? Yeah, I don't think he's ever done that.
This is exactly what Jesus was saying when he says, those who have eyes to see, those who have ears to hear.
In other words... Alright, so apparently Jesus, he was all in on this idea that, well, there's no such word in Hebrew as coincidence.
This is what Matthew 13, 13 through 16, apparently is teaching, and Jesus is fully on board with this idea.
So again, back to our metaphor, this is a pop beat, out of context, necklace approach of taking passages that have nothing to do with the topic at hand and weaving them together as if they teach this doctrine.
So let's take a look then at Matthew 13. Like I said, we're gonna deconstruct this, and there's gonna be a little bit of detail and minutiae that we have to get into in this approach, and so we will start with Matthew 13.
And so again, our three rules for sound biblical exegesis are context, context, and context.
And so in Matthew 13, when Jesus says eyes to see, ears to hear, what is he referring to?
Well, you'll note that if you're reading through the Gospel of Matthew, in Matthew 13 there is a change of direction that Jesus takes with his teaching.
Prior to this, he taught out in the open, but in Matthew 12, people were accusing him slanderously of healing people and performing miracles by the power of Beelzebul.
After this, Jesus begins to speak in parables so that people will not understand him.
That's the point here, and you'll see this. So Matthew 13, it says, in the same day,
Jesus went out of the house, sat beside the sea, and great crowds gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat down.
And the whole crowd stood on the beach, and he told them many things in parables, saying, A sower went out to sow.
As he sowed, some seeds fell along the path. The birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil.
And immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil. But when the sun rose, they were scorched, and since they had no root, they withered away.
Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
He who has ears let him hear. So there's the first instance. And so Jesus now is speaking in parabolic code talk, alright?
So you'll note then that the disciples, whoa, what's going on here?
In Matthew 13, 10, the disciples came to Jesus and said, Why do you speak to them in parables? And listen to what he says.
He answered, To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.
For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
This is why I speak to them in parables. Because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.
Indeed in their case, the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says, You will indeed hear, but never understand.
You will indeed see, but never perceive. For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed.
Lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn, and then
I would heal them. So now you know why Jesus taught in parables is so that people wouldn't know, so that they would hear, but not understand, see, but not perceive.
That was the whole point. It's an act of judgment against those who are persisting in sin and unbelief, but then
Jesus goes on to explain the parable. So that's why 16 says, Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear, talking to the disciples.
And we, by extension, because we're told what the parable means. For truly I say to you, many prophets and righteous people long to see what you see and did not see it, and hear what you hear and did not hear it.
And so then he goes on to explain the meaning of the parable. You get it. So coming back then to Larry Huck, he made a big to -do about the fact that there is no
Hebrew word for coincidence, and that Jesus, man, he was fully on board with this concept.
But when we take a look at Matthew 3, 13 and 16, through 16 in context, does it have anything to do with there being no
Hebrew word for coinkydink? No, far from it. So let me back this up and listen again to what he says.
Revelation. In ancient Hebrew language, there is no word for coincidence.
This is exactly what Jesus was saying. Oh man, I can't wait to teach this. This is exactly what
Jesus was saying when he says those who have eyes to see, those who have ears to hear.
In other words, not physical eyes or physical ears, but spiritual eyes and spiritual ears.
All right, so strike one. Yep. Quoting Matthew 13, 13 through 16 out of context, and that becomes the first pop beat on the necklace here.
This is not a biblical teaching at all. This is a Bible twisting technique known as proof texting, taking verses out of context that don't relate to each other to make it appear that they teach something that the the guy made up.
All right, let's keep going. To see what it is God is doing, to hear what it is
God is saying. Now we are about, it depends when you're watching this, we are about two weeks from what the
Bible calls the day of Pentecost. Now we are at the,
Pentecost already happened this past Sunday, and hopefully this video will serve as a warning to people who sent money into Larry Huck or were thinking about it, or know people who are under this guy's sway, so that they can be shown that this guy is a
Huckster, because he is. Now Pentecost is hardly taught anymore in the church, and yet...
Now I have to disagree. You know, as a confessional Lutheran pastor, Pentecost is observed every single year.
Yeah, it's it's a big to -do. It's a major day in Christian history and in the lectionary that I follow in my preaching and teaching, and that I, you know, was brought up in when
I became a Lutheran. So I don't know what he's talking about. So my best guess is that nobody teaches
Pentecost the way Larry Huck does, you know, and so he claims, oh this is a lost teaching, because if only churches would teach it this way, they'd be teaching the truth.
He's the guy who's now giving us corrective so that we can properly understand the
Feast of Pentecost. Now it's into this that I think we would do well, to actually consider what the
Scriptures say as it relates to the different feast days. So in Leviticus 23, this is where the mo 'adi are discussed, and these are the appointments, and it gets translated, appointed feasts, in our
English Bibles, but here's what it says. So Yahweh spoke to Moses saying, speak to the people of Israel, say to them, these are the appointed feasts.
So these are what Larry Huck calls the mo 'adim, the plural form of it, and mo 'ada just basically means appointments, okay?
And so it gets translated as appointed feasts, because that's what it becomes. And these are the appointed feasts of Yahweh that you shall proclaim as his holy convocations, they are the appointed feasts.
So then it discusses the Sabbath, and then goes on and then makes, again, the point in 23 verse 4, these are the appointed feasts of Yahweh, the holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the time appointed for them.
And so then it goes on to discuss the Passover, and the rules regarded that, and then it goes on to say, and Yahweh spoke to Moses in verse 9, speak to them, people of Israel, say to them, when you come into the land,
I shall give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest, and he shall wave the sheaf before the
Lord, so that you may be accepted on the day after the Sabbath, the priest shall wave it.
So no, and this is kind of how this works. So Christ is crucified at the time of the Passover, at the sacrifice of the
Passovers, and you know, his Passover sacrifice is. And he is raised then again the day after the
Sabbath, and so this becomes, you know, that's the wave offering of the first, you know, the firstfruits, which nicely fits with the concept that Jesus is the first fruit, the firstborn of the dead, that he's the firstborn of the new creation, firstfruits of the new creation, that's kind of the gist here.
And so all of these things have their anchor in Christ. So a grain offering, when it shall be two -tenths of an ephah, a fine flour mixed with oil, a pleasing aroma, drink offering, it shall be of wine, a fourth of a hen, you shall neither eat nor bread nor grain, parched or fresh, until that same day, until you have brought this offering of your
God, it's a statute forever throughout all your generations, and then you shall count seven full weeks from the day after the
Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, and then you shall count 50 days to the day after the seventh
Sabbath. So after the seventh Sabbath, 49 days plus one, this then is the
Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost means 50. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to Yahweh.
Now I'm going to note here, these are the requirements of the Mosaic Covenant. So I don't hear
Larry Huck saying, oh, we need to do the important thing regarding the appointed feast days, and make sure on the
Feast of Pentecost that we appear before the Lord, before Yahweh, with a grain offering. No, he kind of omits all the important minutiae.
You shall bring from your dwelling place two loaves of bread to be waved, made of two -tenths of an ephah, they shall be a fine flour, they shall be baked with leaven as first fruits to Yahweh.
You shall present with the bread seven lambs a year without blemish, and one bull from the herd, and two rams.
I never have yet, in fact I have yet to hear a Larry Huck or anybody teaching doctrines like him talk about the really important thing of making sure that they sacrifice seven lambs, and then also one bull and two rams on the day of Pentecost.
Nobody does that, not even Jews today, because they don't have a temple. So you'll note then that this is part of the requirement of the
Feast of Pentecost, this is a Moedim, this is an appointment God has made with the people of Israel, and they're to show up with these things.
Yeah, who's doing this right now? So they shall be a burnt offering to Yahweh with their grain offering, and their drink offering, a food offering with a pleasing aroma to Yahweh, you shall offer one male goat for a sin offering.
Yeah, was there a sin offering offered, a male goat sin offering? Why didn't Larry Huck offer one of those?
Two male lambs a year old as a sacrifice of peace offerings, and then the priest shall wave them with the bread of the first fruits as a wave offering before Yahweh with two lambs, and they shall be holy to Yahweh for the priest, and you shall make a proclamation on the same day, and you shall hold a holy convegation, and you shall not do any ordinary work.
It's a statute forever in your dwelling places throughout your generations. So for Larry Huck to talk about the importance of Pentecost and how nobody teaches it anymore,
I'm surprised he didn't go back to Leviticus 23 to re -embrace Pentecost in its fullness, including all the sacrifices.
But he hasn't. So you'll note there's a reason behind this, is because what he's teaching is not a
Jewish understanding of Pentecost at all. It's his own made -up Jewish, you know, ideas regarding Pentecost.
But Judaism doesn't teach any of the things that he's saying. So let me show you then what is the purpose of the feast days.
In Colossians chapter 2, in Colossians chapter 2, we get a very specific word as to how to understand the feast days of the
Mosaic Covenant. But let me read it in context so that you see what's going on here, which gives me the opportunity to again preach to you and read out to you the gospel, the good news of what
Christ has done for us. Colossians 2, 8, Paul says to the Church at Colossae, see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
For in Christ, in Him, the whole fullness of the deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in Him who is the head of all rule and authority.
In Him you also were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised
Him from the dead. And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
God has made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses.
The good news is that God has forgiven us all of our trespasses because of what Christ has done for us.
He did this by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross.
So when it talks about the record of debt, a good way to think about it is on the last day, the books are opened, you've heard about the
Day of Judgment involving books, well the record of debt, for everybody who's a
Christian, the record of debt portion of your book, it's been torn out. It's been torn out, and the debt has been canceled, and this
Christ has set aside and He's nailed it to the cross. So when your books are open, none of the sins that you've committed, if you are a
Christian, will ever be spoken out against you. The only thing left in your book, since the record of debt has been canceled and nailed to the cross, is a record of all of your good works.
And this is wonderful, this is because of what Christ has done for us. So then, verse 15,
He disarmed the rulers and authorities, put them to open shame by triumphing over them in Him. So therefore, because you have been forgiven, because Christ has done these things, the record of debt has been canceled.
Paul then says in verse 16, let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival.
The festival is referring to the Mosaic Covenants festival. Passover, include the first fruits, the
Pentecost, the 50 weeks, the Shavuot, then it's going to also include the Day of Atonement, the
Feast of Trumpets, the Feast of Tabernacles. Don't let anyone pass a judgment on you regarding these things, and here's the reason.
So it says, in question of food or drink, so this is talking about kosher or non -kosher, with regard to a festival, or a new moon, or a
Sabbath, these are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. So in other words, the
Bible teaches us very explicitly that the Mosaic Covenant feast days are types and shadows that have their fulfillment in Christ.
What they were always pointing to is an aspect as it relates to Christ in the New Testament, and now that Christ has come, now that he has been born of the
Virgin Mary, now that he has suffered under Pontius Pilate, now that he was crucified, died, buried, rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the
Father, and he will come again to judge both the living and the dead, since that has all already taken place, then the idea here is that the types and shadow have given way to the reality.
And so you can see this clearly in the Passover. The Passover is a type and shadow pointing to Christ. Christ, our
Passover lamb, has been slain, the New Testament says. And so the Passover points to Christ, and we who have the blood of Christ, the blood of the
Lamb, over us, the destroyer passes over us. You get the idea. Those are the ideas.
So Pentecost is then kind of, is then this first harvest type of celebration, which, you know, which then coincides with the the birth of the
Christian Church, and the giving of the Holy Spirit, and the bringing in of the first of the harvest of the end of the world of Christians.
That's the idea. So now that you kind of got that all sorted out, and these are types and shadows, we
Christians don't celebrate Pentecost the way people under the Mosaic Covenant did.
We're not required to. Christ is our sacrifice. You get the idea. So we don't go back to the types and shadows.
We now look at it in light of the fulfillment that is in Christ. All of that being said, let's go back to Larry Huck and see what he says.
Paul, the day of Pentecost. Now, Pentecost is hardly taught anymore in the church, and yet it is so powerful, and especially this year.
Now, it's powerful, especially this year. How do you figure? The Lord doesn't come back, and we don't know when he's coming back.
The Lord doesn't come back. I think he spells it L -A -R -D. This time next year, we'll teach again on Shavuot.
That's what it's called in Hebrew. Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, seven weeks plus one day, which is 50, the day of...
Yeah, we already showed that from Leviticus. Pentecost. Jesus, now listen to this.
Jesus, in the book of Acts chapter 1, Jesus commanded them.
He commanded the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until he sent the promised
Holy Spirit. It just so happens he sent the Holy Spirit on the day, the Feast of Pentecost.
Saying, don't leave until you receive the power of God.
Correct, and he wasn't talking to me. He was talking to his disciples. And when the day of Pentecost had fully come, now this day is about to repeat itself in about two weeks.
Now, it's gonna repeat itself. What do you mean by that? It's gonna repeat itself.
Is God going to kick the church off, to restart it again on the day of Pentecost?
No. Let me say this, and I say it all the time. God is God 24 -7.
Yeah, he is. Now, this is part of his false narrative. This is part of his pop bead necklace that he's strung together, and you'll see this here in a second.
So, you know, his claim is that there are specific appointments that you have with God when he's gonna come closer to you for the purpose of blessing you.
So, God is God 24 -7, he continually says. But, but, but, but, there's these appointments when he's gonna come closer.
Listen to what he says here. Every moment of every day, God is God. He is there.
He's Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Sid Canoe. But, Jehovah Tippie Canoe. What?
There are what's called in Hebrew, Moadim's. Is there not an appointed time?
All right, so let's quick point out how that works. Is there not an appointed time?
Now, again, the technique here is stringing together out -of -context verses that do not relate to each other.
That's the part that's important. They are not talking about the same thing. And then stringing them together in a necklace of pop beads.
And so, let's take a look then at the text in question. Is there not an appointed time?
Well, funny enough, that is from, of all places, Job chapter 7 verse 1.
But I'm gonna show you it in the ESV because you're gonna see this for what it is. Job 7 1 says this, "...has
not man a hard service on earth, and are not his days like the days of a hired hand?"
Okay, "...like a slave who longs for the shadow, like a hired hand who looks for his wages. So I am allotted months of emptiness, and nights of misery are appointed to me."
Okay, so that's your context. But what he did is he quoted it from the King James.
So let me show you. So the King James Version says, Job 7 1, "...is
there not an appointed time to man upon the earth?" So did you see what he did?
"...is there not an appointed time..." Ah, see, those are Moedim. You see, there's an appointed time.
There are Moedims, and that means that this is referring to those times when
God is making an appointment. Now, I'm gonna go back to the ESV real quick, and I'm gonna show this. "...has
not a man a hard service on the earth." So the way the King James translates, "...is
there not an appointed time?" You'll note that the word here is not...it
is not Moedim or Moedah. It is Saba. Okay, that's the word.
Okay, so let me show you in the King James here. "...is there not an appointed time?"
Saba. Saba. So it's not even Moedim. "...is there not an appointed time?"
And he's quoting Job 7 1 out of context from the King James. It doesn't even use the word
Moedim. And by the way, this is not the last time you're gonna see him making reference to something in the
Hebrew that isn't there when you find it in the Bible. This guy is slick in his twisting.
So let me come back to this, and let me back this up so that you can hear him say it. "...is there not an appointed time?"
And talking about Moedim, but Job 7 1 says Saba. "...but there are what's called in Hebrew Moedims.
Is there not an appointed time?" Isn't that weird? "...is there not an appointed time?"
Job 7 1 says Saba. It does not say Moedah. Let me say it again. God is
God 24 -7, but there are appointments,
Moedims, that the Bible teaches is call upon the Lord while He is near.
Okay, next passage out of context, and he didn't give a reference to it. This one is found in Isaiah 55.
Let's take a look at that. "...call upon the Lord when He is near." Because there are appointments.
You see, you don't want to miss your appointment with God. Did you know that you have a standing appointment with God three times a year, and you're missing your appointments?
Yeah, that's not what the Bible teaches. So let's take a look. And this, by the way, comes to us from Isaiah chapter 55.
We'll look at it in context, and specifically, I think, verse 6, but we'll start at verse 1.
Here's what it says, "...come everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, and he who has no money, come buy and eat.
Come buy wine and milk without money and without price." Oh, this is talking about the freeness of the gospel.
"...so why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me.
Eat what is good, delight yourselves in rich food, incline your ear, and come to me. Here is so that your soul may live, and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast sure love for David.
Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and a commander for the peoples.
Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know, and a nation that did not know you shall run to you, because of Yahweh your
God, and of the Holy One of Israel, for he has glorified you." Verse 6, "...seek
the Lord while he may be found. Call upon him while he is near.
Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts."
So note here, Isaiah 55 verse 6, which he quoted a part of out of context, and then strung it onto his necklace of pop beads, is not talking about you have an appointment with God three times a year, and you don't want to miss your appointment.
Seek the Lord while he may be found. Seek him while he is near is not referring to that.
It's actually referring to your life right now. The gospel has gone out.
It's calling you to repent and to be forgiven. Seek the Lord right now while he may be found, because he won't be able to be found on the day of judgment or after you die.
That's kind of the point. So, "...let the wicked forsake his ways, the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahweh, that he may have compassion on him and to our
God, for he will abundantly pardon." Forgive you! So this is a reference to the gospel.
But again, we're really deconstructing this here so you can see the technique, and so we've got more beads out of context strung together that do not go together to create this doctrine that he's creating here.
Backing this up, listen again. There are appointments, Moedims, that the
Bible teaches is call upon the Lord while he is near.
Now, if God is God 24 -7, and he is, what does it mean to call upon the
Lord when he is near? And Tiz says this all the time. She says it so well.
Here in Dallas, where we live, where we pastor, it's the same sun,
S -U -N, in January as it is in August. It's the same sun, but the intensity of that sun,
S -U -N, is different in August than it is in January.
How? How is it different? What's the difference? The sun is closer to us.
Really? That sun sneaks up on you, you know? I thought it was because the earth rotates on an axis, and as we circle the sun, different hemispheres are pointing towards the sun.
But he says they're closer. Let's back this up. Listen again. It's different in August than it is in January.
What's the difference? The sun is closer to us. This is exactly everything
God teaches. None of this is bad theology. It's terrible science. Has the physical and the spiritual.
This is exactly what God is teaching us when it comes to not the S -U -N, but the
S -O -N, that when we are to call upon the Lord, when he is near, when the sun and his anointing, his power, his…
So apparently during the Moedim, during the feast days, Passover, Pentecost, and I don't know what would be the other one,
Yom Kippur, I guess, or pick one of the other ones. Those are your three appointed feast days. God is closer than the other times.
This is not what Isaiah 55, 6 says. You are twisting that text, and you're creating a theology that doesn't exist in the
Scripture. Blessing, his provision, his prosperity is closer.
It's more intense. This is what Malachi 3 is about when he says, returning to me and I'll return to you.
They said, how do we return? And most of you know this, so I'll just skim through it. God says, in your tithes and in your offering.
What does the word offering mean? Three times a year on God's Moedim, God's appointed time,
God's appointed time, three times a year, God is ready to open up over us the windows of Alright, so you'll note that he put the emphasis on the word offering rather than tithe, but in his claim is that in Malachi 3, the word offering is referring to the offerings that you're supposed to bring three times a year as part of your appointments.
That's not what's going on in Malachi 3. Let's take a look at it, and so let's...where
did I put Malachi? There we are. So Malachi 3, and you'll see the word windows here.
We'll come back to that. And in order to put this in context, I have to go back one chapter.
I have to go back to Malachi chapter 1. So let me do this. I'm going to do it here, and you need to see what's going on.
In fact, you can read the prophet Malachi in one setting. You got four chapters, and it's the last book, prior to the
New Testament beginning. And so you'll note there's a context here, and there's a dialogue going back and forth between different people or classes or groups in Israel and God.
That's the literary technique that the Holy Spirit had Malachi employ to make certain points.
So you can get a feel for what's going on here. So Malachi 1 .6 says,
A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am a father, where is my honor?
And if I am a master, where is my fear? Says Yahweh, the Lord of armies to you.
O priests who despise my name! But you say, How have we despised your name?
By offering polluted food upon my altar. But you say, How have we polluted you?
By saying that Yahweh's table may be despised. When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil?
And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor.
Will he accept you or show you favor? Says Yahweh, the Lord of armies.
And now entreat the favor of God, that he may be gracious to us with such a gift from your hand that he will show favor to any of you.
Says Yahweh, Sabaoth. Oh, that there were one among you who would shut the doors that you might not kindle fire on my altar in vain.
I have no pleasure in you, says Yahweh, Sabaoth, and I will not accept an offering from your hand.
For from the rising of the sun to its setting, my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering.
For my name will be great among the nations, says Yahweh, Sabaoth, but you profane it when you say that the
Lord's table is polluted and its fruit, that is, its food, may be despised.
All right? So you get the idea here. The people who are bringing animals for sacrifices and stuff, they're bringing the blind, the lame, the diseased, the sick, all that kind of stuff.
That's your context. So when we get to Malachi chapter 3, starting at verse 6, for I the
Lord do not change, therefore you, O children of Jacob, are consumed. From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes, and you've not kept them.
Return to me, and I will return to you, says Yahweh, Sabaoth, but you say, how shall we return?
Will a man rob God, yet you're robbing me, but you say, how have we robbed you? In your tithes and your...and
here's going to be an important word for us today, terumah, terumah, and your contributions.
So notice in the ESV it doesn't say offerings, and so we'll note that other translations will say offerings.
I mean, it's an okay translation to say contribution, it's an okay to say offerings, but there's a very specific thing, if you know your
Hebrew, that is being referred to here, and it is not referring to what you are supposed to bring when you show up before God on the feast days.
That's not what this is referring to. So how have we robbed you?
In your tithes and your terumah. I'm just going to use the Hebrew here for a second.
You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me and the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe in the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and thereby put me to the test as Yahweh sabaoth.
If I will not open the windows arubah, we'll talk about that as well, windows of heaven for you and pour down for you blessing, until there is no more need.
I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil. Now this is referring...by
the way, there is no command in the New Covenant regarding tithing. The command in the
New Covenant is that somebody who preaches the Gospels to make his living by the Gospel, and the governing commandment is you shall not muzzle an ox while it's treading out the grain.
I would go to 1 Corinthians 9 and 2 Corinthians 9 if you want to do a fuller study on that, but that's not the purpose of this particular study.
So you'll know, bring in the full tithe, and the word here, contributions or offerings, this is terumah.
Now the question is, what is that referring to? All right, so let me show you what this is referring to.
It is not talking about what you're supposed to bring three times a year, it's talking about something different. Numbers chapter 18 verse 8 says this,
Yahweh spoke to Aaron, behold I have given you charge of terumah, of contributions made to me.
So what terumah is, are the offerings where the portions then go to the
Levites so that they can feed themselves, because the Levites don't have an inheritance in Israel, they are to make their living in service to Israel, and so they get terumah, and there's actually another bit to this, and I'll show you this in a second here.
So behold I have given you charge of terumah made to me, all the consecrated things of the people of Israel, I have given them to you as a portion and to your sons as a perpetual due.
This shall be yours of the most holy things reserved from fire, every offering of theirs, every grain offering of theirs, every sin offering of theirs, every guilt offering of theirs, which they rendered to me, shall be most holy to you and to your sons.
So in a most holy place you shall eat it, every male may eat it, it is holy to you.
This also is yours, the contribution, and here it is, terumah, of the gift of all the wave offerings of the people of Israel, I have given them to you and to your sons and your daughters with you as a perpetual due.
Everyone who is clean in your house may eat it, may eat it, and all the rest of the oil and all the best of the wine and of the grain, the first fruits of what they give to Yahweh, I give to you.
So you'll note the terumah, and there's a second part to this, I'll explain this, the offerings are the things that are given to the priests so that they can eat and live.
That's what Malachi is referring to. So a little bit of a word study here, and you can see this then, and we'll walk through this.
Exodus 29, 27, and 28 says, you shall consecrate the breast of the wave offering, and here the wave offering is the tenufah, the tenufah, that is waved, and the thigh of the priest's portion that is contributed.
And here we got, and so the portion that is contributed, the tenufah is the terumah, from the ram of ordination, from what was
Aaron's and his sons, it shall be for Aaron and his sons as a perpetual due from the people of Israel.
For it is a contribution, terumah, it shall be a contribution, terumah, from the people of Israel, from their peace offerings, their terumah, their contribution to Yahweh.
So you'll note that this is what this is referring to, tithes and offerings. Offerings here are terumah in the
Hebrew, in Malachi, it's referring to the portions that go to the priest. Leviticus 7 .32
says, and the right thigh you shall give to the priest as a terumah, as a contribution from the sacrifice of your peace offerings.
Leviticus 7 .34, the breast that is waved and the thigh that is contributed, terumah,
I have taken from the people of Israel out of the sacrifices of their peace offerings, and I have given them to Aaron and the priests and to his sons as a perpetual due from the people of Israel.
Leviticus 10 .14, but the breast that is waved and the thigh that is contributed, terumah, you shall eat in a clean place, you and your sons and your daughters with you, for they are given as your due and your sons due from the sacrifices of the peace offerings of the people of Israel.
The thigh that is terumah, contributed, and the breast that is waved they shall bring with the food offering and the fat pieces to wave for a wave offering.
Okay, all of that being said, again referring back here then, so how have you robbed me?
This is Malachi 3 verse 7, in your tithes and your terumah, these are the contributions of the sacrifices that go to the
Levites so that they can live and eat. That's what it's referring to.
It is not talking about offerings that you bring during the Moedim. That's not it at all.
So, all of that being said, boy, when you start to take your time to debunk and deconstruct what it is that Larry Huck is saying here, what he's saying is so twisted.
None of this can be by accident, by the way, and it gets worse, by the way. It's hard to believe, but it gets worse. So, let me back this up again and listen to what he, the claim that he makes regarding offerings from Malachi chapter 3.
Here we go. And most of you know this, so I'll just skim through it. God says in your tithes and in your offering, what does the word offering mean?
Terumah, it's referring to the contributions that go to the priests so they can be fed. Three times a year on God's Moedim, God's appointed time,
God's appointed time, three times a year, God is ready to open up over us the windows of heaven.
Now, that's not what Malachi 3 is saying. So, note then, he's saying the offerings are three times
God's willing to open up the, it's going to open up the windows of heaven, but that's not at all what Malachi 3 is saying at all.
A lot of times people think when we read the windows of heaven, we think that there's,
God has a window from heaven to us, and it just hovers over us. And when we finally get around to obeying
God, he opens that window and pours us out such a blessing, there's not room enough to receive it.
But that's not what it means. Number one, the word window that we have in English, the word window in Hebrew is the word yeshod.
No, that's not the word for window. That is the word for foundation.
And by the way, so notice the window, window in Hebrew is yeshod. No, it's not.
Yeshod is the Hebrew for foundation. So, let's take a look at the word that is used.
So, I'm in Malachi chapter 3, and so Malachi 3, 6, and we'll go down.
So, to verse 10, watch this. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and thereby put me to the test, says
Yahweh, Sabbaoth, if I will not open the... And here, the word is not yeshod or yesod.
It is arubah. Yep, that's what that is, arubah.
And so, what he's doing here is just absolutely duplicitous.
And let me, in fact, let me do this. I'm going to switch to my... I mean, you can see this in Strong's. Arubah, you know, grasshopper, feminine, it spoils the implication.
Okay, yeah, it's kind of a tough word, but that's the word that's used there. Arubah, not yeshod.
And so, let me show you. We did a little mini -study on this, and let me find it.
Windows, here we go. So, let me give you some examples of the word windows that are used in the
Old Testament. In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the 17th day of the month, on that day, all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the arubah, the windows of heaven, were opened.
Okay, chapter 8, verse 2, the foundations of the deep and the arubah, the windows of the heavens, were closed.
The rain from the heavens were restrained. At the end of 40 days, Noah opened the... and here it is a different word, not arubah.
This is halon, halon. They opened the window of the ark that he had made.
So, note here, windows of heaven, windows of heaven, this is going to help us out. Malachi 3, when
God says, I will open the windows of heaven for you, what's it talking about? It's talking about God sending rain, okay?
And our cross -reference is going to be Genesis 7, and you get the idea.
But this is not a small mistake on the part of Larry Huck.
I mean, he's already getting words wrong. Hebrew words that he's referencing, they are being...
are different words altogether, they're not in the text. So come back then to Malachi 3, so God says, put me to the test, says
Yahweh, if I will not open the windows, the arubah of heaven, and ha -shamayim.
And, you know, this is the same phrase that's used in Genesis 7. And so, again, it's arubah, it's not yashod.
And so, where is he getting this idea of yashod being here? Because anybody who can read Hebrew or reference
Hebrew is able to say, wait a second, Malachi 3, verse 10, doesn't use the word yashod.
So, let's come back. I'm going to back this up. And this, I mean, this is factually wrong here. This is a big error from a guy who claims to be teaching the
Hebrew roots of Christianity. That window and pours us out such a blessing, there's not room enough to receive it.
But that's not what it means. Number one, the word window that we have in English, the word window in Hebrew is the word yashod.
Yeah, that's weird. In Malachi 3, it's arubah. And it's, it means a, it means a, a, a funnel, a channel from the throne of God, the anointing
God, the power of God, a funnel that flows from God to you.
Now. All right. So, yashod, which by the way, it means foundation, apparently, according to Larry Huck, means a funnel that flows from God to you.
Where did he get this from? This is not a Old Testament concept.
He didn't get this from Old Testament Hebrew. He got this from the
Kabbalah, and I want you to see what is the reference here. So remember, the word is yashod.
So here it is. All right, did a little bit of work on study on this yashod. Hebrew, it means foundation, is a sephira or node in the
Kabbalahistic tree of life. Okay, so the yashod is the blue thing in this graphic here.
There's the yashod. All right, so it is a node in the Kabbalahistic tree of life, a system of Jewish philosophy.
Yashod, located near the base of the tree, is the sephira below chad and netzach, and above malchut, the kingdom.
It is seen as a vehicle allowing movement from one thing or a condition to another, the power of connection.
Yashod, Kabbalah, and the tree of life are Jewish concepts adopted by various philosophical systems, including
Christianity to the New Age, Eastern -based mysticism, and Western esoteric practices.
So according to Jewish Kabbalah, yashod is the foundation upon which God has built the world.
It also serves as a transmitter between the sephirot above and the reality below.
The light of the upper sephirot is gathered in yashod and are channeled to malchut below.
In this manner, yashod is associated with the sexual organs. The masculine yashod collects the vital forces of the sephirot above and transmits these creative and vital energies into the feminine malchut below.
Yashod channels, malchut receives.
In turn, it is through malchut that the earth is able to interact with the divinity.
So now we've got a problem, a huge problem, because not only did
Larry Huck get the wrong word, because the word used in Malachi 3 is arubah, he is referencing a word and a concept that comes from the
Kabbalah. Yashod, the imagery is of...well,
I hate to say it, but we'll just say male plumbing, okay?
That's the big blue thing here. That's the male plumbing. So the window of heaven, he said it's like a funnel. Well, in Kabbalahistic thinking, funnel isn't quite the right image.
Phallus is the right image. So let me back this up so you can see where he's getting this from.
So let's pay attention here. In Kabbalahistic thinking, yeah, funnel, phallus, yeah, it means a phallus.
That's what it means in Kabbalahistic thinking. And again, the word used in Malachi 3 .10
is not yashod. It is arubah. This is really bad.
From the throne of God, the anointing of God, the power of God, a funnel that flows from God to you.
Now that... Yeah, in Kabbalah thinking, but this isn't the word used in Malachi 3.
Funnel, that channel, is not open up every moment of every day. And let me say again,
God is God 24 -7. But when he's talking about the windows of heaven, that I'll pour you out such a blessing that there won't be room enough to receive it, and I'll rebuke the devourer for your sake, that only happens three times a year.
And that's why... Yeah, that's not true, what you're saying. Your whole theology is whack.
You do not know Hebrew clearly, and the words you're referencing aren't even in the text you're pointing us to.
This whole theology, like I've been pointing out, is a pot bead necklace.
It's a pot bead necklace designed to basically spin a yarn for the purpose of making money.
So let's go back. When we have eyes to see and ears to hear, it's an amazing time of God's blessing and God's power.
Now, I think I said this last week, but let me repeat it for you. The Bible says every seed produces after its own kind.
Now Genesis 1 -11, every seed produces after its own kind, talking about seed bearing trees and plants and things like that, not talking about money.
But what is he going to be talking about? Money? If you plant apples, you get apples. You plant oranges, you get oranges.
You plant money, you get money. That's the hidden phrase in here. We understand.
But in Hebrew, when God is saying every seed produces after its own kind, that means the seed we plant in Passover brings us certain blessings.
The seed we plant at the end, remember where Jesus said. Yeah, Genesis 1 -11 has nothing to do with planting a seed during Passover.
You just made that up. 30, 60, Passover, Shavuot, Pentecost, Sukkot, Feast of Tabernacles.
Yeah, 30, 60, 100 fold has nothing to do with those feast days. Nothing. The seed we plant in Feast of Tabernacles produces a certain fruit.
The seed we're about to plant right now, today, the seed that you plant today.
So don't miss this opportunity to give your first fruit offering. So note, he's not saying the words, but now the crawl thing on the bottom of the screen is coming up saying, send him money.
To help us save lives of Holocaust survivors. So part of whatever you send will go towards some kind of financial aid for Holocaust survivors.
Not many of them left. That seed produces three special blessings.
All right. So if you send money, that's a seed and it's going to create three special blessings in your life.
And what are they? It produces divine wisdom. It produces the anointing, the power of God, and it produces prosperity.
Let me say again. No, it doesn't. You made all of this up. This is what it means to teach for shameful gain, things you ought not to teach.
God is God 24 -7. But when God has these Moedim, these appointed times,
Passover produces something. Sukkot, Feast of Tabernacles produces something.
But the seed that you plant today to save the lives of Holocaust survivors.
Yeah. Please help us feed elderly Jewish people. How much you want to bet they get like 10 percent of whatever comes in the rest of the remaining 90 goes into the pocket of Larry Huck.
Maybe it's not even that generous. In Israel, that seed, especially the anointing.
Now, God brings wisdom. God brings anointing. God brings prosperity 24 -7. Yeah. But this time,
I mean, during Pentecost, there's no biblical text that says this anywhere. That during Pentecost, if you send in your seed offering that God's going to open up the windows of heaven and give you wisdom and anointing and blessing.
And on this, this is this is just making promises for God that he hasn't made. And Larry Huck, if he doesn't repent, it's going to have to explain all of this twisting to God.
But it's increased right now. It's it's about the window, that window.
You don't want to miss the window, man. The window is going to close. You're going to miss this opportunity, man.
Where God pours us out. And he says, where all the world will call you that window is happening right now.
You don't want to miss it, man. That's why you're watching the. No, the reason
I'm watching is to show people what a false teacher you are and how you really don't know Hebrew.
You don't know how to rightly handle God's word. And all of this is a flim flam scam designed to line your pockets with money.
The wisdom of God. And when we come back, I'm going to show you how wisdom and the anointing signs, wonders and miracles and prosperity all go hand in hand.
What is the word of God said? The Lord says my people destroyed for what reason? Oh, lack of knowledge, man, because they clearly didn't know that this is what the
Bible taught regarding the Moabiteen because the Bible doesn't say any of this. My people, those who love me, those who pray to me, those who believe in me, but they are destroyed for what reason?
Lack of knowledge. That's why in Malachi, they're meeting together 70 years of Babylonian captivity.
That's what Malachi is. They've just come back and they said, God, how do we keep the enemy from destroying us?
And God says, return unto me. Tesshuvah unto me, man, we'll do that.
How do we do it in your tithes and three times a year you come before the
Lord and you don't come empty -handed? Yeah, you just took the word offering, which in Hebrew is terramah, and made it something that it's not.
You have no conscience, mister. When you return to this, I will open up a channel from my throne to yours in two weeks.
So don't miss this opportunity, man. That window is open. And let me tell you, the blessing, ancient
Jewish wisdom says, when you bring it early, the blessing is even increased. Oh yeah, get it in quick, man.
If you bring it early, man. Where does it say that in the Bible? It doesn't. So if you bring it in early, oh man, you even get more blessing.
Liar. The window of heaven's getting ready to open up. We're about to come out of the end of the corona.
We're about to come out of the end of isolation. The economy's about to open up, but you're watching today because God is going to show the world.
No, I'm watching today to show the world that you're a huckster. How blessed and how prosperous you are.
When you bless somebody else, it's always because God is getting ready to bless you.
Now we're going to go, I'm already over on my segment this time, but I want to show you something we have for you that help us with these
Holocaust survivors. We have Pentecost, the power of prosperity.
Need I say more? Yeah, this whole thing from beginning to end was just a flim flam scam to line
Larry Huck's pocket with money, your money.
I think you get the idea. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, and warn people.
If you know anybody who believes that Larry and Tiz Huck are teaching them what the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible says, send them this link so that they can be set free from this man who is making merchandise of them, who clearly doesn't know
Hebrew and is just making the appearance, putting on the appearance, the pretense of knowing
Hebrew and returning people to the Hebrew roots so that he can make money off them.
Warn them that this man is not sound, he is not solid, he is not telling the truth, he is not even remotely biblically accurate, and he gets some of his theology from the
Kabbalah. Yeah, that funnel? It's not a funnel in Kabbalah's thinking.
You get the idea. So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.