Tape 3 - Christian Reflections from the Jewish Family


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


to Jewish people, not even to talk about the nation of Israel that hasn't known any peace since its day of inception since 1948.
But the concept of peace is a beloved thing amongst Jewish people. Now, the final benediction, would you turn and look at probably the most famous, one of the most famous benedictions of all time in Numbers chapter 6, and then we'll take a brief standing break or something.
In the book of Numbers chapter 6, this is called the
Aaronic benediction. The Aaronic benediction. We're talking about peace. Look at chapter 6, verse 24.
Numbers chapter 6, verse 24. Speak unto
Aaron and say, in verse 23, saying, In this way you shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, and you hear this all the time, you hear it quoted in so many places, it is one of the most famous in the world.
The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. The last word in the
Aaronic benediction is peace, is peace. Turn me to Genesis chapter 15.
Genesis chapter 15. Peace is something that is exalted in the word of God.
It is that which is exalted throughout Scripture. It is exalted within Christianity.
In Genesis chapter 15, verse 15, this is what it said. Abraham was promised, and thou shalt go to thy father's in peace.
In peace, it says. Look at Genesis chapter 28. Genesis chapter 28. Jacob, he asked for basically one thing.
In Genesis chapter 28, verse 21. So that I come again to my father's house in peace, then shall the
Lord be my God. When I come back home, I want to come to my father's house in peace.
I want to come in peace, I want to live in peace. God praised that priest by saying my covenant was with him, life and peace.
In Numbers chapter 25. Numbers 25.
You say, why didn't we look at that when we were in Numbers? Numbers 25.
Phinehas, for all of his zeal, was rewarded in Numbers 25, verse 12. Wherefore say, behold,
I give unto him my covenant of peace. God himself is called the God of peace.
In Isaiah 9, verse 6. His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Sar Shalom, Prince of Peace.
Prince of Peace. He gives peace in the heart. Israel's sages, the wise
Jewish writers of old, the Jewish leaders, the great old men of Judaism.
They lit a lantern and they lit that lantern and they set it in every Jewish home to illuminate it with what they call the light of peace.
And you find Jewish homes are very strong about this. On Shabbat, Friday at 6 o 'clock or sundown
Friday to sundown Saturday, Saturday at 6 o 'clock on Shabbat Sabbath, the
Sabbath candles are lit in each Jewish home regardless of where they are in the world.
Some however, there were Jewish prisoners of war that found and made them little candles and found ways to light those candles wherever it was possible.
Of course, sometimes it wasn't. But if at all in their cells, they lit those candles. And Sabbath light is called the light of peace.
Sabbath light represents to the Jewish person, Shalom Bayit, peaceful home. Peaceful home.
Well, the poorest of the poor, they say, and it makes no difference the educated, uneducated, everyone can light the
Sabbath light. They can light the light of peace. And on the Sabbath, whatever anger and whatever resentment that has taken place between the families during that week, it is forgiven and forgotten on the
Sabbath. The Sabbath is a happy joyous time for those of you that have been to Israel. And you see the welcoming in of the
Shabbat, the Sabbath. You go down to what we call the Western Wall. Gentiles call it the Wailing Wall. But you go to the
Western Wall, and you stand there. And there'll be sometimes 20, 30, 40, and I have been there when there have been 80 ,000 people would be gathered just before 6 o 'clock on Friday afternoon.
And all of a sudden, way in the background, about a half a mile away, you hear voices.
You can't quite make them out. And then they begin to come closer and closer, and you make out that it's, it has a melody.
And then soon you begin to hear a tune. You begin to hear the words. And you look up, and all of a sudden, here come several rabbis, and there may be 152 to 300 teenage boys with their white shirts, yarmulkes, dark trousers, locked arm in arm, and there'll be ten across a row, and there may be just rows and rows and rows of them, like a whining snake as it comes down those paths, walking towards that wall, singing a song, welcoming the
Sabbath. The Sabbath is like a person that comes, that brings joy and peace and excitement.
They wind to the Western Wall, and they begin to pray and sing with wilting lullabies, melodies, and all this, a time of rejoicing.
And it's something to see 80 ,000 people singing and rejoicing that that day that reminds them of their covenant with God has arrived.
And there is no room for anger. There is no room for resentment. It is a time of rejoicing.
Look to God that you and I can do the same on the Lord's Day. That day we come into the house of God looking like we've been to a funeral procession.
We come in looking like we're going to the death row. We walk in the house of God, and we leave the house of God as if someone has sentenced us to death when our
God is alive. And Jesus is alive, and we are children of light, not children of day.
And we go out into a community that lives that way every day, and we show them nothing different in our countenance.
We show them the same dismal look that is upon their face. We exemplify to them that same longing for peace that we say we have, but most of the time we don't.
And they know the difference. They know the difference. So there's nothing there for the Holy Spirit to attract them.
Bees come to honey. Hummingbirds come to nectar. If you have that which they can dine upon, they will come.
If you have that which will meet their need, they will come. The God will attract them to it. He will attract them to that.
No sacrifice is too dear or too precious. No sacrifice is too high to have peace in a home.
It ought to be supreme in our thinking. Peace between a husband and a wife, husband and wife, and children, children and their parents.
To have peace with one another. Now listen to me carefully. Because you may not have it, do not believe that it is not possible to have.
Do not assume that every person acts like you do. Don't assume that every person reacts like you do.
Don't assume that you are the norm. I must never assume that I am the normal individual.
I may be normal for me, but there may be someone who's walking closer to the Lord. Excuse me, you and me.
Peace comes into the hands of a man in a home, a tremendous weapon whereby he can demolish enmity.
And if he really strives for peace in that home, if a man strives for it, it'll happen. If a woman strives for it, it may never come.
Because it is the man's responsibility to see that that atmosphere prevails and pervades itself in that home.
Let's take a moment and we'll come back and talk about women. About 10 minutes?
About 10 minutes and turn me to that marvelous passage of scripture that you all know well,
Proverbs 31. We're not going to spend a lot of time in it, but I might say, you know, that it's one that you've developed and in Jewish life that you find in Jewish writings a lot of talking about a woman of valor.
And you remember I said that the woman is the queen of the home. She's the queen of beauty. She's the queen of love. She is the queen of compassion.
In Proverbs 31 verse 10, who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies?
A woman of valor who can find for her price is far above rubies.
A woman of valor. It is said that in this passage, it is given in praise of a woman who deliberately, knowingly, by her own will, gives up her father's ways gives up her family and is willing to leave her family to come over to another situation and give up all that her father has for her and all that she has in her home in order to partake and be a participant in the husband or the father's ways or those of her husband.
She smiles upon him when he's angry. She honors him in poverty or wealth where he's rich or poor.
She honors him and she loves him and stays with him and honors him in old age as well as youth.
In Jewish life, women are considered agents of redemption. She is considered an agent of redemption.
In every generation, at the very hour when all seemed hopeless, when everything seemed to be lost, virtuous women, women of valor have sweetened their husbands' lives, have consoled them in times of adversity, and have kindled a spark of hope that a better time was coming.
Stand fast, a better time is coming. We can make it. We can do it.
As she encouraged him in those times. The Jewish sages, and by sages I mean the wise men of Judaism, those that you don't read about, those men who had such a the men who came after during the time of Jesus.
They developed some Jewish leaders, men who began to interpret the Old Testament, and men who began to make commentaries on them, and men who began to try to explain to the
Jewish people what the scripture was saying. They weren't Christians, but they are called the Jewish sages, you know, the sages of Judaism.
And then what one of them said, he who is blessed with a good wife will never lack though he be poor in material goods.
Though he has nothing, he will never lack anything. Well, look at Proverbs 31 verse 11.
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. That's the
King James. It says the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, and he has no lack of gain. He has nothing that he will have need of if he has a wife with whom he lives.
Look at me at Psalm 128. Psalm 128. Psalm 128 describes the blessings on a home.
It is a psalm that deals with a home that serves God. A psalm that governs a home where the people love
God in it. And Psalm 128 verse 3, the first part, Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house.
She'll be like a fruitful vine. The fruitful vine not only has beauty, it not only gives shade, but it has all of those things and enhances that in which we live.
The Jewish sages again say, happy is he, and happy is his lot who has merited a good wife.
For though he will win the respect of others, the scripture says a virtuous wife is a crown to her husband.
Now, we know that's in Proverbs 12, don't we? Proverbs 12, if you're underlining,
Proverbs 12 verse 4, a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband. A man who wants to be a king, if he has a virtuous woman, if he has a woman of valor, if he has a godly wife, he is a king in Jewish life.
By the very fact that he has a godly wife. Eve, Eve, was called the mother of all living.
We were speaking just briefly about this this morning. Literally in the Hebrew, it means the mother of life's. L -I -F -E -S, the mother of life's.
So in English, we say the mother of lives or the mother of all living. She is called that.
Adam was never called the father of all living. He is simply called the first man.
She is called a mother of all living, the mother of all lives. And she's looked upon.
It is natural then, because of that, Jewish people believe, and I think it bears out, it is natural that people look to the mother.
It is natural that a mother receives honor. I mean, we can have a whole new house, that mother, and even in animal life, even in the bird life, even the fowls of the air, it is the female that seems to be honored.
You can watch the whole, it's the female, and you get almost all of them, with just one or two exceptions, it is the female.
And in human life, it is the mother that just naturally is honored by the children. She's naturally honored by people.
She's naturally honored by the community. And so therefore God, in the law, in the
Torah, in the word of God, because of that, God redresses that and puts it in balance, and he says in the
Ten Commandments, honor thy father and thy mother. He puts the father first, because he knows it is natural in inclination to honor the mother, so he says, but the father must be honored also.
And so naturally, you honor your mother, God says you honor your father. It is not natural to honor a father.
It is something you have to work at. You say, well, I honor my father. Well, but you have to work at it. All people have to work at it.
There is just something about a mother, because what? Her love, her beauty, her compassion, her tenderness, her grace.
You just naturally respond to things like that. The dad, here he comes. He's aggressive. God made him that way. He's aggressive.
He's boisterous. He's ambitious. He's quick -tempered at times, and all those things.
But God made him. I mean, biologically, that's just the way he's made. There's nothing wrong with that. Those things have to be brought into their proper perspective and probably have to be put into order with God, so that God develops them as a beautiful channel whereby
God will work with him. It's not a matter of respect. We respect the father, but to honor him, one has to understand that and work at it.
Jewish law says that the origin of everything good, everything good that one finds in the world, and especially amongst
Jewish people, is because of the woman. I'm going to give you seven women that Jews look at.
If you ladies want to be a beautiful study, study these women with the phrase that I'm about to give you.
There are seven women that are revered in Jewish life, and each one represents something to them.
They are sermons within themselves. Eve, the mother of all living. Sarah, whose name was
Sarai at one time. Sarai means what? Contentious.
Contentious. I know what you may be thinking, man, you ought to name mine Sarai. God changed her name to Sarah.
Sarah. Sarah, the mother of prophecy, the mother of prophecy.
Midd, which translates to Mary, and Miriam the mother of salvation. The mother of salvation.
Deborah, the mother of heroism. Eve, the mother of all living. Sarah, the mother of prophecy.
Miriam, the mother of salvation. Deborah, the mother of heroism. Ruth, the mother of royalty.
Ruth. Dear Ruth, the mother of royalty. Esther, the mother of redemption.
Mother redemption there's a feast in Jewish life that actually commemorates Esther, isn't it? You know that poor poor straight
Nordic I Haman the dreaded Haman the homin Toscan's and Riders and the billion hissing's and all that and those things and so then
Esther the mother of dimension the seventh one is Hannah You say Hannah a is a lot of Hebrew Hannah Hannah So we'll call her
Hannah Hannah and her seven sons. She was called the mother of martyrdom
Dealing with Hannah and her seven sons the mother of much them Woman there if she is the crown of a man
She becomes in this life in this thinking the highest crown that a man can have a highest Receive on this earthly plane is to have a virtuous wife or to have a woman of valor to be his wife
I made mention this the other evening if a man's job And I'm convinced there's some men don't argue with me about him, you know,
I will change my mind about this You know, you are welcome to your opinion, but you're not gonna change me on this if a man's job will give him to a woman
She can manage it Even though it may be difficult for her at times. She can do it.
It happens to him every single day in this world but If you take a woman's chores and duties and tasks and you impose those on a man, he cannot manage
He cannot do it. Oh, he may be one Or he may do this He may can turn the water on he may commit us, but he will not be able to manage what a woman manages
There will be some exceptions, but the general rule is no no No the tasks of a woman are far more difficult than task of a man and her
Versatility and her power of endurance will go beyond the man almost on every occasion
That man will be laying in a bed weak and Feeble and that wife will still be running around that house serving that 85 and nine years of age
He just have you see it all the time Here the men come I'm not being critical, but here they come walking the street here.
She comes She's 85 he's 85 here he comes Time and again, you see the wind driving them all in I'm not being critical fame drive for it
Her endurance her versatility the things that she can do she can sew she can cook she can drive
She can know she can paint she can build she can cut she can saw she can do all those things man
He can build he can fish he can hunt It is not that he is intelligent
I'm not saying that all I am saying that he is incapable of Accomplishing the things she accomplishes that she calls her chores and her tasks as a mother as a wife as a woman
And around the house and the duties turn a man loose in a supermarket and watch him
It's pathetic I see him all the time It was like a hippopotamus turn loose in a china closet he gunned the man is down Oh, okay, you see that go ask him to get some tomatoes.
He doesn't know he goes, you know Pop that thing a pop in his hand, you know, somebody somebody told him to scream
He squashed that juggler, you know, I'm gonna check all those vegetables and things out like that you watch her
She beat those things out boy. Listen, she won't make mistakes He'll come home and say well, I thought that watermelon sounded pretty good to me.
She won't bring one home that way It'll be a good one. She'll never see inside of it. Did it be a good one? He'll bring one home.
Maybe half round half green happy because it's sadly good thing, you know I'm not tuned into that side.
You know, I'm not being supercritical. I just think it's that way. No woman's virtue I think a woman's virtue lies in her accepting and being contented in her role in Jewish thinking
That's her virtue that she accepts her role as the wife and as a mother and she's contented in that role
She does not complain. She just blesses God and thanks God who made her according to his will
She does not toil. She does not labor for any reward But she does it in order to fulfill the will of God for her life
She doesn't do it. Oh if the husband commends her wonderful if the children thank mom, that's great
But she does it primarily because God is pleased with her role and she's committed to the role in the will of God the desire to achieve greatness is one of the most human characteristics
I Mean to be great or to be renowned or to have success as we call it and many there are who succeed in obtaining the recognition and Yet there are many who don't
There are many people who try to achieve it and never achieve it because they don't achieve it bitterness sets into their life
Because they think they've been slighted by the world. They've been slighted by the office. They've been slighted by the boss
They've been slighted somehow and didn't get that which they deserve But few and rare are those individuals who do not even care for greatness
Few and rare those people who don't care anything about being great. They don't care anything about being renowned
They don't care anything about having the acclaim the applause of society They don't care anything about having the approval of the community.
They don't care anything about all of those things They are content to live modestly and to live happily in the
Lord They are content to serve the Lord they labor faithfully and they avoid publicity and they prefer to let other people bask in Undeserved glory and that's a wife
That is a godly woman. That's a mother The trait is woman's glory.
It is simply this modesty in life That is a woman's glory in life her modesty
Let me explain that it is the dominant virtue in a godly woman's character She is the initiator
She is the founder. She is the source of so much in this world. That is good yet She herself stands modestly in the shadow and lets other people bask in honor and glory
She's the mother of all life in her essence and she's the helpmate or the helpmate in her appearance
She's the mother of pure faith In most homes that I'm aware of it is the mother develops the faith of the children
It's the mother that brings forth the faith in the home She's a woman of dedication to good and She is a woman that is at war against iniquity
Yet she appears to the world as a dedicated wife who lets her husband take all the glory
So that's a husband get all the acclaim and she sits in the background Serving God contented in a role of the
Lord loving the family Loving those around her and being that foundation that God has placed in that home
There's so much to know about equal rights When you go study the rabbis I don't care which one you study except one of the liberal ones today when you go back and study the rabbis of old
You never find one Whoever engaged in the vain conversation about restoring women's honors or By giving women equal rights.
You don't find one rabbi. You don't find one great Jewish writer You don't find one
Jewish sage in all of human history who spent any time in dealing with such vain
Conversation why because here's what they say Jewish people who live according to God's law would never be able if they wanted to To give a woman more rights than she already possesses under God No man can give to a woman more than God has already given her no matter what laws they pass
No matter what they do if people live according to God's law Then Women man woman king and queen each rules a different world
So to speak in the home The man is one world and the woman is another world each has different tasks
Each has a different set of rights if you want to discuss it at that particular point They are different in a way.
They hold two stations of equal rank in life two stations of equal rank king
Queen When the king is there he makes decisions when the king goes out of the country
It is the Queen's that's on the throne and she makes the decisions equal rank equal rank both trusting both loving both with extreme confidence that one will do the right thing at the end if the end of it
Isn't there always the right thing will be done. No fears and no worries. No apprehensions about it equal rank
Man conquers and more than gives him strength to do it Man goes out and gets it and she gives him the strength man is the trunk of the tree
Woman is the hidden well from which the tree draws its sustenance Man's activities are broad all embracing invisible.
You see them all the time. You see me an active a Woman's activities are more lasting value and her influence is more pleasant and more permanent.
You just don't see them You just don't see what she does most of the time Let me give you some rabbinical thoughts on a good wife, here's what the ancient rabbi said about a wife
Jewish girls are not noisy nor continually running around nor given to light -headed laughter
That's from to come off in the Jewish writings That's interesting
I see some dreams Jewish girls are not noisy nor continually running around or given to light -headed laughter business a
Woman does not sit idle. That's from the usual. Um, cuz he's about a two a Barishful woman is charming and a restrained soulless priceless been
Sarah a Restrained soulless priceless a woman who honors her husband appears wise to everyone been
Sarah Here's mine a noisy and sharp -tongued woman is as frightening as a trumpet of war
True true Proverbs 1913 the contentions of a wife are a constant dripping
Now you think was about that weather? Have you ever laid there in bed in a motel? Have you ever laid in your home and hear something?
You know, you're laying there and you're trying to sleep and all of a sudden you hear something going Boop, boop, boop
Boop, boop, boop Boop, boop, boop Boop, boop, boop Boop, boop, boop Boop, boop, boop Boop, boop, boop
There and that thing still drew drew drew, you know, there's a
Chinese torture I talked to a young man who's in the Korean War And this young man said that he was when he was captured.
They took him out and they stripped him naked freezing temperature sub -zero weather put him in a hole in the ground and doused him with water and Then they lowered a bucket over his head and had it tied and they had warm water coming through this pipe
And they had it where it would just drop and for 24 hours He stood in the freezing cold with that water freezing to his body and that water dripped on that bucket over his head
Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop Boop, boop, boop, boop For 24 hours and I said he's just 19 years old
I said how in the name of heaven Could you ever have stood such a thing and he said
I thought about one verse of Scripture John 3 16 He said
I began to think of the word for and I thought of everything I knew about for for everything He said
I just thought about for and he decided the next one God He said I thought about everything I've ever learned about God and he broke down each word
And that's what he kept doing all that long to keep his sanity The Bible says that the contentions of a wife are a constant dripping nag nag nag nag nag
And even listen the same and over and over Do you really believe that you're going to get your husband to do something by just constantly giving it to him every five minutes?
You know, it doesn't work. So that's why what you go do it yourself. I know My wife came to me
And she asked me we have some rose bushes out in the back of our home and have some you know
The climbing roses most cover the whole back fence right there and I like them they're nice take a lot of problems
I don't tend to him well, but remember she says Is willing to put some cedar post out there
You'll be really nice put several cedar post and set them in and run the rise I'm just like those roses climb them.
You know that I said, well, that'd be great. I'll do that Well, we quit bad you eat went by we mine so she came to him again
She said you know, you know, we thought they'll see the post She said you think we can get that done this weekend. I said,
I'll do it Saturday Saturday's a day. I'm gonna do that Well, sorry became a man.
Sorry came and went and this went on and on and on and on three years later Three years later
I'm serious three years later. I walked in my house and there was a little note
She didn't quit But there's a note a list of things that I was to do that I said
I was gonna do and I haven't done anyone there 89 I'm on there and the first one was put cedar post in You know what?
I did and I saw that note get the thing off that man. I was you know, I was righteously indignant Come and I was infuriated
We are best. I mean I miss I got time to let the mess of their dumb pose And then
I'm gonna wait and she asked me to do this I thought it was just a week or so ago but it happened to be three years and so finally
I got those poles and you know, But she didn't have to if she'd stayed on my case about it.
I thought I would have done it You know, I just where I am, you know, I just Get yourself, you know something like that.
I just get busy, you know, I go pray and meditate and read scripture and things things like that A Constant dripping it accomplishes nothing
It creates contention It's better if he doesn't do what he ought to do is turn him over to God Talk to God about him
God get him straight. God can work on us God can get down, you know where we can go and and and this is just what rabbinical thought is
It just says that a woman, you know that a contentious woman is like a constant dripping. It just drips drips drips drips drips
Modesty We came from modesty into the conduct, you know, it's the better part of wisdom if I'm a
Excuse me Introduce There's something I talk about we mentioned this is more we're talking in the office
The one things I do when I marry people I don't have to marry very many But we have such a system lying down for them.
We isolate them those who really want to marry in the Lord But I take a young lady And we talk to them about these things about modesty and conduct setting forth these disciplines when you get married
It's easy to do when you first get married. Then let's try to pick them up later on That's been one hour and a half minimum with that young girl
And then I want to meet him with that boy and I spend a minimum of one hour and a half with him And then I get both of them together and I spend an hour half minimum
You know somebody's about two hours with both of them Then I'll get her and her parents and I want to talk to them for about an hour and a half
And then I want him and his parents and I talked to him about an hour and a half and then we get all of them together before that wedding and we spend about two hours telling those parents what they can and cannot do and when they can and when they can and Then I give them six hours of tapes
To listen on family living and then I give him a tape on what is a wife And after all of that if they'll come back and answer some questions for me and discuss some things with me
Then we'll go and set a date for marriage We've never had one divorce in 30 years in the ministry
We've had some problems, but we've never had one get a divorce Why because I thought no simply because when they had a problem they knew where to go
They went to the book and resolve their difficulties or that calm and say what about this or they'd call someone or they go to their
Pastor that they had set up a discipline in their life Early so that when the crisis came, you know why
Job was successful with God Job didn't do anything different when his problems come that he had done all of his life
He just kept serving God every day honoring God every day praying every day Welcoming God every day and he had all sorts of crisis things that you and I will never have in our lives
But he didn't do anything different So if you and I can learn if we will do the things God wants us to do every day
When the problems come we must keep that on moving Well, let's keep right on going and we will resolve those difficulties and it comes down To putting these things into our home
One of the things that Jewish law requires of a man is he cannot permit I'll give you a few of these He cannot permit his home to seed with noise.
You go into a Jewish home. You don't find a bunch of noise You don't find things falling down stairs You don't find states come sailing out hitting the door you don't find surfboards laying up against the wall
No, I'm not saying their homes in better yet. I'm just saying you just don't find it He cannot allow his home to see the noise screaming loud laughter or bitter cries of anger
It violates Jewish law now, I'm not saying there aren't those who don't live But if they do they violate law and they did not tell you what man they do
Because he bounce on them, you know, he doesn't he just bounce on them Cuz see it's hard to vote him out.
So you vote your pastor out. I know how they do it They're like, yeah, I'm gonna get off another one Well, it's kind of hard to vote that do that.
I know, you know, well another one pleasure seekers can never be welcome in his home Though he be a man of means he must avoid conspicuous consumption or ostentation
There are homes that I've been in multi -millionaires one man has a hundred million mother has 300 million
I've been in their homes You'd be amazed. Oh, I know there are differences there are all those exceptions, but what would you know?
I have 300 million dollars Well, I take you a week to go through my house I have 300 million to build me one than you and I'd be one from here
Sherman something like that, you know Now you wouldn't hit you you'd give it to the Lord's work We'd build our new church building and we dedicate all the church, you know
They'd call it the Freeman building and all those things. Yeah, don't you mean it? Here's one his table will not be richly laden with ordinary meals
Eat modestly the members of his household will not over eat in Jewish families, you usually are required to leave something not a child child cake, but the adults will usually leave something on their plate
As a matter of discipline as a matter of discipline, you don't consume it all and suck it all up Here's another one.
They will not rise at noon. I'll go to sleep at midnight It would be early to bed and early to rise for the Jewish family.
I Come in Jews make all the money. I mean every man every time I listen they take nothing to make it grow
I'll go to work early and they work they work and they work as a family They put 16 17 18 hours a day and they don't mind and they don't spend their time
Running around doing those things that have no value for them. They know they've got to be successful I'm not saying they're right and everything today.
I'm just saying that's the way it is I've shared with you about Jewish money. So I have to say it here lest you misunderstand
I have a top 320 corporations in North America less than 5 % of them even have one
Jew on the Board of Directors The Jews do not control the money in North America Top 320 less than 5 % have one
Jew on the Board of Directors The Dallas Morning News ran a list of 10 wealthiest families in North America Five of them lived in Texas and have the top 10 only ones a
Jew So when you go back to where you go, you know as you move around the city you hear that little phrase
You tell him it isn't so it just doesn't work that way He must have all the other extreme that is an ascetic self -denial
Moderation is the key. And so here's the Jewish yardstick consider as a modest any pattern of behavior
So out of keeping with one's life situation that it would elicit the amazed comment of an outsider
If anybody outside your home makes a comment about something you are doing in sort of an amazement or wonder about it
Then that is considered immodest It is foolish to envy those for whom life is one big party there are no index to real happiness
We often fail to see the suffering and the torment in the hearts of those who feel they must always be dancing through life
So I went to a rabbi and I don't agree with his definition, but here's his definition of modesty
It is proper moderation in food and drink. I agree with some of it in food and drink moderation and hospitality moderation and speech in relation to the family and outside of the family in such a home a
Visitor will immediately breathe the air of sweet calm and peace
Speaking we spent most of tonight talking about the action the reactive impulse
Look with me at Proverbs 15 Soft speech is the best guard
To learn to speak softly. It's the best guard of a home serenity. Let's get question
Who's the most effective person in the store? Who's the most effective person in the shop? Who'd be the most effective person in a classroom?
Who's the most effective person one's always screaming and yelling all the person who just kind of speaks family, but quietly
Look at Proverbs 15 verse 4 a Wholesome tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit a
Wholesome tongue is a tree of life Personally speaks in a restrained voice a quiet house is a tranquil house.
Everyone is heard and no one is Overpowered words go from mouth to ear and from ear to heart of every person in the home
I should have shared this with you one time. There's a young fella He just very quickly just almost overnight became a millionaire
Tremendous Christian if I mentioned his name some of you would know him. I know your pastor would know it and this young man owns
Multiplied shopping centers and And He said one time we were talking and several couples were together
And he was talking about these things and we were sharing things about family there's a very lovely godly family and he said that he was a little boy and One day he came in from the office and his little boy came in says daddy daddy.
You know, he's just a face again That's what I did today and he said son Just wait just let dad change clothes and and let me get out of you
So dad went on back to his bedroom, you know and got out of his suit and tie Put on something casually came back in a little boy.
He's off there. He says Scotty. Come here. Come here and say what came? Okay, he says a scary tell daddy.
What'd you do today? And he said, oh nothing just played me one on Then forgotten about it. Well later on that evening.
Oh Scotty. He did something. He shouldn't have done So daddy had to correct him dad came over and he's talked to him that son
I've told you not to do this and some you know that this cannot be done. So dad has to correct him He said little boy just looking all over And he said son look at me when
I talk to you And he said that little boy looked at me now and said dad You don't look at me when I talk to you and he said it just cut me in my heart, but I realized the indifference
Let me ask you something dad Mom when your children come on a real young person come home Do you sit on and take some time to talk to them about things that bother them things that they are interested in?
Don't implant what you think into them and don't talk to him about what you do Ask them get them to where they'll share what they do what they aren't doing.
Do you know what hurts? They have what needs there. You know what they're involved in other than just generally go to school They do this.
I mean, you know how they think do you know how they react? Do you know the things that they are facing? You know the things that they are confronting?
Do you let them share to you what they don't like about your home? Do you give them the freedom to come to you and say I think we ought to change this in our house
I think we ought to consider this not that you have to do it, but let them share to you their ideas
Do you let them plan some of the things that you do in your home? Do you let them plan your family times? Do you let them plan your activities?
Do you let them contribute to your vacation? Do you try to find out what you'd like to do and not like to do as a family?
It's as if they don't exist Many times many times and yet they have personalities they have desires
They need to talk to someone and if you know, I don't talk to them They'll find someone to talk to them and they'll get wrong information
They'll get bad information They're with discouraging information and they'll get that information that is detrimental to their life
Turn me to Psalm 131 And then we're gonna we're gonna stop
Psalm 131 growing in grace Psalm 131 verse 2 surely
I have behaved and quieted myself. I Have behaved and quieted myself
Meaning words We try to urge them to practice restraint in their speech
At the very beginning of their way and turning their home into a haven of serenity and a fortress of security
I do not advocate watching it But if you want to understand what I'm talking about for those of you that may have some trouble grasping what
I'm talking about about speech And difference to one another are setting up a pattern in your life. Watch the new the red game on TV.
I See more problems and more dangers as those two young couples or sometimes they even know their newlyweds and they're sitting there
They'll ask him some asinine or inane question something to stir them up and I hear their statements to one
Then you see those two egos come to play with one another and they sit there and will criticize one another say things humorously
Oh, yeah and humor But they'll say things that are cutting and you can see patterns already set up in that couple's life for problems down the road
It is horrifying to see people starting out on life in such a way Jewish life says that a disorderly dirty messy house is a sign of immodesty and It evokes the disdain of others and ultimately it brings about self depreciation of an individual self depreciation a woman doesn't keep her house clean if that house gets messy and dirty she begins to depreciate herself
Modesty is desirable in all things all relations all actions and with all outsiders
Modesty and modesty is that which would cause someone not to look at us with amazement at something different in our lifestyle other than that Which comes from God tomorrow?
I want to share with you something about esteem and essence and about being content
And we'll quit with that And then I want to go into the children and spend some time
And give you some practical guidelines or some things you can do with a child or young person now listen to carefully
We're going to look at a verse of scripture that you already know that it is misquoted. It is misinterpreted
It is misread and all sorts of things like that throughout Churches wherever you go,
I find it. We're gonna look at a verse of scripture I have been told and I have heard people say and they'll say well.
You know they're just at that rebellious stage There is no such thing in the name of God as a rebellious stage
You and I have been taught by this world that it is normal and natural For a child or young person to go through a stage of rebellion do most of them do that yes?
They do, but do they have to know? No You and God are a majority and when
God works in your family he works and God does not want your children.
God does not want any child going off into rebellion. They do it for a reason There are reasons for it
But a home that has God's peace and God's control That home those children will not do it
And I can name you homes literally by the thousands that I have met all over this world that have young people 25 and 30 and 40 years of age now that are going through and Yet those kids never had a period of rebellion in their life
They never had a stage of rebellion against their parents, God, the Church, Christ or any of it And yet on the other hand there are many who do, but I think there are reasons for it that we can prevent it
And I want to give you some preventative measures Some things that you can do in understanding the children understanding young people and some very positive things that you can do to prevent that To prevent that and it's free.