New Podcast Feed for the Rapp Report Daily Show


Do you enjoy listening to the Rapp Report Monday through Friday for the short 2-minute episodes? Well, it is moving to a new feed. We created a new podcast for the Rapp Report Daily. Make sure that you subscribe to the new feed and stay on the Rapp Report for the longer weekly episodes. Rapp Report Daily...


Welcome to the Rappaport Daily Edition, where we provide a quick biblical interpretations and applications.
This is the ministry of Striving for Eternity. Well, Happy New Year. We want to, at Striving for Eternity, let you know some of the things that are going on this year.
We had a wonderful 2018. We look forward to a wonderful 2019.
And you're saying, wait a minute, this is supposed to be the Rappaport Daily. The one we hear, the two -minute that we hear every day.
Yes. But do you know that that feed actually moved? That's right. That's one of the things that I'm going to do this week.
We'll keep this on the main feed for you, but all week I want to remind you to subscribe to the Rappaport Daily.
That's where you're going to find the two -minute Monday through Friday episodes. We're going to move them.
So make sure you subscribe to both if you want both. The weekly ones are going to stay on this feed, so you don't have to change that.
But if you want to get the two -minute Monday through Friday, please go and subscribe to Rappaport Daily.
So if you go and you look in your app, whatever you use to listen to your podcast, search for Rappaport Daily or Andrew Rappaport's Rappaport Daily.
Make sure you do the daily one and subscribe to that as well. That way you don't miss a single episode of this.
Now what we're going to do this week is we're going to put this out here for the main feed.
But just so you know, all of the old ones have already moved over. If you haven't noticed, they all disappeared from your app.
So go subscribe to the Rappaport Daily. And this week what I want to do is give you more updates of what you can look forward to in 2019 from Striving for Eternity Ministries.
This podcast is part of the Striving for Eternity Ministries. For more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church, go to strivingforeternity .org.