Anticipate the Coming of the Lord with Patience



Well, I'd like to speak about, to anticipate the coming of the Lord with patience, with patience.
So I invite you to turn to James chapter 5, James chapter 5, and we're looking at just two verses of Scripture today, two verses of Scripture for the inspired, all -sufficient
Word of God. Isn't it wonderful we have our Bible in our own language today?
That's something we never ever need to take for granted. James chapter 5, two verses, verse 7 and 8, and all this is talking about to anticipate the coming of the
Lord with patience. He's talking about patience. Hear the word of the living God.
Therefore, be patient, brethren, until the coming of the
Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil.
Be impatient about it until he gets the early and late rains.
You too be patient. Strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the
Lord is near. May God richly bless us. The reading of His word to our, not only from our ears, we're blessed to hear
His words, but also to our hearts this morning. Let's go to the Lord in prayer and seek
His face, and ask for His anointing upon all of us this morning, as we, within this hour, hear from heaven, hear
His holy word. Let's pray. Our Father, we have already heard
Your word from the book of Exodus, how
You did great and mighty things there. And we saw, Lord, that from hearing
Your word, that You are absolutely sovereign. You're the one that calls us all things to happen, out of people's control, out of Pharaoh's control.
And You even hardened his heart, so that more plagues would come upon Egypt, to show
Your great and mighty power and Your glory. Father, we thank
You. And we would ask, Lord, that You would come and meet with us in a mighty and a special way, in power and in truth, through Your blessed
Holy Spirit and through Your word. And may we never forget, Lord, that the true teacher here is not this pastor, or any other pastor, or any other evangelist, or any other preacher.
The true teacher is Your Holy Spirit, that You have given to us to lead and guide us into all truth, to teach us all truth, and that truth is
Jesus Christ Himself. So, Father, we would pray that Your name be hallowed, that Your name would be glorified, and that Your Son, Jesus Christ, who is worthy of glory and honor and praise and thanksgiving and power, will be lifted up.
Father, hide me behind the cross, I would pray. And may we forget ourselves, and may we all behold
Your glory. And we ask this in Jesus' name,
Amen and Amen. You know, in the first six verses we have already looked in chapter 5,
James actually sharply rebuked the wicked rich people who abused the righteous poor.
And we see this in the first six verses of the rich oppressors that will be judged.
In verses 7 through 11, we didn't read all the way to verse 11, but actually if you look at the whole context of what
James is speaking of, he shifts his focus from the persecutors to the persecuted.
Now he's moving from condemning the faithless abusive rich to comforting the faithful abused poor.
Notice the shift. And it's rightly so, and it's the Holy Spirit of God that does this.
So James instructs the suffering poor here in our text as to what attitude, and that's key right there, the attitude they are to have in the midst of persecution.
Now, it's hard for us to get this because the church in which we see in America today is far from being really persecuted.
Yes, you have it here and there in spots, but not real persecution. Third world countries and churches there, and we're not talking about buildings, we're talking about the body of Christ.
We're talking about the people of God. Real persecution is going on. There are people by the thousands that are losing their lives as I am speaking to you at this moment for the name of Jesus Christ and for His sake.
So it's hard for us to truly understand the comfort that these people, these
Christians at this time are really in need of because we're not being really persecuted.
But James does instruct the suffering poor and to what attitude that they are to have in the midst of persecution.
So, really the theme in this section is defining how to be patient in trials and persecutions until Jesus comes back.
That's the theme. That's the focus. Now, here is an interesting Bible quiz question, and I picked this up from Sinclair Ferguson.
I thought this was really good, and I kind of paraphrased it in my own words, which the New Testament author, he speaks of, but here's the question.
Which of the New Testament author was the first to know
Jesus? That's a good question, isn't it? Now, think about it.
Perhaps our instincts would be to think of the Apostle Peter since he was the head apostle.
Rather than Paul, because Peter was older, he was the main apostle. Or our minds would go to John rather than Matthew.
But the answer is the author of this wonderful epistle before us, the half -brother of Jesus.
Now, I want you to think of this. The half -brother of Jesus, they lived together for several decades.
This is where James learned much of the similarities of Jesus' teaching, agriculture.
They knew exactly Jesus always referred to agriculture a great deal. James refers to in analogies, metaphors, to agriculture.
They lived together for several decades, and therefore it should not surprise us if James shows the similarities of which
Jesus gave in his teaching as well. We certainly find many echoes of Jesus' teaching in the letter, don't we?
And after all, they both would have grown up to manhood together under the same human influences, and what a privilege that had to be to grow up alongside with the
Lord Jesus Christ. James saw the perfect man, the sinless man, the
Son of Man, the Son of God, in all of His glory, but in all of His humanness.
It would be a worthwhile Bible study, actually, a group study to go through this little epistle and to spot and find all the similarities that James gives along with Jesus.
And like I said, I thought that was a very good thought that Sinclair Ferguson gave in his booklet,
Let's Study James. Well, again, the theme of the epistle, and we've seen this, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, it's taken us a year, hasn't it, to come to this chapter, and this is his conclusion to this letter.
And the theme is patience, isn't it? We see this time and time again. How the Christian grows in maturity, and how we grow through being tested by our trials.
The Word of God has much to say about this subject. Actually, we've looked into it,
I believe, enough, and I want to just recap a little bit of what we've seen a little bit through the book of James, and because of being tested by our trials,
Jesus Himself said this in John 16, 33, In the world you will have tribulation.
You will have it. It's coming. But take courage.
Be of good cheer. Jesus says, I have overcome the world. The Apostle Paul warned you
Christians in Galatia about this.
In Acts 14, 22, the Word of God says,
Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God. The Apostle Paul wrote to the
Romans that wonderful book of great theology of the certainty of sufferings in this world.
There will be certainties of it. In Romans 8, 18, the Apostle Paul, in all the sufferings this man underwent, he said,
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Paul told young Timothy in 2 Timothy 1, 8, he said this, to join with me in the suffering for the gospel.
And in 2 Timothy 3, 12, he exhorts Timothy once again, and this is his last will and testament before he is to be put to death.
Now think of this. Here he is exhorting and mentoring a younger minister, a godly minister, and this is what you are to do, he says.
He says, he exhorts because all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
And Paul said that. Paul, then Peter says in 1 Peter 4, 12 and 13,
Beloved, do not be surprised. Do not be surprised at the fiery trial among you.
It should not surprise us, right? Which comes to you for your testing as though some strange thing were happening to you, but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing.
I never will forget one time as a young pastor when God opened up the doors for me to pastor the
Christian Missionary Alliance Church, and I went to a conference that was full of pastors, and I was undergoing some pretty bad things at the time.
It wasn't physical persecution, but it was verbal persecution and those kind of things. And I sat down with a godly missionary, and he just basically said in a wonderful gentle way, he said, did you ever think about just sitting still for a moment before the
Lord and just rejoicing? And I said, I consider that an admonition.
And he smiled and said, yeah, it's an encouraging admonition, but really if you are being persecuted for the name of Jesus, that's great cause for rejoicing.
And it really helped me to get my perspective because I was looking inward of all that was coming upon me, and I was saying, you know, why are these people doing this?
And he pointed me to these verses in which Peter said, do not be surprised about it.
Rejoice! I mean, count it, be joyful about it.
And I took the time and I said, you know, Lord, and I went to the Lord and I said, Lord, thank you, that you count me worthy to even suffer for your name's sake, even though it's verbal.
It was nothing like what the early apostles went through, being beat, and they walked away and they counted it all joyful.
There was this rejoicing. You know, that's a place that I think was far from being, but we could be there, right?
By God's grace and help. So in addition to all the normal trials in life, believers face a type of trouble not experienced by the non -believers, don't we?
That is persecution for the cause of Jesus Christ. Along with everything else that comes to us, the world persecutes us, and it's out of ignorance because they really don't know.
They're blind. It's really Satan that's behind it, but yet at the same time, we are to look at it as before the face of God and a joyful experience.
And for that very reason, the church faces rejection by the hostile world, which rejects the gospel.
And it's an ever -recurring theme throughout the New Testament, isn't it? Jesus even said this on the
Sermon on the Mount, the greatest sermon that I can assure you that was ever preached by the greatest preacher that ever lived, that when our
Lord Jesus said in Matthew 5, 10, and 12, Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Isn't that a glorious reward that Jesus gives to His own, that we have the kingdom of heaven before us?
And He said, this is yours, your inheritance. And then He says, blessed, extremely joyful, are you when people insult you and persecute you, and listen to this, falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
And Jesus said, rejoice, be exceedingly glad. Now some translations take out that word exceedingly.
I like that word exceedingly because it takes it to another level, doesn't it?
And then He says this, for your reward in heaven is great, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
In John 15, 20, Jesus says again to His disciples, if they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.
And 1 Thessalonians 1, 4, Paul commends the Thessalonian Christians, listen to what he says here, for their perseverance and faith in the midst of all the persecutions and the afflictions which they endure.
Now, here in this letter in James, James is actually encouraging his readers, and if you notice what he says, right from the beginning, he says, therefore be patient, be patient.
That means to be steadfast, endure steadfastness.
These words appear several times within a few verses. I want you to notice in four times it appears with the verses before us.
Verse 7, be patient. Verse 8, you too be patient. Verse 10, of suffering and patience, and notice in twice in verse 11, which refers to the importance of steadfastness.
So, really, that's what he's referring to here is patience. And we see he's going to lead up later on when he talks about Job, the patience of Job.
We'll be seeing this, Lord willing, in the near future. But, beloved, these are qualities.
These are qualities that are needed to develop us, isn't it? Now, right there,
I don't know about you, I think to myself, I'm far from where I need to be when it comes to patience.
We may think we're patient, but are we truly patient, which is one of the fruit of the
Spirit, if we are to live faithfully through the times of trouble and persecutions and trial, these qualities are not produced overnight, if you have not noticed already.
In other words, they don't come quickly, does it? They do not come automatically.
We cannot simply just turn them on at will as we desire it.
They need to be developed. And that's what God's in the business of developing in our lives, isn't it?
In our character. Having you already realize it takes a whole lifetime, and I assure you,
Ms. Lillian can testify of this, she's lived eighty wonderful years, and I assure you, she will tell you now,
God is still working on her about giving patience in her life.
It's a lifetime journey, isn't it? Patience. Well, that's what he's talking about.
James gives us... Now, where is he moving to? Kind of going in a direction, we're going on a journey here.
James gives us how this happens in our text. And he gives the exhortations in the midst of it, and let me give you a simple outline.
I've just said, well, this is my outline, I'm going to just write something down, but it's very simple. First of all, we will see in verse 7a, we have the first exhortation.
And second, in 7b, verse 7b, we have the example before us.
And in third, we have a second exhortation in verse 8. That's it.
I know that doesn't sound like a really in -depth outline, but it's very simple.
And I'm a simple -minded person, so I needed something simple to help me as I was jotting these things together in these notes, and I said,
I need something very simple to help me to remember as well. We need to remember these things, don't we?
Because we are going through... Eventually, if you're not going through a trial right now, a trial will come.
So, first of all, let's look at the first exhortation in verse 7a. He says this,
Therefore, be patient. Now, let me stop right there. The whole text here is,
Be patient, brethren. Now, he's speaking to the brethren. He's speaking to the children of God.
And then he says this, Until the coming of the Lord. Now, again, as I've already mentioned, he's been telling the wicked, rich people what they are to do before they meet
God in judgment, right? Now, he exhorts the brethren what to do and what their attitude should be in their present circumstance in order to prepare to meet the soon coming
Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory, because He is coming back. Now, it's so sad that we don't hear many messages on the second coming of Jesus Christ.
There's a reason for this, beloved. A rich church that's well -to -do and wealthy and prosperous really have no need of preaching the soon return of Jesus Christ.
But if you think about it, if you're in a situation where you're being persecuted and you're poor and you're going through affliction and trials and hardships and troubles and you go on and on and on, you desire to see
Jesus come back in power and glory. Because it's a comfort that Jesus will come back and judge the unrighteous.
Isn't it? James reiterates what he says in chapter 1 verse 12.
Notice this, let's go back a little bit. Chapter 1 verse 12, what does he say? Here's another blessing.
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial.
For once he has been approved, and don't you love that word approved? It means once he has passed the test.
Once he has passed the test, he will receive the crown of life which the
Lord has promised to those who love him. And during the trial, faithfully until he passes the test, the focus is on the victorious outcome at the last.
He will be victorious in Jesus Christ. Now such a person never defects from the faith, beloved.
He never defects from his saving faith in God because he is anchored. He loves
God. And it doesn't show it by just lip service. He shows it by his actions.
He shows it that he is firmly established. Now this concept is closely related to the doctrine of eternal security.
And I don't want to just stop at eternal security. That you are safe in the hand of God. And no one can remove you or separate you from the love of God.
But also the perseverance of the saints that he will endure to the end. Those two go together.
Now I want you to notice this. They endure to the end shall be saved. That's what Jesus says.
And James is reminding the brethren to what? To be patient. To be patient.
A very important word. Let's look at our text. The word patient. Therefore be patient.
That's what he says. In the midst of persecution. Look at this word for a moment.
This word basically has the idea of being long suffering with people. I definitely need that.
I don't know about you. But it's referring to being long suffering and patient toward people.
And the word in the Greek actually means hupomono. Which also is used in chapter 1.
Hupomone. I think I said that right. And translated trials or temptations.
That means to be able to endure adverse circumstances. So it means to be patient toward all people.
But also it means to be patient in all of our circumstances.
No matter what we are tested or how we are tested to go through.
This word has to do with enduring adverse people. The people that could bring on persecution.
But it also means adverse circumstances. So this word hupomone has to do with ability.
It means the ability to be patient in all circumstances. This one in the text means to be patient with all people.
Now, it's already hit me right there. He stepped all over my toes because I'm not patient with all people.
I'm far from that. And I pray Lord help me to be more patient and long suffering toward all people.
It is linked to the oppression to the wicked wealthy by the way. That is mentioned in verse 6.
So patience with people is just as important as patience in all circumstances. Now, what he's saying here is since the righteous, the believers in Jesus Christ don't fight back.
And that's what he's actually saying. Vengeance belongs to God. They do not need to retaliate.
Now, isn't it tempting for us when people persecute us and do us wrong. And all sorts of manners to retaliate.
I was some way going to get that person back. Old saying goes, which is not a wise saying, it's a foolish saying.
I don't get mad, I get even. And that's the motto of the world today, isn't it? They don't resist and don't retaliate and seek vengeance and do get back at them.
But Jesus taught us to love the unlovable. That's what he taught us to do.
That's the word that God brings to us. And it's not a passivity.
Let me say this. There's a strength behind this kind of love. There's a strength that God has.
Actually, it takes a lot of power to love such an unlovable person, doesn't it?
Then we are to do not to do that. Now, it's not to say that as Jesus taught,
Jesus taught us to be discerning and be wise. Wisdom is justified over children.
But we are to never retaliate with the angry motive to get back at a person. Whatever the trial, whatever the persecution, we must be patient.
And that's the righteous standard that God has before us. You know, that righteous expectation of the child of God, right?
We hear David crying out in his prayers in Psalm 37. Don't you love
Psalm 37? Ms. Lillian knows what psalm I'm talking about here. And we all know if you've been through some hardships.
David said this in Psalm 37, verses 7 through 9. Rest in the Lord. Notice this here.
First, he says, Rest in the Lord. You need to read the whole chapter. It's awesome. But here it says,
Rest in the Lord. In other words, you can rest in God. Rest in the Lord. God's got this.
He's going to take care of His children for His name's sake. Then He says,
And wait, what? Patiently for Him. Now, notice what
He says next. Do not fret. That's a command. God's saying,
You don't fret. Do not fret because of Him who prospers in His way. Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.
Sounds like James' situation, doesn't it? Cease from anger. And forsake wrath.
Now, there's a negative implication. But that's something we don't need to do. You cease from anger.
In other words, if we're angry toward these people that's being very unkind to us in a bad way.
We're not to be angry. We're to pray for them. Forsake wrath.
What does He say? Do not fret. Once again, He says the same word. Do not fret. It's a command. It leads only to evil doing.
That's what it leads to. And then He says this. For evil doers will be cut off.
God's going to take care of them. They will be cut off. That's a promise.
God's going to assure us that He's going to take care of the evil doers. And He can do it far better than we can.
But those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land. The meek shall inherit the earth, right?
Praise God. God fights our battles. God is the righteous judge.
He's the commander -in -chief. He's the Lord God omnipotent who reigns. He's the sovereign
God. God judges according to righteousness. Now, you know, we cannot, we got our own standard of righteousness.
But we're talking about the righteous judge here. That God in His righteousness will judge, the righteous one will judge them.
Vengeance belongs to the Lord. So really the exhortation is repeated several times to encourage God's people that vengeance is the
Lord's, that God will repay. What does it say in Galatians?
God's not mocked, right? For whatever a person sows, that also he shall reap.
James also gives this encouragement in verse 7. In order to protect his readers and listeners.
So what is he saying? From their own selfish plans and their own boastful attitudes,
James is exhorting the true Christians to remain patient no matter how severe and relentless their sufferings may be.
What does he say? Therefore, be patient, brethren. Be patient, brethren.
Three times in this section. Verse 7. Verse 8. Verse 9.
James refers to the believer's great hope, and that great hope, that blessed hope is the coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ. We need to trumpet this, and we need to, we really believe this, that Jesus will physically return.
He will make all things right, and he has promised to come back, and that's what he says. Let not your heart be troubled.
You believe in God, you believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I have told you so.
I go to prepare a place for you. And then he says, if I go to prepare a place for you,
I will come again. Jesus promised that. And Jesus never breaks his promises, does he?
He never breaks his word. He will come again in power and glory. Now, we anticipate this because this is our blessed hope.
We look for a city who has a foundation, whose architect, builder, and maker is
God. This provides a great hope and a great comfort to those that are being persecuted, especially for the persecuted church, and those that more eagerly anticipate the return of Jesus Christ.
And I assure you, to those who are really being persecuted for his name's sake, is really waiting for Jesus to come back.
It's on their mind constantly. And beloved, can I say this? It should be on our minds. Constantly.
Conversely, again, I've already said it, an affluent, a rich, an indulgent, a worldly church has little or no interest in the
Lord's return. I can assure you that. But a persecuted church, they anticipate the
Lord to come back. But one day, one day, soon and very soon, as the song goes, we shall see the
King. And the King of kings and Lord of lords will appear, and every eye shall see him.
Now, this word, coming, notice what he says, Brethren, till the coming of the
Lord. This is a wonderful Greek word. Parazi. I think
I said that right. I probably have abused that too. It was commonly used throughout the New Testament. And now listen to this.
It refers to more than just Jesus coming. Now here's the difference. This Greek word gives us the meaning of Jesus coming.
It includes the idea of his literal presence. That's huge, isn't it?
The best English word would be arrival. He's arrived. He's here.
In present. He's here. And he's coming back. The same
Jesus will come back to judge the world. Church is great hope.
The blessed hope is the arrival of Jesus Christ. Amen? I'm telling you, this is everything to the child of God.
When he comes to bless his people with his holy presence. Now, the unbelievers is not going to too much care about this day.
Matter of fact, they don't believe it's coming, first of all. But he is coming because the word of God says so.
That glorious truth appears more than... This may stagger your mind. But check it out.
According to John MacArthur in his commentary, 500 verses of scripture refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
500 verses throughout the whole
Bible. Is that important? That 500 verses from God's word?
From 66 books of the Bible compiled in one? That Jesus will return?
So our Lord Jesus is coming back again. And he will arrive personally. That should give us great comfort.
Jesus spoke about this promise much of his return. Especially in his discourse. His Olivet Discourse recorded in Matthew 24 and 25.
Mark 13, Luke 21. He taught that his return would be preceded by definite signs to come.
In Matthew 24, 5 through 26. He portrayed his coming as a dramatic, climatic event.
As striking. Unmistakable. And also he mentioned it would be like the flash of lightning through the skies.
It would be cataclysmic. And this which would be a time of separation.
And you read that as angels from the heaven would gather the elect to enjoy the very presence of God.
And then also he's going to gather the unbelievers to banish them from his presence completely.
Forever. It's going to happen. He separates the sheep and the goats.
And the final judgment will take place. Beloved, every Christian is to live in the light of the blessed hope of Jesus' return.
We need to keep this before us. 1 Peter 4, 7. Peter says this. The end of all things is near.
What does he say? Just go to sleep and sit back in your lounge chair and say God's sovereign?
No. He said no. He says, therefore be of sound judgment.
You know what that means? Discerning. We need to be discerning. Of sound judgment.
We need to be sober. And that's actually what he says next. Be sober spirit. And then he says for what purpose?
For the purpose of prayer. And the apostle Paul with his own death imminent.
His last will and testament in the future. He says there's laid up for me a crown of righteousness. Which the
Lord, the righteous judge. Notice what he says. The righteous judge. Will award me on that day.
And not only me. But also to all who have loved his appearing.
So why is the focus of the imminent return of Jesus Christ here before us? Because the focus on Christ's glorious return is a great motivation.
It's a motivator for believers. For what? To live godly.
To persevere. To keep on keeping on. Not to quit. Not to give up.
Not to faint. Not to lose heart. Not to defect from the faith. But to keep pressing forward for Jesus' sake.
1 John 3 John writes. Everyone who has this hope. He speaks about Jesus' return.
The second coming. Fixed on Him. Don't you love that?
Fixed. It's like you set in. Dialed in. Fixed on Him.
Purifies Himself. Just as He's pure. That's a pretty good motivator isn't it?
Titus chapter 2 verse 11 through 13. For the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all men.
That means the invitation is to all men. Instructing us. Teaching us.
God's grace teaches us something doesn't it? First of all that verse right there just shatters antinomianism.
To pieces. A cheap grace of God. Because the grace of God has come that has brought salvation to all men.
Instructs us and teaches us to first of all to deny ungodliness.
Secondly worldly desires. To live sensibly. Soberly. Righteously.
And godly. In this present age. Then until looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great
God and Savior Jesus Christ. And then it goes on to say who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed.
And to purify for Himself a people for His own possession. Zealous for good deeds.
I think about that word zealous. In other words He's literally on fire. Passionate about the truth.
And passionate about Jesus Christ. Verse 15. These things speak and exhort.
This is what He says. And to reprove with all authority. Let no one despise you.
Don't let anyone disregard you. Well next it leads me to my next point.
And is the example that James gives. Let's look at the example. It's given in verse 7b.
He says this. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil.
The farmer is what? Being patient. A farmer has to be patient, doesn't he? Being patient about it until he gets the early and late rains.
Now what is James saying? James is actually saying this. Take a good look at the farmer.
Here's the example. An example of patience and long suffering.
Every farmer is a patient person. He's patient because he has a lot of work to do.
And he must wait. It's the waiting process.
That's not in his control. God is doing something. He has to wait for God to do something in the fields and the orchards.
You know plants take time to grow, don't they? And fruit takes time to yield and ripen. And just as the
Jewish readers and listeners would know exactly what James is referring to. But a scripture comes to my mind here.
And I looked it up. Deuteronomy 11, 13 -14. God made a promise to the nation of Israel before they crossed over Jordan River and entered into the promised land.
And this is what God said. And it shall come about, if you listen obediently to my commandments, which
I am commanding you today. It's always today, isn't it? Today, to love the
Lord your God and serve Him with all your heart and all your soul. That He will give the rain.
And for your land in its season, the early and the late rain.
Isn't that beautiful? How that ties in, that it is God that gives us the command. And God is sovereignly in control.
We are to wait patiently of what He's doing. So in Israel, the early rain, the autumn rain, comes in October and November.
And after the ground has been prepared and the seed has been sown, that's the process, the rain enables the seed to germinate, to produce the sprouts, to grow to almost full height.
Then later on there's the late rain, that is the spring rain, that comes in the March and April time in Israel.
When the buds have formed, it enables the grain to mature for the harvest time.
Now that doesn't happen automatically, does it? It takes time. That's what James is saying.
James is saying, you as a Christian, in an analogy, it's very important that the farmer, like a farmer, that follows the true timetable that is set forth by God, he wants an abundant harvest.
So there's a time of patient waiting for the autumn rain to arrive, the spring rain to arrive, for the harvesting to begin, and the farmer is kept busy, he prepares, he does what he can, but the rest is in God's hands, right?
Until there's a crop. Well, that's what he's saying. The farmer is committed.
He's patient. He's got a duty to do, but the rest of it is in God's controls.
This is the way Jesus spoke in parables as well. About the parable of the sower.
It's beautiful, if you look at it. But until harvest time. So basically the farmer depends on something outside of himself.
He depends on God's control. God's providential control. Bringing everything together, the elements needed, the crops to grow, as the text says, the crops are what?
Precious. What does that word precious mean? It means it's valuable. It means it's something valuable and precious to him because he depends on them for his existence.
This is the way he makes a living. He depends on everything on this. All he can do as he does his duty and preparation is to be patient.
Be patient. He waits eagerly for the crops to come in. Now we come to the third point.
The second exhortation in verse 8. He says, you too be patient.
He gets right to the point, doesn't he? You too be patient like the farmer. Applying the analogy to his readers,
James is exhorting them. You too be patient just as the farmer waits patiently through the entire growing season for his crops.
He has to wait. Also believers is to wait patiently for the return of Jesus Christ.
And when he comes back in power and glory, he's going to set everything straight. He will.
You know, very similar. Paul addressed something very, very similar in his exhortation in chapter 6 of Galatians, verse 9.
He says this, let us not lose heart in doing good. And then he says this, for in due time, we.
Don't you love Paul? He just didn't say me. He says, we, the church, will reap if we do not grow weary.
That's the key. We got to make sure we don't grow weary. So, at closing here in a few minutes,
I want to give some real good exhortations on how we are not to get weary. Now, in finishing that, he says in verse 10, so then while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people.
All people. And then he underscores something so beautiful. Especially to those of the household of faith.
You take care of those within. The believers. You make sure you do your duty to them and serve them.
And love them. And feed them. And exhort them. And encourage them.
Now, let me give you an application. You too be patient. What does he say? Strengthen your hearts.
Now that's right to the point, isn't it? Strengthen your hearts. For the coming of the
Lord is near. That's why we have to strengthen our hearts. Because the coming of the Lord Jesus is near.
Now, everybody else in this world is not thinking about this. But I'm here to tell you, as a minister and a servant of God, Jesus Christ is coming back soon.
Yeah, but they've been saying that for 2 ,000 years and more. He ain't come back yet. Mockers and scoffers will come and say that.
You know, I was thinking about it the other day. I was thinking about it in the first great judgment. They were probably saying the same thing to Noah. As he was building that ark, then the floods came.
God's got a timetable. God's got a calendar. Right on that timetable, God brought judgment.
And I thought about it. He brought it with water at first, isn't he? And you think about this. What does water do?
Water washes and it cleanses. So he cleansed the whole population of the earth of its wicked rottenness and its corrupt depravity.
Next time, it's with fire. James says it.
And by the way, Peter really says a lot about it. The whole earth will burn up with intense heat.
Water cleanses. Fire purifies. There will be a purification on this earth like it's never seen before.
And it's going to happen. And God's going to purify this earth from all of its sin and of all of its corruptness.
And the only shelter that we will have is Jesus Christ coming to the ark.
He is the type of that ark. Now, he says establish. What does that word establish mean?
Strengthen your hearts. That's a strong word. Let's look at this word. That word beloved is the same word used in Luke 9 .51.
And you know what that word refers to? It says that Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem.
He was unmoved. There was nothing going to move him going to the cross.
He came for this purpose. And that's what he said. For this purpose I was born is to die on Crowley's cross.
That's basically to give my life for the sheep. And that's what he came to do. That's the word here.
It's a word of resolution. It's a resoluteness. To be resolute.
Set your track. Your firm courage. Unmovable. And an attitude of firm commitment to stay the course no matter how severe the trial.
Folks, let me say this. Right now, we're closer than the Lord's return than ever before.
It's no time to defect from the faith. It's no time to go backwards.
We must go forward. In Jesus' name. And I just don't say that.
I want to live it. I want to walk circumspectly. I want to live holy. I want to be more pure. I want to be more godly.
And this is heart searching. Now, we're to set the course.
No matter how severe the trials are, we're to set our course and be fixed as Jesus was fixed on the cross.
The word actually means deriso. It derives from a root word meaning to cause, to stand, to establish, to prop up.
You know what that means? It means to prop up. Straighten up your back. In other words, get some backbone.
Yourself with the blessed hope of the coming of Jesus Christ. Be patient to the end. In other words, stiffen up your backbone.
Stand up straight. Be ready. That's the word.
That's the exhortation. Strengthen your hearts. James urges those about to collapse under the pressure and the weight of persecution.
He says prop yourself up. Get up and get firmness and stability in you.
Now, there's two meanings to that. We know through the scriptures that God himself gives us strength, doesn't he?
Through the inner man. I really believe this. That first of all and foremost is the power of the Holy Spirit. As God abides within us, it's the spirit of the living
God that gives us the energy, the power, the dynamite to keep us going.
Because we can't do it on our own willpower. So it is God that is in work within us.
It's monergistic. We're talking about sanctification now. So that he, in 1
Thessalonians 3 .13, so that he may establish strength in your hearts without blame and holiness before God, our
Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. That goes right into what James is saying. But essentially it says the same thing.
Now 1 Peter 5 .10 says, The Lord strengthen and establish you. So it's the
Lord that gives the strength. It's God working in you. But here in James, there is a believer's responsibility that it's not only monergistic, it is synergistic, that I have a responsibility to strengthen my heart.
Now how can we do this? There is an example I thought of. 1 Samuel chapter 30 verse 6.
It said this, Moreover David was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him.
For all the people were embittered, each one, because of his sons and daughters. And notice what he says,
But David strengthened himself in the Lord his
God. Beloved, I believe that's what we need to do. We must strengthen ourselves in God, encourage yourself in God, encourage yourself in the gospel of Jesus Christ more than ever before.
Beloved, this verse is key, because it is key that David was a man after God's own heart. David encouraged himself in the
Lord God, and he knew where to get his courage from. Beloved, we as believers have to do the same thing and commit ourselves that we have a responsibility.
You notice many times in scripture it also says, Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.
You sanctify. But who actually does the sanctifying work?
It's God. So we can honestly say, salvation is totally completely monergistic.
It's God who does all the work. But in sanctification, it's
God in you, but you must do the duty. Does that make sense? I've got tons of scripture to back that up.
But we as believers are to have the same commitment, to set and fix our eyes on Jesus, our heart, firmly in God until Jesus Christ comes back again.
You notice throughout this epistle, James does not tolerate a double -minded, unstable person. James chapter 1 verse 6, he's observed that one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven, tossed by the wind.
And he warns that that man ought not to expect he will receive anything from the
Lord because he's a double -minded man. He's unstable in all of his ways. And beloved, we do not need to be unstable.
We must be firm and established. James 2 .4, he talks about people who are partial.
Partial. And we know as Brother Ben mentioned earlier, that God is no respecter of a person.
He says, actually in chapter 3 verse 11, the unstable souls, fountains that bring forth sweet water and bitter trees that bear two kinds of fruit which are impossible.
Chapter 4 .4, people who love the world and try to love God at the same time, that cannot happen. And then in verse 8, he says,
Cleanse your hearts, you double -minded. He gets right to the point. Purify your hearts, in other words, repent, turn to the
Lord, and He will establish you. But you got to turn to God. Not surprising then that James exhorts his readers to have a settled conviction, right?
That the Lord Jesus Christ will return and strengthen your hearts until He comes. Now, how do we strengthen our hearts?
The text gives us the reason. I got to hurry because my time's about gone. The coming of the
Lord is near. That's why, beloved, He's nearer than we ever would ever think.
He is to come back. And by the way, it's imminent. He could come back at any moment, any time.
As a thief in the night, He will come. No one knows the time or the day. It's near.
It's very near. And all the sufferings, the trials, the persecutions that the Christians go through.
And basically, here's the perspective we have from above. The perspective is that no matter what you go through, because each and every one of us goes through different trials and sets of trials.
God knows exactly, how can I put it here, what word I'm looking for, what
He's tailored for each one of us. I guess that's a pretty good word. He's got it tailored out for each one of us.
And some through hotter fires, some through less hotter fires. But each and every one of us has our trial and hardship and trouble and persecutions in a way.
But here's the deal. It's only temporary. It's only for a short time in comparison to eternity.
I think one of the Puritans, I can't think of it, but Brother Keith might be able to joke my memory on this, but it's like, what is the comparison of a drop of hell here in comparison to oceans of the sea of God's wrath?
That's the comparison. In other words, it's like a little drop of hell here in comparison to the ocean of God's wrath?
Well, you know, we need to think of it in that perspective because what little we undergo here is nothing compared to the eternal hell.
All will end when Jesus comes. 1 Thessalonians 4, 13 -18,
Paul speaks about the coming of the Lord in detail, and then actually he ends it with this, comfort, therefore comfort one another with these words.
See, it was God's, it was the comfort. The most comforting thing to the persecuted believer in that time period was that Jesus Christ would come back and set it straight.
The coming of the Lord is near. The verb translated near means to draw near, to approach, to come to a close.
A closure is coming. The great and terrible day of the Lord. The day of God.
The return of Jesus Christ is the next great event in God's prophetic calendar and it could happen at any moment as I say it.
I got this from Brother Keith. Thank you, Brother Keith, for letting me borrow this. Matten says, A spiritual argument for patience involves thinking of the day of judgment.
On a second letter of Clement in one of the oldest church sermons about A .D. 150, Clement says this,
Quote, Realize that the day of judgment is at hand like a blazing furnace. Heaven upon heaven shall dissolve.
The whole earth shall be led, melting in fire. And then the secret and the open deeds of people shall appear as they are.
For the Lord says, I am coming to gather all nations, tribes, and tongues. This refers to the day of His appearing when
He will come and redeem us, each according to His works. Even the unbelievers shall see
His glory and might, and they will be dismayed when they see the rulership of the world at the hands of Jesus.
Let us have faith, then, brothers and sisters, we are standing the test of the living
God and training ourselves in the present life so that we shall be crowned by the life to come.
End quote. That's only a piece of the sermon. I was thinking about a few verses in closing, but if you turn with me to Malachi, look at Malachi, the last
Old Testament prophet. He gives us some details of the coming of the
Lord. Look at chapter 3. Notice in both chapter 3 and chapter 4, it opens up for behold, behold, look, behold.
Verse 1 in chapter 3, I'm going to send my messenger, and he will clear the way before me.
This was a prophecy of John the Baptist coming at Jesus, His first coming, but there's a double prophecy here, beloved.
The first advent of Jesus, but also it speaks about His second advent. Notice what He says,
And the Lord whom you seek, He will suddenly come to His temple, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold,
He is coming, says the Lord of hosts. Now, I really believe that this unexpected coming of Jesus Christ partially was fulfilled at His first advent, but it will be accomplished in full in His second coming.
There's a double prophecy here. Notice what He says. Verse 2,
Who can endure the day of His coming? Who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap.
He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the
Lord offerings in righteousness. Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the
Lord as in the days of old and as in the former years. And then I will draw near, notice there it is, draw near to you for the judgment, and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the wage earner of His wages.
Just like what James is talking about. And the widow and the orphan and those who turn aside the alien and do not fear
Me, says the Lord of hosts. And then He says this in verse 6, For I, the
Lord, do not change. Therefore, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.
Jump to chapter 4. Then He says, For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be shafted.
And the day is coming. Notice how many times, it's coming, the day is coming. It will set them ablaze, says the
Lord of hosts, and that it will leave them neither root nor branch. For you who fear
My name, the son of righteousness, will rise with healing in His wings. And you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall, and you will tread down the wicked, and they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on that day, which
I am preparing, says the Lord of hosts. You know, when God says it, it's going to happen. Now go with me to Luke.
The words of Jesus Christ. In closing, very quickly, chapter 18.
You need to, in your devotional time, read chapter 17, because Jesus teaches on the second coming.
That whole chapter, especially the latter part of it, from verse 20 all the way to verse 37,
He speaks of His second coming. But notice, He tells the parable, the woman and the judge, and I got a point to make here, and I think this is the driving point that we really need to set before us, that Jesus Christ is soon to return.
And Jesus speaks, now He was telling them a parable to show that all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart.
Saying, in a certain city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect man.
There was a widow in that city and she kept coming to Him. She was persevering.
Listen to this. She was saying, well give me legal protection from my opponent. For a while he was unwilling, but after he said to himself, even though I do not fear
God nor respect man, yet because this widow bothers me,
I will give her legal protection, otherwise by continually coming, she will wear me out.
Notice what Jesus says here. And the Lord said, hear what the unrighteous judge said,
Now will not God bring about justice for all of His elect who cry to Him day and night?
That's supplication, beloved. And I will delay long over them.
Question. I'm sorry, will He delay long over them? Verse 8,
I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. And Jesus closes it with this question.
And this is the question we need to set before us. However, however, when the
Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?
Beloved, again I say this with all the love within me, this is no time for any of us to defect from the faith.
The time is near. Jesus is coming soon. Hebrews chapter 10, one more exhortation.
Notice what He says in chapter 10, and let me begin with verse 25, because one of the most important things for us to do is to meet together as people of God.
Because it says it right here. Let me go back to verse 23. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering.
Doesn't James say, the man that wavers is unstable? He's double -minded? Here, without wavering.
For he who promised is faithful. God's promised, He's faithful. And then
He says, then let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.
And then this is one way we can do it. Not forsaking our own assembling together, we come together as God's people, is the habit of some, in other words, some of you have forsaken to come together.
And then He says, but when we do, you encouraging one another, and all the more, all the more, listen to this, you see the day drawing near.
What day? The coming of Jesus Christ. From verse 25 to verse 26 is a great gap, because you see, at one moment, when a person is not coming together, when people are not coming together, to hear, to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, and to encourage one another, as we see the day drawing near, in verse 26 there's apostasy.
Doesn't that make you tremble? For if we go on sinning willfully, after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation, a judgment, and the fury of a fire, which will consume the adversaries.
And notice what He says here. Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without the mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
And then He says, how much severe punishment do you think he would deserve who has trampled underfoot the
Son of God and is regarded as unclean blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified and has insulted the
Spirit of grace. You know, a day is coming.
And notice, if you read the rest of it, look at verse 37, He quotes an
Old Testament prophet. For yet in a very little while he who is coming will come and will not delay, but my righteous one shall live by faith.
And if he shrinks back, this is
God speaking, my soul has no pleasure in him.
But we, notice what He says, to assure the people of God, the elect, the sheep of God's own pasture.
But we are not of those who shrink back. Isn't that a great exhortation to destruction?
But of those who have faith to the persevering of the soul. Beloved, I'm telling you, those that endure to the end shall be saved.
We must press forward. We must establish our hearts, strengthen our hearts in the light of Jesus Christ coming back.
Amen? Amen. Let's pray. Father, this has been such a strong word for us this morning as Your people.
But at the same time, there's a great comfort and there's a great encouragement because we know that Scripture says to the true believers who are truly sanctified and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, they will persevere to the very end.
There's no shrinking back. There's no going backwards.
There's only going forward. And Lord, we pray that if anybody has gone backwards,
Lord, that they will right now turn toward the Lord, turn to Calvary's cross and just not be sorry that they've been caught in sin, but Lord, sorry and repentant that they have hurt
Your heart. Lord, we've all fallen underneath this category one time or another.
We've all shrunk back in some time or another. Father, forgive us. Jesus, there's strong warnings that Lord, You gave.
No man that set his hand to the plow, if he looks back, is not fit for the kingdom of God.
Lord, that makes me tremble. May we be steadfast. May we establish our hearts and holiness in Your sight.
And Father, may we press forward like we've never pressed forward before. But Lord, we know we cannot do this within our own strength.
We need all the grace. And You have supplied that grace, Lord, so graciously. And that grace is supplied all in Jesus Christ, Your Son.
He's given His all. We have no excuse. With all the revelation we have before us, help us,
Lord, to be doers of the Word and just not hearers. Help us, Lord, to live in light of Your second coming more than ever before.
Even Your Word says, many, there will be some, and many false prophets will arise and some will depart from the faith.
We don't want to be part of that some. Lord, we want to be part of the church of the redeemed that comes faithfully before You.
And we desire and long to hear Your Word say, well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the
Lord. Until the very end, until we take our last breath, or until Jesus Christ comes.
Father, we long for that day. May we be attentive. May we establish our hearts in holiness and live righteous and circumspectly, pleasing to You, pleasing to You, and to the very end.