The Parable of the Hidden Treasure (04/02/2000)


Pastor David Mitchell


Matthew chapter 13, and we're going to be starting with verse 44 and Ending with verse 44 this morning
That's what we'll study is the parable of the hidden treasure Now we will go ahead and read about the parable of the of the pearl of great price
We won't have time to discuss it today but There is a slight difference between these two parables or the
Lord wouldn't have told them both especially not one with the other and so Part of what we'll be studying this morning is what is the difference between the two because they sound very similar when you read them at?
First so let's start with verse 44 and read down through verse 46 Matthew chapter 13
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field Which what when a man hath found he hideth and for joy there thereof
Goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man seeking goodly poor pearls who when he hath found one pearl of great price went and sold all that he had and Bought it and I'd like you to look at verse 36
Just before we begin here Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house and His disciples came unto him saying declare unto us the parable of the tears of the field.
I just wanted to point out that The parables were studying this morning or parables that were not told to the multitudes they were told only to the disciples in a room and That might have something to do with With This I want to point it out.
It's funny. I've read it Many times and studied it and I knew verse 36 showed that he went away from the multitudes and explained the previous parables and I was reading
Morgan who is a great older writer and expositor of the
Bible and he pointed out that these following Parables are told only to his disciples, which is obvious from verse 36 and I do believe it's important to recognize that difference because he he's speaking here to people who have spiritual eyes to see whereas before he was speaking to a mixed multitude and So let's look at verse 44 specifically this morning again, the kingdom of heaven is likened to treasure hid in a field
The which when a man hath found he hideth and Because of the joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth the field
Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field Well, he's gonna give us another picture of the kingdom of heaven.
This is a picture. He's given giving only to his disciples and The first question
I think we should ask is what is the difference between verse 44 This parable and the parable of the pearl of great price.
Is there a difference in the treasure? Is the treasure in verse 44 different than the pearl in?
verses 45 and 46 and I believe there is a slight difference But an important difference.
I think that verse 44 Probably includes the pearl Which I believe as we'll discuss next time the
Lord willing when we talk about the pearl of great price that that's the church I believe the pearl is the church and I believe that this hidden treasure
Includes the church, but I believe it's broader than that I believe it also includes the people that were saved under the
Old Testament economy And so I think that's the basic difference. So really verse 44 is going to point
Maybe more specifically at Israel the true
Israel those who were circumcised of heart and I believe that the pearl of great price will point more specifically at the church
Those who are saved during the church age, but I do believe verse 44 would also include all of God's children
So it's a it's a Larger context here than then the pearl of great price is well
Let's look at I want to look at a couple of Old Testament verses. Look back at Exodus chapter 19 in verse 4 and Then we're going to look at Psalm 135 in verse 4 some couple of important phrases in those verses that will help us see that this does
Speak to the Old Testament Saints as well as the New Testament Saints You have seen what
I did unto the Egyptians and how I bear you on eagles wings
This is Exodus 19 for How I bear you on eagles wings and brought you unto myself and that beautiful And you've also seen what
I did to the Egyptians now Let me ask you this does it seem in that verse that God is as fond of the
Egyptians as he is of these Whom he bore on the eagles wings Doesn't to me and yet the theology of today says that God's love for them is the same as his love for you
Well, I don't know about that, but I don't think so. I don't think so at all and I Thought Katie sang beautifully this morning
But I thought she's saying more beautifully than you thought she's saying Because she's mine
You're gonna mess up the illustration here But we don't want
God to be partial to his children do we well, let's look at verse 5
Now therefore if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant
Then you shall be a peculiar Treasure and that's the phrase. I want you to see a
Peculiar treasure because this morning we're talking about a treasure hid in a field You will be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people
That tends to indicate to me that there is a partiality does it to you? This is not just me.
Is it? Now he says for all the earth is mine
Now we know that Satan is called the God with a little G of this world, but does this world belong to him
Whose is it? God's the whole world is God's But Even though that is a true statement doesn't mean that he loves every person in the whole world
At all I started to say the same but at all Now you won't hear that on the radio or the television
And you won't hear it most churches But some of you who have been around on the face of this earth for a while and heard preaching back in the good old days
Probably have heard this before But God has said from the beginning of the
Bible to the last page of the Bible that his children are Peculiar to him or a peculiar treasure
Above all the other people that are in this world the cosmos in the
Greek language is what is called Which belongs to God and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel So we see here pictured in the book of Exodus a kingdom
Within a kingdom We see a nation within or among nations
Now look at Psalm 135 in verse 4 You're gonna find the same word treasure found in Psalm 135 for it's the
Hebrew word say gulag which means to shut up as To have wealth and to closely shut it up in a safe place
So it not only speaks of the treasure but it speaks of the thing that you put it in to protect it
Are you with me? It's not just the treasure. It's the vessel in which the treasure is hidden Psalm 135 for for the
Lord hath chosen Jacob unto himself and Israel for his
Peculiar treasure I looked all through the Bible and I was unable to find any place where it called anything a peculiar treasure other than the children of Israel Now it calls us a peculiar people
But it calls them a peculiar treasure Now in Psalm, you don't need to look this one up because we're gonna go elsewhere quickly
But in Psalm 17 verse 14, the word treasure is used again, and it's called a hid
Treasure, which I thought was an interesting phrase to look at because we're talking about specifically a hidden treasure in our
New Testament passage It comes from a little bit different Hebrew word But it is a synonym of the word say gulag and this word is salt fun
Which means to hide by covering over? To hide by covering over it can imply to hoard or reserve
To hide something in a place in such a way as to reserve it preserve it keep it where nothing can happen to it
Now we go to Matthew 13 44 again Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hid in a field
Well, I believe this treasure first and foremost speaks of the nation of Israel, but it speaks of the true
Israelite the one who is circumcised of heart and I believe more specifically it deals with the saved
All right. I'm gonna be redundant if I say it that way. Let's just put it this way the Old Testament Saint The person who was saved during the
Old Testament time Now it's interesting that our definition for treasure in Matthew chapter 13 is a word that means a
Deposit or a place where the wealth is kept and it comes from a root word in the
Greek which is Literally means the place in which it's kept not so much the treasure and that's the same sense that we had in the
Old Testament In the Hebrew language, so this is a depository or a receptacle
Holding the treasure which had been placed in the field is what we're talking about here and it is his
The field then I think we would all agree if we go back into the previous parables
Especially in verse 36 and following where it explains Verse 38 specifically says the field is the world
Now remember the world is the cosmos in the Greek language It does not always mean the people it never means only that well
It seldom means only the people it nearly always means God's order Which means his creation of order if you want to see a beautiful picture of the cosmos look at the
Garden of Eden before the fall and if you want to see another beautiful picture of That approximates it look at the beginning of the
Kingdom Age And if you want to see a very clear picture of it, look at the ages to come after the new world
The old world passes away and God makes all things new Then you see this perfect order of God's cosmos now we've had an interference with that as Satan came into this world in the
Garden of Eden did we not and Man fell in sin. There were some curses proclaimed and we now have thorns and thistles and and yet This is still
God's world and we have to understand now we have a world within a world
And I believe that's what we're gonna see in this parable And I think God only teaches Jesus only teaches this to his chosen ones behind closed doors
He didn't teach this one out in the open like he did the other ones I believe that might indicate to us that this particular parable and the pearl of great price
And even the explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares if you remember he told that parable
But he didn't explain it until he got behind closed doors with his own. I believe that implies that some of the material found in these parables is
Certainly not suitable for the world the lost world and it's even difficult for a brand -new baby
Christian Okay So we have to have wisdom when as we study the
Bible just because God reveals things to us doesn't mean that it's acceptable and easily digested by every
Christian because everyone's at a different stage of their growth and So we have to understand that Now as we go into this parable
Let's look at the field for a moment Alright look at there's a key word here
Did you know that every jot and every tittle in the Bible is important? God placed it there
There are no words that are insignificant Look at the little word a at the end of the first sentence or the first long
Phrase there in verse 44 again, the kingdom of heaven is likened to a treasure hid in a
Field, I believe the word a is a very important world and It ties in with another very important little word.
Did I say world? I meant word ties in with another important little word at the very end of verse 44.
Look at this and he bias that field Now the word a in the word that implies that there are at least that there is at least one other field
There may be more than that but just the grammar itself implies that this is a field that he bought but there is another field
Would you agree with that grammatically? Otherwise, he would have called it the field. It's interesting in some of the other parables that he told out to the crowds
He didn't speak of a field or that field. He spoke of the field or the man's field
And but in this one he uses words that imply there are more than one field now this field
I Do believe at least includes the cosmos order of God God's world.
Let's just put it that way God's world of order which includes God's children
Okay Now let's go on What about this concept of it being hid in a field the word
Crypto, which means to hide or conceal to be hid
To conceal in such a way that it cannot be known by others is what this word means
It is past perfect, which is very interesting Because it indicates the time in which this treasure was hid in this field
Past perfect indicates a completed action that is completed in the past once and for all
Not needing to be repeated So this was a once -and -for -all act that was done in the past and will never need to be done again
Is this hiding of the treasure? so whatever this treasure was
God had all of it and he placed it all in a depository in a safe place
Others could not see it. Others were not even aware that it was there necessarily
But he did that in the past and it's a done deal That is known by the grammar.
It's in the past perfect tense. It's also passive, which means this treasure did not hide itself It was hidden by this man
You might translate it this way having been hidden in the field
It's a good English translation Well, let's look at some concepts Elsewhere look at John chapter 10 for a moment this this sermon
Turned into a study so There's just so much
I've got 10 tight pages here from this one verse Charlotte told me never to tell you that But I didn't tell him how many points were in it
Now I got to learn not telling me pages But that just tells you there's several
Sundays worth of material here in this one verse Look at John chapter 10 verse 14
The only thing I don't like about it when a sermon goes over several Sundays You don't have exactly the same people each time and it makes me want to go ahead and do it all
Now y 'all have two three hours Well, just promise to come back next
Sunday then and I'll just do part of it, how about that Let's vote. How many of you want me to do it all now or you'll promise to come back next
Sunday? So we all right next Sunday, okay John 10 14.
I am the Good Shepherd and I know my sheep and am known of mine as The father knoweth me even so know
I the father and I lay my life down for the sheep now Let me ask you from that verse of Scripture.
Anyway, who did Jesus die for? What does he call him they're sheep and It says he lays his life down for the sheep and he says he knows these sheep
He also says the sheep know him. Isn't that wonderful? to think about Have you ever?
been overly worried about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons and how they are the first ones to have the evangelistic efforts the
Iron Curtain came down the first ones over there were the the Jehovah's Witnesses, isn't that amazing?
Zap, I mean they're over there soon as soon as you could get into the former Soviet Union They were there weren't they with their little briefcases knocking on the doors
If we didn't have mixed crowd this morning, I'd tell you a story about Jack Pullen and how he deals with the
Jehovah's Witnesses, but I can't tell you that this morning, but it is so funny But they come to the door.
They're the first ones there, but you know what the Bible teaches Jesus sheep here only the true
Shepherd How many of you know Elnora Allen over in Mahaya a
Sweet older lady that was a member of our church in the early days and she got where she couldn't she drove over from Mahaya as long as she could and She all she had a flat tire going home one day and decided that's the end of it
I'm not gonna make that drive anymore, but she grew up studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses and then she studied with the
Pentecostals and the faith healers and the tongue speakers and Then she just kept studying her
Bible and she had a Strong's Concordance in an Ungers Bible dictionary and 15 other
Commentaries you go into that woman's house. He's got a card table sitting over there did books on it she never moves them because she studies every day and Guess what?
She's not a Jehovah's Witness She's a follower of the Shepherd my sheep
Know me. He says now look at verse 16 though And other sheep
I have which are not of this fold Now I wanted to bring this verse out because Jesus speaks first of the
Jewish fold and Then he or the Old Testament Saint Predominantly the
Jewish well strictly the Jewish fold But then he speaks of other sheep which are not of that fold and that's the
Gentile church that we talked about in Sunday school and I wish we had church first because then we could use all my verses for the sermon instead of in Sunday school but So we see now these other sheep would be the
Gentiles that are saved here in the church age But the first fold is are the Jewish believers some of whom were saved in the
Old Testament Some of whom are saved now few of them saved now and many of whom will be saved here in the tribulation period
John chapter 17 jump forward to that and look at verse 6
I Have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world now
I want you to begin to picture a World that God created a world that was then changed because of the fall and And now all of a sudden you still have the cosmos but it's actually a world
Within a larger world That is the world of disarray That's why we're called the remnant.
We're the small group now God's world is the subset in the larger set of the whole world which includes
Satan and his children and his destruction So it's like you have a world within a world
But Jesus says I've manifested my name of the men which thou gavest me out of the world
Thine they were and thou gavest them to me When you start talking about thine they were that means before the foundation of the world.
They already belonged to the father and Then the father gave them to Jesus as a love gift
But they came out of this larger world that includes both God's cosmos in Satan's world of disarray and They have kept thy word.
That's one of the greatest signs of a saved person symptom of salvation They love the word and they keep the word.
I Pray for them Now I want you to notice the next phrase. I pray not for the world
Now I've got to ask a question at this point And it looks like almost to me. We have the disciples behind closed doors this morning as I look around so I Don't believe this will disturb anyone
But isn't it interesting that if people contend that in John 3 16 where it says for God So loved the world that he gave his only begotten
Son that that has to mean That Jesus was given for the every human that ever lived that he died for every human because it says the whole world
It doesn't say holy But it says for Jesus for God so loved the world that that has to mean every human in the world
Then isn't it interesting that where the same word world is used? In verse 9
Jesus did not pray for it Now look what he's praying
He says I pray for them Which obviously is not the whole world if we're thinking of world as God's world of order plus Satan's world of disarray put together into one place
If we look at it that way then he has two groups one group he prayed for in another group, which he didn't
He said I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me for they are thine
While I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name's sake Those that thou gavest me
I have kept and none of them is lost now
If you look at verse 15, you'll see what the prayer is that he's praying. I Pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but thou should keep them from the evil
That word the evil is a person Not a thing It's the evil one
He prayed not for the world But for those which God had given him out of the world that God would keep them
From the evil one. He did not pray for others in the world That God would keep them from the evil one now
We have to see this and these are the words of Jesus. They're in red letters. So they got to be true If Your doctrine doesn't fit this then change it
Because like Gary Plumlee told me one time don't ever let your doctrine make you be unscriptural
It's very clear that Jesus did not pray this prayer of keeping now
Let me ask you this did Jesus prayers always get answered. I Know what you're thinking about the one he prayed in the garden
Take this cup for me, but that's not where he put the period in the sentence. He said nevertheless
Thy will be done There's never a possibility of Jesus asking and it not be being answered.
Someone tell me why Exactly Now, let me ask you this if you ask in the will of God.
Is there a chance your prayer might not be answered No chance at all That's why it's so important to understand that true prayer originates with God comes via the pipeline of the
Holy Spirit into your heart and mind which God placed there and moved you to pray for it because he wants you
To be a part of what's about to happen It's a good rabbit trail, but we better get back to this
These that are kept see you made me forget my original question Why did y 'all do that to me
Where was that somebody tell me what the original question was because I wanted to keep on with that for a minute They all weren't listening either, okay
Let's start back with verse 12. It'll make me remember it Maybe while I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me
I have kept and now look at the prayer in verse 15 I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world
But that thou should keep them from the evil one they are not of the world even as I am not of the world
Well, I don't remember the question, but I remember this There are two worlds here there are the world of God's elect and the world of those that are not and We see it so clearly now this
Treasure has been hid in a field All right, it is kept there it is protected there just like Jesus said those which you have given me
I have kept of Them I shall lose nothing. They're safe in a safe place hidden now
Let's think about this. Look at verse 44 again again The kingdom of heaven is likened to a treasure hid in a field
The which when a man hath found Let's look at this phrase a man has found first of all, who's the man?
Can you tell from the previous parables who the man is? Jesus Jesus is the man and he's the one who found this treasure
Now the word or the phrase hath found is in the aorist tense
Which English doesn't have but it's a fascinating thing to think about because probably the most difficult thing for us to understand or to get around I would say is the concept of time the fact that we're in time and we do everything in sequence and That God is not he is not bound by time
And he does not have to function that way and he doesn't function that way And in fact with God everything is already done doesn't that blows your mind blow your mind
He is the eternal I am it's the present tense and so as as we look at this it's in the aorist tense when it says this man has found and Aorist does not mean past present or future.
It means exactly on time Isn't that great? It happened exactly on time
Exactly on time is the best definition of what the aorist tense means it is active
Which means the Sun did this and the interesting thing is it's participle, which means it's like has an
ING in the English So you might read it this way, which a man having found
Exactly at the right time Now when you go into Romans chapter 3
It Talks about the Jews the saved Jews and in verse 24
It says being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus and most of us apply this to us
Those of us who are saved Gentiles But if you read verse 25, you're gonna see that this particular couple of verses does not primarily apply to us
It says whom God hath sent for sent forth to be a Propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past That's talking about the sins that were committed by the
Old Testament Saints So primarily where it speaks of this redemption in Romans chapter 3 verses 24 and 25 in the whole passage all the way up to verse 19 it talks about them who were under the law and It talks about these whose sins of the past That these people were redeemed.
I believe this is primarily the hidden treasure that we're talking about in this particular passage the
Old Testament Saints If you look at Romans 11 26, which we talked about a little bit in Sunday school this morning says all
Israel shall be saved and we talked about that's at the end of the tribulation period every
Israelite that's left alive when Jesus returns Will be saved and go into the millennial period
Look at I'm in Romans 3rd chapter 3. I told you I wouldn't have time to talk about it
So I'm glad we discussed it a little bit in Sunday school Romans chapter 3 verse 30. I want you to take note of it
We're not going to talk about it this morning for sake of time, but we are going to talk about it And it'll give you time to think about it do a little research of your own
Romans 3 30 Seeing it as one God which shall justify the circumcision.
Who's that? As the Jews By faith now remember this whole chapter is talking about the sins that are past those looking back
It's talking about how the Old Testament Saints had their sins covered. That's called the atonement
The word atonement is not really a proper New Testament word it's translated in English atonement sometime in the
New Testament, but it should never be new atonement in the New Testament because Atonement is an
Old Testament concept It's a covering of the sin in the New Testament. The sin is done away with it's gone.
It's removed It's separated from the center in the Old Testament. It was covered and it was pictured by the
Blood of those sacrificial animals it pictured the coming Messiah who would shed his blood for those sins
And at that moment they were then removed from the Old Testament Saint as well And that's why
Jesus was able to take them from Shoal Directly into the presence of God in heaven before that they were not there
Because their sins had not been removed. They had only been covered So all of that's coming to play here, but what's interesting to me is in verse 30
It says he shall justify the circumcision by faith and the uncircumcision through faith
And you might do an interesting study this week on the difference between the word by and the word through in that verse there is a difference and The Old Testament Saints were saved
By faith the New Testament Saints are saved through faith and we're gonna talk about that at a future date now
Let's talk about this hiding It says it's kind of interesting in verse 44 It says and again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a field now
Remember that's something that was done in the past once and for all never to be done again But it says when the man comes that's
Jesus and he has found in the aorist tense at exactly the right time
He then hides it again Is that strange? He goes and he finds it
He uncovers it he finds it and then he hides it again And that's the part we're talking about here now this part is aorist active
Indicative which means it's just a statement of fact and Jesus does this just at the right time he goes and he hides this back in the field
Now this primarily refers to the lost tribes of Israel But it also as I said this verse does include
I believe it includes the pearl as well It includes the church age as well, but predominantly it's certain looking back at the
Old Testament Saints in Jeremiah chapter 31 in verse 10 It says hear the word of the
Lord Oh you nations and declare it in the Isles afar off. Some people believe the Isles is the
United States. I Don't know if I can go that far with it but it certainly would refer to places in the world that are far off from the
Middle East and So it could include places like the United States Declare it in the
Isles afar off and say he that scattered Israel Will gather him and keep him as a shepherd doth his flock the
Lord hath redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he
Now we we don't you know, I have fun or study and then you have It's easier to study and stand up here and talk than it is to sit there and listen
So I can't cover all this but I want us to focus on this little part For the end of the message this morning and then be back for the rest of it later in Jeremiah 31 10 it says very clearly that God scattered
Israel and he will gather him again it also says in verse 11 that the
Lord has redeemed Jacob and Ransomed those are two very important words and I'll show you why as we close here in a moment at least the first close
He redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he who might that be
Who'd he get redeemed from Well in a sense
The hand is stronger than Israel is Satan That's why I don't like you letting your children sing those little songs about Satan sitting on attack.
You don't make fun of him He's stronger than you are He's stronger than Israel was but he is not stronger than the
Redeemer is he So God scattered his people in a world within a world
He placed them within a world if you want to talk about just his people. They're in this Depository this safe place this thing that the treasure is in and then the whole thing is hidden in The the larger world which also includes
Satan's Catastrophic effect on this world as well and God has
Scattered his people throughout that entire world but the world of God's order and the world of God's Children as seen so beautifully in the
Garden of Eden as we talked about earlier. We'll see it in the trip in the Millennial period we'll see it at the end of the age in the coming ages
Was one of these places and then we also had God's Saints hidden within this world of disorder and confusion
Which is spoken of as the world of which Satan is the little G God So you have
God hiding this precious treasure in this greater world that includes both You have here
God's cosmos and you have Satan's evil world system both from time to time called the world and the only way you can tell the difference is by the context of The passage that is found in We see that these two worlds are contrasted again and again
From Genesis all the way through the Old Testament and then on into the New Testament That which contains
God's treasure saved Israel Has been hidden in other words that world has been hidden within a field or a hidden world
That we call the greater world. Now, that's why we go back into Matthew 13 44 it says that it was hid in a field and in a minute.
It's gonna say he purchased that field We have to distinguish these two fields.
Remember the field pictures the world. So we're distinguishing two different worlds Now he says that for the joy thereof he goeth and selleth all that he has
So the man locates this treasure that was hidden before the foundation of the world. It was hidden before anything was
It is God's special treasure God's children the man discovers this and he hides it again in In this world that includes
Satan's catastrophic part or effect on this world and Then for the joy of it.
It says he goes and he sells all that he has Now you would need a lifetime to discuss what this means
He goes and sells all that he has because of the joy that he sees
You Know the Bible talks about that Hebrews 12 to looking into Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
Who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame?
With joy he goes And he sells all that he has have you ever tried to think about what it must have been like to step down from the glories of heaven and Put on flesh in this world and to lay aside some of the characteristics and attributes of deity to become holy man
He sold all that he had Proverbs 8 22
Jesus says the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works of old.
I Or ever the earth was When there were no depths I was brought forth when there were no fountains
Abounding with water before the mountains were settled before the hills Was I brought forth?
While as yet he had not made the earth nor the fields nor the highest part of the dust of the world
When he prepared the heavens I was there When he set a compass upon the face of the depth when he
Established the clouds above when he strengthened the fountains of the deep When he gave to the sea is decreed that the water should not pass his commandment when he appointed the foundations of the earth
Then I was by him as one brought up with him. I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him
Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth and my delights were with the sons of men and he gave that up He gave that up to come down here
He sold everything that he had We see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels.
He had to be made that way because he was not that way For the suffering of death
Crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man
For it became him For whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings and Then the beautiful song that says none of the ransomed ever knew how deep were the waters crossed
Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through There he found the sheep that was lost
What does it mean when it says? That he sold everything that he had to purchase this
Well, we won't know we'll never completely know what it meant for Jesus Christ to suffer an
Eternal separation from the Father as he was suspended on that cross and He said my
God my God, why hast thou forsaken me? He had never called him God before he'd always called him daddy
At that moment. He called him God the judge And he said why have you forsaken me that time of forsaking and separation?
Of the Son from the Father which had never occurred before and Since both being eternal beings not bound by time.
It was in fact an eternal separation That's the price that was paid And he goes on and he says
Because of the joy thereof because of the joy that he had found that treasure That's why he did this
He Selleth all that he hath and the last phrase says this and he bias that field
The word by is the Greek word Agorazo, which means to redeem
Which ties it in with all the the symbolic lessons in the
Old Testament of redemption Redemption We can go into Leviticus chapter 25 and many other places and study what it means
This redemption, but I'll tell you one thing. Well, we may go into it more detail later. But for this morning, let me just say this that in the
Old Testament since There was never an example from Leviticus to Hebrews from Genesis to Revelation where Number one the ransom
Lacks sufficiency to purchase entirely and wholly and perfectly that which for for which it was paid
Every time you see this ransom picture where you could have a man who got so poor that he had to sell his part of the birthright his part of the promised land or become a slave himself
If he had a brother or a kinsman who could come and pay the price
Then it was law that it had to be redeemed There was no choice in the matter if the price was collected and the money was there and it was paid then that land belonged to the original person again and If he had become a slave and sold himself into slavery
He was so poor and a brother or a kinsman comes and pays the price of his redemption
If that price is offered the law required that it be paid and accepted and he be set free
But the price was always paid Specifically for the thing and the object that was going to be redeemed and only that thing
It was never paid for several other counties It was always paid for that which was already his
Secondly, there's no example where the ransom is paid for land or persons other than those intended to be ransomed or redeemed for example the exact amount of money is paid for the exact portion of land or Person who is going to be redeemed and then exactly that land a person is redeemed.
No more and no less When Jesus looked down and he saw this beautiful treasure
Which John says so clearly the father had given him. He says
I will lose none of it. So I'm gonna hide it I'm gonna hide it so that the rest of the world cannot even see it
So that the enemy cannot damage it. I'm going to pray a prayer and and kept from the evil one