EP 34 TRUMP AND JESUS SWEEP PHILLY #maga #maha #makeamericagreatagain #christiannationalism #jesus


This week we’re back in Kensington, a neighborhood in Philadelphia, PA. Pastor Jeff and Pastor Tim were missionaries in this neighborhood. Out of love for this neighborhood and a need to help people love their neighbors by voting for Donald Trump we’re going to be coming back here as many weeks as possible leading up to the election. One young Muslim man will accuse us of using Jesus Christ to get votes for Dondald Trump. The reality is we seem to be able to reach people who wouldn’t normally discuss Jesus but once we get them engaged in politics, they will also talk about God. There is some foul language in this podcast. We’ve taken out the F-Bombs but there may be other offensive language. Even Paul said skubalon (Greek - σκυβαλα ) in Philippians 3:8 so I’ve left the English equivalent in the final edit. The reality is that its common and we hope you watch this in preparation for going out and sharing the Gospel as well. #goodchurch, #maca, #maga, #sovereigntyofgod,, #eschatology, #bigeva #MAGA, #makeamericagreatagain, #ChristiansforTrump, #JesuslovesTrump Watch or listen every week on the following channels https://tinyurl.com/TDHPonYOUTUBE https://tinyurl.com/TDHPonSPOTIFY https://rumble.com/user/TDHP NOMINATE YOUR PASTOR FOR THE BLOOD RED CHURCH AWARD EMAIL – [email protected] Churches Discussed or Sayeed’s church - Salt & Light - Matt. 5:13-16 (snlphilly.com) Recommended church – Cornerstone Community School Our Facilities — Cornerstone (cccphilly.com)


What are you going to vote for? Trump. I just want to vote for Trump because, yeah. Y 'all better vote for Trump.
You're going Trump? Alright, let's go Trump. Two Trumps. Kamala or Trump?
Trump. I'm going to say Trump. But if I had to vote, my first opinion was Trump. So I'm voting for Trump.
Yeah, there you go. Because he's a good dude, Donald Trump. Donald Trump. I'm going to vote for Donald Trump, that's for sure.
I'm voting for Donald Trump 2024, you know what I'm saying? I don't think we got any Kamala voters at all.
No, everybody was Trump. Ma 'am, are you Kamala or Trump? You're Kamala? Oh, we got one. Donald Trump.
Alright. I'm voting for that lady. Oh! What just happened?
We were out there having amazing things. Well, we got to let our special guest give the report. Come on, Gare. What happened?
What you got, Gare? What you got? We had some excellent meetings. And we got to give the gospel to several people.
We got to meet a lot of people. I'd say it's 15 to 1 pro -Trump throughout these neighborhoods. Wow. I am not exaggerating.
Am I in report? Not exaggerating. I was there. We found one lady and we were like, we haven't found anyone.
She was like, well, I'm... We're like, OK, that's the first one. Even better than that, though, are the number of people who were absolutely excited to talk about Christ and take a
Bible from us. Even had one lady that we got to pray with, which was really awesome. She's looking for a church and they get plugged in.
Well, welcome to Tearing Down High Places. Once again, back in Kensington, Pennsylvania.
The streets of Philadelphia, a fan favorite. Yes. Back, back. So Rocky was. Yeah. So we had such a great time last night.
We shared the gospel and talked and we introduced the gospel through politics, because the
Bible talks to all of life. And we have to teach the full counsel of God.
Acts chapter one. A lot of churches don't talk about politics from the pulpit, and that is a problem.
Why is that a problem? Well, because if your people aren't educated in the word of God as it applies to all aspects of life, then they'll stumble into error.
We all are prone. We're sheep, right? We'll be led either into the truth or into error.
And if we don't know the difference between the two, then we're prone to error. I think a couple people want to be on the show.
Trump or Kamala. Come on over. Come on over. You can be on. We'll interview you.
Sir. On the podcast. Let's go. Okay, great. Yeah. I was just talking there about like, I feel like at the end of the day, like we should take the rights away for women.
Cause it's like, that's like taking away their freedom because that's giving kids options. So a lot of kids around 13, 14, 15 get pregnant, their kids themselves.
So their parents or grandparents will have to raise their kid. So why put them through that struggle? So fill me, go through that path where they made one quick mistake.
That's up two minutes. You feel me? So I feel like that that'll create a big problem, which is already is a problem, but it'll be either worse because some people won't even get the choice to not have a kid and continue to live their life as a child.
That makes sense. What are you thinking about that? What do you think about that? Well, I think that this is a life.
It's an innocent child. It's a baby. God created that baby. As I was just saying that God, you know, knew that baby before the baby was even born.
Yeah. So what Jill is saying is that you're rightly wanting to care for somebody in a difficult situation, but who is the innocent one in the story?
Yeah. I feel like you guys look at it more as like the religious aspect. I'm looking at it as like the, um, like the community, you have a problem going on.
We really can't control, but if y 'all take away the option, there's something else we can't control.
You understand? I understand what you're saying. Yeah. But I feel like that's a bad thing because it'll just create a lot of chaos in people's lives, especially parents and stuff, because that's all really hard for you in life.
It's funny you should talk about the religious aspect because that was always my thing too. When I first got involved in the pro -white movement, it wasn't even about religion.
It was really core about, I understood what they actually did to the baby in the movement and killing it.
So if I give you an explanation real quick. So say a 48 -year -old woman got pregnant and the doctor told her there's a chance she might have harm given birth.
What do you think she should do that day? Just take a chance in dying or have the baby anyway, because God knows the baby and said so.
Yeah. So what ends up happening with the miscarriage, my wife was miscarried twice. The life of the mother is generally not at risk in the case of a miscarriage, especially with the medical technology that we have.
Giving birth, her body going through it as being old. Yeah, that's not the case. So a 48 -year -old who's giving birth.
Yeah. No, that's okay. But my sister died from giving birth. Yeah. Really? I know it happened before.
It's possible. I think it was your sister. Double Js.
Nothing's the only light. 36. Yeah. So I have a question for you.
36 years before that, where did she get her light? From God. The answer is that she was made in the image of God and because of sin in the world, all people die.
Right? You said my sister died because of sin? No. Yeah. Well, what I'm saying, it's not. I'm not saying that.
That's bullshit and retarded stuff. You're not going to sit here and tell me. No, not her sin.
I'm not talking about her sin. No, you're talking about Adam and Eve's sin. It doesn't matter who said it. You just told me sin is the reason why my sister passed.
No. But she's still alive. Listen, 10 out of 10 people dead are going to die, right?
Are you going to die? Or are you going to live forever? And I'm explaining why death is in the world, right?
So if death is in the world. You should want babies to stay. Yeah, you want them to live. Even if.
No, not even if. Except for rape and incest. Okay. Period. So you do value life, you're saying?
Yeah, let them babies live. All right. So we're not arguing. And she wanted to kill the baby. That's fine. No, but they're saying.
All right. No, listen. And they say it's set for incest.
I feel like everybody's saying. That's what Trump is saying. Like the exceptions of rape.
Now, I would even say. Now, watch this, right? The man and the woman, they've been trying to have a baby for months.
Months. Yes, yes. Months, years, years, years. All of a sudden, it happens. She's pregnant. And now they break up.
She hates him. Now, is it fair for her to go and say. I don't want this baby no more.
That's what the pro -choice says. It says. Do you think that's all right? Is that fair? Am I just keeping a stick?
I would say yes. Just because. Bro, it's her body, bro. She's going through all that problem.
Well, it's cool. There are two sections of life. Leaves her not enough some pain and suffering.
And if you. And that's your choice if you want to be around or not. That is right. It's a great point.
How many couples can't have children? And want to adopt. And they can't. God, that's
God's choice. Like y 'all said, that's God's choice. They can't have babies. Yeah. God, we. You know what's not our choice?
To murder. And the bottom. The bottom line question that we haven't addressed yet is. What do you consider murder? The killing of a life.
If that baby in the womb is a human being. A living human being. It is murder, period.
So when does life begin? Do you think it begins at conception? At the heartbeat? When he takes his first breath?
When does life begin? Because that's the question we're dodging. When does life begin? When does life begin? I feel like life begins when a baby comes out.
Right or wrong? So wrong. Wrong. So, of course, yeah. Because life comes. God's when they're in there. Yeah, exactly.
God is the one who gives life. And he actually gives it at the moment of conception. God is the one that conceives.
He's the one that gives a life from a sperm and an egg coming together. God is in the midst of that.
But when they're first born, they're a day old. Not nine months in a day. Because we're measuring from birth, not from conception.
But conception is when life begins. Why did they measure from that in the first place? Well, we don't even know the day of conception anyway.
And that's not the point. The point is, when does life begin? So let's say there's a seven -month -old baby.
It's born into the world. Why does it live? Because it was living in the world. So say like this.
Say if you're married, right? And you have a wife for 10 years. And you meet this girl.
Y 'all can get off your job. You did something. Now she's pregnant. And you're with your wife for 10 years. You're going to keep that baby.
So you realize that every... And lose your wife. No, no, answer that question first. No, I'm going to do things God's way.
And if I... What is God's way in that position? Not to commit adultery. That's the first thing. And then the second thing is not to kill an innocent to cover your own sin.
Have you heard of King David? King David committed adultery with Bathsheba. Answer my question. Yeah, I'm not going to kill the baby.
No, I will not kill a baby because of my sin. I'm going to cover my own sin and take it out on an unborn baby.
So your wife is going to have to deal with it. Well, I'm going to be faithful to my wife. See, this is the whole problem. Why do you think there are so many...
I'm going off examples that actually happen around the world. Yeah, and I'm answering your example. Because not a lot of people to make right something that I did wrong.
Yeah. You can't murder your way out of sins. I killed a serial rapist. And he's just running around.
He didn't see any crazy stuff that 15 women did. Right. Those 15 women, Bob and I was afraid. Three white women and two wanted to say no.
Now you're going to be mad after two for saying no, I don't want it. Or you're going to be mad after three because if they say a lot, you know, statistically speaking, we have to work out a deal.
This is like the mob. All right. I want you all to think about this real quick. Pro -life. What do you mean?
Like the kids will grow up to be evil? Yeah. I don't think that's the case at all. So we all inherit a sinful nature, but what's happening...
They say, they say, all right. His father's a drug dealer. So he's going to be... Well, but that's learned behavior. That's learned behavior.
That's not inherited from a gene. So pro -life does go on and like, that's how it's going to be.
Like no horses and stuff. You don't think women out here ain't going to try other ways to make them not have their babies and might harm themselves by government?
Or you don't think that'll cause a big effect on the world? See what I referred to here? Honestly, you don't think that'll cause an effect?
So there will be consequences like that. If people do harmful things to themselves, like if I climb up on that building, do you think there'll be effect if I dive off head first?
Yeah, that will be painful. I mean, if a hundred people jump it off because of one thing, then that would be a problem.
But see, I feel like that's going to be a big problem. Like a lot of women... Is it a big problem to you that 60 billion babies have been slaughtered?
I mean, if they got slaughtered, like viciously. That's what it is. So when abortion happens, the doctor, they insert forceps and they start chopping off pieces of the body of the baby's squirms and pain in the womb.
And that's a brutal practice. And then the woman is... Yeah, then the suction comes after that to pull all the parts out of the body.
Is that not... Is that not wickedness? Is that not murder? I mean, yes, that was bad when you explained it.
No, it is bad because what it is, is it's a horrific holocaust of human lives. 60 million people in this country have been completely destroyed and killed.
For what? For sexual immorality. Because people want to have their freedom to perform sexual acts and not raise children.
So why not just go back to this book, which is the Bible, that teaches you how to live in a way that's right before the eyes of God, rather than murder your way out of a problem.
So you're having to like, don't have sex until you're married. Wait till you get married to have sex.
That would work. Like to keep me a real two -wiper. I never like... That doesn't go on like in a world that I live in.
Yeah, but could you concede then that the problem might be in the world? Maybe.
But then... I don't really know. It's weird. I'm going to say what you're saying. I'm going to tell you about another world.
There is an entire world where people are born again into a new life and their hearts are changed and they live by a book that's not their own and they live with righteousness.
It doesn't mean they're sinless, but their hearts begin to grow bigger and have more love for one another and they begin to protect one another and care for one another and families are intact where the husband and the wife are one and they raise godly children as the inheritance before the
Lord and these children grow up to walk in the same way their parents do and this creates a thriving society.
It's what used to be before departing from Christianity. This used to be common.
Now that's what I experienced in my life and in my church and if you were to come to Cornerstone Church in Mount Laurel, you would see hundreds of people like this that live like this.
Mount Laurel is in New Jersey, but it seems like it's part of a bygone era because there are parts of the world that have left
Christianity in favor of a culture of death where you murder your way out of problems.
If there's a baby conceived made in the image of God and you don't want the baby, just kill the baby. But see that is, that's of the devil.
That's not of God. It's departing from God that got us where we are. Do you believe that's true? Yeah, I believe that.
I feel like a lot of people's brains are just wired different. Well, it's conditioned different because the world trains you how to think and you don't even realize.
Yeah, but there's a whole different world out there that you need to open your eyes to, but you can't even open your own eyes.
You need God to open your eyes and here's how it happens. When somebody tells you this, listen, most important thing
I'll tell you, that God actually came into the world in Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, never sin, no sexual immorality, no lies, broke no commandments, but they killed it.
Why did they kill Jesus Christ? Hung him on a cross. I don't know.
I haven't been to church in a long time. I'm going to tell you the best news ever. He did not die for his own sins. He died for sinners like me.
And then they buried him in a grave and on the third day he rose from the dead and he lives right now.
He is the living king of kings and Lord of... Up there! Hold on. I want to say what's up. This is more important than her.
Listen, this is about Jesus Christ. He's the real king and he lives. The reason he died is to pay for sins, not his own sins.
He died because the penalty of sin is death. You're going to go to hell when you die. You feel like he... Listen, listen.
They left us on earth to work sin too? Yes. God sent us here and he came to save us, came to rescue a sinner like you and a sinner like me.
But you have to believe you... Yeah, Islam and Christianity are still close.
Christianity is still larger but the growth curve is pretty high on Islam. By the edge of the sword and procreation, yeah.
Islam has definitely advanced but the question is how? Yeah. So are you a
Muslim? I'll be right back. Yeah. All right. Do you want to talk about it? Oh no, you won't be on there. Yeah. Yeah.
Can I share with you a little bit about Islam? Like, oh, it's really so big with... Yeah, I know, sir.
Yeah, I think so. Yeah. So in Surah chapter 4 verses 157, it says it is supposed that Jesus was crucified but really they crucified him not.
It only appeared that way to them. Muhammad gave that quote -unquote surah 600 years after the eyewitnesses saw him crucified and raised from the dead.
So who should I believe? Matthew, Mark, Luke and John who witnessed him crucified and risen or Muhammad who 600 years later says he was not crucified nor risen.
What's more believable? So you'll be a Muslim because you trust
Muhammad rather than the eyewitnesses. Did I? What do you like about Muhammad's life?
What did he model for you that you want to emulate? Yeah, but I just want to tell you, don't follow
Muhammad because he married... Listen, he married Aisha when
Aisha was only a six -year -old and he consummated the marriage when
Aisha was nine years old. He took other wives as well. In fact, wives of the men who he slaughtered in battle.
So if this is the kind of man that you want to follow, he's going to lead you in the wrong direction.
He'll lead you to sin and death because that's all he has to model for you. But Jesus Christ never sinned.
There was never a lie found in his mouth. There was never immorality in him. And he did not advance
Christianity by the edge of the sword. He came just like what we're doing here, preaching, proclaiming the kingdom of God, repentance of sin, forgiveness of sin through his name.
So if you'll repent of your sin and believe in Jesus, guess what? Good news, man. You also can be saved. All you got to do is turn from sin and believe in Christ.
Do you want to do that? All right.
Good talking to you. Bye -bye. Probably like the delinquents and the youth out here, they're kicking them off the streets, trying to get you guys up.
Yeah, so this one of the organizations is called Safe Plan. So we come after school, and we just watch out for the kids, watch out for pedophiles, and they throw their might in and things like that.
Protecting people. Yeah, that's what's up, man. Good job. Yeah, and I also got a gaming program at night.
So like, you know how like the cops pick up kids that bail out after curfew? Yeah. They'll pick them up and bring them to me.
Okay. I'll play games with them and chill with them until the parents come pick them up in the morning. Okay, that's what's up, man.
Man, I thought I offended you when I talked smack about Mohammed. No, you from Jersey though?
I was actually living here for 10 years. I lived on 1941 Orleans Street, and now
I've moved to New Jersey. Yeah, yeah. What do you think about Philadelphia? So I kind of moved here as a missionary, and I was bringing a message, honestly, from the light of Jesus Christ to a dark place.
And by dark, I just mean the culture has turned against the things of God, the values of God.
So the people here, I love them. Yeah, it's like there are a lot of people that to me seem like sheep without a shepherd.
So not understanding what's right or wrong, right? Have you heard of the 10 Commandments? Moses gave us 10
Commandments of what's right or wrong. Have you heard of thou shalt not murder? Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not lie. Those are part of the 10 Commandments, right?
How many lies do you think you've told in your life? What would that make you if you told a lot of lies?
A sinner? Yeah, a sinner, or more particularly, the word would be a liar.
Is that right? It looked like it was. Yeah, yeah, no, we're good. Yeah, definitely a liar, ain't it? Yeah, so if you've told lies in your life, have you ever committed adultery?
Slept with someone who's not your wife? So what would that make you? I don't know.
An adulterer, right? Have you ever, like, just used... Wait, so you can commit adultery without being married? Just having sex without being married?
Yeah, that's called fornication. So adultery particularly is sleeping with another man's wife, or, you know, that's particularly adultery.
But Jesus said if you even look at a woman with lust in your heart for her, and she's not your wife, you're committing adultery with her in your heart.
So even at the level of the heart... So what do you think about that? I just won't look. Because I'm married, let me...
No, no, that's a man. Really? That was a man dressed? Yes. Okay. What do you think about weddings like that?
That's, that's, that's what I'm talking about. We're living in a... That's Oregon guys, huh? We're living in a culture...
There you go. Now you're my man, I agree with that. Now you're my man. All right, now listen, this is, this is really important.
You have inside of you a moral compass that knows that that's wrong. Men pretending to be women, right?
You know that's wrong. Like, if you like me to like this or thing, keep it in your home, whatever. But don't even do that before God.
God's not going to accept that. You're saying that's fine, that's none of your business. Like, it's none of my business. Yeah. But that's between you and God. But I'm going to tell you this.
You walk around like that. Yeah. That's wrong in every aspect. See, that's, that's the light of God that is still in you, right?
The fact that you can tell the difference between right and wrong, between this and that. Yeah. But what about lying?
Do you know that it's wrong? Yeah. I feel like I do a lot of things wrong, but I do things that's good. So I also consider myself a good person because...
Yeah. Actually, like the lying and things like that, I feel like lying about little things... Don't lead to a bad person.
Right. Um, but it does. So like, say like, if I say I'm hungry,
I'll be hungry. Or like, there are a few of some who are like, say, a fever passed out. I'll give you
CPR. I'll... There you go. Like, quarter, quarter. So those type of things. I'm very... Let's go, somebody. You understand me?
Uh -huh. Yep. I feel like, God bless, man. Doing things like that. Do you think that takes away from you doing bad?
No. See, God doesn't judge on a curve. If I were to judge me and you on a curve, I might look at you and say, hey, this guy's better than me.
He can give CPR in the street. I've never given anybody CPR in the street. You're better than me. But what am I doing? I'm comparing you and me to see who's righteous.
Now compare you with the holy God who made the universe. What about when God says, uh, they shall not kill, right?
Yes. So what if somebody kills someone and confesses their sins?
Yeah, well, you're getting onto the right answer now. Because there is forgiveness. But first, you got to realize you need it.
If you think you're getting past your sins by doing good things, you're still justifying yourself. Like, I'm still good before God.
What you need is forgiveness from God. So the murderer can be forgiven. But he's got to repent of his sin and believe in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin.
So it's that easy. So you tell me somebody, you can like, so that's what makes it even more like people don't care about doing sin.
You guys, they can get, just commit their sins and they're done. Then, but then they haven't actually been born again.
So Romans 6, shall we go on sinning so that grace could increase? Exactly what you said. Oh, just go on sinning because God will just forgive him.
Paul answers that, may it never be. You who died to sin, you cannot live in it any longer.
Or don't you know that those of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death and raised to newness of life.
When you get saved and baptized as a sign of it, you're dead to your old sin life. And a new man comes out of the water.
So I don't walk like I used to walk. I don't do what I used to do. I don't go on murdering and killing and stealing and raping and whatever sins.
Could have been part of my life, right? I have a new life in Christ because he's that powerful. So you guys are with Trump instead?
Yeah, we're for Trump. But more importantly, we're with Jesus. Yeah, politically, who's going to help the country? Yeah, I'm gonna be careful.
Good job, man. I see you looking out for people. Yeah, we're with Trump politically. But with Jesus as our king, we have one king.
Trump is going to help the country because of inflation. Have you seen how prices have gone through the roof? Yeah. Have you seen how illegal immigration is messing up the country?
Yeah, I just seen a video where immigrants, they snuck. It was in Texas. They took over a complex.
Yeah, that was in Aurora, Colorado. They took over the whole thing. Yeah, they took it over. Took all the residents out and everything.
Yep, yep. So that's not the kind of country we need to live in, right? So Trump will be better for the country for those kind of reasons?
Yeah. That's why. Who are you going to vote for? Trump. Why? If I would vote, I don't know if I would. But if I would, it would be with Trump.
Because I see Harris, she like, she putting on a facade. That's not with her.
I seen so many things from her back in the day. This is not the real her.
Exactly right. They co -opted her for this. Yes, 100%. You're bright to see through that. Because what she does is she flip -flops and then she'll go back to what she said before.
Because all she's trying to do is get elected. Yeah. She doesn't stand up. And Trump, I mean, he has faults. Don't get me wrong.
But he's real. Yeah. Everything is out on the table for him. That's it. You already know about, we already know everything. He don't cover nothing up.
I try to hide nothing. He lets everybody know. Are you registered to vote? Yeah. All right. Here's why it's so important to do.
Because remember what we were talking about before, right? Abortion, the life of a child. These lives matter.
And Trump's not trying to do anything with it. He's leaving it to the states to figure out how to protect life the best.
But Kamala is trying to make a national law to tell everybody what to do and take our tax dollar money and put
Planned Parenthoods in the inner city. You know what Planned Parenthood does? What? They do the abortions, right?
But they directly put them in inner cities so that they could kill Black babies. Right. It's a racist thing.
This is not hidden. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, she was a eugenist.
She thought that the whites were the superior race and Black people were inferior race. So they set up the killing of babies by abortion to reduce the
Black population. If it weren't for Planned Parenthood and eugenics, the number of Black people in this country would be almost double.
Right now, more than half, like a majority of babies that would be born to African Americans in New York City are killed.
Due to what? Abortion. Abortion? That's why they're doing it. They're wiping out a population because they're racist.
Margaret Sanger was a racist. Planned Parenthood is racist. So if you want to stand for life and for truth and equality and the brotherhood of man.
And the African American race. The main race that's getting aborted. Yes. Everybody's aborting babies.
But hey, what I was telling him is they set up Planned Parenthoods. It can be though.
Yeah. Yeah. So you can't take care of the baby. That's not true.
Is it okay to have it? Huh? Yeah, that's it. Yep. I think that's the idea. The baby's okay to have it.
You did it. You made it. Give the baby to up for adoption. Give the baby to somebody who can. Yeah. Yeah.
But anyway, I'm all about to say, listen, the most important thing is Jesus Christ. But you do need to vote because this country, it does matter.
Yeah. They out here using Jesus to make people vote. He did it. He did it for the peace.
That's a good idea, Jeff. Maybe we should do that. Yeah, that actually is a good thing. Do vote. Yeah. Yeah. Kill two birds, one stone.
What's that? Kill two birds, one stone. Yeah. Well, listen, the thing about truth is that it's consistent if you stand for truth in one area
It will affect all areas of your life. You don't have to be cut up into little pieces and over here I'm a Christian on Sunday, but on Tuesday, I'm murdering babies
You see how it's all connected Light was connected that way. Well if you get abortion and a professor says ain't your sins
Yeah, but the person needs to surely repent and then stop doing so as you also my needs to do is to be
We say yeah truly say but you remember what I said a true salvation is not like oh
I pray to sinners prayer I feel like if somebody has a person and have no sympathy towards it like don't like had no pay towards it
No, that's a problem. But if they they got they feel bad for it. They have remorse. You've been me Yeah, but remorse isn't enough.
I could like just murder feel bad murder feel bad murder feel bad What you have to do though is that that repentance is the key element?
You got to stop doing what you used to do if you're genuinely sorry you have genuine remorse
First of all, you need that repentance. But secondly, you need some way to take that sin away How do you get rid of your sin?
How do you get forgiveness of sin? Professor your son's but why would confessing take it away?
You need something to actually clean you You got us. I don't know who's out You need the power you need the power of God through the blood of Jesus to actually take it off of you
That's called expiation. He cleanses the guilt of your sin He also turns the wrath of God away from you said the blood of God the blood of Jesus when
Jesus was hanging at a cross When Jesus was hanging on the cross his blood poured out from his head listen, man they pushed a crown of thorns on his head and They pounded nails through his wrists and through his feet and he bled out and a spirit through a side all this blood poured out
Was not for his own sin the blood Was for sinners like us
So that's what I mean by the blood of the Lamb the blood of Jesus. Yeah, you want to be on the podcast? Come here bro.
Excuse me. About pro -life. Oh pro -life. Well, we're covering the whole gamut. You Christian? Yep. Oh my god
God bless you. You're a Christian too? All right, well, let's start with God, okay, who is the only
Lord and Savior? Jesus Christ What did he do after he died on the cross? He rose from the dead.
Amen Amen. He died for our sins. He did. He died for our sins. I'm glad you're in this area doing this bro
A lot of people over here need Jesus Christ, bro. Amen. What's your name? A lot of people Sayid. Tell us about the gospel of Jesus Uh, I think everybody should repent and believe in the gospel before it's too late and Jesus Christ is coming back soon
In the Olympics, they were mocking God mocking the guy in the Olympics. They were mocking God a good example they were mocking
God they were mocking the Last Supper and then Later on like three days later like four days later a week after they actually went in a power outage in like the whole
Everything was blacked out except for one thing. It was the Christ of Jesus, the church of Jesus Christ. Wow Also Jesus Christ would be good
I'm just like female Well, you've got a couple more years to go. Yeah They're good.
They're good with Donald Trump and I love the way y 'all doing out here Forecasting what's going on it.
I see everything sir. God bless you man. I see everything changing around this world will be one change Yeah, there's a lot of hope in the younger generation
Young generation, they're gonna follow us They're gonna they're gonna follow the Word of God That's what they need.
So think biblically in all areas and you're right about that with the way you're thinking is biblical and right So I mean, yeah,
I mean to be honest when it comes to like religion and stuff I am
I've been down in trouble staying on that line Wait, cuz when he was like when he was like wait when he was president we were asked for something.
He would have done it but Going on Joe Biden was president. We was has one day.
He would never do it. Oh, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do this and never do it all empty promises.
Whatever that I'm said He did he said he's gonna move the the capital from Tel Aviv the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
He did it Everything he every promise he made he would follow through on now not perfectly But certainly a lot better than the empty promises come from this right now say tell us a little bit more
Bring some of these guys in and see if you can interview them and see what they think about Jesus Christ John hey, if you had a chance to vote, obviously not holding up.
Who would you vote for? I'll be honest I don't really care who because president but if I had to vote My first opinion was
Trump, but at the same time Camilla Harris do have some good points But she never answered her questioning and won't be a pointy Yeah, you see she never made herself like actually, you know went out those points yesterday, so I don't have any good points
She's gonna just he just says she has your points name one bill. I was just saying that cuz my mom like Don't get me wrong, it's not wrong either.
So now I do believe I never get anxious. Are you believe the truth? I mean like I believe there's a guy I don't believe in like religious and stuff like that in general
Cuz I believe that people can make that stuff up Religions. Yes, what if there's like a story of whoever this one?
I Mean like this is historical. All right historical head of the Historical wisdom called relative stuff of Romans and shit.
Well, I don't know. I just found that on YouTube I'm the most honest person there.
I'll be okay. So it let me tell you some good news The death of Jesus Christ was foretold by prophets
They said that the Messiah would come and everything that would happen to him is written in Isaiah chapter 53 700 years before it happened and then when they killed him the eyewitnesses saw him be killed on the cross and Then he rose from the dead and all the eyewitnesses wrote down what they saw
Jesus risen from the dead So you got Matthew Mark with John these are eyewitnesses to the back. It's important.
Yeah doing So my thing is this I only believe what I can see physically actually here
Yeah, so when it comes up to that like logic, yes, I'm reading somebody else's book I normally just believe like they write down whatever do y 'all remember the winners always get the right down However, they want the story to go
What he just said he just told you historical evidence for what they won't Prove that they saw it with their own eyes and they just decide that they want to prove you're not a dream
All right. I can't prove that But I can I can give you something better than what you're asking not only
Not only did they write it down They wrote it down before it happened
We're yep Isaiah chapter 53 was written 700 years before they crucified
Christ and before he rose and they told the details in advance And there are records that the great
Isaiah scroll that was discovered in 1948 in Israel in a cave It dates back to before the time of Christ and yet it tells all the details about him dying and rising from the dead
What do you think about that? I trust him, but I'm one of those people I got super moon. You guys see what you're not. Yeah, you got a model
I do but I don't read it at all I'm gonna I'm gonna give you read in at the person I'm gonna give you one book of the Bible right here. So it's a little easier to work through This is the book of Mark He was one of the people who wrote down the life of Jesus and told about how he died and rose
So just a short version you get a whole Bible later, but just start with that and I would suggest you look into Redeem zoomer.
Do you know that is look up with Dean's over on YouTube He's like a youtuber that like gets you into Christianity from the beginning like it's a very easy start
She's like he has one one of his most viewed videos is called Christianity for beginners And then he has another one of the the
Bible and only like 21 minutes or 20 minutes You can read that and I'll get you once I do have a question for both of y 'all
Yeah, who would y 'all pick for the election drunk? Could I ask me that question Donald Trump Donald Trump all day all day on every issues
He was the only person yesterday and during that debate that was really answering questions Trap record he actually does what he said, but only once per election
But only once per election. I mean like don't vote. Oh, don't vote often. I Can't it was like it was kind of crazy
I was like a 1v3 during the entire debate That was a mom that was kind of ends like totally that was the same
I was like a 1v3 door during the entire debate. Yeah, I was saying that was like on one Yeah, it was that was hilarious.
Yeah, and it was so transparent They like fact -checked him six times and zero times for common air. Yeah, it's really true
They was asking him a lot of questions and their facts were wrong, right? And then it was saying how she brought up Trump was on her about illegal immigration and then she brung up It's crazy how you're talking about leaving illegal immigration, but you're
You or you got arrested for jail. I'm like, what does this have to do with illegal immigration, right? Like that's literally how you know what a logical fallacy is.
Yes. That's a non sequitur, bro All right, I think I've just discovered the hope of Kensington, I like it say he's dude seriously
You the most important thing is, you know, Jesus Christ keep preaching Christ and him crucified the only way of salvation but also help people know the truth because there is a culture that's leading people off a cliff and The only thing that can rescue us is getting us back to the
Bible and that that applies to all areas of life Isn't it amazing that the people who know the Lord also have biblical wisdom to discern right and wrong in the public square?
Like why why is it that you're you're thinking Trump and you're the solid Christian these are not it is not a coincidence
So, what do you think? I'll prolise. Can I ask you some? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. Why do you think so? If a woman was to get raped?
Yeah, she shouldn't still have that baby. Absolutely. Don't kill a baby for the sake of Expediency or even for pain because in this life there will be suffering listen suffering produces endurance
Endurance produces character and character produces hope You don't kill an innocent human being the real issue the only issue that we're really discussing here with regard to abortion
Yeah, but this is a lot of females. They said they said they were not ready to wear a baby
Yeah, I never feel I'm saying that there's a lot. There's a lot of women some boys that they stay home
They're not very flammable. They can never realize there's nothing about that. But in a day you will have that baby
And there was dark she will I said, yeah, we do get responsible be careful with a baby and so Yeah, yeah, here's the bottom line
You don't kill the baby because of somebody else to send the baby is innocent and the only issue here that matters is that baby
Is a human being made in the image of God, but why did it? Why did it hurt? Oh, why should a law have like controlling over?
Why is it over all why should a law have control over a woman to her rights when it like that that crime was
I did on her wrist. Why I understand what you're asking Yeah The question though is is the baby human because as painful as the whole situation is
If that baby is a living human being you can't murder the baby You just have to be consistent in how you think for example
If there's a two -year -old here right and you don't want the baby, you can't take care of the baby Maybe that two -year -old was conceived in rape
It would be horrific to you to say well, okay, she can kill the baby because she doesn't want the two -year -old, right?
What's the difference between that two -year -old four minutes before birth or four months before birth or three months two months one month?
The issue is when does life begin and the Bible very clearly teaches Psalm 139 life begins at conception
That's when a lightness decides it because this and that is also the consensus. Yeah, that's just obvious Like you don't even need the
Bible to know that right. What is this in the womb? That's living It's not a fish in the womb.
It's not a walrus This is a human being made in the image of God whose life deserves to be protected
Do you have any other thoughts or questions? And I am so encouraged by Saeed dude
You guys what's your name? Louis Louis keep hanging out with this man. Keep growing y 'all go to church
There's a great one right there, but we're sort of church on a chest there have all we can assess the Southwest What's the name of your church salt and light?
Awesome. It's your pastor. Think like you eat. I Don't know about abortion. I never asked him about it.
Okay. Yeah, right, but generally he's conservative that way He holds to the Word of God and doesn't compromise with the culture.
I don't know if he's conservative Okay, can you talk to him about it? Okay. All right, dude I'm serious. The Lord has a plan for your life and it's it's bigger than you know, keep staying strong like this don't waver no matter what man says you stand on the
Word of God the whole house of God read Acts chapter 20 and Preach the Word of God without fear just like you're doing man.
I'm proud of you. Can we pray man? Let's do it Yeah, you want to leave and then I'll know I'd be I suggest you leave. Okay gracious Heavenly Father I want to lift up sight you to you right now and pray an anointing over him the power of your
Holy Spirit to be On his life. We thank you for the truth that you have put in him We thank you for his boldness his clarity his logic his ability to think and Lord we pray that you would raise up this young man to be a man of God a warrior for the truth a
Preacher of righteousness Lord help him to continue to proclaim the gospel and Lord We pray that he would also be one who makes disciples teaching them everything that you have to say
We pray this in the mighty precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen. You know, dude
I'm proud of you. Stay strong man. It's gonna be good. Yeah, it's all in light Church. Yeah All right, and this is
Cornerstone Church. What's your name? John I recognize you and we're working on it.
We're gonna say Okay, this is called tearing down high places if you in the search engine in YouTube at Cornerstone Church SJ okay, which stands for South at Cornerstone Church SJ That's us right there.
What? Sunday by sure. God bless you say what's your name? My name is John. Oh, you call me Juan Okay, Juan.
I got a question for you. Do you know the Lord? God bless nice meeting you Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ is your
Savior? I try to believe him. I try all the time Okay. Yeah. Yeah Awesome what do you believe that about Jesus that he died for a time good gross to be a flight at Britain Austin You go to a church somewhere.
Yeah, I go to the church, but I barely go and there what church was it? Then you've been going I'd go to heist
If not, I don't know what what the place is, but I know it's like nearest like a dollar tree with dollars for it
Okay, is it the family doll? Because there's a great church right there I used to be at that church and I'll come back around sometime to visit
But um, it's called Porterstone Community Church and the preachers there handle the Bible Well, they they'll teach you and raise you up to really know the
Lord Jesus So you think you might want to check that one out sometime? Yes, I would Yeah, I think they meet the services are on the front door.
I mean says this the times I think one of them's 11 o 'clock Yeah, so, all right now moving on question for you politics
Kamala or Trump? I'm gonna say Charles nice because some way that he does believing that yes
Some way you believe. Yeah, he wrote. Yeah some some faith. That's to do this thing. Yeah, everything's here. Yeah good, man
I'm gonna tell you the truth man. Yes sinner man. I've seen up. Yeah, I'm not perfect like everybody
Yeah, I send every single day. I try not to send but always every day saying that bless
Yeah, I just any advice you could tell me not to send. Yeah, that's a great thing Here's the most important thing you'll ever hear about that.
You've got to go to the Bible when you're feeling tentative All right First Corinthians 10 that no temptation has overcome you except what is common to man
Myself Joe Jill Said all these people are gonna feel temptation But God will never give you more than you can cope with if you turn to him, right?
He provides a way of escape and the way you escape those temptations is you run to the Bible you start opening it and just begin reading
God's Word Because his word is it's like a sword you got to fight back like if you're under attack You got to fight that temptation, right?
And how do you do that? You grab the Word of God began to you begin to read and you let the Word of God train you in righteousness
It's not gonna be like, all right now I'm good. I'm not gonna sin anymore. It's a battle It's a fight and you got to get stronger develop character so that the next time you fight you're stronger than you were before Right.
So this is why a couple things are most important reading the Bible being in a church Where you have other people to encourage you so you're not fighting alone.
Do you have somebody in your life? That's a really strong Christian. I mean, I'm gonna say my mom but my mom is like, you know, it's just this too
So yeah, yeah, that's fine. Yeah so what you need is friends who are gonna walk because Bad company corrupts good morals if you're hanging around people all the time that are not trying to do the right thing not walking with God you're gonna be more likely to start doing what they do
But if you can get a friend like Sayid you can start going to to church where other Christians are
You'll get around a circle of people that will help you in your walk with Christ So get in a good church read the
Bible keep praying. I know you pray right? So those are the key things I mean, isn't it hard to believe like sometimes hard to be
I try to believe but sometimes it's hard to me to believe that God Is like you can't see him or see them
Sometimes I think about it saying like yo, it's kind of hard to believe it is. Yes. Yeah the art Yeah, sometimes
I have trouble can even that yeah, and ultimately the faith doesn't come from you It comes from hearing the
Word of God Like if you just had to make yourself believe like just close your eyes and just try to force it Nothing's gonna happen
But when faith is strengthened, it's by the Word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the
Word of Christ So you don't have to conjure up your faith. You don't got to like make it up and just invent it
It comes from God as you turn to him in his word So that's why this reading the Bible thing is so important.
Do you have a Bible? No, I don't have a Bible All right. Yeah, that's the site. Yeah, you got some going on.
Yeah, I just wanted to interview Will Can I have some a few questions you could do? Okay. All right Let me keep talking to him and you do an interview with will is that they're gonna board it?
No, just no side All right. Yeah, so We're out here obviously
Preaching the Word of God life and politics. How would you number one? Who are you voting for?
I'm voting for Donald Trump 2024, you know, I'm saying, okay Are you Christian?
See I'm right. I'd be going to church every single Sunday. I go at 9 o 'clock every single Sunday Okay, so can you something you share like with them the word like the
Word of God about it? Like how can they how can they come close to the price? They won't
I came close to Christ when I tried to look for something and you're like well I wasn't really looking for it
Kind of looked for God and I started going to church with my grandma. I started paying more frequently
I'm I started liking it here. I started lovingly just a great atmosphere to fist the dead. It's awesome
Do you have are you so come people sharing any life stories? I want I'm like do you have any did you have any account over?
God any you know, I wouldn't say that all this not yet. Okay, so you so you're basically saying you found that door
You go in that door and you get to the door and it's not you found you found Jesus Christ, okay
Why should we vote for Trump cuz man? He's our he's our future We'll have a we're not gonna have a feature would come out.
She's his dog speak in his face She do it. She don't matter. I was how to see in there at all We'd know from every she has some business score where he had business goes
He is he is like supply and remote on the throat that hotels and everything you a man.
I'll be making bank I mean don't forget he was on home alone and they cut him out of home alone, but they edited him out
What is one of your favorite itself church fair law and why the group said right of them? But you know I'm saying the right to bear arms change in what is one of your favorite?
Policinist from Trump like as Trump has done my fear on policy God sent us here to my favorite policies would have to be keeping the borders closed a wicked sir
No more immigrants illegal illegal immigrants can come in. I'm all right with the legal immigrants if you do it the legit way
But these all these illegal immigrants are causing more crime. We're causing more damage, and it's not right
Bob okay, are you pro -life? Yeah? I'm pro. Why are you pro -life? Why did you get one?
This is not a coincidence because like I know when we've got one if they spit I just have to keep believing in God and knowing that it's gonna be all right
And if he doesn't get in it's not gonna be all right. That's just not that's true. Do you think it's gonna be a judgment?
Okay, well, do you think if Kamala gets in that's God's judgment against us because of some of the laws that are gonna come in No, I don't think
God's gonna do that to us. Okay. I think God be merciful still to this country hoping for a revival
We're trying to do the right thing you know and well as Christians We've been made right with God, but without Christ.
We're not good people. We're not yeah, and this country would be lost without Christ We got to go back to him though, yeah, and I I'm personally just started ten years ago
I had a lot of trouble in my life, and that's what saved me. That's why I'm here I work with people
I help people I work for New Kensington. I have people call me up I'm not I'm a community health worker.
I'm not it's like a Kind of a social worker, but not the same training, but we have the training to help people understand their medication
They're it's a go -between like trying trying not to They won't go in a hospital because of the
THW's there. What's a THW? They're being taught how to take care of themselves, you know read their own medicine bottles
There's help out there, you know and that we're trying to give them that but a lot of people especially around here are
They need help. They need a lot of help. Let me say we are happy to have met you. You are doing an incredible job and Standing for God, and I want to ask you if we gave you a few flyers
Would you get out the vote a little bit for Donald Trump because we feel like this election matters a lot
It does. There's a lot of things riding on it. It could be the end of the country I want to get this one more time.
So who are you voting for? Donald Trump! Alright! God bless.
Great meeting you. Good one. You're ready to go.
If you see a brother down, lift him up. If you see a high place, tear it down.
Hello! What just happened? We were out there having amazing things. Well, we gotta let our special guest give the report.
Come on Gar. What happened? What you got Gar? What you got? We had some excellent meetings and we got to give the gospel to several people.
We got to meet a lot of people. I'd say it's 15 to 1 pro -Trump throughout these neighborhoods. Wow! I am not exaggerating.
Am I in report? Not exaggerating! We found one lady and we were like, we haven't found anyone. She was like, well
I'm... That's the first one. Even better than that though are the number of people who were absolutely excited to talk about Christ.
Yes. Take a Bible from us. Even have one lady that we got to pray with.
Which was really awesome. She's looking for a church and they get plugged in. Did you point her to Cornerstone? We pointed her to Cornerstone Community Church.
And we're expecting that place to be packed on Sunday. Yes! Gar, can you introduce yourself to the podcast?
I'm Garry Schmidt from Grace Community Church. Where's Grace Community Church? Winslow Township, New Jersey. Fantastic.
Introduce yourself, sir. I'm John Costello. It was awesome coming through this neighborhood and seeing all the people's reactions.
It's hard for Trump. Like I said, it's like mostly Trump in this neighborhood. But I've heard also that in this neighborhood people are being paid to vote for Kamala Harris.
Wow. Who's paying them? I'm not so sure. We're talking about...
They get paid and they get housing sometimes. They get paid and they get housing, Tim? Pastor Tim?
That's what we heard. What did you hear? From where? We heard a lady said, good luck. Because although people want
Trump, they get paid to vote against Trump. But you know what? When they get a loan in the booth, who can tell? I don't know how they do it.
So if we can change their heart, when they're a loan in the booth, they can pull the lever for whoever they want. I'm not sure how it works.
They might need to film themselves voting or something. Yeah, there's probably something like that. That's what we're up against.
But we already knew that. That's what we've got to overcome. We believe that we're going in the name of the
Lord, our God. Nothing's impossible with Him. We're hopeful. We're encouraged.
We're staying positive. We think Trump's going to win. We think Jesus is always going to be in control.
We know that. There's only one King. Jesus is the way. Why don't you do another tear it up, tear it down?
Pick a brother up. You guys already did it. You guys did it without me. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You see him go. You see a hot place?
Tear it down. That was good. That's our little tagline. Is a new generation of leadership for our country.
One who believes in what is possible. One who brings a sense of optimism.
We all sing happy tunes and sing Merry Christmas and wish each other Merry Christmas.
How dare we speak Merry Christmas? How dare we? Belittling and name -calling