BEWARE Of Woke Christians!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we're going to talk about the woke professing
Christians who are appearing in a new documentary about Christian nationalism. Now, Christian nationalism has made a lot of waves recently, especially in Reformed evangelical circles.
And while I don't currently claim the label for myself, I certainly do believe that the United States of America must submit to the moral law of God.
Psalm 22, verse 8, For kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations.
You see, there are laws revealed in Holy Scripture and in God's creation that clearly ought to be applied to every single government in every single country for God's glory.
If that makes me a Christian nationalist, then count me in. And with that said, atheist leftist producer
Rob Reiner decided to make a film entitled God and Country, one debunking Christian nationalism.
And now, many of the professing Christians in the film are claiming that they were fully unaware that it was being made by a militant leftist atheist anti -Christian.
And as you're about to see, this point doesn't really matter at all. Here's the trailer. America and Christianity are like baseball and apple pie, and we celebrate them together.
I was 16, 17 years old when I became a Christian. I'm an evangelical minister. I've been a
Christian my whole life. I'm a Christian nationalist.
I have nothing to be ashamed of, because that's what most Americans are. Is Christian nationalism
Christian? Um, no, it isn't. We should be blazing forth as a countercultural example, and instead, we're leading the charge of malice and division.
Christian nationalism uses Christianity as a means to an end. That end being some form of authoritarianism.
Being a Christian is about the values of inclusion. Christian nationalism is certainly not based on the values of the gospel.
So as you can see, the whole point of this trailer is to highlight extreme situations in an effort to tell the world that Christianity and conservative politics should not mix.
And when this documentary needed professing Christian leaders to be in their film, who was there to answer the call?
Well, the usual suspects, that's who. Here's a brief list. David French, Russell Moore, Kristin Dumais, Phil Vischer, Sky Jothani, Jamar Tisby, William J.
Barber, and Anthea Butler. But I have just one all -important question for the Christians in my audience who are watching this video.
Why on earth should you care one teeny tiny little bit about what these people have to say about politics?
It's a fair question. Have these people established that they have a solid track record of promoting biblical justice?
If not, then why would I care what they say on the topic? And the answer, when you look at the facts, is abundantly clear.
Morally and politically speaking, every one of the people I just mentioned has a political opinion that is worth exactly nothing to me.
In fact, I wouldn't pick up one of their books or articles on Christian politics if it was delivered to my door for free with a bow on top.
Unless, of course, I was going to critique it. To be clear, some of these people have political opinions that I would agree with.
But overall, I simply have no reason to trust them with any real consistency. And at this point, you might ask,
Colin, why are you being so intense about this? In fact, you're probably wanting some real practical evidence in support of these claims.
Thankfully, we can provide that for you in this video. In fact, that's what it's all about. First, we have
David French. French is a supposedly conservative political commentator and professing
Christian evangelical who now works for the bastion of conservative politics that is the New York Times.
But what exactly does French know about biblical justice? Well, for example, Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
He put out a directive saying that parents who willfully permit surgical or pharmaceutical methods to alter the bodies of their so -called transgender children would be investigated for abuse.
This would, of course, be both biblical and common sense. If you endorse doing surgery on your child's body to permanently change their appearance based on the fact that they claim to be the opposite gender, that is the definition of wicked, abusive parenting.
Parents are responsible for feeding their children. Why? Well, to keep them physically well. That's expected of parents.
And by the same standard, they are also responsible for not letting their children surgically change their bodies based on subjective feelings that aren't rooted in reality.
That would make them physically unwell. But David French, bastion of biblical justice that he is, said that this directive in Texas was, quote, an attack on civil liberties.
He says this as a conservative Christian, of course, despite the fact that biblical laws are meant to bring defense to those who cannot defend themselves.
Isaiah 117. And I can't think of a more practical implication of this than defending children's physical well -being.
Next we have good ol' Russell Moore, who works for the liberal rag Christianity Today. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.
Russell used to be a very relevant voice in the Southern Baptist Convention. But thankfully now, any Christian who's even remotely interested knows not to take him seriously, especially not on matters of politics or biblical justice.
Russell attended and spoke at the Justice Conference, put on by Pastor Charlie Dates in Chicago.
This conference was meant to, in their words, lead the fight for justice rooted in righteousness. So the speakers were supposed to lecture
Christians on what biblical righteousness and justice looks like in the civil sphere. And Russell endorsed both the conference and the person who organized it, publicly.
Among the speakers, however, was the Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III. Here's what the Honorable Rev.
Dr. had to say about justice for unborn babies. Watch this. Pro -life position means a woman's health and choices are between her
God, her conscience, and her doctor, and the government has no place making sacred decisions for people of different faiths and traditions.
So the government has no say in what women or people of other faiths do to their unborn children, right?
Does this sound like biblical justice to you? Obviously not. This is the man that Russell Moore joined to lecture
Christians on biblical justice. Here's the problem. The Bible says that murder is wrong and it ought to be illegal for all people of all faiths and all sexes.
Exodus 20, verse 13. This is Biblical Justice 101, and the Justice Conference seems to have utterly missed it.
But another conference speaker was Dr. Frederick Haynes, who has suggested that removing the federal right to take the life of a baby in the womb is, quote, anti -life, as he laments angrily at the fact that, quote, 25 white men have dictated what women can do with their bodies.
Just wait till he figures out that all the people who wrote the Bible were men. And by the way, real biblical justice has nothing to do with the color of the person who is enacting said justice.
Obviously. God's moral law shows no partiality. Acts 10, 34. But given that this is the case, why did
Russell Moore speak at the conference? I'm assuming he didn't get invited so that he could refute and disagree with all the claims of the other speakers.
And why would Russell think it's a good idea on any level to lecture people on biblical justice alongside speakers who clearly don't support it themselves?
By the way, this is the very same Russell Moore who has criticized evangelicals for compromising when they voted for Trump.
So apparently compromise is only acceptable when Russell Moore does it on behalf of his leftist friends. But it's not okay when you do it.
So again, I ask you, why should we trust Russell Moore on traditional biblical values when he keeps giving us reason after reason to completely disregard him on these things?
Food for thought. Next, we have Kristen Dume, professor of history at Calvin University. When she was asked if homosexuality was a sin, she said that while she was raised in the traditional view, she now, quote, is actively examining this issue in light of tradition, interpretation, history, and of course, science.
That's a fairly non -helpful word salad for you. Yet the Bible clearly says that homosexuality is a sin in Romans 1, verses 26 -27, among many other places.
And this is what the Church has always taught and believed. She has also heavily implied that she's in favor of keeping gay marriage legal, despite the fact that the
Bible says it's not marriage at all. When commenting on the recent Roe decision, she implied that removing a woman's right to take the life of her unborn child was, quote, a ruthless display of power on behalf of conservatives.
But of course, given that the Bible treats the unborn life as human, Psalm 139, it is justice, not ruthlessness, to protect that life legally.
To put it simply, Kristen Dume has no idea what she's talking about. Next we have Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales.
Phil supports a mother's so -called right to take the life of her unborn child in cases involving sexual assault.
Next we have Sky Jothani, who is Phil's co -host on the Holy Post podcast. Now, to his credit,
Sky publicly stated that taking an unborn life is, quote, the ending of a human life and morally wrong.
Yet he also believes that a woman's, quote, conscience before God should be the regulating factor, legally speaking.
In plain English, Sky believes that destroying the unborn life is wrong, but it shouldn't necessarily be illegal for a woman to do so.
He also wrote an entire article for the Huffington Post suggesting that Christians should not have the right to refuse service to an
LGBT wedding because it opens the door for segregation and because, quote, all people are created in the image of God.
In other words, Christians who follow God by refusing to knowingly aid people in their sin should be sued for discrimination.
Sky doesn't seem to have a problem with that. In fact, he seems to imply that that's exactly what should happen.
But where exactly do we find this in the moral law of God in Scripture or in the created order?
The answer is nowhere. But next we have Jamar Tisby, who is a supposedly reformed
Christian associated with notorious race huckster Ibrahim X. Kendi. Jamar recently made a promo video suggesting that conservative
Christians are a bad witness for the Christian faith as it's played out in the political sphere, while other people are much better examples.
Watch what he says next. No faith community is perfect, and the black Christian tradition doesn't always get it right.
But it serves as a valuable reminder that the white Christian nationalist crusade isn't the only witness to faith in politics.
I'm not in love with politics. I'm in love with change. Politics is for me a tool.
I got involved in something as messy as politics with the hope that I could continue to work on the issues that I've worked on anyway.
That there is a tradition of working toward a multiracial, inclusive democracy fueled by a very different understanding of Christianity.
We can look at people like William J. Barber, who helped revive the Poor People's Campaign, Latosha Brown, leader of Black Voters Matter, and Chris Jones, physicist and ordained minister who's running for governor of Arkansas.
All of them are vocal about the role of faith in their activism and working to break the old molds of whose voices and whose votes count in this country.
So as you can see, Jamar touts Raphael Warnock and William J. Barber, who is also in the documentary by the way, as great examples of how
Christian leaders ought to act politically. But keep in mind, Warnock is both an advocate of same -sex marriage and he's fully pro -choice.
This is all displayed prominently on his website. And William J. Barber is radically pro -choice himself.
He's also publicly denounced Christian nationalism because it's quote, anti -LGBT.
Watch this. So when
I was different, did you welcome me in, because God disloved all men, all people.
So know you're not disowned. So William J. Barber has just utterly corrupted and manipulated a biblical passage about God's love to support
LGBT behavior in the public square and denounce conservative Christians who oppose it. And this is someone who
Jamar Tisby calls a faithfully politically active minister. And yet somehow Jamar himself constantly lectures the church on so -called justice.
What an absolute joke. The fact is, Jamar couldn't find biblical justice if I gave him a map and circled it.
And then we have Anthea Butler, the professor of religion from UPenn, who smugly lectures
Christians on justice in the trailer. And yet she herself is pro -choice because quote, you cannot legislate morality and democracy or something.
Watch this. It's okay to believe what you want to believe. Let me be clear. But the other part of this is that you cannot legislate your morality on other people.
That is not correct. That is not democracy. We are a democratic country. The founders here came and fought the
Revolutionary War because they didn't want to have a theocracy. It is shocking to me that a professor of religion could say something so mind -numbingly stupid about the religion that they claim to understand and or follow.
Morality is literally the only thing that you can legislate. For example, we would never suggest that you cannot outlaw murder or theft because you can't legislate morality.
And by the way, I'm no history professor, but I can assure you that the founders of America did not quote, give us democracy so that we could destroy our children in the womb.
So Anthea is clearly just as ignorant of history as she is ignorant of biblical ethics. So let me put this plainly.
The people in this documentary are fools. Every last one of them. I don't care how many degrees they have next to their name, none of them have established a solid track record on biblical justice at this point.
Not one of them has given us a compelling reason to trust their teaching on politics. So why on earth would
I care what they have to say about this? And why would you? Jesus warned us against following blind guides,
Matthew 15, 14. If you want to know what biblical justice is, don't listen to someone who couldn't pick it out of a lineup.
And certainly don't be led by this merry band of political fools. Follow God and trust His word.
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