I Am Beautiful


On today's show, Pastor Mike talks about Pope Benedict XVI resigning as the pope, Rick Warren, and an article called 4 ways to be your own Valentine.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, ministry. Michael Abendroth in the guest chair.
No, in the real host chair. Steve's got his stuff over there and he's got his spit protector over his microphone that I wanna make sure is not coming anywhere close to my lips.
Well, the slogan here is always biblical, always provocative, always in that order, and our desire is to point to the one who never compromised, our
Lord and Savior Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Christ.
And so we talk about all kinds of things on the show. I do have some announcements this morning. Announcement one, this is probably in, let's see, this is
February 13th, real time. In NoCo time, it is probably the middle of April.
You should have your taxes done right now. So these announcements are later, but I still wanna announce them.
NoCo ever episode, episode two is out now. You can go to nocoever .com.
Josh has done a great job with those. So we have episodes one and two,
Carl Truman, Phil Johnson, James White. That was about, by the time this airs, that was one year ago.
I wish I would have known then what I know now.
Talk about nerve wracking, yikes. So that's one announcement. Another announcement was,
I haven't done a radio show since in real time, the Pope resigned. I guess the Pope gave up being the
Pope for Lent. Ba -bum -bum. I seriously,
I don't understand it. By the time we air the show, of course there'll probably be a new
Pope. I don't know what we do in between Popes when there's no Vicar of Christ. That seems to be pretty bad when there's not.
I have the Pope's resignation transcript here in front of me when he spoke to the
Cardinals. And I do find it very interesting that he closes with this.
For all the people there that somehow think I'm after Roman Catholics because I hate them, well, that's
A, blatantly false and a bald -faced lie. I hate doctrine that enslaves.
That's true. I hate the system. And I hate it when Christ's glory is eclipsed.
It can't really be. But by the way we do things through false teachers are by having the glory that should go to the
Lord go to someone else like Mary. Here's what the
Pope Benedict said at the end of his conclavian resignation to the consistatory.
Is that right? I don't know all these words. I have to somehow figure out the Catholic words. Dear brothers,
I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects.
Now, I mean, just think. And now let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of our
Supreme Pastor, our Lord Jesus Christ. And there comes the comma.
That is the deadly comma. That is when you add things to the Lord Jesus Christ, you subtract from his glory.
Read Isaiah chapter 42. I don't think you're going to find out that the triune
God appreciates sliding glory to some other person, especially a created person, especially a person who sinned and needed to have a
Savior, God my Savior. In Revelation chapter five, worthy is the lamb and his mother who were slain.
Now, I don't think you're going to find that. The focus of heaven is the Lord Jesus Christ. Where's Mary? She's worshiping
Jesus. So he's entrusting the Holy Church to the care of our
Supreme Pastor, our Lord Jesus Christ. And just like John Paul, who was buried in his casket that had the initials for Mary, T .T.
And implore his holy mother, Mary, so that she may assist the cardinal fathers with her maternal solitude in electing a new
Supreme Pontiff. With my regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the
Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer. And so for any of you who somehow think that we're talking about the same religion,
I guess broadly speaking, if you go to the local community college and say, is Roman Catholicism a
Christian religion, it would fall under that. But friends, there should be something that strikes at the very core of your being when there's a comma after the
Lord Jesus Christ. And then it says, and implore his holy mother, Mary, so that she may assist.
She can't assist. She's worshiping Jesus. She can offer no assistance. She is not omnipotent.
She is not omnipresent. She is not omniscient. She can offer no help.
She doesn't wanna help. God can uphold the universe quite nicely. And he sovereignly ordains everything properly.
He's the one who's great. He's the one who's above all gods. He's the one who, whatever he pleases, he does in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all depths.
So that's an announcement that I hope the
Pope repents of that before he dies. I honestly do. Number three for announcements.
Rick Warren is going to start a new radio show and he wants to name it No Compromise Radio. No, that was
R .C. Sproul's conference, No Compromise Conference. Rick Warren to start a new radio show aims to focus on hope and religious freedom.
So he said for a long time, he didn't want to be on radio or TV because quote,
I don't like televangelists. So I guess we have something in common there. No Compromise and Rick Warren, we don't really like televangelists.
He said, but there are three reasons that he did not want to do radio or television. He does not want to turn his church into a studio and lose the intimacy of the congregation.
Well, that can really happen, by the way. I remember being down at First Baptist Church in Atlanta and walked into the
TV studios. Oh, it was a worship center, a worship thing going on, but it was the show for,
I think, what's Charles Stanley's program called? It's not Insight for Living, is it?
That's Swindoll. He doesn't like the style of TV preachers and he does not want to do fundraising, but he changed his mind because quote,
America right now is in a discouragement period. Oh, that's what it was called.
I forgot it was called a discouragement period. I think that's like the eighth dispensation, isn't it?
This is like the discouragement age. It's right after the church age and the age of grace.
I thought that the Lord is judging America by giving people here up, giving them up, giving them up because they did not see fit to acknowledge
God, so God just gave them up to all kinds of things, including homosexuality. I thought that's the way the wrath of God is being revealed, retributive justice, but it's a discouragement period.
People are far more rude now than they used to be, Warren said. Our civilization is losing its civility.
We just don't know how to be nice to people. So his radio show is going to be called Daily Hope. So we've got to learn to be nice because friends, we know at No Compromise Radio Ministry, it's what?
It's nice to be nice and it's what? Good to be good. And so here we will see
Rick Warren in all his moralistic, therapeutic deism and all his moralizing, like in the lady's journal about being good and doing nice things, friends.
See, you only know me on No Compromise Radio, at least most of you only know me through that medium. I really want to be nice to people and I think if you run into me at the store and you're saying hi to me or I say hi to you,
I think you'll find me friendly enough. I hope that when you attend a meeting here or worship meeting, you'll say, do you know what, he seems super friendly and I think
I'll go out of my way if I see you're a visitor and I can make it over to you to say hello and we have cookies to give new time religions, new visitors.
I want to be nice. Now, are there days that I'm mean? Are there days that I'm crabby, down, moody, depressed?
Yes, I don't like it though. And I hope my repentance is quicker than it used to be because I believe in progressive sanctification.
But the world doesn't need to be told through the airwaves, be nice because they already know that.
See, that's what's wrong with law preaching only. That's what's wrong with imperative preaching only.
We have good news. We have the gospel. We have news that's like, it's a boy, it's a girl.
And in this particular case, it was a boy, 2000 years ago, born in Bethlehem.
And this baby boy had existed eternally and his name was the eternal son.
And then that day he cloaked himself with humanity, never ever to shed humanity again.
The God man, Jesus Christ. We have some good news and we have to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ and grace, sovereign grace, distinguishing grace.
We have to tell people about Jesus, our representative, Jesus, our substitute and what the
Bible teaches. We don't need another show to give hope through moralism because frankly, we can't do it.
And it doesn't assuage the conscience and it doesn't help in a discouragement period, our era, our dispensation.
What helps to talk about grace, gratitude, but before that guilt, when you look at Romans in an overview fashion, the first three chapters through 3a, if you will, to split it in half, we've got the discussion of sin.
There's no righteousness because we need an external righteousness. We need God's righteousness. We need his son's righteousness.
And then that is displayed in chapter 3b. We get an example of justification by faith alone in chapter four, in chapter five, we get the benefits of justification.
We learn about Adam and we learn about Christ, these two representatives that mankind has and how
Thomas Goodwin would say, we are all hanging on Adam's girdle until God places us in Christ Jesus and we're in union with Christ.
We need something real hope that discusses the gospel, which includes
Christ dying for our sins. So if you're rude, I guess the solution is the
Hope Floats Rick Warren radio show. And this is Mike Ebendroth, No Compromise Radio.
All right, what else do I have here on my desk? Since I've been out of commission here because of our three feet of snow, when
I was preaching James 2, verse 19 last Sunday to the skeleton crew, because of so many things were canceled and there's so much snow on the ground, right in the middle of James 2, 19, even the demons believe in tremble.
You believe in God, you do well. Even the demons believe in shudder. We have a roof here, the church building and it's metal and it's sloped and it accumulates snow.
And then once there's enough snow that melts underneath it and it gets slippery, it just avalanches off.
And we had a huge loud rumbling avalanche sound just when I read that verse. So that was a sign
I thought. It's Valentine's day tomorrow in real time. And I found four ways to be your own
Valentine by Jennifer T -A -I -T -Z, tights.
Four ways to be your own Valentine. Hey, this is like Warren's article in the ladies journal practically.
Four ways to be your own Valentine. While it may feel simple to rely on someone else for directions or for help on building the future, when we do so, we may lose sight of our tremendous capacities.
And then that goes on, basically that you know the shtick. People let you down, so be your own
Valentine. If you don't have any Valentines, then you can be your own. One, stop putting yourself down.
We are so self -critical, even in the face of a compliment, we may habitually respond in a self -deprecating way.
So stop putting yourself down, bro. Roseph, as my son would say, yikes, self -validate.
Oh yeah, see, I forgot there were three great commandments. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself. If you don't love yourself, you don't know how to love your neighbor. And so in that second great commandment, there's really two commandments.
It's a bifurcation of a commandments. It's kind of like changing the 10 commandments that our
Roman Catholic folk do towards the end there about coveting and stuff, right? Or do they?
I think they split the coveting into two so they can get rid of another one, but that's another show. So love the
Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love yourself so then you know how to love neighbors. Those aren't the three great commandments.
Number two, self -validate. Okay. Three, catch yourself doing right.
Oh, see, I knew I was gonna do that thing rightly. Man, catch yourself doing right.
I don't even think she's got the right grammar here, but who am I to talk about grammar? Right, Ted? Invest in yourself.
If you love fresh flowers, why wait to receive them from another? If your winter coat leaves you cold, take the time to select a more comfortable one.
We change our feelings by changing our behaviors, by changing our clothes. Okay, I added that.
And another one. This is Fox News. That last one was Fox News. This is Fox News too for all my
Fox News crazy fanatical friends. It's not a day unless you find yourself in front of Fox News.
Five ways to fall in love with yourself. See, here's the problem. This is written by, this isn't the problem, by Michelle King Robeson.
But here's the problem. I don't need these things. I don't need four ways to be your own
Valentine because my sinful heart generates about 5 ,000 different ways that I can be my own
Valentine. And similarly, five ways to fall in love with yourself. I already do love myself with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
And I get an A at it. I got a highest SAT score possible for loving myself.
I'm on the Dean's list. I'm a valedictorian self -lover. Now, thankfully
God has made me born again and I have been made alive and I've been regenerated.
I've been born from above. And when I do these things, I don't like them. And I try to repent quickly, as I said earlier but I don't need to be told this because I am the world.
I am the children. Remember that? Was that 1980 or something?
So listen to what this says. Find your inner beauty.
Well, if beauty is in the eye of beholder then I'm pretty beautiful. You know,
I haven't called myself handsome today. Mike, you're handsome. Mike, when you do those no -co 90s, those no -compromise 90s on YouTube, you look handsome.
Actually, people tell me that there must be bad lighting because I look really old and ragged.
Well, I have great lighting and I don't have a lot of money. And I got this special, nice new camera from Josh. And so that's the problem.
I should have the softer screen camera that makes me look better.
But at 52, 53 years old, it is what it is. And so it doesn't matter to me if you think
I look old and worn out because I'm old and worn out and in love with myself. And I'm laughing in a room where no one's...
The only people in this room with me, there's a poster of Spurgeon with some of his notes above NoCo Radio original transcript of the sermon.
There's a picture of Martin Luther over there, Martin Luther. There's a poster that I got in Wittenberg announcing
Tetzel on his way to sell indulgences. There is a poster of Edwards, although Edwards has got enough crazy things in his theology that I had thought about taking that down or maybe drawing a mustache over it.
It's still cool. And who else? There's a
Geneva Bible that the church gave me after being here 10 years, just a couple of leaves of it. Leafs, leaves.
I think it's 2 Timothy 4 are the leaves, leaf. There's actual a poster of a indulgence that I got in Wittenberg.
And then my favorite thing, I think in all of my study, besides of course, this venerable, holy studio,
NoCo studio, there's a picture of Luther that I also got in Wittenberg. And it shows a picture of Jesus on a cross.
And then it shows the people he's preaching to. And Jesus is in between Luther and the people signifying that Curnock once and knows
Luther would preach Christ to the people, show Christ Jesus, even the crucified one, 1
Corinthians 1 to the people. So anyway, why am
I talking about all these things? Well, it doesn't matter because I love myself and it doesn't quite matter if I remember or not.
Write it on the mirror. Well, write with your lipstick, I am beautiful.
Maybe John up in Idaho, he'd be good at that. And he could see it every morning. Maybe he could spell it with patio daddy bacon.
Give yourself a break. Okay, that's good. Pay attention. And then lastly, it's hard to show unless you're
Todd Friel on Wretched TV. Smile, smile. As women, loving ourselves is not the norm, but it should be.
No, it should not be. We are to love, that's true. We are to love other people.
That's why God made us. And you think of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth and his ministry was characterized by agape love, wasn't it?
Self sacrificial agape love. Now, long ago, my son and his friend,
Tony, were in my car and I was taking them to a skateboard indoor,
I don't know, Ray, what's it called? Rink. Skateboard place. It's gotta have a name.
And we drove past a church and it was called Agape Fellowship. I think it's in Twanton.
And Luke said, oh, look, there's Agape Fellowship. And then Tony, Luke's friend, this had to be when they were about 12.
Tony said, it's a gape, you idiot, to my son, Luke.
And I turned around when I was driving and I said, it's a gape, you idiot.
Now, I'm tempted to say something with the word idiot when
I think about these two articles on Fox News. But instead I'll just say this, because maybe these people are smart.
It is unique, yes, but it is idiotic to think this way. But isn't that what our flesh does?
So isn't that why we need the gospel even as Christians? So we think outside of ourselves because the fall has affected us all and that we just spiral towards ourselves.
It's like the black hole of self and just left to ourselves. That's where we're gonna find ourselves. But we're thankful that the
Spirit of God indwells us as believers. And we have that promise.
And we have the promise of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and He produces fruit.
Oh, of course we have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. But we know the Holy Spirit produces fruit.
Love, that's part of the fruit, right? For other people. Love and joy and peace and long suffering, all kinds of things the
Spirit of God produces in us. Galatians 5 .22 and 23. So we don't have to do this.
And when we find ourselves doing this, here's what they don't tell you. Here's what they don't tell you.
When you act improperly, sinfully, wrongly, then
God gives you the fruit of that action. Now you might be so calloused in your heart, might be an unbeliever that you don't feel bad when you do wrong things anymore.
That's even a bigger problem. But let's say you're a Christian and then you focus on yourself. You're supposed to feel bad.
That's God's goodness in showing you, hey, something's a matter.
And if your car never breaks down, doesn't show any signs of breaking down, but really it is, then you're just bamboozled.
And so you touch the hot burning coal in the fire with your finger and you learn, boy, that was not good to do.
Cause and effect. It's not that God is wrong for putting nerve endings in your fingers.
No, that's good. And so we have, in a sense, spiritual nerve endings or emotional nerve endings.
And when we do the right thing, our countenance goes up, right? Even if we're tired, even if we're sick.
Jane, Cain does the right thing. His countenance would have gone up, but Genesis chapter four says his countenance went down.
And so it's the same thing for us. If you'd like to be depressed, if you'd like to be moody, crabby, annoyed, irritable, and just downright down, then just keep on loving yourselves.
But if you'd like to have joy and love and peace and live the way
God would desire you to live in his sovereignly commanded will, or commanded will rather, his revealed will, then love other people.
Love the Lord, love your neighbor. And we already love ourselves. So just confess that as a sin and then move forward.
Well, my name is Mike Abendroth, this is No Compromise Radio. We have a variety of different things for you to watch. You can go to No Compromise 90 on YouTube and there's a bunch of videos there.
You can also watch NoCoEver .com, both episode one and two with Carl, James, and Phil.
I think you'll be encouraged that other people besides you believe in the sufficiency of scripture and don't believe in mystical impressions and feelings and open doors and pieces about it and peace about it.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.