The Fear of the Lord Pt3



Two sudden last two Wednesdays.
We've been considering Something out of progress as we've gone through Proverbs.
We've been considering something out of Proverbs chapter 14 As that was a chapter that I was looking at and brother Keith comes back.
He'll look at some different chapters But remember we last two weeks we've been considering the fear of God And I said to you I wanted to look from That point of view of the fear of God that was in chapter 14 11 specific scriptures where either the phrase the fear of God is or Something very similar and the point was to try to identify Not only what the fear of God is but what the fear of God does And and I hope it's been I hope it was helpful to us And again, we we won't go backwards because it would take up all our time.
But it just give you a Quick reminder.
We said that the fear of the Lord is clean.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom The fear of Lord is the beginning of knowledge The fear of the Lord is to hate evil Fear Lord the fear of the Lord prolongs days The fear of the Lord is strong confidence the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life and The fear of the Lord is his treasure and then we looked at a few in a New Testament where we Considered that the fear of the Lord allows us to walk Not only walk physically but walk spiritually it enables us and enable it and and then we also consider that the fear of the Lord Provokes us moves us to live holy lives and that If if we say we fear God and our lives do not reflect a holy walk then Then the issue is wise with us because certainly the scriptures teach us that we are to pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord and then finally we talked about how the fear of the Lord it rightfully taken in will create humility and the ability to serve one another and and that Again the whole point of that was and what I hope to show you tonight The whole point of it is that that the fear of God has to transform us It has to be that which takes us from from where we are Further along to where we ought to be and that if we ever think that we can come to that point Where we've reached where we ought to be then As Paul says he that thinks he stands let him take heed because we're never going to reach that place and so again and I define to you what I was trying to use as a Definition in that in that lesson and in tonight's lesson that the fear of God is to see him for who he is Not who we think he is Not who we want him to be but who he truly is in his being and in his character in that again, many people have many misconceptions of who God is and therefore Their thoughts on the fear of God is distorted, too We need to first see God for who he truly is in his character and his being in his glory in his majesty in his sovereignty and that will ought to create in us a true fear and that fear ought to transform us more and more and more in our lives and that If we say we we have been born again if we say we have been Raised out of the deadness of sin and yet our lives are not being transformed Then the suspect is is us We have to consider that so that's where we were and I couldn't get it out of my mind totally so what I want to do this evening as we have time is to just Consider the fear of God one more time but not in the in the setting of looking at a particular verse As we did the last two weeks, but what I want to do is I want to take a sketch a brief Look at the book of Esther.
So if you did I had already asked you to turn to Esther, right? No, okay.
I turned to Esther so if you have your Bibles and you would turn to the book of Esther and here's what happened as I was Thinking of moving on in Proverbs to the next time I would have opportunity to speak which because of brother Keats Illness is tonight.
I began to Think about the fear of God a little bit more for my own soul and and Esther came to my mind and again It's not one of the the books that many of people in the Bible would say is the the prominent book in their mind But the book of Esther came to my mind and what I want to do is I want to take a brief Look at the book of Esther in relationship to the fear of God again it's more of a sketch if you will the book of Esther and how Esther and Mordecai and you will if you're not familiar with those characters, you will be shortly how Esther is moved In her life by the fear of God and that the fear of God in her life causes her not only to Flourish herself, but she actually becomes in many ways a Redeemer for many of the other Jews that are Dispersed throughout the kingdom that we'll look at so not an outline if I was gonna do an outline of the book of Esther We'd do a lot more facts a lot more background a lot more history, but it's really just a sketch maybe just if you would a meditation on how Esther deals with the fear of God and how the fear of God moves her and again I hope that that's the point that I'm able to make again tonight and I'll repeat it probably a number of times a right view of God Must transform us Must change us both within and without that that we cannot just have outward Things that that seem to change if if our hearts are not really walking in the fear of God And as I mentioned to you even as the psalmist said that that that should be our one of our earnest prayers Is that God would unite our hearts to fear his name that we would become more and more Reverent in our Consideration and our worship and in our lives based on the fear of God.
So Excuse me.
All right.
So again resketch.
I'm gonna go through the whole book tonight And I think we could do it because again not gonna make too many points But I just want to pull this one thing forward on the fear of God.
So let me let me just get started in I make a point for each chapter as we go And in chapter one, I'm gonna make this point that as we enter the scene or we enter into what's taking place in Esther's life There's a there's a fearful King that's in charge.
There's a fearful ruler and he's not a good guy and And that's a fearful situation and I think we would probably all agree when someone's in great power And they are not godly.
It's a fearful thing that that When you give someone power and authority or someone has power and authority and they use it in a wrong way They use it in a in a way to oppress and abuse.
It is a fearful thing.
And so that's how we come to Open up this thoughts these thoughts on Esther.
Let me just read to you a couple verses Right in the beginning of chapter 1.
It says now it came to pass in the days of Let me get my Bible close to my eyes Not that good tonight now came to pass in days of a hazardous.
This was the Hazaras who reigned from India to Ethiopia over a hundred and twenty seven provinces in Those days when the king when King Hazaras sat on the throne of his kingdom Which was in Shushan the citadel that in the third year of his reign He made a feast for all his officials and servants the Persians that the powers of Persia in media the nobles and the princes of the print of the provinces Being before him and so We enter in and here's this King and as I say to you, he's not In no ways is he to be considered as a godly King nor is he be considered as one of fears God and you'll certainly see that as we go forward and so he decides that he's gonna hold himself a feast and so he arranges to have a feast to celebrate his his greatness and his and his pomp and his power and his treasures and All those things and and so I'm just trying to get us to go through the whole book here in verse 8 So he sets this this feast in motion and it's it's a long one.
It's a man.
They partied for six months.
It's 180 days And it doesn't mean they all were in one place.
But anyway In verse 8 it talks about the how this was done As in accordance with the law the drinking was not compulsory For so the king had ordered all the offices of his household that they should do according to each man's pleasure So he arranges this feast He's in no one's there to to challenge him.
He's the king and He makes this feast and then in verse 9 Queen Vashti also made a feast for the women in the royal palace which belonged to King Ahasuerus and on the seventh day when the heart of the king was merry with wine basically, he drunk and All the guys with him are drunk.
And so he decides that on the seventh day he commanded Macbuman and biz there and her boner and big time Abagatha and Zephyr and and carcass Seven eunuchs who served in the presence of King Ahasuerus to bring Queen Vashti before the king wearing a royal crown in Order to show her beauty to the people and the officials for she was beautiful to behold but verse 12 Queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command and to be brought by his Eunuchs therefore the king was furious and his anger burned within him.
So Here's how Esther's gonna enter into this scene and this account of what takes place you got a fearful king in place Who has no real challenges at this point? who is busy partying and All of a sudden he decides he's gonna parade his wife before a bunch of drunk guys and She turns around and says nope not doing it We could get into a lot of reasons But again, I just I just trying to sketch it out.
And what does he do? It says he's he's mad as could be It says his anger burned within him.
So when you begin to think about How this is going to work out as we go through it he decides because She won't come into his presence and after he talks with his other buddies there of Provinces that he rules over they decide well, listen if you don't do something to Queen Vashti Guess what? The words gonna spread and all the women are gonna Mistreat their husbands and the husbands won't be in control no more.
So The king takes their advice.
So what do we need to do? And so one of them Says to him.
Oh, here's what we need to do We need to send a letter out to all your provinces and tell them that women need to obey their husbands and you need to remove Queen Vashti from being Queen and so King Aseris decides that sounds okay.
We'll do it So he tells Queen Vashti.
She can't come before him no more.
She's basically Removed and that's how we'll find Esther come into the scene.
And and that's why I say to you as we Consider some thoughts on the fear of God in Esther Esther enters into a very fearful situation In other words, the king goes out and he says well since I removed Vashti from being Queen Because she didn't do what I told her to do Go find me another Queen and so they go out and they grab a bunch of young women and they they go through all their Perfumants and all these things.
It's actually like a 12-month process To beautify the women and then he says bring them all before me and I'll pick me a new Queen and so as we see Esther enter into the situation Esther's walking into a into a position of Certainly not sure what's going to take place and so as it works out Esther comes in through the the the keeping of the eunuchs that prepare the women and and she goes through all those preparations and Finally, she comes in In before the king and the king accepts her and She's then thrown fairly Quickly into another situation and the situation is this and if you're in chapter 2 In verse 19 When the virgins were gathered together a second time Mordecai sat within the king's gates now Esther had not yet revealed her kindred and her people just as Mordecai had charged her Mordecai who's her uncle tells her don't tell anybody you're a Jew Remember the Jews were dispersed throughout these different provinces and it was after They had been conquered and so they're not in the right position right, and so Mordecai charges Esther who he's taking care of since since Pretty well her whole life.
Don't tell them you're a Jew and so now Esther's in another situation where she's got to seek to hide this and So Esther had not yet revealed her kindred in verse 20 and her people Just as Mordecai had charged her for Esther obeyed the command of Mordecai as when she was brought up by him And in those days while Mordecai sat within the king's gate to the king's eunuchs Bithuman and Teresh Doorkeepers became furious and sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus so they want to go out and kill the king and doesn't tell us what happened, but nevertheless and the matter became known to Mordecai who told Queen Esther and Esther informed the king in Mordecai's name and when an inquiry was made into the matter It was confirmed and both were hanged on a gallows and it was written in the book of the Chronicles In the presence of the king, so here's another situation that I say Is a fearful situation Esther now is put into a position and we'll see she's put into another position Which is even more fearful as we move on in the book, but she's put into this position where she is The one has to go tell the king about this conspiracy to kill the king And I would have to think in the back of her mind she's thinking it doesn't take much to send King Ahasuerus into a thither he's already gotten rid of the Queen because she wouldn't parade around in her gown for all his friends and It's probably well known that this king has a hot temper right and so now she's got to go in and she's got to tell the king Because Mordecai is her uncle and Mordecai Finds out about this conspiracy and she does and at this point she goes in she tells the king and the king accepts it and again, my point in doing this tonight is the fear of God is that which Causes us to make many many decisions in our life and they come Sometimes this way sometimes that way and that you and I if we're gonna walk in the fear of God, we've got to be prepared to make decisions That are the right decisions There might not necessarily be the safest decisions, but listen Being safe is not synonymous with walking in the fear of God That doesn't mean God won't keep us as he will we'll see as he keeps that's the so essence thrown into this into this situation to go from an unknown Jewish girl Being taken care of by her uncle to now.
She's the queen and she has Inroads with the king and so she tells him about this fear still situation And even the fact that he goes out and he hangs the two that conspired against him I'm sure that nobody forgot that one That that remained in the mind of all those around of that.
You don't cross the king again Just something to think about.
Okay, then in chapter 3 Esther and the Jews are put into a really bad Situation.
So let me just ask you to think about this After these things in chapter 3 after these things King Hasser us promoted Haman the son of Hamath of the the agatite and Advanced him to set his seat above all the princes who were with them and all the king's servants who were in the king's gate bowed and paid homage to Haman so the king had commanded concerning him, but Mordecai Would not bow or pay homage.
So Haman is lifted up I believe Mordecai won't bow down to Haman because he knows That Haman doesn't worship the God of Israel nor is Haman worthy of Being bowed to so him a Mordecai who I believe walks into fear of God He says no deal and he won't do it He resists and then it begins to work out now that Esther's gonna get thrown into another situation Where she's gonna have to decide What to do and if she's gonna walk in the fear of God is she's gonna walk in the fear of the king Because as it goes on In verse 4 of chapter 3 we had happened when they spoke to him daily that he would not listen to them and they told It to Haman.
So now Haman's burning mad Because Mordecai won't bow down to him So Haman saw in verse 5 that he did not bow down and Haman was filled with wrath But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone For they had told him of the people of Mordecai instead and Haman sought to destroy all the Jews Who were throughout the whole kingdom of Hasseras the people of Mordecai? So it gets thicker now Because of Mordecai refusing to bow down Haman is not only angry towards Mordecai Now Haman wants to wipe out Every one of the Jews because Mordecai is a Jew and so he devises this plan and he goes before the king And we don't have time to read everything, but he goes before the king and He tells the king and maybe we'll just read a little bit So you understand in verse 8 of chapter 3 then Haman said to king of Hasseras There's a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom Their laws are different from all other people's they don't keep the king's laws Therefore it is not fitting for the king to let them remain if it pleases the king Let a decree be written that they be destroyed And I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who do the work to bring it into the king's treasury So the king took a signet ring from his hand gave it to Haman the son of Hamathod or the agate guy the enemy of the Jews and the king said to him and the money and the people are Given to you to do with them as it seems good to you again fearful situation folks And and and think of this this this really happened That this man is so infuriated because hey because Mordecai won't bow down to him that he's intent on destroying a whole people and Now he's got the king behind him I'm just trying to get us to think about the situations of life and we might not ever be before King But we all have to go through situations we have to we have to decide we have to stand we have to we have to If you will stick a stake in the ground say I'm gonna I'm gonna walk in the fear of God I'm gonna walk in the fear of man and so Haman tells the king this the king is is more than happy to go along with this and As the story goes on now Mordecai is gonna bring Esther into it Mordecai has been watching and if you read the book you understand Mordecai walks by the the king's gate every day Just to check on Esther.
And by the way, remember now Esther went to the king as he told the king That those two men that conspired against the king Mordecai is the one who told Esther and Mordecai is the one who's responsible for saving the king's life and hold on to that because that plays into it a little bit further as we go through this so now he Mordecai he learned in chapter 4 He learned all that had happened and he tore his clothes He put on sackcloth and ashes went out into the midst of the city And he cried out with a bitter cry and went as far as the square in front of the king's gate for no one might Enter the king's gate clothed with sackcloth.
So now Mordecai is in great distress That Haman is not only going to out to destroy him, but Haman's out to destroy all Mordecai's people and so Word comes to Esther.
Hey uncle Mordecai is walking outside the gate and sackcloth and ashes And so Esther's basically says let's go out and find out what's going on and so she sends her maids out and Goes and and finds out what's happening in verse 6 of chapter 4 So had that's went out to Mordecai in the city square that was in front of the king's gate Mordecai told him all that had happened to him in the sum of money that Haman Had promised to pay into the king's treasure treasury to destroy the Jews And he also gave him a copy of the written decree Remember the king wrote a decree of the destruction which was given at Shushan that he might show it to Esther and explain it to her and that he might Command her to go into the king to make supplication to him and plead before him for her people Now Esther's being put into a position where she has to go before the king and In a sense ask the king to call off his decree Which he basically just went along with based on what Haman wanted to do so had action told in verse 9 he returned and he told Esther the words of Mordecai and Esther spoke to him Hadak and gave a command for Mordecai and all the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know That any man or woman who goes into the inner court of the king who has not been called He has but one law Put all to death Except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter that he may live Yet I myself have not been called to go into the king These 30 days.
So here's Esther And now Esther has to consider How is she going to respond? Is she going to walk in the fear of God to to seek to preserve the Jews? Or is the fact that if she goes in and the king doesn't held out the royal scepter it that's the end of her Which one is it gonna be? And again, that's why I said brothers and sisters.
The fear of God is something that has to be tangible in our lives Just head knowledge Many many people say I fear God, you know, it doesn't do anything And so here's Esther and again She is in a position and she knows the position that she's in and so she says I haven't been called For 30 days in verse 12 so they told Mordecai Esther's words and Mordecai told them to answer Esther and this this is probably the part of the Book of us that I like so much.
It says do not think in your heart.
This is what Mordecai relates to Esther Do not think in your heart That you will escape in the king's palace any more than any of the other Jews For if you remain completely silent at this time relief and deliverance Will arise for the Jews from another place But you and you but you and your father's house will perish then he says this And to me, this is the verse in this book of Esther that that is always just Caused me to think about a lot of things.
He says yet who knows Mordecai's words to Esther who knows whether you have come to the kingdom But such a time as this and I say to you brothers and sisters who knows what God is going to have before each and every one of us at any and many given times and are we going to respond and walk in the fear of God and trust God and Depend on God and do what is pleasing to God in Fear in reverence in awe of his greatness and majesty.
Are we going to cave in and Just in that sense Walk away from the fear of God because of the fear of man Remember what the proverb say the fear of man does what it brings a snare So here's Esther and again She is in no easy spot and yet Mordecai says how do you know if you not come to the kingdom for such a time? Is this? Here you are Esther God has raised you up.
God has put you here God has put you in that sense in a place where you can help us or hurt us and Esther's got to deal with her own situation If he doesn't hold the golden scepter out I'm gone and then Esther in verse 15 Esther told them to return the answer this answer to Mordecai Go and gather all the Jews who are president at in Shushan and fast for me Neither eat nor drink for three days night and day and my maids and I will fast likewise and So I will go to the king which is against the law.
And if I perish I perish And Mordecai went his way and did according to all that Esther command.
There's a great lady This is the lady with with with a faith.
There's a lady that that fears God And you might say well she might have all the motives and that might very well be but I say to you that she is a person a woman who now Understands that she must fear God above all Even as Jesus said what fear not him who can kill the body And and then he can't do anything else.
I'd rather fear him.
No, I have to he has killed that's power to cast Into hellfire so Esther comes up and she tells them to fast and she's purposed and planning to go in so what's interesting and Here's a side note, you know name of God is not in the book of Esther You can't find the name of God in the book of Esther.
You'll find the hand of God In his Providence, but you'll never find the name of God in the book of Esther one of the few books Where God's name is never mentioned One commentator said you won't find his name, but you'll find his finger all over it.
So So as it happens now She goes in before the king and On the third day in chapter 5 just read a few verses Now it happened on the third day as to put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace Across in the king's house while the king sat in his royal throne in his royal house Facing the entrance of the house and so it was when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court she found favor in his sight the king held out the golden scepter that was on his hand and Esther went near and Touched the top of the scepter and the king said to her What do you wish in Queen Queen Esther? What do you wish Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you up to half of my kingdom You know, I think about it what it says to in Proverbs says when a man's way, please the Lord He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
And so God overrules, right? God always Rules and so now Esther says if I please the king in verse 4 Let the king and Haman come today to the banquet that I prepared for him and the king said bring Haman quickly that he may Do as Esther has said Here's the interesting part and and we're gonna have to move along a little bit quicker, but Haman thinks Esther is going to arrange a feast to That the king is going to exalt Haman because He's so deluded in his mind.
He don't fear God at all And he's so deluded in his mind that when when the king says to Esther What can I do for you up to half the kingdom? She says let's have a feast for just me you and Haman and Haman is so deluded in his mind He thinks it's all about him Well, he's got something coming to him as we go through this because in verse 8 of Chapter 5 she says if I found favor in the sight of the king if it pleases the king to grant my petition fulfill my request and let the king and Haman come into the banquet that I will prepare for them and Tomorrow I will do as the king said So here's the thing what watch what happens and I'm gonna read the rest of the chapter because it'll explain itself So Haman went out that day Joyful and what a glad heart But when Haman saw Mordecai in the king's gate that he didn't stand or tremble before him He was filled with indignation against Mordecai.
Mordecai is just causing this man to burn up inside Nevertheless Haman restrained himself he went home and he sent and called for his friends and his wife Zareesh and Haman told them of the great riches and the multitude of the children and all the ways in which the king had promoted him and how he had advanced above the Officials and the servants of the king and moreover Haman said besides Queen Esther invited us Me to come and so on and so forth and then his wife enters in at verse 14 Because Haman still can't get Mordecai out of his mind and she says Let a gallows be made 50 cubits high and in the morning suggests to the king that Mordecai be hung on it and go merrily with the king to the banquet and the thing pleased Haman so he made the gallows So get the picture of what's going on here again beautiful situation folks I I Don't know if I woke up to my morning somebody had put a 50-foot Gallo outside of my house.
I might go out the back door Or I call brother Mike Smith But but you get this this is a real situation And and people have to respond to it Mordecai and Mordecai will not give in to Haman Nor you will see does Esther and so now it comes down to this arrangement has been made in the the feast has been arranged and and Chapter six is is Well, let me just read a couple verses so you'll see what happened So that night the king cannot sleep And one was commanded to bring the book of the records of the Chronicles that were read before the king now What I didn't say to you in the beginning.
This is not this probably not the same king That they used the name King Ahasuerus, but it could have been King her house service and the next king would have been King Ahasuerus and so on and so forth.
So something is transpired, right? There's been times So I don't believe this is the same king at this point a different King Ahasuerus He can't sleep one night and he asked for the records To be brought before him in verse 2 and he found written that Mordecai Had told begotha and to reach to the king's eunuchs the doorkeepers who had sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus And the king said what honor or dignity has been bestowed to Mordecai for this and the king's servants said to him nothing Nothing's been done for him And the king said who is in the court now? Haman had just entered the outer court of the king's palace to suggest that the king Hanged Mordecai on the gallows that he prepared for him The king's servants said to him Haman is there standing in the court and the king said let him come in Haman came in and the king asked him what shall be done for the man whom the king delights to honor and This fool Haman thinks it's him And so Haman thought in his heart Whom would the king delight to honor more than me and Haman answered the king for the man whom the king delights Let a royal robe be brought which the king has worn and a horse On which the king has ridden and and so on and so forth and and just as let's just make a big deal out of this In verse 10 the king said to Haman hasten take the robe and the horse which you have suggested and do so for Mordecai the jew Who sits within the king's gate leave nothing undone of all that you have spoken? So Haman took the robe and the horse and arrayed Mordecai And led him on horseback through the city square and proclaimed before him this shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor And afterward came in afterward Mordecai went back to the king's gate, but Haman hastened to his house mourning with his head covered so The man who fears god As well as ester the woman who fears god Are going to be honored by god And the man who does not fear god Is going to be destroyed in god's amazing providence Again, Haman you can imagine what's going on in Haman's mind what in the world? my own words are going to come against me and so he goes home and now he's he's totally burning inside but Look at verse 14 in chapter 6 It says while they were still talking with him the king's units came and hastened to bring Haman to the banquet Which Esther had prepared so now he's got no more time out of time Mordecai's been exalted Haman is going to find that um His hatred his lack of fear of god is going to be It's going to be the end of him So now what i'd like to do and I hope you don't mind and and I thought about this Sometimes I think brothers and sisters is just good just to read the word of god Just read it And even publicly just read it and maybe comment here and there we don't do it enough where we can kind of read some things so i'm gonna Just read a little bit of these chapters and so you'll see it and then make a point or two And maybe you'll see the points as they pop up.
So watch what happens chapter 7 So the king and Haman went to dine with queen Esther And on the second day at the banquet of wine the king again said to Esther, what is your petition queen Esther? It shall be granted to you.
What is your request up to half my kingdom? It shall be done And queen Esther answered and said if I have found favor in your sight Oh king if it pleases the king let my life be given me at my petition and my people at my request for we have been sold My people and I to be destroyed To be killed to be annihilated And have we been sold as male and female serves I would slaves I would have held my tongue although the enemy could never compensate for the king's loss Then king Ahasuerus answered and said to queen Esther.
Who is he? Where is he who would Dare presume in his heart to do such a thing And Esther said the adversary the enemy in this in this wicked And the enemy is this wicked Haman So Haman was terrified before the king and the queen Then the king arose in his wrath in the banquet of wine and went to the palace garden But Haman who stood before queen Esther pleading for his life for he saw that evil was determined against him by the king And when the king returned from the palace garden to the place of the banquet of wine Haman had fallen across the couch where Esther was and the king said will you also assault the queen while I am in the house? As the word left the king's mouth they covered Haman's face Nahal boner one of the eunuchs said to the king look the gallows 50 cubits high which Haman made for Mordecai who spoke good on the king's behalf is standing at the house of Haman And the king said hang him on it So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he prepared for Mordecai And the king's wrath subsided.
I'll submit to you brothers and sisters the fear of god in both Mordecai and Esther Is that which preserves not only Mordecai and Esther? But the jews that were dispersed throughout these prominences at this point you see the fear of god is Essential not only for our own souls And not only for our own walk, but it's essential that the world Will be transformed Because we walk in the fear of god and so Haman meets his end and This is where we see how the fear of god Is blessed by god and the fear fear of Not fearing god is judged by god Haman gets his You know my friends and I want to finish this up.
No one gets away free with god No one there's a day coming Remember what it says in revelation men will do what they will hide under the rocks for fear Golly fear leads to life living a Life that fears not god leads to death.
We saw that moment of that.
So let me just continue on real quick Just a few more minutes Now in chapter 8 we'll see that Not only does Esther preserve herself, but as I said, she preserves many others.
So Chapter 8 on the day king hasirs gave esther the house of haman The enemy to jews and mordecai came before the king for esther had told him how he was related to her And the king took off his signet ring which he had taken from haman and he gave it to mordecai And esther appointed mordecai over the house of haman Now esther spoke again to the king fell down on his feet and implored him with tears To counteract the evil plot of haman the agagite and the scheme which he had devised against the jews and the king Held out the golden scepter towards esther And so esther rose and stood before the king and the king and she said If it pleases the king if I found favor in his sight and the king seems And it seems right to the king and I am pleasing in his eyes.
Let it be written to revoke the letters devised by haman the son of Hamath of the agagite Which he wrote to annihilate the jews who are on all the king's providences For how can I endure to see the evil which will come upon my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred? Then king ahasuerus said to queen esther and mordecai the jew Indeed, I have given esther the house of haman and they have hanged him on the gallows Because he tried to lay his hand on the jews and you yourselves write a decree For the jews as you please in the king's name and seal it with the king's signet ring For a letter which is written in the king's name and seal it with the king's signet ring Signet ring no one can revoke So the king's scribes were called at the time and and it goes on and on and they write this decree to not only stop the slaughter of the jews, but to make sure that it does not No one disobeys this Order now by the king and so So in verse 13 of chapter 8 a copy of the document was to be issued as a decree in every province and published for all The people so that the jews would be ready On the day to avenge themselves on the enemies in other words if people still try to do it The jews know about it.
They're prepared for it and they're going to overcome them and so Um winds up in every province wherever the king's command was The jews had joy and gladness and a feast and a holiday.
They the jews not only survived They gained victory All I say all by god's grace.
Yes Also the actions of esther because if they had esther refused To go before the king Would have been the end of it If mordecai refused to stand against hayman What would have been the result of it? and not only that if you Uh continue to read through it in chapter 9 Not only did they win the victory then But the jews went on to destroy all those that opposed them Look at it in chapter 9 now in the 12th month That is the month of adar on the 13th day the time came for the king's command For his decree to be executed on the day when the enemies of the jews had hoped to overpower them the opposite occurred In that the jews themselves overpowered those who hated them and the jews gathered together in the cities throughout all the provinces of king Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm and no one could withstand them because fear of them fell upon all the people amazing And all the officials of the provinces and the satraps and the governors and all those doing the king's work Helped the jews because the fear of mordecai fell upon him and mordecai was great in the king's palace And his fame spread throughout all the provinces for this man Mordecai became increasingly prominent and thus the jews defeated all their enemies with the stroke of the sword with slaughter and destruction and did that and Did what they pleased with those who hated them you see friends again You never know as mordecai Esther how do you know if you haven't come to the kingdom for such a day as this? Brothers and sisters, how do we know? If we haven't been Brought to each and every day for such a specific purpose of walking in the fear of god and seeing How god honors those that fear him Remember what it says in first samuel this first samuel 230 maybe It says those that honor me I will honor Those that despise me Shall be lightly esteemed And let me just the 10 chapters really brief so I get to read it before we close But I want to just show you how this turns out in that sense even for the for for mordecai um in chapter 10 Now and king hasiras Imposed tribute on the land of the islands and of the sea and the acts of the power of his might And the account of the greatness of mordecai To which the king advanced him are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of the medes? And the persons for mordecai the jew Was second to king hasiras And was great among the jews and well received by the multitude of his brethren Seeking the good of his people And speaking peace to all his kindred It's it's just a marvelous.
It's a It's a a living example Of how in that sense A few walking in the fear of god Can conquer a world that does not fear god Listen friends we are Those who overcome When we walk in the fear of god We are more than conquerors And we ought to act like conquerors We ought to walk in the fear of god and trust him as esther did and like I said, um, that's one strong lady And um, that's one strong uncle mordecai And maybe folks that you and I Maybe may we be remembered as those who walk in the fear of god Right that that's all we really that's all we really should desire.
I just want people to know That god gave me a new heart That god saved me that and that I I did everything I could to walk in the fear of him And not afraid of him but in awe of him and reverence of him in in in Desires to see him glorified.
I hope you enjoyed these Minor books if you will we went through ruth It wasn't so minor was it and now we just briefly considered something out of esther again, um Just good stuff.
So all right.
I'm just close with a word of prayer.
Well, thank you for tonight Lord thank you for this account of a woman And a man who walked fearing you and how you Because of that Changed the costs of so many lives.