Where Is Christ In A Time Of Crisis? Session 1


Philippians 4.4-9 Session 1 Rejoice, Again Rejoice! Pastor Lance Quinn


Good evening Good to see you guys here tonight well, this is the
I Don't know which one is this anybody know Sharon. Do you know which what is it?
28th. Okay. This is our 28th Bible conference and our first one with Lance Quinn I've gotten to know
Lance first in our work together and Association certified biblical counselors and Also through our association with fellowship of independent reformed evangelicals fire, which we all know here
What can I say about Lance so I could say a lot of things but Lance started green out of seminary as Personal assistant to John MacArthur and then he went to Bible Church of Little Rock and pastored there for 15 years came back to,
California planted a church in Thousand Oaks, California and is now a vice president with the
Evangelical expositors seminary in Jupiter, Florida Lance serves on the board of ACBC as well as the
Board of Fire But I know him better as as a friend he and I have had some good times together he by the way has had the inestimable great experience of riding with me when
I'm driving and This last year we were together all the time because I was his ride and the poor guy was tested to the to the limits
But anyway so Lance is a good friend.
I love this guy and he has got a phenomenal memory. So don't be afraid of Introducing yourself to him because he won't forget it right
Lance. He won't forget your name Anyway Lance come minister the word
Well, thank you dear brother To know Tim Pasma is to love
Tim Pasma I I Refer to him as my blood brother
Tim plasma and when
I first told him that he said, you know, no one has ever said that I Said no one has ever put those two words together and he said no and I said well
I am the first It is a joy to be here with you and to be able to participate in this
Bible conference and To be able also to have some fellowship together. I am looking forward to having some ice cream with you later and This is a joy to be in your fellowship and in your presence this has been a particularly hard season over the last number of years and I'll unfold some of those things as the conference goes on but This is a very very
Important and even sensitive subject to me in these days. Where is
Christ in? crisis So if you will turn in your Bibles to Philippians chapter 4 it of course has been read to you already and Then even with the song that we sang this idea of rejoicing in the
Lord is Something of course that accentuates this letter of the
Apostle Paul to the Philippians this particular matter of rejoicing or having joy in the
Lord is Accentuated as I say in the book of Philippians and it peppers the entire letter in fact
If you would go back to chapter 1 of the book of Philippians You might say as some have said that This is the epistle of joy
This is the letter of joy look at chapter 1 verse 4
Paul says I am making my prayer with joy
Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now
Paul Founded this church and as you know, this is a series of letters that make up what we call the prison epistles and That means of course that Paul is writing from prison.
He's shackled and For a man like that to be able to write a book like this is extraordinary
Because if it were me in a moment of Reflective self -confession.
I'm not sure if I were in prison. I'd be writing a letter about joy I'd probably be writing a letter to the authorities saying when will you get me out of here and Paul in this letter is
Filled with joy chapter 1 verse 4 is an example. What about chapter 1 verse 18 and In that and I'm going to share with you what that is as we go along and in that I will rejoice and If they hadn't yet seen that understood that he says it again, yes, and I will rejoice and then chapter 2 verse 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind and Then look at verse 17 of chapter 2.
I am glad and rejoice with you all Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me
And then he says in chapter 2 verse 28 You may rejoice at seeing him again and then verse 29 so receive him one of Paul's associates receive him in the
Lord with all joy and Then chapter 3 verse 1 finally my brothers rejoice in the
Lord and Then chapter 4 verse 1 Whom I love and long for My joy and my crown
Paul is talking about joy he's filled with rejoicing and yet he's in a prison cell and He's suffered a lot
Suffered a great deal. This is this is a kind of letter and Especially for us even in these last couple of years of all of these health scares
It's a letter for us because the answer to the question. Where is
Christ in? Crisis is really in some ways a simple one
He's right where he has always been He's the Lord Philippians chapter 2 speaks of him being
Lord of all Lord of all creation and that he's coming back one day
To have his visible presence pronounced as Lord of all where he will also judge the living and the dead and So this is a an epistle.
This is a letter That I thought would be a good way for us as we work our way through it and really just in one passage in chapter 4 where there are seven staccato like commands
That are very short very pithy but oh so power -packed and the first one is rejoice in the
Lord look at chapter 4 chapter 4 verse 4 a
Rejoice in the Lord always Now I find this very very interesting because There is a phrase
That Paul uses in the middle of verse 5 or really actually at the end of verse 5
That says this The Lord is at hand You see that there the
Lord is at hand. It's actually if you were to ask me
The central statement of this whole section the
Lord is at hand That is why we can rejoice in the Lord always
That is why we can rejoice again and again That is why we can let our reasonableness be known to everyone
That is why we don't have to be anxious about anything That is why we can pray with supplication and thanksgiving
Allowing our requests to be made known to God. That is how we can have the peace of God That is how such peace surpasses all understanding.
That is how God guards our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus That is how we can think rightly with things that are true and honorable and just and pure and lovely and commendable and excellent and worthy of praise that we can think about and Practice the
Lord is at hand. The Lord is near Now, why do I say that well, first of all,
I think we need to probably do a little bit of Thinking about that phrase.
The Lord is at hand or the Lord is near. What does that mean? I Mean if I were to ask you the question
Right at the beginning of our conference What does it mean to affirm the truth that the
Lord is at hand or the Lord is near? well in one sense
We could say that it's a Spatial understanding a
Spatial understanding that is that what Paul is saying is I want you to do all of these commands
I want you to obey them these seven commands that I'm giving you at the end of this letter as a kind of application set of points and I want you to do so because the
Lord Jesus Christ is kind of is going to come back spatially to the earth and If you're here when he comes
He'll want to find that you're doing all of these things Particularly these seven commands.
He's going to come back to the earth and He's going to be wanting you
To be doing all of these seven things all at the same time
Now you and I would say well, wait a minute. I know that the
Bible teaches what we call the Imminency of Christ that he's going to come back and it's going to be soon
But you and I can get so wrapped up in our lives with all of our stuff our jobs
Where we live our families our work what we do and how we do it and sometimes we forget and very often
I'm most guilty of all in this room of not remembering and Getting wrapped up in things where I'm not thinking about the
Lord coming back I think it's just true of all of us.
We get so wrapped up in our lives We get so wrapped up in what we're doing and how we're doing it and why we're doing it
That we often are not thinking about that truth the truth that Jesus Christ is coming back and It's going to be soon but if he is coming back and he is and If it's tonight,
I Want to be found Complying with these seven commands.
I want to be able to say When I see Jesus Christ face to face
Lord I have been occupying until you come and I've been working on these seven commands and the one at the head of this list is rejoicing
Rejoicing he's going to want to know that regardless of the circumstances of our lives mine and yours
That no matter what's going on You and I are rejoicing in Christ We're rejoicing in his goodness
We're loving the fact that he has placed us in Christ He's placed us in himself
He's going to want to know if you and I are doing what he commands and The first one on that list as Paul closes this letter is rejoice in the
Lord In fact, I even think that when he's talking about rejoicing in the
Lord He's probably thinking most Not just of your own individual responsibility to do that But how you're rejoicing in the
Lord together Together as a church See Take it out of you as an individual needing to be rejoicing in the
Lord when the Lord comes back and occupying as a rejoicing person before the
Lord comes back take it out of the realm of just your individual life and Ask yourself this question.
Am I showing? the rest of the folks in my church family
That I'm rejoicing in the Lord Even in the midst of crisis
Pain sorrow disturbance
Challenge Trials Tests disease
Sickness what seems to be hopelessness
Discouragement Being disconsolate Being angry being
Whatever it is in a list like that and more Not thinking about the
Lord being near but thinking only as an individual and Not doing what
I've called Philippians for the whole chapter showing your sanctification in public showing your sanctification in public and The first place you ought to show your shank sanctification in public is
To your fellow members of the body of Christ in this place. Now.
I'm not saying it's easy In fact, it's quite hard It's quite difficult because the trials and tests that come
They seem to come at times like a flood and when they come
We want the encouragement of our fellow brothers and sisters
To encourage us To come alongside us What do you need?
How can we help? To what do we pray do you need food?
You need clothing You need help You just come alongside
How can we love you and you and I are saying What a wonderful group of people
What a ministry in my life and You'd also want to be able to say if something like that were happening to them
You'd be on the other side of it. What can I do to help? how can I come alongside and Undoubtedly, that's what you do.
And this is exactly what Paul is talking about But then flip it all the way over on the other side
Let's say That there is not everybody pulling the load to help each other but actually
Conflict in the church, maybe you and another brother or sister are not right with each other
There's been some conflict Disagreement in the church fellowship and we all know it
We can get crossways with one another and you know that that's exactly the point
That Paul is talking about in Chapter 4 verse 1 look at it with me therefore my brothers
Meaning both brothers and sisters Therefore my brothers and sisters whom
I love and long for I quoted it just a moment ago my joy and crown
That's who the Philippians are to Paul stand firm thus in the
Lord my beloved Why would he say that why would he say stand firm in the Lord?
because of verse 2 I Entreat you odia and I entreat
Syntyche to agree in the Lord now in the English text of our
Bibles And I'm reading from the English Standard Version that that you have as well and that word agree there actually could be and perhaps even should be translated that You would you odia and syntyche ought to have the same mind in the
Lord That's what the word agree means to have the same mind in other words
Not just fellowship and not just being a part of the same fellowship but a real tangible agreement of being of the same mind as sisters in Christ There was apparently in Philippi two women
You odia and syntyche and I know they're funny names in fact because they're having issues with each other someone once said maybe it should be you odious and Sin to key well they're having some kind of problem with each other and Paul's heard that Through those who have been giving him reports and As he's closing this letter
He actually mentions their names Which find their way in the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit in the Bible Forever, how would you like to have your name right there?
I? entreat Tim pasma To agree with his wife in the
Lord And by the way, there's no reason he shouldn't she's a sweetheart.
He is not I Entreat you odia and syntyche to be of the same mind in the
Lord verse 3 yes I ask you also true companion whoever this companion is that he's referring to Who he's appealing to help these women and then notice what he does
He doesn't rail on the women He doesn't criticize them He doesn't bad -mouth them
He doesn't speak of their odious character He says they have labored
Side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers
Maybe that means that the house Church that they're in is meeting in Clement's house, and they've been a part of it from the very beginning
You say part of what? I'll tell you part of what? This is
Philippi This is in Asia Minor, and this is Gentile territory, and this is a
Jewish Apostle named Paul Who also goes by the name in Hebrew context
Saul? who's planted a church in Philippi a Pagan territory in which they have been serving in their community a multiplicity of gods
They have been the worst kind of people who are rabble rousers
Carousers Sinners of the greatest sort not having the law of God at their disposal
Worshiping a multiplicity of gods as I said This is remarkable that anybody's following the
Lord in this town and God has sovereignly birthed a church through this
Apostle and these women were a part of it from the very start and Notice how he says they have labored with me side by side.
That's really a beautiful phrase side by side inter
Locking their arms together to serve the body of Christ He even goes further
They've labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers
Whose names are in the book of life he has no question
No doubt whatsoever that Yodia and Syntyche are genuine Christians Whose names are written in the book of life?
But who've hit a rough spot and they are sideways with each other not side by side and Yet he encourages them to do this verse 4 rejoice in the
Lord and Rejoice in the Lord always You have to rejoice in the
Lord even when? You are potentially sideways with one another which means
You got to work it out You've got to work it out Now I'm not going to ask for a show of hands either now or on Sunday morning.
How many of you are sideways with each other? Would never do that to you but Perhaps it's gone outside of the umbrella of just that relationship and Maybe there are some folks in the fellowship who know that there's some tension in a relationship
It's all the more reason for you to say not just as an individual. I want I need to rejoice in the
Lord always But I need to do it with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in this church or Paul writing to LaRue Baptist Church He's saying first command out of the gate
Rejoice in the Lord always and the context is clearly telling us that it is a
Rejoicing even in the midst of potential conflict with two ladies in The Lord in the fellowship now, of course, it's not only them
He's not saying it just to them or just about them.
He's saying it to the entire congregation and sometimes in the West in the
Western Hemisphere We're all about living our Christian life Individually but remember
These are letters that are written to an entire church which means that when he
Generally says you it's almost always in the plural You as in because I'm from the
South y 'all y 'all to you to you ins
To us ins and this is this is a rejoicing in the
Lord and We have to rejoice in the Lord. No. No, let me rephrase that We get to rejoice in the
Lord We have the awesome privilege of rejoicing in the Lord together
Together here's one thing. I don't know but I think I can easily presume that With Paul writing this here to you odia and Syntyche and yet not having the end of the story
I'll bet you that you odia and Syntyche worked it out.
I Bet they worked it out. I Bet there were others in the congregation Who made sure like the troop comrade and like Clement that they worked it out?
Because that's what we do in the body of Christ we work it out and We work it out because of two things.
We're commanded to do so. We're commanded to rejoice in the Lord and The readiness of knowing that the
Lord is at hand you and I don't want To have conflict with other fellow believers
While the Lord is coming back Whether we knew he was not coming back for years to come or whether we knew that the
Lord is coming back tonight and By the way, I hope for the latter.
I would be thrilled if the Bible conference that I'm presenting to you Is the very last one and we had to end it halfway through This is this is a rejoicing in the
Lord because you and I know that if there's a writer like Paul who's in prison while he's writing it and if there are two women who need to get along and if there are the kinds of rough roads that Paul and these ladies and the true companion and Clement and others are having and we'll see a little bit of that as we go
We are comforted Because the Lord is near Now you say well, wait a minute
Can't the phrase the Lord is near Also be something beyond just the spatial return of Jesus Christ to the earth yes, yes, it can and sometimes in our
Bibles It's the Lord is near in the sense of this The Lord is near to me and to our church personally by his spiritual presence
He's near He's near to us not in the sense that he's coming back right now, although he could but that he's near to me in his personal presence and How would that be he is near to us in his personal presence in the near ministry of the powerful
Holy Spirit who lives Powerfully in and through our lives to ensure that you and I are rejoicing in the
Lord the Holy Spirit Has been given to us by the
Lord Jesus Christ So that we could have the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace So when Paul says the
Lord is near Don't let that be just a throwaway phrase in the midst of seven commands
Let that actually be the drivetrain of your life Try to say to yourself from this moment forward if you have not already done so I Need to live in light of the
Lord's nearness The nearness that he's going to be with me in my trials with me in my tests with me in my grief with me in my sorrow in the presence of the ministry of the
Holy Spirit and That the Lord Jesus Christ is spatially coming back to the earth one day and it is imminent
You say well Lance is it one or the other?
Here's my answer. I have no idea. I Have no idea. It could be one or the other
Perhaps it's both When it's undefined like this, perhaps it's both and If it's both or if it's one or the other it really doesn't change the fact that you and I are
Commanded to rejoice in the Lord and we're to rejoice in the Lord because he is at hand
He is coming back and he is also so near that you and I Honestly as we do the other commands as we go through them you and I have nothing to worry about You have nothing to worry about You say well,
I get that I understand that I can affirm that But you see pastor
You just don't know my problems anybody ever said that ever sat down with someone and You're telling them
I'm gonna encourage you I'm gonna pray with you. I'm gonna be there for you
We're going to memorize scripture together. We're going to serve together all of these things that trouble you we're going to help work them out and One of their immediate responses often and especially not only as pastors and biblical counselors as Tim and I are
You who also helped the body of Christ might hear this siren sound that we seem to hear more often than we don't and That is something like this, but you don't know the troubles
I've had You don't know the problems I'm going through perhaps you've never had that yourself
And of course 1st Corinthians 10 13 says no testing has overtaken you but such as is common to man
We're all going through it We're all hurting we all have challenges
No one can legitimately say no one in the history of our planet has ever gone through what
I'm going through right now That's just not true. And so we're all here to help and What kind of problems do you know that the
Apostle Paul the the very man who's writing this letter could be saying something like this Has anyone else been in prison?
Is anybody writing from prison to encourage someone else he probably doesn't have any show of hands and Yet what is his attitude?
Look back at chapter 1 What why how can this man
Paul? in a Roman dungeon Stinky smelling
Roman prison Command us you and me and the Philippians to rejoice in the
Lord always. How is it possible? He says in verse 12 of chapter 1.
I want you to know brothers That what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel
So that it has become known throughout the whole Imperial Guard and to all the rest
That my imprisonment is for Christ and most of the brothers
Having become Confident in the Lord by my imprisonment are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
Oh My this is this is quite incredible, isn't it?
I mean, here's here's a man Who whether it's Paul in a
Roman Imperial prison or Joseph in a dungeon somewhere in Egypt Who are both saying something like this
Whatever is being meant for evil God means it for and that's what
Paul is saying What's happened to me has really served to advance the gospel Can you imagine if you and I in the good old u .s.
Of a We're finally hearing from our government and it may not be too long from now You can't preach the gospel.
You can't preach it anymore you can't have a church service you can't gather together and they haul us all off to jail and We're writing to our friends and neighbors and we're saying
I want you to know dear folks That what has happened to us has really served to advance the gospel
Would we be able to say that? So that it has become so known throughout the whole
Imperial Guard and to all the rest That my imprisonment is for Christ and that most of the brothers the others who are trying to preach
Christ they've become even more confident in the Lord by my imprisonment and They're now so much more bold to speak the word without fear.
I would think it would be the reverse wouldn't it? If I'm in prison, and if they say if you stop preaching that gospel, we'll let you out
In fact, that's exactly what happened with John Bunyan The author of Pilgrim's Progress.
They said if you just if you just stop preaching Because we haven't given you a license to preach
If if you just stop that you can walk out of those prison doors right there right now
And he'd up he ended up staying in prison for over 12 years how why
Because Christ is to be preached Whether you have a license to do it or not
Christ is to be preached Paul even goes on there in verse 15 some Indeed preach
Christ from envy and rivalry But others from goodwill in other words
There are those who do it with wrong motives and those who have right motives the latter Those who do it from right motives.
They do it out of love. They preach Christ out of love Knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel
The former that is those who do it with wrong motives the former proclaim Christ out of a rivalry
In V Not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment
You would think that Paul would say and here's what I want you to do. I want you to go find these guys
I want you to go get them and I want you to teach them a lesson not to do that What does he say?
What then? Only that in every way Whether there are these guys who are preaching
Christ out of pretense or Guys are preaching Christ out of truth. Christ is proclaimed and in that I what what an attitude
What an attitude? You asked me the question where is Christ in crisis
I tell you He's right right where he is right where he ought to be. He's ruling and reigning in the world
He's ruling and reigning in the universe and he says I must be preached I Must be witnessed about by those
Who are proclaiming him and that's not just the preacher. That's all of us. We're proclaiming Christ in the way we live
We're proclaiming Christ and how we talk to others We're proclaiming Christ how we minister to each other in the fellowship
We are to do it and we're to do it with a rejoicing spirit And by the way, if you go back to chapter 4 that first command gives way to a second and it is this
Again, I will say rejoice you see that at the end of verse 4 again.
I will say rejoice Why does he say it again?
I? Think he's saying it again because of emphasis. I Think he's saying it again because there is such a tendency in all our lives including myself
Most Certainly including myself that when the trials and tests of life come
The first thing I do invariably is
Go inward. I focus on my problems I Look at nothing but my own challenge of how
I'm going to respond to this and why is the Lord doing this and is? This fair and is this right?
Instead of the second command again, I say rejoice
Rejoice in the Lord always and again. I will say rejoice I Don't do that as often as I should
I'm thinking about how can I get out of this? Why am I in this? Who's going to help me?
Why is this? Something that seems unrelenting Lord what are you doing?
Why are you doing it? Don't you know that this is not the right path?
Which is essentially My saying why don't you just get over into the other chair, and I'll take over the driving privileges
I think that second command again. I will say rejoices here Because you and I need to be reminded of it again and again and again
Is that not so and then there's a third a third command here verse 5
Let your reasonableness Be made known to everyone
Let your reasonableness be made known to everyone. I'm gonna Unpack this very very briefly, and then we'll enjoy some ice cream together
Verse 5 let your reasonableness dump some translations may have gentleness
Let your gentleness Be known to everyone this particular word translated reasonableness in verse 5 there usually means something along the lines of not insisting on your rights
Which might fit I think pretty well in what Paul is commanding especially
Euodia and Syntyche not to do Insisting on their own positions whatever they were at each other's throats about it was something
Probably that had to do with their own positions their own rights their own will their own desires their own attitudes
Whatever it was they might have been fighting about and that may be a good idea of what's happening in verse 5 here perhaps
Though the alternate translation is the better word or the better idea gentleness gentleness
It's hard to say It's hard to say which one's best, but if gentleness is the better idea other passages might echo this same use of the
Greek word and Here are a couple of those contexts 1st Timothy 3 you don't have to look it up But you might want to write it down 1st
Timothy 3 3 we are to be as elders if we're characterologically qualified not violent, but gentle not violent, but gentle You might translate it not violent, but reasonable
Reasonable if there is one trait that comes in so handy as an elder in a church
Whether it's large or small it's being reasonable being gentle or how about Titus 3 2 and This is really applicable in our day and age with the government and what we say about them
Titus 3 2 to speak evil of no one to avoid quarreling
To be gentle in fact it says about our responsibility to talk to unbelievers
It says in Titus 3 to show perfect courtesy to all men
And I say well, I blew that one Showing perfect courtesy to being reasonable.
Yes, that's that's what it is to be gentle or how about James 3 17 Wisdom from above is first pure then peaceable
Gentle gentle can you see the the gentle Paul Or some of his associates going to Euridia and Syntyche and saying
You're not gentle with one another You need to be gentle or how about 1st
Peter 2 18? Slaves be subject to your masters with all respect not only to the good masters and the gentle masters but also to the unjust ones so that third command there let your
Gentleness or your reasonableness be known to everyone boy
Wouldn't it be great if in the church fellowship when someone was ticking off all of the attributes of your life
Near the top of that list would be something like this. Well. She sure is gentle man.
He is he is one reasonable guy That's what that's what Paul is saying you're commanded to do that's what
I'm commanded to do And I love this because 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 1 says that we should be like our
Christ Who is the meek and gentle? Christ can you imagine?
the meekness and gentleness of Christ now,
I've chosen either the idea of gentleness or reasonableness
But in the outline point that I've given you I've used the word forbearance Forbearance show your
Forbearance or manifest your forbearing spirit to everyone
You you forbear you know in Colossians 3 13 the
Bible says this bearing with one another and If one has a complaint against another
Forgiving each other as the Lord has forgiven you so you also must forgive
Now this is not the same word gentleness or forbearance, but that idea of bearing with one another is very close very close in meaning in fact, we could probably use a little bit of street language here when we
Retranslate Colossians through and it Colossians 3 and it might be something like this With regard to you and other members of the body of Christ put up with one another
Put up with them That is so hard to do
It's so hard to do. I Know I need to put up with her.
I Know Cynthia keys out there. I See her every Sunday. I Wish she missed church every once in a while.
Oh, yeah Yodius is sitting right there I'm not pointing to anybody over here, but the
Bible says Let your reasonableness let your gentleness You need to put up with each other
You need to bear with one another. This is what
I call Showing your sanctification in public. It's not enough just to say
Lord. I'm having great quiet times I'm praying well, I I'm just I'm just so encouraged about my
Individual spiritual life Take it one step further
Show others your wonderful current spiritual life by ministering to them encouraging them to rejoice in the
Lord always and Again, I say rejoice and oh by the way
Let your forbearing spirit Manifest it to the congregation Be reasonable
Be a forbearing spirit among the Saints around you
Perhaps we might even say a congregation that is collectively doing these things
Will have an even greater witness to those outside the fellowship
So that someone says in this community. I need to show up there Something's going on Those people are different in a wonderful way
Wouldn't that be an opportunity for a testimony for Jesus Christ?
Let's bow together in prayer our Heavenly Father these staccato like commands coming
One right after the other they are so helpful to us
Because they challenge us To go inward and ask the question who am
I as a professing Christian? How do I live my life?
How do I respond to others around me whether they're in the fellowship or not, but if they are in the fellowship
How much do I encourage them to rejoice in the Lord do
I rejoice in the Lord by Showing them my sanctification in public do
I encourage them by being reasonable by being forbearing with them Putting up with all of their idiosyncrasies all of their blemishes and They with me.
Oh Lord we know That this can only happen If the
Spirit of God is at work in us We want to show the watching world
That we have a unity of spirit among us That we're all pulling together arm -in -arm ministering side by side and we ask that the near Christ The one who's either coming so quickly
Or through the ministry of the Holy Spirit is already so near to us now
That we are and can rejoice in the Lord no matter what crisis has come into our lives.
Oh dear Christ loving gracious Messiah the gentle and meek
Jesus Help us be this way Infuse us with a love for one another that Transcends What the world knows nothing about Allow us to be a powerful witness in this community
Draw others to us Give others an opportunity to see how the gospel is being lived out in our lives
Challenge us change us because we know where Christ is in a time of crisis
He's right here Building his church, and we are that church and may we be all that he is creating us to be for his glory and our good in Jesus name