Patron Q&A - July 2020

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Alright, well let's jump right into the Q &A today. First, before I get into it, thank you so much for the support.
If you're new, thank you. If you've been here for a long time, thank you. Your support has allowed me to put a lot more time into this channel.
We're producing more videos than we ever have before. I think the content has been as good as it's ever been and you're helping this message reach a lot more people.
This past month, the content reached as many people as I had in the last 6 months combined almost.
And so that's a huge deal. The Farewell Woke Church video, which I thought was going to be given a lot of pushback and all that kind of thing, actually was one of my most popular videos.
I think over 70 ,000 people have seen that video and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
People are sick of this other religion and they're glad that people are starting to call it what it is.
It's a pagan version of Christianity. It's attempting to syncretize things that you can't syncretize.
And we're having an impact. People are starting to notice. The Big Eva leaders are starting to say, how dare you call us a different religion and stuff like that.
We're getting responses. We're forcing them to respond to this stuff, which is a good first step. And so thank you because you've helped to get that message out.
So hopefully we'll continue to build on the momentum from last month into July.
But again, thank you so much for the support. It means a lot to my family and me. And it really helps kind of driving down that opportunity cost because I don't make my living on YouTube.
I have another job that I do, and it makes it easier to spend more time on the channel when
I get support like this. And so thank you, thank you, thank you. Let's jump into the questions. I'll be able to answer all of them because of the volume.
So let's jump right in. First question. Now, I'll answer this question, but I do want to say that if you've got the more extreme version of a social justice advocate, like they're in the social justice woke cult, nothing will change their mind except the
Bible. So the only thing I could recommend for people that are completely off the wall, you know, the people that say whiteness is the original sin, whiteness is the devil, like stuff like that, they're unsaved.
And so no book is really going to help them. They need the gospel. They need Christ to change their heart. They need the
Holy Spirit to give them a heart of flesh. But as far as those that are just dabbling, there's two books that I want to recommend here.
The first one is by Thomas Sowell. Really anything by Thomas Sowell would be helpful, but one called
Black Rednecks and White Liberals. It's a very good starter book for Thomas Sowell. He is expert at these disparities that people like to cite, and he talks about why it's never really as simple as people want to make it.
Great book, great book, and highly recommend it. He's very good at communicating, so it's accessible, even to people that aren't really economically minded, if that makes sense.
So, Black Rednecks and White Liberals. The second book is by a
Christian, David Chilton, and it's called Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators.
It was written a number of decades ago, but it's one of those books where you could highlight every sentence, and it's directly relevant to what you're seeing today.
At the time, it was a response to a social justice book by a guy, I forget the guy's name,
I don't know, but it was called Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, or something like that. And so Chilton wrote a response,
Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators. There's a lot of guilt manipulators out there, and this book is expert from a
Christian perspective at pointing out what the problems are with their arguments, and giving you scriptures and biblical responses to some of this stuff.
It is a fantastic book. The advantages is that it's a distinctly Christian book, and you can get it for free on PDF version online.
Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators. All right, now we've got a rapid fire, seven questions in a row from the same person.
I only promised I'd answer one each, but I'm gonna answer all seven of these. Let's jump right in.
Number one, if everyone in Big Eva got into a battle royale, who would win? I think it'd be Mark Dever, because Mark Dever looks like a guy who can throw some hands, you know what
I mean? I don't know, I could be wrong. I've never seen him in real life. I've seen him on video and stuff like that, but he seems to have kind of like a thick head and like a thick neck, where he'd probably take a hit, you know what
I mean? But he could throw some hands, you know? Mark Dever would win. Can Russell Moore bench 135 pounds?
I'm torn on this, because I want to say no, but everybody knows that there's a lot of dandies out there, a lot of fancy boys out there that spend a lot of time in the gym.
They spend a lot of time in the gym, they spend a lot of time getting their mani -pedis and stuff like that, and he could be low -key one of those guys.
So I want to say no. This is a tough one. I'm gonna say no.
He can't. But maybe I'm wrong. I've never seen him in real life. He often looks very small to me, so I feel safer with no.
Okay, the next two questions I think are related, so I'm gonna answer them together, but they might not be.
So if they're not, sorry about this, questioner. The first one is, what do you think about Jesse Lee Peterson's theology?
And the second one is, can a Christian go a whole day, week, or year without sinning? I'm gonna put these together, because that's something that Jesse Lee Peterson often says.
Like, a Christian doesn't sin. You can't just keep sinning if you're a Christian. And the reason why that's a powerful thing to say from Jesse Lee Peterson is because there's a
Bible verse that says something similar to that. But I think, so Jesse Lee Peterson's theology,
I don't know a ton about it, but that whole idea about, like, that sinless kind of perfectionism type thing, I'm not a fan of that at all.
I think that that's heretical. The verse in, let me see if I can find it.
Let me just, yeah, let's just continue, because I can't, it's not offhand right now. But yeah, so the idea of sinless perfectionism,
I just don't think is biblical at all. I think that there's a difference between a
Christian who sins and a Christian who's a slave to sin. Because if you're a slave to sin, you're actually not a
Christian at all. And so anyway, so as far as, can a Christian go a whole day or week or year without sinning?
I would say that the way you've asked the question, can, yes, that's possible.
I don't think it's very common to go a whole day or week or year, definitely not a year without sinning. And I think that if you start thinking along those lines, then you probably have a lower view of sin than you ought to have.
Because when you think about sin, it's actions, yes, but then it's also in the mind, and sometimes it feels like in the mind it's difficult to control.
I'm not saying it's impossible to control, but I'm saying it's difficult to control where your mind goes and what you think about and stuff like that.
And so I think that the longer you become a Christian, the more aware of your sin you are and you realize how deep it goes.
And so you start to recognize sinful patterns or sinful ideas more often the longer you're a
Christian. And so the idea that you could go a week or a year without sinning becomes very preposterous.
Now, that's very different than being a slave to sin because when a Christian sins, it's almost like you're sinning, but you're not sinning with a full consent.
You know what I mean? You don't want to do it, and you do it, and you hate the fact that you've done it.
You know what I mean? That's very different than someone who's a slave to sin because someone who's a slave to sin just doesn't even register to their minds.
And I think there's something else we need to be careful with too because when I first became a Christian and I first heard about original sin,
I almost thought to myself, well, okay, that must mean that my existence is offensive to God.
Like my whole existence is sin. And we got to be careful with that because that's actually not the case for a
Christian because God loves his people, right? Like your existence is not offensive to God as a
Christian. But at the same time, that doesn't mean that you can...
It doesn't mean that perfection is attainable. Complete and utter perfection is attainable this side of heaven.
That's something that we look forward to. That's something that we can't wait for. That's something that we want, and that's something that we strive for.
But at the same time, if you have an adequate view of sin and how insidious it is and all of these things, then
I don't think that you would come to the conclusion that I've gone a whole week without sinning.
Yeah, maybe you've gone a whole week without doing something externally, but what about that mind? So the answer is, can a
Christian? Yes. Do Christians? No. Maybe that's the best way to put it.
Anyway, let's move on. If you could write a Star Wars story, what would it be about? It would be about Boba Fett.
He got out of the Sarlacc pit. I don't know if you guys are aware of that. And his story went on. I want to see what happened after he got out of the
Sarlacc pit. Six, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do the recent Supreme Court cases basically force
Christians to keep voting Republican until the court is sane again? I think the answer is 10, but you can't keep voting for the same
Republicans. I think every one of these losers should get primaried, essentially. Now, that's an exaggeration.
Not everyone, but so many of these senators and representatives and stuff like that, we need fresh blood in here, and we need to make it as extreme as possible.
We need to start taking more extreme positions. And I don't mean unbiblical positions, but instead of nibbling around the edges of things, we need to start taking some ground.
So instead of like, I will defend the Second Amendment. No, it's like, no, no, no. That time is over. We need to start legalizing bazookas.
How about that? If you're a citizen, you can have a bazooka. That's what we need to start doing. We need to start going in, essentially.
And so we know that the current crop of losers in the House of Representatives and the
Senate aren't willing to do that. They're not willing to do that. We need people that run on campaigns like this.
Not only are we banning abortion, but it's going to be criminalized. And if you procure or accomplish an abortion, you will be given the death penalty.
That's my ticket. That's what I'm running on. We can't have this, well, we need to defund
Planned Parenthood. It's like, dude, grow a pair. You know what I mean? That's what we need. We need to, yes, keep voting
Republican, but we need different Republicans, more extreme Republicans, not these wimps that are just like, oh, well, just maybe we'll defund it for a few months.
You know, that kind of thing. That's the fancy pants boy version.
That's the Russell Moore version of Republican. I can't even bench press 135 pounds.
Number seven. My plan to fix the Supreme Court is to basically turn them into eunuchs who live completely isolated from society on a mountain.
Sometimes they will be summoned by a giant horn called the Horn of Justice to read the Constitution as written and nothing else other than the
Bible. How does that sound to you? That sounds pretty good. I'm in. Good plan.
I like that. The Supreme Court of eunuchs. Also, you got to kick the women off the court, too. Anyway.
Kevin. Oh, man. Okay. Here's another question. Different questioner.
This is a new questioner. From post -millennialist to another, from one post -millennialist to another, do you think we can win the culture war?
And what do you suggest Christians do other than pray? Yes, we definitely can win the culture war.
And my suggestion for Christians is twofold. Number one, don't expect to win it in the next 10 years or 20 years or in this generation because I think from a post -millennialist viewpoint, the kingdom of God is going to conquer the world.
It's going to be the righteous are going to shine like the sun. They're going to be everywhere.
We're going to be all over the place. There's going to be no escape from Christians. None. No escape.
But it's going to happen gradually, and it's going to happen in fits and starts, and right now it certainly seems like we're on one of those downswings.
It's like looking at the stock market, right? It goes up and down, but it trends up. That's how it's been anyway lately.
We're on one of those downswings right now, and it's not funny because there's going to be suffering. It's going to be hard to be a
Christian, but we should count it as joy. You know what I mean? It's not funny, but we should count it as joy. And so that's the thing.
Don't expect to win it tomorrow, but act like you're going to win it tomorrow. So I think we should— that's why
I was talking about Republicans, right? We should take the actually principled stance. So enough of the nibbling around the edges like a wuss.
Instead of saying we should defund Planned Parenthood, we said, no, we should criminalize abortion. Death penalty for people who try to get abortions.
Death penalty for people who provide abortions. Death penalty.
That's our stance. We should go in. And so here's the thing. So we should not expect to win it tomorrow, but act like it's going to be won tomorrow.
Be ready for it. And we should have a lot of kids and raise them in the fear and admonition of the
Lord. That's what no despair is all about. You obey Christ. You and your family obey Christ. You and your church obey
Christ. You and your town obey Christ. And then you kind of go out from there. I think it's a bottom -up kind of a thing.
Because the Republicans that we elect will have no choice but to take the correct positions if we insist that they take the correct positions.
If we ourselves are doing the right thing, then they'll have no choice unless they don't care about getting elected.
Now, because they do care about getting elected, if we insisted on the right things, they would have to do the right things.
Sadly, there's too few of us that are insisting that they criminalize abortion and make it punishable by the death penalty.
Most of us are like Russell Moore, benching 115 and getting our nails done, saying we should defund
Planned Parenthood. You know what I mean? That's what I'm saying. So anyway,
I would suggest Christians that they should have big families and raise them in the fear and admonition of the
Lord. And you obey Christ. Control what you can control and move forward from there. That's my suggestions.
Thank you for the question. Thank you for the support. Next question. Throughout much of human history, people have ended up enslaved as a result of being captured in battle.
Does the Bible say anything about the legitimacy of keeping POWs as slaves? Well, God did allow the
Israelites to do that with the people that they conquered, right? So it does say that. But I think personally,
I think that if you look at the law of God, it's really more talking about like slavery and indentured servanthood in that context,
I think is more about like punishments for stealing and for people that sell themselves into slavery and stuff like that.
I don't think that it is legitimate to capture opponents in a battle and then keep them as slaves.
I don't think the Bible says that that's okay, although God did command that at certain points to Israel.
I think that was specific to Israel. And so I could be wrong about that, but I don't believe that captured soldiers or people rather should be kept as slaves.
Anyway, then as far as, I could be wrong about that. Let me just say that at the outset.
Next question. Since starting your YouTube channel, what have you learned that has most surprised you about social justice and the church?
I don't know. I don't know. I think I just have been surprised as how common it is.
It's just, it's way more common than I ever thought. And so that might be the surprising thing, just how many people have fallen to this ideology and how quickly it spreads.
When I first started talking about this, I didn't know that there was a vowed critical race theorist that was the moderator of the
PCA General Assembly, Alexander June. I didn't know that there were people that were just very open about how they're
Marxists and stuff like that. I didn't know any of that stuff. And it's just amazing how crazy that's been.
I also didn't know about some of the funding sources for these organizations and how they're connected to nefarious organizations.
I didn't know about the money aspect of it. I also didn't know just how, I don't know, just how common it was.
I think that's it. It's just how, it's way more common than I thought when I first started my channel. That's the thing.
Next question. What are the necessary conditions for a person to be considered oppressed? And what is the godly response of someone who meets the criteria for a specific example?
I think oppression is when you are treated in an ungodly way by a more powerful entity.
So you're oppressed if you're weaker and you're treated in a way that God does not command the government to treat you.
So you're oppressed if somebody, if somebody strong takes your lunch money, right?
That's a small example of being oppressed. But, you know, like many, most citizens in the
United States are actually oppressed by the government because the government takes, you know, anywhere between 20 and 40 % of your income and they can do it because they got a lot of guns, they got a lot of power, and they're like, what are you gonna do about it, essentially?
And we might not feel oppressed because the money's out of our paycheck before we even see it, which, by the way, is just more evidence that we're oppressed because it's like, you can't even see it.
It's coming out before you even get it, you know what I mean? So yeah, I think oppression is about a more powerful entity kind of picking on a less powerful entity in an ungodly way.
And so the godly response is, if you're a godly judge or you're a godly police officer, is to not treat them in unfair ways.
Like, just because they're weaker doesn't mean you can treat them in an ungodly way. I think the response is the doctrine of the lesser magistrate.
Don't go along with it. Don't do it. If you're a tax collector, just collect the right amount.
Don't overcharge them. That was one thing from God's, that's one thing from the scripture that's specifically said.
That's a perfect example. Don't take more than you're supposed to take just because you're more powerful than them because that was the common practice back then.
And so the idea is that you're a lesser magistrate, don't mistreat people just because you're on the powerful team.
That's it. And so everyone that's not in charge, like not the king, not the president, not the senate, should just treat people according to how
God says you should be treated instead of how the oppressor thinks they should be treated. That's the solution, biblically.
Anyway. So, last question. This question comes from my 17 -year -old daughter,
Michaela. Dear Mr. Robles, In an earlier video, you briefly touched on a brewing chicken conspiracy.
I found your logic to be thought -provoking and reasonable. This is a two -part question. A. Can you expound on this conspiracy and what you might think their endgame is?
And B. Do you think it's possible that J .D. Greer's repeated block lives matter was in fact coded communication with chicken conspirators?
This is the weirdest question I've ever been asked. And I never really thought about that before.
I thought maybe J .D. Greer just misspoke. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, but block lives matter could just be block, block, block, block, block lives matter.
That's a good point. I think J .D. Greer's in on this because the thing is chickens in our society are clearly oppressed.
You know, there's only one group really that keeps, you know, animals and like farms them and makes them think that they're loved and liked and then slaughters them and eats them and that's human beings and I think this is something that is an injustice.
It's a gospel issue and we need to change this. Block lives matter.
Block, block, block, block, block lives matter. Hey buddy. For God.
For God, huh? What are you going to do with it? Put it in the bottle. You want to give it to God?
Yeah. Oh, well that's very nice. Paige, say hi to everybody on the camera. Say hi.
But what do I do? Just go like this. Hi. Hi. Hi. Say thanks for supporting my dad on Patreon.
Thanks for supporting my dad on Patreon. Thanks for supporting my dad on Patreon.
Don't report me. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. Thanks for the questions and thanks for the support.