Get Your Kids Out of Government Schools W/@WarriorPoetSociety | Apologia Radio Highlight
This is a highlight of our Premiere webcast Apologia Radio. We are joined by @WarriorPoetSociety . In this clip Jeff and the crew talk about Government schools being an option for educating our children.
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- 00:00
- Let's try the the public education. Let's try that first. What are your thoughts on that? What are you trying to engage with there?
- 00:06
- I think everyone should get their kids out of government schools immediately I like if you don't if there's no way to do it then find a way go deeply into debt make it
- 00:17
- Absolutely horrible for yourself if you must but your kids away from the government immediately or you will lose them forever.
- 00:23
- Yeah, that seems Sensationalistic and I mean it, uh, but I I still mean it The more you look at what's actually happening
- 00:31
- I was just working out at the gym and a man approached me I had had many many years ago is leading a
- 00:37
- Bible study. His son had come to the Lord and I had baptized him I don't remember it, but it was a very very long time ago
- 00:43
- Anyway, his kid had fell off and as this father was telling me I mean nearly tears in his eyes that his son had just Kind of disappeared into the world and got hooked on all kinds of stuff and he says
- 00:54
- I didn't raise him that way I raised him to be a good Christian Christian kid and obviously he was in pain and I wasn't gonna press him on it
- 01:01
- But I had the thought of like well Your kid was in government schools all day around peers and being raised with screens and after -school activities
- 01:09
- You barely saw your kids. You didn't really raise him at all And so that's what's happening with our government schools
- 01:17
- The more we talk about it the more upset I'll get but get your kids out of government schools immediately today.
- 01:24
- Yeah One of the things people will know for sure about Apology or radio since the very beginning is is what we try to do in terms of influence in this area of Getting Christians out of the government indoctrination centers
- 01:39
- And what was it the documentary the documentary indoctrination, right? It wasn't it was children of Caesar Which one was it indoctrination was it?
- 01:48
- That's what it's called. I'll dig it up here and we were promoting very early on Former schoolteacher in the public school system for 30 years, right?
- 01:55
- I think you know I have to always admit failure on And and I think the failure on our part is we stroke we spoke very strongly against him
- 02:02
- We're like get your kids out and everything else But I think we should we should have spoke more like John here, you know from the very beginning
- 02:08
- Just because we were trying very hard to like, you know, be very gracious to Christians like this is government indoctrination
- 02:13
- It's not a Christian worldview and all at the point now where it's like now John is right, you know
- 02:19
- Sell everything you own get your kids out of the government schools and the issue is is that there is no neutrality Neutrality is a myth and the government indoctrination centers are just training these children in an unbelieving worldview in terms of origins in terms of ethical system all of that and so when you think as a
- 02:38
- Christian Jesus says whoever's not With me is against me will ask the question is is the government school with Christ or against Christ?
- 02:44
- Well, there's no middle ground with Jesus. It's against Christ. And so get the kids out And all of the really just poor argumentation of like we're sending our children in there to be missionaries to the world
- 02:54
- It's like your children are called to be missionaries like that at that age. They're going in there to be indoctrinated and Hours upon hours upon hours upon hours far more hours than you are
- 03:04
- Could even imagine to disciple them if you put them in that system, but just what you're saying right there
- 03:10
- People don't really have a view of education that states that it's discipleship and that's the problem. Yeah, and I'll just one more word
- 03:16
- I'll kick it over to John here I think one of the things too is we're you know We have to all admit some ignorance here in terms of like this is our generation
- 03:22
- That's what we're born into this all feels natural to us This is the way the world works and so we look at a government education system and that at its root has wrought an
- 03:31
- Injustice in terms of theft and coercion in terms of how to pay for all of this But when you think about the system itself as anti -christian
- 03:40
- You know, but you just go well, I guess this is how we do this, right? We just do government education public education, but you look and you say well
- 03:45
- Actually, this isn't this is a kind of a modern innovation in American history because before that it was all private schooling
- 03:51
- Christian schooling and homeschooling and if you look at the the data in terms of an Intellectual rigor and you look at the data in terms of The ability to read and to write the literacy rates all of that were sky -high
- 04:06
- Compared to where they are right now And so even as a system itself take out the Christian worldview stuff in terms of does the thing even work it doesn't work we're becoming dumb and we're becoming immoral and We asked the question how in the world did we get from PSA's it like literally on public television against the homosexual in the 50s
- 04:30
- PSA's against communism produced by Disney. Yeah in the 50s and 60s swings really great, by the way
- 04:37
- Yeah, fantastic. You how do you in a generation you go? How do we get to a place where this is seen as normal and virtuous and good and the answer is
- 04:47
- Education and where is it taking place is taking place in the Academy? It's taking place through media and it's taking place through government education
- 04:55
- That's where they're being fed this stuff and they adopt the worldview They believe it and then they come out and then they vote and they live in this world
- 05:03
- Then we have trash clown world. Yeah, exactly And so, okay, so we have to brothers and sisters listen to John sell everything you own get your kids out of school
- 05:13
- Okay That's my cue Some people are listening in and thinking well, yeah,
- 05:21
- I hear you guys All right, but our our government school our public school.
- 05:27
- It's really really good and they're thinking how It's not as bad as you guys are making out
- 05:33
- You just don't know our school perhaps some people even listening in you work in that public school arena
- 05:38
- And I say hey if you're a teacher your administrator and you're a Christian and you work in that environment, right?
- 05:44
- I love missionaries everywhere. So I'm not talking about you guys Leaving public schools. I'm talking about getting your kids out
- 05:51
- Now I'm the oldest of the millennial generation So I'm in my early early 40s what
- 05:57
- I noticed when I graduated from high school All the kids I went to high school with and really my entire generation
- 06:03
- Raised under the shadow of the steeple particularly here in the south We had a max mass exodus from church eight out of ten kids raised in church
- 06:12
- Once they hit college years left the church and they weren't coming back what in the world happened
- 06:17
- Well, what was happening is we were reaping what had been shown in Us even two decades ago through the government school system.
- 06:26
- I went to government schools and I went to private schools But what happened with the government schools is there was this basic psyop?
- 06:34
- We didn't know what was going on and there weren't all the telltale signs that we see now right now the lights have just been flipped on and roaches are
- 06:41
- Scattering and so now we see just how terrible government schools have actually been and it's it didn't happen in the last couple years
- 06:49
- It's actually been incubating and growing in darkness and in secret for decades And now it's reached to such a terrible point of critical mass.
- 06:59
- It's like drag shows and Gender dysphoria now, we're talking about chopping off genitalia
- 07:06
- Now we're talking about these crazy things and all these kids are falling off mental anxiety
- 07:13
- Suicidal ledge, they're all depressed. They're completely uneducated as Jeff was just saying it is so so bad now
- 07:20
- But even if your local public school is a good thing compared to all the others
- 07:26
- It would still be if 20 years, you know, the ideology in that environment was like, let's say now
- 07:34
- It's where the government schools were 20 years ago. It's still enough to steal the heart of your kid It's still enough to completely psyop their brain.
- 07:42
- It's what happened to the entire millennial generation That's electing Joe Biden and whoever else
- 07:48
- I despise politics. So I don't even know why I'm going there, but I'm just saying the millennial generation rejected the values of their parents and it wasn't out war outright woke and all the
- 08:02
- Transgender pushes and the the homosexuality pushes or anything. No, no, it was something far far
- 08:09
- More covert some terrible things are happening in government schools first thing is the desire for Education the love of learning is immediately crushed out of a kid by the time
- 08:21
- They're six seven years old that love of learning is already being crushed They don't read my boys my ten -year -old
- 08:28
- I guarantee has read more books than 95 % of college graduates if you stacked up the books
- 08:34
- He's read they would be taller than him. It's a homeschool kid. He's never known any different both of my boys love reading
- 08:41
- They love writing their interactive And they're wide awake and I'm just saying hey if we don't crush a kid's love of learning if we don't destroy
- 08:52
- Boyhood by causing these boys to sit still in classrooms for six seven hours a day when they're supposed to be
- 09:00
- Learning how to interact blaze new trails. Hey boys go take some risks build something.
- 09:06
- You're bored Entertain yourselves. What are you interested in? Let's lean into those interests. Look at what happens when we read
- 09:13
- I told my boys from the time they were toddlers before they could even read I'll say boys What happens when you can read and my boys would say in unison?
- 09:22
- They says the world opens to you and that's what that was kind of like our mantra. It was my
- 09:29
- Socratic question and their answer right there of what happens when you learn how to read the world opens to you and they they fell in love with reading
- 09:37
- Education our government schools destroy the love of learning they destroy boyhood
- 09:42
- And then they fill your kids head with all kinds of vice which is coming from their peers
- 09:48
- Everybody is hooked on screens You're divorced from the family unit and the parents as you're spending copious amounts of time in that school setting then the after -school activities and sports and the ideas and then homework and then yeah
- 10:03
- It's filling all their time with the with everything except what they need most you guys
- 10:10
- Yeah, they need time with parents. They need time With healthy people not in these systems and I just talked way too long.
- 10:18
- No, let's die No, I just got so much better preach preach
- 10:24
- John no preach John so much good This is key what
- 10:31
- John just brought up in terms of the companions and the peers It actually is true that not very long ago before government education the primary companion of a young person was
- 10:43
- That child's parents that child's family, of course, there was friendships and there was cooperation
- 10:48
- You would go even to the to the local church in town That's where you got the education from the most educated person
- 10:53
- There was like the pastor and he was training and that's so you had all that We're not talking about taking kids away from like socialization
- 11:00
- That's just a stupid argument against homeschooling and all the rest But this idea of the companionship and the influence was primarily the parents
- 11:09
- It was that little sphere where you worked with your dad you worked on with you with your family's business
- 11:15
- You you helped you assisted you were part of this Your primary companion was this system that God created this fear the family and now we have the primary
- 11:25
- Companions and the most time you're spending with these companions are these young peers. They have they come from families
- 11:32
- That don't even have the same worldview as as your family And so the influence is coming that way and someone says, okay, what about the good influence coming from me my child to those children?
- 11:41
- Well scripture says whoever walks with the wise becomes wise but the companion of fools will suffer harm scripture also says that That bad company corrupts good morals.
- 11:52
- And so we think we tend to think well, no, that's it's really the other way It's like well in a certain context in terms of Christian influence and call the repentance and gospel for sure
- 12:00
- But in general the principle and the proverb in scripture is that it goes the other way. It's the bad company that corrupts this and In if we believe the
- 12:10
- Proverbs if we believe God's book of wisdom how it wisdom from above. How do we live? How do we skillfully live this out? Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise you want wise kids you want wise family
- 12:20
- They got to walk with the wise right the way that's instruction from a father to a son That's right. Exactly, right and the companion of fools will suffer harm
- 12:28
- It's all these Christian parents are wondering like all the raising a Christian home and they got the hearing of the gospel They went to a youth group on Sunday.
- 12:34
- It's like yeah, what was that and at two hours a week? How many hours did they sit with the ungodly and unbelievers and just quickly and I'll kick it over to you in terms of worldview and teaching there is no neutrality and the the government system is teaching a worldview and a worldview consists primarily of A metaphysic or ontology a doctrine of like being like what is real?
- 12:56
- What is the nature of reality and in that you're gonna get a view of origins? The value of humanity dignity and value in humanity.
- 13:04
- So you have that you also have an epistemology How do you know what you know? They certainly are teaching you that in the government schools
- 13:10
- How do you know that's true because it feels right to me Why should you cut off your penis because I feel like a woman right like that's like this this really basic like Epistemology going on there.
- 13:19
- Like what do you feel like and it's not a matter of like what is actually true And how do you know what's true and then you have a view of in a worldview a view of ethics and ethical system
- 13:30
- Ethical commands and you better believe that the government schools are teaching that as well. What is right?
- 13:36
- What is wrong? Don't believe me. Look at the guy, you know twerking in the library at your local public school and so There's there's just no way around this at this point brothers and sisters
- 13:47
- And if we're wondering like why is it so bad and where are we gonna go? I think we need to go to the foundation itself and say what's rotten down here and fix all that So there's actually something to build on that can stand.
- 13:58
- So Jesus says every disciple when he is fully trained will be like his teacher Yeah so if we're looking at our teachers if we're looking at our schools because school systems and saying we don't want our children to Be like this then we need to do what
- 14:10
- John and others have advised Christians for very long to do and that's to do everything you can to provide a
- 14:17
- Christian education For your children you said one thing John that really resonates with me about the failure of the previous generations to transmit
- 14:26
- Their values successfully to their posterity. That's huge Because there has been a ball dropped
- 14:34
- Along the way here as we've kind of outsourced this education to others and in particular the impact has come on our young men
- 14:41
- Our boys you mentioned the mind crushing Aspect of the educational system on their potential on their zeal on their desire to be boys
- 14:50
- But also along with that has come the destruction of their brains in a physical sense to the use of drugs, right?
- 14:56
- What do we do with our young men that are? Aggressive and you know, they they want to go out there and get dirty and build things and you know
- 15:04
- They get a little too carried away from themselves So what's the answer for those boys drug them, you know, give them give them drugs to destroy their brains and make them compliant
- 15:14
- Little listeners in the classroom There's just so many issues that could be touched on here with that.
- 15:19
- But this is how you weaken a society Fundamentally you take the mind of the youth and in particular you take the leadership of young men out because you've torn them from Godly masculinity that example of the father in the home and then you've made them compliant little servants and slaves and they are much much
- 15:37
- Easier to control in that setting and fast -forward. Here's how you get a nation on its knees