Genesis 3: Eve and the Serpent
What was the first sin in the Bible? Doubting God's Word
- 00:03
- Okay, Mark. Now is the time that if you have a joke to tell, this would be perfect. Okay. Yes, this is a joke that my son gave me.
- 00:13
- It's one, at least I can understand this one. What do you call an alligator in a vest?
- 00:20
- I don't know. What do you call an alligator in a vest? Does everybody give up?
- 00:27
- Yes. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. What an investigator.
- 00:34
- That's pretty funny. All right, that was a good one.
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- Your son has a good joke book. Yeah. I'm Terry cameras all here with creation fellowship
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- Santee we are a group of friends bound by our common agreement that the creation account as told in Genesis is a true depiction of how
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- God created the universe and all life from nothing in just six days. A few thousand years ago, we've been meeting most
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- Thursday nights here on zoom since June of 2020. We've been blessed with presentations by pastors, teachers, doctors, cartoonists, scientists, apologists, and all around smarty pants people who love the
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- Lord and have a message to share. You can find most of our past videos by searching creation fellowship
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- Santee, that's S -A -N -T -E -E on YouTube. We also have now videos on rumble by looking for CFS 2020 and you can find us on bit shoot as well.
- 01:35
- You can also follow our creation fellowship Santee Facebook page, where we also stream our live presentations on Thursday evenings.
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- You can sign up for our email list by emailing creation fellowship Santee at gmail .com, so that you don't miss the links for zoom for any of our upcoming speakers.
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- Tonight, we're glad to have back a returning speaker that we've had before,
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- Mark Finkbeiner. Mark Finkbeiner is the founder of the
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- Tri -Cities Creation Science Club, where he holds creation science seminars every other month of the year.
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- He also founded Mark's Academy of Science, where he teaches geology and electronics to homeschoolers and science adventure tours, where he does field trips, mostly on the
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- Missoula flood caused by Noah's flood. His college education is in criminal justice, electronics, automotive technology, geology, and he has graduated from two police academies.
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- Mark received Jesus Christ into his heart at age 12, and he is now into film production, making flood geology videos in the
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- Pacific Northwest and filming physics and Bible experiments. For about three years, he and two other guys had their own creation science
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- TV program called Creation Foundations. His biggest project at this time is uncovering very profound geological evidence of a universal flood in central
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- Washington, that very few creation scientists seem to know about. So with that,
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- I'm happy to turn it over to you, Mark. Wow, thank you for that introduction. That was really good.
- 03:15
- Most people don't do it that good. So anyway, okay, well thank you and thank you for having us, or having me here to come and speak.
- 03:23
- And anyway, the first thing I do want to show you is my YouTube channel. And you know,
- 03:29
- I'm trying to get people to subscribe to it and watch the videos. It's purely educational, most all the videos
- 03:35
- I do are on geology, and I started making my own geological videos, probably about a year ago, and people have chipped in quite a bit of financing to help me to get a lot of the professional equipment.
- 03:52
- And so I'm just now kind of learning by hands on and, and just teaching myself
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- I'm pretty much self taught in making videos, supporting the geology of Noah's Flood.
- 04:07
- And so most of the videos are on that there's a few miscellaneous stuff on there that all relate to the
- 04:15
- Bible, you know. So, um, anyway, I guess without further ado, let's begin.
- 04:22
- Let's see, why isn't my. Okay. I am hitting the.
- 04:31
- I'm hitting my arrow, and the slides are not advancing. Um, let's try some.
- 04:44
- Robin. Robin. Do you have a suggestion, if you're there
- 04:53
- Robin Okay, Mark I'm not sure if you maybe are not in the right window.
- 05:00
- I here's one thing I can do I can turn off your. Well, if you would like to turn off your share screen and then start over that might be a good option or else if Robin can jump in and with a better option.
- 05:20
- Okay, do I hit stop share that little red button up there. Um, yeah, that would be the.
- 05:26
- Yeah. Okay, I'll hit it. Okay, and you're in PowerPoint is that correct.
- 05:33
- Okay, Robin can walk you through she's better at this part than I am. Okay, what do you see on your screen.
- 05:39
- Mark, other than us. Well, I see Terry and me creation fellowship.
- 05:45
- Okay, people. What you want to do is put your PowerPoint up before you share your screen put your PowerPoint up.
- 05:52
- Okay, start the actual slideshow. Yeah, and start the slides, slideshow. Okay, there we go.
- 05:59
- Okay now share your screen. Now you have to share screen. Yeah, I just said that Terry.
- 06:05
- I know but he didn't hear. Okay. All right. Now how do I share the screen just take your mouse to the bottom of the screen, and a little menu should pop up.
- 06:15
- Just slowly put your mouse to the bottom. Well, I'm doing that, you should be back in the zoom window where you see all of our faces are not all of our faces all of our names.
- 06:27
- No, I don't see any faces I don't see anything coming up when I. Okay, wait, wait one second
- 06:32
- Terry. Okay, you have one, just one screen mark. Yes.
- 06:38
- Okay. There, now we see it. Okay, we see it now. And now, go to the bottom and bring up your click on your
- 06:46
- PowerPoint. Take your mouse to your taskbar and click on.
- 06:53
- Actually, no somebody else is sharing right now sharing their screen. Oh Frank Trask is sharing stop his sharing.
- 07:01
- Okay. Okay, Mark, let's start over. Okay. Do you see your
- 07:07
- PowerPoint on the yes. Now, down along the taskbar which is the bottom of the screen tell me what you see take your, your mouse down there and tell me what you see.
- 07:19
- I see two arrows one's going right and the other is going left. He's, he's in his
- 07:24
- PowerPoint window so Mark, if you hold down your alt button, and then push tab until you see the zoom screen again where you see our faces and everybody's names.
- 07:36
- Yeah, hold down the alt key and push tab and then you should see everything that's open on your computer.
- 07:42
- Okay. The whole tab and alt. Hold on.
- 07:48
- Is your son still there by chance. No. Okay, I see all the where's what is considered the tab over on your left side, it's above the cap lock caps lock.
- 08:02
- Oh, there it is. Okay. Oh, there we go. Okay, now do you see zoom. Let me do that again, hold out and tab down yeah
- 08:12
- I should see. Okay, now I see all my slides at once.
- 08:20
- Okay, so, so, so you want to keep your finger on the alt button, but keep hitting the tab until you get back to the zoom window that has us in it.
- 08:31
- Okay, let me do that one more time. Okay. There. Okay.
- 08:37
- Now, hover at the bottom of the screen, and you'll see your share screen button.
- 08:45
- Well, there's six different screens. Okay. Okay, Terry Terry let me let me try again.
- 08:53
- Okay. Find zoom. Actually, down on the bottom is your windows key click, it looks, it's a square with four, four little squares in it click on that.
- 09:05
- And then it's going to bring up your windows key, and you should see your taskbar and you should see the zoom down on the bottom.
- 09:14
- All right, I see mute stop video participants. Okay, share, share.
- 09:21
- It's green. Okay, click on that little arrow and go ahead and share your screen, and then make sure you choose the one that has your, your
- 09:29
- PowerPoint the actual presentation. Yeah, it'll give you a choice. And if you have video.
- 09:35
- There we go. All right, there we go. But now it's not letting me advance forward.
- 09:42
- That's okay do do alt tab again and find your
- 09:48
- PowerPoint presentation because right now you're on your YouTube page. So hold out down and push tab.
- 09:56
- Okay. What do you see when you do that.
- 10:02
- I see my PowerPoint page. Okay, and when you when the highlight when the PowerPoint page is highlighted, let go of alt and tab.
- 10:12
- Oh, there we go. Okay, now it's working. Okay, perfect. Okay.
- 10:18
- Okay. Now, to get back to this. All right. Okay, so what
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- I'm going to be talking about, of course, is why Genesis is the most, or why Genesis chapter three is the most important book of the
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- Bible at least what I think it is anyway. And so anyway, what we've got to do is we got to talk about the
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- New Age movement and what that is because you can't talk about Genesis chapter three without talking about the New Age movement and and what that really is we need to define that.
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- So, the New Age movement is this is basically what
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- Dave Hunt called it the seduction of Christianity. Now, the New Age movement is carefully crafted to look exactly like Christianity, but what they do is they just slightly twist who
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- Jesus is, you know, they'll, they'll slightly twist what the Trinity is you know us true
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- Christians we believe in the Trinity God the Father God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. And, and so they just they barely just twist about you know who
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- Jesus Christ is. So they try to make Jesus look user friendly to the world.
- 11:28
- Jesus you know he's all love but no judgment. And he's all forgiveness but no righteousness.
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- And so you know, you think about, you know, the New Age movement kind of was spawned by the hippie movement, and then it got real popular in the 1980s.
- 11:46
- And you know you look at these people. And where are these people at today.
- 11:52
- The all these popular New Agers well most of them are gone, or a lot of them just don't have much effect anymore.
- 12:00
- And I always remember you know like Shirley MacLaine Jay Z night Jay Z night is in my state she's in Yelm, Washington.
- 12:08
- And we think of, let's see what were the other Shirley MacLaine Jay Z night Oh yeah,
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- Elizabeth Claire profit. Those are some of the popular names back in the 1980s. But you know you don't hear about them anymore.
- 12:21
- And I think that the reason why is because Satan is pretty much done with them. And what they taught in the 80s has now finally subtly infiltrated churches throughout
- 12:34
- America. And that's why churches are becoming more and more ineffective. We've gone more purpose driven seeker sensitive, where we've allowed the world to come into churches and influence churches so that churches are more influenced by the world, and they are influenced by God's Word now that's key.
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- Now we're going to talk about God's Word and about twisting the Word of God. And we learn all about that in Genesis chapter three.
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- So, without further ado now. Here's this guy by the name of wh
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- Griffith Thomas. He was a Bible scholar, but a theologian back in the 1800s, and I agree with him when he says that Genesis three is the pivot on which the whole
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- Bible turns and it really is, because this is the beginning of the original stand.
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- And when we study Genesis three, we can then understand why everything is going on the way it is going on with the world.
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- I don't know about you, but for me, I like to know why things are happening, why they are, why are things happening, why
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- I'm trying to say that right. It helps me to understand, it helps me to have a little more peace when
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- I understand how Satan is working and how God is working. And it gives me a little bit of relief when
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- I understand that. So the structure of Genesis is one through 11 so I would say
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- Genesis one through 11 is the very foundation of Christianity. It's the foundation of everything that we believe in.
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- But Genesis three is that pivot. It's that really most important chapter that, you know, the new age is trying to twist what sin is, and it's trying to twist who
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- Jesus is. You know, you can tell when someone has been modernized and liberalized and contemporized when they think that Christianity started in the
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- New Testament. Then they don't believe in the Trinity. You know, Jesus is God.
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- And Jesus, you know, we can find him clear in Genesis.
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- And so anyway, then in Genesis six through nine, we hear about the flood,
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- Genesis 10 through 11, mainly 11, about the Tower of Babel. And that's also important because if you leave any of that out, then you can't understand where we're going into the future.
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- You can't understand Bible prophecy if you don't understand Genesis one through 11.
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- And so the identity of the serpent is explained in Revelation 12, nine and 20 verse two.
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- And we know that the serpent is very crafty. Now, here is the key question. You know, one thing
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- I learned about teaching students is that the smartest students are not the ones who have a lot of knowledge.
- 15:40
- The smart ones are the ones who know what questions to ask. And somebody taught me to ask this one question.
- 15:47
- I never thought of this until somebody asked the question, why did Satan take the form of a serpent?
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- You know, that might be a question a child might ask, kind of like Albert Einstein. What made him popular was that he would only ask questions that a child would ask.
- 16:03
- Well, maybe it takes a child to ask the intellectual questions.
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- Like, why did Satan take the form of a serpent? That is key.
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- And when we understand that, then we understand why the radical environmentalist movement has uprooted its ugly, or why its ugly head has come out of its shell, and why
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- Satanism is becoming more and more widespread in America when you understand that.
- 16:37
- And, of course, here now, Genesis 3, 1 -5, it talks about the temptation by the serpent.
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- In verse 6, the sin of Adam and Eve. And, well, you can read all that. We're not going to get into all that.
- 16:52
- You know, really, this is about a six -hour lesson. And I'm trying to compact it in one hour.
- 16:57
- Now, I gave this lesson at the Creation Science Club on Tuesday. And I was able to give out quite a bit more information.
- 17:06
- Actually, if I gave the whole lesson, I could probably get quite a few enemies, because I would be really undermining a lot of the liberalism that has infiltrated even the most conservative of churches today.
- 17:21
- So Genesis 1 tells us about the creation of the world. Genesis 2 talks about the creation of the seventh day.
- 17:30
- The seventh day, the creation of Adam, the creation of Eden, the creation of Eve. And that's in order, by the way.
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- Okay, then we get to Genesis 3, and it's all about the fall. And when we understand
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- Genesis 3, we understand what in the world is going on with the world.
- 17:50
- Okay, so why did Satan appear as a serpent? So there's our main question.
- 17:57
- Now, before I hit the punchline and I explain all this, why did
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- Satan appear as a serpent in Genesis 3? Let's get some background. 2
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- Thessalonians 2 .11, it says, And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion.
- 18:15
- And wow! We are seeing strong delusion that they should believe a lie.
- 18:20
- Now, I want to tell you something. Back in 2005, I really got interested in Bible prophecy and conspiracy theories.
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- And, you know, I'm not a conspiracy theory nut. I try to be mellow about it because I know some people, they take the conspiracy stuff way too far.
- 18:40
- But because I believe that Satan really does exist, then, of course, there has to be conspiracies.
- 18:46
- Okay, a conspiracy is just simply the undermining of a person.
- 18:52
- Even our legal system recognizes a conspiracy. I know all about that because, you know, I've had police work.
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- And so the Bible tells us that in the last days, there's going to be strong delusion.
- 19:05
- So anyway, my point was, back in 2005, when I got really interested in Bible prophecy,
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- I actually made a 12 -hour PowerPoint presentation about Bible prophecy.
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- And I'm going to tell you, it was not very well received. A lot of believers back then were so naive.
- 19:23
- Now, that was right after 9 -11. But a lot of believers were not ready to hear about the formation of the one world government, the one world religion, and the one world monetary system.
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- That I told them, you know, it's coming. The Bible says it's coming. And now, the people that used to laugh at me,
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- I don't know, I'm getting the last laugh. And, you know, it really does feel good to be right,
- 19:48
- I must admit. Okay, so let's talk about strong delusion.
- 19:54
- Now, another book that's really good to read for the times that we're living in is Job. And I'll tell you, when you read
- 20:02
- Job, you cannot be a prosperity person or a health and wealth person anymore.
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- Because Job is totally opposite of the prosperity movement, the health and wealth movement.
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- And the book of Job really opens up the satanic realm so that we can understand it, so that we can really understand what strong delusion looks like.
- 20:28
- And I'm going to tell you, we are in a time of strong delusion. So in Job chapter 4, this is
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- Eliphaz speaking. And so in Job chapter 4,
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- Eliphaz had a dream. And here's what he said. He says, Now a thing was secretly brought to me, and mine ear received a little thereof.
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- In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, fear came upon me, and trembling which made all my bones to shake.
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- Then a spirit passed before my face, the hair of my flesh stood up. It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof.
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- An image was before mine eyes, there was silence, and I heard a voice saying.
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- Now, it's up to you to read the rest of it. But the way I take it, and I know the way
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- Henry Morris took it, you know, the founder of ICR, and I agree with him. He says, and I say that this is a demon, and it was a demon.
- 21:33
- This was a demonic spirit that spoke to Eliphaz. Now, Eliphaz thought that this was
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- God speaking to him. Now, how many times do we hear people say, Well, God spoke to me. He spoke to me, and he wants me to tell you this, this, that, and the other thing.
- 21:50
- Well, I'm going to tell you, if it's not in the Bible, then you don't want to trust it. You want to be careful when someone starts talking like that.
- 21:57
- Besides that, I'm going to show you a verse where it says there's no intermediary between God and man, Christ Jesus.
- 22:04
- And so, if I want God to speak to me, I can just go to his word, and that's how
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- God speaks to us today. Because, see, you've got to make up your mind. Do you believe that the Bible is the completed word of God?
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- If you don't believe that the Bible is the completed word of God, well, then you can believe anything, and you'll be deceived by anything.
- 22:27
- And you open yourself up to strong delusion. And so, this was an evil spirit that was speaking to Eliphaz, implanting false accusations against Job and the human race.
- 22:39
- You see, you can always tell when it's an evil spirit, because an evil spirit will never talk about forgiveness and how to be redeemed by Jesus Christ.
- 22:50
- This evil spirit, all it talked about was how wicked people are, which of course, yeah, we know the world is wicked.
- 22:56
- But the evil spirit never gave a solution, never gave a solution. How many times do we hear preachers today preach about how we need to straighten up, and we need to stop committing certain sins, but yet they never have an answer as to how to stop committing things that you're addicted to?
- 23:15
- And that's a whole other thing, and that's another part of this presentation where we get into humanism, the
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- New Age movement, and how preachers are actually teaching humanism in church.
- 23:28
- And, well, that's another story. That's like another chapter in this presentation, and you'll be amazed when you start thinking about all this stuff.
- 23:41
- But anyway, okay, so let's see the next slide. So yeah, in 1 Timothy 2, 5, it says, For there is one
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- God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.
- 23:51
- So I don't have to go to somebody else to talk to God. And if God wants me to know something,
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- He's going to talk to me. You know, we've all heard about the IRS. You know, if somebody emails you, and they claim to be the
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- IRS, or they phone call you, and they claim to be the IRS, and it's fake, we've all heard that if the
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- IRS is going to contact you, they're going to do it by letter. Now that's what I've heard, and I know that if God is going to speak to me,
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- He's going to speak to me through the Bible. That's how I know
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- God is speaking to me. And so I've had people come up to me before and actually say,
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- Well, you know, the Lord was telling me something, and I'm supposed to tell you. No, I don't think so.
- 24:35
- No, no. God wants me to know something. He's going to tell me directly. That's where you get in the
- 24:41
- New Age movement. Now, the Gilligan's Island thing. Some of you saw the slide when I was backing up.
- 24:46
- Okay, well, I never realized that Gilligan's Island could be used as a great example here when we're talking about delusion.
- 24:53
- So anyway, I was a little kid. I grew up with Gilligan's Island, and I'll tell you, every day after school, when
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- I came home, I just looked forward to watching Gilligan's Island at four in the afternoon.
- 25:05
- And boy, if I miss Gilligan's Island, oh, that was the end of the world. And so, anyway, here's the story.
- 25:13
- Let's see. Okay. So, you remember the plot of Gilligan's Island?
- 25:21
- You know, they're shipwrecked, and every show, they're trying to get off the island. So I'll never forget this one episode.
- 25:28
- All the shipwrecked crew, they were all standing in a circle, and they were all giving their opinions as to how to get off the island.
- 25:34
- So Mary Ann said something. She said, she, you know,
- 25:40
- I don't remember exactly what each one of them said, but they were all giving their opinions as to how to get off the island.
- 25:45
- So Mary Ann said something, and Gilligan said, well, you know what, Mary Ann, you're right. And then
- 25:50
- Ginger said something, and Gilligan says, well, you're right too, Ginger. And then the professor, he gave some triple joint and scientific explanation as to how to get off the island.
- 26:03
- And Gilligan says, well, you're right too, professor. Well, finally, the skipper, he says, well, Gilligan, not everybody can be right.
- 26:12
- And Gilligan says, you know what, skipper, you're right too. And so anyway, the point is, is that we got too many
- 26:20
- Gilligans in our churches today that they'll just agree with anything. No matter what is said, they will just say, oh, that sounds right.
- 26:27
- Oh, yeah, that sounds right. And they're all contradicting each other. And that's why we have this verse here in Acts 1711.
- 26:33
- It says, these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, and that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
- 26:45
- See, I don't care if you're some sort of intellectual giant about the Bible.
- 26:51
- Whatever you say, I'm going to compare it with the Word of God. I'm going to go to the Word of God. I want to be like the
- 26:57
- Bereans. And we're going to check out whatever you say. Somebody claims to be some prophet or whatever, or somebody thinks that they got the gift of knowledge.
- 27:06
- Well, who cares? I got the completed Word of God, and I'm going to check out whatever you say with the
- 27:11
- Bible to see if what is taught is actually true. And you see, that's the problem.
- 27:17
- Our churches today are filling up with Gilligans, and we don't have enough skippers who are saying, well, you can't be right.
- 27:25
- That's not right. That's not squaring up with the Bible, you see. Okay, so with that in mind, in Genesis 3, verse 1, it says,
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- Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
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- And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. Now, first of all, it says that the serpent was more subtle.
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- Now, before man's sin, before sin came into the human race, whatever that serpent was, was not a snake until after God cursed it.
- 28:00
- So, you know, there's some implications being made here. And Eve was comfortable in talking with this serpent.
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- And this serpent was very subtle, must have been very beautiful. And Satan was appearing as a serpent that Eve was used to, or possessed a serpent in the garden.
- 28:21
- I don't know if Satan just transformed himself into a serpent, or if Satan had possessed a serpent, don't know.
- 28:31
- But whatever, the serpent was being controlled by Satan.
- 28:36
- And Eve thought she was just speaking to one of the wild, well, there wasn't wild, but she thought she was just talking to one of the animals in the
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- Garden of Eden. And Eve must have been familiar with a talking serpent, which suggests maybe all the animals could talk.
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- And then once sin came into the world, sin also, of course, affected all the animals.
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- And maybe God then took the ability of animals to awake. God took the ability of animals awake to speak.
- 29:15
- And so I think that's what happened here. So Eve was talking to a serpent, and she just thought she was talking to one.
- 29:23
- She didn't realize that she was actually speaking to the devil. Now think about that.
- 29:29
- What are the radical environmentalists saying today? Well, they're claiming that they go out, well, the
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- New Agers that are environmental. So New Agers are by nature environmentalists, radical environmentalists.
- 29:45
- So are Satanists. Now, they're all different tentacles off the same head. So Satan is the head.
- 29:51
- And then you have all these different tentacles, you know, like Satanism, humanism, the New Age movement, all the false religions, whatever.
- 29:57
- And they all lead to the devil. And so the
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- New Agers, the radical environmentalists, they're all claiming that they're listening to nature.
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- Just like Eve thought she was just talking to one of the animals in nature.
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- Didn't realize, didn't think about the fact that she was actually talking to the devil.
- 30:24
- And so then at the bottom of this verse, it says, Yea, hath
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- God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Ah, now look what's happening.
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- Satan is getting Eve to question God's word. Now, when you go to Job, you know,
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- Job, he said a lot of amazing things. You know, he actually got mad at God.
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- He got mad at God. He even wanted to die. He wished he could have died in his mother's womb. He admitted to being depressed and all of that.
- 31:00
- None of that made God upset because he never accused God falsely. See, he never changed the word of God.
- 31:07
- He never caused anybody to question the word of God. In fact, Job, all the way through the book of Job, always said that he realized that God was his only hope, even though he was very depressed.
- 31:21
- And he got very angry and he, well, yeah, you get the point.
- 31:28
- But God never seemed to get upset with him at that because he never accused God falsely. He never tried to change the word of God.
- 31:35
- Now, here Satan is actually starting to question the word of God. He's causing
- 31:41
- Eve to very subtly question God's word. Okay, so now just hold on to that thought because we're going to keep talking about questioning
- 31:51
- God's word and Satan possessing the serpent. Okay, then in verse 2,
- 31:58
- And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden,
- 32:07
- God has said, Oh, now be careful. Watch this. Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
- 32:17
- Now, did God really tell Adam and Eve they couldn't touch it? If I remember right,
- 32:24
- I don't think he, unless my eyes are bugging out and I don't see very good, I don't think
- 32:30
- God ever told Eve that she couldn't touch the fruit. She just wasn't supposed to eat it.
- 32:37
- So here Eve is adding something that God didn't say. All right.
- 32:43
- So, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. Okay, now we're talking about altering
- 32:52
- God's word. Altering God's word to make it compatible to the world, to make the world feel comfy, you know.
- 33:01
- And so here we're learning about subtility, which is deception. And yea, hath
- 33:06
- God said, questioning the word of God, manipulating the word of God to make it become more user friendly to the world.
- 33:15
- And that's exactly what the Seeker Sensitive Movement does. The Emergent Church, it's all about trying to make the word of God more compatible to the world, so that the world can accept it instead of teaching about sin, that you need to receive
- 33:36
- Christ because we are sinners. Because see, that's just not popular anymore to do that.
- 33:43
- So here now, I went to this website, and this is amazing. I mean, you want to talk about strong delusion?
- 33:51
- Here's strong delusion. This is a website where they promote the universal Christ. Oh my, my, my.
- 33:58
- And these guys really sound good. And you've really got to know your
- 34:04
- Bible in these last days, because if you don't know your Bible, if you're not reading the
- 34:10
- Bible, then you can easily be deceived by these guys.
- 34:15
- So here, this guy, he's talking like the devil, really. So he asks these questions.
- 34:21
- What if Christ is a name for the transcendent within of everything in the universe?
- 34:29
- What if Christ is a name for the immense spacious of all true love? What if Christ refers to an infinite horizon that pulls us both from within and pulls us forward to?
- 34:41
- What if Christ is another name for everything in its fullness? You know what he's teaching.
- 34:48
- And a lot of Christians are going to be deceived by this because they don't know their Bible. But this guy's teaching pantheism.
- 34:56
- He's essentially teaching that Christ is in everything. He's teaching that Christ is not separate and distinct from his creation.
- 35:04
- He's teaching that Christ is in the creation. You see? And so, okay, so anyway, there's one quote.
- 35:15
- Now, let's see. Now, the next one. Okay. So this gal right here, look at what she says.
- 35:22
- What if every human being is anointed? Ooh, now wait a second here. What if every human being is anointed, messiahed,
- 35:32
- Christ? What if every human being is a messiah? What if every human being is
- 35:37
- Jesus? What if the most fundamental aspect of our identity is that we are each anointed and appointed by the
- 35:45
- Holy One by spirit to preach good news to the poor? Ooh, that's sounding awfully biblical.
- 35:53
- Liberty to the captive. In fact, we read that kind of stuff out of the Bible. And sight to the blind.
- 35:59
- What if we take seriously being the body of the Christ, that we are hands, feet, and heartbeat of the living
- 36:06
- God? What if we are word made flesh, love made flesh, light made flesh?
- 36:13
- Well, let's focus in on the one thing anyway, because we don't have all day to pick and poke this all apart.
- 36:19
- But anyway, she talked about being anointed. I'm going to show you the verses here, but I'm just going to say it right now. If you're a
- 36:24
- Christian, you are anointed. You just automatically are anointed. And there are some cults today who are trying to one up other people.
- 36:35
- They're trying to all be an authority, and they're all trying to act like, you know, they're the anointed ones, and they have more information.
- 36:44
- They have new revealed information from God that other people don't have, which is cultic.
- 36:50
- That's part of the cult. And so anyway, before I show you the verses, let's go to this guy here.
- 36:58
- He says, Why are all the major events in the life of Christ directly described in the Gospels except for?
- 37:05
- Now I can't read the next word because this other stuff is in the way. Except for His resurrection.
- 37:13
- Why does Western Christianity depict an individual resurrection, but Eastern Christianity a universal resurrection?
- 37:23
- Could it be that the West gutted the heart of Christianity understanding of the resurrection by rejecting a once common universal iconography in favor of individualistic vision?
- 37:38
- Oh, my goodness. Well, anyway, the Gospels do talk a lot about the resurrection, the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
- 37:47
- Anyway, that's a lot of rhetoric right there. And that's all made to deceive the weak believers, the ones that don't really know their word, the
- 37:56
- Bible very good. Let's see now where, oh, where did those verses go?
- 38:03
- Did I not put them in there? Well, trust me. Okay, I'm just going to say this. There are several verses in the
- 38:09
- Bible where it says it says that once you get saved, you are anointed.
- 38:15
- You're just automatically anointed. Okay, that's why we got to go back to the word of God. You know, you don't believe everything
- 38:22
- I say. You go to the word of God. When you go to the word of God, then you find out. Whoops. You know what? So and so is not right about about that anointing, because the
- 38:29
- Bible actually teaches once you're saved, you are anointed. Okay, well, anyway, verse four.
- 38:35
- And the serpent said to the woman, ye shall not surely die. Okay. You will not die and become.
- 38:45
- Okay, well, let me back up here. Okay. You shall not surely die. There are a lot of people today
- 38:52
- I've noticed that I I've talked to who talk like that they have really bought into this lie that you won't die.
- 39:00
- I had a doctor one time that actually told me, you know, you don't have to die. That's what she told me right to my face.
- 39:07
- You don't have to die. If you just take all the right supplements, and you just live right.
- 39:13
- And you make all the right choices. You don't have to die. Um, I know a girl,
- 39:19
- I got to know her mouth somewhat well she's probably the richest person in the
- 39:24
- Tri cities and we got like a lot around 300 ,000 people now living here. And she's a multi multi millionaire.
- 39:31
- And one time I had to go over to her house to get some supplies because that's where business was at. She showed me this picture of her new house that she bought now she's got houses in Seattle.
- 39:41
- She's got houses here in the Tri cities. And she says, Oh, look at the new house I bought, and it's got a swimming pool indoors and one outdoors and I thought my goodness
- 39:51
- I didn't think we made them that big around here I thought you had to go down to Hollywood to find them that big. And she flat out told me she says, you know, there is nothing that I cannot get.
- 40:05
- She says, I can have whatever I want. She says, all you have to do is think positively enough, and your positive thinking.
- 40:14
- You can create money by just being positive. And I thought,
- 40:20
- Oh my goodness, and she sends her kids to a Christian school, by the way. So, oh boy.
- 40:27
- And so, Satan is telling Eve, you will not die and the next thing she's going to tell
- 40:33
- Eve, you can become a God. So in verse five it says for God does know that in the day eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and he shall be as God's knowing good and evil.
- 40:46
- So in other words, she will know that that good is evil and evil is good. And you can become a
- 40:53
- God. Now, guess what, there's this movement called the word of faith movement and this is where I'm going to step on some toes
- 40:59
- I know it but you know you got to accept the truth and this is the truth. This is all documented. Okay, so first of all,
- 41:06
- I'm in Genesis, it says. Well now I can't see it because all this stuff up here is in the way.
- 41:15
- So I'm going to just read down here. So number one Satan convinced Eve to question God. Are you sure
- 41:21
- God really said that he only. And so, Adam and Eve only had to obey one rule, and they broke it.
- 41:29
- And then, he shall be as God's now look what Anton LeVay said the former member of the
- 41:34
- Church of Satan and he actually died the day before Halloween. He wanted to be known that he had died on the day of Halloween to give him honor but anyway, he said this, and he must as a
- 41:45
- Satanist attain his own Godhood and accordance with his own potential. Therefore, each man or woman is a god or gods in Satanism.
- 41:56
- Okay, now, next slide. Okay, this is what I wanted. Alright so here's this website. And it says we are little or many gods, the belief was popularized by false teachers like okay now get this,
- 42:09
- Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen and Oprah Winfrey. Now I know that these people all said it because I've heard him say it.
- 42:17
- Kenneth Copeland has actually said you know he's the big TV preacher health and wealth prosperity preacher, and he actually is saying that you can become a god he says he is
- 42:28
- God. He's a god. Okay. And then this this other philosophy of man the oneness philosophy is oneness is the idea that we can become righteous or one with God by being sinless, not by faith alone.
- 42:47
- The Bible teaches us sanctification is a process, and there isn't a destination that we that we arrive at here on earth we don't become one or perfect and God until we are united with him in heaven.
- 43:02
- And that's the truth until we get to heaven. But in the meantime, we continue to grow spiritually.
- 43:09
- And then, you know, I'm going to tell you for a lack of what time is it anyway. I, I shut off my phone so I know we're kind of running out of time probably.
- 43:20
- So I'm gonna. Let's see. I'm Mark. Yeah. You have time, you can about 1015 minutes.
- 43:29
- Oh boy. Okay, I'm running out of time. Um, so the law of attraction I'll just read this.
- 43:36
- The law of attraction. This is, this is one, this one is popular, probably the most popular.
- 43:42
- This is the belief that if we think positively enough and have faith. We will get whatever we desire from God.
- 43:49
- The law of attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like teachers of the law of attraction will often tell you to believe, imagine, or visualize what you want from God, and he will make it true for you.
- 44:03
- And that's what that one girl was telling me here in the Tri -Cities, the exact same thing, and the other false teaching that is creeping into churches is a follow your heart.
- 44:14
- That's part of the New Age movement. So if I didn't say this before I'm going to say it now. All those
- 44:19
- New Agers that I showed you in one of those first slides, you don't hear about a much anymore because we don't because Satan doesn't need them.
- 44:27
- What they were teaching back in the 1980s is now infiltrating even some of the most conservative fundamental churches in America.
- 44:37
- And that's another chapter in this lesson. We don't have time for that but I would love to show that one.
- 44:44
- So in Genesis chapter three, verse six and seven, it says, and when the woman saw that the tree was good food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes in a tree to be desired to make one wise.
- 44:56
- She took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also under her husband with her, and he did eat, and the eyes of them were both open and they knew that they were naked.
- 45:06
- Okay, now this is where, okay, every cult has a couple of things in common.
- 45:13
- One of them is you can become God. The other one is you question God's word. And then the third thing is sexual perversion and this is where sexual perversion came in.
- 45:23
- Sexuality is supposed to be beautiful, but sin corrupted it. And that's why we have all the morality that we have today.
- 45:33
- And so look at what it says here, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.
- 45:39
- Okay, and they heard the voice of the Lord God walk in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the
- 45:46
- Lord amongst the trees of the garden. So here they are, they're hiding themselves. They didn't realize they were naked before.
- 45:52
- So they were innocent, and now they realize, oh, they're naked, and they're ashamed, and so now they've gone into hiding.
- 46:03
- And this is representative of what happens to us when we live with sin that we don't repent of.
- 46:10
- We become ashamed. We become irritable and angry, and pretty soon we can't live with other people very good.
- 46:17
- We can't live with ourselves. We can't live with God. And you just feel like everybody's watching you.
- 46:23
- It creates paranoia. It creates a lot of problems in your life. And let's see, in verse 9 it says,
- 46:31
- And the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself.
- 46:40
- See, he said he was afraid. Oh, I would be afraid. Well, that's what happens when you have sin in your life.
- 46:46
- You become fearful. Now what's the world doing today? Isn't the world more fearful than it's ever been?
- 46:52
- The world is incredibly fearful right now. Well, that's because people are willfully and wanting to forget about God.
- 47:03
- They're trying to erase God out of their lives. And so fear naturally sets in.
- 47:10
- And in verse 11 it says, And he said, And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof
- 47:16
- I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman...
- 47:21
- Okay, now this is always kind of funny here. And the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat.
- 47:28
- Now look what Adam is doing. Adam is blaming God and his wife. Well, it's the woman you gave me.
- 47:34
- It's her fault that I ate of the tree. And then in verse 13,
- 47:39
- And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.
- 47:46
- So now you got Eve blaming the devil. She actually thinks it's a serpent.
- 47:53
- I don't know if she realizes by now that it was actually a possessed serpent. And I'm kind of hurrying through here because I know we're running out of time.
- 48:03
- Verse 14, And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast in the field.
- 48:10
- Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and thus shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
- 48:16
- So here God did something to the serpent and turned it into a snake. Before that snake was a serpent and something very beautiful, something that Eve was not scared of, something that Eve could talk to.
- 48:29
- But Satan had possessed that serpent. Okay, now, now just keep that in mind because hopefully
- 48:34
- I got time here to wrap this up. And verse 15, And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed.
- 48:43
- You know, I'm going to just skip that part. Verse 16, Unto the woman he said,
- 48:48
- I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
- 48:58
- And so marriage would never be the same again. After this, this is what's created a lot of marital problems right here.
- 49:06
- Okay, let's see now. All right. Now what I want you to get out of this here, and I'm not going to read all this, but this is talking about the ground now actually becoming cursed.
- 49:17
- So the ground is now cursed. And Eve and the human race now are going to grow food from the ground, and the ground is cursed.
- 49:28
- The weeds are going to grow, the thistles are going to grow, and it's going to be a constant headache for mankind from now on to grow food.
- 49:37
- Because the ground is cursed. Okay, so there's a lot of things that we can learn about this, but it's just interesting to point out.
- 49:47
- Okay, so anyway, now let's talk about environmentalism and the new world order and the serpent.
- 49:55
- Okay, now I'm going to try to go through this very quickly. By the way, I don't know if you know this, but they actually have an earth flag for Earth Day.
- 50:06
- And in the New Age movement, they call the earth Gaia or Gaia. And the whole idea behind environmentalism is to subtly kill off the human race to save the environment, because the earth is cursed.
- 50:24
- You know, you think about that. Okay, so the earth is cursed. And when people have sin in their lives, they become very angry, they become despondent, they can't think straight.
- 50:34
- And so essentially, all these environmentalists that want to save the earth, well, they want to kill everybody off.
- 50:40
- And I'm going to show you that here. I'm going to prove that to you. Okay, so here's a 77 thesis on the care of the earth, written by john
- 50:49
- McConnell, the founder of Earth Day. And let's see, I believe Earth Day was founded in 1970.
- 50:55
- That's another thing I would love to go over with you. When all this stuff began, the EPA Earth Day was all started in 1970.
- 51:04
- And a few other things that started in 1970. But here is one of the verses dedicated to john
- 51:11
- McConnell, founder of Earth Day, the beautiful planet Earth, the paradise we inhabit the home of the redwood, magnolia and oak, the eagle, the whale and the rabbit, the bountiful Mother Earth, this wonder who gave us who gave us our birth.
- 51:26
- In other words, evolution. Okay. As she did for the mosques and the lichen and for she has a lesson she'd like us to learn.
- 51:37
- And every okay every living thing has feelings every living thing knows pain and I guess on that level, we are all connected in an endless living chain.
- 51:47
- In other words, that the evolutionary chain you know you go at the very bottom, you have the amoeba and then everything evolves upward.
- 51:55
- Okay, so see, the point is evolution is the found is the foundation for radical environmentalism.
- 52:01
- Okay, there's the earth magna charta. We're going to skip that one. And who signed the
- 52:08
- Earth Day proclamation well Margaret made the one of the most famous anthropologists john
- 52:13
- Denver, remember him, I see Robert Mueller the Assistant Secretary General of the
- 52:18
- United Nations. Isaac as them off we all know about him. Yes, sir,
- 52:24
- Arafat, the terrorist and Mikhail Gorbachev, those are some of the famous names that have signed the
- 52:30
- Earth Day proclamation. Let's see, here's the Earth Day ceremony.
- 52:36
- I'm not going to read all this that I put in red and black. Those of you, well, it's all going to be recorded so you can go back and listen to this you can read it for yourself just hit the pause button, because I want to get to some of the really juicy stuff here.
- 52:54
- The UN document would give Mother Earth the same rights as humans that's part of agenda 21.
- 53:01
- All right, so we'll continue on. Here is what David Ross.
- 53:07
- Oh, some of this here is covered up. Let's see. And the founder of many environmental organizations including the
- 53:15
- Sierra Club, the john mere Institute for Environmental Studies and friends of the earth. So this is what they said this is what they agree with childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.
- 53:30
- All parents should be required to use contraceptive chemicals the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing you know, and this is quoted by see
- 53:42
- Lee right that was our governor back in the 1980s, here in Washington, and compared to the governor we have now she was almost conservative.
- 53:52
- Okay, um, let's see. Okay, Michael W Fox the vice president of the
- 53:59
- Humane Society. He said man is the most dangerous destructive selfish and unethical animal on earth.
- 54:06
- Now the thing that I think that's amazing about this, it's the same thing that the satanic church is saying, same thing.
- 54:12
- Here it is the satanic Bible here's the seventh tenant of the satanic Bible, Satan represents man is just another animal sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who because of his divine spiritual and intellectual development has become the most vicious animal of all, just like what
- 54:30
- Michael Fox said. Okay, um, take a walk on the dark side,
- 54:36
- I used to have this book, rock and roll miss legends and curses. Each of these supposed virtues represents smashing the week and following the doctrine of social
- 54:45
- Darwinism the survival of the fittest. And so, you know, this this all relates to radical environmentalism here is
- 54:54
- Peter people for the ethical treatment of animals, humans have grown like a cancer.
- 55:00
- We're the biggest blight on the face of the earth. And there's the documentation quoted in Reader's Digest June of 1990.
- 55:09
- Now here this is, this is amazing. Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones in Elberton, Georgia.
- 55:15
- Okay, so a guy by the name of RC Christian it's a pseudo name. He made this, this is considered the
- 55:23
- Stonehenge of America. This is what it looks like it was written in 12 different languages.
- 55:29
- And in the English language. Let's see. Okay, so there's 12 different languages.
- 55:36
- Let's see. Okay, here they are. Here's what it says it says maintain humanity at 500 ,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- 55:47
- And then it says unite humanity with a living new language. So anyway, the point is maintain the human population at 500 ,000 or 500 million 500 million.
- 56:01
- That means about 7 billion people have to die because now there's over 7 billion people on the planet.
- 56:09
- So about 7 billion people have to die. A lot of people have got to go, I guess.
- 56:15
- And it says here, let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- 56:22
- And it says here on the bottom be not a cancer on the earth leave room for nature, see it's always about nature.
- 56:27
- Now let's talk about Hegelianism. Ernest Hegel, he was the philosopher back in the 1800s, and he realized that governments the way they rule over people is they either they create a they either create chaos, or they wait for a chaotic event to happen.
- 56:45
- And that then then you blow up the event make it sound worse than it is getting all the naive people they're really desperate, and then they're ready to accept any solution.
- 56:59
- And that's what we're seeing now throughout the world to bring about a one world government, a one world religion, and a one world monetary system.
- 57:07
- After all, the world believes that most all of your wars are religious wars, we got to get all the religions to come together, you know, to be as one we all need to be loving each other, set aside all of our differences so we can get all the religions to come together.
- 57:21
- Same thing with the countries, you know, they say well countries are fighting against each other all the time creating wars, we got to get all the countries to come together.
- 57:29
- And just like that one rock and roller that I'm going to show you here in a minute.
- 57:35
- He said, imagine, you know, no countries to fight over. And, and so he was singing about a one world government.
- 57:44
- And, and so environmentalism is all about saving the planet, and and they think they're going to do it through a one world religion a one world government one world monetary system.
- 57:54
- And this is where aliens come in, NASA and SETI so SETI is an extension from NASA.
- 58:01
- So SETI stands for search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Now why are they doing this see this is the next phase now in environmentalism.
- 58:11
- Now, let's see, um, I'm kind of doing this now as I'm thinking inside my head,
- 58:18
- I wished I would have this slide earlier. Okay, now here's your homework, this is what you got to do you got to go home and watch this video called
- 58:24
- Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind contact has been made. The people that made this video are some of the most world renowned experts in searching for flying saucers.
- 58:37
- Now of course me as a Christian I don't believe in little green men in outer space. Because when you read justice one one it says in the beginning
- 58:43
- God created the heavens and the earth it doesn't say in the beginning God created Mars. It says in the beginning
- 58:50
- God created the earth so God is is focused on earth and when Jesus died he didn't he only died once he died on one planet and mass earth, and then rose again of course.
- 59:01
- And so the point is these guys. They are admitting now that humanism is not working.
- 59:10
- You see, they believe that, that, that the human race had to save itself.
- 59:15
- And they are admitting now hey you know what the human race can't save itself. So now what we got to do is we got to make contact with the space beings, and they claim that they're making contact with the space beings but you know what it's just like Eve with the serpent
- 59:29
- Eve listen to the serpent. Today, the human race is listening to these aliens so what they're doing there's multitudes of people now going out in the deserts, like in Nevada and Arizona, and they're actually asking the flying saucers the little green men to come to them and talk to them, and in hopes that they're going to save the planet.
- 59:52
- That's what this is all about. And of course with this picture right here. They are saying that we were once those eight men, and one day we're going to evolve into the aliens.
- 01:00:06
- We're going to become like the aliens, and we're going to, we're going to save the planet that way. They think that the aliens have higher technology and, and all the countries of the world have to come together to pull all of our money, our resources, our finances to go out and find these aliens, bring them to earth, and have them save us from ourselves.
- 01:00:30
- So you can believe either in, you can either believe that the aliens are coming back to save us, or you can believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to save us.
- 01:00:39
- And so, so anyway, let's see. Okay. Remember that rock and roll song it says we are the world.
- 01:00:47
- Okay, there was a, there was a time when we hit a certain call when the world must come together as one.
- 01:00:52
- We are all part of God's great big family. Oh see they put God in there, and the way they do it it's kind of just disgusting.
- 01:01:00
- And the truth you know loves all we need. Now read this how well do you know your
- 01:01:05
- Bibles, as God has shown us by turning stone to bread. Did God's turn stone to bread.
- 01:01:13
- Hmm. Well, let's continue to read on we'll answer that question. So, we all must lend a helping hand.
- 01:01:20
- We are the world we are the children, we are the ones to make a brighter day so let's start giving. There's a choice we're making.
- 01:01:27
- We're saving our own lives. Okay, so did God turn the stone to bread.
- 01:01:34
- Matthew four three, and when the tempter came to him he said if they'll be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread.
- 01:01:42
- Well of course God he would not bow down to Satan, and do that he didn't have to do that.
- 01:01:49
- He didn't have to prove himself because he's already proved himself by all the miracles that he's, he's done in the
- 01:01:54
- Bible. John Lennon. This is the guy was trying to remember. Imagine there is no heaven it's easy if you tried no hell below us above us only sky imagine all the people sharing the world.
- 01:02:05
- You say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. You see, sharing all the world again.
- 01:02:13
- There's this, there's this effort among the world to bring all the countries of the world together to save the planet to stop wars.
- 01:02:23
- Now in Revelation 17, Revelation 13 and 17, it talks about a one world government that during the tribulation.
- 01:02:31
- Satan is going to bring all the countries of the world together, and there is going to be a one world monetary system.
- 01:02:37
- There's going to be all that and we're seeing the formation of that now. And so, okay, who we're getting there.
- 01:02:46
- Here's a guy, Daniel P she hand is a constitutional public interest lawyer, public speaker political activist activist and educator.
- 01:02:55
- Now, he was interviewed in the show, the Close Encounters of Fifth Kind here he is. Now, keep in mind, this documentary was made in 2020 before the elections.
- 01:03:05
- This guy actually said that Trump cannot win and he will not win the elections, the people in that that are in the deep state are not going to let him win because if we let him win.
- 01:03:20
- It's gonna, it's gonna make it more difficult for the countries of the world to come together because he is, he's not for that he's against that.
- 01:03:28
- And he basically said and I'm going to tell you, I've had about four or five people come into my house and I said, sit down in here.
- 01:03:37
- I want to show you this show Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind to make sure that you know I'm really hearing this right, they sit down they watch this show with me and their, and their jaw just drops, because this guy says a matter of factly that nope
- 01:03:51
- Trump was not going to win, win, because there are people in the deep state that that actually they rigged the election so he could not win.
- 01:04:01
- See, in that amazing. So all you had to do was watch this show and you wouldn't know him this guy was going to win.
- 01:04:06
- And she was going to be the assistant president. And let's see.
- 01:04:12
- So in the show they show you stuff like the US strategy plan calls for ensuring no rivals develop a one superpower world a one world government.
- 01:04:22
- Okay, so in conclusion, john 844 year of your father the devil in the last year father you will do he was a murder from the beginning and abode not the truth, because there is no truth in here.
- 01:04:33
- When he spoke of the lie he speak of his own for he is a liar and the father of it. And so, you know,
- 01:04:41
- I think that a lot of us are no longer taking these kind of verses for granted.
- 01:04:47
- We're realizing that there is becoming this this huge division in this country in this world between those people who are faking
- 01:04:56
- Christianity, and those people who are really living for Christ. And even though the world is getting more scary.
- 01:05:05
- This is actually a good thing where God is starting to separate those who are just faking Christianity, and those who are truly living for Christ.
- 01:05:15
- And so, if a person is not saved. No matter how good they are and there's a lot of good unsafe people but their father is still the devil.
- 01:05:25
- And I think a lot of this lot of these verses now that we've grown up with like you know I grew up in church
- 01:05:31
- I've been in church all my life, I was saved at a very young age. And I must admit, I took all these verses for granted you know about Satan being the god of this world.
- 01:05:40
- But now that all this stuff is happening. It's like the Bible is really coming to life now it's like okay well now we're really understanding it because now we're really living it.
- 01:05:51
- And in Matthew 2324 it says he blind guide to strain at the net and swallow the camel that Jesus was speaking to the
- 01:06:00
- Pharisees, and the Pharisees were self righteous people. And what they were doing is they were making a big deal out of things that didn't matter.
- 01:06:09
- And the things that should have mattered. They just let all that stuff go. And we're seeing, you know, a lot of believers behave like Pharisees, where, you know, we need to, we need to read the
- 01:06:25
- Bible well enough to where we understand what is important, and not change the
- 01:06:31
- Word of God, not alter the Word of God. And in First Samuel, it says up for rebelling is as a sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is iniquity and adultery idolatry because now has rejected now listen to this, because now has rejected the word.
- 01:06:47
- There we go, has rejected the word of the Lord. He has also rejected the from being king.
- 01:06:54
- How many churches today are subtly very subtly like Satan and the serpent in the
- 01:07:00
- Garden of Eden are just twisting. Just altering, just giving a little, little fine tuning just twisting the
- 01:07:10
- Word of God. And God is rejecting I think God is, you know, somewhat rejecting this country because we have more and more churches today that are rejecting the
- 01:07:22
- Word of God. And Samuel said in the soul, I will not return with the for thou has rejected the word of the
- 01:07:28
- Lord, and the Lord has rejected the from being king over Israel.
- 01:07:33
- And I wonder if that's not happening right now. You got to wonder. And so the long war against God, this is a title that came from Henry Morris's book, the long war against God.
- 01:07:45
- It's all about putting God's word into question, questioning the Word of God. Okay, that's it.
- 01:07:55
- Oh, great. Thank you. That was good. We have a pause track we would play it right now. Yeah, no, that was really good information.
- 01:08:04
- Um, sometimes so when people go to politics. People do get their toes stepped on.
- 01:08:11
- I am myself guilty of stepping on toes but I thought that was really good. And I am in total agreeance.
- 01:08:19
- Now, go ahead. Well, yeah, I was just gonna see you unpacked a lot of information for us tonight and I've never seen our chat so active so I don't know that we have any real questions for you.
- 01:08:34
- But people well it's prompted people, nobody's fighting or anything there's no arguments going on but it's just got a lot of people which
- 01:08:42
- I think is kind of the point of what you're trying to say that you want people to think about things and to use discernment and to properly and use proper exegesis to make sure that we're reading the
- 01:08:52
- Bible carefully and that we're not throwing in our own interpretations and ideas right so, um,
- 01:08:59
- I mean that seems to be what, what the, what the chatter is in the chat is that people are just like, you just spark some thought.
- 01:09:08
- Praise the Lord. Well, um, you started out with a new age church, and my, my aunt the only adult in my life that was nice to me, literally, um, she took me in a lot of different times, and she was very into the new age and at that time
- 01:09:25
- I didn't know this was in the 80s, and she took me to Edgar Casey's dream center in Virginia Beach, and I attended a lot of the seminars
- 01:09:35
- I bought the books and I was 16 or so. And, but then
- 01:09:40
- I kind of just let it go it never really interested me but then she had some psychic in the late 80s tell her that she was reincarnated
- 01:09:48
- Cleopatra. And so, then she had this desire to go to Egypt but I had no idea that was why she wanted to go my cousin just recently her daughter recently told me that that's why she wanted to go.
- 01:09:59
- And then when you went into the Georgia Guidestones. Yes, that's been up since 1979.
- 01:10:05
- And I see the parallels now I see them. I'm going to watch that movie because yes there was a plot to keep
- 01:10:13
- President Trump out because they cannot achieve their goal with somebody who does not agree with it.
- 01:10:22
- Yeah. Right. You got to watch that documentary now you can watch it free on YouTube.
- 01:10:29
- I think it's on Netflix. I think it's on Amazon Prime Rachel told us it was on Amazon Prime. I have,
- 01:10:36
- I've probably talked too much is anybody else have any questions anybody want to ask anything.
- 01:10:48
- Rob does. I just want to comment that I was talking to pastor of the lawyer press they're trying to find a replacement for the man that was the pastor was teaching your
- 01:11:04
- Bible series. And they're basically you're saying you're going to have to go outside of the Presbyterian denomination to find somebody who's gotten the training and I'm thinking how that particular denomination has had seminaries that turned away from teaching about the
- 01:11:23
- God of creation. Over the last century. And therefore they're not teaching the
- 01:11:32
- Bible in a way that helps people come to the Lord and for the domination going to fade out.
- 01:11:41
- The seminaries are infiltrated. They're, they're all infiltrated by the left.
- 01:11:47
- Yeah. Hundred years ago, about 99 % of our universities and colleges were founded by Christian organizations.
- 01:12:02
- And most all those have faded off the map. As far as being Christian anymore.
- 01:12:08
- Yes, that's your Ivy League colleges yeah they're done Marxist. And did you have a comment or question.
- 01:12:19
- Well, I just wanted to comment on the fact that, you know, we have all these prophets out there right now.
- 01:12:31
- You know, saying like what you were talking about where the Lord's told me this and Lord told me that.
- 01:12:37
- And I have so many friends that are just there, and I can
- 01:12:43
- I can show them heresies, and they still won't see it.
- 01:12:49
- And these are people that love the Lord. I mean they genuinely love the
- 01:12:54
- Lord, but they cannot see the heresy and the falsehood in what these people are teaching, and I went to a church like that for a long time.
- 01:13:06
- And, you know, so I was surrounded by it, and it never felt right, but I didn't know
- 01:13:12
- I couldn't put my finger on it what it was until I started going to the creation is working at the
- 01:13:18
- Creation Museum. And then all of a sudden it was like, oh, that's what it is.
- 01:13:25
- But there's so you get so immersed in it, that you just can't see the truth.
- 01:13:31
- Right. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, that's why the
- 01:13:38
- Bible, it says that we are to be transformed and not conformed if we're conformed to the world, then we're not we're going to be blind.
- 01:13:47
- Yeah, yeah and even even when you when you've got that you know something's wrong, but that's all you know, it's really, it's difficult.
- 01:13:58
- Yeah, but they just don't they don't want to hear it. Right. Yes, they want their ears tickled.
- 01:14:05
- Yeah, this is Snipes, I've been through a church like that, where there's a prophet, and it's abusive it's spiritual abuse, etc.
- 01:14:18
- But, but let's back up a second. The gift of prophecy is a gift of the
- 01:14:24
- Holy Spirit. So, I hope we're not all trying to say that prophecy no longer exists, but a problem of false prophecy definitely exists and it's a serious problem.
- 01:14:36
- But I do believe that there are modern day prophets out there because it's a gift of the
- 01:14:42
- Holy Spirit in the New Testament in Acts. So we've got to be a little bit careful about saying, everybody's a false prophet there's no such thing as modern day prophecy.
- 01:14:52
- Now, it takes a lot of discernment, and I'm not the guy to ask who's the real prophet who's not.
- 01:15:00
- But the Bible says in Acts, the Word of God, the written Word of God that in the
- 01:15:06
- New Testament, prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. I'm just throwing that out.
- 01:15:13
- Some people believe that that was all done away with when the Bible was written and the apostles all died off.
- 01:15:19
- And so we just go to the Bible now to find the truth. Is that what you say? Yeah, that's what
- 01:15:26
- I believe. Okay. The Bible also says that if a prophet is wrong once he's a false prophet.
- 01:15:35
- Right. In the Old Testament, they used to stone him and burn him. Yeah, I was gonna say that.
- 01:15:41
- Yeah, if you say something and it doesn't come to pass, that's the end. It's done. It's over. The modern day prophet, you know, what would they be?
- 01:15:51
- Well, one is Mark. What was his name? I can't remember. Not you, Mark. Not this
- 01:15:56
- Mark. I can't remember his last name, but he prophesied that Trump would have two terms.
- 01:16:01
- And he wrote a book and they made a movie, and it didn't come to pass.
- 01:16:07
- And now it's kind of like shoved under the carpet, and I feel bad for the guy. You know, and technically, he probably would have gotten a second term had it not been rigged.
- 01:16:16
- But that is the kind of thing that back in the day, they would have stoned him. Well, since I do have a lot of friends that are still into that,
- 01:16:31
- I get a lot of videos sent to me. And every now and then
- 01:16:37
- I will listen to part of one, and it's the same stuff. I mean, it's almost as if they don't believe that Jesus is going to come back for the rapture and take away his bride.
- 01:16:57
- Because it reminds me of the prophets in the Old Testament that always were telling the king what he wanted to hear and not the truth.
- 01:17:07
- Because it's like, you know, all they do is talk about how everything's going to be wonderful.
- 01:17:14
- You know, God's going to do this and God's going to do that. And there's absolutely no account taken that what's happening now is what the
- 01:17:25
- Bible says is going to happen in the end times. Can I recommend a book, please?
- 01:17:30
- I recommend a book by Stephen Lambert, Stephen Lambert Ministry. It's called Charismatic Captivation, Spiritual and Authoritarian Abuse in Modern Day Contemporary Churches.
- 01:17:43
- I highly recommend that book. It clears up a lot of these issues we're talking about. And Rob, you had another comment also?
- 01:17:51
- Yeah, I would note that Jesus really lays it on the
- 01:17:56
- Pharisees and Sadducees because he says, you're the ones that killed the prophets. And the point is, a lot of God's true prophets were also accused of being false prophets because they didn't preach what people wanted to hear.
- 01:18:12
- And so therefore they were executed. So not always do we execute the true false prophets.
- 01:18:20
- Sometimes we execute God's real prophets. Mark, we have one question for you.
- 01:18:27
- You were saying that Eve didn't get surprised when the serpent talked. Some scholars say the serpent was actually a serpentine -like creature.
- 01:18:35
- Any further comments? Well, my comment is that it only says that Eve talked to a serpent.
- 01:18:45
- It doesn't really expound a lot on it. It seems to me like she wasn't surprised.
- 01:18:53
- And these scholars, I'm always very careful about scholars.
- 01:18:59
- You put 100 scholars in a room for 24 hours, they'll all be fighting each other. So I don't always care about what scholars say.
- 01:19:07
- And I'm not saying that I know more. I'm just saying you look at the verse, you just read it and take it for what it says.
- 01:19:14
- It seems like Eve was pretty calm about it. Looks like she was just having another conversation with the serpent.
- 01:19:22
- You know? One thing I always brought up in our creation when we met in person, and I always got kind of strange looks, and I think
- 01:19:31
- Diane and Joyce can attest to this, but I always thought that animals, it's possible that they could have spoke before the fall.
- 01:19:40
- Well, we know that Balaam's donkey did, and I've noticed that too. It's not like he said, why are you talking?
- 01:19:48
- He just carried on like it was normal. Yeah. And the
- 01:19:54
- Hebrew word for the serpent in Genesis 3 is nakash, and that means fiery serpent.
- 01:20:02
- And the serpent was a legitimate animal, and the
- 01:20:07
- Chinese kept serpents. And I have to wonder, maybe they did speak.
- 01:20:13
- I know that sounds freaky, and that's probably a little off topic. But anyways, muting now. Well, Mark, we've reached the end of our time.
- 01:20:21
- So I just want to remind everybody that our group is Creations Fellowship, and so we love that we can come together with the common agreement that God created the earth and all life in just six days a few thousand years ago.
- 01:20:36
- Now, when it comes, when it branches off from there, and sometimes we have speakers who talk about other topics, we know that we can have civil and loving disagreements and put up some ideas.
- 01:20:49
- So it seems like we've gotten some of that tonight, and that's been a blessing. Hopefully people feel blessed by that and not aggravated.
- 01:20:58
- But Mark, if you want to just remind everybody, while we're still live streaming and recording, if you can remind everybody about your ministry and what it is that you do.
- 01:21:10
- Well, I host the Tri -Cities Creation Science Club, and we have it almost every month, sometimes every other month at our church at Temple Baptist.
- 01:21:22
- I give a lot of PowerPoint presentations, do a lot of scientific experiments that go along with the
- 01:21:30
- Bible, go along with physics and stuff. And I do field trips that have to do with the
- 01:21:37
- Missoula flood that is a result of Noah's flood. And let's see, I teach a class in geology and a class in electronics in my garage.
- 01:21:47
- And you can go to my YouTube channel, Tri -Cities Creation Science Club, or you can go to my website,
- 01:21:54
- Mark's Academy of Science, or you can go to my Facebook page. I got, what now, four Facebook pages,
- 01:21:59
- Mark's Academy of Science, Tri -Cities Creation Science Club, and then my personal page, and then another one that's called, oh boy, what is it?
- 01:22:10
- Creation Foundations and Bible Prophecy, something like that.
- 01:22:16
- And so I've got all those resources out there. Lots of ways for people to find you and let you know what they did and didn't agree with tonight.
- 01:22:29
- So, okay, and we're Creation Fellowship Santee. We can be found on YouTube and Rumble, Rumble at CFS 2020, and Bitchute, and of course,
- 01:22:40
- Facebook. And you can email us at creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com.
- 01:22:45
- So we're going to go ahead and sign off for our live stream, but we have a couple of questions if you'd like to hang back with us,