Jerry Falwell and Liberty University
Jerry Falwell Jr. has resigned as president of Liberty University amid multiple sexual sins. Not only has he brought reproach on the Gospel, but so has the Board of Liberty University.
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- Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters. I hope that you and your family are doing well today
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- I want to thank you very much for watching this video the big news in the evangelical world in the last few weeks has been that of Jerry Falwell and his truly bizarre and erratic and perverted
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- Behavior that began earlier this month August of 2020 when Jerry Falwell posted a picture of himself
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- With his arm around a woman not his wife they were on a yacht and Her pants were unzipped as were his pants
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- Also unzipped and he put this picture up himself on his social media accounts and understandably, there was quite the buzz about this and a lot of discussion and He was put on a leave of absence
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- By the Board of Directors there at Liberty University and come to find out in his explanation
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- Jerry Falwell said that they were spoofing a television show called Trailer boys or trailer park boys something like that.
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- I guess it's a Canadian show I've never even heard of it until this came out, but I was just reading an article about this and apparently this
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- Television show that they are spoofing or were spoofing is one of the most debauched vile programs on television
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- I think it set the the record for the most number of f -words in a given, you know time frame or whatever
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- It just a completely debased program and they were mocking this whole group of people on this yacht were mocking this and Then as all of this controversy was swirling then he puts up another
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- Not a picture this time but a video of himself in a gym truly bizarre video.
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- I just have a screenshot of it here Not going to show you the video, but it's just truly bizarre
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- So he's laying down on a bench in a gym and he's got a barbell balanced across his
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- Pelvic area and he has these two Young ladies, I don't know if they're
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- Liberty University students or what, but they're quite young and he has has them stand up on the barbell at the same time one on each end and proceeds to do to lift them with his
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- Pelvic area. I mean this is just utterly bizarre and and truly
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- Depraved and as the events of these past few weeks have unfolded This is apparently a pattern with Jerry Falwell There was a few years ago a picture of him that surfaced in some kind of a nightclub in Miami And he he initially said that that wasn't him, but turns out it was and and he has apparently liked
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- Photos on Instagram and I guess various other social media platforms of young ladies in bikinis
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- And this is a screenshot of him holding two of these young ladies on his shoulder more fully dressed, but he has he has liked some very very racy stuff and stuff that a man in Christian ministry should not even be looking at much less liking and now it comes out that he is
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- He and his wife have been embroiled in this years long eight years long sexual affair
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- Situation with a young man who I guess they met he was when he when they met him
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- He was a pool boy and just all kinds of tawdry tawdry stuff. I'm sure you've read about it seen it on the news
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- Jerry Falwell is utterly disqualified from any
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- Kind of Christian ministry the Bible has very high standards for those who would preach and teach
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- God's Word for those who would be leaders of Of a flock and granted
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- Jerry Falwell is not a pastor, but he is in Christian ministry He's the head of a
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- Christian University that exists ostensibly to equip young men and women to be
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- Many of them going into some kind of ministry or to be, you know Christian Citizens and represent the name of Christ.
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- Well, well, Jerry Falwell is doing anything but that And so he would certainly fall under these
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- Biblical parameters and if he does not meet them, then he should not be in Christian ministry The Apostle Paul says writing under the inspiration of the
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- Holy Spirit of God in first Timothy chapter 3 That elders are to be above reproach
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- He says this in first Timothy 3 verse 2 and also Titus chapter 1 verse 6 Paul said in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 that Sexual immorality and greed is not to even be named
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- Among you as is proper among the Saints and Paul was writing this to Christians in General not not specifically to those in Leadership and so those in leadership are held to an even higher standard and will incur according to James chapter 3
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- Verse 1 a stricter judgment James says let not many of you desire to be teachers
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- My brethren knowing that we will incur a stricter judgment as Christians we represent
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- Christ to a watching world and that is a very serious responsibility and even more so for those of us who are in positions of leadership who are charged with Preaching and teaching the
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- Word of God and carrying the name of Christ is a very sober very serious Responsibility and the
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- Word of God does not take lightly those who would bring reproach on the gospel in the name of Christ One of the things that really struck me or strikes me about all of this that it just I am absolutely befuddled by is that these pictures and The video of the barbell thing and all this stuff
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- This these are not pictures that were taken by someone clandestinely
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- Someone who was out there to try to do Jerry Falwell some harm and they you know, they saw him doing something that maybe wasn't really
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- Appropriate and they snapped a quick picture on their iPhone and they put it up themselves on some social media platform to try to smear him
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- No He's the one who put these pictures up he put them up and After he put up the initial picture of him with his arm around this half -naked woman who's not his wife
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- Then later days later, maybe a week or so later. He puts up a the video of the barbell thing
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- He's the one putting it up How seared does your conscience have to be?
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- to knowingly put these things up with the Express purpose for people to see them
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- How seared does your conscience have to be to be put yourself in the shoes of Jerry Falwell?
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- Does it not ever cross your mind? Do you not ever have the thought you know, I am the president of The largest
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- Christian University in the United States of America, maybe the world I don't know I'd have to Google it but I'm the president of the largest
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- Christian University in the United States of America It might not be a real good idea for me to actually show the entire world
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- How depraved I am? He's the one who put it up it's just stunning to me and I've talked to a few friends of mine about this and One of them said that It's almost like Jerry Falwell was wanting to be caught like his conscience was so Bothered by this.
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- It's almost like he's trying to out himself if you will he's trying to get caught because his conscience was eating him alive and I would like to believe that but Here's why
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- I don't think that that's the case because he has made Statements in his public statements regarding all this he has denied any wrongdoing.
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- In fact He has even blamed his wife For his behavior.
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- He has blamed his wife Let me read this to you a Washington Times article dated
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- Tuesday, August 25th 2020 Records Jerry Falwell as having said this in a phone interview in which he was discussing
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- The reason he resigned as president of Liberty University Jerry Falwell says this quote
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- That's the only reason I resigned because I don't want something my wife did to harm the school
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- I've spent my whole life building. I never broke a single rule that applies to staff members at Liberty Which I was so I want everyone to know that That is a stunning
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- Thing for him to say Jerry Falwell literally throws his wife under the bus for his own sin
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- Now undoubtedly from everything that is reported his wife has her own Sin issues with which she must deal but he portrays himself as the innocent victim here
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- And yet it is manifestly obvious that he is anything but innocent
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- What kind of a man what kind of a husband throws his wife under the bus
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- For his own sin if even if his wife were squeaky clean and in all of this
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- Jerry Falwell's own sin is more than enough to completely
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- DQ himself disqualify himself from any form of Christian ministry that is absolutely stunning and I'll also say to your friends that that statement shows
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- That this man has absolutely no idea what repentance is. His conscience is completely seared
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- Completely seared. I've just I'm stunned at it. I mean so seared that he's the one that puts these things up Himself and he blames his wife for it.
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- No ownership of his sin You know there has there have in the last
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- Oh what probably four or five years There have been a couple of well -known names in my own
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- Reformed circles soteriologically reformed circles some well -known preachers well -respected that have
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- Morally failed they were unfaithful to their wives and Horrific as that is
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- I will say at least this and I won't name them because they're not the point of this this video But I will say this once they when they did that and that sin was discovered as horrible as it was in as much
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- Reproach as it brought on the name of Christ in the gospel They at least Had the integrity to they own their sin.
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- They they didn't make excuses for it. They owned it and They stepped away from ministry
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- I don't even know what they're doing now, but they stepped away from ministry as they as they needed to do rightly so You can at least say that for them that that that speaks well, and I hope
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- I hope that they're living in repentance at this point Jerry Falwell, huh?
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- No, this is the furthest thing from repentance He says he's done nothing wrong and throws his wife under the button that that is just that is just stunning
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- I'm not only Upset with Jerry Falwell. I'm also upset at the board of Liberty University because it is also reported that as an agreement and part of the agreement for him to resign as president of Liberty University he is resigning
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- In good standing with the university and what this means is is that Jerry Falwell is going to receive?
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- immediately apparently 2 .5 million dollars and then over Presumed the rest of his days spread out.
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- However, they worked that out another eight million dollars $10 .5
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- million dollars To just walk away in an exchange, they're not going to say anything about him
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- So let me get this straight you the head of Liberty University Christian University and You have brought
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- Untold reproach on the gospel the world loves this stuff the world loves it
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- When a well -known Evangelical particularly one that is engaged in politics to the degree that Jerry Falwell obviously is
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- The world loves that kind of hypocrisy and he has brought untold reproach on the gospel sullied the gospel brought reproach on the name of Christ and He's gonna get ten point five million dollars for doing it
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- Unbelievable absolutely Unbelievable There is no way that the board at Liberty University did not know that there were these serious character issues
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- With Jerry Falwell, he's been liking these pictures of women in bikinis
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- Putting all this stuff up. I mean this this has been known for several years Maybe not the the depth of at least not publicly but friends you cannot work with someone the board had to know in A lot of the faculty had to know they had to know something was going on You cannot work with someone on a regular practically daily basis
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- And and see this person You know day in and day out and be around this person and not know that there's something seriously wrong
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- Even what he has put up himself in the last several years. I mean it just it's obvious It's obvious there were serious issues and they didn't do anything about it
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- And I'm sure they they knew what was going on. Well before all this stuff came out in the public shame on Liberty University the the board shame on the board of Liberty University for allowing this to go on as long as it did and then to add insult to injury when it all
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- Comes out and everything hits the fan They're gonna pay him 10 .5
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- million dollars They're gonna pay him 10 .5 million dollars for bringing reproach on the name of Christ and sullying the gospel
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- Well done Unreal it is no wonder that the world mocks
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- Christians the way it does when this is what they see shame on Jerry Falwell Shame on Liberty University the board the leadership.
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- I know there are some very fine students that go to Liberty. I'm not Don't hear me wrong. I know and I'm sure there are some very fine faculty members at Liberty University But boy,
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- I'm gonna tell you there's a lot wrong there There's a lot wrong there and this brings reproach on the gospel.
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- I have been praying for Jerry Falwell Not in the sense maybe that you might think because I'm not praying for him to be comforted or anything like that I'm praying for his soul.
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- I'm praying for his conversion because he is displaying literally none of the
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- Evidences that should be there if you are truly in union with Jesus Christ. He is excusing his sin
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- He is blaming his sin on others He's taking ownership of nothing and that is not the hallmark of a
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- Christian So I'm praying for his soul and I'm praying for repentance and if God does save him
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- Then he will come out publicly and admit to the incredible reproach that he has brought on the gospel
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- Okay, dear ones. May this be a warning to all of us sober warning to all of us that as Christians People watch us and we need to carry the name of Christ well
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- Thank you very much dear ones until our next time together May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the fellowship of his