Yup…More Woke-plosions


So Jory Micah says she will be more than happy to send the FBI after me (and Johnny Mac and Doug Wilson—not sure how I got top billing, but I know Doug is wondering, too) for promoting “hate” amongst young men (I think she was trying to blame me for the Atlanta area sex addiction shooter, but as with all things Jory Micah, it is hard to know). But others, like Anthony Bradley and Jemar Tisby had to jump on the “blame it to promote the narrative” bandwagon as well. Which led to us listening to Ally Henny of The Witness “preaching” about how blacks need to leave their mixed-race churches and self-segregate, all on the basis of refusing to forgive, but rather choosing to nourish and encourage a root of bitterness in their souls. An amazing “sermon” indeed. Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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Well greetings, welcome to the fourth dividing line of the week. Don't worry. We're not doing one tomorrow Lord willing
I will I will be just wrapping up a marathon study session on bike tomorrow about now
So you you will be free for the weekend before we go
To our immediate topic. I just saw this come across Twitter Bill de
Blasio from New York City Quote I assure you if a if an
NYPD officer calls you or shows up at your door to ask about something you did That makes people think twice and we need that.
I Think that has an educating impact on people. I think that has a sobering impact that we need isn't this the guy that was defending the police last summer and Now he's saying that They should be used
To frighten people into behaving properly Because people are reporting them big brother is gonna send his agents to have a little talk with you
If you do not do everything a big brother tells you to do. I just I keep trying to tell people 1984 was not meant to be a manual of A perfect society.
It seems that some people read that and go this sounds really cool As long as I can be the guy who you know is one of the elites
You know and everybody else gets to be the little scum people down there on the bottom of the thing anyway
So sometime This morning before noon friend of mine sent me this
This tweet and I Confess I'm a little it's it starts out.
It's sort of like when you someone like over They get a little bit overzealous in there
Complimenting you or talking about what you've done and things like that But mine is the first name mentioned here and and given the other two names.
It's attached to I'm not sure how I I Leapt to the to the front of this line
But someone as as deeply respected for her long term
I mean the the the deep scholarly work that she's been doing in her books and speaking for literally decades
Jory Micah ma Christian doctrine slash church history a
Jory Micah says if the FBI comes knocking at my door looking for Christian leaders radicalizing young men to hate
I'm Pointing them to James White John MacArthur and Doug Wilson.
Who are you pointing the FBI to so there you go?
I I would imagine most most
Christians are Probably going well, I'm I'm actually not really interested in talking to the
FBI The the FBI really doesn't have any any role in my theological
Argumentation but There you go that's the day we live in and That has been illustrated very very well
By what has taken place since the Atlanta area? shootings earlier in the week and Let's just you would think by now we would have learned this lesson, but learning lessons isn't what anything's about anymore neither you nor I have anywhere near enough facts to be
Speculating coming to conclusions anything else It could literally be months down the road before you would actually get all the facts that need to be had to have a
Fair and meaningful conversation, but we we left the fair and meaningful realm a long long time ago
Long long time ago, and that's that's a sad reality Instead whenever you have any kind of Situation that can be
Twisted into a support for the narrative. That's what the left does and so yesterday
When news came out that the suspect who is in custody
Was a member of a Baptist Church now this is
Atlanta and while The percentage of the population
That is a member of a Bible -believing Church is indeed decreasing in the
Atlanta area It's still not the most unusual thing this this isn't the
Northeast yet. This isn't the Northwest So The first thing
I started seeing Was when someone By name of Robert P.
Jones who is about as woke as woke can be I wrote a book called too long white and So he's
You know full -on neo -marxist CRT Woke as as the day is long and He put out a a tweet that all of a sudden all these other people started grabbing hold of so I think he was selected to Try the ground first and Then everybody jumped on to that to make it look like it was you know this this big thing
But he put out a tweet that said not incidental Atlanta murderer
Atlanta murder suspects SBC Church Belongs to founders ministry group
That claims white fragility is pro -racism Calls critical race theory godless and materialistic ideologies equates women preaching with abuse so It didn't take long for people to start grabbing hold of that so let me show you for example
Anthony Bradley who Has radically changed in the past 11 years, that's for sure
But especially like so many. I mean I I didn't pull it up, but I've someone posted a series of Kyle James Howard tweets from 2013
Basically saying why is race have to be about everything and there's not enough evidence to To convict that guy and that of that well everything he wouldn't say today, but yeah things have things have changed a lot
But dr. Anthony B Bradley Requotes Robert P.
Jones's tweet now. Let me let's let's leave that up there so people because that gives you Jones's tweet to Belongs to founders ministry group, how do you how do you become a part of that you you?
Give the name of your church to founders and say yeah, we we think that the founders of the
SBC were primarily reformed and Like what y 'all are doing about that.
I mean that that's a that's what founders was about initially there aren't any to my knowledge any tests
Or anything else that goes along with that. It's just They have a website and if a church says hey
We're gonna be consistent with where these guys are coming from as far as holding to At least something a line along the lines of the abstract of theology something that specifically indicates a reformed
Comprehension of the gospel That's what it's about So the
Atlanta murder suspects SBC Church belongs to founders ministry group that claims and then they'll they take just In other words founders
Tom Askew Jared Longshore you'll notice they have begun an organization to deal with These cultural issues it includes
Votie Balcombe and Tom was very important in raising the funds for Votie's heart surgery and things like that And so you take these snippets so white fragility is pro -racism, which is true
It's a true statement the whole the whole white fragility argument Could not survive three seconds in cross -examination.
It's irrational illogical circular in all of its reasoning there's no question about that and that's why you don't hear debates on it because the people taking that position know that they will have to spin in circles and As long as they run up against someone who knows how to demonstrate that and there are a few of us that can
They'll collapse instantly Calls critical race theory godless and materialistic ideologies once again fully defensible
I'm easily defended in any type of meaningful exchange, which they do not allow these types of people are not concerned about that They know they have the media in their pocket
And so they can make whatever claims they want knowing they will never have to defend them in any meaningful context whatsoever
And equates women preaching with abuse, which I would assume has something to do with their stand against egalitarianism and They were involved in sponsoring the the debate that took place on that subject before coronavirus
I think I think it was the summer before coronavirus as I recall. So what you do is you take the buzz the buzzwords and Because you're not you're not concerned about the truthfulness of what you're saying you're just trying to create the emotional
Switch in the minds of people that this group is a bunch of bad white supremacist
Ku Klux Klan members and You know, you can't prove it.
You don't care about slandering the slander is the lifeblood of The left today and so you just throw it out there, but you know, you'll notice
I've seen zero data Zero data was the shooter
In services the last Sunday has he been attending this church regularly I mean everything
I've seen was from like six years ago when he was in the youth group Maybe he was
I don't know But what does that have to do with anything let's let's turn this around for just a second which you're not allowed to do
You're not allowed to do this but Right now the number of people being shot each week and killed in Chicago.
Is it is on the low end? Why because it's stinking cold in Chicago, okay
Gang members do not want to be out in their gangbanger a t -shirts when it's 12 degrees
Fahrenheit, but that wind comes off the lake and it's like 30 degrees below zero so People actually get a bit of a break.
I think there was only five people killed last week, which for Chicago That's that's that's awesome
But we know that Chicago is a war zone and we know it's black -on -black violence primarily These just facts can't can't argue with them.
No one talks about it. No one cares During the summer a weekend with only eight people killed would be a vacation
For the Chicago Police Department just nope. It's like wow what happened who sprayed the chill -out spray?
all across the city But Would it not be logical?
To assume that many of the gang members who are involved in gangbanging in Chicago grew up in black churches
And would it not be logical that many of those blood that almost all of those black churches in Chicago present
CRT Are based upon acceptance of James Cone and that whole
Radical perspective So that means that proves something right in in in Robert P Jones's world
Logically that should prove something right that we could we could draw connections to all sorts of to murder after murder after murder after murder
Because they went to those churches right they may not go now, but they did when they were younger right just like this kid, right?
But you're not allowed to do that because no one's actually
Seriously saying I can actually prove cause and effect or I can actually demonstrate that there's a meaningful connection
I can actually demonstrate that arguing Against critical theory and demonstrating what its history is about and what its real intentions are
Somehow has to do with sex addiction sex addiction for a 21 year old
Who decides to remove areas of temptation near him? Which we all know is insane
That's that's not that's not gonna change Anything and in fact, I read one story.
It said he was Arrested on his way to Florida where he may have been doing planning to do more of it
What? there is It is insulting to the human mind to rationality to logic to even suggest
That there is a meaningful connection here that there is something in the teachings of founders or this church
I think it's called crabapple something which again, it's
It's Georgia That there is either of these organizations teach anything
That would in any way be logically construed as Giving permission to someone to do these things
Any more than well In fact,
I could make a I will I can I will be able to make because of one of the articles I'm gonna read here. I will be able to make a very strong argument that CRT when it's woke is and when it's applied does
Inculcate violence It does in fact since you pulled that down.
I will Look at an article by Damon Young in very smart brothers the root .com
major Journalistic source Writes an article whiteness is a pandemic
Whiteness is a pandemic. This is a black man.
I don't have much to add here today. That hasn't already been said Whiteness is a public health crisis.
It shortens life expectancy. It pollutes air. It constricts equilibrium. It devastates forests. It melts ice caps
It sparks and funds wars it flattens dialects and infect infests Consciousnesses and it kills people white people and people who are not white my mom included there will be people who die in 2050 because of white supremacy induced decisions from 1850 a
Line can and should be drawn from the actions of the white supremacist who walked into three
Atlanta area massage parlors yesterday How do you know he's a white supremacist? Because he did something evil and All evil in this world now in these people's minds is the result of white supremacy.
They can't tell you what it is It's this vague something But it's white supremacy.
It's the big evil and so he's a white supremacist because he did something bad and when black guys kill
Asian guys, remember the guy that ran across the street and Flattened that poor little
Asian man. He died. He wasn't white. He was black and So he was forced to do that by white supremacy, even though he's black
So black people can be forced to do evil things like killing each other by white supremacy white supremacy is all -powerful
Evidently it can force people to do stuff Six of whom were of Asian descent to the relentless anti -asian rhetoric pollinating national discourse over the past year
So in other words, that's Trump's fault The former president even though the police by the way said they have no evidence
There was any racial motivation at all But hey the former president and the party the former president can and should be blamed for this and the sudden increase of racist
Violence against Asian Americans, even if it's not done by whites It's not what he said, but that's what he said
That's the reality The line doesn't stop there though. It extends back 400 years and has tentacles clawing everywhere white supremacy exists here in America Which is everywhere.
It's everywhere. It's it's this white supremacy is omnipresent It's omnipotent omnipresent.
It's everywhere and it's behind the devil made me do it. It's the new devil Yeah, that's what it is
There's a line connecting this act of terror to the 11 people killed the tree of life synagogue in 2018 and the nine people killed
At Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2015, by the way, you'll notice there won't be anything at all
About any unarmed white person that's been killed There won't be anything about any Asian people have been killed by black people and there'll be nothing about any black people killed by black
People no, no, no. No, it's very very specific because of the narrative cannot survive the facts
The narrative can't survive the numbers of the facts. So you have to be very very careful
Yeah But also to gentrification. Okay. So now now what you do is you need to get all of your woke
Talking points in at once. So here they here they come But also to gentrification to redlining to racial profiling to gerrymandering to voter oppression to mass incarceration to the war on drugs to the subprime mortgage mortgage mortgage crisis
To the vast disparities in both kovat deaths and who receives kovat vaccinations To how the men and women who stormed the
Capitol just went home and had dinner with their families afterwards While we were still processing recovering from what we witnessed they were on already back
They were on already back on their couches. I think there's a typo there watching criminal minds
Then here you go. Here's the last program White supremacy is a virus that like other viruses will not die
Until there are no bodies left for it to infect Which means the only way to stop it is to locate it isolate it extract it and kill it
I guess a vaccine could work too, but we've had 400 years to develop one so I won't hold my breath now in the old world
Where human beings were responsible as human beings because they were human beings in the old world where you held a white man a black man
Asian man a Hispanic man a Whatever to the same standard of Racism is supposed to mean this man is a black supremacist racist very clearly
This is irresponsible, it's absurd it is ethnocentric
It is the type of rhetoric That was very common post -civil war in the south
But this is accepted and celebrated and this is the result of CRT. This is the result of The entire woke movement and the fact that last summer if you didn't say
Black Lives Matter you were canceled and every major corporation had to open their pocketbooks and Send billions of dollars to Black Lives Matter who did nothing with it other than enriching leftist causes and getting
Joe Biden elected They didn't go to Chicago and save any black lives because they don't they don't believe any of that stuff
Nobody on the left believes their rhetoric Come on, they don't believe it if you're some
Liberal white person that actually really believes this stuff being used You were used back in the in the 50s and 60s in Eastern Europe and you're being used again
You're being used again Whiteness is a pandemic. There you go, Damon Young So, yeah
So Anthony Bradley jumps in after Robert Jones's initial shot
And he says again CRT is Not the threat
SBC leaders should be worried about so don't worry about what's actually causing this stuff. Don't worry about You know the fact that this violence in the black community has to do with family disintegration
And and stuff like that which black leaders have been saying forever in a day But nah, don't worry about this critical theory stuff this neo -marxism that divides and creates intersectionality and all no no no no
It's the anti CRT gang gang Using the faux
CRT hysteria, so there's nothing to see don't look at the leaders of the military
Who are more concerned about promoting critical race theory and LGBTQ RST UV plus stuff in the military rather than dealing with China and And dealing with what's going to be coming from that direction.
Don't don't worry about that Don't worry about what's happening in the universities Don't worry about the end of religious freedom the end of the freedom of speech.
Don't worry about Critical gender theory forcing 200 -pound boys onto your girls volleyball team
No, that that's all faux hysteria. There's nothing there
Here's a man who's done a 180. This was not him ten years ago the same with the
BD and the others just 180 And it's not because of Anything externally it's because the acceptance of the narrative
Using the faux CRT hysteria to mask ready there Jim Crow era evangelicalism
Jim Crow era evangelicalism So as we're gonna see
We have folks who are literally Preaching that if you are a black
Christian, you should leave Your church and go to a black church only
Self segregation That's not coming from us That's not coming from Hispanics.
That's not coming from Asians That's coming from the black community. So who's doing the
Jim Crow thing to mask their Jim Crow era
Evangelicalism the same one that they called MLK a communist the discipleship crisis is their errant gospel understanding that last few sentences
Sound like he ran out of space or was typing on a phone or something and you end up with who knows what?
But the discipleship crisis is their errant gospel understanding. So if you have proper gospel understanding CRT is good
CRT is a proper and useful tool. That's where Anthony Bradley is now. He has completely
Completely reversed himself as to where he once was and then the plot thickens the plot thickens isn't an interesting
Anthony Bradley and Jamar Tisby Both retweeted the same tweet.
So the plot thickens Jamar Tisby head of the witness author of a number of books one of the leading voices now of the leave loud movement, which is a movement
Encouraging black Christians to leave multi -ethnic churches self segregate divide
Self segregate. That's what they're saying. Don't go listen to It's all our fault.
Of course, it's anyone who doesn't buy their their narrative. So we'll talk about that in a moment, but the plot thickens
The suspects church is a member of the founders ministry network see below for description see below for description.
Yeah that Absurd and and Jamar knows this Jamar is a smart man he knows that Robert P Jones's description is
Ridiculously dishonest, but I listened to Jamar's own thing on the witness from last week and He was desperately dishonest and the things he said in that as well.
So the narrative Allows for ninth commandment violations right left and center because that's just the ninth commandment.
The first commandment is the narrative so See below for description description of what?
listen what's going on in churches around racism and sexism are A harbingers should be a harbinger of what's happening or will happen in the rest of society.
We ignore at our own risk and so founders ministries is responsible
Now no logical or rational person would make that assertion But logic and rationality is just that that is not something that is relevant to those pushing the narrative the narrative of intersectionality the narrative of Non -biblically defined racism so you can blame anybody and so the plot thickened
So Jamar joins in with the slander and this is slander Robert P Jones is guilty of slander Jamar Tisby is guilty of slander
Anthony Bradley is guilty. It's all slander in The biblical sense of that term it is there's no question about that none whatsoever
There's no way they could ever defend it But there you have it Jamar jumps in on and I'm sure there are others
I bet if I had taken the time to go to and I did at one point but I didn't start going down the down the thing
I Could have found all sorts of other folks all sorts of other folks
That chimed in on the Robert P Jones, especially after they retweeted it, I'm sure I would be interested in How many comments there are just on that one on that one tweet?
Be huge now as I mentioned last week
Jamar Tisby went on The Witness and gave his testimony
Of leaving leaving loud and I came up a couple times
Specifically What I was mentioned in was The comments that I made after the election in 2016, which by the way,
I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 But everybody was commenting on the fact that he had said
That he did not feel safe worshiping With white people the
Sunday after the election remember that and so once again as I Think any responsible
Christian minister would have to When you have someone presenting a theology
That grounds the unity of the church in something other than the person of Jesus Christ when someone when you have someone introducing racism
Racial Disparities into the body the way that he was
You have to respond to that you have to you have to say this is an error and here's why and that's we did
I Remember I had two black brothers call in and they did so on their own as I recall
I do not think I asked them to call it They called in on their own and joined in the criticism of this idea but the narrative is
From the witness right now, which used to be called Ron the reformed african -american network And then in 2016 right after that they changed their name and got rid of reform because they're not reformed anymore
They No longer find in God's sovereignty and Soteriology and the relationship to the
Trinity and Christ, you know, that's not their thing anymore. Their thing now is equity social justice race and so it's probably best they did change your name as far as actually that is that's concerned, but in 2016 when
That took place He says by the way That that was first time he had heard about me not all sorts of other people had been commenting on it
I was not the only one who did He blames it almost all completely on me because I did that he was he was just buried and he
Started to twitch every time he'd open up his phone and you know, all the rest this kind of stuff and it's it's all my fault
Though there are lots of people who had commented before me Like I said, I had brothers who commented on the program who called in and He said his first time he'd ever heard about me, which is not true
That was the same year about Four months earlier five months earlier
That the young man with the sagging pants flipping off the cops thing happened on Facebook where my forward -facing
Video camera caught this kid flipping off the cops and and stuff and I made a comment as so many black leaders made comments about the impact of not having fathers in the community at all and Ron went after me.
So there's no way he's just he's just misremembering. He's just misremembering
But the whole idea is it was all this terrible horrible white supremacist
Nasty man stuff and if you're asking did they bother to try to actually
Substantiate these accusations against an elder in the church. No, they did not that again They they don't feel like they're under that kind of of stricture
The narrative allows them to say whatever they want. They don't have to have any type of biblical accountability
That's that's one of the problems so That was uh, there were there were a few people named by Jamar Chisby votey
Doug Wilson was just described Doug Wilson was described in all the ways that Doug Wilson in his books has said he will be described by dishonest people
It's been saying saying so if you if you want to say these things here are the actual facts
Well, they say them but they don't even care about the facts. They don't care about responses They don't care that they could never in any meaningful fashion go one -on -one and they know that that's that's why they do it the way
They do it. They also went after John Piper and they went after John Piper because of Doug Wilson There was no there were there were there was talk about the
PCA there was talk about RTS There was nothing about the people that he had worked for at RTS, which
I found interesting So there's just a small number of us who got named by name as white supremacists and racists and all the buzzwords that that they
Continue to violate any meaningful biblical parameters of the Ninth Commandments of like that because they know they can't back it up They know they know it's just it's not possible because to make those things stick they have to change the definitions
To something that's unbiblical and they know They'd never be able to do it if they actually had to open the
Bible and say well Here's here's what it says. And here's what you've done
Because that's not their parameters any longer. Their parameters is critical theory and stuff like that.
So you would think that I would You would think that I would focus upon what was said about me that wasn't the thing that concerned me all that much
Ah There was a previous program in this leaving loud series they're doing
We're talking about leaving these churches these white spaces and That had to do with Allie Henny's appearance on I believe it was
February 3rd. I Think it was February 3rd somewhere around there.
I mean, I think it's the first in this series leaving loud She's vice president of This organization now called the witness and I was more concerned about this
Then I was the one where they're going after me. I expect that a Lot of people will ask how can how can you not let that bother because I know what the truth is
When I know that these people could never stand in front of me and Say the same words without my being able to utterly refute them with the facts
Then why should I give any credibility to this person, you know people get so upset about what people say about them but the fact is
I Why give them credibility why give any weight to their words
I've said to many people you'll burn out of ministry very very quickly until you learn the rule Give people's criticism the weight it is due based upon what those individuals have actually done in life when they over decades
Consistently do the work Then you can listen to the criticisms
But the the non -avatar Twitter dude that joined last week and has two followers
If you even bother reading that tweet you are wasting your time
All right. So just this whole Idea, it goes back to the empathy thing this whole idea
That all opinions are equal That you should give everyone's opinion equal weight is utter absurdity
We never thought like this until the past 10 years and Look at the mess that's gotten us into No, I Instead listened to this other program
Because I'm hearing this leaving loud Leaving what leaving white spaces?
this is a Movement to create a segregated black church.
It is literally these these folks are literally seeking to convince black
Christians to Leave interracial churches for their own good now.
I have talked that not only do we know Black Christians who oppose all of this and they are constantly attacked and they're called every name under the under the
Sun and you know Who I'm talking about and and they stand strong we pray for them
And they get treated like dirt all right, so this isn't all of them, but I've talked to black
Christians who are not famous who've never written a blog article who've never been on a program and There's been an interesting consistency when we get
I don't I don't chase Black believers at my church down or people like that and say hey,
I want to talk to you about this It's almost always they come to me and say this has been my experience.
I've seen what you've gone through let me let me tell you something about my experience and What I've heard is
They are they have either come out of black churches and are now attending churches that are focused upon The exegesis preaching of the word
Making application to what's going on in the world fighting abortion and Standing proclaiming
Christ Lordship in in society and and so on and so forth. Why are they there?
And it's what they've said Because in the black church, I was a part. That's all they talked about was blackness honoring your blackness
The Goodness of your blackness and They they didn't proclaim the whole counsel of God it was all race and ethnicity and And all the good things about being black well,
I already Recognize I've been redeemed by God and I'm black and therefore
That's great But that's not enough And that doesn't make me better than somebody else.
I want I want the whole counsel of God. I want I and so I've met people who have
Disappointed their families their families were angry with them that they Didn't go to a all -black church.
What are you doing over there with those? Asians and Hispanics and whites and what's what's wrong with the rest of us type of a thing?
Because it the narrative is just repeated over and over and over again. It becomes a mantra That's dangerous, it's extremely dangerous
Extremely dangerous. So what what caught my attention?
Was in this first one what you have is Ali Henny Literally preaching she calls it preaching
To black Christians. You need to get out you need to leave loud and the basis is basically she is
Exhorting Christians to develop a root of bitterness in their heart to take every
Microaggression such as if someone calls you by the name of someone else because of course, they're a racist and all black people look the same to them right
Confuses you as somebody else Then you're to take that and let's say it is because the person doesn't know who you are
Let's say it isn't what you're what they're saying is you need to take that and you need to need to nurture that you need to you need to let that make you so angry and so hurt and you need to take it personally and And you need to develop a root of bitterness in your soul that starts to threaten
Your self view of yourself. You need to let that person's slight of you
Anger you so much That you'll eventually you get out of there.
That's sinful It's sinful it's in violation of Philippians chapter 2 you are thinking of yourself more than others
You're putting your things before others and the issue is have you been called to serve
God serve Christ in a particular local fellowship? That's that's the issue Your skin color is irrelevant and the narrative says
I'm all wrong about that. I'm sorry You show me where the Bible tells tells me you show it to me.
You know, you can't You know that all that woke of Jesus that you've been given would collapse in a second in any
Meaningful cross -examination. There's no consistency to it You do not use the same methods of interpretation to substantiate
This stuff that you use when talking about the resurrection of Christ or the deity of Christ or justification by faith
Which you're not talking much about these days You were a decade ago. You're not now and You know it
You know it in your honest moments, you know, yes, we have changed we've gotten woke
You have changed that's the reality so I want you to listen
I want you to hear What is being said in that community and that these folks are they want to get this word out they want to create unhappiness
Amongst the people in your church and they want to exhort black people
And I suppose other minorities might just go. Well, that sounds good to me, too But they want to exhort people
To develop a root of bitterness and divide the congregation that's that's they want so You don't believe me let's listen, you know,
I'm not gonna be before you long But I but I just need to preach here for a minute First of all, I want to say that black
Christians You have not been called to die on the cross for white people's racial sins
Like that's like that's that's not I hear people say but you know I feel called that I'm not gonna tell you what your blessings are
I am NOT the Holy Ghost So I can't tell you what what God is calling you to or to not or not to do
But I'm just I'm just I'm just questioning it So I just I want to read some scripture here because I think I think
I need to get I need to get in the book for a minute because I Get in the book that's preaching from the words.
So let's see what's said you I hear I hear Tyler saying well, you know Yeah, you know we need it
We need to leave and I can and I can hear your black Christians being like oh, but but but should we do this? Especially those of us who have been baptized figuratively or literally in these white spaces
It's like oh, but but can't but can we leave should we leave think think about think about what that would mean To view the church when you're baptized as a white space
See, I can't even I can't imagine it. I can't imagine it that that's not what baptism is about.
That's it had nothing to do with color It's just so sad when when such a thick filter has been created that you start identifying things as white spaces
Are there Asian spaces? Are there Russian spaces? Are there Hispanic spaces?
Even that segregation like what blah blah blah blah blah. So let me get in the book for a minute I'm reading from Matthew chapter 10.
I'm gonna start in verse 8 now. She said just a second ago. I was drinking at the time She said someone said that's segregation.
Yeah, it is That's what she's talking about. She's talking about segregated church Segregated church.
I am reading out the New Revised Standard Version. Come on the scholars version. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead version.
Yes Yes, I'm putting that MDiv to use fam. I'm putting it to use. Okay These are these are the words of Jesus cure the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers
Cast out demons You receive without payment give without payment
Take no gold or silver or copper in your belts No bag for your journey or two or two tunics or sandals or a staff
For laborers deserve their food Whatever town or village you enter find out who in it is worthy and stay there until you leave
As you enter the house greet it if the house is worthy. Let your peace come upon it
But if it is not worthy Let your peace return to you If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words
Shake the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town Truly I tell you it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town
So hear me Saints, yes, I know in context Jesus is talking about the disciples
Ministering going to towns going out two by two and all that and going in and ministering
But I think that there's right. So this is before the Holy Spirit comes. This is before the church in the sense of the
New Testament Church, anyways, this is specifically apostolic ministry during the ministry of Jesus quite aware of that which
Should be taken to mean something but the word and an application for us here today The houses the towns that we're going into fam.
That is the white church And you know what I Believe that there's some of us that God did did she say that is the white
Let's let's catch that again an application for us here today Mm -hmm, the houses the towns that we're going into fam.
That is the white church And you know what? I Believe that there's some of us that God drew into some of these white
Christian spaces There's some of us so there's some of us who were called there were some of us who were sent and there's some of us
Who just went? But but you're in these spaces You're sitting under you're sitting under their preaching
You're sitting under their preaching. I want you to listen the language This is the language of people seeking to cause division
The Scriptures are clear about people who seek to bring disunity in the body of Christ Their preaching not the preaching the word that's see that's that brings unity
When everyone who comes together and that's that's the unity that is brought about by the
Lord's Supper One table one people one message one prayer. It's beautiful You're sitting under their
Preaching not our preaching We have ours they have theirs You're like a you're like a an alien
You catching the the how this works It's sad your fellowshipping with them.
You're you maybe those of you who grew up in the black church Maybe you had to check aspects of your culture at the door
Maybe you have to you have to listen to your Hezekiah Walker and your John P Key and your Kirk Franklin and your
Tamla man and all that in the car as you drive to the church Because you ain't gonna hear that you're gonna hear
Bethel and Hill and Hillsong and everything Else whenever you whenever you show up at church on Sunday, but you know what you said,
I'm here I I believe in the mission of this church I believe what we're what we're called what what this church is called to do in my in my city or in my region
So I'm so I'm here you have dealt with people Mistaking you for other people in your church that you don't even look like the only the only two thing is the only commonality that You have is that you have black skin
You've been you've been Mistaken for people who are taller than you who are skinnier than you who are much prettier or uglier than you are
Who wear glasses or don't wear glasses who whose hair is in a completely different style than yours and you had to deal with microaggressions
You know, so those are all microaggressions Folks if you follow
Biblical parameters again, Philippians chapter 2 for example Colossians chapter 3
Where you put others before yourself you don't wear your emotions on your sleeve and You do not you you do something called extend forgiveness
Because you know How much you need to be forgiven when you have a mature congregation that does this?
That is a place that is a joy to ministry it's not gonna be perfect We're still sinners, but when there is this
Unity because we're all working in the same direction This is how you destroy that This is how you start whispering
You know You're not being treated right and it doesn't have to be for I've seen this so many times had nothing to do with race
You know the pastor just walked right by you just now Didn't say a word to you it's not all that nice, you know and You haven't been getting as much out of his sermons recently.
I know those people in the choir. They're really cliquish And I'm not sure. I like how some of the budget money was being spent
And those new choir robes. I I almost feel physically nauseous with them See there's so many things
Once you're infected With the spirit of dissatisfaction and discontentment and selfishness you can find
Anything anyone who's been involved in church for any time at all? Who's met with someone who's leaving who even gets a semi honest answer as to why they're leaving
You know almost never get that when you're an elder by the way, you learn it from other people what the real reasons were Knows that sometimes you go you left because of that You left because how somebody parks.
Oh, yeah. Oh Yeah, it is so easy to stoke the fires of discontentment and Create division and there are a few things that suck the life out of a minister
More than having to constantly deal with that kind of petty micro aggression
This is how you destroy Churches how to deal with people Reaching for your hair
You've had to deal with the people that you've been going to this church for two and three years and they still act like you're a visitor
You've had to you've had to deal with sermon after sermon that ignores your reality that ignores your experience that is that that is pre your reality your
Experience is selfishness of this the self -centeredness of this all based on skin color
Really, you know the thing that's most sad about this is That I often speak about the fact that we we experience a miracle in the ministry of the word in Sound Bible believing churches all the time one man brings one message and the
Spirit takes that message and Applies it to all these different hearts with all these different needs, but it's done by the
Spirit in the ministry Now if you got somebody sitting out there saying what you need to preach a sermon specifically about this
Rather than I'm here to hear the Word of God and I am open to the Spirit of God making application as they see fit
Totally different attitudes. This is how to destroy a church. And by the way, I feel sorry for any black church
These people end up going to Because once you've got this kind of self -centeredness, you're gonna take it everywhere and I've seen it.
Believe me I've seen I've seen people come into a church and as soon as they started talking about their former church. I'm like, oh boy
We're gonna have problems We're gonna you don't talk about your former church now because you're just bringing the same that same problem with you and Now it's gonna be on our doorstep rather than somebody else's and right now you may like us really well, but six months from now
You won't and we'll have the same problems your last church from the pinnacles of white privilege
You've yeah. Yeah the preaching from the pinnacles of white privilege had to swallow
Certain indignities you've had to as you've seen the people around you at your church in 2016 and in 2020
Vote for promote a president that stands for some things that yeah
You know, he might ostensibly be pro -life but he says some things and did some things that show his character and You sit in here with people who okay
But you're never ever in these situations ever because Jamar Tisby did the same thing for him 2016 if you vote for Trump you failed black people
Nothing about Hillary Clinton's character. Nothing about Hillary Hillary Clinton's policies Nothing about Hillary Clinton being owned by Planned Parenthood The Biden situation the
Equality Act everything going on right now irrelevant because it doesn't fit the narrative Doesn't fit the narrative.
It's incoherent They maybe condemned you because you live with your you live with your boyfriend or your girlfriend outside a wedlock, but then they were cool with With this president that didn't seem to have any kind of moral compass.
Okay? Okay, so think about that one for a second You might be at a church that says well you can't live with your
Girlfriend or boyfriend and be a part of this fellowship outside of wedlock But you can vote for Trump.
So you're a you're a heretic. No, think about it if I had 47 other people to vote for I could try to find someone who
Hadn't been divorced which only a matter of literally decades ago would have been enough to keep anybody from getting elected president
Now it's not even given consideration But you know if you only have two if you only have two options that are have any chance of winning whatsoever
Fascinatingly what we're being told is you vote for the option that will continue murdering the most black babies possible or you're failing the black people
You've dealt with all sorts of things in your life and experience in this congregation
My question did you hear anything positive there? No, it's all been think of all the negatives someone touched your hair
Dwell on the negatives build up that root of bitterness Let it grow inside you don't think about any of the positive things don't think about any times when you together with others
You know the last time I didn't even know it's gonna be the last time the last time I was in London I will be the last time but last time
I was in London I Got together with a local church just through the internet and they said we're gonna be doing street preaching and If you go to such -and -such a thing on the tube and man,
I'm gonna miss riding the tube with future but I got myself there quite easily and Here I am with brothers out preaching the gospel of every different ethnicity and it didn't matter
We had the same message. It was wonderful. It's beautiful witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses, and it was great. It was awesome But no
Forget about that Don't forget about those positive things Don't forget about the times when when the whole congregation comes to the table of the
Lord together and you've had that Word of God That has been so powerful and and there's such conviction and there's such joy and redemptive
Oh forget about all that somebody touched your hair Is at what point are you going to snatch your peace?
Because you know what you can be in that place. You can be in that in that congregation.
You can be there, but why? When if your dignity now, maybe you're in maybe you are in your peace
Your dignity and this perfect unicorn church that everybody condemns racism
Everybody does what they're supposed to do and I hope that that's your experience but if it's not your experience if You've had to if you've had to swallow if you've had to fake smile if you've had to just say okay
Like it's and had to pray Yeah, if you've actually had to had to forgive other sinners just like they've had to forgive you
Then you should be angry Do you hear it? I know people are sitting the audience going you're criticizing a black woman
You're dead It's real simple
Come to me with this and Show me where what I'm saying about this black woman
Counseling black people to go against what this teaches you show me you can't and you know it
This is my standard. This is my authority. This is where I stand Who's with me?
Who's with me? We'll stand with me at what point do you leave?
And I think that we have we have scriptural precedence here. Now, of course, this isn't the church
Jesus isn't I don't want to decontextualize Jesus's words here, but the idea is if you feel call you say well
I feel called to this space and maybe you were called to be a prophetic voice and to be a prophetic witness in this space
But at what point do you say? You know what? These are not people of peace
At what point do you say that that this this this place? They have they have not received what is what what the
Lord has been saying to them at what point what point do you say This place is unworthy. So I am going to leave and I'm not only gonna leave
I'm gonna take my peace Sometimes we have to snatch up our peace whenever whenever we go
I have had to do that personally where it's like no, you know, I I have I've moved around a lot
I've been part of a lot of different congregations with jobs as being vocational minister and stuff
I've been in different places and my thing is I always try to leave in peace I wherever I go,
I always try to leave in peace But there was one particular congregation beloved that I had that I left two years ago
But that I had to leave and I had to take my peace with me and I was like, no I'm not leaving in peace. I am leaving in protest.
I am NOT I am NOT okay with this I am NOT okay with what's happening. And so and I had to make it known and I had to leave loud and I wish
I would have left louder. I left I left loud but I wish I would have left louder and a lot of the reason why
I did not leave is as Loudly as I would have liked to remember this is this movement is leave loud
Bunches we did the next one and the guy who's doing the interview here did the next one that just dropped I think maybe this morning or something like that leave loud protest divide segregate
Everything that back in 2018 we were saying sounds like this is the end. Oh, no, no, no, no, no
Left is because I because there was a lot of a lot of other black people there a lot of people Wrestling through because we were the most diverse church in our city, which isn't saying like the city like 90 % white but but we were the most diverse church in our city and there were so and there was and people and people had like such a connection and blah blah blah blah blah, and I'm not diminishing that I'm just saying like that's what it was and I had to think about the implications of my actions of being being who
I am had to think of the implications of my actions For the people who who were there? But I still left
I still and I still left loudly. And so I feel like That we have we have to leave these spaces loud
There's a New York Times article talking about like the quiet exodus and a lot of us a lot of us in 2016 2017 on we just kind of left and we just kind of said, okay
Well, you know, we just gonna stop fellowshipping with these people We're just gonna say like like we're just not we're just not gonna show up to church as much and maybe we find our way
Into the black church when we find our way to some other church white church where they were there and I think I some sense But instead of having that quiet exodus
Where we just where we just put up our little finger gather gather our bag get our purse and leave we we we need we need to be loud about it because because it and I say this and this isn't about This isn't about retribution
It isn't it isn't about making anybody feel bad about themselves but These are sinners that are in need of repentance
These are people who are sinning it is sinful the things that are happening in some of these churches in the ways
That that you it's sinful With somebody you cannot learn your name
And cannot pronounce your name correctly There is a point where that becomes sin
Whenever you have to whoever you have to tell somebody whenever they come whenever they could pronounce Aiden Jayden Cain waiting and waiting trading.
Okay, then they could pronounce that but they can't pronounce your name Allie It's not all that tough
But you're probably talking about some kind of I don't know Specialized African name or something the
BT. There you go. I could I could see somebody struggling. Well, how about Anya wheelie? I'm not sure anyone says that right?
So that's sinful if you don't somehow accomplish that over time you see so so what's most important here the most important thing again is the narrative and really underlying all of this is
Your church has to line up behind the social justice movement your your church has to promote some form of socialism and social equity and By the narrative, you know get involved in the protests and all you have to buy all the stories and help burn down cities or whatever and That's that's really the issue
The issue isn't the fidelity of the preacher to the Word of God the consistency of the exegesis and no it's none of that That's this is a new way of doing it.
It's a new definition of what the church is supposed to be in the first place And that's why you leave Because they're not making the effort
That is that sin when they Mistake you
For the person who is six inches shorter than you has their hair in locks You wear glasses they don't they are 50 pounds heavier than you and you get mistaken for them and called by their name because they don't because all they see is your skin color and That's it.
You they just see that this is this is this is a Negro and that's it There is a point you've been going to this church for years.
I just have to wonder Do older black folks ever struggle to make sure to get the right name and pronounce it right for Asian folks
Or is this only go one way just asking Because it sounds like what you're saying is we all need to have our own ethnic churches
That's what you're saying They're the same people that I can go to Revelation chapter 5 men from every tribe telling people, but they don't really mean it
Huh? That's strange That is sinful That's simple.
That's that that's that's sin That's and and we don't ever whatever pastors preach messages
That do not bring the whole Council of God and do not and do not consider the variety of experiences
That are present in their congregation and even do things to the point where it diminishes people's humanity
Diminishes whether it's a wedding or not. It's still sin. So it's sin. So she gets to determine
Whether you're proclaiming the whole Council of God now look I Have seen situations where ministers have lost their way
They become very focused upon one little thing but to be honest with you, you know where I'm seeing that most right now in woke churches in woke churches,
I Look at these woke churches That are doing their thing and they're they're promoting
LGBTQ and they're promoting Every kind of social justice movement, they're not touching the vast majority of God's truth
They've denied the vast majority of it. They're not bringing forth the whole Council of God not even close Not even close
That's where the real problem is so you're gonna go to those churches Okay, and so we can set you we can say oh, hey, you know
I'm called I'm called to be in the space and I'm called to whatever I'm just saying fam. We got a question it I Got it,
I got it. I got a question. I got a question you on that and say are you called or are you scared?
Oh, are you called to be there? Are you called to go through that indignity or are you scared because you don't know where else to go?
And are you and have they convinced you that not being part of their fellowship? Means that that means something means something about you and it's their fellowship not yours
You know what I actually recognize in this this is the same language Jehovah's Witnesses use it's called to claim It's the language you use
To separate people from what they've been a part of and get them into something else
It's the same. This is how Jehovah's Witnesses get people into Jehovah's Witnesses You the
Jehovah's Witnesses They try to find something to get you unhappy with your current fellowship And then they they they exploit that crack to make the division wider and wider here.
You've got it Why are you still there? Why do you still feel called to be with them? Are you afraid
Do you hear this this is this Fellow pastors your people are being exposed to this your people are being exposed to this
And I I may be the only one who calls this out. No, you know what?
I'll take that back. I will I will take that back I did tweet
Daryl and Virgil about this because they'll they'll take on anything And I think they are going to address it.
At least I hope they do Um Because I know in in one week
Doing the empathy stuff and everything else. It's it's but I don't answer the phone rich does so Skin off my nose.
I have no empathy It's true, it's true But do you hear what we're hearing
Do you see that this is how you go directly against the clear admonition of scripture
When you're in the fellowship You forgive You do not allow a root of bitterness to develop within you
You do not seek to bring about division in this exact fashion
This is the way you do it now, this is a form of unbiblical racism that is being used
But there are so many other things it can function the exact same way In the exact same way.
What's the fruit of crt while we're listening to it? We're listening to it and Had to take the time to address it
As unpopular as it might be This is the kind of stuff that divides churches this ends up leaving people out in the middle of nowhere
Unsafe and very much likely to be falling into How many how many folks were in sound churches?
They were getting sound theology They fell for this stuff. They left And now they're black hebrews or lights
Now they're looking at the nation of islam because their protection was taken away
I think your point. Why are you doing this? You would have You'd have deniability because you have not said anything.
You could just have been saying, you know I listened to it, too But hey james is the one that said it.
So I think your point Regarding the attitude. I mean, there's she had a list.
Oh, she did. She repeated it twice. Yes. It's I mean, it's it's the um, The grievance list.
Yep, the the list of grievances the airing of grievances is what we have here and She's got
Her special categories here, but if you take those away All of us who've been in churches
Like she's been in for many times recognize this lady Oh, yeah, we recognize her and the pastors recognize her and I think your point regarding whatever church she lands in That pastor she's a plague
The whole perspective is a plague. It doesn't matter what if she goes to an all -black church
Her perspective isn't going to change somebody's going to rub her the wrong way and somebody better fix it
Or else they will pay and you know what who's going to pay first? The pastor is going to pay first and the elders are going to pay first and the congregation is going to pay for next and then the split's going to happen because she's
She's caustic. She's toxic You can hear it in every bit of her her list and You just sit back and go
I I've been down this road before. Oh, yeah, you know, so, you know, you can turn the list on her quite easily but Ultimately, you're right.
She's looking for segregation Yeah, but it won't it will not solve her problem.
But no, it won't solve her problems and it um And of course the the issue in our day is the effectiveness of this because There are so many like that guy, whatever his name was.
I already closed the stuff, um, at least I think I did Uh, yeah that did that original tweet the guy wrote the book, uh white too long or whatever um
These folks are being encouraged by people on the other side To attack the church in this fashion and so They're they're being successful at it.
That's That's part of the issue, but I had to You know once I heard it i'm like I can't
I can't be quiet self -preservation would say to be quiet Um But if I if this was any other subject if this was somebody using this same
Kind of argumentation to promote any other kind of division you'd you'd have to call it out
You'd have to call it out. But today You're an old white man. You can't talk about this
Well, the fact matter is if I was an old black man, if I was a young black man All you do is then call me names
Other kinds of names in the same way, that's the reality, you know it It's real simple.
You want to be angry at me? Pick it up Pick it up Show me where what
I said was wrong If you can't don't bother just don't bother
So fellow pastors be careful Be careful. There are people out there literally using their platforms to Encourage people in your congregation to develop a root of bitterness to divide
Segregate and destroy the fellowship of the church And they're doing it under the guise of social justice so Be on the watch
Be prayerful. All right. Well that makes for I don't know how many hours this week on I don't know how many different topics we have been in the other studio we have done greek and we've done open theism
And romans 9 and oh good grief. We've we've covered the gamut this week
Um, hopefully that's been helpful to you lord willing like I keep saying these days especially after a program like this
Lord, well, and we'll see you again next week. If not Where you're getting is now from some other source
We'll try to let you know one way or the other but thank you for listening. Hope it was helpful to you