The Armor of God in 3 Minutes

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Quick review, right, we're going through the armor of God and here's all the pieces. First is the belt of truth.
This is the defensive weapon, right? This is the truth of the cross, where your sins are paid for.
It covers your sin and shame. Jesus says, Tetelestai, paid in full. You no longer have to worry about walking around without a loincloth, all right?
Jesus has covered your sin and shame. The breastplate of righteousness, offensive or defensive?
Defensive. You've received the righteousness of Christ. In other words, the perfection that you need to get into heaven was given to you because Jesus lived a perfect life on your behalf.
You are now in right relationship with God because your sins have been paid for and the perfection that you need to enter into heaven is given to you by Jesus.
Shoes of peace, offensive or defensive? Defensive. Good. You've been enabled to stand.
You're going to stand in the evil day. You're going to fight and carry the message of hope that will change the world.
The message of hope, the gospel, which has changed your minds and your hearts, you are going to bring that message to the people who need to hear it so that they too will be able to stand on the day of judgment, acknowledging
Jesus as Lord and receiving the gift of eternal life. Shield of faith, offensive or defensive?
Defensive. Faith connects you to the power and the promises of God to quell your doubts and fears.
God is your shield, right? So we're not holding up an actual shield. We're standing behind the shield of God.
He's the one who's going to extinguish the darts of the evil one when you place your faith in his promises and his power, recognizing your own weakness, but the power and the promises of God is what faith is about.
Helmet of salvation, offensive or defensive? Defensive. Defensive. Protects you from the lies that the enemy tries to get you to believe.
Remember, Jesus' sheep hear his voice. Don't believe the lies. You're not good enough.
Say, I'm not. That's why I have Jesus. You've sinned. I know. That's why I need Jesus. You just keep combating the attacks of the enemy with the word of God.
Sword of the spirit, offensive or defensive? Offensive. It's our offensive weapon, right?
We're going to go on the offense with the word of God, right? This is the first time we are now picking up the sword, the sword of the spirit, which is the offensive.
Okay. The first three of this armor is fastened to the body. The last three are easily picked up or put down.
So you have to remember you could pick up the sword of the spirit or you can go out of the house without it. You don't want to be in that position.
So listen to this quote. It's true. The helmet, belt, breastplate, and shield are defensive armor, but that does not mean the soldier is necessarily in defensive mode.
A soldier wears protective gear when waging an offensive strike. That's Doug Newton.
Okay. So in other words, as Christians, as children of God, we are always on the offense.
Now we wear the protective armor because we know that we're going to get attacked, but we are constantly on the offense trying to share the word of God, share the gospel, share the truth that God has revealed to us, to the people around us, to teach them that men are men, women are women, life begins in the womb, marriage is between a man and a woman.
All the things that society is trying to redefine, God has defined infallibly in His word, and those truths are never going to change.