F4F | What God is NOT Saying


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, quick question.
Do you know that God the Holy Spirit, the real one, has commanded you in Scripture to not believe every spirit that comes along?
It's an actual command in Scripture. And what we're going to do today, I'll show you that command from the epistle of 1
John chapter 4. We'll talk about the spirit of antichrist. But then what we're going to do today is we're going to mix it up just a little bit and go back to some of the way we previously would program in the past.
You'll note that we've been doing a lot of heavy lifting on our programs. We're still going to continue to do that.
But we need to get back to our roots just a little bit and throw some of the wingnut wacker doodles into the mix because so many people are under their deceptions.
So what we're going to do today, we're going to be listening to three different things. One from Steve Schultz and Robin Bullock, who looks like Billy Ray Cyrus.
And we're going to listen to Patricia King and Robert Hodgkin. And then we're going to head over to Audacious Church in Manchester.
And we're going to give you three salient examples of what God is not saying. He ain't saying this stuff.
In fact, I think what I need to do here is whirl up the desktop and pull up my
Bible. And we'll start off with scripture here, a very important one.
And this is an actual command of God and one that a lot of people are just not aware of.
But if you know your biblical languages and you can clearly see it, then at least you can warn other people in the body of Christ, hey,
God, the Holy Spirit commands you not to be a dupe. Maybe that's a little strong.
OK, so here's what it says. Beloved, do not believe every spirit. And so here we have do not believe every spirit.
May pastuata, pastuata here in the Greek is an imperative. And when an imperative verb shows up, that means it's an absolute command.
Do not believe every spirit. Instead, test the spirits.
So if you are being lazy and you don't know your Bible and you're sitting there going, well, you know,
I believe everything that's put out on the Elijah list. I believe everything that my pastor says because he hears directly from God.
You're disobeying God. Scripture says do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits.
Now, here's the reason why. Test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
You'll note that guys like the apostle of obfuscation, Dr. Brown, Doc Obbs is what we call him.
He is I don't think he's I don't think that he believes there's a single false prophet in the church today.
I mean, at least all the blatant examples of all the people giving false prophecies, he doesn't call them false prophets.
They are just brothers who have prophesied falsely. Wrong. This text, which
God the Holy Spirit inspired the apostle John to write, says that many false prophets have already gone out into the world.
And this these false prophets were sent by the spirit of Antichrist, the one who's coming into the world.
And that being the case, this is one of the major weapons that Satan uses against the church.
Think of it this way. He's flooding the market within the visible church with so many crackpots, wingnuts, false prophets, false teachers, that he's making it as hard as possible for you to hear the truth.
That's why he's doing it. So many false prophets have gone out into the world. They were there with the apostle
John. They're here presently now. And you'll note that John, when he wrote this epistle, the people he wrote it against were the
Gnostics. The Gnostics denied that Jesus Christ was
God in human flesh. In fact, they were offended that you would believe that God, you know, was found in the form of humanity, that he took on human flesh, because according to their metanarrative regarding the creation of the universe, physical matter that you can smell, taste or touch is evil.
It was an accident. And the whole goal is to get away from the tangible and the material and to embrace the pure spiritual.
And so they denied the incarnation of Christ. And so what does
John do here? He says, by this, you know, the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, note the doctrinal test that's set up here.
If you know your scriptures and you know what the apostles have written for us, you're not going to be duped.
So the apostles all handled Jesus, ate with Jesus, spent three years schlepping around the
Judean wilderness with Jesus. He definitely came in the flesh and the apostle John is an eyewitness to the bodily resurrection of Christ.
So by this, then, you know, the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus has come in the flesh is from God.
Every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of Antichrist, which you heard was coming and is now in the world already.
So the spirit of Antichrist has been active in the church for 2 ,000 years, flooding the
Christian market with schlocky false teachers, crackpot false prophets, false apostles, and all this kind of stuff.
And God, the Holy Spirit, has commanded you and me, he's commanded us to not believe every spirit.
Okay? So little children, you are from God. You've overcome them, the false prophets, right?
For he who is in you is greater than one that is in the world. They're from the world. Therefore, they speak from the world and the world listens to them.
We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us. Who's the us there? The apostles.
Okay? So if people will not hear the apostles and are going to flood the market with this other stuff, they're doing the work of the spirit of Antichrist, which is coming and is already active in the church and has been for 2 ,000 years.
So all that being said, we're going to, like I said, we're going to take a look at three examples of what
God is not saying. And if you know your Bible, you can test and say, wait a second, this is actually somebody who's been sent by the spirit of Antichrist because they're not teaching what's in accord with what the
Holy Spirit teaches. Case in point, the Elijah list, which is so popular among the
Pentecostals and the Charismatics and the NAR. And I would note, there is no reason moving forward to believe any of these people.
But Steve Schultz, you know who he has on with regularity? Well, he has on, well,
Kat Kerr, the lady who's still saying that Trump's going to take a power any day now, as well as Robin Bullock, who looks a lot like Billy Ray Cyrus.
And we're going to note that scripture tells us not to believe these people. Not at all.
You can test and you can say, wait a second, these are some of the false prophets that are already in the church and there are many of them present.
Many of them. All right, so all that being said, let's take a listen to Steve Schultz as he introduces Billy Ray Cyrus.
Robin Bullock with Intelligence Briefing. Hey, brother. How are you doing? I'm doing great.
How about you all? I'm doing good. So we miss you when you're on the road. We're glad to have you back.
Yeah, we were up in Pennsylvania. It was a tremendous meeting up there. Now, a little bit of a note here.
Every non -believer who this is their experience of so -called
Christianity, unbelievers have enough mental sanity to say, if that's what
Christianity is, those people are nuts. And you know what? Guys like Steve Schultz, who put men like Robin Bullock, who has already been proven to be a false prophet of like the highest magnitude.
In fact, he's going to double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple down on Trump's still taking power.
You're going to hear that in just a minute. And so when people see this and they say, well, if that's what
Christianity is, I mean, I have too much of a brain to be a Christian.
You can't blame them. But the reality is this, it's not the job of the unbelieving world to get rid of yahoos like this out of the church.
It's our job as Christians to get rid of them, to drum them out, to rebuke them, to cut them off financially so that they are not flooding the market with all of this false stuff.
Because I'll tell you, when people are listening to this, you know what they're not listening to? The scriptures, the actual teachings of Christ.
Let me remind you of something here. Matthew chapter 28, Jesus says to do this.
It says in 28, starting in verse 18, Christ speaking, all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.
You'll note, I don't care who's in the White House. I just don't. The reason why is because Christ is
King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It's his business to decide all of this stuff. My job is something different as a
Christian. He says, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. Disciples are learners, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
The only thing Christians are permitted by Jesus, King Jesus, the one to whom all authority has been given, and he's only given one task to the church, and that is to baptize and teach all that he has commanded.
The only place I can go for that is where? The Bible. And the Holy Spirit has commanded us through the
Apostle John to not believe every spirit. Now, how long are we supposed to be doing this, by the way?
Behold, I'm with you always, even to the end of the age. These orders don't change.
This is the standing order for the church. In every generation, every age, every era, until the return of Christ, we are to be busy making disciples, baptizing, teaching all that Christ has commanded.
The only place I can go to find what Christ has commanded is in the written word of God. Flat out.
So, Robin Bullock and Steve Schultz here, what are they doing? They're doing the work of the
Spirit of Antichrist by flooding the Christian market with words that God has not spoken.
Yeah, it was amazing. Is that a big old church thing, or home type thing, or what?
Yeah, it was a church. We had four services there, and it was really good.
Yeah, but I'm glad to be back. It's nice to have you. A lot of our people are just chomping at the bit to hear what you have to say.
Why would anyone want to hear what this man has to say? He falsely prophesied that Trump would be the president, and he's a false prophet.
He's one of the ones that God the Holy Spirit warned us about in 1 John chapter 4.
Let me ask you a general question first. Are you encouraged about what's about to happen in the
United States and around the world, or are you concerned? Oh yeah, no, no, I'm not.
Every time I see the wig this guy's wearing, I'm wondering, did he steal this from Elvira? That's what I want to know.
I'm concerned. God's not concerned. As far as anything going wrong, everything—you know,
I had given a word a while back, and I don't know if you had saw this, but a lot of people may have saw it, where the
Lord told me— The Lord didn't tell you anything. You're a false prophet. You do not hear from God.
These words are not from God. Reminder regarding one of the commandments in the
Ten Commandments, you shall not take the name of Yahweh your God in vain or take it or carry it to vanity or falsehood.
This is a breaking of one of the Ten Commandments. This is as big, if not way bigger, than the commandment, thou shall not murder or thou shall not commit adultery or thou shall not steal.
You are putting words in God's mouth and you are saying words He has not spoken. These people have no fear of God.
I relate it. He said, whatever—it's done now. Everything is settled. Whatever Donald Trump is going to do, he will decide what and when he's going to do it.
And this was a few weeks ago. And that was settled. Everything is settled.
I saw the page turn, so I know it's going to turn soon. He saw it turn, man.
Yeah. No, he didn't. God did not say these words.
But this is something I heard just the other morning, if you'd like for me to read this. Yeah, please do.
Do you remember the day—see, when I was growing up, people claimed that they were hearing voices inside of their head.
We would call the psych ward and they would carry them away, you know.
But now, what do we do? People who are hearing voices and claiming to hear the voice of God inside their head, we put them on YouTube and tell the whole church, oh, this is the thing that God is saying right now.
These are not words that God has said. Now, this is what I heard. The Lord said, there's about to be a new sound in the earth, a sound that will destroy the strangulation sound of the current fraudulent administration.
Oh, man. Bummer for me. I forgot to get my prophecy bingo card out.
He said, did you? Wow. Steve, what's wow here is that you think God had said any of this.
You think you could continue. Did you think it? What made you think it?
Ah, the party of the red, he said, made you think it. Well, you should have consulted me, says the
Lord, and I would have told you different. Now a new sound is coming. Some of you can be preserved if you sow the seed meat.
This is the sound of flatulence coming out of the back end of the devil. Repentance. If not, and he stopped talking just like that.
Just like that. Just like that. And so that's what I heard. Yeah, that's not
God. All right, moving on. Let's do something a little more subtle, but still quite obviously not from God.
Patricia King, she has a program called Supernatural Life with Patricia King, and she has her buddy and ministry partner,
Robert Hodgkin on, and they're going to be talking about how apparently all the prophets are saying we're now in a new era.
Patricia King, I'm going to serve you as your host on today's program. As we talk about a very prophetic subject, actually, because we have entered a new era and we have been living in this era and God has things to say about this era that we're going to explore today and with me.
Where in scripture does it say we've entered a new era? It doesn't. These are not words from God.
I have my co -host, Robert Hodgkin, who is the founder of Men on the Front Lines and one of my key leaders in our ministry.
And I'm so happy to have you with us today because we've been running with this message for a while. Yes, because, you know, we know we've entered a new year.
We know we've come into a new decade. But God's making it very clear through so many prophetic voices that.
You mean all like the prophetic voices who said Trump was going to be president? We've actually entered a new era, and that's part of the prophetic discerning the times.
But it's not just discerning the times so we can say, look at what we know. It's discerning the times so we can cast the vision.
So everybody in the body can be a part of it because in a new era, God has new opportunities. You want to get on the ground floor of the new era?
Well, don't worry. God has said sent this new era prophecy to the prophets, you know, like Robert Hodgkin and Patricia King.
And now you can get on the ground floor of all the new opportunities are available in this new era. Yeah, well,
I'm going to come back to scripture here. Prophecy, a real legitimate prophecy given by the
Apostle Paul nearly 2000 years ago, which is coming true now in our day.
Understand this, that in the last days, there will come times of difficulty. People will be lovers of self.
Even before there was a word called narcissism. God, the Holy Spirit warned us that in the days immediately before the return of Christ, narcissism would be running amok within the church.
Lovers of money. Yeah, that's a problem. Proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self -control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.
Avoid such people. Well, with a list like that, you'd think that Christians in droves would be leaving all of the major charismatic
Pentecostal megachurches because that describes their so -called pastors.
Let's see here, avoid such people for among them are those who creep into households, capture weak women, burdened with sins, led astray by various passions, always learning, never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Just like Janus and Jambres. By the way, Janus and Jambres were two of the magicians who opposed
Moses. They worked for Pharaoh. And they were the ones who mimicked Moses's early plagues and then eventually said, yeah, this is the finger of God.
That's who those guys are. Just as Janus and Jambres opposed Moses. So these men, they oppose the truth.
They are men that are corrupted in mind, disqualified regarding the faith. They'll not get very far because their folly will be plain to all.
But here's what I'm beginning to think about this particular prophecy. Their folly being plain to all.
Have you noticed that the unbeliever can see the folly of it? But people who claim to believe in God, the
Holy Spirit and the Pentecostal gifts, they don't see the folly of it all. They just sit there and go, ooh, ah, this is the latest fresh word from God.
No, it's not. As you know, anyways, as was for the two of them. You, however, though, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions and sufferings.
That's what we Christians are called to, by the way. That happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium and Lystra, which persecutions
I endured. Yet from them all, Yahweh, the Lord rescued me. And indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ will be persecuted.
So much for having your best life now, right? So while evil people and impostors, and there are a lot of them, 1
John 4 says, do not, as a command, do not believe every spirit. Because many false prophets have already been sent into the world by the
Antichrist, the spirit of the Antichrist. And impostors are going to go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
But as for you, continue in what you've learned and firmly believe, knowing from whom you learned it, knowing from child that you've been acquainted with the sacred writings.
Yeah, the Bible, the B -I -B -L -E, that's the book for me. That's all we need. You've been acquainted with the sacred writings, which then are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
And all scripture, all scripture, graphe, is breathed out by God. It's profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for all every good work.
There is no good work that Christ is going to call you to that the Bible will not prepare you for, plain and simple.
So I charge you that in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who's to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing in his kingdom, preach the word.
Are these people doing that? No, that's the sheer proof, the sign that they are the ones who you should not be listening to.
Instead, find the guys that are preaching the word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and doctrine.
For the time is coming, and I would say is now here, when people will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves, teachers to suit their own passions and turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
Sobering, isn't it? Scripture warns us, and yet people do not listen to the warnings of scripture.
They don't listen to the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit said, don't listen to people like, well, these people that we're listening to here.
It's not just for the prophetic voices, it's for all believers, it's for you. That's right. And it's important that we learn to discern the times, just like the sons of Iskar.
We have the ability to do that. And that's what we're going to do today is to try to unpack it a little bit.
Now, an era is a number of years combined that carry a certain specific characteristic that defines them.
And so if we're coming into it. Nowhere in scripture does it talk about the fact there's going to be a change of eras in the year 2021.
New era, that means we've just come out of an era. So what is that era that we've just come out of?
Because to rightly discern the era that we're going to live in, we need to glean from and learn from the era we've just come out of.
No, we don't. We need to read the word. And you got to know, these people in the name of Christ are disobeying
Christ. Christ didn't teach us this. None of the disciples taught. It's important for you to have a prophetic activation so that you can get downloads and cast vision to help people jump in on new opportunities created during new eras.
Remember what Jesus said? Jesus said, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
The standing order to make disciples and to teach what Christ has commanded is still in play.
And that's in play regardless of any changes in eras, which that's a pretty weird subjective thing.
It's in play until Jesus returns, which will be the end of this age.
And so over the last 70 years, especially from 1950 through to the year 2020, let's say, there's been certain characteristics within that period of time, within that 70 years that marked a certain flow of God that is now changing.
Right. It's going to be different. Yeah. Well, and what's. Oh, there's going to be a change in the flow of God.
Is God like a backed up toilet now? Important is we want to look at where God has been doing, where he's been.
But even though we're coming into a new era, we're not only learning about what. Where he's been. What are you talking about?
He's done, but everything is always available to us. So I think for the church, we're kind of in a moment right now, like Mary in John 20, where Jesus says to her, once she realized he's no longer rabbi, he's actually the risen victorious
Lord. He says, don't cling to me because I have not yet ascended to my father. So now he is misappropriating one of the passages regarding the eyewitness accounts of the resurrection of Christ, where Mary encounters the risen
Jesus. And Jesus says, don't cling to me. My, you know, I haven't yet ascended to the father. And now he's applying this to this false tin cup prophecy about the changing of the era and that we need to embrace that mentality.
The fact that he's twisting this passage this way, because that passage has nothing to do with the change of eras that's taking place in the year 2021.
It's about the risen Jesus. He's not saying don't smother me. He's saying, don't so hold on to what you know to me.
I can't bring you into what I have for you. And then he launches her out into the new era of preaching ministry, activating the disciples.
But for us in the church right now, I believe Jesus is saying, you never lose what you've had of me.
Look at the past. See what I've been doing. I'm still doing that. But I want to add something to it. Don't get so attached to what
I. Jesus didn't say any of these words. These are words that God has not spoken.
That you won't help. You won't let me bring you into what I have for you now. Even in the book of Ezekiel, I believe it's it.
It talks about a river flowing from. Yeah, that prophecy from Ezekiel has nothing to do with the changing of eras in the year 2021.
The fact that they're twisting scripture like this is proof that they are part of the group that the
Apostle John prophesied by the Holy Spirit and warned us to be on the lookout for and to not believe them, but test them.
Just straight up the facts. OK, enough of that. Let's head over to Audacious Church.
And we're going to be listening to a fellow read out the text. I think his name is Paul Reed. And then the wife of the vision casting leader, who is supposedly one of the pastors there at Audacious Church in Manchester.
She's going to talk about how, you know, they've been having a moment where they've been at the banks of the
Jordan for six something years. They're finally ready for a big change and going into their new promised land.
So they have to to reimagine what life will be like in that new thingy.
Yeah, I wish I was making that up, but here we go. New verses of scripture as a foundation, really, for this new series, this miniseries.
And of course, for the next 20 minutes or so of this service, it's in Joshua chapter three, says this in verse one.
Early in the morning, Joshua and all the Israelites set out and went to the
Jordan. Joshua three. This is a historical narrative.
What are you doing to this text? Where they camped before crossing over. After three days, the officers went throughout the camp, giving orders to the people.
When you see the arc of the covenant of the Lord, your God, and the and the
Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it.
Then you will know which way to go. It is beyond annoying hearing somebody mangle scripture like this.
Since you have never been this way before. This series is called
Unwritten Rules, and we're believing God is going to speak to you. All right, you can take your seats.
Well, I'm glad you believe God's going to speak to them. That's going to require somebody to rightly handle a biblical text.
I don't think Sophie Barrett is going to do that because what we're going to see Sophie Barrett doing right here is absolutely forbidden by God.
Yeah. In several passages of the New Testament. Come on one way or the other, guys, either applaud or don't.
Come on now. Apparently there. I don't get it. So you got rebuked.
So you either applaud or you don't applaud. Okay. I don't know what I'm applauding for. This scripture has become like a friend to us at Audacious Church because it feels like since 2015, we have been declaring as a church that we figuratively speaking are on the banks of the
Jordan River. As a form of Narcissus here, the wilderness behind us, the wilderness behind us.
Promised land in front of us, the Jordan in flood, but it really feels.
Does the Jordan River flow all the way to Manchester? I had no idea. That we've been in a moment where we know that.
So this is a misappropriation of the types and shadows of the Old Testament. Change is here.
We know that that like the Israelites, everything was about to change.
That they had a way of working and the way of living in the wilderness, but coming into the promised land that we're going to have to reimagine what life was going to look like.
What? Hang on a second here.
I need to do some breathing exercises or I could spontaneously combust. For example, food in the wilderness, food was brought to them by God.
They found it every morning on the ground called manna. No, they found it six days a week and then on one day they got a double portion.
And if they were thirsty, water came from the rock because the man of God with his stick hit the rock and water would flow.
Yeah, that wasn't a repeating, constantly daily kind of repetitious miracle.
What are you talking about? Moses struck the rock twice. Once he was commanded to and the other time he was commanded to speak to it and he struck it instead.
And, but it's not like Moses got up every morning and people go, you know, hey, Moses, we need to make some coffee.
Do you think you could hit that rock again? This woman doesn't know her
Bible. Now in the promised land. Clearly because she's preaching, you know. That was about to change.
Where they would have to. Oh, it's a senior pastor. Now, no such thing as a woman pastor.
Scripture forbids that. Grow their crops and they would have to have their herds. They would have to possess land and dig wells or use wells for water.
It was going to be a different thing. And we felt as a church for the last six years that we've been living in this prophetic word that we were going to have to reimagine what church was going to be like and how it was going to work.
What are you talking about? We are going to have to reimagine what church looks like. And as we're sitting on the banks of the
Jordan now for six whole years, she's utterly mangling this text and she's not saying anything.
She's really not saying anything biblical at all. She's hijacked this text and just read
Audacious Church and their defiance of the actual word of God into it. Now, in our wake up series two years ago in 2019, we came again to this scripture, never been this way before.
And we were declaring a season of supernatural growth. That God was going to supernaturally accelerate growth and expand.
I need a prophecy bingo card. No, she's not saying anything. She's just using prophecy bingo buzzwords here, claiming that this is the thing that God was telling them.
Within the life of our church. And then we hit lockdown. But how many of you know that when everything locks down,
God ramps up. He ramps up and he begins to accelerate. Acceleration is a prophecy bingo word.
So what COVID has done in the whole lockdown season amidst all the challenge, all the sadness and all the statistics,
God has been building his church and he's actually caused us to leave a lot of the stuff that we felt was how we did church.
And we've had to reimagine. Yeah, we had, you know, because God wanted us to reimagine the stuff and stuff, you know, because Israelites had to reimagine how they were going to get food and water once they crossed the
Jordan. So, yeah. Because it was, we couldn't do it. Like we couldn't physically gather and we couldn't, there was lots of things that we relied on to in terms of gathering physically.
And so there's a sense that as we are lifting restrictions and as we're coming into, back into normality, where we're interacting and gathering as a church is that the landscape has changed.
It's like, this is no longer, you know, the way it was before. And we've had to do things differently.
Yeah, that's weird because, you know, I'm a pastor and you know what? I haven't changed what
I do at all. My job is to preach the word.
And you know what I've been doing every single Sunday that I've been a pastor for seven years now,
I've just preached the word. Open up the biblical text, exegete it, proclaim
Christ, proclaim law and gospel, sin, grace, repentance, and the forgiveness of sins.
And really, really highlight what Jesus has done for us and what he's taught. I haven't changed a thing.
What are you talking about? And so we're saying things like this. We have to do something new to go somewhere new.
These are words that God is not saying. Christ said that he's with us always to the end of the age.
And you know what our standing orders are? To make disciples, baptize, and teach all that he's commanded.
Wash, rinse, repeat. Raise up a generation, impart the faith to them, and then when they take the pulpit, they're going to do and say the same thing.
But people like Sophie Barrett, Steve Schultz, Billy Ray Cyrus, I'm sorry,
Robin Bullock, and of course, who was our
Patricia King and Robert Hodgkin, they're not preaching the word. They're not teaching us anything that Christ has commanded us to teach.
They're tools of the devil to flood the market with words that are not from God to lead you to the devil, not to Christ.
That's ultimately what they're sent to do. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And until next time, may God richly bless you. The grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.