The Christian SJW Quest for Power - Abortion as a Political Pawn

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In many ways the Christian SJW movement is about a quest for political power. Right now many Christians are conservative. There is an ongoing effort to change that and in this tweet we see one of the primary political pawns that is being used - abortion. Are you truly and fully "pro-life?" Don't be manipulated by these people. Here is another video I did on the topic -


You know many people have commented that the social justice movement in the church is really more about Politics and political power than it is about morals and biblical justice.
I tend to agree with that You know I will say that that on the lower levels You know the run -of -the -mill Christian who believes in this social justice stuff.
I don't think they're after power I don't think that they understand that it's really a political movement more than anything I think that there are some people who do think that is about justice
And they just misunderstand what the Bible says about justice primarily because really the law of God and God's righteousness
And justice has not been taught the way it ought to have been in the in the past decades But but here's what
I mean when I say that that some people this is a political power issue more than anything else
Here's a tweet that I found the other day about Kyle J. Howard who is a treasure trove for this kind of stuff
Here's what he says He's talking about abortion and think about if you really thought that that children were being murdered in Abortion if you really thought that would you talk like this listen to what
Kyle J. Howard is saying he says The pro -life movement has within several streams been fueled by moralism and not love
This is why many streams have been willing to call women who abort Murderers and at the same time criticize policies that would help give such mothers hope of flourishing with the child
Also many within movement capitalize on black abortion to push agenda and this leaves movement within the eyes of many with within the black community as a
Political posture and not a moral issue pro -life movement needs to stop quoting black abortion stats without love for the community
Now think about this for a second He has to be talking about Welfare or other kinds of social programs or things like that that and then that that's how he says
That's what proves love for the community in his opinion But listen how he says this he says
The pro -life movement needs to stop quoting black abortion stats because it pushes their agenda
What agenda is he talking about the agenda of wanting to save babies and black babies from being killed in the womb?
You know the the least safe place for a black or Hispanic baby to be is in the womb of its own mother
Is that the agenda he's talking about like we're trying to push that agenda Yeah, we are trying to push that agenda we want to save babies from being murdered in the womb legally that's a systemic institutional
Injustice that in our land a real one Yeah, that that is a that's our agenda. That's what we want to push
And so we quote these statistics because they're helpful for that agenda, but no you see for Kyle J Howard he doesn't want you quoting that he says stop quoting those statistics unless you agree with his other stuff
I did a video about this where it's like you're not really pro -life unless you believe in all these Social policies that I want you to believe in That's not how this works.
In fact, you know if you want to call me pro -life anymore, I'm okay with that I'm anti -abortion. Okay, is that is that easier for you to comprehend to wrap your mind around?
I'm not pro -life. I'm anti -abortion I don't want people to be murdered with impunity Okay, is that is that clearer for you?
Because because here's the thing if I was if I really thought that that abortion killed a life
And and you know and and it disproportionately killed people in my black and Hispanic communities
I do actually believe this but but if I thought that Wouldn't I want you quoting those statistics even if I thought you were trying to push your anti abortion agenda
Doesn't make any sense to me. See this is about political power. He wants you to support his political social engineering
He wants you to support his policies that benefit the black people. That's what he wants He wants you to support all the politics of this and if you don't then he doesn't want your
He doesn't want your agenda of anti -abortion. You see it's he's saying it's a tool for for the anti -abortionist
No, it's a tool for you Kyle J Howard. You just played yourself Congratulations, you played yourself.
You just played yourself. It's more political posture for you It's not a moral issue for you
Because if it was a moral issue, you'd have no problem with people quoting the abortion statistics because that's a clear injustice
Now you want them to support all this other stuff that you're saying is injustice. Okay fine We can have an argument and disagree about that.
But let's let's we both agree that this is an injustice, right Kyle J Howard Why speak like this?