Is The SDA Church A Cult? Denying The Trinity / Bible + Ellen G. White?

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Watch as General Conference President Ted Wilson fields questions about the Arian heresy and how it is a problem among SDA's. He shares information about early 7th-Day Adventist Church leaders admitting how many denied the Trinity. As I've stated before not all Seventh Day Adventists are cultic, however some are, and this video demonstrates why Evangelicals have historically viewed the SDA's as heterodox rather than orthodo


Hello, in this video I just wanted to comment on the Seventh -day Adventist Church and how in the early days many
Seventh -day Adventists denied the doctrine of the Trinity. Now that may shock you, but even today many of them still reject the
Trinity, which means they in essence are denying the deity of Christ.
And I have a video clip I'm going to show of the president of their general conference admitting this.
Now the reason I'm doing this video is partially to defend myself, because one of my other videos titled
Kingdom of the Cults, it went viral and I was bombarded by comments from Seventh -day
Adventists. Many of them were rude. They made comments about how worshiping on Sunday was the mark of the beast, so if you go to church on Sunday that proves that you are lost.
They defended the writings of Ellen White, and some even said that her writings were inspired, a word that we know is specifically used for the scripture.
Now in fairness, not all the comments were like that, but here was the common theme.
They said that the Seventh -day Adventist Church is not a cult, and of course if you are in that church, you're not going to consider it a cult, obviously, but here's the thing.
On that question, is the Seventh -day Adventist Church a cult? It really depends, right?
If those people who commented had watched the whole video, they would have seen that in some cases
I said yes, they are cultic, and maybe in some other cases they may not be.
I acknowledge, and I acknowledge right now, that the Seventh -day Adventist Church has changed, and there are many who are moving away from Ellen White and those early teachings, and yet others, well let me just demonstrate what
I'm talking about. Here is the Seventh -day Adventist General Conference President, Ted Wilson, openly admitting that many of the early pioneers of the
Seventh -day Adventist Church denied the Trinity, and notice how he himself settles the issue.
He makes reference to the Bible, but really he appeals to Ellen G. White to settle things, and then he comes back around to what
Ellen White teaches. My friends, this is the whole problem. Is the
Bible the authority, or is Ellen White's interpretation of the Bible the authority?
Because they view her as a prophetess. So let's watch the clip. Well, I'm happy to share my personal convictions on that.
And I tell people publicly, I have been doing that, because unfortunately, and I don't know why, but we seem to have a movement by people in various places around the world who want to go back to a particular viewpoint, which is, as you mentioned, an
Aryan viewpoint, which many of our early pioneers did adhere to.
But as they moved into a fuller understanding of what
Scripture says, and what also Ellen White very strongly affirms through her prophetic writings, that God, the
Father, God, the Son, God, the Holy Spirit, have been together from eternity and will be together through eternity.
And in my simple way of understanding, and I am not an expert on the
Godhead, and I challenge anyone here who might think they are, that's a subject
I think, you know, Ellen White has indicated there are certain things we just, I mean, who can understand it?
Okay, so you saw it. And remember, this isn't just some random Seventh -day Adventist church member, or even a local church pastor.
This is the president of the conference. And in that other video I made, again,
Kingdom of the Cults, which I will link to in the description, some people asked me,
Mike, how do you define a cult? And of course, that could be a whole other video. But basically, my main point is that these groups, the
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, they deny the Trinity, which at the very least makes them a theological cult.
But here we have a modern Seventh -day Adventist leader who says that not only did the pioneers of the
Adventist church deny the Trinity, many today are denying it.
Now, in fairness, he personally does not hold that view. But the clip clearly indicates this is still a major problem within the church.
And he does not settle the issue by appealing to Scripture alone, right? Sola Scriptura, that the
Bible alone is our authority. No, he really appeals to the Bible plus the teachings and interpretations of Ellen G.
White. Again, this is the whole issue. The fact that they teach soul sleep, deny hell, insist on continuing the
Old Testament dietary laws, and make the Saturday Sabbath mandatory, among other things.
This is all problematic. But why do they do this? Is it because that's what the
New Testament teaches? No, it's because that's what Ellen White taught as she claimed to receive special revelation straight from heaven above.
So, in conclusion, it certainly appears that Adventists do not follow the
Bible as much as they follow what Ellen White said about the Bible.
Thanks for watching. If you found this video helpful, feel free to share it. And pray for me, pray for all those involved.