Rick Warren's Arguments for Female Pastors Refuted / Scripture Twister Disfellowshipped by SBC

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Refuting the idea that Mary Magdeline the first preacher of the gospel -    • Was Mary Magdalene The First Preacher...   Titus 1, 1 Timothy 2:12, 1 Timothy 3, 1 Corinthians 14


Hello, in this video, I want to comment on some of the statements made by Rick Warren regarding female pastors.
He's in the news again. He was kicked out of the SBC, Saddleback Church was kicked out of the
Southern Baptist Convention because they have ordained female pastors. That's against SBC rules.
Rick Warren and Saddleback Church know full well that's against SBC rules.
They openly defied the rules. More importantly, they openly defied scripture and they got kicked out, which obviously they should have because they broke the rules and they did it intentionally.
But now Rick Warren is out there again and he is really, I don't know if I'd call it lying, gaslighting, certainly he's taking the
Bible out of context. He's twisting the scriptures, but I'm going to show you some clips. Obviously, when it comes to female pastors, you want to go to the verses that cover that topic, the qualifications for an elder,
Titus 1, qualifications for a pastor or a bishop in 1 Timothy 3, obviously 1
Timothy 2, 12, Paul says, I do not permit a woman to teach nor to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.
1 Corinthians 14 addresses that. But Rick Warren in a clip that I saw, I'm going to show it.
He says, well, yeah, but there's hundreds of different interpretations on those passages, which number one is not true.
There are not hundreds of different interpretations, but think about what he's saying. He's saying, pointing to clear verses in the
Bible that are in context, addressing the issue of who's qualified for the office of pastor or elder.
And he's saying, you know, we just don't know. It's just not clear. But then
Rick Warren will go to other passages and he will say that, oh, it's very clear.
The great commission shows us that women should be pastors. And you're thinking, great commission.
That doesn't, first of all, that's not about the qualifications for a pastor and it doesn't even mention it.
How can he, yeah, it's, it's frustrating, but let's watch the first video where Rick Warren claims that, you know, the
Bible just isn't clear in Corinthians, Titus, 1st Timothy. Check it out.
Everybody in the SBC believes in the inerrancy of scripture. Now we're talking about difference of interpretation.
Those particular passages, Titus, Timothy, and Corinthians have hundreds, literally hundreds of interpretations.
Okay. So as you can see, Rick Warren is trying to cast doubt. The verses that you thought were so clear that the
Christian church viewed as clear for 1900 years, he's saying, no, no, no, no.
Hundreds of different interpretations. We can't know what the Bible says in those passages.
But he does point to these other passages, Matthew 28, Acts chapter two.
So I want to show you what he says about this. I understand why people get upset about this because I believe the way they did until three years ago.
And I actually had to change because of scripture. Culture could not change me on this issue.
Antidotes could not change me on this issue. Pressure from other people would not change me on this issue.
What changed me was when I came to confrontation with four scriptures, nobody ever talked about that I felt had strong implications about women in ministry.
And nobody had ever shown it to me. Now, great commission, go make disciples, baptize, teach.
You can't say, well, the first two are for men and women, the last two are only for men or maybe just ordained men. That's eisegesis.
That's like, you got a problem. Who authorized women to teach? Jesus. All authority is given to me, therefore teach.
All authority is given to me, therefore baptize. You've got a problem with the great commission. I had to repent when
I actually looked at the great commission, I had to say, it's not just for ordained men, it's for everybody.
On that day at Pentecost, we know women were in the upper room. We know women were filled with the
Holy Spirit. We know that women were preaching in languages that other people couldn't hear to a mixed audience.
We know women, it wasn't just men. Women were preaching on the day of Pentecost. How do we know that?
Because Peter felt obligated to explain it. He explains why you're now seeing women preaching on the very first day of the church.
He explains it and he says, this is that, that Joel predicted. And here's what he says, in the last days, and clearly that means
Peter thought the last days began with the birth of the church. Peter says, in the last days,
I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
That's different than the Old Testament. Russell, I've looked at over 300 commentaries on those verses.
And it's interesting to me that almost everybody goes, yep, in the church, everybody gets to play, everybody gets to preach, everybody gets to prophesy.
And the people who don't like that ignore that verse. John MacArthur doesn't even cover that verse.
He just skips over it. The very first Christian sermon, the message of the gospel of good news of the resurrection,
Jesus chose a woman to deliver it to men. He had Mary Magdalene go and tell the disciples.
Now, that clearly wasn't an accident. It was unintentional. It's a whole new world, baby.
Now he has a woman go tell the apostles. You got, can a woman teach an apostle?
Evidently did it on the first day. He chose her to be the first preacher of the gospel.
Okay, so yeah, again, very frustrating. But Rick Warren says that the great commission showed him that women can be pastors and preachers in the church.
Well, obviously Jesus is speaking those words to what, 12 men, or at that time, 11 men,
I guess. But he's telling that to the apostles and that's the overall mission of the church.
But to say that somehow justifies female pastors, that's not what it says.
So he's taking that out of context. The passage about Acts chapter two, again, it's not about female pastors or qualifications for the office of elder.
That's not even what that passage is about. Now does the Holy Spirit, because it says in Acts 2, 17 and 18, and it shall come to pass in the last day, says
God that I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.
Do women have the Holy Spirit? Yes. Can women teach? Yes. They can teach children.
They can teach and preach to other women. There are settings outside of the church that women can certainly share the gospel and teach people.
Right. But they can't hold the office of pastor in a local church. They are not to have that teaching authority on Sunday morning.
So Rick Warren is taking Matthew 28 out of context. He's taking Acts chapter two out of context.
He's twisting it. He's inserting things that are not even there. The passages that are so very clear in first Timothy, Titus, Corinthians, well, you know, hundreds of different interpretate.
You can't even know what that says for him to say that he hasn't changed his mind because of pressure or because of the culture.
He is convinced by the Bible that women should be pastors. Why? Well, because Mary came to the disciples after seeing the risen
Lord and she told them what she saw. What does that have to do with the qualifications for an elder?
It has nothing to do with it. So again, I don't know if this is lying, gaslighting or what it is, whatever you want to call it.
Mary was what? She was relaying a message. Mary was telling them what she saw.
That's not the same as preaching a sermon in church on Sunday morning. And everybody knows that. So I'm going to put in the description, a link to a video where I covered that topic in more depth was
Mary Magdalene, the first, first preacher of the gospel. But I mean, this is, this is ridiculous.
So Rick Warren, he didn't ordain female preachers until he was about to retire.
Is that a coincidence? I don't think so. And then once he ordained women and openly defied
Southern Baptist convention rules, and then he ordained a man, Andy Wood, he's his successor.
And Andy Wood's wife is now a teaching pastor at Saddleback. The Southern Baptist convention kicked
Rick Warren out, disfellowshipped him and Saddleback church. And now they're going to go on their campaign to fight against the
Southern Baptist convention. And, and every time I see Rick Warren on video talking about that or really anything else, all he's doing is bragging about how he's trained over a million pastors, which is impossible and how he's so big that he doesn't even need the
Southern Baptist convention. The Southern Baptist convention actually needs him. I'm going to most likely appeal it.
The not for my benefit, we don't need it. We don't need the Southern Baptist convention. They need the 6 ,000 purpose -driven churches that are in the
Southern Baptist convention in our fellowship, but we don't need the convention, but it would be for the benefit of others, not for us.
Pretty sad, pretty sad. But we're only going to see more of this. Apparently Saddleback church is going to fight their excommunication from the
Southern Baptist convention. So more to come, I'm sure. My name's Pastor Michael Grant.