Romans 13: Unlimited Obedience?


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♪ Let thy goodness, like a feather ♪ ♪
Guide my wandering heart to Thee ♪ ♪ Prone to wander,
Lord, I feel it ♪ ♪ Prone to leave the God I love ♪ ♪
Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it ♪ ♪
Seal it for Thy courts above ♪ ♪ Here's my heart, oh, take and seal it ♪ ♪
Seal it for Thy courts above ♪
You may be seated. You'll take your
Bibles, please, and turn with me to Romans chapter 13. Romans chapter 13, our study today will be derived from this text and, of course, 1
Peter chapter 2. I intend to expand upon a point that was made by Pastor Jeff last week.
Obviously, in looking at the larger topic of a biblical view of life and the sinfulness of abortion, there was the mention made of Romans chapter 13 and the issue of prescriptive and descriptive interpretation that could not be expanded greatly at that time.
And in the course of this past week, as much was going on here, and as I was asked to bring the message,
I want to look at this text. I will let you know, for those of you who are interested in such things, it is my intention, it is our intention, on Tuesday, to, on the
Dividing Line webcast, to utilize our brand -new studio that we have been putting together for quite some time, for the first time, to go more in depth into the original languages in these texts.
So, you can sort of put those two together. It'll be a little bit easier in that context to be able to bring these particular texts up on the screen, to be able to illustrate things, because I think it is very important that we look very carefully at what these texts are saying.
But my goal today is a simpler one, and that is to lay out a key understanding of both of these texts in regards to what they say to Christians in regards to our relationship to the state and the issue of what is good and what is evil.
That is really my only task today. It is not as complicated as a lot of people try to make it, so hopefully we'll all be able to get there together and have an understanding.
I think it is especially important right now in the life of our body that we have a clear understanding of this, because all of us right now need to understand that as the issue, first of all, of HB 2650, and then the continuing issue of the fact that we have on the national level a regime in power now.
I do not use the term administration. Administration assumes a continuing body of law that is simply being administered.
The regime in charge has made it very clear that it is their intention to fundamentally change the understanding that this nation has of its founding documents and the worldview that it obtains.
And when you understand the concept of the Equality Act that has been said to be one of the primary legislative priorities of the first hundred days, when you understand what that will mean in the enshrining in law of a fundamentally anti -Christian worldview, its impact upon churches, religious freedom, your children, education, every aspect within our society, then you understand why it's very important that we as believers have a deep seat in the saddle.
And when opportunity arises, and opportunity will arise regularly, for us to give testimony and when opportunity comes up, when that testimony is a part of persecution of believers, then we want to be prepared.
We want to be clear in our understanding and clear in what we say to the world around us. We want to be consistent in our handling of the text of Scripture.
We don't want to be like the people who over the past number of months were saying weird and odd things in the name of the
Lord concerning the second inauguration of Donald Trump, and have brought, obviously, great disrepute upon themselves and upon the gospel of Jesus Christ and prophesying things that did not come to pass.
We want to be biblically sound and accurate in everything that we say and do.
But what that means is that especially for people such as myself, who have lived most of their lives in a land of freedom and liberty,
I was raised within a context where the church really was under no pressure as to regards to what it said in the culture.
That didn't mean that there was not compromise. There was. It doesn't mean that we were not influenced by the culture. We were.
We just didn't see it as clearly as we do now. But it was very common in my generation for there to be a connection between the church and the government in such a way that these passages were understood as basically saying that we were under the authority of the governing authorities in such a way that there could be no questioning of the morality and goodness of the legal system itself.
That they were linked together in our minds. And of course, historically, when we look at the history of the church, during those periods of time when something called sacralism was prominent in the world.
What is sacralism? Sacralism is that joining together of church and state that begins in a very small way at the
Council of Nicaea in 325. And then it takes another big step under the
Emperor Theodosius when he proclaims the Roman Empire to be a Christian empire.
And then that continues and develops down through the centuries until you have that situation that develops in the medieval period where the church and the state become intermingled.
The church begins to proclaim in the position of the Bishop of Rome that the authority of the church is the sun and the authority of the state is the moon simply reflecting that light.
And there is conflict that takes place. And of course, the Reformation then grows out of a period of sacralism so that the men that we respect greatly, such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, are sacralists.
And so we have those difficult situations where you have individuals who read
Martin Luther's translation of the New Testament and they become convinced that baptism is for believers only.
And they are then imprisoned and eventually die in prison. And Luther knows they're there because he sees what they're doing as a crime against the state because that sacralism still continues to exist.
The church thinks it needs the princes and the tax rolls of the state are the baptismal rolls of the church.
They're the same thing. And so if you don't baptize infants, then you're taking individuals away from the tax rolls of the state.
And I can guarantee you the state does not like this and will act in accordance with that.
And so down through history, Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 have been interpreted in intriguingly different ways depending on the current situation that existed between the church and the state.
And yet as we know, those first centuries and indeed during the very period of the apostles, you had the persecution of the church by the state.
And so how could you have people who were writing at that time period in the inspired scriptures saying what they were saying and then yet only 100 years later their disciples are being thrown to lions and their disciples are not ceasing to meet together as the church.
The apostles themselves are commanded by the authorities not to preach any longer in the name of this
Jesus, but they don't. And yet you've got Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2. How do we understand these things?
And one thing is for certain. Our day is forcing us to think these things through with much deeper clarity than in my generation.
When I was in Bible college, this was not really considered to be a major issue.
And I heard very few sermons on this particular subject. And yet here we are and we all know why we're here.
Let's read these texts together. Romans chapter 13. Again, always remember where a text is in the argument of a book.
You have had the great theology of what God is doing in the world.
In the first few chapters you have the doctrine of sin being laid out, the great need coming to a climax in Romans chapter 3.
And then God's meeting that need in the halfway point of chapter 3. And then explicating that in the relationship of grace and faith in Romans 4 into Romans 5.
And then the federal headship of Adam and how we live in light of that in Romans 6 and 7, reaching the crescendo in Romans chapter 8.
And the great section there that leads to the golden chain of redemption.
And then the question of the Jews comes up. Well, what about them? Does their unfaithfulness then make
God's faithfulness unfaithfulness? And so you have the discussion in Romans 9 and 10 and 11.
And then once the great theology is finished in chapter 12, you now have application.
The application of what all this means as to how we live in this world. And so chapter 12 begins that and then chapter 13.
How in these first few verses do we live in light of the fact that we live in this world where God has ordained government but all sorts of different kinds of government.
Romans chapter 13 verse 1. Let everyone or every person be in subjection to the authorities above, literally.
Now, I will mention something. I'm not going to get into a bunch of the Greek and grammar today. I want to try to stay away from that.
Leave that till Tuesday to be honest with you. But translated by the new American standard is governing authorities.
But I do want to mention another possible understanding of that as we get into that. But let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God. And those which exist are established by God.
Therefore, he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God. And they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil.
Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.
For it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid.
For it does not bear the sword for nothing. For it is a minister of God, an avenger, who brings wrath upon those who practice evil.
Wherefore, it is necessary to be in subjection not only because of wrath, but also for conscience's sake.
For because of this, you also pay taxes for rulers or servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing.
Render to all what is due them, tax to whom taxes due, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.
And then please note something. Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another. For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law for this.
You should not commit adultery. You should not murder. You should not steal. You should not covet. And if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Love, therefore, is the fulfillment of the law.
This comes immediately after an almost full repetition of what the law says as to how we are to be related to one another is placed before us by the apostle in verses nine and following.
Keep that in mind. It will become important to us. Turn with me over to 1
Peter 2. Similar issue here. Peter is addressing believers as to how they are to live this life in this world.
Normally an examination begin in chapter two, verse 13. I want to back us up one verse.
Verse 12. Keep your behavior excellent among the
Gentiles so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may on account of your good deeds as they observe them, glorify
God in the day of visitation. So please notice that Peter is well aware that there is external opposition.
There is in fact slander of believers as evildoers. But we are to keep our behavior excellent among them so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may on account of your good deeds as they observe them, glorify
God in the day of visitation. That may not be immediately, but in the day of visitation.
That's the context. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority or to governors as sent by him, for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.
For such is the will of God that by doing right, you may silence the ignorance of foolish men, act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bond slaves of God.
Honor all men, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king.
Don't stop there. Servants, and that is the term duloi, which in the
Roman Empire meant slaves. Slaves, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable.
For this finds favor if for the sake of conscience towards God a man bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly.
For what credit is there if when you sin and are harshly treated you endure it with patience, but if when you do what is right and suffer for it, you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.
Always reading the text in its context, especially remembering the context of the ancient church.
So let us turn back to Romans chapter 13. How are we to understand these words?
And especially as we live in a day that in some ways is bringing us back to where the church was when these words were first written.
That is, we are moving away from the commonly called
Judeo -Christian heritage of the West. We are moving back toward the paganism of early
Rome. What do I mean by that? Well, you need to understand that the
Roman system under which these words were written, the
Roman system was one of a massive empire that at that time controlled the entire
Mediterranean basin. And very often when the New Testament writers used the term the whole world, that's what they're talking about.
They're not talking about the globe. They're talking about the whole world that is the entire Roman empire.
Out at the fringes you had the barbarians, the people who did not speak the languages of the empire.
The high language of the empire, Latin, or the common language, Koine Greek. They spoke other languages and so they were called the barbarians and their reference is made to them a number of times in the
New Testament. But this Roman empire had conquered literally hundreds of different nations, nation states, small kingdoms, fiefdoms, languages, and religions.
And so to hold all of this together, the genius of the Roman system was that it did not attempt to enforce a singular religious concept upon everyone.
A singular set of gods upon everyone. There was an element of religious freedom, but it had to be a religious freedom that would allow
Rome to maintain the unity that existed within her own borders.
So how do you do that? Well, you allow anyone to worship whatever god they want to worship.
As long as your god does not try to wipe out everybody else's gods.
And so as long as there was a sense of plurality, and as long as your god allowed you to offer the pinch of incense upon the altar to Caesar.
So you had to acknowledge the supreme authority in governmental issues of Caesar.
And then you could do what you wanted in regards to the worship of your god. As long as it did not involve killing your neighbors and starting wars and doing things like that.
You could build your altars, you could have your sacrifices, you could have your temples. And that was just fine.
And let's be honest. For hundreds of years that worked. For literally hundreds of years.
Far longer than our nation has existed. Rome brought relative peace.
Now it was not perfect. There were rebellions here and rebellions there, and there were people that would, you know, get followers to follow after them.
But in general, especially in some areas, there was peace and prosperity for century after century after century.
And a lot of people could probably come up with the argument. Man, if you stop wars and you stop famines, oh sure, there would still be a famine.
Remember there was a famine in Jerusalem. It wasn't perfect. But in general,
Rome saved more lives than they took over that time period.
Someone could make the argument that's showing love for your brother. Maybe that offering of the pinch of incense isn't all that bad of a thing if you're saving lives, right?
Well, now I don't want to give you a bad impression or better to put a wrong impression.
There was tremendous degradation in the morality of Rome, even at its height.
The Romans would expose children they did not want to keep. So they had their own form of abortion.
And so if your wife had a son or a daughter and your plans were otherwise and that didn't fit your plans, they would simply take that infant.
I can't imagine how the mothers dealt with this. But they would simply take that infant and leave it out in the garbage pile overnight and the roving bands of dogs in Rome would take care of all the rest.
Christians became known as those weird people who would go out at night to the garbage piles and would rescue babies and raise them as their own even though they were poor.
And it only made it more difficult for them to have enough food. And so there was much in the way of degradation and you have the
Nero's and the Caligula's that come about at those times. But in general,
Rome provided peace as long as you would say Caesar is
Lord and acknowledge him as one of your authorities. You just could not have this monotheistic crazy idea that there is only one
God and one way of properly worshipping him. Which is why you had the period of persecution for centuries of the
Christian people. And so did Paul just simply miss it here?
Did he just simply write something? There would be those. You could probably go to a quote -unquote Christian bookstore if any of them exist anymore and buy a commentary where someone would probably take the view, well, you know,
Paul wrote this at such a point in time before persecution really became bad, I'm certain that in later times he would want to amend what he said to the
Romans. Because there are many people that write books, write commentaries, that don't really believe that what we have here is theanustos, it is
God -breathed. So you'd probably find that in various commentaries that, well, Paul probably would like to have changed this, but it was a little bit late.
Once you, you know, you send the letter and people start copying it, it's sort of hard to take it back. Sort of like anytime you send anything on Facebook.
Once it's sent, it's sent. There ain't no one sending anything, right? Is that what's going on here?
I would suggest to you, of course, that that is not the way to understand this at all. Let every person be a subjection to the governing authorities.
Now I mentioned when we started reading this that there is an interesting interpretation that I'll present it to you.
I think we end up coming to the same conclusion one way or the other. But there is an interesting interpretation of the
Greek here that would indicate that the description, the descriptive term, you have ruling authorities.
It's literally those that are above. And you can demonstrate outside the
New Testament the utilization of this particular term to refer to those which excel in moral authority and goodness.
And if that's the way to understand this, and there are some commentators who have made this argument and would say this is how to understand it, what he's saying is, let every person be a subjection to those authorities that have demonstrated their moral consistency and supremacy.
Well, that's an interesting way of seeing it. Because it's very plain. Paul's going to say it's a minister to God for your good.
If you do what is evil, be afraid. These rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior.
All these things come later and are consistent with this understanding. So I'm not saying that I think it's impossible that we understand it this way, that it may well be the correct way of understanding it.
I'm just saying I don't know that we have to insist upon it because the rest of the text tells us very clearly that the governing authorities that are being referred to here function in a particular fashion.
They're being described to us both here, and you'll notice in 1
Peter 2, they do certain things. And it's the things that they are doing that is most important.
It's interesting that in the periods of the history of the church, when state and church have gotten a little bit too cozy, a little bit too connected to one another, this text and 1
Peter 2 have been understood as preaching an absolute subjugation to kings in particular.
For example, as I was doing some reading on this, and by the way, the stuff in the bulletin, a couple of those quotes came from, you all call him
Uncle Gary, Uncle Gary DeMar, but I can't do that because we're pretty much in the same age group.
But Brother Gary DeMar, and I can tell you some fun stories of things that Gary and I have gotten to do in the past on ships bobbing around the ocean that was a lot of fun with R .C.
Sproul. But we won't go into that right now. That's more for man camp, right? Yeah, there you go.
There you go. The girls are going, we'd like to hear that too. Well, we'll find some way of doing that.
But those citations, and it was Gary that pointed out, and I verified it, that it's very interesting that King James detested the
Geneva Bible of 1559. He detested it. Now, it happens to be a great translation despite what my daughter thinks about the
Christmas story. And only my family gets that particular story. There's another one that we can tell sometime.
Maybe she'll tell that on Sheologian sometime. It's an excellent translation, but it had all sorts of footnotes in it.
It had commentary. Yes, it was the early Ryrie Study Bible, the
Schofield Study Bible, whatever else it might be. I'm telling you what I was raised with right there. And in those notes, there were all sorts of notes that talked about tyrants.
Tyrants. And how kings can become tyrants if they do not remain subject to the law of God and see themselves as ministers of God's justice.
And so, for example, in commenting in the book of Daniel, there was the statement about the king and about how
God basically defied the king's authority in the life of Daniel. And these were things that King James did not like at all.
That was one of the reasons for the creation of the King James translation is the Geneva Bible just didn't fit his purposes.
And you know what's interesting? I didn't know this. If you look up the word tyrant, you all have your phones there.
Don't do it right now. Where's Elliot? Okay. There he is. Okay, he's hiding over the corner. Okay, good.
I scared him to death a few weeks ago and he's still got the shakes. If you look it up sometime in your
King James Bible on your phone, put in the word tyrant and it'll just stare at you because it doesn't appear in the
King James Bible. King James wouldn't allow it. There are a number of terms that the king sort of suggested might not appear in his translation.
Very interesting. The problem is there are tyrants. There were tyrants in the Roman Empire. And does
Romans chapter 13 tell us that we are simply to be in subjection to tyrants?
That we are to do whatever they say? And there is no authority except from God.
That means all tyrants come from God. Well, we understand in God's sovereignty that God raises up tyrants, but what are tyrants to a people?
An act of judgment. They're an act of judgment upon a people. And so as we look at the description, what
I want you to do is in your mind, I want you to be thinking about 1 Peter 2 here in Romans chapter 13.
What was the foundational concept in the mind of both apostles?
And then remember just a few weeks ago in our study behind this pulpit, we looked at Acts chapter 13.
Remember? And what happened in Acts chapter 13? God delivered
Peter from prison. Remember? And he did so miraculously. And when
Peter was let out of that prison, remember he went to the gathered church.
Remember the humorous incident? It's probably why we don't have a lot of girls named Rhoda in the church.
Because Rhoda hears Peter's voice and instead of letting the poor guy in who just got let out of prison, she leaves him standing out there and goes running inside.
And his spirit, his angels outside, and finally they let poor Peter in. And what does he do?
Does Peter go, I need to be in subjection to the governing authorities. And so even though an angel has released me,
I need to go back and allow myself to be destroyed by Herod.
What did he do? He left a message for James and got out of Dodge.
Or in this case, Jerusalem. And then what happened? The poor soldiers who were guarding him, who are kept asleep or kept from seeing what happens or whatever supernaturally, what happened to them?
They died. They were executed. Because if you're a
Roman soldier and you're guarding someone, what are you supposed to do? Say an angel took them?
That's not going to fly real well even if it was true, which it happened to be. Not only were they executed, and you might stop, and remember we pointed out, justly.
They were involved in the wrongful, unjust persecution of one of God's followers.
What did the meek and mild Lord Jesus say during His earthly ministry?
It would be better if a millstone were tied around your neck and you were drowned in the depth of the sea than you were to offend one of these little ones.
We need to go back to Revelation chapter 1 and see the picture of the risen
Jesus and be reminded He will rule the nations with a rod of iron.
The picture of Jesus with the little lamb, there is an element of truth to that, but it's only a partial truth.
And the world is perfectly fine with the Jesus in the manger as long as He's not the
Jesus on the throne. And so what happens at the end of Acts chapter 13?
Herod, who thinks he's going to get political points by killing
Peter, he's frustrated in that, and then he goes up to Tyre and Sidon, he allows himself basically to be worshipped, and God cuts him down in the most public of ways and kills him.
But Herod represented the state. Yeah.
And look what God did. So, let's look at these words. Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God, and they who have opposed receive condemnation upon themselves.
Okay? So we can't have anarchy. There is to be submission to governing authorities.
What governing authorities? For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior but for evil.
Stop right there. Stop right there. Don't miss that.
Rulers are not a cause of fear. What rulers are we talking about? These are the ones that we're to be in subjection to.
We are to be in subjection to rulers who are not a cause of fear for good behavior but for evil.
Rulers who would encourage good. Rulers who punish evil. That's what this is about.
For he, what does it say? Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.
What must the ruling authority understand and know? They must know what's good.
If they're going to punish evil, what must they know? That which is evil.
Who gets to determine that? There's the issue. There's the issue.
These words are written for the church in all ages. And remember what
Peter does in 1 Peter 2? After he likewise says be in subjection to these people, what's the next thing he quotes?
The second half of the Ten Commandments. God's law.
When it says it is a minister of God to you for good, then it must understand what good is.
And so when you have a state, when you have a government that is given over by God in judgment, and that state begins to punish the good and promote the evil, is this what we have in Paul's mind in Romans chapter 13?
Let me give you a very, very current example. A very current example.
This morning, a friend of mine in Alpha Omega's private, highly encrypted chat channel.
Boy, we're all learning about encryption, aren't we? Yeah, we are. Posted an image.
It's an image I've seen before. Maybe you've seen it. It is of an individual who is 6 foot 2 and weighs 220 pounds.
This individual looks a little bit like the bear. But this individual is playing women's rugby in Australia.
And so here is this picture of this individual. And there's a number of pictures. You can go online. There's a number of pictures.
One of them is during play. And you see these women simply bouncing off this guy.
They look like little children. He is a head taller than the biggest woman out there.
And he's 75 pounds heavier than the biggest woman out there. And they're just...
It's like a truck just driving through a bunch of little Volkswagens.
It's just absurd. There's another shot that I saw.
It's between plays. And this big dude is walking past.
And they just happen to catch this one poor girl. Who is looking at him just going...
Because it's like, how is this happening? Why is this? How is this fair? We can't stop this person.
But what are we told today? Let me tell you something.
When I graduated from high school, when I graduated from high school, there wouldn't have been anyone who would have honored this guy for beating up on a bunch of girls.
That would have been the type of thing that would have appeared on Saturday Night Live as a joke.
But there would have been shame involved with any man who thought that he was being something big by playing on the girls' team and beating them all up.
If you're wondering, I graduated in 1981. And evidently, there's at least one other person in the audience that graduated in 1981.
It's hard for me to believe that was a long time ago now.
I remember it like yesterday. But now, quite literally, brothers and sisters, we are facing a situation where the newly sworn in, yes, he placed his hand on a
Bible. I'm really surprised it didn't explode. President of the United States has said, he said in 2019, the human rights issue of our day is transgender rights.
The human rights issue globally is making sure that that 6 '2", 220 -pound man can bowl over every girl in his way on the way to the end zone.
That is the most important human rights issue in the world. That is depravity on a level I will never understand.
I will never understand. And yet, he didn't hide this.
There is a law already passed by the House, which was kept from becoming law by the
Senate, which is now in the control of the same party, by whatever means that took place.
There is a law called the Equality Act, and every person in this room, including the babies in the back, will be impacted by this legislative depravity.
There's no other word for it. There is no other word for it.
And when a nation takes an act of rebellion, because that's what that man is.
See, we live in a day where everything's got to be therapy. Oh, well, he has gender dysphoria.
There might be a few people like that. And by the way, I'm not talking about people who have true, honest, actual genetic abnormalities.
XXY, XYY, the various issues that can come up in that situation. That's a very tiny, small percentage of the human population.
Very small. This man is genetically unambiguous.
And when a nation can so enshrine the rebellion against God's good, creative decree, so as to cause confusion on the most basic level of male and female, this must be the judgment of God upon a people.
Don't be confused. This isn't what brings judgment. This is judgment. The pagan people of antiquity weren't that confused.
The people who offered their children to Moloch still knew who males and females were.
And so I ask you a question. In light of the text, it is a minister of God to you for good.
Is the state that tells your 11 -year -old daughter that she has to put up with the biological male in her restroom, at the mall, at the library...
Notice I'm not saying at school because most of us have already figured this part out. Is that state a minister of God to you for good?
No, it is not. No, it is not. That is a state that is saying to God, we care nothing for your law.
We rebel against your law. What are you going to do about it? But if you do evil, be afraid, for it does not bear the sword for nothing, for it is a minister of God, an avenger, who brings wrath upon those who do what?
The one who practices evil. This is the connection between here and 1 Peter.
Because in 1 Peter you have doing good and doing evil. Here it is in Romans 13, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.
Now I know what's going through most everyone's mind. Let me address it immediately. Doesn't this just mean then that we can just do whatever we want and not worry about how a society has common values or anything like that?
And I think, I think as I've been struggling with these issues,
I've realized something. I know that I will be misquoted here.
I know I'll be misrepresented here. Doesn't matter. I need to say what I need to say. Evangelicalism in the
United States, especially since the days of Charles Finney, but through much of the revivalism and much, going to get in trouble here, of the
Arminianism that marks fundamentalism in the
United States has a extremely low view of the law of God.
Part of it is because, and I've said this before, we are canonically challenged. We only have 27 books in the
New Testament. The 39 books of the Old Testament are basically good stories for the kids in Sunday school or back in my day, the flannel graph.
Oh, that was so good. I wonder if they still make flannel graph. I may do a sermon.
No. Eric is saying no. Are you saying no, I shouldn't, or no, they don't? I am sure
I could find some churches that still have flannel graph. I would, maybe we need to do a sermon using flannel graph.
I think that would be awesome. I really, some of you are going, I have no idea what you're talking about, but you'll find out.
I'm going to find a way to do a flannel graph sermon right here at Apologia. But that spectrum in the history of our nation developed the idea that the law of God, even though Paul says it's good, that the law of God, even though we know it can never bring about our justification, but is a tutor that leads us to Christ who might be justified by faith, but that law of God that continues to lie underneath and be the foundation upon which the apostles say you shall not do this.
They can so easily quote it as if it's a given. That aspect of honoring the law, that aspect of seeing in Jeremiah and it's quotation in Hebrews chapter 8,
I will write my law upon their heart that the regenerate person rejoices in God's moral law, rejoices in the guidance that it gives us to understand how to live in this world.
That was lost. It was lost. And as a result, so much of gospel preaching did not include that emphasis upon holiness that comes from recognizing what
God has said in His word. And as a result, there has been a hesitance upon the part of many who have a high view of Scripture, but have missed its emphasis in regards to holiness and the clarity of God's revelation of His truth, and therefore they are hesitant to bring the word of God to bear against the culture when the culture misses and in fact begins to rebel at these very points.
And now look at what we're facing. Now look at what we're facing. My parents could not possibly have imagined a day when we would be facing what we're facing with the
Equality Act in the United States today. Couldn't have imagined it. How'd that happen?
And how is it that the church is now having to seriously think through? Now by the way, this is not the first time.
In your bulletin you have a quotation from 1750. Okay? And despite what
Luke says, I was not around in 1750. From 1750 we're a minister and let's not worry about all the rest of his theology.
The point is this. He looks at Romans 13 and he says, hey, that text is about being obedient to authorities who are under the authority of God's law.
They're defining good the way God defines good. They're defining evil the way
God defines evil. And those authorities are to be those to whom we are in subjection.
God does not want anarchy. But it has been an abuse of these texts primarily by kings and sacral church -state relationship situations to forget about the fact that in both of these two texts you plainly and clearly have underlying all of it.
You can't begin to understand what is being said if you don't understand that evil and good are being defined not by the state but by God.
Not by the state but by God. And when the state decides that it is the ultimate authority.
When the state arrogates to itself the authority to define good and evil that becomes a plague upon a people.
And the Christian church's duty is to speak plainly to that state and we have one message.
Repent. Repent. Can you imagine how silly that sounded in the days of the apostles?
This tiny little religious movement following a crucified
Messiah. It's hard for us to imagine how stupid that sounded.
Only the worst criminals were crucified. Only the lowest of the low lives were crucified.
And you think this crucified person rose from the dead and is somehow going to judge the living and the dead?
Yep, that was their message. A message that eventually turned the world upside down.
That was their message. They really weren't looking to try to win a popularity contest.
They were not in any way, shape or form doing the math of how many votes that message was going to get, were they?
No, they weren't. And that tiny little group they led members of that tiny little group into the massive
Colosseum. I've been to the Colosseum just once. What an amazing thing that was.
Did you know you could move the floor out of the way and they could have sea battles in there? It's astonishing.
I mean just the architectural marvel of it is unbelievable.
And what it represented, the power of Rome. And they brought people from that persecuted little religious movement and they brought them in there and entertained the crowds by setting lions on them that would eat them alive.
Eat them alive. And yet they kept saying to Caesar himself you will be judged.
Because you say you are Lord but you won't rise from the dead by your own power and authority.
The one who did is going to judge you. How idiotic could a message be?
And yet like I said I've been to the Colosseum and guess what? It's in ruins. That huge empire has fallen.
That's what history does. That's what time does. And their message to the
Caesars and to the Senate and the people of Rome came true. And every one of them will stand before the man from Nazareth because he rose from the dead.
That's what God has done. And that message was true long before the language in which
I'm speaking to you came into existence. Before this valley could even be inhabited.
And here we are. Gathered together. Generation after generation later bound together by our common faith.
And the revelation that God has given to us. That's a supernatural thing folks. That's a supernatural thing.
And so what do we see in these texts? We are not anarchists.
Government is a good thing. It is ordained by God amongst men.
There needs to be laws. When we get in our cars this evening it's okay that you only drive on the right side of the road.
This is a good thing. It is a proper thing. And so there are some elements of law and society that are what are called
Adiaphora. They're indifferent. Back when I could travel
I went to a number of places where the people drive on the wrong side of the road. Now they think we drive on the wrong side of the road.
And there is not a moral good or wrong about which side of the road you drive on.
Until you try to drive in England and then drive over to France and then you have to change the sides and then it gets really crazy.
And dangerous in my opinion. But anyway. So there are things that we don't, the church does not sit back and claim to have the right to tell the state how to do every single thing that it does.
There are divine revelations in God's law that define what justice is. And when the state bears the sword as servants of God they are to enforce that which is good and punish that which is evil.
And if the church has failed in anything in the United States, it's been being very clear in telling the state where to derive those fundamental truths.
The founders knew but that's something that every generation has to be reminded of over and over.
And if my generation failed you younger generations anywhere it's because we assumed everyone would always know that.
We all had that common understanding. Well that started breaking down just before I came along.
The 60s weren't all that good for that kind of stuff. The state must understand what is evil doing and what is good doing and God determines that.
God determines that. So where does that leave us now?
Right now and it's already happened. It started Friday. The media and the culture of death started their spin.
Have you already noticed it? Let's take the eyes off of the child that is being torn apart.
Let us take our eyes off upon that unique creation of God that is fully human.
Absolutely unique. Never to be seen again in that form. Let's take our eyes off of that and let's focus upon anything else we can get the focus upon.
Women's rights and health care and all sorts of stuff like this. Let's not talk about human sexuality in light of God's law.
Let's not talk about the covenantal nature of human intercourse.
Let's not talk about any of that. And so the spin has already started and if someone asks you what church do you go to?
I go to Apologia Church. Oh, that one? Do I really need to mention that right now
I can think of numerous corporations in this valley where that could end your employment?
Oh, that got serious, didn't it? You better believe it. You better believe it.
And when you're challenged, when you are lied about, when you are slandered as we saw in 1
Peter 2, how are you going to respond? The temptation is to respond emotionally.
The temptation is, I'm being hurt here. You are misrepresenting. You do not understand what we really believe.
The idea is I need to become defensive rather than recognizing
Jesus told me this was coming. My Lord's put me here for a reason.
And if it weren't for the grace of God I would be just as deceived as the person who's repeating the lies and slander about me to me.
There is such a tremendous confidence that comes from having clarity of understanding of what
God's Word says about these issues. That's why we want you to have this clarity.
We cannot be in all the places you are going to be in to give answer.
And if it's not about abolishing human abortion in Arizona, it will be the reality that the laws passed in the highest levels of the
United States of America are going to tell you and I that if we repeat the words of Jesus from Matthew chapter 19 that He who in the beginning made them male and female that we are evildoers.
That's coming. It's almost here. And it's going to cost us.
Do you hear me brothers and sisters? It's going to cost us. Do you understand now why we have stood here over and over again repeating this is the
Word of God. This is Theanustos. This is divine revelation.
If you have a firm foundation to stand upon then when the state says to you you're an evildoer just as the
Romans said to the Christians you're an evildoer. You won't just offer the pinch of incense.
How hateful can you be? And now the state says you can't call the 6 foot 2, 220 person she.
How hateful can you be? They said then
I can't do it because Caesar is not Lord Jesus is and I can't call him a her because Jesus who is
Lord says he's a him. And so my highest authority isn't you.
It's him. And he's your highest authority too and you will stand before him to be judged.
Brothers and sisters it's going to get real real fast.
Did you hear what Jeff was saying earlier? Put aside your jealousies.
Put aside division. Those secret sins that sap your strength because it's going to cost us to believe what we've said this evening.
And we have to stand together. We have to stand together. They'll pick us off one by one.
And we can have confidence. Say well it sounds pretty heavy. Yes it does. But you know what?
When those Christians that I mentioned earlier were led into the
Colosseum. Oh how impressive it must have been. How huge the power of Rome.
And as their blood was spilled upon the sands to the applause of the pagan
Romans. Not only did their steadfastness result in more and more
Christians. And the spreading of the church. But as they walked into that Colosseum.
They were confident of one thing. Every stone in this building.
Every animal that is going to attack us. Every guard at the gates.
Every person in the seats. Was made.
Created. And sustained. By my
Lord who will receive me into his presence in just a few moments. That's what the lordship of Christ means.
And he will accomplish his purpose and his intention in this world.
And I don't have to see past where I am right now. I have his promises.
I can't see how it's all going to work out. They couldn't see it then. They could not imagine that as they suffered in the dirt of the
Colosseum that there would come a day when thousands would be thronging into the
Metropolitan Tabernacle in London to sing the praises of Jesus. They couldn't imagine that we would be here this evening.
Oh, but could they have heard us when we sing the doxology this evening with their last breaths.
Knowing that they were giving their lives in service of the one who had said,
I will build my church and he has and he will continue to do so. That has to be our conviction.
That has to be our conviction. Let us pray that God will indeed help us to be faithful even unto death.
Our father, we thank you for your word which you have given to us and preserved for us. And we would pray that we would be the first ones to be subject to the governing authorities when they encourage what is good and punish what is evil.
We thank you for government. We thank you for order. We recognize that anarchy is not representative of who you are.
But father, you have placed us in a day and in a nation that once had great light but has descended into great darkness.
That is awash in the blood of innocence and has now become so perverse that they cannot tell the difference between Adam and Eve.
Father, we do not know all of your purposes. All we know is that in the end everything is going to be to the praise and honor and glory of the triune
God. And we know that you're still upon your throne. We know that he who sits in the heavens laughs at the rebellious attitudes of mankind.
But Lord, we're your creatures. And we beg for your mercy.
We ask you to protect the innocent, to deliver them from death.
Lord, we pray for repentance on the part of the people around us that you, by your spirit, would make your gospel to go forth with power.
And Lord, we know in your scriptures and the history of your people that you have often used your people and their suffering to bring about your honor and glory.
Ground us in our commitment to you. Ground us in our trust in your purposes and your power.
Free us from the sins that tie us to this world and make us susceptible to being weak and cowardly.
By your spirit, sanctify us. Make us more like Jesus.
Father, as we come to your table, would you have established to strengthen us, to give us that necessary reminder of the great price of our redemption.
May we recognize that our Lord and Savior said that we are to do this until he comes. And he is faithful.
He will come. Justice, that day of judgment will happen.
And only those who know what it means to be united to him and his broken body and his shed blood will have peace with you.
Thank you for this supper. Thank you for this time. We pray in Christ's name.
Amen. Living with us.