Matt Chandler Should Take His Own Advice

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Alright, well, let's do a quick video here, second of the day, haven't done a two video day in a while, but I did want, somebody shared this with me on Gab, it was a tweet from Matt Smethurst, he would never go to Gab, of course, but somebody shared it with me on Gab, it's a
Matt Smethurst tweet where he shares a clip from a Matt Chandler sermon, and I liked the clip, somebody at the
Fight Laugh Feast conference told me that if I wanted to have a successful YouTube channel, then I needed to talk about Matt Chandler more, because, you know, if you look at my videos, the
Matt Chandler ones where I'm critiquing something he says, they tend to get an inordinate amount of views compared to other videos, and, you know,
I might not be the best at, you know, deciphering the YouTube algorithm or reading the analytics,
I mean, you know, I'll leave that for the big brains, but I do know how to see which videos get the most play, and it's true,
I mean, the Matt Chandler content definitely gets the most play, but, you know, my thing is, you know, whatever works on YouTube, I'll just do the opposite, that's how
I do it around here, you know, people want Matt Chandler content and I'll give them a video about the Subway commercial, you know, that's my style and I'm okay with that, but I thought this was interesting,
I actually kind of liked this clip, but when you put it into the context of everything that's happened in the last few years, it just seems a little disingenuous, so let's play it, because, again,
I kind of agree with it, which I'd really like to not agree with it, because it's Matt Smethurst and Matt Chandler, but we'll listen to it.
You have been afforded grace despite you, and therefore, we're going to share grace with one another.
Yeah. Now here's what's crazy, that sounds so simple, and yet, in 2021, it's actually unapologetic.
Yeah, that's right. Like, the bar right now, of being salt and light, it's fairly low, right,
I mean, there was a day where, like, you better get those presuppositional apologetics in, I was reading Keller and then Mimikini, right, reading
John Frame, and it... Is Keller presuppositional? I always thought Keller was an evidentialist,
I'm pretty sure he is, but, you know, whatever, that's a small thing. Like, now it's like, hey, don't be angry all the time, you know what you, like, don't be a jerk, right, it's like, okay, here we are, people are like, something's different about this guy, right, it's just like, hey, don't be a jerk, actually, give people, specifically brothers and sisters in Christ, the benefit of the doubt, like, you see what
I'm saying? So that's true, I mean, you should not be angry all the time, you should not be a jerk all the time.
I think, though, the imbalance here, though, is that, but you should be angry sometimes, and you should laugh a lot as well,
I mean, some people like to criticize my channel that I'm having too much of a good time doing it, and I'm like,
I'm not gonna, don't try to take my joy away from me, this is fun, I like fighting for the Lord, you know what I mean? It gets me going, wakes me up in the morning,
I enjoy it, and sometimes I'm angry, and sometimes I'm sad, and sometimes I'm laughing, and, you know, all that kind of stuff, and that's the balance that we should all be...
He's right about this, there's just no question about it, don't be a jerk, give people the benefit of the doubt, he's about to talk about that in a second, let's hear him out.
He's like, you teach second graders that! But the church, we've lost our mind, like we're devouring one another, no benefit of the doubt, wanting to kind of isolate in a tribe, vilifying other churches, and I'm saying, let's not do that, let's not let storyline be that place where we give in to the outrage of our day, but rather just determined by the grace of God to love one another, serve one another, bless one another, give one another the benefit of the doubt, champion in one another, mourn with one another, the 59 one another's in the
New Testament, call us to be the kind of people that won't give in to that nonsense, but shine like a light in that darkness.
He's right, he's right, those one another passages, that's the mark of a Christian, we gotta treat each other, especially those in the church, with the dignity that they deserve, we should talk things out, we shouldn't get into our own little tribe and be naysaying everybody else.
He's 100 % right, this is something that I've committed my YouTube channel to, and of course
I do get criticized for this, I get criticized for being naive, I get criticized for having too big of a tent, my beliefs are very narrow,
I'm very fundamentalist about my beliefs, but as far as who I treat as a believer, who I accept their profession of faith, that's a very big tent, and people criticize me for that.
I'm with this, right, I'm with this, and the video's over, that's the whole clip.
I agree with all of that, but the problem is you gotta actually practice it, it's one thing to talk about it and preach about it from the stage, but it's a completely different thing to do it.
One of the first videos that I did that took off was a Matt Chandler video, in which he called a good percentage of his church who left, when he started going woke, he calls them fools.
No benefit of the doubt, racist, white supremacist, white privileged, no benefit of the doubt. This whole controversy with social justice is about removing the benefit of the doubt so long as the person you're removing it from is white, male, straight.
That's what it's about. The social justice controversy is all about removing benefit of the doubt. Any action that you do is called into question so long as you have the right skin color.
But if you have the other skin color, then of course you get all the benefit of the doubt no matter how wicked what you're teaching is.
You could literally be teaching socialism and racism from the pulpit, which one of his friends does.
Eric Mason teaches racism from the pulpit, he uses racial slurs from the pulpit, but he has the right skin color.
So he gets benefit of the doubt where there should not be, to the point of naivete. But if you're white, you get no benefit of the doubt.
That's what this whole controversy is all about, treating people with partiality. So Chandler's exactly right here, but it's very disingenuous to hear it from him because he doesn't practice it.
And see, this is the problem, right? And when I talk to Ruslan, this is something that I said the very next day or maybe a few days later, you know,
Ruslan spends all day talking about charity. We got to have charity in all things and all that kind of stuff.
And I completely agree with him, right? But the thing is, if you go to the conversation that we had, which one of us actually showed charity, right?
Was it the one who always talks about charity? I defy you to see his perspective and the way he handled himself in that conversation.
I defy you to describe that as charity. It was not charitable in any way. But I was very charitable, even though I never talk about showing charity.
I just do it. I just do it. And so the reality is that this is one of those things where it's like,
I mean, I'm right on. I love this clip, right? But the thing is, like, we have to have the ability to call each other out in a way that's not hypocritical, right?
Because, you know, again, it's one thing to talk about this.
Well, we got to bear with one another. We got to give one another. OK, well, does that apply to white people, right? Do they get the benefit of the doubt or are they participating in this evil system of white supremacy?
And even if they're not racist, they are racist. And all that kind of stuff. You see, the lack of benefit of the doubt is built in to their teaching on race.
It's built into it. And of course, it is critical race theory, but I don't care if you accepted that it's critical race theory or not.
Whatever it is, it's their teaching. It's their teaching. They're showing partiality at every turn.
And so I just find it so disingenuous to hear it from him. And again, it's like, it's nice to talk about these things, all the one another's and all that kind of stuff.
But it's a very different thing to practice it. Practicing it is a lot harder. Granted, I mean, I obviously don't get it right all the time, but I never talk about it.
Well, not never. I do talk about it when it's time to talk about it. But you don't hear me constantly beating that drum.
You just see it in my actions. And the thing is, I'm fairly certain. Look, there are people in Matt Chandler's circles that have made it their mission, their personal mission, to stop people from treating me with any kind of human dignity.
They say, a lot of people have considered talking to me privately, publicly, and stuff like that. And this man has took it upon himself to say, don't do it.
Don't do it. You're just going to give him a platform. Don't trust him. You can't trust him. And he's stopped so many conversations, right?
And that's in his circles. Again, it's one thing to talk about this. Well, love believes all things, one another's, and all that kind of stuff.
It's a very different thing to hold onto your scruples and act that way. And I would suggest that acting like this is much better than talking like this.
If you have to talk about this, you're a pastor, you're preaching on these passages, fine. That's okay. But just make sure you're not just preaching it and not doing it.
Because James says, the brother of the Lord, what good is that? Anyway, I hope you found this helpful.