This Week in Witchcraft - S1:E4


You are surrounded by witchcraft every day, but in a much more subtle form than in previous centuries. Find out how you can learn to "spot it in the wild." Our hosts will also provide media recommendations for those searching for thought-provoking content:


Welcome to this week in witchcraft The elements have been conquered with intense heat and witchcraft has become more cosmopolitan can you spot it out in the wild I'm, dylan hamilton and with me are michael derham david casson and andrew hudson
Um, I think michael has our witchcraft that he has spotted out in the wild that he was is going to analyze for us today
Yeah, I came across a story that earlier this year uh usa today
Devoted an entire twitter thread and article to trying to normalize pedophilia by talking about not pedophiles that are so roundly apparently hated and despised in our society but Trying to say they're just misunderstood.
In fact, we should consider them minor attracted persons Boo Instead of pedophiles, you know, we need to change the name to make it less offensive
We need to do what we can to understand them. They need help Surely, but more than anything they need understanding you know part of the reason why they do the things that they do is probably because of the negative environment that we place upon Them because of our bias and prejudice and hatred of them
The uh, it's the attempt to try to to normalize that which has been abhorrent
You recall in uh, I think it was uh, first corinthians the first corinthians five
Or was the second corinthians five? I always get this mixed up where paul has to rebuke the church because they have allowed to remain within their midst
A man who has his father's wife first corinthians five. I thank you andrew and paul says in this incest
This sexual abomination is not even Tolerated among the pagans among the gentiles and corinth was one of the most sexually perverse
Cities city with two seaports and all sorts of horridness going on And yet notice that corinth had lines that they had drawn that oh
That's a bridge too far, you know that oh, that's that is definitely perversion there but they had accepted so many other things and we see this in our own culture that is
Devoid of the fear of the lord that there are these Lines that people appreciate and say oh anything past that line.
That would be reprehensible. That would be bad Thus by having that line that extremity out there that is just so bad and nobody should ever do x y or z
Allows them to do everything else in the alphabet right because it's not x y or z, you know, and that that kind of Mentality is a false type of righteousness, but in this particular push uh usa today is something of a pawn sacrifice in the chess game of normalizing pedophilia to be
Simply minor attracted persons, right? These uh pedophiles they're you know all these people getting busted for having child porn in their possession and pedophiles go to prison and die by beatings from the
By their fellow prisoners and I do believe we have some um, very high profile court trials going on right now concerning this topic and uh
Some of the presidential moments have not been very presidential. So this is a theme that needs to be normalized in the estimation of some you know, these aren't dragons, you know, they have scales and they
You know, they torch people and they burn everything to the ground sometimes
And they're sharp and pointy and you know, they don't care how many people they kill but the point is they need to be understood
In fact, they need to be welcomed as a part of our society and things will change
In fact, they need to be tamed and brought under the well probably the restorative reconciling saving acts of the state
So this is another Bit of witchcraft going on in our society today
I will say that many people were very happy to virtue signal and push back against this article by usa today and how dare they even suggest these things but Don't be confused by the fervor of rejection of this idea
This was a pawn sacrifice. This is easily dealt with this was simply getting the conversation going many many people who
Rage against something being said. This is just virtue signaling. This is this is support for A former satellite country of the soviet union lots of social media support
But we're still going to fund their enemies by buying their oil. So I would say this is a symptom uh by what standard so you're talking about different types of standards going on with this
I would say some of those people who are objecting Are using the standard set forth, uh by god and then yet others
Who have their own lines in the sand that have been drawn that are easily changed at their own capricious whims
And that the sand that they would have drawn has been brushed over the the law that's been etched in stone
So how long is it going to take for? You know recent studies have shown or we've done
Research into this area and it's shown You know here here are the numbers that minor attracted persons are
Born that way they are from the womb and and you know, I know people Had a lot of issues with that when it first came out, but how long is it going to be before that view?
has Data and quote -unquote science behind it so that the sand can go over that wall
Exactly half the time it took them to do the same thing with sodomy, right? So this is where everybody who compromised in the church, you know
Al muller being the most notable among them having publicly repented at an erlc conference publicly repented of Denying the use of the terms of sexual orientation
He said that he had rejected that as he properly should have in back in the day It was an obvious an obvious piece of witchcraft to say we're not going to talk about perverse
Desires and abominable desires and thoughts. No, no We're going to call them sexual orientations and so moeller repents of rejecting that accepts now the language of sexual orientation with regard to Same -sex attracted christians.
Okay having accepted that now And and saying well that you know, this is part of the fall, you know that people would be born this way
You know, this isn't god's best and so on So this is this is all part of genesis 3, you know, we can we can make sense of this biblically.
Can't we? Well, okay All right. Next up. I was born trans
Okay, we're still waiting on him to repent about that. Okay, here comes minor attracted persons. Okay time to repent about that These are all just sexual orientations.
They're born this way This is all part of genesis 3 and so we are going to support those who have these inherent desires
You know encouraging all sorts of christian synergy with this but but there's no end in sight
There's no end in sight if you are born this way, then it becomes a civil rights issue
Well that and I think that's where the angle is for usa today and those who are pushing for this I mean people were called a nutcase because we noted that there was a plus at the end of the alphabet soup
You know, well what's in the plus? Yeah, you're just homophobic. You're xenophobic
Right That's mary poppins bag Yeah, you can just keep on pulling stuff out of it
You know like how where in the world did this come from? It came out of the plus but this is witchcraft to try to change the names of this and then to try to call
You know say this what this needs is understanding Um and getting this conversation going this is um This happens from the womb and sourcing the ethics in a completely new way again
The question is by what standard and if we're going to use the standards that are in operation today There is no argument against Having minor attracted persons as part of the parade during pride month this year.
There is no argument against bestiality There is no argument against rape
There is no argument against any sexual perversion that has ever been brought under the sad
Depraved curse of mankind. There's no argument against it because they have They've completely surrendered everything are you saying that's because they define it as a social construct
Right something that is you know, as long as everybody starts buying into a change then it's okay that it changes
Right, you know at some point and then of course people are making the arguments and they're tossed aside
What are you saying? You're saying that is people who murder others they're born that way And someone says well, that's that's gonna be that's a false analogy.
You can't say that this is about as you pointed out david This is about their civil rights. Do you really think that it's going to stop with?
sexual orientation Isn't it going to be all sorts of other kinds of orientations all manners of depravity?
Yeah, absolutely So this is about the this is about the state again, you know Eventually, it's like, you know getting if you can get legal protection for something under the state then this is the sanctifying
Of it the acknowledging this is now holy This is now to be protected and celebrated and so on and so forth and this is the next thing and this out of a notice how fast this turns this out of a culture that you know watches the reality shows of catching predators and we know what happens to pedophiles when they go to jail and So on and so forth and then all of a sudden it's going to turn around all of a sudden minor attractive people are going to Be protected class same thing happened with you know, all the um,
The the talk and the loose talk. Let's just be honest the loose talk about about gays, right?
I hate that term, right? Well a lot of negative a lot of negative talk and a lot of loose talk and insults and so on about The gays and then all of a sudden it turns around and all of a sudden they're celebrated.
How does that work? Well, there's there's a there's a model in play, right? It's classic paganism It's classic witchcraft.
You keep on saying the spells over and over and over again until they finally take hold You keep on talking about it familiarizing everybody with it
Keep on saying the same thing over and over and over again and get enough people saying the same thing over This is how witchcraft works
People repeat the mantras or repeat the spells over and over and over again So you get enough people saying it and then it comes to pass
Back to the timing that you asked though, and I kindly kind of just made a quick comment of that though I think we do see an acceleration of these things where the more lies that you take in The quicker the next one comes and the quicker you're you're able to gobble it up because now you have a taste for lies
You have a taste for putting away shame That comes with those lies and it there you actually lose the taste of that shame
So it's much easier to swallow the next one quicker and quicker and quicker. And I think that's why we see when states
Start approving these things quickly or they start promoting them quickly their demise is short afterwards
It is an acceleration of them stepping out of their lane to make things holy But it's also going to be an acceleration of their downfall as well
I like to think about this change dynamic as like the three different ways of gauging motion
So you have distance distance over time and the rate of change of distance over time I think what you're seeing is that people are objecting to the rate of change
Not necessarily the speed or the distance that's been traveled we've traveled so far past the standard yes
Quickly, but this oh, this is too fast Too fast. Well the the faux outrage against this, you know, people had such backlash, you know, whether it's this is happening too fast
You know, they just they they have no standard the outrage was centered on But kids can't consent it was all about consent
That's why rape is still so bad if you can accuse someone of rape Then you can take down political figures.
You can take down sports stars. You can take down Governors, you know case in point new york.
So or allow the state to say you can murder your child because of it Well, i'm not saying it's consistent.
Yeah, but it's that was the the foundation of their False outrage they couldn't have consent
So could you guys kind of talk about well, let's talk about that. That's the thing is that obviously this this is not going to be initially the same kind of Celebration that you would have in other types of sexual perversions because how can the child consent they're working on that?
They're lowering the age of consent in all kinds of Legislation all around the idea of consent is being watered down.
It is being made More and more easily attainable I would say some of that is the goal of transgender rights with minors and not having to have
Parental assent they can just tell Any other adult most specifically an agent of the state they can get whatever they wanted with abortion
Yeah, and so consent is under attack as far as a concept being more and more watered down It's no guard, you know, it's just it's a temporary, you know a break here
But it's not gonna it's not gonna stick around obviously if you just track the history of it of the progress of all of this
But you can say the same thing about bestiality and you could say the same thing about rape But that's not that's not where they're going after they're not going after that, you know the act of it the act of it
They can go ahead and say that's not acceptable what they're going after is the orientation
Should be acknowledged the orientation should be understood the orientation needs to be handled in particular ways because again
We have to restore we have to redeem we have to reconcile the state has to save these people
And so we in order to do that we have to understand Their orientations and then get them the help that they need so they can be saved and then we're not going to change them
We can't deny their sexual orientations that they want to do these things. We don't want them to do these things
But we're going to understand them Okay, and that's the first step towards To acceptance and then celebration.
Yes. Yeah, and so we have to tolerate them If you want to tolerate you have to understand and if you understand them
Then you can accept what they do, but you know only certain conditions under certain conditions
They're allowed to do that until eventually it's a celebrated So eventually the whole freight train is too heavy and going too fast and it will wreck
But is it the tail wagging the dog, I don't know but the church themselves the mainstream big eva
Churches have taken the same tack, right? We're not going to call any of this perverse or abomination
We're not going to say this is sinful We're going to say, you know, we recognize you as an oppressed class and we want to do justice
Right. And so what we're going to do is we're going to make sure That we uphold you and honor you in your orientations
As we show you what it means to be celibate in christ, you know, we don't approve of your actions but we're certainly going to understand where you're coming from here and we're not going to have any kind of Condemning language and and we repent of not making the church friendly
And accepting and promoting and healthy and honoring to those who are same -sex attracted
Or gay christians or whatever the new terminology is because it's always shifting So you have that model either in the church and in the state?
All right. Well now that we have wrapped up this week in witchcraft. We would like to uh,
Go on to our preferred or recommended content that we have for this week.
Michael. We'll start with you Uh, my recommendation is a book by gary demar the gog and may gog end time alliance
Subtitle is israel russia and syria and bible prophecy This was written a little bit ago but of course when russia's in the news the prophecy hawks start selling their wares and This is a great book that helps as you read through ezekiel chapters 37 and 38
And as you read through the book of esther and you read through the book of zechariah And you read through various parts of isaiah a lot of these things all have textual connections and similar themes
Uh, and when you read for instance in about gog and may gog and ezekiel and they're all on horses
And they're using bows and arrows and swords to wage war to to capture cattle this does not exactly sound like you know black hawk helicopters and migs and You know surface to air missile sites and fighting over oil, you know
This is not the same thing in fact there's a lot of textual connections between the prophecy of a big battle against israel and the big battle that happened against israel and esther a lot of connections and It would make sense that a big threat
That was neutralized against the god's people of israel prophesied of in ezekiel 37 and 38
Came to pass and was fulfilled in the book of esther and was celebrated With echoes in zechariah,
I mean it makes sense and you read through it, you know it's all the language that is used of the of that time period and this book helpfully walks through the
Argument for that gives the evidence for it and deals with objections to it. Is that the one where he mentions haman being directly?
Referenced a gogeit. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Saul Thanks. Yeah Yeah, exactly.
So that's my recommendation So there's a book called the heresy of orthodoxy it's by andreas
Kostenberger out of midwestern baptist theological seminary and michael kruger's rts charlotte this book the heresy of orthodoxy is written in contrast to heresy and orthodoxy by walter bauer the bauer thesis is
That there were multiple christianities in the ancient church and the one that we have now is just the one that kind of won out but there were sort of local versions
And we've lost some texts of some of those and you have some gnostic texts and you have others
And the one that we consider orthodox is just the one that kind of won out and thank you constantine for giving us that one that's kind of the the bauer thesis and What kostenberger and kruger do is they masterfully?
Go through Not just the text of scripture itself, but the ancient church in the first couple of centuries and show that the orthodox position
Is the not just the oldest but the one that is consistent and the mere existence of heresies doesn't mean
That just they were equally Viable just that this one is the one that flows best from the available
Evidence and by the way, those gnostic texts were written at least 100 years afterwards
Of the earliest writings that that we do have that kind of neo -platonism Really wasn't around until about about 150 and constantine died in arian
So he took this out of the heretics in the end It's an untenable thesis, but it uh, the bauer thesis is repeated
By people like elaine pagels and others But the orthodox position is now considered heretical in many seminaries.
So the bauer Position is the one that is now orthodox. It's the more modern position the liberal
Modern position should be orthodox. So heresy of orthodoxy if you love ancient church
I think they do a really good job of breaking down a very complex subject as you know
A lot of writing to it And I think they break it down pretty well, but you know to a layman's level cool uh, i'm a big fan of gary demar's podcast because it is a quick way to get some familiarity with the concepts of partial preterism and that perspective of eschatology
I didn't know that's what I was until I ran across people like him that had a term
Associated with it when I read the bible and I saw things like at hand and soon You know,
I just trusted that's what people believed so coming across their content helped me to understand more of a systematic way of understanding
What it means to be? Someone who believes that at least a portion of the prophetic scriptures of the new testament have been fulfilled partial preterism
Very good So I read this. Uh I don't know a couple months ago when it was suggested to me on twitter, but my suggestion is a it's a 13 page plan for sustained prayer for sustained revival by gary north and he lays out a very decentralized view of how to Precede revival with prayer and it's a very interesting read first of all, but it's also intriguing as far as how a lot of the principles and tenets are applied in the local body, but also as a
Church catholic i'd recommend that just it's a short read and you can look at it pick it apart
Get some good stuff out of it. And uh, I believe he did he recently he died.
He's in glory So that's why I wanted to kind of mark that out and give a suggestion his way
Because his works are still out there and we should eat them up while we can And that wraps it up for today
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