Elevation Church Youth Group PRAISES Barack Obama!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. I honestly thought that Elevation Church could not get any less discernment.
I honestly thought that they couldn't be any more unwise than they already are. But then I found a post on the
Elevation Youth Group Instagram account that was truly appalling. The post was recently made for Black History Month, and it has multiple pictures of the former president,
Barack Obama, smiling, and a quote that says this, quote, Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time, end quote.
So in today's video, we are going to compare this post to scripture, and deal with some potential objections that might arise as well.
So without any further ado, let's get straight into it. For starters, let's read the post a little differently.
The post talks vaguely about change, but I think it could just as easily be read as positive change.
After all, why would you make a post for Black History Month of someone who you think facilitated negative change?
So the post could easily and accurately be re -read to say, positive change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.
In other words, the central meaning of the post is that former president Barack Obama facilitated and encouraged positive change in the
United States. But even more than this, the implication of the post is that the positive change that Obama created should be honored and praised in the church among Christians.
Again, that's what the post is doing. It's literally praising Barack Obama from a church
Instagram account, so it's not a stretch to say that they recommend this. So in summary, Elevation Church believes that Barack Obama was a force for positive
Christian change, and is an example that young Christians in their youth group should look up to. That's what the post is doing.
The implications of this post are so unbiblical, so wicked, that it's really hard to imagine that any church with an ounce of biblical discernment could have posted this.
And that actually makes sense. Elevation Church does not have an ounce of biblical discernment, and therefore they are precisely the type of church that would post this kind of thing.
Now some of you might be asking, what's the big deal with Elevation Church posting this? I happen to think Barack Obama was a pretty cool guy.
I don't agree with everything he said, but I think he's pretty cool. What exactly did he do that you think is so wrong that Elevation Church can't promote him?
And to that I would simply respond by asking, how much time do you have? The list of wicked and unbiblical things supported and defended by President Barack Obama is too long to list in a single video.
That would require multiple encyclopedias to cover. He is an evil man who God is most certainly displeased with, to say the least.
Of course, Obama can always repent and trust in Christ, and his sins can be washed away if he does that.
But until then, my point still stands. So let's start with Obama's views on so -called gay marriage to illustrate this, shall we?
In 2007, Obama said the following, quote, I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.
Now for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union, end quote. This seems to be a very strong Christian position, doesn't it?
But in 2009, just a little bit later, Obama's views had completely changed. He was then quoted as saying the following, quote,
I've just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to affirm that I think same -sex couples should be able to get married, end quote.
The article from which these quotes were taken will be linked in the description. They're all accurate. You will find that over the course of Obama's political career, he went from being firmly against gay marriage to firmly in support of it.
Why? Because Obama is a shill for the secular world. He does not serve Christ in any discernible way.
He is not a Christian in any discernible way. After all, in John 14, 15, Jesus himself says, quote,
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And part of the command of Scripture is that marriage is the
God -created institution of the exclusive union of a man to a woman.
There are no exceptions to this. Romans 1, 26 -27 calls homosexuality a shameful lust, a dishonorable passion, a sinful sexual deviancy that is worthy of strict punishment from God.
These are the Bible's words, not mine. There is absolutely no way that you can be a good, consistent
Christian who believes the Bible and puts it into practice and still affirm the marriage of a man to a man or a woman to a woman.
Such a union is an affront to God's creative decree and a wicked partnership that God calls an abomination.
Gay marriage was officially legalized in the United States under, guess whose presidency, Barack Obama, in the year 2015.
And Barack said and did absolutely nothing to oppose this unbiblical and disgusting action on the part of the
United States government. He did nothing to stop this. In fact, he actively supported this. In a speech given to the
LGBT Pride reception in Obama's White House, Obama said this, quote, We live in an
America where all of us are treated more equally. And insurance companies can no longer turn someone away simply because of who you love.
But together, we've proven that change is possible, that progress is possible, end quote.
You hear that, folks? The change that Obama wanted to create was a change that saw more homosexuality being practiced openly in the
United States. Obama's positive change for America was one that ripped the biblical foundations of marriage away from our society.
And yet Elevation Church still posted a picture that said Obama's change to this country was positive and that Christians should admire and respect the changes he made.
They have made an explicit post that encourages their children in Elevation Church to be inspired by the change that Barack Obama created.
But according to the man's own words, the change he wanted to create in this country is an affront to God and an affront to his word.
It doesn't get more unbiblical than that, folks. So next, let's take a look at Obama's views with regards to the murder of unborn children, shall we?
Because nothing says you're a great Christian role model quite like murdering babies, right? Well, over the course of Obama's eight -year presidency in the
United States, there were a whopping 7 ,982 ,250 unborn babies brutally slaughtered.
And St. Barack, the diligent Christian that he is, did absolutely nothing to stop this from happening.
In fact, again, he actively campaigned in favor of a woman's right to murder her child.
What does the Bible say about all this, though? Well, Psalm 139, verse 13, says, quote, "...for you formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother's womb,
I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made," end quote. This passage makes it abundantly clear that God is actively creating, actively forming infants in the womb.
When a child is conceived and growing in the womb of its mother, God is facilitating that growth directly.
Therefore, to destroy this work of God is to deliberately block, to actively wipe out the product of God's own creative decree.
More than this, you are taking an innocent life and murdering a child that has no way to defend itself.
Exodus 20, verse 13 says, quote, "...you shall not murder." It can't get more obvious than that, can it?
So it is clear that abortion is murder, and it is also clear that God opposes murder. But Barack Obama, on the other hand, is completely in favor of murdering infants.
He thinks that this is a good, positive change for society, and of course change will not happen if you wait for another person at another time, will it,
Elevation Church? This was a change that he himself helped advance in the world. The change of wickedness.
The change of disgusting sin. And in response to all of this, despite all of this, rather, Elevation Church has posted a picture that encourages the young people in their congregation to revere, respect, and emulate someone who thinks murdering babies is a human right.
Unbelievable. Elevation Church has allowed their youth group to venerate a political figure who actively and deliberately did his very best to deny
God's ethical standard and to disobey His Word. As Romans 1 .32 says, quote, "...though
they know God's righteous decree, that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them, but give approval to those who practice them."
End quote. So with all of this in mind, how on earth could any Christian be supportive of Barack Obama in any way?
You see, every day I wake up thinking, there is no way that Elevation Church could be any more unbiblical.
They've gone too far already. There is no way that they could be any more foolish and undiscerning than they already are.
And surprise, surprise, every morning they never cease to defy my wildest expectations.
Make no mistake, this is not something that God will excuse. These are not things that God is neutral on.
In the Church, we must take a firm stance against murder and against sexual immorality. That used to go without saying, for God Himself takes hard stances against these things in His Word.
Elevation Church's weak theology is being exposed more and more by the day. Isaiah 5 .20
says, quote, "...woe to those who call evil good, and good evil." End quote. To celebrate the political change that Obama facilitated in America is to celebrate evil.
To call this change positive, or good, is to call evil positive. It is to call evil good.
The Lord has commanded us explicitly not to do this in His Word. He has said woe to people who do this.
But Elevation Church, in their desperate desire to be culturally relevant, has established time and time again that the explicit command of God's Word is merely an afterthought.
This has become part and parcel of their ministry at large. So before we conclude this video,
I want to deal with a few possible objections. Some people will say that Elevation Church is merely praising
Barack Obama's speaking capabilities. They're merely praising his charisma in the post. They're not supporting his politics explicitly.
They're not saying that he's a great person. They're saying he's an effective leader. And to that I would respond by saying this, you're probably right.
Elevation Church knows all about promoting leaders that have all this charisma, all these speaking abilities, and yet lack the values that are consistent with Scripture.
That's what they've been doing for years with their own pastor Stephen Furtick. So it's no surprise that they do the same thing with their politicians.
But in any case, remember that Adolf Hitler promoted mass murder and was also considered a great speaker.
But if German History Month were to show up, which it never will, I don't think Elevation Church would be posting anything about good old
Adolf, now would they? You can clearly see the double standard here. And of course, there will be another objection in the comment section of this video.
I know for a fact that there will be several comments bringing up good old Donald Trump. Oh Colin, you think
Christians can't support Obama, but they can support that horrible Donald Trump? Trump committed adultery.
Trump has said a lot of mean things in the past. And my answer to that is this. How did a conversation about the explicit, sinful promotion of Barack Obama by Elevation Church somehow become a conversation about the potential promotion of Donald Trump by some conservative
Christians? That's what you call a red herring, folks, and I'm not going to fall for it. Nothing Trump has ever said or done makes this action on Elevation Church's part ethical.
Nothing Trump has ever said or done is relevant to this post at all. I have shown you explicit proof that one of the most popular evangelical churches in America just promoted a radical, pro -murder, pro -LGBT politician.
Your response to that should be to say yes and amen, and to agree that this is a sinful and evil thing to promote.
If your first response is instead to whine and moan about Donald Trump, I think that tells you your moral compass needs some maintenance on it.
If you want your comments to be taken seriously, you need to actually respond to the topic at hand. Don't bring up distractions that have nothing to do with this.
Elevation Church is promoting an immoral, wicked, and disgusting worldview to their children indirectly by way of encouraging them to emulate
Barack Obama, for these are the things that Obama stood for. This is unbiblical to the highest degree, and it exposes even more of the appalling lack of discernment that is being exercised at Elevation Church.
It's entirely unsurprising this is what we've come to expect from Elevation. So pray for them, that they would repent of this nonsense and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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