I Was Wrong About White Privilege But I Found Something Worse

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Guise! I was wrong about privilege. It is real. But I found evidence of something far worse. Join me in the fight against the ultimate in privilege.


Hi, my name is Adam Robles and Today, this is a bit of a different video I have to admit that I've been thinking a lot and I think
I've been wrong about These ideas of white privilege and male privilege and the different intersectional privileges out there, you know, and and honestly,
I've been thinking about intersectionality and in about the world and and just my my lived experience and You know, frankly,
I'm I think there's something else we need to talk about Besides male privileges. These are legit, you know, white privilege is legit male privilege is legit, but there's something that's even more pervasive and problematic in our time and It's called
I'm gonna call it not me privilege. I mean, I Think about this like every time
I go to the bookstore, you know I I could look for half an hour I could look for a whole day and I'll never find me on a book cover
You know, I think about all the movies I've seen I've never seen myself in a movie or even anyone that even looks like me
It's it's it's it's pervasive. It's just absolutely problematic I was also thinking about just sort of how the newspapers constantly present these not me's in a positive light
Just you know glorying and all the accomplishments of all these not me's and the different not me's that run companies and and things like That did you know that you know,
I'm like point zero zero zero zero zero zero, you know One percent of the population in the
United States yet I am zero percent of the lawyers in the world zero percent of the prosecutors in the world
You don't think that has an impact on justice. You don't think the fact that there's zero percent
Of me's in the prosecution in in in in in the in the courts of law as judges
You don't think that I'm not represented there doesn't have an impact on me You know, I got to be honest with you like this is pretty clear this is pretty clear there's a not me privilege that's rampant in America and It's I mean,
I'm impressed. I'm absolutely impressed I don't have any of the power. All the power is is vested in these not me's and It's I mean,
I I feel like I've been stolen from I feel like I've been colonized and it's just outrageous I think you know, we really all ought to consider the not me privilege.
That's just absolutely pervasive in our culture It's institutional even if you think about it I mean our constant the
Constitution of our country was set up with a bunch of not me's For the benefit of not me's and it's just I don't even know really what to say about it
It's it's just the evidence is clear. I mean, yeah, I dare you to refute any of those points.
I mean Look at look at the NFL look at the NBA. I mean 100 % of them is not me's
I'm underrepresented. It's just that simple And so I wonder what can we do about this?
I mean, honestly, I think that something is owed to me and I just I wonder what it is but I mean at least at the very least
I should be proportionally represented in these things like I should be proportionally represented in the judicial system and and In the movies and in the newspapers and in the books and stuff like that.
I'm just It's unfair. It's unjust and we need to fight for justice So I hope you'll join me in fighting the not me privilege